NEW YORK, Aug. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A new study
published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science presented
conclusive evidence that iron silicide spherules, recovered in the
Ural Mountains and New Jersey,
belong to the previously unknown family of ultrahigh-temperature
impact products formed in Earth's orbit. Multiple similar finds of
silicide spherules worldwide indicate that large-scale impacts
capable of delivering ejecta to space have been more frequent in
geological history than suggested by known evidence of
The origin of iron silicide, a mineral exceedingly rare for the
Solar system and abundant for carbon stars, has puzzled scientists
since its first discovery in 1859 in North Carolina. These shiny metallic
spherules, found contrary to geological conditions in sedimentary
rocks of various ages on four continents, seemed out of place on
this planet. In the words of their original discoverer, C.U.
Shepard: "All who have studied these objects attentively have
recognized in them traits, wholly inexplicable from our knowledge
of merely terrestrial matter." Now, a broad scope of previously
unavailable isotopic, major, minor, and trace element compositional
data has revealed that iron silicide spherules formed from a
vaporized mixture of crustal and asteroidal materials ejected to
space in hypervelocity meteoritic impact. The reported data shows
that silicide spherules have condensed from vapor plume ejected
beyond the atmosphere and have ablated on atmospheric reentry at a
cosmic velocity exceeding 13 km/s.
The evidence of hypervelocity arrival from space is explicit.
Melt-flow textures of the surface forming radiating ridges,
ring-waves, and equatorial flanges, which make silicide spherules
look like buttons, can unambiguously be ascribed to atmospheric
entry only. Arc-jet ablation experiments have previously
demonstrated that similar surface features, observed on australite
tektites and meteorite models, reflect aerodynamic ablation rates
corresponding to flight velocities well into orbital range. These
features are universally accepted as conclusive evidence for
hypervelocity atmospheric entry from space.
How is it known that iron silicide spherules are impact
products? While the isotopic ratio of uranium and lead in the
examined silicide spherules matches the meteoritic standard, the
origin of these exotic particles is evident from the complexity of
composition. Departures from terrestrial norms in isotopic
compositions of rubidium, strontium, argon, and helium are one side
of the coin. On the flip side, the isotopic ratios of samarium and
neodymium point to upper crust sediments as precursor material.
"This dichotomy in isotopes is a clear testament for impact
provenance," says the co-author of the paper, Dr. Gulbin of the
Mining Institute of St. Petersburg. Meanwhile, the internal
structure of the spherules is consistent with accretion through the
coalescence of tiny 3-5 micrometer droplets. The chemical
composition of iron silicide spherules is closely corresponding to
the 1893K – 1154K temperature span of condensation sequences
predicted for carbon-rich gas. This can hardly be explained by any
other formation process besides recondensation of impact ejecta
"Vapor plume ejection to space has been a neglected aspect in
science of impact studies for too long. Iron silicide spherules
offer the first-hand perspective into neglected phenomena," says
the lead author of the study, Sergei Batovrin, who found silicide
spherules with aerodynamic ablation features in the Ural Mountains.
Similar silicide spherules, ranging between micrometer to a
centimeter in size, were reported occurring in hard rock sediments
of various ages in more than fifty locations worldwide. As long as
the ejection of vapor plume to space requires release of kinetic
energy in hypervelocity cosmic impact of grand-scale, the
implications are startling. Iron silicide spherules indicate that
cosmic impacts of catastrophic magnitude are far more frequent in
geological history than suggested by evidence of cratering
discovered so far.
Constraints on the origins of iron silicide spherules in
ultrahigh-temperature distal impact ejecta.
Batovrin, Boris Lipovsky, Yury Gulbin, Yury
Pushkarev, Yury A. Shukolyukov. 2021.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 56, issue 7,
Open access article
Sergei Batovrin
cell: 646-784-7762
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SOURCE Sergei Batovrin