(Based on IFRS and in United States dollars unless otherwise specified) 
or "the Company") today announced its financial and operating results for the 
first quarter of 2011. 
    -   Production of 267,368 per gold equivalent ounce (GEO)(1)(3)at cash 
        costs of $14/GEO(1)(2) 
        -  Gold production of 221,489 ounces 
        -  Silver production of 2.3 million ounces 
        -  Generated cash margin of $1,373 per ounce(4) 
    -   Significant financial and operational increases over the first 
        quarter of 2010 
        -  Production increased 11% to 267,368 GEO with record production 
           from El Penon 
        -  Revenues up 37% to $476 million 
        -  Net earnings up 11% to $0.20 per share 
        -  Adjusted earnings(1) up 110% to $0.21 per share 
        -  Cash flow generated from operations(1) up 73% to $0.38 per share 
    -   Cash balance increased to $460 million from $330 million, a 39% 
        increase since 2010 year end 
    -   Announced value enhancing deal with respect to Agua Rica with Xstrata 
        and Goldcorp 
"Yamana's first quarter results continued to demonstrate our commitment to, and 
focus on, the delivery of predictable and reliable production and costs. We 
delivered production growth in the first quarter and record production from El 
Penon. Our cash costs continued to be one of the lowest in the industry" 
commented Peter Marrone, Chairman and CEO. "We continue to advance our new 
projects, the first of which, Mercedes, is expected to start production by the 
middle of 2012. C1 Santa Luz and Ernesto Pau-a-Pique will begin contributing by 
the end of 2012 and Pilar is expected to be in production in early 2013. All of 
the projects can be fully funded directly from our cash flow. These projects 
will contribute to our 60% production growth expected in the next three years." 
    (1) Refers to a non-GAAP measure. Reconciliations can be found at the end 
        of this press release. 
    (2) Cash costs are shown on a by-product basis including Alumbrera unless 
        otherwise noted. 
    (3) Gold equivalent ounces include silver production at a ratio of 50:1. 
    (4) Cash margin is the difference from the average realized gold price 
        received in the period less the by-product cash costs. 
    For the quarter ended                                       March 31 
    In millions of US dollars except where noted            2011        2010 
    Revenues                                           $   476.1   $   346.3 
    Cost of sales excluding depletion, depreciation 
     and amortization                                      157.1       145.1 
    Depletion, depreciation and amortization                80.5        70.0 
    General and administrative expenses                     27.4        25.3 
    Exploration expenses                                     6.5         6.7 
    Operating Earnings                                     212.7       111.5 
    Equity earnings form Alumbrera                          11.7        11.6 
    Adjusted earnings                                      152.2        75.9 
    Adjusted earnings per share                             0.21        0.10 
    Cash flow generated from operations after changes 
     in working capital                                    228.9       141.4 
      Per share                                             0.31        0.19 
    Cash flow generated from operations before changes 
     in working capital                                    282.3       163.1 
      Per share                                             0.38        0.22 
    Average realized gold price per ounce              $   1,387   $   1,114 
    Average realized silver price per ounce            $   33.99   $   17.07 
    Average realized copper price per pound            $    4.28   $    3.25 
    For the quarter ended                                       March 31 
                                                            2011        2010 
    Total gold equivalent ounces - produced              267,368     239,838 
      Gold produced                                      221,489     190,663 
      Silver produced (millions of ounces)                   2.3         2.7 
    Total gold equivalent ounces - sold                  265,500     247,035 
    Total copper produced - Chapada (millions of 
     pounds)                                                38.5        29.7 
    Total copper sold - Chapada (millions of pounds)        29.7        29.1 
    For the quarter ended 
    March 31 
                                                            2011        2010 
    Co-product cash costs per gold equivalent ounce    $     449   $     423 
      Cash cost per pound of copper - Chapada          $    1.21   $    1.24 
    By-product cash costs per gold equivalent ounce    $      14   $      86 
Revenues were $476 million in the first quarter from the sale of 208,135 ounces 
of gold, 2.3 million ounces of silver, and 29.7 million pounds of copper 
compared with $346 million in the same quarter of 2010. Sales quantities for 
the quarter were lower than production particularly in copper resulting in an 
increase in inventory at the end of the quarter which will positively impact 
earnings in the second quarter. 
Adjusted Earnings were $152 million or $0.21 per share, an increase of 110%, in 
the first quarter of 2011 compared with $75.9 million or $0.10 per share in the 
same quarter of 2010. 
Net earnings for the quarter were $148 million compared with net earnings of 
$132 million for the first quarter of 2010, which included earnings from 
discontinued operations of $7.4 million. Earnings per share were $0.20 on a 
basic and diluted basis for the first quarter of 2011, compared with basic and 
diluted earnings per share of $0.18 for the same quarter in 2010. 
Cash flow generated from operations before changes in working capital were 
$282.3 or $0.38 per share compared with $163.1 million for the first quarter of 
2010, which has been restated to reflect the composition of the revised measure 
for cash flows under IFRS. 
The increase in cash flows generated from operations was primarily due to an 
increase in metal prices generating higher sales revenues, lower cash costs 
after credits and positive pricing adjustments for copper in concentrate. 
Cash and cash equivalents as at March 31, 2011 were $460 million, representing 
an increase of $130 million since December 31, 2010. 
In the three months ended March 31, 2011, production of gold equivalent ounces 
(GEO) totaled 267,368 compared with 239,838 GEO in 2010, representing a 
quarter-to-quarter increase of 11%. 
In the first quarter, copper production of 38.5 million pounds from Chapada 
increased by 30% over production of 29.7 million pounds in the first three 
months of 2010. Additionally, 7.1 million pounds of copper produced from 
Alumbrera were attributable to the Company in the first three months of 2011, 
compared to 11.8 million pounds in the same quarter of 2010. 
For the quarter, by-product cash costs from operations were $14 per GEO, an 84% 
decrease from the $86 per GEO in the same period in 2010. By-product cash costs 
take into account the natural hedge of by-product metal prices for the 
Company's production cost structure. By-product credits inherently offset 
mining inflation during periods of high metal prices. The Company believes that 
by-product cash costs are a better representation of its cost structure. Lower 
by-product cash costs compared to last year reflect strong cost containment and 
strong copper prices which mitigated cost pressures due to mining industry 
inflation and the appreciation of currencies in the countries where the 
Company's mines are located. 
Average co-product cash costs for the quarter were $449 per GEO. This compares 
to co-product cash costs of $423 per GEO for the quarter ended March 31, 2010. 
The increase in average co-product costs was mainly due to the strengthened 
exchange rates for the Brazilian Reais and Chilean Pesos. 
Co-product cash costs per pound of copper were $1.21 for the quarter from 
Chapada, compared with $1.24 in the first quarter of 2010. Co-product cash 
costs per pound of copper including the Company's interest in the Alumbrera 
mine, were $1.31 per pound of copper, compared with $1.14 for the same quarter 
in 2010. 
A summary of mine-by-mine operating results can be found on the final page of 
this press release. 
Chapada, Brazil 
Chapada produced a total of 33,392 ounces of gold in the first quarter compared 
with 27,794 ounces of gold in the same quarter of 2010, representing a 
quarter-over-quarter increase of 20%. Production of copper from Chapada of 38.5 
million pounds was 30% higher than the production of 29.7 million pounds of 
copper during the comparable period in 2010. 
Higher production of both gold and copper in the quarter compared with the 
first quarter of 2010 was mainly due to an increase in ore mined and ore 
processed. The Company began operating a new fleet of large trucks in the first 
quarter of 2010. Operating efficiency has developed since then with experience 
in operating the large trucks which has contributed to the increase in 
productivity. The Company also took measures to improve operating efficiencies 
during the rainy season compared to that of the prior year. 
Subsequent to the quarter end, a $32.5 million shipment comprised of 11,000 
tonnes of metal concentrate was made, which will positively impact second 
quarter earnings. 
Production of gold and copper at Chapada in 2011 is expected to be in line with 
By-product cash costs for the quarter were negative $2,615 per GEO, compared 
with negative $1,876 per GEO for the same quarter of 2010. Higher by-product 
cash costs credits reflect the continuous strength of copper prices resulting 
in lower by-product cash costs. 
Co-product cash costs for the quarter were $286 per gold ounce and $1.21 per 
pound of copper which compared with $346 per gold ounce and $1.24 per pound of 
copper for the same quarter of 2010. 
Jacobina, Brazil 
Production at Jacobina was 30,319 ounces of gold in the first quarter, an 
increase of 21% from production of 25,022 ounces of gold in the first quarter 
of 2010. Higher production was mainly due to increased volume of ore mined and 
ore processed accompanied by improved grade and recovery rate. 
The recovery rate at Jacobina for the first quarter was 93.5% compared to 91.9% 
for the first quarter of 2010. This is the result of the Company's effort to 
modify the leaching cycle to improve recoveries which have trended upwards 
since the start-up of higher throughput levels. Gold grade for the quarter 
averaged 1.91 g/t also showing a 10% improvement over 1.73 g/t for the first 
quarter of 2010. 
Production at Jacobina for 2011 is expected to be in line with guidance. Given 
the positive upward trend in production and the significant increase in mineral 
reserve grade, the Company will evaluate opportunities to increase production 
levels in 2011. 
Cash costs averaged $611 per ounce of gold for the first quarter compared with 
$687 per ounce of gold in the first quarter of 2010, representing a 
quarter-over-quarter improvement of 11%. Cash costs progressively improved 
throughout the first quarter. The Company completed the first quarter with cash 
costs of $606 per ounce of gold in March, presenting a cost trend consistent 
with that of the prior year. 
Fazenda Brasileiro, Brazil 
The Fazenda Brasileiro mine produced 11,252 ounces of gold in the quarter ended 
March 31, 2011. This compares to 14,738 ounces of gold in the first quarter of 
2010. Cash costs for the first quarter were $968 per ounce compared with $622 
per ounce for the same period in 2010. 
Production at Fazenda Brasileiro for 2011 is expected to be in line with 
At Fazenda Brasileiro, the two new mineralization zones CLX2 and Lagoa do Gato, 
both discovered in 2009, are identified as having significant potential for 
high-grade sources of ore for the mill. Both infill and extension drilling 
confirm the continuity of mineralization in both areas. In 2011, the Company 
continues to develop the high-grade reserves at CLX2, and improve mine fleet 
costs using road trucks and focus on continuing to extend Fazenda Brasileiro's 
mine life and lower costs. Improvement is expected and largely dependent on how 
quickly development of CLX2 can be advanced. 
El Penon, Chile 
El Penon had record quarterly production of 115,798 GEO during the first 
quarter of 2011. Production for the quarter consisted of 73,568 ounces of gold 
and 2.1 million ounces of silver, compared with 108,437 GEO, which consisted of 
60,977 ounces of gold and 2.6 million ounces of silver produced in the first 
quarter of 2010. This represents a 7% quarter-over-quarter increase in 2011 
versus 2010 production on a GEO basis. 
Higher gold production was mainly due to improved gold grades and recovery 
rates compared with the same quarter of 2010. Higher gold grade areas including 
Al Este and Bonanza contributed to the increase in gold production. Since 
conversion to owner-mining, operational dilution has decreased and feed grade 
has improved. This, combined with increased capacity and the mining of higher 
grade veins including North Block area and Bonanza, has led to increased 
production. The decrease in silver production was primarily the result of 
mining lower planned silver grade areas, which was offset by improvements in 
GEO production at El Penon for 2011 is expected to be in line with guidance. 
Cash costs were $397 per GEO in the quarter ended March 31, 2011, compared with 
$384 per GEO in the first quarter in 2010. The appreciation of the Chilean Peso 
was the main contributing factor to the increased cash costs. The average 
currency exchange rate of the Chilean Peso versus the United States Dollar went 
up by 9% from the first quarter of 2010. 
Minera Florida, Chile 
Minera Florida produced a total of 27,635 GEO in the current quarter compared 
with 20,630 GEO in the first quarter of 2010. The 34% quarter-over-quarter 
increase was mainly the result of higher volume of ore mined and ore processed 
and more effectively mining in narrower veins; production at Minera Florida for 
the first quarter of 2010 was interrupted as a result of the earthquake in 
Chile. Cash costs for the first quarter were $476 per GEO compared with $363 
per GEO in the same quarter in 2010 due primarily to the appreciation of the 
Chilean Peso and mining inflation. 
Gold grade for the quarter averaged 3.78 g/t which is lower than the 4.38 g/t 
for the first quarter of 2010. The lower gold grade was part of the mine plan 
for production from veins with better gold grade such as Tribuna and Victoria, 
which is expected to commence shortly. 
Production at Minera Florida for 2011 is expected to be in line with guidance. 
The Company's expansion project at Minera Florida, which involves the 
processing of historic tailings, has advanced ahead of schedule. Completion is 
now planned for late 2011. Tailings re-processing is expected to contribute an 
additional 40,000 GEO per year for five years to current production at Minera 
Gualcamayo, Argentina 
Gualcamayo produced 37,597 ounces of gold in the first quarter compared with 
29,462 ounces produced in the first quarter of 2010, representing a 28% 
quarter-over-quarter improvement. 
Gold grade increased at Gualcamayo to 0.95 g/t from 0.89 g/t in the previous 
quarter and from 0.68 g/t in the first quarter of 2010. Gold recovery rate at 
Gualcamayo was 66.4% for the first quarter compared to 76% for the comparative 
quarter of 2010. The decrease in recovery is due to an increase in inventory 
residing on the pads and will normalize to an average yearly recovery rate 
expected to reach a sustainable 70% - 75%. The Company is taking steps to 
improve recoveries and minimize carbon fines as it progresses into Valle Norte 
later this year. 
Production at Gualcamayo for 2011 is expected to be in line with guidance. 
Cash costs were $507 per ounce in the quarter, compared with $443 per ounce in 
the first quarter of 2010. Management continued to reduce cash costs from the 
$662 per ounce level in the fourth quarter of 2010 down to the current level. 
In 2011, the Company will focus on a number of operational initiatives, 
including efforts in sustaining the 1,500 tonne per hour feed through the 
mills, fleet expansion, underground development of QDD Lower West and expansion 
of heap leach pad at Valle Norte. In addition, the Company will continue to 
work on reducing reliance on contractors for increased cost predictability. 
Gold production for the second half of 2011 is expected to increase based on 
continuing higher grades, increases in crusher availability and throughput 
tonnage, and, by the end of the year, improved recovery at the new heap leach 
Alumbrera, Argentina 
The Company's interest in the Alumbrera Mine is accounted for as an equity 
investment. The Company recorded earnings from its 12.5% interest in Alumbrera 
Mine of $11.7 million for the first three months ended March 31, 2011, similar 
to the earnings reported for the first quarter of 2010. The Company received 
$20.0 million in cash distributions during the three months ended March 31, 
2011 compared with $12.9 million cash received in the first quarter of 2010. 
Attributable production from Alumbrera was 11,374 ounces of gold and 7.1 
million pounds of copper for the quarter. This compares with attributable 
production of 13,755 ounces of gold and 11.8 million pounds of copper for the 
first quarter of 2010. 
Agua Rica, Argentina 
The Company recently announced an agreement with Xstrata Queensland Limited and 
Goldcorp Inc. that would facilitate the ultimate integration of Agua Rica into 
Minera Alumbrera. Subject to Xstrata and Goldcorp exercising their option to 
have Alumbrera acquire the assets of Agua Rica, and following the integration 
of the projects, Xstrata, Goldcorp and Yamana would own interests in the 
combined project of 50%, 37.5% and 12.5% respectively, consistent with their 
current interest in Alumbrera. 
In addition, the Company will receive a combination of initial and option 
payments and deferred consideration which allows Yamana to retain positive 
exposure to the majority of the significant gold resources at the Agua Rica 
project. The integration of Agua Rica with Alumbrera provides the greatest 
value potential for Yamana and the best opportunity for the development of Agua 
Rica in the Catamarca province of Argentina. 
Development Projects Update 
Yamana has four development projects which are expected to commence production 
throughout 2012 and 2013 which are Mercedes, C1 Santa Luz, Pilar and Ernesto/ 
Pau a Pique. Cumulatively, these projects will contribute an additional average 
annual production of 440,000 GEO. 
The construction of Mercedes began in mid 2010 and is progressing as expected. 
During the quarter the mill was received on site. Concrete works and the first 
phase of the tailings dam development were almost completed. The bulk 
excavation and access roads were also completed. Mercedes is on track to be in 
production by mid 2012 with average annual production of 120,000 GEO. 
Exploration at Mercedes continued to confirm the continuation and high grades 
of Lagunas Norte in the Barrancas system, increasing the strike length of the 
Barrancas zone to 1.1 kilometres. Development of Lagunas Norte has been 
accelerated to potentially enhance production levels at the project. Drilling 
also confirmed the continuation of significant widths within the Diluvio zone 
of the Lupita vein structure. The results of this exploration are expected to 
continue to increase and upgrade the total mineral resources at Mercedes. These 
new areas and additional exploration will provide additional accesses to the 
ore bodies. This increases the prospects that the Company will be able to 
increase production and extend mine life. 
Development at Pilar continued in the quarter with production expected to begin 
in the first quarter of 2013. Exploration confirmed mineralization along a 2.6 
kilometre down dip extension of the current mineral resource. Northwest of the 
known Jordino deposit, lies the Ogo deposit: a hole drilled at depth confirmed 
mineralization below the previously interpreted footwall, significantly 
expanding potential in the 2.2 kilometres of untested strike length to the 
North. Additional exploration drilling suggests that growth in mineral reserves 
and mineral resources should continue in 2011. 
The Pilar project is being built at a capacity level that is 30% higher than 
that contemplated in the feasibility study. The Company expects to utilize the 
increased capacity beginning in 2014. The Company expects to utilize the 
increased capacity beginning in 2014. Discovery of new resources along with the 
decision to advance Caiamar, a deposit located 38 kilometres from Pilar, to 
pre-feasibility assuming that ore would be processed at Pilar, is expected to 
support the higher capacity level. Studies have been completed confirming the 
processing plant at Pilar is suitable to process the Caiamar ore and the higher 
grades can offset the costs of transporting the ore. Resource development work 
has started at Caiamar, which could positively impact Pilar production rates as 
early as 2015. 
C1 Santa Luz 
Development at C1 Santa Luz continued in the quarter with the completion of all 
the engineering studies and construction start up. The project is planned 
initially as a conventional open pit with processing to be done through a 
carbon-in-leach ("CIL") floatation circuit, which is on track to commence 
production in late-2012. Average annual production is expected to be 
approximately 100,000 ounces with production in each of the first two years 
expected to be approximately 130,000 ounces per year. 
Construction at Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique commenced in the first quarter advancing 
the project as expected. Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique is planned as an underground and 
open pit operation with conventional processing through a gravity and CIL 
circuit. Annual production of approximately 100,000 ounces is expected to 
commence in late 2012. Exploration drilling has been initiated at Lavrinha, an 
adjacent area to Ernesto, targeted to increase mineable resources and the 
project mine life. 
Jeronimo is located in northern Chile approximately 30 kilometres south 
southwest of El Salvador at an elevation of 3,800 metres above sea level. The 
first mineral reserve estimate was declared of 1.6 million ounces, based on the 
pre-feasibility study recently completed on a fully consolidated basis. Based 
on the Company's current ownership interest (57%), attributable mineral 
reserves are 0.93 million ounces. Approximately one third of the mineral 
reserves declared were a direct result of conversion from mineral resources via 
infill drilling. The Company is evaluating processing methods for better 
recoveries, which are anticipated to optimize the project economics. The 
Company will also be incorporating the impact of credits from the sale of 
manganese which was not included in the pre-feasibility, as well as the 
positive impact of other off-take products. The mineral resource remains open 
at depth and has potential to add significantly to resources. 
Results of the evaluation of the different processing options and optimizations 
will be part of the feasibility study which is expected to be delivered by the 
end of 2011. The decision to proceed, after that time, will be based on 
continued positive results from a full feasibility and further consolidation of 
the ownership of Jeronimo, both of which are expected to occur. 
The Company continues to focus on building sustainable and reliable gold 
production through optimizing existing operations, expanding current, near-term 
and in-development production plans, developing new operations and advancing 
its exploration properties. All of the Company's operating mines are in known, 
stable jurisdictions in mining-friendly countries including Brazil, Chile, 
Argentina and Mexico. Three of the Company's mines in development are in Brazil 
with the fourth new mine located in Mexico, adhering to the corporate strategy 
of pursuing growth in mining-friendly and stable jurisdictions. Through the 
steady path of organic growth and a disciplined approach in cost management, 
the Company expects to succeed in attaining its objectives set for the 
near-term and beyond. 
The Company is maintaining the production and cost guidance previously stated 
in its January 11, 2011 press release. 
Production is expected to be in the range of approximately 1.04 million to 1.14 
million gold equivalent ounces in 2011. Annual silver production is expected at 
approximately 9 million ounces, and copper production is expected to be in the 
range of 145 million to 160 million pounds in 2011. In 2012, production growth 
continues as three development stage projects, including Mercedes, C1 Santa 
Luz, Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique, where construction decisions have already been made, 
increase production levels to between 1.2 - 1.32 million GEO in 2012, an 
overall increase of 27% from 2011. 
Estimated cash costs for 2011 and 2012 are expected to be below $250 per GEO. 
Production growth in 2013 is expected to increase by 60% from 2010 levels to 
between 1.46 and 1.68 million GEO with new contributions expected from Pilar, 
and full year production from Mercedes, C1 Santa Luz, and Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique. 
These projects are advancing on schedule and are fully-funded from the 
Company's available cash and cash flows generated from operations. 
By 2014, production is targeted to be 1.7 million GEO, which represents 
production growth over four years of approximately 65% compared to 2010 
production levels. This production includes production from existing mines and 
projects currently in development for which construction decisions have been 
made, and it does not include any additional production from new projects, 
expansions and optimizations under current evaluation. 
Further details of the 2011 first quarter results can be found in the Company's 
unaudited Management's Discussion and Analysis and unaudited Consolidated 
Financial Statements at www.yamana.com, in the "Investors" section under 
"Financial and Corporate Reports". 
Effective the first quarter of 2011, the Company prepares its financial 
statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
("IFRS"). The comparative financial information of 2010 in this Management 
Discussion and Analysis has also been restated to conform to IFRS. This press 
release should be read in conjunction with Note 30 "Transition to IFRS" to 
consolidated financial statements. 
To transition from Canadian GAAP to IFRS, the main adjustment to net earnings 
was the revaluation of deferred income tax assets and liabilities related to 
non-monetary items using current exchange rates rather than historical exchange 
rates as it was the case under Canadian GAAP. Under IFRS, the use of current 
exchange rates in the revaluation of deferred income tax assets and liabilities 
increases volatility in income tax expense and net earnings period to period. 
The calculation of Adjusted Earnings excludes foreign exchange gains and 
losses, therefore, the effect of revaluating deferred income tax assets and 
liabilities due to movements in foreign currencies is excluded from the 
Adjusted Earnings calculation. 
Prior to January 1, 2011, the Company used the non-GAAP financial measure "cash 
flows from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital" to 
supplement its consolidated financial statements. Coincident with the IFRS 
disclosure requirement for finance income received or expense paid and income 
tax paid to be presented as separate items in the statement of cash flows, the 
Company has determined to replace "cash flows from operating activities before 
changes in non-cash working capital" with "cash flows generated from operations 
before changes in non-cash working capital" by excluding finance income 
received and finance expense paid in the calculation of "cash flows generated 
from operations before changes in working capital". Finance income is now 
included in the determination of cash flows from investing activities and 
finance expense is now included in the determination of cash flows from 
financing activities. Additionally, in accordance with IFRS, the Company now 
reflects income taxes paid or received in the calculation of operation cash 
flows on a cash basis excluding any impact of movements in the income tax 
liability or receivable. While changes are effected to comply with the 
requirements of IFRS, every possible effort has been made to maintain 
consistency between the current composition of cash flows from operating 
activities and the version under Canadian GAAP to the extent possible. 
Management expects that the measure better reflects the Company's cash flow 
generating capabilities for investors. 
Q1 Conference Call Information: 
                Toll Free (North America): 888-231-8191 
                            International: 647-427-7450 
                Participant Audio Webcast: www.yamana.com 
    Q1 Conference Call REPLAY: 
                 Toll Free Replay Call (North America): 800-642-1687, 
                 Passcode 55286145 followed by the number sign 
                 Replay Call: 416-849-0833, Passcode 55286145 followed by the 
                 number sign 
The conference call replay will be available from 12:15 p.m. ET on May 4, 2011 
until 11:59 p.m. ET on May 18, 2011. 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders 
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders will take place on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 
11:00 a.m. ET at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, located at 
145 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The main entrance is located 
at the southeast corner of Queen Street West and University Avenue. 
For those unable to attend the meeting in person, a live audio webcast and 
slide presentation can be accessed from Yamana's website. 
Via Webcast: 
Live Audio Webcast: 
For further information on the conference call or audio webcast, please contact 
the Investor Relations Department or visit our website, www.yamana.com. 
About Yamana 
Yamana is a Canadian-based gold producer with significant gold production, gold 
development stage properties, exploration properties, and land positions in 
Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. Yamana plans to continue to 
build on this base through existing operating mine expansions, throughput 
increases, development of new mines, the advancement of its exploration 
properties and by targeting other gold consolidation opportunities with a 
primary focus in the Americas. 
                                   Gold       Silver      Gold       Silver 
                      Ore         Grade        Grade    Recovery    Recovery 
    El Penon       processed       g/t          g/t        (%)         (%) 
    Q1 2011          358,013        6.91       227.8        92.0        79.9 
    Total 2010     1,522,366        5.74       228.5        91.2        84.1 
    Q4, 2010         366,424        6.94       229.2        91.3        79.5 
    Q3, 2010         396,209        5.48       216.8        90.8        83.3 
    Q2, 2010         392,223        4.97       216.3        92.0        87.1 
    Q1, 2010         367,509        5.64       253.3        90.4        86.3 
    Q1 2011          232,284        3.78        35.2        84.6        68.7 
    Total 2010       779,836        4.41        33.4        83.7        67.8 
    Q4, 2010         214,859        4.68        45.1        84.7        70.6 
    Q3, 2010         207,834         4.3        39.2        84.2        67.0 
    Q2, 2010         204,512        4.27        21.2        82.0        66.1 
    Q1, 2010         152,631        4.38        25.2        84.6        67.2 
                                              Gold        Gold         Cash 
                      Gold      Silver     Equivalent  Equivalent      costs 
                     Ounces     Ounces       Ounces      Ounces         per 
    El Penon        Produced   Produced     Produced      Sold         GEO(1) 
    Q1 2011           73,568   2,111,482     115,798     114,803       $ 397 
    Total 2010       256,530   9,427,208     427,934     431,665       $ 428 
    Q4, 2010          74,785   2,145,809     113,800     114,403       $ 421 
    Q3, 2010          63,417   2,298,731     105,212     108,204       $ 461 
    Q2, 2010          57,351   2,372,380     100,485     102,324       $ 449 
    Q1, 2010          60,977   2,610,289     108,437     106,739       $ 384 
    Q1 2011           23,986     182,453      27,635      26,798       $ 476 
    Total 2010        94,585     606,071     105,604     102,819       $ 416 
    Q4, 2010          27,787     234,339      32,048      30,525       $ 479 
    Q3, 2010          24,337     182,332      27,652      27,667       $ 425 
    Q2, 2010          23,543      95,249      25,274      23,020       $ 370 
    Q1, 2010          18,918      94,151      20,630      21,608       $ 363 
                                Gold    Gold      Gold      Gold      costs 
                    Ore        Grade  Recovery   Ounces    Ounces      per 
    Chapada      processed       g/t      (%)   Produced    Sold      GEO(1) 
    Q1, 2011     5,088,739      0.32      64.7    33,392    33,395   ($2,615) 
    Total 2010  19,195,578      0.35      62.3   135,613   127,450   ($2,073) 
    Q4, 2010     4,757,679      0.37      64.9    36,965    31,421   ($2,863) 
    Q3, 2010     5,246,202      0.38      63.4    40,405    35,591   ($1,856) 
    Q2, 2010     4,873,077      0.32      60.7    30,450    32,881   ($1,583) 
    Q1, 2010     4,318,621      0.34      60.0    27,794    27,557   ($1,876) 
    Q1 2011        529,035      1.91      93.5    30,319    31,537    $  611 
    Total 2010   2,158,097      1.89      93.2   122,160   121,405    $  535 
    Q4, 2010       542,055      2.06      94.1    33,718    33,530    $  495 
    Q3, 2010       570,799      1.95      93.8    33,637    32,517    $  463 
    Q2, 2010       556,376      1.79      93.0    29,785    29,110    $  534 
    Q1, 2010       488,865      1.73      91.9    25,022    26,249    $  687 
    Q1 2011        205,389      1.93      88.2    11,252    12,891    $  968 
    Total 2010   1,110,204      2.22      88.6    70,084    72,316    $  628 
    Q4, 2010       275,184      2.53      89.4    19,852    18,822    $  705 
    Q3, 2010       279,734      2.14        89    17,161    19,208    $  620 
    Q2, 2010       273,706      2.36      88.2    18,333    15,801    $  559 
    Q1, 2010       281,579      1.84      87.3    14,738    18,485    $  622 
                                Gold    Gold      Gold      Gold      costs 
                    Ore        Grade  Recovery   Ounces    Ounces      per 
    Gualcamayo   processed       g/t      (%)   Produced    Sold      GEO(1) 
    Q1 2011      1,896,533      0.95      66.4    37,597    34,665    $  507 
    Total 2010   7,528,690      0.82      67.8   135,140   141,734    $  506 
    Q4, 2010     1,818,571      0.89      69.5    36,239    36,649    $  662 
    Q3, 2010     1,982,929      0.87      57.8    31,972    38,660    $  480 
    Q2, 2010     1,940,939      0.85      70.4    37,467    30,283    $  427 
    Q1, 2010     1,786,251      0.68      76.0    29,462    36,142    $  443 
    Q1 2011      1,131,995      0.45      69.3    11,374    11,412    (1,452) 
    Total 2010   4,509,332      0.46      73.0    50,656    48,940    (1,404) 
    Q4, 2010     1,160,601      0.50      76.0    14,061    12,951    (1,556) 
    Q3, 2010     1,102,574      0.42      72.8    11,370    10,095     ($993) 
    Q2, 2010     1,117,957      0.43      69.9    11,470    15,638   ($1,938) 
    Q1, 2010     1,128,200      0.51      72.2    13,755    10,256   ($1,142) 
                               Copper                                  per 
                    Ore         ore    Copper    Copper     Copper    pound 
    Copper       processed     grade  Recovery  produced     Sold       of 
    Production    (tonnes)      (%)     (%)     (M lbs.)   (M lbs.)   copper 
    Q1, 2011     5,088,739      0.39      87.1      38.5      29.7    $ 1.21 
    Total 2010  19,195,578      0.41      86.5     149.4     143.8    $ 1.17 
    Q4, 2010     4,757,679      0.44      86.2      39.9      39.6    $ 1.20 
    Q3, 2010     5,246,202      0.43      86.8      42.8      43.5    $ 1.14 
    Q2, 2010     4,873,077      0.39      87.2      37.0      31.6    $ 1.13 
    Q1, 2010     4,318,621      0.36      85.5      29.7      29.1    $ 1.24 
    Q1 2011      1,131,995      0.39      73.1       7.1       7.1    $ 1.85 
    Total 2010   4,509,332      0.50      82.0      38.7      37.0    $ 1.29 
    Q4, 2010     1,160,601      0.40      81.0       9.3       9.0    $ 1.37 
    Q3, 2010     1,102,574      0.40      82.2       8.3       7.7    $ 1.53 
    Q2, 2010     1,117,957      0.44      81.4       9.3      12.1    $ 1.52 
    Q1, 2010     1,128,200      0.54      84.7      11.8       8.2    $ 0.89 
contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States 
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian 
securities legislation. Except for statements of historical fact relating to 
the Company, information contained herein constitutes forward-looking 
statements, including any information as to the Company's strategy, plans or 
future financial or operating performance. Forward-looking statements are 
characterized by words such as "plan," "expect", "budget", "target", "project", 
"intend," "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or 
statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. 
Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates 
of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made, and 
are inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other known 
and unknown factors that could cause actual events or results to differ 
materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These 
factors include the Company's expectations in connection with the projects and 
exploration programs discussed herein being met, the impact of general business 
and economic conditions, global liquidity and credit availability on the timing 
of cash flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected 
future conditions, fluctuating metal prices (such as gold, copper, silver and 
zinc), currency exchange rates (such as the Brazilian Real, the Chilean Peso 
and the Argentine Peso versus the United States Dollar), possible variations in 
ore grade or recovery rates, changes in the Company's hedging program, changes 
in accounting policies, changes in the Company's corporate mineral resources, 
risk related to non-core mine dispositions, changes in project parameters as 
plans continue to be refined, changes in project development, construction, 
production and commissioning time frames, risk related to joint venture 
operations, the possibility of project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and 
expenses, higher prices for fuel, steel, power, labour and other consumables 
contributing to higher costs and general risks of the mining industry, failure 
of plant, equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, unexpected changes 
in mine life, final pricing for concentrate sales, unanticipated results of 
future studies, seasonality and unanticipated weather changes, costs and timing 
of the development of new deposits, success of exploration activities, 
permitting time lines, government regulation of mining operations, 
environmental risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, title disputes or 
claims, limitations on insurance coverage and timing and possible outcome of 
pending litigation and labour disputes, as well as those risk factors discussed 
or referred to in the Company's annual Management's Discussion and Analysis and 
Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2010 filed with the 
securities regulatory authorities in all provinces of Canada and available at 
www.sedar.com, and the Company's Annual Report on Form 40-F filed with the 
United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Although the Company has 
attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events 
or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking 
statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results 
not to be anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that 
forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and 
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such 
statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking 
statements if circumstances or management's estimates, assumptions or opinions 
should change, except as required by applicable law. The reader is cautioned 
not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking 
information contained herein is presented for the purpose of assisting 
investors in understanding the Company's expected financial and operational 
performance and results as at and for the periods ended on the dates presented 
in the Company's plans and objectives and may not be appropriate for other 
The Company has included certain non-GAAP measures including "Co-product cash 
costs per gold equivalent ounce", "Co-product cash costs per pound of copper", 
"By-product cash costs per gold equivalent ounce", "Adjusted Earnings or Loss 
and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share" to supplement its financial 
statements, which are presented in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The term IFRS and generally accepted accounting 
principles ("GAAP") are used interchangeably throughout this MD&A. 
The Company believes that these measures, together with measures determined in 
accordance with IFRS, provide investors with an improved ability to evaluate 
the underlying performance of the Company. Non-GAAP measures do not have any 
standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore they may not be 
comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The data is 
intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in 
isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance 
with IFRS. 
The Company has included cash costs per GEO and cash costs per pound of copper 
information because it understands that certain investors use this information 
to determine the Company's ability to generate earnings and cash flows for use 
in investing and other activities. The Company believes that conventional 
measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS do not fully 
illustrate the ability of its operating mines to generate cash flows. The 
measures are not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flows from 
operations as determined under IFRS. Cash costs per GEO are determined in 
accordance with the Gold Institute's Production Cost Standard and are 
calculated on a co-product and by-product basis. Cash costs on a co-product 
basis are computed by allocating operating cash costs separately to metals 
(gold and copper) based on an estimated or assumed ratio. Cash costs on a 
by-product basis are computed by deducting copper by-product revenues from the 
calculation of cash costs of production per GEO. Cash costs per GEO and per 
pound of copper are calculated on a weighted average basis. 
Per Gold Equivalent Ounce ("GEO") 
The following tables provide a reconciliation of cost of sales per the 
financial statements to (i) Co-product Cash Costs per GEO, (ii) Co-product Cash 
Costs per lb of Copper and (iii) By-product Cash Costs per GEO: 
Reconciliation of Cost of Sales per the Financial Statements to Co-product Cash 
Costs per GEO 
                                                       United States Dollars 
                                  In thousands of       per gold equivalent 
    GEO                        United States Dollars            ounce 
                               ---------------------- ----------------------- 
    For the three months ended 
     March 31,                      2011        2010        2011        2010 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Cost of sales(i)(iii)      $ 157,102   $ 145,143   $     614   $     642 
    Copper contained in 
     concentrate related cash 
     costs (excluding related 
     TCRC's)(ii)                 (42,185)    (32,032)       (165)       (142) 
    Treatment and refining 
     costs (TCRC) related to 
     Chapada gold                    908       1,032           4           5 
    Inventory movements and 
     adjustments                   8,368     (10,757)         33         (48) 
    Commercial selling costs      (7,015)     (5,182)        (28)        (23) 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Total GEO co-product cash 
     costs (excluding 
     Alumbrera)                $ 117,178   $  98,204   $     458   $     434 
    Minera Alumbrera (12.5% 
     interest) GEO cash costs      2,779       3,365         244         245 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Total GEO co-product cash 
     costs(iii)                $ 119,957   $ 101,569   $     449   $     423 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Commercial GEO produced 
     excluding Alumbrera         255,994     226,083 
    Commercial GEO produced 
     including Alumbrera         267,368     239,838 
        (i)   Cost of sales includes non-cash items including the impact of 
              the movement in inventory. 
        (ii)  Costs directly attributed to a specific metal are allocated to 
              that metal. Costs not directly attributed to a specific metal 
              are allocated based on relative value. As a rule of thumb, the 
              relative value has been 70-75% copper and 30-25% gold. TCRC's 
              are defined as treatment and refining charges. 
        (iii) Depletion, depreciation and amortization is excluded from both 
              total cash costs and cost of sales from continuing operations 
              for the comparative period. 
Reconciliation of Cost of Sales per the Financial Statements to Co-product Cash 
Costs per Pound of Copper 
    Copper                        In thousands of      United States Dollars 
                               United States Dollars    per pound of copper 
                               ---------------------- ----------------------- 
    For the three months 
     ended March 31,                2011        2010        2011        2010 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Cost of sales(i)(iii)      $ 157,102   $ 145,143   $    4.08   $    4.88 
    GEO related cash costs 
     (excluding related 
     TCRC's)(ii)                (116,271)    (97,172)      (3.02)      (3.27) 
    Treatment and refining 
     costs (TCRC) related to 
     Chapada copper                4,277       4,831        0.11        0.16 
    Inventory movements and 
     adjustments                   8,368     (10,757)       0.22       (0.36) 
    Commercial selling costs      (7,015)     (5,182)      (0.18)      (0.17) 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Total Copper co-product 
     cash costs (excluding 
     Alumbrera)                $  46,461   $  36,863   $    1.21   $    1.24 
    Minera Alumbrera (12.5% 
     interest) Copper cash 
     costs                        13,185      10,467        1.85        0.89 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Total Copper co-product 
     cash costs(iii)           $  59,646   $  47,330   $    1.31   $    1.14 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Copper produced excluding 
     Alumbrera (millions of lbs)    38.5        29.7 
    Copper produced including 
     Alumbrera (millions of lbs)    45.6        41.5 
        (i)   Cost of sales includes non-cash items including the impact of 
              the movement in inventory. 
        (ii)  Costs directly attributed to a specific metal are allocated to 
              that metal. Costs not directly attributed to a specific metal 
              are allocated based on relative value. As a rule of thumb, the 
              relative value has been 70-75% copper and 30-25% gold. TCRC's 
              are defined as treatment and refining charges. 
        (iii) Depletion, Depreciation and Amortization is excluded from both 
              total cash costs and cost of sales from continuing operations 
              for the comparative period. 
Reconciliation of cost of sales per the financial statements to by-product cash 
costs per GEO 
                                                       United States Dollars 
                                  In thousands of       per gold equivalent 
    GEO                        United States Dollars            ounce 
                               ---------------------- ----------------------- 
    For the three months ended 
     March 31,                      2011        2010        2011        2010 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Cost of sales(i)           $ 157,102   $ 145,143   $     614   $     642 
    Chapada treatment and 
     refining costs related to 
     gold and copper               5,185       5,863          20          26 
    Inventory movements and 
     adjustments                   8,368     (10,757)         33         (48) 
    Commercial selling costs      (7,015)     (5,182)        (27)        (23) 
    Chapada copper revenue 
     including copper pricing 
     adjustment                 (143,324)    (98,650)       (560)       (436) 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Total GEO by-product cash 
     costs (excluding 
     Alumbrera)                $  20,316   $  36,417   $      79   $     161 
    Minera Alumbrera (12.5% 
     interest) by-product cash 
     costs                       (16,519)    (15,708)     (1,452)     (1,142) 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Total GEO by-product cash 
     costs(i)                  $   3,797   $  20,709   $      14   $      86 
    ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
    Commercial GEO produced 
     excluding Alumbrera         255,994     226,083 
    Commercial GEO produced 
     including Alumbrera         267,368     239,838 
        (i)   Depletion, Depreciation and Amortization is excluded from both 
              total cash costs and cost of sales from continuing operations 
              for the comparative period. 
The terms "Adjusted Earnings (Loss)" and "Adjusted Earnings (Loss) per share" 
do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS, and therefore the 
Company's definitions are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures 
presented by other companies. Management believes that the presentation of 
Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share provide 
useful information to investors because they exclude non-cash and other charges 
and are a better indication of the Company's profitability from operations. The 
items excluded from the computation of Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted 
Earnings or Loss per share, which are otherwise included in the determination 
of net earnings or loss and net earnings or loss per share prepared in 
accordance with IFRS, are items that the Company does not consider to be 
meaningful in evaluating the Company's past financial performance or the future 
prospects and may hinder a comparison of its period-to-period profitability. A 
reconciliation of Adjusted Earnings to net earnings as well as a discussion of 
the adjusting items is provided in Section 4 of the Company's Management 
Discussion and Analysis "Overview of Financial Results" for both the yearly and 
quarterly reconciliations, filed on SEDAR and on the Company's website. 
    (in thousands of United States Dollars)              Three months ended 
                                                        March 31,   March 31, 
                                                            2011        2010 
    Revenues                                           $ 476,077   $ 346,341 
    Cost of sales excluding depletion, depreciation 
     and amortization                                   (157,102)   (145,143) 
    Gross margin                                         318,975     201,198 
    Depletion, depreciation and amortization             (80,511)    (70,049) 
    Mine operating earnings                              238,464     131,149 
    General and administrative                           (27,436)    (25,324) 
    Exploration                                           (6,478)     (6,758) 
    Equity earnings from Minera Alumbrera                 11,732      11,652 
    Other operating (expenses) income                     (3,614)        825 
    Operating earnings                                   212,668     111,544 
    Finance income                                         5,335       4,586 
    Finance expense                                      (11,528)    (29,474) 
    Net finance expense                                   (6,194)    (24,888) 
    Earnings from continuing operations before 
     income taxes, and non-controlling interest          206,475      86,656 
    Income tax (expense)recovery                         (58,227)     37,529 
    Earnings from continuing operations                  148,248     124,185 
    Earnigns from discontinued operations(i)                   -       7,352 
    Net earnings                                       $ 148,248   $ 131,537 
    Earnings Adjustments(ii): 
    Non-cash unrealized foreign exchange losses on 
     income taxes                                         (1,493)    (60,233) 
    Other non-cash unrealized foreign exchange gains         259       8,240 
    Non-cash unrealized gains on derivatives                 (32)     (4,586) 
    Share-purchase warrant mark-to-market gain              (140)     (3,508) 
    Stock-based and other compensation                     2,844       6,049 
    Future income tax expense (recovery) on translation 
     of intercompany debt                                  2,251      (3,772) 
    Other non-recurring loss                                 263       1,966 
    Adjusted Earnings before income tax effects          152,200      75,693 
    Income tax effect of adjustments                           8         231 
    Adjusted Earnings(ii)                              $ 152,208   $  75,924 
    Earnings per share - basic and diluted             $    0.20   $    0.18 
    Adjusted Earnings per share - basic and 
     diluted(ii)                                       $    0.21   $    0.10 
    (i)  Results of San Andrés, Sao Vincente and Sao Franciso mines have been 
         reclassified as discontinued operations (in accordance with IFRS) 
         with restatement of prior period comparatives. 
    (ii) A cautionary note regarding non-GAAP measure is included in Section 
         6 providing a discussion on Adjusted Earnings and its definition. 
         Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share 
         are calculated as net earnings excluding (a) stock-based 
         compensation, (b) foreign exchange (gains) losses related to 
         revaluation of deferred income tax asset and liability on non- 
         monetary items, (c) foreign exchange (gains) losses related to other 
         items, (d) unrealized (gains) losses on commodity derivatives, (e) 
         impairment losses, (f) future income tax expense (recovery) on the 
         translation of foreign currency inter-corporate debt, (g) write-down 
         of investments and other assets and any other non-recurring 
         adjustments, (h) mark-to-market (gains) losses on share-purchase 
         warrants. Non-recurring adjustments from unusual events or 
         circumstances are reviewed from time to time based on materiality 
         and the nature of the event or circumstance. Earnings adjustments 
         reflect both continuing and discontinued operations. 
For further information: Lisa Doddridge, Vice President, Corporate 
Communications and Investor Relations, (416) 945-7362, Email: lisa.doddridge 
(at)yamana.com; Linda Armstrong, Director, Investor Relations, (416) 945-7357, 
Email: linda.armstrong(at)yamana.com; www.yamana.com 

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