Press Release  5 June 2014 
   Vp plc 
   ("Vp" or the "Group" or the "Company") 
   Final Results 
   Vp plc, the equipment rental specialist, today announces its Final 
Results for the year ended 31 March 2014. 
   -- Significant improvement in profit before tax and amortisation by 16% to 
      GBP20.1 million  (2013: GBP17.4 million) 
   -- Revenues increased 10% to GBP183.1 million (2013: GBP167.0 million) 
   -- Basic earnings per share pre-amortisation rose 18% to 42.0 pence 
   -- Return on capital employed improved to 13.5% (2013: 13.3%) maintained 
      above target threshold of 12% for 10 consecutive years 
   -- Continued strong cash flow generation with EBITDA increasing to GBP44.3 
      million (2013: GBP41.0 million) 
   -- Increase in net debt to  GBP53.0 million (2013: GBP45.3 million) after 
          -- Capital investment in the fleet of GBP38.2 million 
          -- Successful GBP4.6 million acquisition of Mr Cropper in September 
   -- Final dividend proposed of 10.4 pence per share, making a total of 14.0 
      pence for the full year (2013: 12.25 pence), an increase of 14% 
   Jeremy Pilkington, Chairman of Vp plc, commented: 
   "It has been another highly successful year for the Group with 
significant progress in revenue, profits, earnings per share and 
   Economic indicators in the UK and mainland Europe now appear more 
positive than for some time and all businesses within the Group are 
identifying significant opportunities for growth and investment. 
   We believe that our established financial discipline combined with the 
active pursuit of growth opportunities will continue to deliver quality 
returns for shareholders. 
   We look forward to the year ahead with confidence." 
   - Ends - 
Vp plc 
Jeremy Pilkington, Chairman                 Tel: +44 (0) 1423 533 405 
Neil Stothard, Group Managing Director      Tel: +44 (0) 1423 533 445 
Allison Bainbridge, Group Finance Director  Tel: +44 (0) 1423 533 445 
allison.bainbridge@vpplc.com                            www.vpplc.com 
   Media enquiries: 
Abchurch Communications 
Sarah Hollins / Jamie Hooper / Stephanie Watson  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7719 
jamie.hooper@abchurch-group.com                     www.abchurch-group.com 
   I am very pleased to be able to report to shareholders on another 
excellent set of results and a year of further progress for the Group. 
   Profits before tax and amortisation improved 16% to GBP20.1 million 
(2013: GBP17.4 million) on revenues up 10% at GBP183.1 million (2013: 
GBP167.0 million) with margins increased to 11.0% (2013: 10.4%).  Basic 
earnings per share pre-amortisation increased by 18% to 42.0 pence per 
   Return on average capital employed moved ahead to 13.5% (2013: 13.3%). 
Return on capital employed has long been a cornerstone key performance 
indicator for the Group, guiding our investment and acquisition 
decisions and informing longer term strategy.  We have an outstanding 
track record in this regard, having maintained ROACE above our target 
threshold of 12% in each of the last 10 years, even throughout the worst 
periods of the recent recession. 
   The Group continued to generate strong cash flows with EBITDA increasing 
to GBP44.3 million (2013: GBP41.0 million).  We spent GBP38.2 million on 
rental fleet upgrades and renewals, a 70% increase over the prior year, 
demonstrating our confidence in the quality of investment opportunities, 
plus GBP4.6 million on the acquisition of Mr Cropper in September 2013, 
which is now trading very successfully within Groundforce.  Net 
borrowings rose to GBP53.0 million (2013: GBP45.3 million) representing 
a gearing of 49%.  All businesses within the Group are identifying 
significant opportunities for growth and investment. 
   Reflecting this excellent set of results, the Board is recommending a 
final dividend of 10.4 pence per share, making a total for the year of 
14.0 pence per share, an increase of 14%.  Subject to shareholders 
approval at our Annual General Meeting on 22 July 2014, it is proposed 
to pay the final dividend on 8 August 2014 to members registered as of 
11 July 2014. 
   Economic indicators in the UK and mainland Europe now appear more stable 
and positive than they have been for several years and it does not now 
seem unreasonable to assume that we will be operating within a more 
benign economic environment for the foreseeable future. 
   During the year, the Board conducted a review of Board effectiveness. 
The review confirmed that high standards of governance were generally 
being met but we have implemented certain specific recommendations and 
remain alert to opportunities for further improvement. 
   Our employees and their dedication to the business is our one truly 
unique distinguishing feature and their longevity of service is one of 
our greatest strengths.  Fully 50% of our employees have more than 5 
years' service and 25% have more than 10 years which is a remarkable 
record.  There is no substitute for this deep, institutional experience 
and memory in terms of delivering outstanding service excellence to our 
   On behalf of our shareholders and the Board, it is my pleasure to 
recognise the contribution of all employees, in the UK, Europe and 
further afield, to these excellent results. 
   Jeremy Pilkington 
   5 June 2014 
   Vp plc is a specialist rental business with six market leading divisions 
operating in the UK and overseas. Our objective is to deliver 
sustainable, quality returns by providing products and services to a 
diverse range of end markets.  These include rail, transmission, water, 
construction, civil engineering, housebuilding and oil and gas. 
                                          Year ended         Year ended 
                                         31 March 2014      31 March 2013 
Revenue                                GBP 183.1 million  GBP 167.0 million 
Operating profit before amortisation   GBP 21.8 million   GBP 19.8 million 
Operating margin                                   11.9%              11.9% 
Investment in rental fleet              GBP 38.2 million   GBP 22.5 million 
ROACE                                              13.5%              13.3% 
   The Group has again made excellent progressthis year, generating 
revenues of GBP183.1 million, 10% ahead of prior year.  Whilst there was 
a small contribution from the mid-year Mr Cropper acquisition, the bulk 
of the increase was organic, with all operating divisions progressing 
during the year. 
   Operating profits before amortisation also grew by 10% to GBP21.8 
million, and therefore margins were maintained at a healthy 11.9% (2013: 
11.9%).  Return on average capital employed (ROACE), a key indicator for 
the Group, improved to 13.5% (2013: 13.3%), further demonstrating that 
the Group is succeeding in both delivering growth whilst maintaining and 
improving the quality of returns. 
   The Group continued to generate strong cash flows with EBITDA increasing 
to GBP44.3 million (2013: GBP41.0 million). 
   The year to 31 March 2014 saw an uplift in investment with rental fleet 
capital expenditure increased to GBP38.2 million (2013: GBP22.5 
million).  Investment in rental fleet is a combination of growth, 
replacement and substitution. In addition, as previously reported, the 
Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Mr Cropper Ltd in 
September 2013 for GBP4.6 million. 
   As always, disposal of equipment is an important factor with sale 
proceeds of GBP8.6 million (2013: GBP9.6 million) generating profit on 
disposal of GBP2.9 million (2013: GBP2.6 million). 
   The market environment for the Group has been largely supportive. 
Housebuilding, infrastructure, water (AMP5) and transmission markets 
have continued to generate good demand throughout the year.  Oil and gas 
markets have become more positive with improved prospects in liquefied 
natural gas (LNG) markets in particular.  Overseas growth continues to 
be targeted both in the oil and gas sector globally and in transmission, 
civil engineering and wind power in mainland Europe.  The UK general 
construction market remains a future opportunity as recovery improves. 
Whilst we are expectant of a modest rate of improvement in construction, 
the trend is positive and the Group is well positioned to benefit from 
this recovery as it happens. 
   The Group's strategy to support diverse markets both in the UK and 
overseas continues to deliver results.  The strong growth in earnings 
during the year, yet again underlines the benefit and relevance of our 
business model, which is delivering genuine shareholder value over the 
longer term. 
   Excavation support systems, specialist piling solutions and trenchless 
technology for the water, gas, civil engineering and construction 
industries in the UK and mainland Europe. 
                                        Year ended       Year ended 
                                       31 March 2014    31 March 2013 
Revenue                               GBP42.3 million  GBP37.2 million 
Operating profit before amortisation  GBP7.9 million   GBP7.8 million 
Investment in rental fleet            GBP8.0 million   GBP7.3 million 
   Groundforce delivered another excellent performance with profits of 
GBP7.9 million (2013: GBP7.8 million) from revenues up 14% to GBP42.3 
million.  Whilst margins were reduced, largely due to a change in 
business mix, the net result remains of the highest quality. 
   Demand came from infrastructure projects, large and small, together with 
a strong contribution from AMP5.  Design led, temporary works solutions, 
primarily London centric, also provided strong workflows through the 
year.  The largest contract was for Crossrail in forming the entrance to 
Paddington station.  Regional demand was varied, with increased activity 
in the South and the North of England compensating for a slower market 
in Scotland following completion of a significant contract in the 
transmission sector.  Overall market share, however, was at least 
   Piletec performed very well, further enhanced by the acquisition of Mr 
Cropper in September 2013.  Major piling projects were limited in number 
but Piletec maintained its share.  Mr Cropper was quickly integrated 
into the business and subsequent investment in rental fleet and vehicles, 
plus the transfer to two new locations, has helped prepare the ground 
for further growth. 
   Progress in Ireland was limited, but positive, against a subdued market 
backdrop.  Other Group products have been introduced during the year 
together with the opening of a satellite depot in Lisburn, Northern 
   The start-up Groundforce business in Germany continues to develop and 
whilst still incurring losses, we remain positive about prospects.  The 
business is centred around hubs in Germany which provide a platform for 
supply of traditional products on a regional basis, together with an 
infrastructure to undertake major project work across the wider mainland 
European market.  The major project work is technically challenging but 
the business has been successful in achieving success on a number of 
high profile contracts. 
   Capital investment on rental fleet was GBP8.0 million (2013: GBP7.3 
million) in support of opportunities largely in the UK but also Europe. 
   The new financial year holds the prospect of some further progress for 
Groundforce as a declining demand from AMP5, now in its 5th year, is 
mitigated by ongoing project work in Europe. 
   Rough terrain material handling equipment for industry, residential and 
general construction. 
                                         Year ended       Year ended 
                                        31 March 2014    31 March 2013 
Revenue                               GBP 16.3 million  GBP14.1 million 
Operating profit before amortisation  GBP 2.5 million   GBP2.1 million 
Investment in rental fleet            GBP 7.0 million   GBP0.4 million 
   The UK Forks division delivered excellent results with profits up 19% to 
GBP2.5 million (2013: GBP2.1 million).  After a relatively modest 
investment in fleet in the prior year, increasing demand from customers 
and new contract wins saw fleet capital expenditure grow to GBP7.0 
million (2013: GBP0.4 million) in the year.  Whilst the level of 
investment in fleet has increased, the returns in the business have also 
continued to improve.  Demand picked up in both core sectors; 
housebuilding and construction.  The growing appetite for new homes 
across the UK acts as a driver to buoyant housebuild activity. 
   UK Forks remains the market leader in supplying telehandlers to the UK 
housing market and customers continue to recognise the value added 
benefit of our commitment to high quality customer service and back up. 
   The division has had a very strong run over the last three years as the 
recovery from recessionary conditions has been used as a platform for 
profitable growth.  The business continues to explore new markets whilst 
maintaining strong management of the cost base and the quality of 
revenue.  The new year has started well and prospects will be helped by 
further recovery in the general construction sector. 
   Equipment and service providers to the international oil and gas 
exploration and development markets. 
                                         Year ended       Year ended 
                                        31 March 2014    31 March 2013 
Revenue                               GBP 20.2 million  GBP17.4 million 
Operating profit before amortisation  GBP 2.0 million   GBP2.0 million 
Investment in rental fleet            GBP 5.8 million   GBP2.1 million 
   Airpac Bukom revenues grew to GBP20.2 million, 16% ahead of the prior 
year.  Profits year on year were flat at GBP2.0 million but this 
represents a good recovery from the deficit against prior year reported 
at the interim stage.  Trading has improved in most geographical areas, 
with South East Asia, Australia and the Middle East performing 
particularly well.  In Asia, a number of contract awards were secured in 
well testing, with good demand in Indonesia, India and Thailand.  In 
addition, LNG contracts were secured in support of the construction of 
new plants in Australia.  This activity involved support in both 
Indonesia and Thailand for the fabrication testing and also projects in 
Australia on Curtis Island, Queensland.  Prospects for further LNG 
activity remain positive with more projects expected to come on stream 
in the new financial year.  The Middle East North Africa (MENA) region 
performed well with good ongoing demand in Kurdistan together with new 
opportunities in North Africa.  The UK North Sea sector remained quiet 
with low well test activity and restrictions on rig fabric maintenance 
arising from a combination of adverse weather and helicopter issues. 
Activity in the Africa region was subdued compared with prior year. 
   Investment in rental fleet increased to GBP5.8 million as the division 
continued to broaden the product offering.  The majority of this 
expenditure was at the end of the financial year and will only 
contribute in the new financial year. 
   We anticipate further increased capital investment as the business 
reacts to opportunities in the well test, rig maintenance and LNG 
markets and this should provide a good platform for the business into 
the new year. 
   Suppliers of rail infrastructure portable plant and specialist services 
to Network Rail, London Underground and their respective contractor 
                                        Year ended       Year ended 
                                       31 March 2014    31 March 2013 
Revenue                               GBP22.3 million  GBP21.4 million 
Operating profit before amortisation  GBP2.8 million   GBP2.2 million 
Investment in rental fleet            GBP2.9 million   GBP0.9 million 
   Torrent Trackside had an excellent year reporting revenues of GBP22.3 
million up 4% on prior year and generating profits of GBP2.8 million 
(2013: GBP2.2 million). 
   Investment in the rail sector continued to be significant and as a major 
rental provider to that market, Torrent experienced another year of 
strong demand.  Business levels were high as the control spend period 4 
(CP4) completed with the division busy on renewal, project and 
maintenance activities.  Torrent continued to provide a full range of 
services directly to Network Rail on maintenance across the UK rail 
network and also to the Network Rail appointed contractors. 
   The new 5 year control spend period (CP5) relating to track maintenance 
and renewal across the UK, will commence in 2014.  Network Rail have 
recently confirmed the successful bidders for both plain line renewals 
and switches and crossings for CP5, and Torrent are well positioned to 
deliver both plant and associated services to the successful bidders. 
   Investment in the fleet increased significantly to GBP2.9 million (2013: 
GBP0.9 million) both to refresh the fleet and also in support of new 
growth opportunities. 
   The rail market is well funded, buoyant and challenging.  Year on year, 
the market rightly demands increased productivity, efficiency gains and 
unit price reductions.  Torrent's market leadership places it well to 
meet those demands whilst continuing to deliver excellence to both the 
existing and new customer base. 
   Portable roadway systems, primarily to the UK market, but also in 
mainland Europe. 
                                        Year ended       Year ended 
                                       31 March 2014    31 March 2013 
Revenue                               GBP15.8 million  GBP14.9 million 
Operating profit before amortisation  GBP1.8 million   GBP1.3 million 
Investment in rental fleet            GBP1.0 million   GBP2.4 million 
   The TPA business had a good year increasing revenues by 6% to GBP15.8 
million, but more importantly further improving margins.  Operating 
profits increased from GBP1.3 million to GBP1.8 million, a 36% 
   Investment in rental fleet was modest at GBP1.0 million (2013: GBP2.4 
million) with revenue growth delivered from improved utilisation and 
   In the UK, revenue quality improved as the business mix was changed, 
moving away from lower margin and seasonal outdoor event activity, 
towards the less seasonal transmission and day to day construction and 
rail markets.  Trading during the winter was also better at what has, 
historically, been a quieter time for TPA.  The increasing challenge of 
complying with HSE (health and safety) and VOSA (vehicle usage) 
regulations has also been met and operational efficiencies have been 
gained as a result. 
   The business in Germany had a much improved year with a more consistent 
revenue stream from a wider customer base and a busy transmission 
sector.  The business enjoyed a strong final quarter and enters the new 
financial year with good momentum both in the UK and mainland Europe. 
   Small tools and specialist equipment for industry and construction. 
                                        Year ended       Year ended 
                                       31 March 2014    31 March 2013 
Revenue                               GBP66.2 million  GBP62.0 million 
Operating profit before amortisation  GBP4.8 million   GBP4.3 million 
Investment in rental fleet            GBP13.4 million  GBP9.4 million 
   The Hire Station division enjoyed improving markets during the year, 
particularly in the second half, and reported revenues of GBP66.2 
million, a 7% uplift on prior year.  This growth translated into a 
profit improvement of 11% to GBP4.8 million for the year.  Progress was 
made in all three elements: Hire Station tools, ESS Safeforce and MEP. 
   The tools business, with its strengthened management, made excellent 
progress.  Whilst enjoying growth, the emphasis has been on operational 
improvement and achieving high availability on the most popular 
products.  The net result has been enhanced levels of service and market 
share gains.  The business improved its infrastructure with relocations 
of certain key branches and selective openings of new locations in the 
new financial year.  The tool hire business operates in a highly 
competitive market, and includes general construction as one of its key 
   ESS Safeforce had another year of excellent growth.  New locations were 
opened in Port Talbot and Exeter and additional capacity added in other 
existing locations.  Shutdown activity was quieter, but prospects are 
improved and a number of contracts have been secured for the new 
financial year.  The specialist focus on rental and sales of safety, 
survey and communications equipment continues to deliver strong results. 
   MEP, which supplies press fitting and electrofusion equipment, as well 
as operating the largest low level access fleet in the UK, delivered 
another year of growth.  Supporting the M&E (mechanical and electrical) 
sector, activities in the year have included the new Southern General 
Hospital in Glasgow and Terminal 2 at Heathrow.  The maintained drive by 
the HSE on site safety will drive best practice and act as a catalyst 
for further potential growth for MEP. 
   Capital investment in the year was healthy at GBP13.4 million (2013: 
GBP9.4 million) as the business invested into growth opportunities and 
improved product availability. 
   Within the tool hire market the dynamics continue to change and as 
customers become busier and seek to work more safely, availability, 
product quality and customer service become ever more important.  The 
business survived the downturn better than most and is well positioned 
to participate in the market recovery, and we foresee another year of 
   Building on another good year for the Group, we expect further positive 
development both in the UK market place but also in our smaller but 
growing overseas activities. 
   The overall scenario for the markets we support remains positive, with 
further improvement anticipated in general construction and oil and gas, 
tempered by potential temporary, but modest slowdown in sectors which 
have been buoyant in recent times such as water and transmission. 
   Consistency of quality in products, services and people is increasingly 
valued by customers who rightly expect a top level service delivery.  As 
markets recover, we believe that these factors will further enhance the 
attractiveness of our specialist service offering. 
   We enter the new financial year with excellent business momentum from a 
strong final quarter and this gives us confidence that Vp remains in a 
good position to deliver further progress for shareholders in the coming 
   Neil Stothard 
   Group Managing Director 
   5 June 2014 
   Consolidated Income Statement 
   for the year ended 31 March 2014 
                                                  2014       2013 
                                          Note    GBP000     GBP000 
Revenue                                      1    183,064    167,034 
Cost of sales                                   (133,470)  (124,791) 
Gross profit                                       49,594     42,243 
Administrative expenses                          (28,883)   (23,377) 
Operating profit before amortisation         1     21,831     19,815 
Amortisation                                      (1,120)      (949) 
Operating profit                                   20,711     18,866 
Net financial expense                             (1,778)    (2,464) 
Profit before amortisation and taxation            20,053     17,351 
Amortisation                                      (1,120)      (949) 
Profit before taxation                       4     18,933     16,402 
Taxation                                     4    (3,238)    (3,353) 
Net profit for the year                            15,695     13,049 
                                                    Pence      Pence 
Basic earnings per share                     2      39.78      33.62 
Diluted earnings per share                   2      36.31      30.84 
Dividend per share paid and proposed         5      14.00      12.25 
   Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
   for the year ended 31 March 2014 
                                                          2014    2013 
                                                         GBP000  GBP000 
Profit for the year                                      15,695  13,049 
Other comprehensive income: 
 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 
Remeasurements of defined benefit pension scheme            233     697 
Tax on items taken to other comprehensive income           (53)   (166) 
Impact of tax rate change                                 (118)    (42) 
Foreign exchange translation difference                   (181)      45 
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit 
 or loss 
Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash 
 flow hedges                                                704     196 
Total other comprehensive income                            585     730 
Total comprehensive income for the year                  16,280  13,779 
   Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
   for the year ended 31 March 2014 
                                                       2014     2013 
                                                      GBP000   GBP000 
Total comprehensive income for the year                16,280   13,779 
Dividends paid                                        (4,962)  (4,437) 
Net movement relating to Treasury Shares and shares 
 held by Vp Employee Trust                            (8,593)  (1,922) 
Share option charge in the year                         1,735    1,225 
Tax movements to equity                                 2,876    1,258 
Impact of tax rate change                               (274)     (42) 
Change in Equity                                        7,062    9,861 
Equity at start of year                               100,922   91,061 
Equity at end of year                                 107,984  100,922 
   Consolidated Balance Sheet 
   as at 31 March 2014 
                                                 Note    2014       2013 
                                                        GBP000     GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                            124,834   110,577 
Intangible assets                                         41,351    39,279 
Employee benefits                                            689        80 
Total non-current assets                                 166,874   149,936 
Current assets 
Inventories                                                5,352     5,679 
Trade and other receivables                               38,356    33,256 
Cash and cash equivalents                           3      8,978     8,712 
Total current assets                                      52,686    47,647 
Total assets                                             219,560   197,583 
Current liabilities 
Interest bearing loans and borrowings               3       (17)  (24,000) 
Income tax payable                                         (632)   (1,539) 
Trade and other payables                                (44,396)  (34,838) 
Total current liabilities                               (45,045)  (60,377) 
Non-current liabilities 
Interest bearing loans and borrowings               3   (62,000)  (30,000) 
Deferred tax liabilities                                 (4,531)   (6,284) 
Total non-current liabilities                           (66,531)  (36,284) 
Total liabilities                                      (111,576)  (96,661) 
Net assets                                               107,984   100,922 
Issued share capital                                       2,008     2,008 
Capital redemption reserve                                   301       301 
Share premium account                                     16,192    16,192 
Hedging reserve                                             (90)     (794) 
Retained earnings                                         89,546    83,188 
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the 
 parent                                                  107,957   100,895 
Non-controlling interests                                     27        27 
Total equity                                             107,984   100,922 
   Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
   for the year ended 31 March 2014 
                                                      Note    2014      2013 
                                                             GBP000    GBP000 
Cash flow from operating activities 
Profit before taxation                                        18,933    16,402 
Pension fund contributions in excess of service cost           (376)     (429) 
Share based payment charge                                     1,735     1,225 
Depreciation                                             1    22,507    21,173 
Amortisation                                             1     1,120       949 
Financial expense                                              1,790     2,484 
Financial income                                                (12)      (20) 
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment              (2,862)   (2,569) 
Operating cash flow before changes in working 
 capital                                                      42,835    39,215 
Decrease/(increase) in inventories                               364     (796) 
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables           (3,525)     1,741 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                7,581     (401) 
Cash generated from operations                                47,255    39,759 
Interest paid                                                (1,848)   (2,504) 
Interest element of finance lease rental payments                (5)         - 
Interest received                                                 12        20 
Income tax paid                                              (3,949)   (3,809) 
Net cash flow from operating activities                       41,465    33,466 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Disposal of property, plant and equipment                      8,554     9,609 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                   (39,535)  (29,635) 
Acquisition of businesses and subsidiaries (net of 
 cash and overdrafts)                                        (4,498)   (4,117) 
Net cash flow from investing activities                     (35,479)  (24,143) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Purchase of own shares by Employee Trust and Company         (8,593)   (9,767) 
Repayment of borrowings                                     (54,000)   (5,000) 
Proceeds from new loans                                       62,000    13,000 
Capital element of hire purchase/finance lease 
 agreements                                                     (36)       (1) 
Dividends paid                                               (4,962)   (4,437) 
Net cash flow used in financing activities                   (5,591)   (6,205) 
Increase in cash and cash equivalents                            395     3,118 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held              (129)        12 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 
 year                                                          8,712     5,582 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year               8,978     8,712 
   The final results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
policies which are set out in Vp plc's annual report and accounts for 
the year ended 31 March 2014.  The accounting policies applied are in 
line with those applied in the annual financial statements for the year 
ended 31 March 2013 with the exception of the adoption of new standards 
applicable in the year, being IAS1 (as amended), IFRS 13 and IAS19 (as 
amended).  None of these has had a material effect on the accounts. 
   EU Law (IAS Regulation EC1606/2002) requires that the consolidated 
accounts of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2014 be prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") as 
adopted for use in the EU ('adopted IFRSs'). 
   Whilst the financial information included in this preliminary 
announcement has been computed in accordance with adopted IFRSs, this 
announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply 
with IFRSs.  The Company expects to publish full financial statements in 
June 2014. 
   The financial information set out above does not constitute the 
Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014 or 2013. 
Statutory accounts for 31 March 2013 have been delivered to the 
registrar of companies, and those for 31 March 2014 will be delivered in 
due course.  The auditor has reported on those accounts; the reports 
were (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to 
which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying 
the report and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) 
or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 in respect of the accounts for 31 March 
2014 or 31 March 2013. 
   The financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 5 
June 2014. 
   1.         Business Segments 
                                   Depreciation and         Operating profit 
                  Revenue            amortisation          before amortisation 
               2014     2013      2014         2013         2014        2013 
              GBP000   GBP000    GBP000       GBP000       GBP000      GBP000 
UK Forks       16,301   14,061      2,841         2,629       2,482       2,099 
Groundforce    42,298   37,165      4,600         4,015       7,917       7,833 
Airpac Bukom   20,201   17,450      3,466         3,458       2,035       2,015 
Hire Station   66,174   62,017      9,192         8,454       4,798       4,323 
TPA            15,786   14,897      1,582         1,540       1,779       1,310 
 Trackside     22,304   21,444      1,534         1,655       2,820       2,235 
Group               -        -        412           371           -           - 
Total         183,064  167,034     23,627        22,122      21,831      19,815 
   2.         Earnings Per Share 
   The calculation of basic earnings per share of 39.78 pence (2013: 33.62 
pence) is based on the profit attributable to equity holders of the 
parent of GBP15,695,000 (2013: GBP13,049,000) and a weighted average 
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 31 March 
2014 of 39,451,000 (2013: 38,818,000), calculated as follows: 
                                              2014    2013 
                                             Shares  Shares 
                                             000's    000's 
Issued ordinary shares                       40,154   40,154 
Effect of own shares held                     (703)  (1,336) 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares   39,451   38,818 
   Basic earnings per share before the amortisation of intangibles was 
41.97 pence (2013: 35.47 pence) and is based on an after tax add back of 
GBP862,000 (2013: GBP721,000) in respect of the amortisation of 
   The calculation of diluted earnings per share of 36.31 pence (2013: 
30.84 pence) is based on profit attributable to equity holders of the 
parent of GBP15,695,000 (2013: GBP13,049,000) and a weighted average 
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 31 March 
2014 of 43,222,000 (2013: 42,308,000), calculated as follows: 
                                                        2014    2013 
                                                       Shares  Shares 
                                                       000's   000's 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares             39,451  38,818 
Effect of share options in issue                        3,771   3,490 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted)   43,222  42,308 
   Diluted earnings per share before the amortisation of intangibles was 
38.31 pence (2013: 32.55 pence). 
   3.         Analysis of Net Debt 
                               At         At 
                             31 March   1 April 
                               2014      2013 
                              GBP000    GBP000 
Cash and cash equivalents     (8,978)   (8,712) 
Current debt                       17    24,000 
Non current debt               62,000    30,000 
Net debt                       53,039    45,288 
   Year end gearing (calculated as net debt expressed as a percentage of 
shareholders' funds) stands at 49% (2013: 45%). 
   On 15 May 2013 the existing bank facilities, including the facility 
which was due to expire on 31 May 2013, were replaced by a GBP35 million 
revolving credit facility which expires in May 2016 and a GBP30 million 
four and a half year revolving credit facility which expires in October 
2017.  The agreed facilities also included a GBP25 million step up 
facility.  The Group will make use of this facility and in June 2014 
will establish a GBP20 million committed revolving credit facility also 
expiring in October 2017. 
   4.         Taxation 
   The charge for taxation for the year represents an effective tax rate of 
17.1% (2013: 20.4%).  The tax charge was reduced by GBP1.1 million 
(5.7%) to reflect the adjustment to the deferred tax balance as a result 
of the future standard tax rate of 20% in the UK.  The effective tax 
rate excluding adjustments in respect of prior years is 17.7% (2013: 
   5.         Dividend 
   The Board has proposed a final dividend of 10.40 pence per share to be 
paid on 8 August 2014 to shareholders on the register at 11 July 2014. 
This, together with the interim dividend of 3.60 pence per share paid on 
3 January 2014 makes a total dividend for the year of 14.00 pence per 
share (2013: 12.25 pence per share). 
   6.         Principal risks and uncertainties 
   The Board is responsible for determining the level and nature of risks 
it is appropriate to take in delivering the Group's objectives, and for 
creating the Group's risk management framework. The Board recognises 
that good risk management aids effective decision making and helps 
ensure that risks taken on by the Group are adequately assessed and 
   Our approach identifies risks arising in all parts of the Group, using 
both a top down and bottom up approach. Once identified, the impact and 
probability of risks are determined and scored at both a gross (before 
mitigation) and net (after mitigation basis). These risk scores are 
documented in risk registers which are maintained at a divisional and 
Group level. Risk registers are subject to ongoing review based upon 
business activity. 
   The risk profile for each division is used to determine the programme of 
work carried out by Internal Audit. The risk assessments are captured in 
consistent reporting formats, enabling Internal Audit to consolidate the 
risk information and summarise the key risks in the form of a Group risk 
profile. Mitigation action plans against each risk continue to be 
monitored on a regular basis. Further information is provided below on 
our principal risks and mitigating actions to address them. 
   Market risk 
   Risk description 
   A downturn in economic recovery could result in worse than expected 
performance of the business, due to lower activity levels or prices. 
   Vp provides products and services to a diverse range of markets with 
increasing geographic spread.  The Group regularly monitors economic 
conditions and our investment in fleet can be flexed with market demand. 
   Risk description 
   The equipment rental market is already competitive, and could become 
more so, potentially impacting market share, revenues and margins. 
   Vp aims to provide a first class service to its customers and maintains 
significant market presence in a range of specialist niche sectors.  The 
Group monitors market share, market conditions and competitor 
performance and has the financial strength to maximise opportunities. 
   Investment/product management 
   Risk description 
   In order to grow, it is essential the Group obtains first class products 
at attractive prices and keeps them well maintained. 
   Vp has well established processes to manage its fleet from investment 
decision to disposal.  The Group's return on average capital employed 
was a healthy 13.5% in 2013/14.  The quality of the Group's fleet 
disposal margins also demonstrate robust asset management and 
appropriate depreciation policies. 
   Risk description 
   Retaining and attracting the best people is key to our aim of exceeding 
customer expectations and enhancing shareholder value. 
   Vp offers well structured reward and benefit packages, and nurtures a 
positive working environment.  We also try to ensure our people fulfil 
their potential to the benefit of both the individual and the Group, by 
providing appropriate career advancement and training. 
   Risk description 
   The Group operates in industries where safety is a key consideration for 
the well being of both our employees and the customers that hire our 
equipment.  Failure in this area would impact our results and 
   The Group has robust health and safety policies, and management systems 
and our induction and training programmes reinforce these policies. 
   We provide support to our customers exercising their responsibility to 
their own workforces when using our equipment. 
   Financial risks 
   Risk description 
   To develop the business Vp must have access to funding at a reasonable 
cost.  The Group is also exposed to interest rate and foreign exchange 
fluctuations which may impact profitability and has exposure to credit 
risk relating to customers who hire our equipment. 
   The Group has a revolving credit facility of GBP65.0 million and 
maintains strong relationships with all banking contacts.  Our treasury 
policy defines the level of risk that the Board deems acceptable.  Vp 
continues to benefit from a strong balance sheet, with growing EBITDA, 
which allows us to invest into opportunities. 
   Our treasury policy requires a tangible proportion of debt to be at 
fixed interest rates, and we facilitate this through interest rate 
swaps.  We have agreements in place to buy or sell currencies to hedge 
against foreign exchange movements.  We have strong credit control 
practices and use credit insurance where it is cost effective.  Debtor 
days were unchanged during the year and bad debts, as a percentage of 
revenue, remained low at 0.6% (2013: 0.7%). 
   7.         Forward Looking Statements 
   The Chairman's Statement and Business Review include statements that are 
forward looking in nature.  Forward looking statements involve known and 
unknown risks, assumptions, uncertainties and other factors which may 
cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Group to be 
materially different from any future results, performance or 
achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. 
Except as required by the Listing Rules and applicable law, the Company 
undertakes no obligation to update, review or change any forward looking 
statements to reflect events or developments occurring after the date of 
this report. 
   8.         Annual Report and Accounts 
   The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014 will be 
posted to shareholders on or around 20 June 2014. 
   Directors' Responsibility Statement in Respect of the Annual Financial 
Report (extracted from the Annual Financial Report) 
   We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
   --         The financial statements, prepared in accordance with the 
applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the 
assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the 
Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a 
whole; and 
   --         The Business Review and Financial Review, which form part of 
the Directors' Report, includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the Company and the 
undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together 
with the description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they 
   For and on behalf of the Board of Directors 
J F G Pilkington  A M Bainbridge 
 Director               Director 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Vp PLC via Globenewswire 

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