RNS Number:1630F
Vocalis Group PLC
13 June 2001

                                                      13 June 2001
                            VOCALIS GROUP PLC
       Preliminary Results for the Year ended 31 March 2001
   Vocalis  Group plc, the speech technology company, announces
   results for the year ended 31 March 2001.
 *  Revenues for the year were #2.7m
 *  Focus on provision of core technology, SpeechWare; and speech
    solutions based upon it
 *  New products launched and new customers won during the year
 *  The Group had cash balances of #3.5m at the year end
   Charles Halle, Chief Executive commented:
   "These  results reflect the challenges faced by  Vocalis  in
   all   its   markets.   The  slowdown  in  general   economic
   conditions,   together  with  specific  difficulties   being
   experienced in the Telecommunications, Media and  Technology
   (TMT)   sector,   have  created  a  harsh  environment   for
   companies  offering new technology. As we described  in  the
   trading  updates given during the year, in this  environment
   the  overall  growth of the speech recognition industry  was
   slower  than expected and the market demand for our products
   was lower.
   "That  said,  Vocalis  operates in  a  nascent  market  that
   presents enormous opportunities. Underlying our strategy  is
   the  firm  belief  that voice is, and will increasingly  be,
   the  most  natural  way to interact with many  internet  and
   telephone-based  services and that  the  global  market  for
   speech   recognition  will  grow.  Our   revised   corporate
   structure, new focus and control of costs will allow  us  to
   maximise  the  opportunities in today's market  and  in  the

   Vocalis Group plc                      today: 020 7601 1000
   Charles Halle, Chief Executive     thereafter: 01223 846177
   Square Mile BSMG Worldwide                    020 7601 1000
   Nick Oborne or Stephanie Smart             info@sq-mile.com

                                                   13 June 2001
                            VOCALIS GROUP PLC
       Preliminary Results for the Year ended 31 March 2001
   Review of Operations
   The  results  for  the year ending March  2001  reflect  the
   challenges  faced  by  Vocalis  in  all  its  markets.   The
   slowdown  in  general  economic  conditions,  together  with
   specific    difficulties   being    experienced    in    the
   Telecommunications, Media and Technology (TMT) sector,  have
   created  a  harsh  environment for  companies  offering  new
   technology. In this environment, the overall growth  of  the
   speech  recognition industry was slower  than  expected  and
   the  market  demand for our products was lower. This  change
   in  the dynamics of the market, which has been described  in
   the  trading updates given during the year, has  affected  a
   small  number of high value contracts which remain  an  area
   of focus for our sales team.
   Our share price has suffered from the general volatility  of
   TMT  sector  valuations,  and  whilst  this  is  beyond  our
   control  on  a  day-to-day  basis,  we  recognise  that  our
   ability  to  confirm adherence to our corporate  targets  is
   fundamental  to renewing confidence in the Company's  market
   Following  the  recent  downturn in  the  Internet  Services
   market,  particularly in the "business to consumer" segment,
   we  took  the  decision  in March 2001  not  to  pursue  the
   further  development of the managed services business.  This
   has  resulted in a substantial reduction in operating costs.
   SpeechMail and SpeecHTML are still being developed and  will
   continue to be offered to customers as a speech system.
   Our  results  show turnover of #2.7m for this year  compared
   to  #2.7m  last year and a loss after tax and  interest  and
   before  cost  of  closure of managed service  businesses  of
   #5.7m,  compared with a loss of #4.5m after tax and interest
   last  year. As at 31 March 2001, the Group had cash balances
   of #3.5m compared to #4.8m last year.
   In  September  2000, the Group raised #5.1m  (#5.0m  net  of
   expenses) through the issue of 2,198,700 ordinary shares  by
   way  of  a section 95 placing of shares to existing and  new
   institutional  investors.  This issue  was  made  under  the
   authority   granted  by  Shareholders   under   Section   80
   Companies Act 1985 at the Annual General Meeting on 19  July
   Operating   expenditure  increased  from  #6.6m   to   #7.6m
   reflecting  the  opening  of the US  office,  the  increased
   number  of  staff  for the managed services  operation,  and
   continued   investment   in  systems   and   infrastructure.
   Operating  expenditure  of  the managed  service  businesses
   which  was discontinued in March 2001 represented  #2.2m  of
   the  Group's overheads. Included within the Group  operating
   expenditure,  research and development  increased  to  #2.7m
   during  the  year under review, compared with #2.2m  in  the
   financial  year  2000.  This increase  reflected  continuing
   development  of  the  core SpeechWare  technology,  together
   with   the   costs  of  increasing  the  functionality   and
   performance of the SpeechMail and SpeecHTML products.

   On  28  March  2001 the Group announced that  it  would  not
   pursue  the  further  development  of  its  managed  service
   businesses  The  Talking  Network  (TTN).  However,  Vocalis
   continues  to offer SpeechMail and SpeecHTML as applications
   to   be  incorporated  into  the  Group's  range  of  Speech
   Recognition   Systems  for  sale  to  corporate   customers.
   Following   this  decision,  16  staff  from   the   Group's
   Cambridge  and  Houston  offices were  made  redundant.  The
   annual  Group  cost  base,  and  associated  cash  burn  was
   reduced by #2.1m as a result of this decision.
   Closure  costs  for  TTN  of  #1.4m  were  charged,  as   an
   exceptional  item,  to  the  Consolidated  Profit  and  Loss
   Account.    This   charge  includes  accruals   for   future
   liabilities  under  supply contracts entered  into  for  the
   managed service business.
   Trade  debtors at the year end decreased to #600,000  (2000:
   #1.4m) as credit control processes were strengthened. At  31
   March  2001, 50% of trade debtors were represented by  March
   invoices (2000: 84%). Trade creditors were also reduced  and
   at  31 March 2001 represented 37 days (2000: 64 days).  Cash
   and  short term deposits at the year end amounted  to  #3.5m
   which  were  held in short term sterling deposits  of  under
   one  month  maturity.  As  a result of  trading  performance
   there  was  a net cash outflow from operating activities  of
   #3.4m  during the year compared to an outflow  of  #5.1m  in
   financial year 2000.
   The  loss  per  share for the financial year  under  review,
   which  was  also  the  diluted  loss  per  share  was  15.8p
   compared  to  a  loss per share basic and diluted  of  10.6p
   last  year.  The  Directors do not propose a  dividend.  The
   loss  per share before charging the cost of closure  of  the
   managed service businesses was 12.6p.
   Our  core  technology,  SpeechWare, is  established  in  the
   market  place as a speech recognition solution that combines
   proven  accuracy  with the benefits of natural  interaction.
   During  the  year we launched SpeechWare VRooM, our  branded
   hardware  speech  recogniser,  to  meet  anticipated  market
   demand  for  large-scale  speech  recognition  systems.  Our
   latest  developments  include  two  versions  of  SpeechWare
   VRooM  that  provide  solutions  less  than  one-tenth   the
   physical  size of equivalent systems, making them more  cost
   effective to run and easier to maintain.
   To  expand the market for our technology, we have integrated
   SpeechWare   to   a  number  of  next-generation   telephony
   interface  cards and to Dialogic's CT Media 2.0, a  software
   tool   for   developing  standards-based  telecommunications
   solutions.   This   allows   third   party   developers   to
   incorporate  SpeechWare's sophisticated  speech  recognition
   into their own products quickly and easily.
   The  Intelligent Query engine (IQe) forms  the  basis  of  a
   number  of  Call  Centre applications  and  is  designed  to
   increase  productivity and reduce running costs.  The  first
   of  these applications, Postcoder, was launched in September
   2000,  since when we have formed partnerships with a  number
   of  leading  address management solution vendors,  including
   QAS, Hopewiser and AFD.
   A  speaker verification research project, run in conjunction
   with  Nationwide,  was  successfully  completed  during  the
   year.  We  are  currently developing  a  commercial  product
   based on the results of this and other research projects.

   Michael  Williams, Business Development Director,  left  the
   Company on 12 April 2001 to pursue other opportunities,  and
   two  long serving non-executive Directors, Roy Cotterill and
   Robert  Hook, will retire from the Board at the AGM in  July
   2001.  Roy Cotterill was Chairman of Vocalis from June  1994
   until December 2000. We take this opportunity to thank  them
   all for their major contributions to the Company.
   On  27  March  2001  we  announced three  new  appointments.
   Stephen  Lawrenson and Colin Garrett were appointed as  non-
   executive Directors. We welcome them to the Board  and  look
   forward  to  their contributions to the development  of  the
   Company.  Ian  Cockerill,  who  has  many  years  of   sales
   experience  at  a senior level within the IT  industry,  was
   appointed Sales Director of Vocalis Limited.
   We  also thank all our staff for their continued dedication,
   professionalism   and   hard  work   in   this   challenging
   Our  strategy will be to focus on the provision of our  core
   technology, SpeechWare, and of speech solutions  based  upon
   it.   Accordingly,  we  will  continue  to  target  specific
   markets,  such  as  Call Centres, and to develop  market-led
   solutions tailored to their specific requirements.  We  will
   present  speech  recognition  as  the  key  component  of  a
   complete  business solution, highlighting the benefits  that
   differentiate our solutions from those of our competitors.
   Recent  successes have included upgrades to existing Vocalis
   systems  by  Abbey  National  and  Telenor  Mobil,  Norway's
   mobile   communications  network  provider.  We  have   also
   recently  secured  an  order from Eircom,  a  leading  Irish
   telephone  network operator, which falls  into  the  current
   financial year, ending 31 March 2002.
   We  will  continue to concentrate our efforts on  generating
   demand  both  directly,  and  indirectly  through  OEM   and
   channel partner relationships.
   Speech   recognition  is  an  area  of  enormous  commercial
   potential.  It  is  also an emerging  market  in  which  the
   issues  of  customer  awareness, general market  penetration
   and  customer  adoption remain significant.  Underlying  our
   strategy  is  the  firm  belief  that  voice  is,  and  will
   increasingly be, the most natural way to interact with  many
   internet  and telephone-based services and that  the  global
   market   for  speech  recognition  will  grow.  Our  revised
   corporate  structure, new focus and control  of  costs  will
   allow  us  to  maximise the opportunities in today's  market
   and in the future.

   Vocalis Group plc                       today: 020 7601 1000
   Charles Halle, Chief Executive      thereafter: 01223 846177
   Square Mile BSMG Worldwide                     020 7601 1000
   Nick Oborne or Stephanie Smart              info@sq-mile.com
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 March 2001

                                    Discontinued  Continuing           
                                      operations  operations    Total   Total
                                            2001        2001     2001    2000
                                           #'000       #'000    #'000   #'000
Turnover                                     719       1,982    2,701   2,694
Cost of sales                               (280)       (745)  (1,025)   (913)
Gross profit                                 439       1,237    1,676   1,781
Other operating expenses (net)            (2,215)     (5,389)  (7,604) (6,632)
Operating loss                            (1,776)     (4,152)  (5,928) (4,851)
Cost  of closure of managed service 
businesses                                (1,446)          -   (1,446)      - 
Loss  on ordinary activities before                               
interest and finance charges                                   (7,374) (4,851)
Bank interest receivable                                          250     377
Interest payable                                                  (20)    (33)
Loss  on ordinary activities before                      
taxation                                                       (7,144) (4,507)
Taxation                                                            -      40
Loss  on ordinary activities  after                               
taxation  being retained  loss  for                      
the year                                                       (7,144) (4,467)
Loss per share, basic and diluted - pence                      (15.82) (10.57)
Loss per share, basic and diluted -                               
pence, excluding cost of closure of                      
managed service businesses                                     (12.62) (10.57)

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 31 March 2001

                                                                 2001    2000
                                                                #'000   #'000
Loss for the year                                              (7,144) (4,467)
Loss on foreign currency translation                             (109)     (7)
Total recognised losses for the year                           (7,253) (4,474)

Balance Sheet
As at 31 March 2001

                                                         Group          Group
                                                          2001           2000
                                                         #'000          #'000
Fixed assets                                            
Intangible assets                                           21             76
Tangible assets                                            975          2,051
Investments                                                200              -
                                                         1,196          2,127
Current  assets                                         
Stocks                                                     694            803
Debtors                                                  1,121          1,688
Cash at bank and in hand                                 3,474          4,778
                                                         5,289          7,269
Creditors:  amounts falling due  within one year        (1,766)        (2,351)
Net current assets                                       3,523          4,918
Total assets less current liabilities                    4,719          7,045
Creditors:  amounts falling  due  after more 
than one year                                              (41)          (111)
Net assets                                               4,678          6,934
Capital and reserves                                    
Called-up share capital                                  2,316          2,199
Share premium account                                   17,332         12,452
Other reserves                                           1,070          1,070
Profit and loss account                                (16,040)        (8,787)
Shareholders' funds - equity interests                   4,678          6,934

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 March 2001

                                                          2001           2000
                                                         #'000          #'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities              (3,417)        (5,067)

Returns on investments and servicing  of                
   - interest received                                     250            377
   - interest paid                                         (21)           (33)
Net cash inflow from returns on                            229            344
investments and servicing of finance
Capital expenditure and financial investment               
   - purchase of tangible fixed assets                    (305)        (1,857)
   - purchase of trade investment                         (200)             -
   - purchase of intangible fixed assets                     -            (34)
Net cash outflow from capital                
expenditure and financial investment                      (505)        (1,891)
Cash outflow before management of liquid                
resources and financing                                 (3,693)        (6,614)
Management of liquid resources                          
   - increase in short term deposits                    (1,250)        (2,400)
Issue of ordinary shares                                 4,997          8,788
Repayment of secured loan                                   (5)            (5)
Capital element of finance lease repayments               (103)           (95)
Net cash inflow from financing                           4,889          8,688
(Decrease) in cash in the year                             (54)          (326)


1.The  financial information set out above does not  constitute
  the Company's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31
  March 2001 within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act
  1985 but is derived from those financial statements. The statutory
  financial statements for the Company for the year ended 31  March
  2001  will  be delivered to the Registrar of Companies after  the
  Annual  General  Meeting. The auditors  have  reported  on  those
  financial statements and their report was unqualified.

2.Loss  per ordinary share is calculated with reference to  the
  loss  attributable to ordinary shareholders of #7,144,000  (2000:
  loss #4,467,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares
  in issue during the year of 45,153,500 (2000: 42,241,314).
3.Copies  of  the  2001 Report and Accounts  will  be  sent  to
  shareholders in due course.  Further copies will be available from
  the Company's offices at Chaston House, Mill Court, Great Shelford,
  Cambridge CB2 5LD.

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