RNS Number:3065G
Total Systems PLC
13 December 2004



      Unaudited Interim results for the half year ended 30 September 2004

            Results in line with market expectations; dividend held

Total Systems plc ("Total" or "the Company"), suppliers of software systems for
leaders embracing the future in financial services, announces its preliminary
results for the half year ended 30 September 2004.

Commenting on the Company's results Terry Bourne, Chairman, said:

"Performance for the half year to 30 September 2004 was in line with the Board's
expectations. "

Financial Highlights

( Turnover                        #1.697m        (2003: # 2.001m)
( Profit before tax               #137k          (2003: # 381k)
( Basic EPS                       1.04p          (2003: 2.51p)
( Interim dividend                1.05p          (2003: 1.05p)
( Gearing                         Nil            (2003: Nil)
( Net assets per share            37.58p         (2003: 36.96p)
( Cash per share                  32.75p         (2003: 33.42p)

Regarding the Company's current trading and outlook, Terry Bourne added:

"Trading continues at a reasonable level. Until new business materialises there
is unlikely to be any significant change in performance.

The Company's finances remain on a sound footing with costs being held under
strict control and our strong balance sheet being maintained. "
E-mail: info@totalsystems.co.uk web site: www.totalsystems.co.uk

Terry Bourne, Chairman Total Systems plc 020 7294 4888
Granville Harris, Finance Director Total Systems plc 020 7294 4888

Notes for Editors:

Based in the City of London Total provides software, support and expertise for
leaders embracing the future in financial services to help them realise their
business vision as shown by the success of their many clients.

The Company gained a full listing on the London Stock Exchange in 1995.

Total's clients for Ultima are Corinthian (to become HSBC Insurance from 1/1/
05), Axa Insurance Services (Denplan), Bluesure, Dixons, Civil Service
Healthcare, The Caravan Club, UIA and Zurich Insurance Company (Navigators &

Chairman's Statement


Performance for the half year to 30 September 2004 was in line with the Board's
expectations. While turnover has reduced, the company has remained profitable by
controlling costs. Turnover for the half year was # 1,696,642 (2003:# 2,000,586)
and profit before tax was # 136,878 (2003: # 381,061) resulting in earnings per
share of 1.04p (2003: 2.51p).


Zero gearing and net assets of 37.58p per share (2003: 36.96p), of which 32.75p
per share (2003: 33.42p) is represented by cash, demonstrates our financial
strength. The proposed dividend is covered 0.99 times (2003: 2.4 times).


Payment of an interim dividend of 1.05p per share is proposed by the Board. This
is the same as last year's interim and will be paid on 1 February 2005 to all
shareholders on the register on 24 December 2004.


We aim to help leaders in financial services embrace the future by delivering
software, support and expertise to realise their business vision. Our focus is
on the insurance, warranty and fund management sectors of the financial services
industry and the Board continues to invest significantly in the development of
products. Yet again we have been ranked in the top 700 companies in the UK for
absolute R&D spend by the DTI.
Considerable investment in management, marketing and specialised training for
staff has been undertaken during the period under review, in order to assist in
our pursuit of new business.

Close relationships with existing customers are continuing to mutual benefit.
Prospective clients are given a full range of pricing and delivery options
including 24/7 support, disaster recovery and business continuity.

The Board is confident that the strategy adopted will produce improved
profitability in the medium term.


Two complementary products are marketed. Ultima, a customer orientated policy
management system for complete insurance policy lifecycle management,
encompassing quotations, underwriting, claims, accounting, broker management and
reporting. Total Fund Manager (TFM) is a fully featured, multi-fund,
multi-currency, administration and accounting system with extensive performance
measurement, compliance and reporting capabilities.

Chairman's Statement

Ultima is targeted at existing and new insurers seeking to maximise efficiency
while ensuring regulatory compliance and enabling quick and easy adaptation to
changing business conditions. Ultima is key in helping insurers realise their
business vision. For new insurers, and those insurers regretting their
outsourcing and/or offshoring strategy, the ability to have a fully operational
wall to wall system in a very short timeframe is a compelling argument. TFM is
suitable for any fund manager looking for a cost-effective reliable solution for
administration and accounting of an unlimited number of funds under management.

Market place

The market has continued to prove difficult. We strive to identify all available
contracts and the Board believes that the investments made in staff and the
products will produce success.


Our staff have continued to show their outstanding professionalism and have
thrived on helping our clients realise their vision. I would like to thank them
all for their loyalty, dedication, enthusiasm and commitment and look forward to
working with them in the future.


Strong client relationships have enabled your Company to continue operations at
a stable level. The Corinthian contract won in February is progressing to time
and budget while Bluesure have had a successful re-launch. Dixon's have rolled
out Ultima into Spain with other countries to follow shortly. Clients continue
to express satisfaction with the capabilities, resilience and reliability of our

Current trading and outlook

Trading continues at a reasonable level. Until new business materialises there
is unlikely to be any significant change in performance.

The Company's finances remain on a sound footing with costs being held under
strict control and our strong balance sheet being maintained.
Terry Bourne

13 December 2004

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

for the half year ended 30 September 2004

                               Unaudited            Unaudited          Audited
                                6 Months             6 Months        12 months
                                   ended                ended            ended
                            30 September         30 September         31 March
                 Note               2004                 2003             2004
                                       #                    #                #
Turnover            2          1,696,642            2,000,586        3,843,856
                               ----------- --------------------      -----------

Operating Profit                  57,432              323,632          596,444

receivable and                    79,446               57,429          122,314
similar income
Interest payable
and                                    -                    -           (2,820)
similar charges 
                        ------------------    -----------------   --------------
Profit on
activities                       136,878              381,061          715,938

Tax on profit on
ordinary                         (27,856)            (117,355)        (195,656)
activities                 ---------------        -------------     ------------

Profit on
activities after
to shareholders                  109,022              263,706          520,282

Dividend                        (110,455)            (110,406)        (299,758)
proposed                     -------------        -------------    ------------

Retained (loss)/
profit                            (1,433)             153,300          220,524
for the period             ---------------         ------------      -----------

Basic earnings
per                 4               1.04p                2.51p            4.95p
ordinary share
Diluted earnings
per                                 1.03p                2.50p            4.94p
ordinary share
Dividend per
ordinary                            1.05p                1.05p            2.85p

General notes:

1.                    The financial information contained in this statement does
not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. The abridged information for the 12 months ended 31 March 2004 has been
extracted from the Group's statutory accounts for that period, which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors report on the Group's
accounts for that period was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
either of Section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2.                    The Group's turnover is derived from the writing and
supply of computer software and supply of third party software, both with
related hardware, in the United Kingdom. All activities derive from continuing

3.                    This Interim Report has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies consistent with the prior year and are in accordance with

4.                    The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on a
profit after taxation of # 109,022 (2003: # 263,706) and a weighted average of
10,517,617 shares (2003: 10,513,376) in issue during the period.

5.                    It is intended to post this Interim Report to shareholders
on 15 December 2004. Copies will also be available from the Registered Office of
the Group at 394 City Road, London, EC1V 2QA.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

at 30 September 2004

                                         Unaudited       Unaudited      Audited
                                             as at          as at        as at
                                      30 September   30 September     31 March
                                              2004           2003         2004
                                                 #              #            #
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                            669,357        658,103      656,198

Current assets
Debtors                                    622,643        713,015      838,059

Cash at bank and in hand                 3,445,626      3,513,940    3,673,867
                                         ----------     ----------   ----------  
                                         4,068,269      4,226,955    4,511,926

Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year                       (784,766)      (998,925)  (1,214,767)
                                          ----------     ----------  ----------  
Net current assets                       3,283,503      3,228,030    3,297,159
                                          ----------     ----------  ----------
Total assets less current liabilities    3,952,860      3,886,133    3,953,357
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------

Net assets                               3,952,860      3,886,133    3,953,357
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                    525,978        525,744      525,744
Share premium account                       83,004         82,302       82,302
Profit and loss account                  3,343,878      3,278,087    3,345,311
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
Equity shareholders' funds               3,952,860      3,886,133    3,953,357
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------                         

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the half year ended 30 September 2004

                                   Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited
                                    6 Months         6 Months        12 Months
                                       ended            ended            ended
                                30 September     30 September         31 March
                                        2004             2003             2004
                       Note                #                #                #

Operating activities
Cash received
from customers                     2,101,539        2,231,264        4,361,104
Cash payments to
suppliers                           (352,026)        (325,066)        (472,416)
Cash payments to
employees                           (902,742)        (814,383)      (1,542,989)
Cash paid for
PAYE and
Insurance                           (575,218)        (481,036)        (904,285)
Cash paid for
VAT                                 (297,574)        (379,608)        (755,397)
Other business
payments                             (42,717)         (32,245)         (79,392)
                                   -----------    ------------- ----------------

Net cash (outflow)/
inflow from
activities              (a)          (68,738)         198,926          606,625
                                    ----------     ------------      -----------

Return on investments
servicing of finance

received                              79,446           57,429          122,314
Interest paid                              -                -           (2,820)
                                ------------     -------------     ------------
Net cash inflow
from returns on                       79,446           57,429          119,494
investments and                 ------------     ------------      -----------
servicing of finance

Corporation tax
payment                                    -                -         (165,722)
                              ---------------- ----------------      -----------

Capital expenditure
and financial investment

Purchase of
tangible fixed
assets                               (50,533)         (44,604)         (78,313)
                                  ------------    -------------     ------------

Net cash outflow
from capital
expenditure and
investment                           (50,533)         (44,604)         (78,313)
                                  ------------    -------------     ------------

Equity dividends
paid                                (189,352)        (178,752)        (289,158)
                                   -----------     ------------      -----------

Cash (outflow)/inflow
before use of liquid
resources and
financing                           (229,177)          32,999          192,926


Proceeds from
exercise of
options                 (d)              936            2,684            2,684
                                --------------    -------------      -----------

ase in cash in
the period              (b)         (228,241)          35,683          195,610
                                  ------------     ------------        ---------

Notes to the cash flow statement

(a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities
                                 Unaudited          Unaudited          Audited
                                  6 Months           6 Months         12 Month
                                     ended              ended            ended
                              30 September       30 September         31 March
                                      2004               2003             2004
                                         #                  #                #
Operating profit                    57,432            323,632          596,444
Depreciation charges                37,812             37,018           72,279
(Gain)/loss on disposal
of tangible assets                   (438)                 -              353
Decrease/(increase) in             215,416            (32,195)        (157,239)
(Decrease)/increase in            (378,960)          (129,529)          94,788
creditors                     -------------        -----------  ---------------
                                    (68,738)           198,926          606,625
                                  ---------- ------------------ ----------------

(b)  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                      Unaudited      Unaudited         Audited
                                       6 Months       6 Months       12 months
                                          ended          ended           ended
                                   30 September   30 September        31 March
                                           2004           2003            2004
                                              #              #               #
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the
period and change in net funds         (228,241)        35,683         195,610
Net funds at the
beginning of period                   3,673,867      3,478,257       3,478,257
                                      -----------    ----------- ---------------

Net funds at the end of
period                                3,445,626      3,513,940       3,673,867
                                      -----------    ----------- ---------------

(c) Analysis of changes in net funds

                  Unaudited                   Audited                 Unaudited
                   6 Months                 12 Months                  6 Months
                      Ended        Change       Ended     Change          Ended
               30 September            in    31 March         in   30 September
                       2004      6 months        2004   6 Months           2003
                          #             #           #          #              #

Cash at bank
and in hand        3,445,626      (228,241)  3,673,867    159,927      3,513,940
                  ----------- ------------- -----------  ---------    -----------

Notes to the cash flow statement

(d) Analysis of changes in financing during the period

                          Share capital        Share capital       Share capital
                             (including           (including          (including
                               premium)             premium)           premium)
                              Unaudited            Unaudited            Audited
                               6 Months             6 Months           12 Month
                                  ended                ended              ended
                           30 September         30 September           31 March
                                   2004                 2003               2004
                                      #                    #                  #
Balance at the
beginning of
period                        608,046              605,362              605,362
Cash inflows
from employees
share options                     936                2,684                2,684
                                  -----         ------------       -------------
Balance at the
end of period                 608,982              608,046              608,046
                              ---------           ----------         -----------

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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