RNS Number : 8425J
  TMN Group PLC
  10 December 2008

    TMN Group PLC
    Interim Results

    10 December 2008.  TMN Group plc (AIM: TMN, the "Group" or the "Company"), UK's premier digital marketing group, has published its
interims results for the six months to 31 October 2008. 


    *     Group revenues, including acquisitions, up 72% to �15.5m (2007: �9.0m)
    *     Online Research up 30%
    *     Lead Generation increased to 9% of Group revenue
    *     Adjusted* profit before tax �0.5m (2007: �1.4m)
    *     Adjusted* basic earnings per share were 0.5p (2007: 2.2p)
    *     New �4m banking facilities secured - Group net debt as at 31 October 2008 �2m
    *     New products and services launched, including new consumer websites and increased Affiliate services

    Mark Smith, TMN Chief Executive, commented, 

    "We have reacted swiftly to the challenges in display advertising in September and October by rebasing our costs and improving our
operational efficiencies; although other channels have performed well, launching new products and services during the first six months of
the current financial year.

    "Our increased banking facilities and the Group's enhanced scale based on five business channels - Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing,
Publishing, Lead Generation and Online Research - as well as the continued demand for online marketing, enables us to be cautiously
confident about the second half when the Group traditionally is stronger."


 TMN  Group plc   www.Tmnplc.com                       020 7440 9310
 Peter Harkness, Chairman
 Mark Smith, CEO
 Craig Dixon, CFO

 Investec Investment Banking, NOMAD and broker to TMN  020 7597 4000
 Erik Anderson / Ben Poynter

 College Hill                                          020 7457 2815
 Adrian Duffield/Rozi Morris

    * Adjusted profits before tax excludes share-based payment charges of �11,000 (2007: �15,000) and the amortisation of acquisition
related intangible assets of �1.1m (2007: �182,000).


    The first six months of the current financial year to 31 October 2008 are the first full reporting period for the enlarged TMN Group,
following the acquisitions completed in early 2008 and coincide with a very challenging economic environment. However, despite a sharp
reduction in email display advertising, a diversified revenue and client base helped to mitigate the effects of this downturn which ensured
the Group was profitable and remains both financially and operationally sound.   

    The Group has recently renewed its bank  facilities which now provide TMN with a committed facility of �4m, �2m more than the net debt
at 31 October 2008, along with a further �1m for potential acquisition purposes.  The Group has also swiftly cut its cost base and
restructured to maintain its margins, ensuring TMN is well positioned to take advantage of the shifts to and within online advertising and
marketing sectors. 


    The Group is one of the largest online advertising and research suppliers in Europe, offering a multi-channel internet advertising
solution and global online research offering. Over 50 million display adverts are dispatched monthly through a network of highly branded
responsive databases and over 120,000 website partners signed up to display the Group's performance-based adverts. 

    The acquisitions of TAPPS and AffiliateFuture have increased the Group's range of services. Across the Group, over 40 million visitors
were sent to advertisers during the period generating in excess of �75 million of online sales. Over 2 million prospect leads were sourced
for clients and over 600,000 research survey responses were generated. 

    Financial Review

    For the period ended 31 October 2008 revenues were �15.5m, an increase of 72% compared with 2007 revenues of �9.0m. On a pro forma
basis, 2007 revenues were �17.7m.

                      Reported  Reported  Proforma
 �'m                      2008      2007      2007

 Email marketing           5.6       6.3       7.8

 Affiliate marketing       7.1       0.6       7.6

 Research                  1.6       1.2       1.2

 Publishing                1.2       0.9       1.1

 Total                    15.5       9.0      17.7

 United Kingdom           13.8       9.0      16.2
 Netherlands               1.7         -       1.5

 Total                    15.5       9.0      17.7

    Gross profit increased by 40% to �6.7m (2007: �4.8m), although gross profit margin was 43% (2007: 54%) reflecting the change in revenue
mix, primarily as a result of the acquisition of the lower margin AffiliateFuture in February 2008.

    Adjusted operating profit, excluding the impact of the non cash items; share-based payment charges of �11,000 (2007: �15,000) and the
amortisation of acquisition related intangible assets of �1.1m (2007: �182,000), was �0.6m (2007: �1.4m).).  The lower operating profit is
due to the dilutive effect of the lower margin affiliate marketing business, higher headcount costs and higher charges for depreciation and
amortisation reflecting investment in infrastructure, internal development and databases. 

    Adjusted profit before tax was �0.5m (2007: �1.4m) and adjusted basic earnings per share were 0.5p (2007: 2.2p). The reported loss
before tax was �0.7m (2007: profit of �1.2m) and the basic loss per share was 0.6p

    Since the beginning of the period, the Group has reduced its operating cost base and expenditure by �1m on an annualised basis which
will have a material impact in the second half of the current financial year, although there will be a one off exceptional restructuring
cost of around �0.3m.  

    The Group disposed of Sweatband.com Limited, the loss-making E-commerce business acquired as a result of the purchase of Internet
Business Group in October 2008, realising a profit of �0.2m

    Net debt at 31 October was �2.0m compared to �0.3m at 30 April 2008. The increase in net debt reflects operating cash flow of �0.6m,
less �0.7m of interest and tax paid, capital expenditure of �1.3m and a net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposal of �0.2m.  

    The Group has recently renewed its bank facilities resulting in �2m of committed headroom over the net debt position at 31 October 2008.


    Email marketing showed a marked reduction in revenues in September and October 2008 compared to the equivalent period last year. 
However, as a result of the diversified revenue and client base, the Group was able to mitigate the effects of this revenue reduction with
several other channels continuing to grow organically. 

    AffiliateFuture showed growth over the second half of the last financial year and Online Research has taken advantage of the ongoing
migration from marketing to research with revenues increasing by 30% year on year. Lead Generation now represents 9% of the Group's revenue
with over 150 clients utilising these services during the period. Publishing through a combination of growth and new website launches has
grown its revenues by 9%.

    Industry wide, display advertising has suffered from the UK media downturn. During the previous half year, finance advertising alone was
worth in excess of �4.5 million - it accounted for around 30% of that figure in the period under review - but the Group has successfully
replaced some lost revenues with other verticals. 

    The Group's mix of verticals has altered significantly from 12 months ago when finance and automotive advertising accounted for over 27%
of revenues. Today the three most important verticals are travel, at 17% of revenues, and telecoms and finance, at 10% each.

    The Group's market leading position has been recognised through a number of awards. EDR won two awards from Connect and Data Strategy
for their work with their bespoke lead generation tool Pure Lead.  tmnmedia won the list manager of the year for its work with ASOS at the
Connect Awards and AffiliateFuture won its inaugural award at the prestigious IMA event for its work with Sunshine. 

    Technology plays an important part in the ongoing success of the Group. Lead generation site, Survey Central, was launched during the
period and Pure Lead, the award winning data cleansing tool, helped generate over 2 million prospect leads for over 150 clients.
AffiliateFuture launched a number of new initiatives to add to its innovative tracking solution, Veracitag, including Project Xenon, which
allows retailers to promote its specific product listings on affiliated websites. 

    Opportunities to further expand the Group's services within existing and new territories are also being explored. Recent developments
include exploration of opportunities in Benelux, expanding operations from the Netherlands. The Research reach was increased recently to
include a satellite operation in Melbourne, Australia which, with the UK and US offices, now gives 24 hour coverage to a growing list of
online qualitative research customers. 


    The Directors fully recognise the challenges within the marketplace, yet equally consider the Group to be well positioned to take
advantage of the shifts to and within online advertising.   The Group has slimmed down its cost base and secured considerable banking

    Recent reports from the IAB and Enders suggest that growth in 2009 will be challenging for display advertising, although performance
based advertising, which represents over 50% of the Group's revenues through the Affiliate and Publishing channels, offers a manageable and
highly transparent alternative to traditional fixed-rate advertising. 

                                       6 months ended   6 months ended             Year 
                                       31 October 2008  31 October 2007           ended 
                                                                               30 April 
                                             Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited

                                 Note            �'000            �'000            �'000

 Revenue                                        15,463            8,993           22,534

 Cost of sales                                 (8,805)          (4,157)         (10,804)
 Gross profit                                    6,658            4,836           11,730

 Administrative expenses                       (5,741)          (3,196)          (7,489)

 Other administrative expenses

 * Amortisation of intangibles                 (1,671)            (423)          (1,530)
 * Exceptional costs                                 -                -            (225)

 Operating (loss) / profit                       (754)            1,217            2,486

 Profit on disposal of                             189                -                -
 subsidiary undertakings                             5               29               42
 Interest on bank deposits
 Interest payable and similar                    (111)                -             (51)

 (Loss) /Profit on ordinary                      (671)            1,246            2,477
 activities before tax

 Tax                                               195            (254)            (635)

 (Loss) /profit on ordinary                      (476)              992            1,842
 activities after tax

 (Loss) /earnings per share 

 Basic (pence)                    2            (0.63)p             2.0p             3.3p

 Diluted (pence)                  2                  -             1.9p             3.1p

    All amounts relate to continuing operations. 

    AT 31 OCTOBER 2008
                                   31 October 2008   31 October 2007   30 April 
                                          Unaudited         Unaudited    Audited
                                              �'000             �'000      �'000
 Non-current assets              
 Goodwill                                    11,525             6,361     11,370
 Other intangible assets                     10,640             1,319     11,280
 Property, plant and equipment                  758               199        948
 Investments                                    108                 -        108
                                             23,031             7,879     23,706
 Current assets                  
 Inventories                                      -                 -        277
 Trade and other receivables                  9,414             6,433      9,450
 Cash and cash equivalents                    1,015             1,040      2,702
                                             10,429             7,473     12,429
 Total assets                                33,460            15,352     36,135
 Current liabilities             
 Financial liabilities - bank                 3,018                 -      3,032
 Trade and other payables                     6,493             3,601      7,438
 Current tax liabilities                        406               379        924
 Deferred tax liabilities                         -                32          -
 Provisions                                     979               465      1,408
                                             10,896             4,477     12,802
 Non-current liabilities         
 Provisions                                     786                 -        786
 Deferred tax                                 1,738               136      2,046
                                              2,524               136      2,832
 Total liabilities                           13,420             4,613     15,634
 Net assets                                  20,040            10,739     20,501
 Called up share capital                        108               105        108
 Share premium account                        7,748             6,215      7,748
 Merger reserve                               7,174                 -      7,174
 Equity shares to be issued                     356               356        356
 Share option reserve                           454               441        443
 Other reserves                                 150               121        146
 Retained earnings                            4,050             3,501      4,526
 Total equity                                20,040            10,739     20,501


                                    6 months ended    6 months ended          Year 
                                   31 October 2008   31 October 2007         ended 
                                                                           30 April
                                          Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited
                                              �'000            �'000          �'000
 Cash flows from operating       
 Operating (loss) / profit                    (754)              992          2,486
 Adjustments for:                
 Depreciation                                   243               53            182
 Amortisation                                 1,671              423          1,530
 Interest receivable                              -             (29)              -
 Taxation expense recognised in                   -              254              -
 profit and loss account         
 Loss on investments                              -                -              9
 Foreign exchange                                 -                -             25
 Share based payments expense                    11               15             27
 Increase in inventories                          -                -             32
 Increase in receivables                       (53)          (1,899)        (2,395)
 (Decrease)/ increase in                      (402)              935          1,405
 (Decrease)/ increase in                      (129)             (82)          (105)
 Cash generated from operations                 587              662          3,196
 Interest paid                                (110)                -           (51)
 Income tax paid                              (629)            (311)          (444)
 Net cash (utilised in) /                     (152)              351          2,701
 generated from operating        
 Cash flows from Investing       
 Interest received                                5               29             42
 Proceeds from disposal of                      149                -              -
 subsidiary undertaking          
 Purchases of plant, property                 (298)            (103)          (384)
 and equipment                   
 Purchases of intangible assets             (1,048)            (454)        (1,567)
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                  (329)            (200)        (2,539)
 Net cash (used in) investing               (1,521)            (728)        (4,448)
 Financing activities            
 Proceeds on issue of shares -                    -               75             75
 share options exercised         
 Purchase of own shares                           -            (109)          (109)
 Loan note repaid                                 -            (100)          (100)
 Net cash (used in) financing                     -            (134)          (134)
 Net (decrease) in cash and                 (1,673)            (511)        (1,881)
 cash equivalents                
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 (330)            1,551          1,551
 the beginning of the period     
 Cash and cash equivalents at               (2,003)            1,040          (330)
 the end of the period           


                                      Called up share
                                                �'000  Share premium                    Equity shares to be  Share option reserve
                                                              account                                issued                 �'000
                                                                �'000  Merger reserve                 �'000                            
Other   Retained earnings
reserves              �'000

 At 1 May 2007                                    105           5,809               -                   687                   426         
121        2,618         9,766
 Profit for the financial year                      -               -               -                     -                     -           
-              1,842   1,842
 Issue of shares                                    3           1,864           7,174                 (331)                     -           
-                  -   8,710
 Share options exercised                            -              75               -                     -                     -           
-                  -      75
 Share options cancelled                            -               -               -                     -                  (10)           
-                 10       -
 Deferred tax on share options                      -               -               -                     -                     -           
-                165     165
 Purchase of own shares                             -               -               -                     -                     -           
-              (109)   (109)
 Net income recognised directly                     -               -               -                     -                     -          
25                  -      25
 in equity
 Share-based payment                                -               -               -                     -                    27           
-                  -      27

 At 1 May 2008                                    108           7,748           7,174                   356                   443         
146              4,526  20,501
 Net income recognised directly                     -               -               -                     -                     -           
4                  -       4
 Loss for the period                                -               -               -                     -                     -           
-              (476)   (476)
 Share - based payment                              -               -               -                     -                    11           
-                  -      11

 At 31 October 2008                               108           7,748           7,174                   356                   454         
150              4,050  20,040


    1.  Basis of preparation
    These interim condensed consolidated financial statements are for the six months ended 31 October 2008. They have been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting".
    These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.
    These consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies used in the year ended 30
April 2008 which are based on the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS in issue as adopted by the European Union (EU).  

    Nature of operations and general information
TMN Group plc and subsidiaries' ('the Group') principal activities include the provision of online marketing and online market research
    TMN Group plc is the Group's ultimate parent company. It is incorporated and domiciled in Great Britain. The address of TMN Group plc's
registered office, which is also its principal place of business, is 69-73 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8TA.  TMN Group plc's shares are
listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.
    TMN Group plc's consolidated interim financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling (�), which is also the functional currency of
the parent company.  
    These consolidated condensed interim financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 9 December 2008.
    The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2008, prepared under IFRS, have been filed with
the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement's under
Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985. 

    2.  (Loss) /Earnings per share
    The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following results and number of shares:

                                              6 months ended                             6 months ended                                Year
                                             31 October 2008                            31 October 2007                              30
April 2008

                                        Number of shares  Pence per share           Number of shares  Pence per share           Number of
shares  Pence per share
                                 Loss               '000                   Profit               '000                   Profit              
                                 �'000                                       �'000                                       �'000

 Basic (loss) / earnings per     (476)            75,383           (0.63)      992            50,309              2.0    1,842           
56,111              3.3

 Dilutive effect of securities:
 Share options                       -                 -                -        -             1,530                -                     
 Deferred consideration to be
 settled in shares                   -                 -                -        -                 -                -                     

 Diluted (loss) / earnings per       -                 -                -      992            51,839              1.9    1,842           
59,071              3.1

    In the period ended 31 October 2008 the group made a loss and therefore the effect of share options and deferred share based
consideration are anti-dilutive and as such no diluted EPS has been presented.
    An adjusted earnings per share has also been calculated based on the profit for the period before amortisation of acquisition related
intangibles and share-based payments amounting to a total of �825,000 (2007: �127,000). The adjusted earnings per share is therefore based
on the adjusted net profit for the period of �349,000 (2007: �1,119,000) divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during
the period of 75,382,759 (2007: 50,309,000) which results in an adjusted earnings per share of 0.46p pence (2007: 2.2 pence). The diluted
profit per share is based on a weighted average number of shares in issue on a fully diluted basis after adjusting for the dilutive impact
of the share options and the deferred consideration to be settled in shares which results in an adjusted diluted earnings per share of 0.45
pence (2007: 2.2 pence)

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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