RNS Number:4780Q
Thistle Hotels PLC
6 September 2000

Announcement of Interim Results for the 28 weeks ended 9 July 2000

  *   Strong finish to half year after slow start; good start to second
  *   Retained hotel turnover up 4.3% to #161.1 million.
  *   Revenue per available room ("Revpar") growth of 4.6% in retained
      hotels and 8.1% in London.
  *   Retained hotel gross profit before fixed charges up 5.7% to #85.9
  *   Cash flow from operations up 19.9% to #69.2 million.
  *   Profit before tax down 9.0% on higher interest charges following the
      special dividend and accounting changes but underlying profit up 7%.
  *   Interim ordinary dividend of 1.7 pence per share recommended, up

 Highlights                                Notes  28 weeks       %      28
                                                     ended  change   weeks
                                                    9/7/00           ended
Turnover - retained hotels (#m)                1     161.1     4.3   154.4
Revenue per available room - retained          1     50.30     4.6   48.10
hotels (#)
Hotel gross profit before fixed charges                                   
- retained hotels (#m)                      1, 2      85.9     5.7    81.3
Cash flow from operations (#m)                        69.2    19.9    57.7
EBITDA (#m)                                  3,4      64.4   (0.2)    64.5
Operating profit  (#m)                                48.6   (4.9)    51.1
Profit before taxation  (#m)                          29.4   (9.0)    32.3
Adjusted earnings per share  (p)               4       4.7   (4.1)     4.9
Interim dividend per share (p)                         1.7     6.3     1.6

Commenting  on the results, David Newbigging, Chairman, said "The  results
for  the  28  weeks  ended  9  July  2000 were  encouraging,  with  strong
performances in both London and the regions over the final 16 weeks of the
period, more than offsetting the difficult start to the year, particularly
in the regions, that I described in the 1999 Annual Report."

"The  second  half year has started well with turnover growth in  retained
hotels  in the first 8 weeks of the second half more than 10% up  on  last
year  and we remain on course to achieve our profit expectations  for  the


Thistle Hotels Plc                          020 7723 8383
Ian Burke, Chief Executive

Hogarth Partnership Limited                 020 7357 9477
Nick Denton
Rachel Hirst


1 Retained hotels include the Thistle Middlesbrough for the first time
  this year since its reopening in April 2000.
2 Fixed charges comprise property rent, rates and insurance, depreciation
  and amortisation.
3 EBITDA represents earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and
4 Before exceptional items, which comprise profits on the sale of
  tangible fixed assets


Thistle  is the largest hotel group in London with 23 properties in  prime
locations throughout the Capital and has hotels in key regional cities  of
England, Scotland and Wales.

There  are  56  hotels in the group with a total of 10,718  bedrooms.   In
London,  Thistle  has 6,336 rooms in 23 hotels and in the  regions,  4,382
rooms in 33 hotels.

Thistle's  London  hotels include the Thistle Tower, the  Thistle  Charing
Cross,  the  Thistle  Marble  Arch, the Thistle  Kensington  Gardens,  the
Thistle  Victoria  and  The  Royal Horseguards.   Thistle  has  hotels  in
Aberdeen,  Bristol,  Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh,  Glasgow,  Liverpool,
Manchester and Newcastle among other regional centres as well as hotels at
airports  in  Aberdeen,  East  Midlands,  Gatwick,  Heathrow,  Luton   and

In  May,  Thistle announced that in conjunction with Morrison Construction
Group  it  is  to develop and own up to ten hotels in Britain and  Ireland
over the next five years.

Thistle  has  recently been voted 'Best Hotel Group' for the  second  year
running by readers of Group Travel Organiser magazine.


The  results  for  the 28 weeks ended 9 July 2000 were  encouraging,  with
strong performances in both London and the regions over the final 16 weeks
of  the  period,  more than offsetting the difficult start  to  the  year,
particularly in the regions, that I described in the 1999 Annual Report.

Under a new accounting standard (FRS15), and in line with the rest of  the
UK hotel industry, we are now depreciating our buildings on a new formula.
This  has significantly increased our depreciation charge, by #5.8 million
in  the  half  year,  although it has no impact on  cash  flow.   We  have
restated our 1999 results correspondingly and further details are given in
Note 1 to the Interim Financial Information.

Profit  before tax in the period was #29.4 million, down 9% (1999 -  #32.3
million)  mainly because of higher interest charges following the  special
dividend  last year and accounting changes, but underlying profit improved
by  over 7%.  The Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.7 pence  per
share  (1999 - 1.6 pence), an increase of 6.3%.   This will be paid on  17
November 2000 to shareholders on the register as at 13 October 2000.

Capital  expenditure  during the period was #39.9 million  (1999  -  #42.9
million) with forecast capital expenditure for the current financial  year
anticipated  to  be around #70 million.  The Company completes  its  three
year capital expenditure programme at the end of next year when all hotels
will have been upgraded to a consistent standard.  As this programme nears
completion,  a key objective is to generate and conserve cash  and  reduce
debt levels.

The  second  half year has started well with turnover growth  in  retained
hotels  in the first 8 weeks of the second half more than 10% up  on  last
year  and we remain on course to achieve our profit expectations  for  the


KEY REVENUE STATISTICS                                                  
                                    28 weeks  28 weeks          52 weeks
                                       ended     ended       %     ended
                                      9/7/00   11/7/99  change  26/12/99
London Retained                                                         
  Occupancy                            78.8%     75.8%    4.0%     79.3%
  Average Room Rate (#)                77.05     74.12    4.0%     75.04
  Revenue per available room (#)       60.72     56.18    8.1%     59.51
  Turnover (#m)                        105.0      98.3    6.8%     192.5
Regions Retained                                                        
  Occupancy                            64.6%     67.3%   -4.0%     68.2%
  Average Room Rate (#)                54.28     53.42    1.6%     53.85
  Revenue per available room (#)       35.06     35.95   -2.5%     36.73
  Turnover (#m)                         56.1      56.1    0.0%     107.8
Total Retained Hotels                                                   
  Occupancy                            73.0%     72.4%    0.8%     74.9%
  Average Room Rate (#)                68.88     66.43    3.7%     67.33
  Revenue per available room (#)       50.30     48.10    4.6%     50.43
  Turnover (#m)                        161.1     154.4    4.3%     300.3
Total Group                                                             
  Occupancy                            73.0%     72.1%    1.3%     74.5%
  Average Room Rate (#)                68.82     65.94    4.4%     66.86
  Revenue per available room (#)       50.24     47.54    5.7%     49.81
  Turnover (#m)                        161.2     157.5    2.3%     304.7


Turnover  in retained hotels increased by 6.8% to #105.0 million  (1999  -
#98.3  million) driven by strong performances in recently renovated hotels
including  the  Thistle  Charing  Cross,  Thistle  Tower  and  The   Royal

Revenue  per  available room in retained hotels increased 8.1%  to  #60.72
(1999  -  #56.18)  with gains in occupancy, up from 75.8%  to  78.8%,  and
average room rate, up from #74.12 to #77.05.  This growth was ahead of the
market, improving our comparative revenue per available room.

Retained  hotels gross profit before fixed charges improved 9.9% to  #61.3
million (1999 - #55.8 million) - a margin of 58.4% (1999 - 56.8%).

Capital  expenditure at #22.3 million was spent on bedroom  upgrades,  new
restaurants, hotel infrastructure maintenance and the construction of  the
first  Otium  Health & Leisure Club in a London hotel at the Thistle  City
Barbican. Just under 1,100 bedrooms were refurbished during the half  year
leaving  about  900 rooms to be refurbished over the next  12  months,  to
complete the room renovation programme in London hotels.  A number of  new
restaurants  opened, including a Faya Mediterranean Bar and Grill  at  the
Thistle   Lancaster  Gate  and  a  Water  Cafe,  at  the   Thistle   Tower.
Christopher's restaurant, a joint venture with Christopher Gilmour, opened
this week at the Thistle Victoria.


Trading  conditions  were difficult in the first  12  weeks  of  the  year
leaving turnover for retained hotels for the half year unchanged from last
year at #56.1 million.  Revenue per available room was down 2.5% to #35.06
(1999  -  #35.95) with average room rate up 1.6% to #54.28 (1999 - #53.42)
but  occupancy  down 2.7 percentage points to 64.6%.  Gross profit  before
fixed  charges decreased 3.5% to #24.6 million (1999 - #25.5 million),  as
new  competitive supply adversely impacted results in Cardiff, Bristol and
Birmingham.   The  132-bedroom Thistle Middlesbrough  re-opened  in  April
after  an extensive renovation contributing #0.5 million in turnover  over
13 weeks and a #0.1 million gross profit before fixed charges.

Capital   expenditure  was  #15.5  million.  This  included  #5.0  million
completing the #8.6 million renovation of the Thistle Middlesbrough,  #3.4
million  upgrading  502 bedrooms and #2.0 million on new  Otium  Health  &
Leisure  Clubs.  New Otium clubs opened at the Thistle St. Albans and  the
Thistle  Aberdeen Altens, both of which are trading well and a  further  3
clubs  are  under construction; at New Hall in the Midlands,  the  Thistle
Glasgow  and the Thistle Inverness.   26 new bedrooms opened in August  at
the Thistle Gatwick.

A  number  of  regional asset disposals were made during  the  half  year,
including  3  small hotels; the Black Bull in Glasgow,  the  Wellesley  in
Leeds and the Dee Motel in Aberdeen, realising aggregate proceeds of  #9.1

Information Technology systems

The new information technology systems implemented in 1999 have enabled us
to  manage  more  effectively  our  rooms  inventory  and  to  sell  rooms
throughout  existing and emerging distribution channels.   Room  sales  by
means  of  the Global Distribution Systems are up significantly  on  1999.
Room sales via our web site, www.thistlehotels.com, have doubled over  the
past six months.

Further  new initiatives designed to secure room bookings through emerging
channels have been launched in recent weeks, including the development  of
a   corporate  extranet  link  to  Thistle's  reservations  system.    The
implementation  of  a  new  management information  system  utilising  SAP
software  was  completed  in March and this back office  system  was  also
successfully integrated with each hotel's front office system.


The  "Be My Guest" customer service improvement programme launched at  the
start  of the year is progressing well.  Over 80% of management and  staff
have  undertaken the training and the early results in terms  of  improved
guest satisfaction, as measured by our customer satisfaction surveys,  are


Retained  hotel  turnover increased 4.3% to #161.1 million.   Revenue  per
available  room  increased  4.6%  with a  0.6  percentage  point  gain  in
occupancy  to  73.0% and a 3.7% increase in average room  rate  to  #68.88
(1999 - #66.43).

Profit  before  tax was down 9% at #29.4 million (1999 -  #32.3  million),
although underlying profit before tax improved by over 7%, after adjusting
for four factors:

i    Hotel  disposals, most notably the Charles Dickens in  1999,  reduced
     year on year profits by #0.6 million.
ii   The  #92.4 million special dividend in April 1999 increased  interest
     charges  by #2.5 million compared to 1999, when it had only a partial
iii  The  adoption  of  a new accounting standard, FRS15  (Tangible  Fixed
     Assets),  referred to in the Chairman's Statement,  reduced  year  on
     year profits by #1.0 million, compared with the restated 1999 figure.
iv   Other  accounting  changes  reduced year  on  year  profits  by  #1.2

The  Group's taxation charge continues to benefit from the high  level  of
allowances  generated  by its capital investment  programme  and  for  the
current year the effective tax rate is estimated at 19.5% of profit before
exceptional items (1999 - 20%).

Adjusted earnings per share decreased 4.1% to 4.7p with the lower level of
earnings being partially offset by a reduced number of shares, due to  the
share consolidation at the time of the special dividend in 1999.

Cash  flow  from  operating activities was #11.5 million higher  at  #69.2
million, mainly due to better working capital management.  After all other
expenditure (capital expenditure, tax, interest and dividends), the  Group
generated #4.4 million of net cash in the half year.


for the 28 weeks ended 9 July 2000

                                          28 weeks     28 weeks     52 weeks
                                             ended        ended        ended
                                          09/07/00     11/07/99     26/12/99
                                                    as restated  as restated
                                   Notes       #'m          #'m          #'m
                                               ---          ---          ---
Turnover                             2      161.2         157.5        304.7
Cost of sales                              (100.7)        (97.4)      (185.3)
Gross profit                         2       60.5          60.1        119.4
Administrative expenses                     (11.9)         (9.0)       (16.4)
Operating profit                             48.6          51.1        103.0
Profit on sale of tangible fixed              1.2           0.9          2.4
Interest payable and similar                (20.4)        (19.7)       (37.7)
Profit before taxation                       29.4          32.3         67.7
Taxation                             3       (5.5)         (6.3)       (13.3)
Profit after taxation                        23.9          26.0         54.4
Dividends                            4       (8.2)       (100.1)      (115.5)
Transfer to / (from) reserves                15.7         (74.1)       (61.1)
Earnings per share                   5        5.0p          5.0p        10.8p
Diluted earnings per share           5        5.0p          5.0p        10.8p
Adjusted earnings per share          5        4.7p          4.9p        10.4p
                                          28 weeks     28 weeks     52 weeks
                                             ended        ended        ended
                                          09/07/00     11/07/99     26/12/99
                                                    as restated  as restated
                                               #'m          #'m          #'m
                                               ---          ---          ---
Profit for the period                        23.9          26.0         54.4
Unrealised surplus on revaluation               -           3.8          3.8
of properties
Total gains and losses relating to           23.9          29.8         58.2
the period
Prior year adjustment                1      (66.8)            -            -
Total gains and losses recognised           (42.9)         29.8         58.2
since last annual report


at 9 July 2000

                                          09/07/00      11/07/99     26/12/99
                                                     as restated  as restated
                                               #'m           #'m          #'m
                                               ---           ---          ---
Fixed assets                                                      
Tangible assets                            1,615.1      1,614.9      1,600.9
Current assets                                                    
Stocks                                         1.1          0.9          1.4
Debtors                                       43.2         44.9         35.5
Investments                                      -          0.1          0.1
Cash at bank and in hand                       3.6          2.2          6.0
                                              47.9         48.1         43.0
Creditors (due within one year)             (103.2)      (110.3)       (99.8)
Net current liabilities                      (55.3)       (62.2)       (56.8)
Total assets less current liabilities      1,559.8      1,552.7      1,544.1
Creditors (due after one year)              (433.3)      (454.8)      (433.8)
Provisions for liabilities and charges           -         (0.9)           -
Net assets                                 1,126.5      1,097.0      1,110.3
Capital and reserves                                              
Called up share capital                      123.6        123.5        123.5
Share premium account                        398.5        397.8        398.1
Revaluation reserve                          446.0        449.4        448.8
Other reserves                                50.8         50.8         50.8
Profit and loss account                      107.6         75.5         89.1
Total equity shareholders' funds           1,126.5      1,097.0      1,110.3

                                           09/07/00     11/07/99     26/12/99
                                                     as restated  as restated
                                                #'m          #'m          #'m
                                                ---          ---          ---
Profit for the period                         23.9         26.0         54.4
Dividends                                     (8.2)      (100.1)      (115.5)
Issue of share capital                         0.5            -          0.3
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of             -          3.8          3.8
Net change in the period                      16.2        (70.3)       (57.0)
Opening equity shareholders' funds                                
as previously stated                       1,177.1      1,226.8      1,226.8
Prior year adjustment                        (66.8)       (59.5)       (59.5)
Opening equity shareholders' funds         1,110.3      1,167.3      1,167.3
as restated                                                       
Closing equity shareholders' funds         1,126.5      1,097.0      1,110.3


for the 28 weeks ended 9 July 2000

                                     28 weeks         28 weeks       52 weeks
                                       ended             ended          ended
                                    09/07/00          11/07/99       26/12/99
                         Notes           #'m               #'m            #'m
                                         ---               ---            ---
Cash flow from operating   6            69.2              57.7          116.8
Returns on investments                                                
and servicing of finance
Interest paid                          (18.1)           (17.4)          (37.4)
Tax paid                                (1.0)            (2.5)          (10.3)
Capital expenditure                                                   
Purchase of tangible          (39.9)           (42.9)          (63.0) 
fixed assets
Sale of tangible fixed          9.1              4.7            29.7  
                              ------           ------          ------ 
                                       (30.8)           (38.2)          (33.3)
Equity dividends paid                                                 
Ordinary dividends paid       (15.4)           (16.2)          (23.9) 
Special dividends paid            -            (92.4)          (92.4) 
                              ------           ------          ------ 
                                       (15.4)          (108.6)         (116.3)
                                     --------         --------        --------
Cash inflow / (outflow)                  3.9           (109.0)          (80.5)
before financing
Issue of share capital          0.5                -             0.3  
Redemption of share               -                -               -  
New loans                         -            105.0           105.0  
Repayments of loans               -             (5.0)          (26.0) 
                              ------           ------          ------ 
                                         0.5            100.0            79.3
                                     --------         --------        --------
Increase / (decrease) in                 4.4             (9.0)           (1.2)
                                     ========         ========        ========

RECONCILIATION OF NET DEBT                                     
                                      28 weeks      28 weeks         52 weeks
                                        ended          ended            ended
                                     09/07/00       11/07/99         26/12/99
                                          #'m            #'m              #'m
                                          ---            ---              ---
Increase / (decrease) in cash             4.4           (9.0)            (1.2)
Cash flow from increase in debt             -         (100.0)           (79.0)
Reclassification of current asset        (0.1)             -                -
                                      --------       --------         --------
Movement in net debt in the period        4.3         (109.0)           (80.2)
Net debt at beginning of period        (461.6)        (381.4)          (381.4)
                                      --------       --------         --------
Net debt at end of period              (457.3)        (490.4)          (461.6)
                                      ========       ========         ========


1. Basis of preparation
The interim financial information, which is unaudited, has been prepared on
the basis of the accounting policies set out in the 1999 Annual Report and
Accounts, with the exception of the adoption for the first time this year
of Financial Reporting Standards 15 (Tangible Fixed Assets) and 16 (Current

The adoption of FRS 15 has resulted in additional depreciation in the
period of #5.8 million (1999: #4.8 million) and a prior year adjustment of
#66.8 million. The three key consequences for the Group are as follows:
-  Integral plant and the non-core elements of buildings (comprising
   surface finishes and services), which amounted to #150.1 million at 26
   December 1999, are now treated as separate depreciable asset categories
   rather than as components of property costs. These costs are now
   depreciated over 15 to 30 years in accordance with the guidelines
   established by the British Association of Hospitality Accountants,
   resulting in an additional depreciation charge of #5.0 million in the
   period (1999 restated by: #4.8 million). This change in accounting
   policy has led to a prior year adjustment to net book values of #68.6
   million. In addition, as a result of this change, the loss arising on
   the disposal of the Charles Dickens last year has reduced by #1.8
-  Freehold and long leasehold properties (other than amounts attributable
   to land) are now depreciated over their remaining useful economic lives,
   resulting in an additional depreciation charge of #0.8 million in the
   period. No prior year adjustment has been made as the decision to
   recognise a useful economic life represents a change in accounting
   estimate as opposed to a change in accounting policy.
-  The Group has followed the transitional provisions of FRS 15 to retain
   the book value of land and buildings which were revalued in 1996 and
   1999 and not to revalue properties in the future.  The results have been
   reviewed and reported on by the Group's auditors,
   PricewaterhouseCoopers.  The figures for the 52 weeks ended 26 December
   1999 are an abridged version of the Group's statutory accounts for that
   period, as restated for the impact of FRS 15, which, together with an
   unqualified audit report, have been filed with the Registrar of
The interim financial information was approved by the Board on 5 September

2. Segment analysis                                             
                                          28 weeks     28 weeks     52 weeks
                                             ended        ended        ended
                                          09/07/00     11/07/99     26/12/99
                                                    as restated  as restated
                                               #'m          #'m          #'m
                                               ---          ---          ---
   Turnover by UK region                                         
   London - retained                         105.0         98.3        192.5
   London - other                                -          1.8          2.3
   Regions - retained                         56.1         56.1        107.8
   Regions - other                             0.1          1.3          2.1
   Total Group turnover*                      161.2       157.5        304.7
*  Of which:                                                     
   Retained                                  161.1        154.4        300.3
   Other                                       0.1          3.1          4.4
                                             161.2        157.5        304.7
   Gross profit before fixed charges by                          
   UK region
   London - retained                          61.3         55.8        111.2
   London - other                                -          1.2          1.5
   Regions - retained                         24.6         25.5         49.6
   Regions - other                               -          0.3          0.6
   Total gross profit before fixed            85.9         82.8        162.9
   Fixed charges                             (25.4)       (22.7)       (43.5)
   Total Group gross profit                   60.5         60.1        119.4
** Of which:                                                     
   Retained                                   85.9         81.3        160.8
   Other                                         -          1.5          2.1
                                              85.9         82.8        162.9

Fixed charges comprise property rent, rates and insurance, depreciation and

The prior year figures have been restated to classify the Charles Dickens
hotel as an 'other hotel' following its disposal in August 1999 and the
Thistle Middlesbrough hotel as a 'retained hotel' following its reopening
in April 2000. In addition, central discounts receivable have been
allocated to hotel gross profit at the half year stage in order to be
consistent with full year reporting, resulting in an increase in the
Group's gross profit and administrative expenses of #1.1 million in the
period (1999: #0.8 million).
3. Taxation

The taxation charge for the 28 weeks ended 9 July 2000 is based upon the
estimated effective tax rate for the full year.
4. Dividends

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.7 pence per share (1999:
1.6 pence per share).

5. Earnings per share

Earnings per share of 5.0 pence (1999: 5.0 pence) are based on the Group's
profit after taxation of #23.9 million (1999: #26.0 million) and on the
average number of shares in issue during the period of 481.9 million (1999:
514.8 million).

Diluted earnings per share of 5.0 pence (1999: 5.0 pence) takes into
account, in addition to the average number of shares noted above, dilutive
potential ordinary shares arising from employee share options of 0.3
million (1999: 0.6 million).

Adjusted earnings per share of 4.7 pence (1999: 4.9 pence) are based on the
Group's profit after taxation, but before the profit on sale of tangible
fixed assets, of #22.7 million (1999: #25.1 million).  No taxation charge
has been attributed to the profit on sale of tangible fixed assets in this

6. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow
   from operating activities
                                       28 weeks     28 weeks      52 weeks
                                          ended        ended         ended
                                       09/07/00     11/07/99      26/12/99
                                                 as restated   as restated
                                            #'m          #'m           #'m
                                            ---          ---           ---
Operating profit                           48.6         51.1         103.0
Depreciation                               15.8         13.4          25.8
Decrease in stocks                          0.3          0.7           0.2
(Increase) / decrease in debtors           (7.6)        (8.5)          0.1
Increase / (decrease) in creditors         12.1          1.5         (10.3)
Decrease in provisions                        -         (0.5)         (2.0)
Net cash inflow from operating             69.2         57.7         116.8

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Thistle Hotels (LSE:THO)
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