RNS Number:4420G
Thistle Hotels PLC
1 March 2000

               Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results
                for the 52 weeks ended 26 December, 1999

"Thistle announce #75 million pre-tax profits"

 *  Adjusted earnings per share up 2.5% to 12.2p
 *  Retained  hotel  gross profit before fixed charges  up  1.6%  #160.9
 *  Revenue per available room ("Revpar") growth 1.2% in retained hotels
 *  Final ordinary dividend of 3.2 pence per share recommended, up 6.7%
 *  Special  dividend of #92.4 million paid in April 1999  -  completing
    second tranche of #185 million return of capital to shareholders

Highlights                          52 weeks      % change     52 weeks
                                       ended                      ended
                                    26/12/99                   27/12/98
Turnover (#m)                                                          
     Retained hotels                   300.2           1.7        295.2
     Other hotels                        4.5        (86.5)         33.4
     Total                             304.7         (7.3)        328.6
Revenue per available room -           50.43           1.2        49.83
retained hotels (#)
Hotel gross profit before fixed                                        
charges (#m)
     Retained hotels                   160.9           1.6        158.3
     Other hotels                        2.0        (84.7)         13.1
     Total                             162.9         (5.0)        171.4
EBITDA (#m)                            128.8         (4.5)        134.8
Operating profit  (before              112.0         (6.9)        120.3
exceptional items #m)
Profit before taxation (#m)             75.0          60.3         46.8
Adjusted earnings per share (p)         12.2           2.5         11.9
Dividend per share (final) (p)           3.2           6.7          3.0

Commenting  on the results, David Newbigging, Chairman said  "The  focus
throughout  1999  was  on  implementing  the  initiatives  started  some
eighteen  months ago to establish Thistle as a consistent full  service,
four star hotel brand operating hotels in London and other key locations
throughout the United Kingdom."

"The  market  remains competitive but the improvements to our  portfolio
enable us to compete more effectively in this environment.  In the first
eight  weeks  of  the current financial year, like for like  revenue  is
slightly  ahead  in London but slightly behind last  year  overall.   We
remain firmly focused on developing initiatives to drive improvements in
our revenue per available room."


Thistle Hotels Plc                        
Ian Burke, Chief Executive                020 7723 8383

Hogarth Partnership Limited               
Nick Denton                               020 7357 9477
Rachel Hirst


Thistle  is  the largest hotel group in London with 23 hotels  in  prime
locations  throughout the capital and has hotels in key regional  cities
of England, Scotland and Wales.

There  are  58 hotels in the group with a total of approximately  10,800
bedrooms.   In London, Thistle has 6,349 rooms in 23 hotels and  in  the
Regions 4,494 rooms in 35 hotels.

Thistle's  London hotels include the Thistle Tower, the Thistle  Charing
Cross,  the  Thistle  Marble Arch, the Thistle Kensington  Gardens,  the
Thistle  Victoria  and  The Royal Horseguards.  Thistle  has  hotels  in
Aberdeen,  Bristol, Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow,  Liverpool,
Manchester and Newcastle among other regional centres as well as  hotels
at  airports  in Aberdeen, East Midlands, Gatwick, Heathrow,  Luton  and

Thistle  Hotels won three awards in 1999, 'Best use of Technology  by  a
Hotel  Chain'  and  'Best Web Site by a Hotel Chain' for  our  web  site
www.thistlehotels.com at the inaugural Hospitality Solutions '99 Awards;
and 'Best Hotel Group' at the Group Travel Awards.



Profit  before  tax for the 52 weeks ended 26 December  1999  was  #75.0
million.   This  compares  with #46.8 million in  1998  after  deducting
exceptional  items of #39.8 million.   Earnings per share, adjusted  for
exceptional  items,  rose from 11.9 pence to  12.2  pence  in  1999;  an
increase of 2.5%.


A  special dividend of 17.06 pence per share was paid to shareholders on
30  April 1999.  An interim dividend of 1.6 pence per share was paid  on
19 November 1999 and the Board is now recommending a final  dividend  of
3.2  pence   per  share.   If approved,  this would  result   in   total
dividends  for  1999  of  4.8  pence per share,  excluding  the  special
dividend paid in April, representing a 6.7% increase over 1998.


As  reported  previously,  a  total of  #185  million  was  returned  to
shareholders in late 1998 and early 1999 and we ended 1999 with  a  debt
ratio  of  39%.   We regard this as manageable and our intention  is  to
ensure  that  we  maintain a prudent balance  sheet.   The  disposal  of
underperforming  assets and management of operational cash  flow  before
capital expenditures are important components of this.


The  focus  throughout 1999 was on implementing the initiatives  started
some  eighteen  months ago to  establish Thistle as  a  consistent  full
service, four star hotel brand operating hotels in London and other  key
locations  throughout  the  United Kingdom.  These  initiatives  include
creating  a  more  consistent Thistle brand, improving the  product  and
service  quality of our hotels, and upgrading our information technology

We currently own 58 hotels with 10,843 rooms of which 50 are now branded
as  Thistle.  These numbers represent a reduction of 37 hotels and 2,396
rooms  through disposals since early 1998; mainly consisting  of  hotels
which  we  considered did not have the potential for upgrading  to  four
star.   These disposals, together with the sale of the majority  of  our
non-hotel assets, have generated total proceeds of over #108 million. As
a  result of these sales, turnover and profit in 1999 were lower than in
1998  but  the  quality of our hotel portfolio is now  much  higher,  as
reflected  in  the 10.4% increase in 1999 in the revenue  per  available
room (Revpar) for the Group overall.

Further  progress was made during the year in upgrading the  quality  of
our  hotels  with almost 1,400 rooms being renovated to the new  Thistle
standard.  An additional 3,600 rooms will be upgraded in 2000  and  2001
bringing to a close the major and disruptive programme to upgrade all of
our  hotels.  In 1999 #56 million was spent on upgrading hotels  and  #9
million  was  spent  on  a  long overdue upgrading  of  our  information
technology systems.


The  market  remains competitive but the improvements to  our  portfolio
enable us to compete more effectively in this environment.  In the first
eight  weeks  of  the current financial year, like for like  revenue  is
slightly  ahead  in London but slightly behind last  year  overall.   We
remain firmly focused on developing initiatives to drive improvements in
our Revpar.

Retained Portfolio
                                          52 weeks    52 weeks          
                                             ended       ended         %
                                          26/12/99    27/12/98    change
          Occupancy                          79.3%       76.2%      4.1%
          Average Room Rate (#)              75.04       77.40     -3.0%
          Revenue per available room (#)     59.51       58.98      0.9%
          Turnover (#m)                      192.5       188.9      1.9%
          Occupancy                          68.2%       65.8%      3.7%
          Average Room Rate (#)              53.85       55.01     -2.1%
          Revenue per available room (#)     36.73       36.20      1.5%
          Turnover (#m)                      107.7       106.3      1.3%
          Occupancy                          74.9%       72.0%      4.0%
          Average Room Rate (#)              67.33       69.21     -2.7%
          Revenue per available room (#)     50.43       49.83      1.2%
          Turnover (#m)                      300.2       295.2      1.7%
Total Group                                                             
-----------                               52 weeks    52 weeks          
                                             ended       ended         %
                                          26/12/99    27/12/98    change
          Occupancy                          79.3%       76.3%      3.9%
          Average Room Rate (#)              74.65       76.80     -2.8%
          Revenue per available room (#)     59.20       58.60      1.0%
          Turnover (#m)                      194.8       192.5      1.2%
          Occupancy                          67.5%       60.9%     10.8%
          Average Room Rate (#)              53.31       50.86      4.8%
          Revenue per available room (#)     35.98       30.97     16.2%
          Turnover (#m)                      109.9       136.1    -19.3%
          Occupancy                          74.5%       68.8%      8.3%
          Average Room Rate (#)              66.86       65.57      2.0%
          Revenue per available room (#)     49.81       45.11     10.4%
          Turnover (#m)                      304.7       328.6     -7.3%

Retained hotels exclude the 37 hotels which were sold during 1998,  1999
and  in  2000 to date, as well as the Wellesley Hotel and the Dee Motel,
which  are  in  the process of being sold, and Middlesbrough,  which  is
currently closed.


Good  progress  was made in implementing the initiatives  we  identified
eighteen months ago as necessary to position Thistle Hotels as a strong,
full  service four star hotel company over a three year period.  Now  we
are  half  way  through  the  process,  better  performance  is  already
beginning  to  show  through  as  a  result  of  upgrading  our  hotels,
introducing  new  information  technology  systems  and  developing  our
people.   We have made progress in our comparative revenue per available
room  position  in  both London and the Regions and  we  expect  further
improvement in our competitive position this year.

On a like for like basis, turnover increased by 1.7% from #295.2 million
to #300.2 million. This was driven by a 2.9 percentage point increase in
occupancy to 74.9%, offset by a 2.7% decrease in average room rates from
#69.21 to #67.33. Like for like revenue per available room increased  by
1.2%  to #50.43. Hotel gross profit before fixed charges and exceptional
items  on  this  basis increased by 1.6% from #158.3 million  to  #160.9


A  summary  of  hotel turnover and gross profit for retained  hotels  in
London and the Regions is set out below:

Retained Portfolio
                                    London        Regions         Group
                                 1999   1998   1999    1998    1999    1998
Hotel Turnover (#m)             192.5  188.9  107.7   106.3   300.2   295.2
Hotel gross profit (before      111.2  108.5   49.7    49.8   160.9   158.3
fixed charges) #m
Hotel gross profit margin       57.8%  57.4%  46.1%   46.8%   53.6%   53.6%
(before fixed charges)

Fixed  charges comprise property rent, rates and insurance, depreciation
and amortisation.


The  London  hotel market remained competitive throughout  much  of  the
year,  with  an estimated 3,500 new rooms opened in 1999.  We anticipate
that  approximately 3,000 additional rooms will open in each of the next
two years reflecting continuing growth in demand for London hotel rooms.
Against  this  background,  turnover in our 23  retained  London  hotels
increased  by 1.9% to #192.5 million. Gross profit before fixed  charges
increased by 2.5% to #111.2 million - a margin of 57.8%.

During the year we undertook a number of sales and marketing initiatives
to  target  commercial  and higher spend leisure  customers.   Occupancy
improved  from  76.2%  to  79.3%.   With  a  larger  number  of  leisure
customers, overall average room rates fell by 3.0% to #75.04, generating
a  0.9% increase in revenue per available room from #58.98 to #59.51.  A
stronger  performance  was  achieved in  the  fourth  quarter  where  we
achieved  an  8.2%  increase in revenue per available  room  versus  the
previous year, reflecting improved overall conditions and results  in  a
number of hotels after completing room upgrade projects.


In our retained regional hotels the overall picture was much the same as
for London, although trading conditions weakened as the year progressed.
Turnover  increased  by 1.3% to #107.7 million and gross  profit  before
fixed  charges  remained essentially unchanged at #49.7  million  (1998:
#49.8 million) - representing a margin of 46.1%.

Revenue  per available room increased by 1.5% to #36.73. As  in  London,
this was driven by an increase in occupancy, from 65.8% to 68.2%, offset
by  a  2.1%  fall in average room rates to #53.85.  Particularly  strong
performances were achieved in our hotels in Brighton and Cardiff as well
as  at Brands Hatch, where a new full leisure club was opened earlier in
the  year.  The addition of this leisure club has changed the nature  of
the  hotel  as  it  is now able to compete for mid-week  conference  and
weekend leisure business.

With  over 700 rooms (representing over 15% of our regional room  stock)
in  five  hotels in Aberdeen, our regional performance continues  to  be
affected  by  the lower level of activity related to the North  Sea  oil
industry. Excluding Aberdeen, regional occupancy increased from 67.3% to
70.6% and revenue per available room increased by 3.5% to #39.12.


The  Thistle  brand  is now established at 50 of the Group's  58  hotels
(approximately  9,300  rooms  out  of  the  portfolio's   10,843.)   The
conversion  of  a  further  three hotels - Middlesbrough,  Heathrow  and
Barbican  in  London  -  over  the next 12  months,  will  conclude  the
programme  of converting those hotels capable of meeting the  four  star
standards of the full service Thistle brand.

We  classify  demand  for hotel products and services  into  four  broad
market segments : namely individual business travellers, conference  and
seminar   attendees,  short  break  leisure  customers  and  groups   or
individuals  on a leisure tour.  Thistle's sales and marketing  activity
is  focused  on  reaching the customers in these segments  in  the  most
appropriate  way,  in  order to increase overall revenue  per  available

The conference and meetings market represents an opportunity for Thistle
to  continue to increase the number of corporate customers utilising the
hotels  and  the  Meeting  Plan  product has  been  developed  to  offer
consistency  in  this  key  market  segment.   Meeting  Plan  has   been
successfully  implemented in three hotels and we plan to introduce  this
product into a further 20 during 2000.

A  number  of initiatives were implemented during the year to strengthen
the  brand's position and to grow non rooms revenue.  These include  new
food and beverage concepts with four Co.Motion brew shops open and plans
for  a further 20 to be added during the current year.  Three restaurant
concepts were developed and opened, including Faya Mediterranean Bar and
Grills at the Thistle Kings Cross and the Thistle Euston and Gengis,  an
Asian Mediterranean concept, at the Thistle Glasgow.

Business  and leisure travellers increasingly expect fitness and  health
facilities available during their hotel stay. Our first new Otium Health
&  Leisure  Club was opened during the year at the Thistle Brands  Hatch
and  based  upon the success of this project and the out-performance  of
those hotels which have existing leisure facilities, a further four  are
currently under construction.  We aim to have 20 Otium Clubs open by the
end  of  2001.  In hotels where it is not possible to add a full leisure
club,  a  fitness  centre branded "Just Gym" will be developed  and  the
first of these has opened at The Royal Horseguards.

A  key  element of achieving a consistent and high quality brand is  the
completion  of  the  renovation programme and  the  disposal  of  assets
considered  by  us  as not being capable of meeting  the  Thistle  brand
standards.  Capital expenditure during the year included #56 million  on
hotel  upgrades  with almost 1,400 rooms upgraded to  Thistle  standard.
The major projects were the opening of the Thistle Charing Cross after a
complete  refurbishment, the renovation of the 7th floor at the  Thistle
Marble Arch and the upgrading of over 70 bedrooms in each of the Thistle
Tower,  Thistle  Euston,  The Barbican and Thistle  Victoria  hotels  in
London.   In each of these hotels, improvement in revenue per  available
room, has been achieved following the renovation programme.

6,800  rooms  have  now been renovated to the Thistle  standard  and  it
remains  the Group's intention to have renovated all remaining rooms  by
the  end  of  2001  thus  concluding the major  and  disruptive  upgrade
programme.  There will be an acceleration of the room upgrade  programme
in  2000  compared to previous years, with 1,800 rooms to  be  renovated
this year.

An additional 115 new rooms were added to existing hotels in the year of
which  54 rooms were added at the Thistle East Midlands Airport  and  24
rooms were added at the Thistle Kings Cross.

There  were  a  number of asset disposals during the year including  the
hotel in Woburn, Bedfordshire for  #3.1 million in March and the Charles
Dickens hotel, London for #21.5 million in August. The proceeds from the
sale  of  other ancillary properties in the year totalled #5.5  million.
The  Black  Bull hotel in Glasgow was sold earlier this year.  Following
the  disposal  of  the  Wellesley hotel and the  Dee  Motel,  which  are
expected to be sold during the first half of 2000, this will bring   the
aggregate  value of proceeds from asset disposals since  early  1998  to
over  #114  million.  The only remaining ancillary properties  that  the
Group  now  owns are the Leeds administrative office, a small number  of
shops located within hotels and staff accommodation houses.


The  major information technology systems initiatives outlined  in  last
year's Annual Report to enhance and upgrade computer systems across  the
Group  are complete.  The Fidelio front office system has been installed
in  all hotels completing the programme which commenced in August  1998.
The  Central Reservations System was launched in June 1999 and was fully
integrated with all hotel front office systems by the end of  the  year.
The  management  information  system utilising  SAP  software  has  been
implemented  in all hotels as well as the support offices in  Leeds  and

The  new information technology systems implemented are enabling  us  to
better  manage  our rooms inventory and to sell rooms  through  emerging
distribution channels. Our web site, www.thistlehotels.com, was launched
in  August 1999 and was declared "Best web site by a hotel chain" at the
Hospitality  Solutions  1999 Awards.  Currently  over  #20,000  of  room
bookings  are being made through this site each week, a level  which  we
would expect to grow significantly in the coming years.

The  key systems developments in the current financial year will  be  to
invest  further  in developing our e-commerce capability,  to  introduce
yield  management  systems for further improvements in  rooms  inventory
management  and  to  introduce  systems to  enable  us  to  manage  more
effectively our conference and banqueting business.


Our  major  focus  in relation to hotel operational management  revolves
around  the  initiatives  we  have developed  and  are  implementing  to
strengthen  the skills and competencies of management and  staff  across
the  business.  All hotels aim to have achieved the Investors in  People
accreditation  by  the  middle of this year, with  40  already  at  this
standard.  Staff  satisfaction is monitored  annually  by  means  of  an
independent  employee survey. A stakeholder-type pension  plan  will  be
made available to employees in May ahead of the Government's guidelines.

A  major  customer service improvement programme - "Be My Guest"  -  was
piloted  in  a  number  of hotels in late 1999 and will  be  implemented
across  all  hotels  during the current year.  The  objectives  of  this
programme  are  to  achieve  a higher and consistent  level  of  service
delivery,  through  staff  training and by making  improvements  in  our
service delivery processes.

Further  training  initiatives are in hand to raise the  skills  of  our
staff  and  to  reduce  staff turnover and a  new  graduate  development
programme  will  be introduced in 2000 to ensure we are developing  high
calibre resources to meet our future managerial needs.


Balance sheet, debt and interest charges

At  the  year  end, the total capital employed by the Group of  #1,638.7
million  was  financed  by  net  debt  of  #461.6  million  and   equity
shareholders'  funds of #1,177.1 million. In April, additional  debt  of
#105  million  was  raised in order to fund the  payment  of  the  #92.4
million  special dividend. This dividend payment represented the  second
and  final  tranche of the #185 million return of capital  announced  in
September 1998.

As  a  result, net debt has risen from #381.4 million at the end of  the
last  financial  year to #461.6 million, resulting in increased  balance
sheet  gearing  at  39%  (1998: 31%). Interest  charges  totalled  #37.7
million  (1998:  #33.7 million) and interest cover  decreased  from  3.6
times to 3.0 times, which was in line with our expectations.

At  the  same time as the payment of the special dividend, the Company's
share capital was consolidated on the basis of 8 new shares for every  9
existing  shares  in order to facilitate comparability with  prior  year
share  data and mimic the effect of a share buyback. In addition to  the
earnings  enhancement noted above, the return of capital  also  had  the
effect of reducing the Company's overall cost of capital.

On 11 July 1999, a valuation of eleven hotels representing approximately
25%  of  the portfolio, by value, was carried out by Christie &  Co.  in
accordance  with the Group's policy of undertaking a rolling  five  year
valuation  of its fixed asset base. The valuation resulted in a  surplus
to  book  value of #3.8 million which has been reflected in the  balance

Cash flow

The Group's cash flow from operating activities in the year amounted  to
#116.8  million. After spending a further #63.0 million on  the  ongoing
refurbishment of the Group's hotels and Information Technology  systems,
#71.6  million  was applied to the payment of interest, corporation  tax
and   ordinary  dividends.  In  April,  #105  million  new  loans   were
established in order to fund the payment of the special dividend, whilst
in October, proceeds generated from the sale of the Charles Dickens were
utilised  in order to repay #21 million of the loans raised  earlier  in
the year.


The  Group's effective tax rate (before exceptional items) in  1999  was
17.9%  (1998:  16.7%). While practically all of the tax  losses  brought
forward  have now been fully utilised, the Group's tax charge  continues
to  benefit  from  the  allowances which are generated  on  its  capital
investment  program. An analysis of the taxation charge is  set  out  in
Note 5 to the announcement.


Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting, the directors  intend
to  pay  a  final  dividend of 3.2 pence per share on  18  May  2000  to
shareholders on the register on 14 April 2000. Together with the interim
dividend of 1.6 pence per share, this gives total ordinary dividends for
the  year of 4.8 pence per share. As stated above, the Company also paid
a special dividend of #92.4 million in April.

Accounting Standards

Accounting  Standards adopted for the first time in this financial  year
were  FRS 12 (Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent  Assets)
and  FRS  13 (Derivatives and Other Financial Instruments: Disclosures).
FRS 14 (Earnings per share) was adopted in 1998.

A review has been undertaken to ascertain the impact of FRS 15 (Tangible
Fixed  Assets) which will be adopted next year. The application of  this
accounting standard will, inter alia, have an impact upon the  Company's
reported  earnings  as a result of the requirement to  depreciate  hotel
buildings, which in line with current practice in the UK hotel industry,
have not historically been depreciated. The approximate increase in  the
annual  depreciation  charge  arising from  the  implementation  of  the
standard  is currently estimated to be in the range #10 million  to  #12




for the financial year ended 26 December 1999

                                               Excep-    Excep-  
                                               tional    tional  
                                                items     items     Total
                                     1999        1998      1998      1998
                             Note     #'m         #'m       #'m       #'m
                             ----  -------    -------   -------   --------
Turnover                        1   304.7       328.6         -     328.6
Cost of sales                      (176.3)     (190.5)    (19.1)   (209.6)
                                   -------   -----------------------------
Gross profit                    1   128.4       138.1     (19.1)    119.0
Administrative expenses             (16.4)      (17.8)        -     (17.8)
                                   -------   -----------------------------
Operating profit                2   112.0       120.3     (19.1)    101.2
Profit/(loss) on sale of        3     0.7           -     (17.7)    (17.7)
tangible fixed assets
Provision for loss on sale      3       -           -      (3.0)     (3.0)
of tangible fixed assets
Interest payable                4   (37.7)      (33.7)        -     (33.7)
                                   -------   -----------------------------
Profit before taxation               75.0        86.6     (39.8)     46.8
Taxation                        5   (13.3)      (14.5)     (1.8)    (16.3)
                                   -------   -----------------------------
Profit after taxation                61.7        72.1     (41.6)     30.5
Dividends                       6  (115.5)      (25.5)        -     (25.5)
                                   -------   -----------------------------
Transfer (from)/to reserves         (53.8)       46.6     (41.6)      5.0
                                   =======   =============================
Earnings per share                   12.3p                            5.0p
Diluted earnings per share           12.3p                            5.0p
Adjusted earnings per share          12.2p                           11.9p

Adjusted  earnings  per  share  is based on  the  Group's  profit  after
taxation  for the year but before exceptional items and on the  weighted
average number of shares in issue.




at 26 December 1999

                                                      1999      1998
                                           Note        #'m       #'m
                                           ----    --------  --------
Fixed assets                                                
Tangible assets                                    1,667.7   1,646.4
                                                   --------  --------
Current assets                                              
Stocks                                                 1.4       1.6
Debtors                                               35.5      36.1
Investments                                            0.1       0.1
Cash at bank and in hand                               6.0       3.0
                                                   --------  --------
                                                      43.0      40.8
Creditors (due within one year)                      (99.8)   (107.1)
                                                   --------  --------
Net current liabilities                              (56.8)    (66.3)
                                                   --------  --------
Total assets less current liabilities              1,610.9   1,580.1
Creditors (due after one year)                      (433.8)   (349.8)
Provisions for liabilities and charges        7          -      (3.5)
                                                   --------  --------
Net assets                                         1,177.1   1,226.8
                                                   ========  ========
Equity capital & reserves                                   
Called up share capital                              123.5     123.5
Share premium account                                398.1     397.8
Revaluation reserve                                  448.8     446.0
Other reserves                                        50.8      50.8
Profit and loss account                              155.9     208.7
                                                   --------  --------
Total equity shareholders' funds                   1,177.1   1,226.8
                                                   ========  ========




for the financial year ended 26 December 1999

                                                    1999            1998
                                   Note              #'m             #'m
                                   ----           -------         -------
Cash flow from operating              8            116.8           134.6
Returns on investments &                                          
servicing of finance
Interest paid                                      (37.4)          (34.6)
Taxation paid                                      (10.3)           (7.3)
Capital expenditure                                               
Purchase of tangible fixed assets         (63.0)           (55.7) 
Sale of tangible fixed assets              29.7             74.5  
                                          ------           ------ 
                                                   (33.3)           18.8
Equity dividends paid                                             
Ordinary dividends paid                   (23.9)           (26.5) 
Special dividends paid                    (92.4)               -  
                                          ------           ------ 
                                                  (116.3)          (26.5)
                                                  -------         -------
Cash (outflow)/inflow before                       (80.5)           85.0
Issue of share capital                      0.3              0.1  
Redemption of share capital                   -            (92.6) 
New loans                                 105.0                -  
Loans repaid                              (26.0)           (20.0) 
                                          ------           ------ 
                                                    79.3          (112.5)
                                                  -------         -------
Decrease in cash                                    (1.2)          (27.5)
                                                  =======         =======

Total  capital returned to shareholders since November 1998  amounts  to
#185  million, comprising the #92.6 million redemption of share  capital
in November 1998 and the special dividend of #92.4 million paid in April

Reconciliation of net debt                          1999            1998
                                                     #'m             #'m
                                                  -------         -------
Decrease in cash in the year                        (1.2)          (27.5)
Cash flow from                                     (79.0)           20.0
(increase)/decrease in debt
                                                  -------         -------
Movement in net debt in the year                   (80.2)           (7.5)
Net debt at beginning of year                     (381.4)         (373.9)
                                                  -------         -------
Net debt at end of year                           (461.6)         (381.4)
                                                  =======         =======




                                                         1999      1998
                                                          #'m       #'m
                                                      -------   -------
Profit for the financial year                            61.7      30.5
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties           3.8         -
Total gains and losses relating to the year              65.5      30.5


                                                         1999      1998
                                                          #'m       #'m
                                                      -------   -------
Profit before taxation as reported                       75.0      46.8
Realisation of property revaluation gains of previous     1.0      10.2
Historical cost profit before taxation                   76.0      57.0
Historical cost (loss)/profit (transferred)/retained    (52.8)     15.2
after taxation and dividends


                                                         1999      1998
                                                          #'m       #'m
                                                      --------  --------
Profit for the financial year                            61.7      30.5
Dividends                                              (115.5)    (25.5)
Issue of share capital                                    0.3       0.1
Redemption of share capital                                 -     (92.6)
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties           3.8         -
Net change in the year                                  (49.7)    (87.5)
Opening equity shareholders' funds                    1,226.8   1,314.3
Closing equity shareholders' funds                    1,177.1   1,226.8



The  foregoing  statements  do  not  constitute  the  Group's  statutory
accounts.  The  Group's 1999 statutory accounts, on  which  the  Group's
auditors,  PricewaterhouseCoopers, have given an unqualified opinion  in
accordance  with  section  235 of the Companies  Act  1985,  are  to  be
delivered  to  the Registrar of Companies.  The Group's  1998  statutory
accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention  as
modified by the revaluation of certain properties and in accordance with
applicable accounting standards.

The  group  accounts  comprise a consolidation of the  accounts  of  the
holding  company and its subsidiaries, all of which are prepared  up  to
the  same date as the holding company.  Uniform accounting policies  are
adopted by all companies in the Group.  Results of subsidiaries acquired
or  disposed of during the year are included for the period during which
they are within the Group.


1. Segment analysis                                    1999       1998
-------------------                                     #'m        #'m
                                                    --------   --------
Turnover by UK region                                        
London - retained                                     192.5      188.9
London  - other                                         2.3        3.6
Regions - retained                                    107.7      106.3
Regions - other                                         2.2       29.8
                                                    --------   --------
Total Group turnover*                                 304.7      328.6
                                                    ========   ========
*Of which:                                                   
Retained                                              300.2      295.2
Other                                                   4.5       33.4
                                                    ========   ========
Gross profit before fixed charges by UK region               
London - retained                                     111.2      108.5
London  - other                                         1.5        2.6
Regions - retained                                     49.7       49.8
Regions - other                                         0.5       10.5
                                                    --------   --------
Total**                                               162.9      171.4
Fixed charges                                         (34.5)     (33.3)
                                                    --------   --------
Total Group gross profit                              128.4      138.1
                                                    ========   ========
**Of which:                                                  
Retained                                              160.9      158.3
Other                                                   2.0       13.1
                                                    ========   ========

The  prior  year  figures above are before exceptional  items  of  #19.1
million charged before operating profit.

In  previous  years,  telephone revenues were offset  against  telephone
costs within hotel operating expenses. From the beginning of the current
financial  year, telephone revenues have been included  in  turnover  to
facilitate comparability with other hotel operators. Prior year  figures
have been restated accordingly.

Fixed  charges comprise property rent, rates and insurance, depreciation
and amortisation.

2. Operating profit                                    1999       1998
-------------------                                     #'m        #'m
                                                    --------   --------
This is stated after charging :-                             
Depreciation and amortisation                          16.8       14.5
Repairs and renewals                                    7.6       10.3

Cost  of  sales  in  1998  Is  stated after  charging  asset  impairment
provisions  amounting to #19.1 million which were made  in  relation  to
certain  of  the Group's freehold and leasehold interests in  accordance
with  FRS 11. These write-downs have been disclosed as exceptional items
on the face of the profit and loss account.

3. Profit/(loss) on sale of tangible fixed assets
                                                       1999       1998
                                                        #'m        #'m
                                                    --------   --------
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                 0.7        9.8
Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets                     -      (27.5)
                                                    --------   --------
                                                        0.7      (17.7)
Provision for loss on sale of fixed assets                -       (3.0)
                                                    --------   --------
                                                        0.7      (20.7)
                                                    ========   ========

During  the year, the Group disposed of two non-core hotels and a number
of ancillary properties.

4. Interest payable and similar charges                1999       1998
---------------------------------------                 #'m        #'m
                                                    --------   --------
Interest on long term loans                            27.6       28.8
Interest on bank overdrafts and loans repayable         9.6        4.3
within 5 years
Bank charges                                            0.5        0.6
                                                    --------   --------
                                                       37.7       33.7
                                                    ========   ========
5. Taxation                                            1999       1998
-----------                                             #'m        #'m
                                                    --------   --------
Corporation tax at 30.25% (1998: 31%)                  13.0       21.1
ACT written back                                          -       (4.8)
ACT written off                                         0.3          -
                                                    --------   --------
                                                       13.3       16.3
                                                    ========   ========
The corporation tax charge based on the profit               
for the year has benefited from capital                      
allowances and relief for losses brought forward             
of approximately                                        9.5        6.0
                                                    ========   ========
Losses available for relief against future              0.2        0.3
                                                    ========   ========

The  directors estimate that the corporation tax liability  which  would
arise  if  all  hotels included in fixed assets were sold  at  valuation
would not exceed #140 million (1998: #140 million).

6. Dividends                                           1999       1998
------------                                            #'m        #'m
                                                    --------   --------
Interim dividend paid of 1.6 pence                      7.7        9.3
(1998: 1.5 pence)
Special dividend paid of 17.06 pence                   92.4          -
(1998: nil)
Final dividend proposed of 3.2 pence                   15.4       16.2
(1998: 3.0 pence)
                                                      115.5       25.5

7. Provisions for liabilities and charges

                                              Closure of  
                            Loss on sale        building  
                             of tangible        services  
                            fixed assets        division          Total
                                     #'m             #'m            #'m
                            -------------   -------------  -------------
At beginning of year                 3.0             0.5            3.5
Created in year                      1.8               -            1.8
Utilised in year                    (4.8)           (0.5)          (5.3)
                            -------------   -------------  -------------
At end of year                         -               -              -
                            =============   =============  =============

The provisions established in respect of hotel disposals and the closure
of the building services division were fully utilised in the year.

8. Reconciliation of operating profit to
   net cash inflow from operating activities
                                                       1999       1998
                                                        #'m        #'m
                                                    --------   --------
Operating profit before exceptional items             112.0      120.3
Depreciation                                           16.8       14.5
Decrease in stocks                                      0.2        0.4
Decrease in debtors                                     0.1        2.2
Decrease in creditors                                 (10.3)      (2.8)
Decrease in provisions                                 (2.0)         -
Net cash inflow from operating activities             116.8      134.6



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