(TDK LOGO)          
                                                           TDK Corporation     
                                                           1-13-1, Nihonbashi  
                                                           Chuo-ku, Tokyo      
                                                           103-8272 Japan      
TDK Corporation(Tokyo)          Corporate Communications                       
                                Michinori Katayama         +81(3)5201-7102     
TDK U.S.A. Corporation          Francis J. Sweeney         +1(516)535-2600     
TDK Marketing Europe GmbH       Marco Donadoni             +49(2102)4870       

                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

TOKYO - July 28, 2005 TDK Corporation today announced its Consolidated business
results prepared in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting
principles (the "U.S. GAAP") for the 1st quarter ("Qtr.") of fiscal year ("FY")
2006 and 2005, the three months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004 are as follows;

1) Summary

Consolidated results (April 1, 2005 - June 30, 2005)

                  The 1st Qtr. of FY2006      The 1st Qtr. of        Change      
                 (April 1, 2005 - June 30,                                       
                           2005)             (April 1, 2004 -                    
                                              June 30, 2004)                     
  Item /Term     (Yen       %      (U.S.$     (Yen       %      (Yen     Change  
               millions)         thousands) millions)         millions)   (%)    
Net sales        167,422   100.0  1,508,306   157,227   100.0    10,195      6.5 
Operating         12,889     7.7    116,117    14,362     9.1   (1,473)    -10.3 
Income from       14,275     8.5    128,604    15,292     9.7   (1,017)     -6.7 
before income                                                                    
Income from       10,687     6.4     96,279    10,505     6.7       182      1.7 
Net income        10,874     6.5     97,964    10,163     6.5       711      7.0 
Per common                                                                       
share :                                                                          
Net income /   Yen 82.22          U.S.$0.74 Yen 76.75                            
Net income /   Yen 82.18          U.S.$0.74 Yen 76.69                            



As a result of the sale of a subsidiary in Electronic components & others
product, the operating results of the discontinued operation is presented as a
separate line item in the consolidated statements of income in accordance with
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 144, "Accounting for
the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. Correspondence figures for the
previous fiscal year have been reclassed to conform to the presentation used
for the year ended March 31, 2005.

(Sales breakdown)

                           The 1st Qtr. of FY2006   The 1st Qtr. of      Change     
                         (April 1, 2005 - June 30,                                  
                                   2005)            (April 1, 2004                  
                                                      - June 30,                    
Product/ Term              (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %     (Yen    Change
                         millions)       thousands) millions)       millions)  (%)  
Electronic materials and   143,328  85.6  1,291,243   129,804  82.6    13,524   10.4
Electronic materials        41,047  24.5    369,793    44,763  28.5   (3,716)   -8.3
Electronic devices          28,687  17.1    258,441    28,248  18.0       439    1.6
Recording devices           68,464  40.9    616,793    52,163  33.2    16,301   31.3
Electronic components &      5,130   3.1     46,216     4,630   2.9       500   10.8
Recording media             24,094  14.4    217,063    27,423  17.4   (3,329)  -12.1
Total sales                167,422 100.0  1,508,306   157,227 100.0    10,195    6.5
Overseas sales             123,309  73.7  1,110,892   114,460  72.8     8,849    7.7



1. Consolidated results for the 1st quarter of FY2006 and FY2005 are unaudited
by independent accountant.

2. U.S.$1 = Yen 111

3. "Semiconductors & others" and "Recording media & systems" were renamed
"Electronic components & others" and "Recording media" from FY 2006
respectively. There were no changes in segment classifications.

2) Business Results and Financial Position

1. Summary

Consolidated results for the first quarter of fiscal 2006, the three-month
period from April 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005, were as follows:

Consolidated net sales were �167,422 million (U.S.$1,508,306 thousand), 6.5%
higher than the �157,227 million recorded in the corresponding period of the
previous fiscal year. Operating income declined 10.3% from �14,362 million to �
12,889 million (U.S.$116,117 thousand). Income from continuing operations
before income taxes decreased 6.7% from �15,292 million to �14,275 million
(U.S.$128,604 thousand). Net income rose 7.0% from �10,163 million to �10,874
million (U.S.$97,964 thousand), and basic net income per common share was �
82.22 (U.S.$0.74), up from �76.75.

Average first-quarter yen exchange rates for the U.S. dollar and euro were �
107.73 and �135.47, respectively, as the yen appreciated 1.7% from �109.63
versus the U.S. dollar and depreciated 2.5% from �132.15 against the euro,
compared with the first quarter of the previous fiscal year. This lowered net
sales by approximately �1.3 billion and operating income by approximately �0.6

(Sales by Segment)

TDK's businesses are broadly classified into two business segments: electronic
materials and components segment and recording media segment. The following is
an explanation of sales by segment.

Effective from the current fiscal year, there have been changes in segment
names. However, this resulted in no reclassifications of sales. Specifically,
"Semiconductors & others" has been renamed "Electronic components & others,"
while "Recording media & systems segment" is now called the "Recording media

(1) Electronic materials and components segment

This segment is made up of four product sectors: (1-1) electronic materials,
(1-2) electronic devices, (1-3) recording devices, and (1-4) electronic
components & others.

Segment net sales rose 10.4% to �143,328 million (U.S.$1,291,243 thousand),
from �129,804 million, while segment operating income edged up 0.8% to �15,397
million (U.S.$138,712 thousand), from �15,268 million. Looking at the
electronics market, in the first quarter of fiscal 2005, strong demand driven
by the Athens Summer Olympic Games was short-lived. By comparison, in the first
quarter of fiscal 2006, demand for finished products was generally sluggish.
However, amid this softness, growth in demand for PCs, HDDs and flat-screen TVs
was steady, making market conditions a bit easier. Sector sales of TDK's
electronic components framed against this market backdrop were as follows.

(1-1) Electronic materials

This sector is broken down into two product categories: capacitors and ferrite
cores and & magnets.

Sales in the electronic materials sector declined 8.3% from �44,763 million to
�41,047 million (U.S.$369,793 thousand).

[Capacitors] Sales declined year on year. Sales of multilayer ceramic chip
capacitors, the main product in the capacitors sector, were hurt by stiffer
competition and falling prices in markets other than car electronics, where
sales were up.

[Ferrite cores and magnets] Sales of ferrite cores and magnets rose slightly
year on year. In ferrite cores, sales were down due to lower sales of ferrite
cores for power choke coils used in digital home appliances. However, magnet
sales increased as rising HDD demand spurred higher sales of metal magnets.

(1-2) Electronic devices

This sector has three product categories: inductive devices, high-frequency
components and other products.

Sales in the electronic devices sector rose 1.6% from �28,248 million to �
28,687 million (U.S.$258,441 thousand).

[Inductive devices] Sales increased year on year. Sales rose of power line
coils for mobile phones and HDDs.

[High-frequency components] Sales decreased year on year, due to continuing
declines in sales prices of components for mobile phones and lower shipment
volumes of some products.

[Other products] Sales of other products rose year on year, mainly because of
higher sales of sensors and actuators and DC-AC inverters for amusement

(1-3) Recording devices

This sector has two product categories: HDD heads and other heads.

Sector sales rose 31.3% from �52,163 million to �68,464 million (U.S.$616,793

[HDD heads] Sales increased year on year. Amid rising demand for HDDs, HDD head
shipments increased, absorbing lower sales caused by falling prices.

[Other heads] Sales of other heads declined year on year, due to sluggish sales
of optical pickups.

(1-4) Electronic components & others

Sector sales rose 10.8% from �4,630 million to �5,130 million (U.S.$46,216
thousand), as higher sales of other electronic components outweighed lower
sales of semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

(2) Recording media segment

This segment is made up of three product categories: audiotapes and videotapes,
optical media and other products.

Segment sales declined 12.1% from �27,423 million to �24,094 million
(U.S.$217,063 thousand). The segment recorded an operating loss of �2,508
million (U.S.$22,595 thousand), an increase of 176.8% from last year's
operating loss of �906 million.

[Audiotapes and videotapes] Sales of audiotapes and videotapes declined year on
year. While TDK maintained a high market share, demand is declining for these
products as a whole.

[Optical media] Sales of optical media increased year on year, with higher DVD
sales volumes driven by increasing demand offsetting lower CD-R sales.

[Other products] Sales of other products decreased year on year, mainly because
of ongoing actions to realign the lineup of recording equipment & accessory
products. Sales of LTO-standard* (Linear Tape-Open) tape-based data storage
media for computers continued to increase.

*Linear Tape-Open, LTO, LTO logo, Ultrium and Ultrium logo are trademarks of
HP, IBM and Certance LLC in the U.S., other countries or both.

(Sales by Region)

Detailed geographic segment information can be found in the segment information
on page 11 of the consolidated results.

[Japan] Sales were down in all product sectors, except recording devices.

[Americas] Sales were down in all product sectors, except electronic devices.

[Europe] Sales were down in all product sectors.

[Asia (excluding Japan) and other areas] Sales in the electronic devices,
recording devices and electronic components & others sectors were up as
customers continued to shift manufacturing bases to this region.

2. Financial Position

(2-1) The following table summarizes TDK's balance sheet at June 30, 2005, 
compared with March 31, 2005.

Total assets                                            �823,097 million 1.9%  
Total stockholders' equity                              �650,730 million 1.8%  
Equity ratio                                            79.1%                  

At the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2006, net trade receivables were �
4,345 million higher, inventories were �8,813 million higher and net property,
plant and equipment was �3,294 million higher than March 31, 2005. As a result
of these and other changes, total assets increased �15,096 million compared
with March 31, 2005.

Total liabilities increased �3,257 million due mainly to a �3,370 million
increase in trade payables.

Total stockholders' equity increased �11,663 million due to a �5,417 million
increase in retained earnings and a �5,938 million decrease in accumulated
other comprehensive loss.

(2-2) Cash Flows

                                                                   (� millions)

                                                    FY 2006  FY 2005   Change 
                                                       1Q       1Q            
Net cash provided by operating activities             10,026   18,951  (8,925)
Net cash used in investing activities               (21,905) (13,993)  (7,912)
Net cash used in financing activities                (5,168)  (3,856)  (1,312)
Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued              405    (193)      598
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash       2,936    2,553      383
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash            (13,706)    3,462 (17,168)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period     251,508  227,155   24,353
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period           237,802  230,617    7,185

Operating activities provided net cash of �10,026 million (U.S.$90,324
thousand), a year-on-year decrease of �8,925 million. Income from continuing
operations increased �182 million to �10,687 million (U.S.$96,279 thousand) and
depreciation and amortization increased �825 million to �13,036 million
(U.S.$117,441 thousand). In changes in assets and liabilities, inventories rose
�3,514 million and income taxes payables, net decreased �6,547 million.

Investing activities used net cash of �21,905 million (U.S.$197,342 thousand),
�7,912 million more than a year earlier. Capital expenditures decreased �1,705
million to �12,573 million (U.S.$113,270 thousand). Outflows of �10,571 million
for the purchase of a subsidiary was the main reason for the increase in cash
used in investing activities.

Financing activities used net cash of �5,168 million (U.S.$46,559 thousand), �
1,312 million more than a year earlier. Dividends paid increased �1,318 million
due to a �10 per share increase in the dividend.

3. Business Risks

With development, production and sales bases in countries around the world, the
TDK Group is engaged in global business activities. Furthermore, the
electronics industry, the main field of operations of the TDK Group, is seeing
dramatic technological innovation and changes in market prices, resulting in
intense competition in new product development and efforts to win customers.
Because of these and other factors, the TDK Group is subject to various
business risks that include, but are not limited to, changes in demand and
foreign exchange rates caused by world economic trends; unpredictable events in
conducting business overseas; more intense competition in the development of
new products in line with rapid technological innovation; the ability to
respond to intense price competition and diversifying demands from customers;
product quality; the recruitment and training of employees; government
regulation; the ability to acquire intellectual property rights; the ability to
procure raw materials and other products; increasingly stringent environmental
regulations internationally; and unavoidable natural disasters.

4. Fiscal 2006 Projections

TDK's consolidated and non-consolidated projections for fiscal 2006, the year
ending March 31, 2006, are as follows:

[Consolidated Projections for Fiscal 2006]

                                               FY 2006    % change  Projections
                                                            from       as of   
                                                                    April 2005 
                                                  (�       FY2005       (�     
                                              millions)              millions) 
Net sales                                        690,000        4.9     690,000
Operating income                                  67,000       12.0      67,000
Income before income taxes                        69,000       13.6      69,000
Net income                                        50,000       50.2      50,000



1. The above projections for fiscal 2006 are the same as those announced on
April 27, 2005.

2. The projections are based principally on the following assumptions:

# An average exchange rate of �100=US$1 for fiscal 2006 from the second quarter

# Market conditions for electronic components (electronic materials and
electronic devices) are expected to remain a little weak in the second quarter.
However, projections are predicated on increasing demand for electronic
components beginning in about September this year because of higher demand for
finished products in the second half of fiscal 2006.

# In recording devices, strong demand for HDD heads that continued through the
first quarter of fiscal 2006 is expected to taper off in the second quarter.
However, projections are predicated on rebound in demand in the second half due
to seasonal factors. At present, it is difficult to procure some key components
for HDDs. Consequently, while there is a risk that unexpected restrictions on
the procurement of materials may hamper growth of TDK's recording devices, this
is not expected to develop into a significant risk for the business as a whole.

# The forecast for the recording media segment is largely unchanged because of
no changes in the premises for this forecast. TDK expects sales of audiotapes
and videotapes to fall. On the other hand, sales of optical media products are
expected to increase on higher volumes. However, because this increase is
unlikely to fully offset lower sales in other products, the recording media
segment is forecast to post lower sales year on year.

# On July 19, TDK announced the acquisition of the Lambda Power Division. At
present, because it is uncertain when this division will be consolidated, TDK
has not added the sales and earnings of this division to its current
projections of operating results.

[Non-Consolidated Projections]

                                               FY 2006    % change  Projections
                                                            from       as of   
                                                                    April 2005 
                                                  (�       FY2005       (�     
                                              millions)              millions) 
Net sales                                        334,900        2.0     334,900
Operating income                                  17,300       99.9      17,300
Current income                                    28,500       -6.7      39,800
Net income                                        30,700      -22.3      27,000



In the first quarter of fiscal 2006, TDK received correction notices based on
transfer pricing taxation regulations from the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau
(Nihonbashi Tax Office). This resulted in tax expenses of approximately �10.3
billion and non-operating expenses of approximately �1.3 billion more than
projected when TDK announced its previous forecasts in April this year, having
a detrimental effect on earnings. An amount, which is similar to the
incremental income as a result of the correction by the authorities, will be
transferred from the subsidiaries overseas, involved in the transfer price
taxation, and thus, it is to be booked as earnings from the overseas businesses
concerned. On the other hand, because these companies will lack funds as a
result of having to pay additional sums, TDK will cease to receive dividends
that TDK had planned from these businesses. These consequences are reflected in
the above projections.

The tax and other expenses resulting from the correction notices have been
included in revisions to prior-year consolidated business results and therefore
have no effect on projections for fiscal 2006 consolidated business results.

Cautionary Statement About Projections

This earnings release contains forward-looking statements, including
projections, plans, policies, management strategies, targets, schedules,
understandings and evaluations, about TDK and its group companies that are not
historical facts. These forward-looking statements are based on current
forecasts, estimates, assumptions, plans, beliefs and evaluations in light of
information available to management on the date of this earnings release.

In preparing forecasts and estimates, TDK and its group companies have used, as
their bases, certain assumptions as necessary, in addition to confirmed
historical facts. However, due to their nature, there is no guarantee that
these statements and assumptions will prove to be accurate in the future. TDK
therefore wishes to caution readers that these statements, facts and certain
assumptions contained in this earnings release are subject to a number of risks
and uncertainties and may prove to be inaccurate.

The electronics markets in which TDK and its group companies operate are highly
susceptible to rapid changes. Furthermore, TDK and its group companies operate
not only in Japan, but in many other countries. As such, factors that can have
significant effects on its results include, but are not limited to, shifts in
technology, demand, prices, competition, economic environments and foreign
exchange rates.

The premises and assumptions used in computing the projections in this earnings
release include, but are not limited to, those explained above.


3) Statements of income

                       The 1st Qtr. of FY2006    The 1st Qtr. of       Change     
                      (April 1, 2005 - June 30,                                   
                                2005)            (April 1, 2004 -                 
                                                  June 30, 2004)                  
     Item/Term         (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %      (Yen    Change 
                     millions)       thousands) millions)        millions)  (%)   
Net sales              167,422 100.0  1,508,306   157,227  100.0    10,195    6.5 
Cost of sales          124,002  74.1  1,117,135   113,163   72.0    10,839    9.6 
Gross profit            43,420  25.9    391,171    44,064   28.0     (644)   -1.5 
Selling, general and    30,531  18.2    275,054    29,702   18.9       829    2.8 
Operating income        12,889   7.7    116,117    14,362    9.1   (1,473)  -10.3 
Other income                                                                      
Interest and               685            6,171       267              418        
dividend income                                                                   
Interest expense          (33)            (297)      (51)               18        
Foreign exchange            31              279       119             (88)        
gain (loss)                                                                       
Other-net                  703            6,334       595              108        
Total other income       1,386   0.8     12,487       930    0.6       456   49.0 
Income from             14,275   8.5    128,604    15,292    9.7   (1,017)   -6.7 
operations before                                                                 
income taxes                                                                      
Income taxes             3,486   2.1     31,406     4,647    2.9   (1,161)  -25.0 
Income from             10,789   6.4     97,198    10,645    6.8       144    1.4 
operations before                                                                 
minority interests                                                                
Minority interests         102   0.0        919       140    0.1      (38)  -27.1 
Income from             10,687   6.4     96,279    10,505    6.7       182    1.7 
Loss from                (187) (0.1)    (1,685)       342    0.2     (529)      - 
Net income              10,874   6.5     97,964    10,163    6.5       711    7.0 



1. Above statements of income for FY2006 and FY2005 are unaudited by
independent accountant.

2. In accordance with SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the impairment or Disposal
of Long-Lived Assets", the figures for the 1st Qtr. of FY2005 relating to
discontinued operations have been reclassified accordingly.

3. U.S.$1 = Yen 111


4) Balance sheets


                         As of June 30, 2005     As of Mar. 31,   Change   As of June 30, 
                                                      2005                      2004      
      Item/Term         (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %     (Yen      (Yen      %  
                      millions)       thousands) millions)       millions) millions)      
Current assets          515,321  62.6  4,642,531   510,603  63.2     4,718   491,546  62.0
Cash and cash           237,802        2,142,360   251,508        (13,706)   230,617      
Marketable securities       894            8,054     1,609           (715)       403      
Net trade receivables   152,344        1,372,469   147,999           4,345   141,068      
Inventories              83,737          754,387    74,924           8,813    82,143      
Other current assets     40,544          365,261    34,563           5,981    37,315      
Noncurrent assets       307,776  37.4  2,772,757   297,398  36.8    10,378   300,633  38.0
Investments in           21,796          196,360    22,698           (902)    18,284      
Net property, plant     220,263        1,984,352   216,969           3,294   213,515      
and equipment                                                                             
Other assets             65,717          592,045    57,731           7,986    68,834      
TOTAL                   823,097 100.0  7,415,288   808,001 100.0    15,096   792,179 100.0

                     LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                      

                       As of June 30, 2005     As of Mar. 31,   Change   As of June 30, 
                                                    2005                      2004      
Item/Term             (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %     (Yen      (Yen      %  
                    millions)       thousands) millions)       millions) millions)      
Current liabilities   131,712  16.0  1,186,595   130,857  16.2       855   124,594  15.7
Short-term debt           104              937       103               1       440      
Trade payables         65,462          589,748    62,092           3,370    59,917      
Accrued expenses       44,621          401,991    43,980             641    46,250      
Income taxes           14,129          127,288    19,283         (5,154)     5,415      
Other current           7,396           66,631     5,399           1,997    12,572      
Noncurrent             35,317   4.3    318,171    32,915   4.1     2,402    71,069   9.0
Long-term                  74              667        81             (7)        68      
Retirement and         28,445          256,261    28,839           (394)    66,073      
severance benefits                                                                      
Deferred income         2,714           24,450       751           1,963     3,074      
Other noncurrent        4,084           36,793     3,244             840     1,854      
Total liabilities     167,029  20.3  1,504,766   163,772  20.3     3,257   195,663  24.7
Minority interests      5,338   0.6     48,090     5,162   0.6       176     3,430   0.4
Common stock           32,641          294,063    32,641               -    32,641      
Additional paid-in     63,051          568,027    63,051               -    63,051      
Legal reserve          17,038          153,495    16,918             120    16,817      
Retained earnings     590,974        5,324,090   585,557           5,417   566,605      
Accumulated other    (45,719)        (411,883)  (51,657)           5,938  (79,771)      
income (loss)                                                                           
Treasury stock        (7,255)         (65,360)   (7,443)             188   (6,257)      
Total                 650,730  79.1  5,862,432   639,067  79.1    11,663   593,086  74.9
TOTAL                 823,097 100.0  7,415,288   808,001 100.0    15,096   792,179 100.0



1. Balance sheets as of June 30, 2005 and 2004 are unaudited by independent

2. U.S.$1 = Yen 111


5) Statements of cash flows

                                                      The 1st Qtr. of     The 1st 
                                                           FY2006          Qtr.   
                                                      (April 1, 2005 -   of FY2005
                                                       June 30, 2005)             
                                                                         (April 1,
                                                                          2004 -  
                                                                         June 30, 
Item/Term                                             (Yen      (U.S.$     (Yen   
                                                    millions) thousands) millions)
Cash flows from operating activities:                                             
Net income                                             10,874     97,964    10,163
Loss from discontinued operations                       (187)    (1,685)       342
Income from continuing operations                      10,687     96,279    10,505
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash                                   
provided by operating activities:                                                 
Depreciation and amortization                          13,036    117,441    12,211
Loss on disposal of property and equipment                240      2,162       207
Deferred income taxes                                   (555)    (5,000)     (276)
Loss (gain) on securities, net                          (443)    (3,991)      (95)
Changes in assets and liabilities:                                                
Increase in trade receivables                            (59)      (532)     (411)
Increase in inventories                               (7,219)   (65,036)   (3,705)
Increase (decrease) in trade payables                     166      1,496   (1,465)
Decrease in accrued expenses                            (300)    (2,703)         -
Increase (decrease) in income taxes payables, net     (5,268)   (47,459)     1,279
Increase (decrease) in retirement and severance         (600)    (5,405)     2,009
benefits, net                                                                     
Other-net                                                 341      3,072   (1,308)
Net cash provided by operating activities              10,026     90,324    18,951
Cash flows from investing activities:                                             
Capital expenditures                                 (12,573)  (113,270)  (14,278)
Proceeds from sale and maturities of investments in       774      6,973       190
Payment for purchase of investments in securities           -          -     (196)
Payment for purchase of a subsidiary                 (10,571)   (95,234)         -
Payment for purchase of other investments                (72)      (649)         1
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and                537      4,838       291
Other-net                                                   -          -       (1)
Net cash used in investing activities                (21,905)  (197,342)  (13,993)
Cash flows from financing activities:                                             
Proceeds from long-term debt                                4         36       132
Repayment of long-term debt                              (23)      (207)      (25)
Increase (decrease) in short-term debt, net                 -          -      (51)
Sale (purchase) of treasury stock, net                    141      1,270        60
Dividends paid                                        (5,290)   (47,658)   (3,972)
Net cash used in financing activities                 (5,168)   (46,559)   (3,856)
Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued               405      3,649     (193)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash        2,936     26,450     2,553
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash             (13,706)  (123,478)     3,462
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period      251,508  2,265,838   227,155
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period            237,802  2,142,360   230,617



1. Above statements of cash flows for the 1st quarter of FY2006 and FY2005 are
unaudited by independent accountant.

2. In accordance with SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the impairment or Disposal
of Long-Lived Assets", the figures for the 1st Qtr. of FY2005 relating to
discontinued operations have been reclassified accordingly.

3. U.S.$1=Yen 111


6) Segment Information

The following industry and geographic segment information are required by the
Japanese Securities Exchange Law.

1. Industry segment information

                           The 1st Qtr. of FY2006   The 1st Qtr. of      Change     
                         (April 1, 2005 - June 30,                                  
                                   2005)            (April 1, 2004                  
                                                      - June 30,                    
Product/Term               (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %     (Yen    Change
                         millions)       thousands) millions)       millions)  (%)  
Electronic materials and                                                            
Net sales                  143,328 100.0  1,291,243   129,804 100.0    13,524   10.4
Unaffiliated customers     143,328        1,291,243   129,804          13,524   10.4
Intersegment                     -                -         -               -      -
Operating expenses         127,931  89.3  1,152,531   114,536  88.2    13,395   11.7
Operating income            15,397  10.7    138,712    15,268  11.8       129    0.8
Recording media                                                                     
Net sales                   24,094 100.0    217,063    27,423 100.0   (3,329)  -12.1
Unaffiliated customers      24,094          217,063    27,423         (3,329)  -12.1
Intersegment                     -                -         -               -      -
Operating expenses          26,602 110.4    239,658    28,329 103.3   (1,727)   -6.1
Operating income (loss)    (2,508) -10.4   (22,595)     (906)  -3.3   (1,602)  176.8
Net sales                  167,422 100.0  1,508,306   157,227 100.0    10,195    6.5
Unaffiliated customers     167,422        1,508,306   157,227          10,195    6.5
Intersegment                     -                -         -               -      -
Operating expenses         154,533  92.3  1,392,189   142,865  90.9    11,668    8.2
Operating income            12,889   7.7    116,117    14,362   9.1   (1,473)  -10.3

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 111

2. Geographic segment information

                             The 1st Qtr. of FY2006   The 1st Qtr. of       Change     
                           (April 1, 2005 - June 30,                                   
                                     2005)            (April 1, 2004 -                 
                                                       June 30, 2004)                  
Region/Term                  (Yen      %     (U.S.$      (Yen      %     (Yen    Change
                           millions)       thousands) millions)        millions)  (%)  
Japan           Net sales     80,794 100.0    727,874     86,661 100.0   (5,867)   -6.8
                Operating      4,236   5.2     38,162      5,783   6.7   (1,547)  -26.8
Americas        Net sales     22,936 100.0    206,630     21,853 100.0     1,083    5.0
                Operating      2,657  11.6     23,937        631   2.9     2,026  321.1
Europe          Net sales     15,723 100.0    141,649     17,266 100.0   (1,543)   -8.9
                Operating    (1,737) -11.0   (15,649)      (269)  -1.6   (1,468) -545.7
Asia and others Net sales    110,121 100.0    992,081     93,440 100.0    16,681   17.9
                Operating      8,221   7.5     74,063      8,955   9.6     (734)   -8.2
Intersegment    Net sales     62,152          559,928     61,993             159       
                Operating        488            4,396        738           (250)       
Total           Net sales    167,422 100.0  1,508,306    157,227 100.0    10,195    6.5
                Operating     12,889   7.7    116,117     14,362   9.1   (1,473)  -10.3



1. Net sales in each geographic area are based on the location of TDK entities
where the sales are generated.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 111

3. Sales by region

                           The 1st Qtr. of FY2006   The 1st Qtr. of      Change     
                         (April 1, 2005 - June 30,                                  
                                   2005)            (April 1, 2004                  
                                                      - June 30,                    
Region/Term                (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %     (Yen    Change
                         millions)       thousands) millions)       millions)  (%)  
Americas                    18,579  11.1    167,378    20,267  12.9   (1,688)   -8.3
Europe                      15,746   9.4    141,856    17,224  11.0   (1,478)   -8.6
Asia and others             88,984  53.2    801,658    76,969  48.9    12,015   15.6
Overseas sales total       123,309  73.7  1,110,892   114,460  72.8     8,849    7.7
Japan                       44,113  26.3    397,414    42,767  27.2     1,346    3.1
Net sales                  167,422 100.0  1,508,306   157,227 100.0    10,195    6.5



1. Overseas sales are based on the location of the customers.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 111



1. The consolidated financial statements are prepared in conformity with the

2. During this consolidated accounting period, TDK had 70 subsidiaries (18 in
Japan and 52 overseas). TDK also had 6 affiliates (4 in Japan and 2 overseas)
whose financial statements are accounted for by the equity method.

3. Comprehensive income comprises net income and other comprehensive income.
Other comprehensive income includes changes in foreign currency translation
adjustments, minimum pension liability adjustments and net unrealized gains
(losses) on securities. The net income, other comprehensive income (loss), net
of tax and total comprehensive income for the three months ended June 30, 2005
and 2004 were as follows;

                                             The 1st Qtr. of    The 1st Qtr. of
                                                 FY2006             FY2005     
                                          (April 1, 2005 - June (April 1, 2004 
                                                30, 2005)         - June 30,   
Item/Term                                    (Yen      (U.S.$   (Yen millions) 
                                          millions)  thousands)                
Net income                                    10,874     97,964          10,163
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of                                      
Foreign currency translation adjustments       6,295     56,712           5,464
Minimum pension liability adjustments            318      2,865           5,518
Net unrealized gains (losses) on               (675)    (6,081)           (366)
Total comprehensive income                    16,812    151,460          20,779


Note: U.S.$1=Yen 111

Contact in Japan :

Nobuyuki Koike

TDK Corporation

Tel: 81-3-5201-7102

E-mail: nkoike@mb1.tdk.co.jp

                Notice Regarding the Allotment of Stock Options                

                         - Stock Acquisition Rights -                          

TOKYO, JAPAN, July 28, 2005 - TDK Corporation (the "Company") announced that
the Board of Directors today decided the details of stock acquisition rights to
be issued as stock options (the "Stock Acquisition Right(s)") pursuant to
Article 280-20, -21 of the Commercial Code of Japan and the resolution at the
109th ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders on June 29, 2005.

1. Class and number of shares to be issued upon exercise of Stock Acquisition
Rights: 90,600 shares of common stock of the Company

2. Total number of Stock Acquisition Rights:


The number of shares to be allotted to each Stock Acquisition Right
(hereinafter referred to as the "Number of shares to be allotted") shall be 100
shares. In the case that the Company splits or consolidates outstanding shares,
the number of shares to be allotted shall be adjusted in accordance with the
following formula with any amount less than one share arising out of such
adjustment to be discarded.

Number of shares      =   Number of shares       �    Percentage of stock split
after adjustment          before adjustment           or consolidation         

Furthermore, in cases where the "number of shares granted" needs to be
adjusted, such as in the event that the Company merges with another company or
performs a division, the "number of shares granted" shall be adjusted
appropriately based on the conditions of the merger or division.

3. Issue price and issue date of Stock Acquisition Rights:

Free of charge

On August 11, 2005

                                   - more -                                    

4. Amount to be paid upon the exercise of each Stock Acquisition Right: To be
determined on August 11, 2005

The amount to be paid upon the exercise of each Stock Acquisition Right shall
be the amount to be paid per share, which is issued or transferred upon the
exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights (hereinafter referred to as the
"Exercise Price") multiplied by the number of shares to be allotted.

The Exercise Price shall be an amount which is the average of the closing
prices of the Company's shares of common stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on
each day (other than any day on which no sale is reported) of the month
immediately preceding the month in which the date of the issue of the Stock
Acquisition Rights falls, multiplied by 1.05 with any amount less than one
Japanese Yen arising out of such calculation to be rounded upward to the
nearest Yen; provided, however, that if such price is less than the closing
price reported on the date of the issue of the Stock Acquisition Rights, then
the closing price reported on the day of the issue of the Stock Acquisition
Rights shall be the Exercise Price.

5. Adjustment of Exercise Price:

In case that any of the events stated in the following clause (1) or (2)
arises, the Exercise Price shall be adjusted in accordance with the following
formula (hereinafter referred to as the "adjustment formula for the Exercise
Price") with any amount less than one Japanese Yen arising out of such
calculation to be rounded upward to the nearest Yen.

(1) In case the Company issues new shares or disposes of its own shares at a
price less than the current market price (except in the case of the conversion
of convertible stock or stock with mandatory conversion terms, or in the case
of a request by a stockholder for the sale of shares constituting less than one
unit or the exercise of stock acquisition rights), the exercise price shall be
adjusted in accordance with the following formula:

                                      No. of      +  No. of     �  Amount paid 
                                      shares         shares        per share   
                                      issued         newly                     
Exercise      =  Exercise price    �                    Current market price   
price after      before adjustment                                             
                                      No. of shares      +      No. of shares  
                                      issued                    increased after
                                                                new issue      

In the above formula, the "number of shares issued" shall be defined as the
number of shares of common stock issued and outstanding less the number of
treasury stock. In the event that the Company disposes of treasury stock, the
"number of shares newly issued" shall be read as "number of treasury stock
disposed of."

                                   - more -                                    

(2) In case that the Company shall make a stock split or stock consolidation of
its outstanding shares.

Exercise Price after    =    Exercise Price        �   Percentage of stock     
adjustment                   before adjustment         split or consolidation  

Furthermore, in cases where the "exercise price" needs to be adjusted, such as
in the event that the Company merges with another company or performs a
division, the "exercise price" shall be adjusted appropriately based on the
conditions of the merger or division.

6. Exercise Period of the Stock Acquisition Rights: From August 1, 2007 to July
31, 2011

7. Conditions for exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights: Partial exercise of
each of the Stock Acquisition Rights is not exercisable.

8. Events and conditions of cancellation of Stock Acquisition Rights

(1) The Company may cancel these stock acquisition rights without compensation,
if a proposal for approval of a merger agreement under which the Company is to
be dissolved, is approved at a meeting of stockholders of the Company, or if a
proposal for approval of a stock exchange agreement or a proposal for share
transfer that makes the Company a wholly owned subsidiary is approved at a
meeting of stockholders of the Company.

(2) In the event that the Company acquires unexercised stock acquisition
rights, it may cancel these stock acquisition rights without compensation at
any time.

                                   - more -                                    

9. Transfer restrictions on Stock Acquisition Rights:

Any transfer of the Stock Acquisition Rights shall be subject to approval of
the Board of Directors of the Company.

10. Issuance of certificates of Stock Acquisition Rights:

Certificates of Stock Acquisition Rights shall be issued only upon the request
from the holders of the Stock Acquisition Rights.

11. Total paid-in value of the shares of the common stock of the Company to be
issued or transferred upon exercise of all the stock Acquisition Rights: To be
determined on August 11, 2005

12. Amount that is not transferred into paid-in capital from the issue price of
shares, in case new shares of common stock of the Company are issued upon
exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights:

This shall be an amount obtained by deducting an amount transferred to paid-in
capital from the Exercise Price. The amount transferred to paid-in capital
shall be the Exercise Price, multiplied by 0.5, and any amount less than one
Japanese Yen arising out of such calculation shall be rounded upward to the
nearest Yen.

13. Individuals who will be allotted the Stock Acquisition Rights:

The directors and employees of the Company and its affiliates, totally 172

*1. Date of resolution of the Board of Directors that decided the proposal at
the 109th ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders: May 9, 2005

2. Date of resolution of the 109th ordinary annual general meeting of
shareholders: June 29, 2005

                                     # # #                                     


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