TDK Corporation

                                                             1-13-1, Nihonbashi

                                                                 Chuo-ku, Tokyo

                                                                 103-8272 Japan

                                                                  June 15, 2005

                                                                TDK Corporation

                                            Corporate Communications Department

                                                             Michinori Katayama


Amendments of FY March 2005 Earnings Release (Consolidated Results)

TDK Corporation has revised its consolidated results for fiscal 2005, ended
March 31, 2005, as announced on April 27, 2005.

1. Reasons for Amendments

In accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 87
"Employers' Accounting for Pensions", the presentation of minimum pension
liability adjustments has been changed from the net amount to the gross amount
in the consolidated balance sheets. Accordingly, the consolidated balance
sheets of FY March 2005 Earnings Release is changed as follows:

There are no effects arising from this change on the consolidated statements of
income of TDK.

2. Amendments

                                                                 (Yen millions)

                                                     Correction      Original   
                                                    As of March    As of March  
                                                      31, 2005       31, 2005   
Noncurrent assets                                  297,398  36.8% 279,729  35.4%
Other assets                                        57,731         40,062       
Total assets                                       807,689 100.0% 790,020 100.0%
Noncurrent liabilities                              32,915   4.1%  15,246   1.9%
Retirement and severance benefits                   28,839         11,170       
Total liabilities                                  151,812  18.8% 134,143  17.0%
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity         807,689 100.0% 790,020 100.0%

Other changes resulting from these amendments are underlined in the
corresponding pages.

(1) Business Results and Financial Position

(2) Balance sheets 

                                                            TDK Corporation    
                                                            1-13-1, Nihonbashi 
                                                            Chuo-ku, Tokyo     
Contacts;                                                   103-8272 Japan     
TDK Corporation (Tokyo)    Corporate Communications                            
                           Michinori Katayama               +81(3)5201-7102    
TDK U.S.A. Corporation     Francis J. Sweeney               +1(516)535-2600    
TDK Marketing Europe GmbH  Marco Donadoni                   +49(2102)4870      

                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

TOKYO - April 27, 2005 TDK Corporation today announced its Consolidated
business results prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America (the "U.S. GAAP") for fiscal year
("FY") 2005 and Non-Consolidated business results for FY 2005.

I. Consolidated

I-1) Summary

Consolidated results (April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005)

                           FY2005                FY2004            Change     
                 (April 1, 2004 - March 31, (April 1, 2003 -                  
                           2005)             March 31, 2004)                  
Item/Term          (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen       %      (Yen    Change
                 millions)       thousands) millions)         millions)  (%)  
Net sales          657,853 100.0  6,148,159   655,792   100.0     2,061    0.3
Operating income    59,830   9.1    559,159    56,510     8.6     3,320    5.9
Income from         62,072   9.4    580,112    55,712     8.5     6,360   11.4
before income                                                                 
Income from         48,613   7.4    454,327    42,863     6.5     5,750   13.4
Net income          44,948   6.8    420,075    42,101     6.4     2,847    6.8
Per common share :                                                                             

Net income/Basic Yen 339.76       U.S.$3.18 Yen 317.80                        
Net income/      Yen 339.55       U.S.$3.17 Yen 317.69                         

Note: As a result of the sale of a subsidiary in semiconductors & others
product, the operating results of the discontinued operation is presented as a
separate line item in the consolidated statements of income in accordance with
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 144, "Accounting for
the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets." Correspondence figures for
the previous fiscal year have been reclassed to conform to the presentation
used for the year ended March 31, 2005.

(Sales breakdown)

                             FY2005                 FY2004            Change     
                   (April 1, 2004 - March 31,  (April 1, 2003 -                  
                             2005)             March 31, 2004)                   
Product/Term         (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen       %       (Yen    Change
                   millions)       thousands) millions)          millions)  (%)  
Electronic           545,214  82.9  5,095,458   519,792     79.3    25,422    4.9
materials and                                                                    
Electronic           174,800  26.6  1,633,645   166,818     25.4     7,982    4.8
Electronic devices   116,387  17.7  1,087,729   107,999     16.5     8,388    7.8
Recording devices    234,578  35.7  2,192,318   230,105     35.1     4,473    1.9
Semiconductors &      19,449   2.9    181,766    14,870      2.3     4,579   30.8
Recording media &    112,639  17.1  1,052,701   136,000     20.7  (23,361)  -17.2
Total sales          657,853 100.0  6,148,159   655,792    100.0     2,061    0.3
Overseas sales       473,828  72.0  4,428,299   487,169     74.3  (13,341)   -2.7


Note: U.S.$1=Yen 107

I-2) Management Policies

(1) Fundamental Management Policy

TDK was established in 1935 as the world's first company to commercialize a
magnetic material called ferrite. In the ensuing years, TDK has developed and
commercialized electronic materials, electronic devices, recording devices and
recording media, among other products. This drive has been based on the
company's founding spirit: "Contribute to culture and industry through

To preserve its identity as a dynamic company, TDK is dedicated to creating
value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, suppliers,
employees and society, by drawing on innovative thinking and a willingness to
tackle new challenges. TDK firmly believes that it must remain an organization
that is a constant source of exciting ideas that are of true value to

(2) Fundamental Policy for Distribution of Earnings

Returning earnings to shareholders is one of TDK's highest management
priorities. Therefore, TDK's fundamental policy is to give consideration to a
consistent increase in dividends based on factors such as the return on equity
(ROE), dividends as a percentage of equity (DOE) and the company's results of
operations on a consolidated basis.

Retained earnings are used to make aggressive investments for growth, mainly in
the development of new products and technologies in key fields so as to respond
precisely to the rapid technological advances in the electronics industry.

(3) Policy Regarding Reduction of TDK's Share Trading Unit

On August 1, 2000, TDK reduced the Unit Stock (tangen) of its common shares
from 1,000 to 100 shares. This action led to an increase in the number of
individual shareholders and TDK's subsequent selection for an award from Tokyo
Stock Exchange for this achievement in the year ended March 31, 2004.

TDK believes that its shares now have sufficient liquidity. However, TDK will
consider a further reduction of the trading unit based on its stock price and
market needs as well as on a cost-benefit analysis.

(4) Medium- and Long-Term Management Strategy

In April 2004, TDK launched an initiative aimed at generating new growth with
the overriding aim of becoming an exciting company, an ongoing theme at TDK.

The electronics industry, to which TDK belongs, is becoming extremely
competitive as the advent of a full-fledged digital age shortens product
lifespans. To achieve growth in the future in this operating environment, TDK
must deliver new products that the market demands, without delay, precisely
when those products are needed, while keeping a close eye on market movements.
With this in mind, over the medium term, TDK will increase the share of sales
of new products in consolidated net sales and execute various initiatives to
drive growth.

TDK is aiming for growth by delivering the value customers demand in a timely
manner through the development of products rooted in the company's core
materials, process and evaluation & simulation technologies, which underpin its
core electronic materials and components business.

Strengthening its operations in this way is thus an important theme at TDK. TDK
is also reaffirming the importance of coexisting with society as a responsible
corporate citizen by conducting its own social activities based on two key
corporate philosophies: "Creativity" and "Culture." Furthermore, TDK will
comply with the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and all other applicable laws
and regulations as it strengthens corporate governance.

(5) Pressing Issues

From a medium-term perspective, the electronics industry, TDK's field of
operations, is expected to see the growth of digital home appliances, the
convergence of information and communications, as typified by the increasingly
diverse functions offered by mobile phones, and the greater use of electronics
in motor vehicles. These trends are expected to result in continued expansion
in demand for the electronic components that TDK develops, manufactures and

At the same time, however, in the dynamically changing electronics industry, a
faster response than ever before will be required by the company's electronic
components business. TDK has continuously reformed and improved the structure
of its businesses, but it believes that responding to the changes in the
electronics industry requires making this process of reform and improvement an
ongoing drive. Furthermore, in the digital era of the electronics industry,
falling prices due to stiffer competition with new products, greater inventory
risk and other challenges are unavoidable. Nevertheless, TDK is determined to
be a company that can surmount these challenges and grow. And, to remain an
attractive and exciting company, TDK aims to grow by creating greater value. In
this vein, TDK will refine its core technologies (materials, process and
evaluation & simulation technologies) while honing in on three key fields that
it believes harbor prospects for growth: IT home electronics; high-speed,
large-capacity networks; and car electronics. Increasing the company's ability
to generate earnings by supplying products and technologies imbuing value that
these markets demand on a timely basis is a key issue. Moreover, TDK will take
on the challenge of advancing along a growth trajectory while making
investments that are prudent yet aggressive.

(6) Basic Stance on and Strategy to Improve Corporate Governance

Companies must conduct their activities and manage their operations in a fair,
impartial and transparent manner, abiding by laws and regulations, and with the
recognition that their existence is supported by shareholders, customers,
suppliers, employees and society. TDK has put in place various internal control
systems with this fundamental recognition in mind. It has also implemented a
number of other measures in the same vein, such as appointing an outside
director and outside statutory auditors; involving people outside the company
in setting directors' remuneration; and building a corporate ethics system, in
which reports are submitted directly to the Board of Directors, that includes
education and diffusion programs and other activities.

(6-1) Management structure and other corporate governance systems concerning 
decision-making, strategy execution and supervision

In consideration of the size of the company, the streamlining of management,
the speed of decision-making and other factors, TDK has adopted the corporate
auditor system within the meaning of the Commercial Code of Japan; three of its
five corporate auditors come from outside the company. Furthermore, one of
TDK's seven directors is an outside director. Moreover, having introduced the
post of corporate officer, TDK has clearly demarcated responsibilities:
directors are responsible for decision-making and oversight, while corporate
officers have responsibility for executing day-to-day operations. Corporate
officers execute policies set by the Board of Directors in their respective
areas of responsibility.

Two full-time corporate auditors, three part-time corporate auditors and two
staff members perform audits. The auditors examine the performance of directors
mainly from the perspective of legality by inspecting departments, examining
important documents and attending important meetings. Collaboration among
corporate auditors involves submitting reports and holding discussions at
monthly meetings of the Board of Corporate Auditors.

The 8-member Management Review & Support Dept., an internal audit organization
that reports to the CEO of TDK, carries our periodic audits and offers support
from the perspective of the consistency of business execution and management
policy and the rationality of management efficiency. In the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2005, the department made preparations to comply with the U.S.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which requires companies to undertake
self-evaluations of the establishment and operation of internal control

Two certified public accountants, Seiichi Sasa and Hideaki Koyama, who belong
to the independent registered public accounting firm KPMG AZSA & Co., conduct
financial audits of the company. Mr. Sasa has been involved with these audits
for two years and Mr. Koyama for four years. Twelve accountants, seven
assistant accountants and eight other staff also assist in these audits.

To ensure the transparency of directors' remuneration, TDK has introduced
bonuses linked to the company's results and, at the same time, has the outside
director serve as chairperson of the Compensation Advisory Committee. Moreover,
to ensure corporate ethical standards are upheld, a Corporate Ethics Committee
was established at TDK and ethics councils were formed at domestic and overseas
subsidiaries. These actions are part of ongoing efforts to build a global
corporate ethics management framework that also encompasses domestic and
overseas subsidiaries. To monitor the state of compliance with corporate
ethical standards, a "helpline" has been established, creating an internal
system that encourages employees to report matters involving corporate ethics
and to offer suggestions.

The Compensation Advisory Committee and Corporate Ethics Committee report
directly to the Board of Directors.

Another defining aspect of TDK's corporate governance system is the ability to
receive advice and directives from outside legal counsel regarding risks
associated with TDK's corporate activities. Moreover, to give the company the
best managerial structure for responding flexibly to the various changes in its
operating environment, and to build greater trust with shareholders, the
company has set the terms of directors to one year.

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005, the directors and corporate auditors
were paid remuneration of �194 million and �59 million, respectively. The total
amount paid to directors and corporate auditors was thus �254 million.
Furthermore, bonuses totaling �103 million were paid to TDK directors. The
amount of remuneration related to audit certification of the parent company
that was paid to independent auditors KPMG AZSA & Co. was �94 million.

(6-2) Personal, financial and trading relationships between the company and the
outside director and outside corporate auditors, and other beneficial 

There are no personal or financial relationships between TDK and the outside
director or the three outside corporate auditors.

(6-3) Measures taken to enhance corporate governance over the past year

To ensure that corporate ethical standards are being upheld, TDK has put in
place a global corporate ethics framework that encompasses the activities of
overseas as well as domestic subsidiaries. Activities are ongoing to oversee
and refine this system. Because TDK is listed on the New York Stock Exchange,
it is subject to the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, an extremely strict law
relating to corporate governance that was prompted by a series of scandals
involving U.S. companies. To comply with this law, a project team that includes
outside experts is undertaking a fundamental review of and rebuilding corporate
systems, including those of subsidiaries. At the same time, TDK continues to
identify and take countermeasures against risk factors associated with its
business activities. In addition, TDK restricts the work that is outsourced to
independent auditors so as to preserve their impartiality and independence.

I-3) Business Results and Financial Position

1. Summary

Consolidated results for fiscal 2005, ended March 31, 2005, were as follows.

In the electronics industry in the first half of fiscal 2005, demand for
digital home appliances, such as LCD and plasma flat-screen TVs and DVD
recorders, was boosted by the Summer Olympic Games in Athens, and other events.
This resulted in strong demand for the TDK Group's electronic components in the
first half. However, demand for these components began to cool in the second
half in line with production cutbacks of finished products that use them. In
this business environment, TDK continued to implement profit structure reforms.
TDK also actively made investments to drive growth, such as by ramping up
production capacity of capacitors and forging a strategic alliance regarding
HDD heads.

As a result, TDK posted consolidated net sales of �657,853 million
(U.S.$6,148,159 thousand), up 0.3% from �655,792 million. Operating income rose
5.9%, from �56,510 million to �59,830 million (U.S.$559,159 thousand). Income
from continuing operations before income taxes increased 11.4%, from �55,712
million to �62,072 million (U.S.$580,112 thousand). Net income rose 6.8%, from
�42,101 million to �44,948 million (U.S.$420,075 thousand). Basic net income
per common share was �339.76 (U.S.$3.18), up from �317.80.

During the year, the average exchange rate was �107.55 for the U.S. dollar and
�135.17 for the euro, representing a 5.0% appreciation in the yen's value
against the U.S. dollar and a 1.9% decline against the euro. Overall, exchange
rate movements had the effect of lowering net sales by approximately �20.6
billion and operating income by approximately �4.0 billion.

(Sales by Segment)

TDK's businesses are broadly classified into two business segments: the
electronic materials and components segment and the recording media & systems

(1) Electronic materials and components segment

This segment is made up of four product sectors: (1-1) electronic materials,
(1-2) electronic devices, (1-3) recording devices, and (1-4) semiconductors &

Segment net sales increased 4.9%, from �519,792 million to �545,214 million
(U.S.$5,095,458 thousand). Segment operating income rose 15.0%, from �58,715
million to �67,520 million (U.S.$631,028 thousand).

Looking at electronic materials and electronic devices, demand for components
was strong in the fiscal year's first half on the back of higher demand for
digital home appliances driven by the Athens Summer Olympic Games. However, the
second half saw sales prices of components drop as demand cooled due to
inventory cutbacks of digital home appliances. The overall result, however, was
a year-on-year increase in sales of both electronic materials and electronic

In recording devices, HDD demand was lackluster in the first half of fiscal
2005 due to inventory cutbacks by customers following strong HDD demand in the
second half of the previous fiscal year. Demand for HDD heads also picked up in
the second half of fiscal 2005 once this adjustment phase ended. The result was
a year-on-year increase in sales of recording devices.

Sector results were as follows.

(1-1) Electronic materials

This sector is broken down into two product categories: capacitors, and ferrite
cores and magnets.

Sales in the electronic materials sector rose 4.8%, from �166,818 million to 
�174,800 million (U.S.$1,633,645 thousand).

(Capacitors) Sales rose year on year. Sales of multilayer chip capacitors, the
main product in the capacitors sector, were strong in the first half, as
previously mentioned. In the second half, amid lackluster demand, TDK was able
to absorb sales price declines and the effect of forex movements by improving
the sales mix. These factors led to higher year-on-year sales.

(Ferrite cores and magnets) Sales of ferrite cores and magnets increased year
on year. In ferrite cores, sales declined from the previous fiscal year despite
higher demand for general-purpose power supply cores for digital home
appliances and cores for communications equipment. This decrease was due to a
reduction in output of deflection yoke cores and flyback transformers cores
used in CRT TVs. However, sales of magnets increased year on year, the result
of steadily rising demand for use in automotive and HDD applications. The net
result was a year-on-year increase in sales of ferrite cores and magnets as a

(1-2) Electronic devices

This sector has three product categories: inductive devices, high-frequency
components and other products.

Sales in the electronic devices sector rose 7.8%, from �107,999 million to 
�116,387 million (U.S.$1,087,729 thousand).

(Inductive devices) Sales increased year on year. Inductive devices, the
largest product category in the electronic devices sector, posted higher sales
despite lower sales prices and the negative effect of forex movements. The
increase was attributable to higher demand spurred by acceleration in the pace
at which automobiles are incorporating electronics and the increasing
sophistication of mobile phones, as well as new product launches.

(High-frequency components) Sales of high-frequency components declined
marginally year on year because higher sales volume and an improved product mix
failed to completely offset persistently strong discounting pressure from
mobile phone handset manufacturers, the main customer for these components.

(Other products) Sales of other products rose year on year. In power systems,
sales of DC-DC converters and DC-AC inverters were healthy. Sensors and
actuators recorded higher sales due to growth in demand for use in PCs and
peripherals and communications equipment. As a result of this, overall sales of
other products were higher than in the previous fiscal year.

(1-3) Recording devices

This sector has two product categories: HDD heads and other heads.

Sector sales increased 1.9%, from �230,105 million to �234,578 million
(U.S.$2,192,318 thousand).

(HDD heads) Sales increased year on year. In HDD heads, the main product in
this sector, TDK had to overcome the loss of business from a major customer
that started producing heads in house in 2004, as well as the impact of falling
sales prices and unfavorable forex movements. Cutbacks in HDD inventories at
customers in the first half of the year also shaped the market. However, demand
for HDD heads rose in the second half of the fiscal year following the end of
these cutbacks, leading to higher year-on-year sales.

(Other heads) Sales of other heads declined year on year, due to sluggish sales
of optical pickups.

(1-4) Semiconductors & others

Sector sales climbed 30.8%, from �14,870 million to �19,449 million
(U.S.$181,766 thousand). TDK recorded slightly higher sales of anechoic
chambers for electromagnetic noise control and growth in external sales of
manufacturing equipment due to higher investments in semiconductor facilities
and equipment by customers.

(2) Recording media & systems segment

This segment is made up of four product categories: audiotapes, videotapes,
optical media and other products.

Segment sales declined 17.2%, from �136,000 million to �112,639 million
(U.S.$1,052,701 thousand). The segment recorded an operating loss of �7,690
million (U.S.$71,869 thousand), an increase of 248.8% from last year's
operating loss of �2,205 million.

(Audiotapes and videotapes) Sales of audiotapes and videotapes declined year on
year. While TDK maintained a high market share, demand is declining for these
products as a whole.

(Optical media) Sales of optical media increased, with higher DVD sales volumes
offsetting a sharp fall in prices of DVDs and lower CD-R sales.

(Other products) Sales of other products decreased year on year. There was an
increase in sales of LTO-standard* (Linear Tape-Open) tape-based data storage
media for computers. However, a decline in sales caused by the sale in the
previous fiscal year of a U.S. software development subsidiary and lower sales
of recording equipment brought overall sales of other products down year on

*Linear Tape-Open, LTO, LTO logo, Ultrium and Ultrium logo are trademarks of
HP, IBM and Certance LLC in the U.S., other countries or both.

(Sales by Region)

Detailed geographic segment information can be found in the segment information
on page 18 of the consolidated results.

By region, in Japan, sales in the electronic devices sector and recording media
& systems segment declined, while higher sales were recorded in the electronic
materials, recording devices and semiconductors & others sectors.

In the Americas, sales decreased in the electronic materials and recording
devices sectors as well as the recording media & systems segment. The higher
yen versus the U.S. dollar also impacted sales in the Americas.

In Europe, lower sales were recorded in the electronic materials and
semiconductors & others sectors as well as the recording media & systems

In Asia (excluding Japan) and other areas, sales declined in the recording
devices sector and recording media & systems segment, but sales increased in
the electronic materials and electronic devices sectors.

The overall result was a 2.7% decrease in overseas sales year on year, from 
�487,169 million to �473,828 million (U.S.$4,428,299 thousand). Overseas sales
accounted for 72.0% of consolidated net sales, a 2.3 percentage point decrease
from 74.3% one year earlier.

On a parent-company basis, net sales increased 3.9%, from �316,050 million to 
�328,452 million (U.S.$3,069,644 thousand). Operating income increased 392.8%,
from �1,756 million to �8,653 million (U.S.$80,869 thousand). Current income
rose 197.3%, from �10,277 million to �30,550 million (U.S.$285,514 thousand).
Net income increased 786.3%, from �4,458 million to �39,513 million
(U.S.$369,280 thousand). Basic net income per common share was �297.93
(U.S.$2.78), compared with �32.87 a year earlier.

TDK plans to pay a year-end dividend of �40 per common share. Together with the
interim dividend of �30 per common share paid in December 2004, the planned
dividend per common share applicable to the year will be �70.

2. Financial Position

(2-1) The following table summarizes TDK's consolidated balance sheet at March
31, 2005.

Total assets                               �807,689 million (4.9% increase)   
Total stockholders' equity                 �650,715 million (12.9% increase)  
Equity ratio                               80.6% (5.8 percentage point        

At the end of the year, cash and cash equivalents were �24,353 million higher
than on March 31, 2004. Net trade receivables were �9,668 million higher and
net property, plant and equipment rose �8,024 million. However, other assets
decreased �9,489 million. As a result of the above items and other changes,
total assets increased �37,370 million.

Total liabilities decreased �39,012 million. Trade payables and income taxes
payable increased �2,175 million and �3,978 million, respectively, while
retirement and severance benefits declined �44,682 million following the
transfer of the substitutional portion of Employees' Pension Fund (EPF)
liabilities to the government.

Total stockholders' equity increased �74,496 million due to a �36,449 million
increase in retained earnings and a �38,730 million decrease in accumulated
other comprehensive loss.

                                                     Amendments (June 15, 2005)

(2-2) Cash Flows

                                                                   (� millions)

                                                       Fiscal   Fiscal   Change 
                                                        2005     2004           
Net cash provided by operating activities               93,582  113,820 (20,238)
Net cash used in investing activities                 (60,863) (37,647) (23,216)
Net cash used in financing activities                  (9,458)  (9,661)      203
Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued            (1,625)      761  (2,386)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash         2,717 (10,669)   13,386
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents               24,353   56,604 (32,251)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       227,155  170,551   56,604
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             251,508  227,155   24,353

Operating activities provided net cash of �93,582 million (U.S.$874,598
thousand), a year-on-year decrease of �20,238 million. Net income rose �2,847
million to �44,948 million (U.S.$420,075 thousand) and depreciation and
amortization increased �2,080 million to �52,806 million (U.S.$493,514
thousand). In changes in assets and liabilities, inventories decreased �11,329
million, trade payables decreased �7,955 million, accrued expenses decreased 
�12,718 million, income taxes payables, net decreased �1,856 million and
retirement and severance benefits decreased �6,766 million.

Investing activities used net cash of �60,863 million (U.S.$568,813 thousand),
�23,216 million more than a year earlier. This mainly reflected a �16,534
million increase to �61,005 million (U.S.$570,140 thousand) in capital
expenditures and a �2,423 million increase to �2,424 million (U.S.$22,654
thousand) in payments for purchase of investments in securities.

Financing activities used net cash of �9,458 million (U.S.$88,393 thousand), 
�203 million less than a year earlier. The main outflow was �7,938 million
(U.S.$74,187 thousand) for dividends paid.

(2-3) Trends in Cash Flow Indicators

                                               FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005
Stockholders' equity ratio (%)                   77.8   77.9   74.1   74.8   80.6
Capital adequacy ratio on a market value basis  133.8  121.7   80.4  136.7  120.2
No. of years to redeem debt                      0.10   0.07   0.02   0.00   0.00
Interest coverage ratio (times)                 138.0   32.8  180.9  352.4  288.8


Stockholders' equity ratio = Total stockholders' equity / Total assets

Capital adequacy ratio on a market value basis = Market capitalization (*1) /
Total assets

(*1) Market capitalization = Closing price of TDK's common shares on the Tokyo
Stock Exchange on March 31, 2005 x Shares issued and outstanding at year-end
after deducting treasury stock

                                                     Amendments (June 15, 2005)

No. of years to redeem debt = Interest-bearing liabilities (*2) / Cash flows
from operating activities (*3)

(*2) Interest-bearing liabilities: The balance of "short-term debt" and
"long-term debt" included in "long-term debt, excluding current installments"
on the consolidated balances sheets.

(*3) Cash flows from operating activities: "Net cash provided by operating
activities" on the consolidated statements of cash flows. Interest coverage
ratio = Cash flows from operating activities / Interest payments (*4)

(*4) Interest payments: "Interest expense" on the consolidated statements of

3. Business Risks

With development, production and sales bases in countries around the world, the
TDK Group is engaged in global business activities. Furthermore, the
electronics industry, the main field of operations of the TDK Group, is seeing
dramatic technological innovation and changes in market prices, resulting in
intense competition in new product development and efforts to win customers.
Because of these and other factors, the TDK Group is subject to various
business risks that include, but are not limited to, changes in demand and
foreign exchange rates caused by world economic trends; unpredictable events in
conducting business overseas; more intense competition in the development of
new products in line with rapid technological innovation; the ability to
respond to intense price competition and diversifying demands from customers;
the ability to acquire intellectual property rights; the ability to procure raw
materials and other products; increasingly stringent environmental regulations
internationally, and unavoidable natural disasters.

4. Fiscal 2006 Projections

TDK's consolidated and non-consolidated projections for fiscal 2006, the year
ending March 31, 2006, are as follows.

[Consolidated Projections for Fiscal 2006]

                                                 Year ending    %    Year ended
                                                    March    change    March   
                                                    2006      from      2005   
                                                     (�                  (�    
                                                  millions)          millions) 
Net sales                                            690,000     4.9    657,853
Operating income                                      67,000    12.0     59,830
Income before income taxes                            69,000    11.2     62,072
Net income                                            50,000    11.2     44,948

[Non-Consolidated Projections]

                                                Year ending    %    Year ended 
                                                   March    change     March   
                                                   2006      from      2005    
                                                    (�                  (�     
                                                 millions)           millions) 
Net sales                                           334,900     2.0     328,452
Operating income                                     17,300    99.9       8,653
Current income                                       39,800    30.3      30,550
Net income                                           27,000   -31.7      39,513


The projections are based principally on the following assumptions:

  * An average yen-U.S. dollar exchange rate of �100 for the full year.
  * There is expected to be a weak recovery generally in demand for passive
    components (electronic materials and electronic devices) in the first half
    of fiscal 2006. However, with current inventories of finished products
    estimated to be at generally suitable levels, in the second half of fiscal
    2006, there is expected to be an increase in production of finished
    products in line with growth in demand at the end of 2005. This increase is
    expected to also lead to higher demand for components in the second half of
    the fiscal year.
  * Sales of recording devices are expected to increase in fiscal 2006,
    continuing on from the previous fiscal year. With the base of demand
    widening for HDDs, double-digit annual growth is expected to continue in
    fiscal 2006. Furthermore, the growth in demand for HDDs for video recorders
    and other consumer product applications is also expected to boost demand
    for HDD heads, supporting sales of these products.
  * Lower sales are forecast in the recording media & systems segment. Sales of
    audiotapes and videotapes are expected to decline in line with falling
    demand. While sales of optical media products and tape-based data storage
    media for computers are forecast to increase, this growth is unlikely to
    fully offset the decline in sales of audiotapes and videotapes. In fiscal
    2006, TDK plans to implement strategies to counter falling DVD sales
    prices, a factor behind the deterioration in earnings in fiscal 2005, as
    well as push ahead with ongoing structural reforms of production and sales
Cautionary Statement About Projections

This earnings release contains forward-looking statements, including
projections, plans, policies, management strategies, targets, schedules,
understandings and evaluations, about TDK and its group companies that are not
historical facts. These forward-looking statements are based on current
forecasts, estimates, assumptions, plans, beliefs and evaluations in light of
information available to management on the date of this earnings release.

In preparing forecasts and estimates, TDK and its group companies have used, as
their bases, certain assumptions as necessary, in addition to confirmed
historical facts. However, due to their nature, there is no guarantee that
these statements and assumptions will prove to be accurate in the future. TDK
therefore wishes to caution readers that these statements, facts and certain
assumptions contained in this earnings release are subject to a number of risks
and uncertainties and may prove to be inaccurate.

The electronics markets in which TDK and its group companies operate are highly
susceptible to rapid changes. Furthermore, TDK and its group companies operate
not only in Japan, but in many other countries. As such, factors that can have
significant effects on its results include, but are not limited to, shifts in
technology, demand, prices, competition, economic environments and foreign
exchange rates.

The premises and assumptions used in computing the projections in this earnings
release include, but are not limited to, those explained above.


I-4) Statements of income

                               FY2005                FY2004            Change     
                     (April 1, 2004 - March 31, (April 1, 2003 -                  
                               2005)             March 31, 2004)                  
Item/Term              (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen       %      (Yen    Change
                     millions)       thousands) millions)         millions)  (%)  
Net sales              657,853 100.0  6,148,159   655,792   100.0     2,061    0.3
Cost of sales          484,323  73.6  4,526,383   476,407    72.6     7,916    1.7
Gross profit           173,530  26.4  1,621,776   179,385    27.4   (5,855)   -3.3
Selling, general and   119,886  18.2  1,120,430   122,875    18.8   (2,989)   -2.4
Transfer to the                                                                   
government of the                                                                 
portion of                                                                        
Employees' Pension                                                                
Subsidy from the      (33,533)  -5.1  (313,392)         -       -  (33,533)      -
Loss on settlement      27,347   4.2    255,579         -       -    27,347      -
Operating income        59,830   9.1    559,159    56,510     8.6     3,320    5.9
Other income                                                                      
Interest and             1,692           15,813     1,189               503       
dividend income                                                                   
Interest expense         (324)          (3,028)     (323)               (1)       
Foreign exchange         (856)          (8,000)   (3,064)             2,208       
gain (loss)                                                                       
Other-net                1,730           16,168     1,400               330       
Total other income       2,242   0.3     20,953     (798)    -0.1     3,040      -
Income from             62,072   9.4    580,112    55,712     8.5     6,360   11.4
operations before                                                                 
income taxes                                                                      
Income taxes            12,980   1.9    121,308    12,490     1.9       490    3.9
Income from             49,092   7.5    458,804    43,222     6.6     5,870   13.6
operations before                                                                 
minority interests                                                                
Minority interests         479   0.1      4,477       359     0.1       120   33.4
Income from             48,613   7.4    454,327    42,863     6.5     5,750   13.4
Loss from                3,665   0.6     34,252       762     0.1     2,903  381.0
operations, net of                                                                
Net income              44,948   6.8    420,075    42,101     6.4     2,847    6.8



1. In accordance with SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal
of Long-Lived Assets", the figures for the year ended March 31, 2004 relating
to discontinued operations have been reclassified accordingly.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 107


I-5) Balance sheets


                                 As of March 31, 2005    As of March 31,  Change  
Item/Term                       (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %     (Yen   
                              millions)       thousands) millions)       millions)
Current assets                  510,291  63.2  4,769,074   475,773  61.8    34,518
Cash and cash equivalents       251,508        2,350,542   227,155          24,353
Marketable securities             1,609           15,037       402           1,207
Net trade receivables           147,999        1,383,168   138,331           9,668
Inventories                      74,924          700,224    77,301         (2,377)
Other current assets             34,251          320,103    32,584           1,667
Noncurrent assets               297,398  36.8  2,779,421   294,546  38.2     2,852
Investments in securities        22,698          212,131    18,381           4,317
Net property, plant and         216,969        2,027,748   208,945           8,024
Other assets                     57,731          539,542    67,220         (9,489)
TOTAL                           807,689 100.0  7,548,495   770,319 100.0    37,370

                     LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                      

                                 As of March 31, 2005    As of March 31,  Change  
Item/Term                       (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen      %     (Yen   
                              millions)       thousands) millions)       millions)
Current liabilities             118,897  14.7  1,111,187   115,218  15.0     3,679
Short-term debt                     103              963       416           (313)
Trade payables                   62,092          580,299    59,917           2,175
Accrued expenses                 42,636          398,467    45,534         (2,898)
Income taxes payables             8,667           81,000     4,689           3,978
Other current liabilities         5,399           50,458     4,662             737
Noncurrent liabilities           32,915   4.1    307,617    75,606   9.8  (42,691)
Long-term debt, excluding            81              757        27              54
current installments                                                              
Retirement and severance         28,839          269,523    73,521        (44,682)
Deferred income taxes               751            7,019       215             536
Other noncurrent liabilities      3,244           30,318     1,843           1,401
Total liabilities               151,812  18.8  1,418,804   190,824  24.8  (39,012)
Minority interests                5,162   0.6     48,242     3,276   0.4     1,886
Common stock                     32,641          305,056    32,641               -
Additional paid-in capital       63,051          589,262    63,051               -
Legal reserve                    16,918          158,112    16,497             421
Retained earnings               597,205        5,581,355   560,756          36,449
Accumulated other              (51,657)        (482,776)  (90,387)          38,730
comprehensive income (loss)                                                       
Treasury stock                  (7,443)         (69,560)   (6,339)         (1,104)
Total stockholders' equity      650,715  80.6  6,081,449   576,219  74.8    74,496
TOTAL                           807,689 100.0  7,548,495   770,319 100.0    37,370


Note: U.S.$1=Yen 107

                                                     Amendments (June 15, 2005)


I-6) Statements of stockholders' equity

                                                FY2005             FY2004      
                                           (April 1, 2004 -   (April 1, 2003 - 
                                           March 31, 2005)     March 31, 2004) 
Item/Term                                  (Yen      (U.S.$    (Yen millions)  
                                         millions) thousands)                  
Common stock:                                                                  
Balance at beginning of period              32,641    305,056            32,641
Balance at end of period                    32,641    305,056            32,641
Additional paid-in capital:                                                    
Balance at beginning of period              63,051    589,262            63,051
Balance at end of period                    63,051    589,262            63,051
Legal reserve:                                                                 
Balance at beginning of period              16,497    154,177            15,953
Transferred from retained earnings             421      3,935               544
Balance at end of period                    16,918    158,112            16,497
Retained earnings:                                                             
Balance at beginning of period             560,756  5,240,710           525,919
Net income                                  44,948    420,075            42,101
Cash dividends                             (7,938)   (74,187)           (6,625)
Losses on sales of treasury stock            (140)    (1,308)              (95)
Transferred to legal reserve                 (421)    (3,935)             (544)
Balance at end of period                   597,205  5,581,355           560,756
Accumulated other comprehensive income                                         
Balance at beginning of period            (90,387)  (844,738)          (78,824)
Other comprehensive income (loss) for       38,730    361,962          (11,563)
the period, net of tax                                                         
Balance at end of period                  (51,657)  (482,776)          (90,387)
Treasury stock:                                                                
Balance at beginning of period             (6,339)   (59,243)           (4,855)
Acquisition of treasury stock              (1,672)   (15,626)           (1,865)
Exercise of stock option                       568      5,309               381
Balance at end of period                   (7,443)   (69,560)           (6,339)
Total stockholders' equity                 650,715  6,081,449           576,219
Disclosure of comprehensive income                                             
Net income for the period                   44,948    420,075            42,101
Other comprehensive income (loss) for       38,730    361,962          (11,563)
the period, net of tax                                                         
Total comprehensive income for the          83,678    782,037            30,538


Note: U.S.$1=Yen 107


I-7) Statements of cash flows

                                               FY2005              FY2004      
                                          (April 1, 2004 -    (April 1, 2003 - 
                                           March 31, 2005)     March 31, 2004) 
Item/Term                                  (Yen      (U.S.$    (Yen millions)  
                                        millions)  thousands)                  
Cash flows from operating activities:                                          
Net income                                  44,948    420,075            42,101
Loss from discontinued operations, net       3,665     34,252               762
of tax                                                                         
Income from continuing operations           48,613    454,327            42,863
Adjustments to reconcile net income to                                         
net cash provided by operating                                                 
Depreciation and amortization               52,806    493,514            50,726
Loss on disposal of property and             1,190     11,121             1,363
Deferred income taxes                      (5,220)   (48,785)             2,214
Loss (gain) on securities, net                 142      1,327             1,093
Gain on sale of a subsidiary               (1,799)   (16,813)             (567)
Changes in assets and liabilities:                                             
Increase in trade receivables              (7,343)   (68,626)           (7,680)
Decrease (increase) in inventories           3,461     32,346           (7,868)
Increase in trade payables                     245      2,290             8,200
Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses    (3,840)   (35,888)             8,878
Increase (decrease) in income taxes          3,848     35,963             5,704
payables, net                                                                  
Increase (decrease) in retirement and        2,519     23,542             9,285
severance benefits, net                                                        
Other-net                                  (1,040)    (9,720)             (391)
Net cash provided by operating              93,582    874,598           113,820
Cash flows from investing activities:                                          
Capital expenditures                      (61,005)  (570,140)          (44,471)
Proceeds from sale and maturities of         1,788     16,710             1,814
investments in securities                                                      
Payment for purchase of investments in     (2,424)   (22,654)               (1)
Payment for purchase of other                (221)    (2,065)             (442)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant         999      9,336             4,299
and equipment                                                                  
Acquisition of minority interests                -          -             (366)
Proceeds from sale of a subsidiary               -          -             1,523
Other-net                                        -          -               (3)
Net cash used in investing activities     (60,863)  (568,813)          (37,647)
Cash flows from financing activities:                                          
Proceeds from long-term debt                   218      2,037                69
Repayment of long-term debt                  (164)    (1,533)             (479)
Increase (decrease) in short-term debt,      (330)    (3,084)           (1,047)
Sale (purchase) of treasury stock, net     (1,244)   (11,626)           (1,579)
Dividends paid                             (7,938)   (74,187)           (6,625)
Net cash used in financing activities      (9,458)   (88,393)           (9,661)
Net cash provided by (used in)             (1,625)   (15,187)               761
discontinued operations                                                        
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash      2,717     25,393          (10,669)
and cash equivalents                                                           
Net increase in cash and cash               24,353    227,598            56,604
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning     227,155  2,122,944           170,551
of period                                                                      
Cash and cash equivalents at end of        251,508  2,350,542           227,155



1. In accordance with SFAS No.144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal
of Long-Lived Assets", the figures for the year ended March 31, 2004 relating
to discontinued operations have been reclassified accordingly.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 107


I-8) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

1. The consolidated financial statements are prepared in conformity with the

(1) Marketable Securities

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No.115, "Accounting for
Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" is adopted.

(2) Inventories

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined
principally by the average method.

(3) Depreciation

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is principally computed by the
declining-balance method for assets located in Japan and certain foreign
subsidiaries, and by the straight-line method for assets of other foreign
subsidiaries based on estimated useful lives.

(4) Income Taxes

Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred
tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the estimated future tax
consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement
carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax
base and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards.

(5) Derivatives Financial Instruments

SFAS No.133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" and
SFAS No.138, "Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging
Activities, an amendment of FASB Statement No.133" are adopted.

(6) Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

SFAS No.141, "Business Combinations" and SFAS No.142, "Goodwill and Other
Intangible Assets" are adopted.

(7) Retirement and Severance Benefits

SFAS No. 87, "Employers' Accounting for Pensions" is adopted. Gain and loss
related to the transfer of the substitutional portion of its Employees' Pension
Fund to the government was accounted for in accordance with the Emerging Issues
Task Force issue 03-2 ("EITF 03-2"), "Accounting for the Transfer to the
Japanese Government of the Substitutional Portion of Employee Pension Fund

2. As of March 31,2005, TDK had 71 subsidiaries (18 in Japan and 53 overseas).
TDK also had 6 affiliates (4 in Japan and 2 overseas) whose financial
statements are accounted for by the equity method.

3. Comprehensive income comprises net income and other comprehensive income.
Other comprehensive income includes changes in foreign currency translation
adjustments, minimum pension liability adjustments and net unrealized gains
(losses) on securities. The net income, other comprehensive income (loss), net
of tax and total comprehensive income for the years ended March 31, 2005 and
2004 were as follows;

                                                FY2005             FY2004      
                                           (April 1, 2004 -    (April 1,2003 - 
                                           March 31, 2005)     March 31,2004)  
Item/Term                                  (Yen      (U.S.$    (Yen millions)  
                                         millions) thousands)                  
Net income                                  44,948    420,075            42,101
Other comprehensive income (loss), net                                         
of tax:                                                                        
Foreign currency translation adjustments     5,636     52,672          (26,287)
Minimum pension liability adjustments       32,941    307,860            14,186
Net unrealized gains (losses) on               153      1,430               538
Total comprehensive income                  83,678    782,037            30,538


Note: U.S.$1=Yen 107


I-9) Segment Information

The following industry and geographic segment information are required by the
Japanese Securities Exchange Law.

1. Industry segment information

                           FY2005                 FY2004            Change      
                 (April 1, 2004 - March 31,  (April 1, 2003 -                   
                           2005)             March 31, 2004)                    
Product/Term       (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen       %       (Yen    Change 
                 millions)       thousands) millions)          millions)   (%)  
materials and                                                                   
Net sales          545,214 100.0  5,095,458   519,792    100.0    25,422     4.9
Unaffiliated       545,214        5,095,458   519,792             25,422     4.9
Intersegment             -                -         -                  -       -
Operating          477,694  87.6  4,464,430   461,077     88.7    16,617     3.6
Operating income    67,520  12.4    631,028    58,715     11.3     8,805    15.0
Recording media                                                                 
& systems                                                                       
Net sales          112,639 100.0  1,052,701   136,000    100.0  (23,361)   -17.2
Unaffiliated       112,639        1,052,701   136,000           (23,361)   -17.2
Intersegment             -                -         -                  -       -
Operating          120,329 106.8  1,124,570   138,205    101.6  (17,876)   -12.9
Operating income   (7,690)  -6.8   (71,869)   (2,205)     -1.6   (5,485)  -248.8
Net sales          657,853 100.0  6,148,159   655,792    100.0     2,061     0.3
Unaffiliated       657,853        6,148,159   655,792              2,061     0.3
Intersegment             -                -         -                  -       -
Operating          598,023  90.9  5,589,000   599,282     91.4   (1,259)    -0.2
Operating income    59,830   9.1    559,159    56,510      8.6     3,320     5.9


Note: U.S.$1=Yen 107

2. Geographic segment information

                                   FY2005                FY2004            Change     
                         (April 1, 2004 - March 31, (April 1, 2003 -                  
                                   2005)             March 31, 2004)                  
Region/Term                (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen       %      (Yen    Change
                         millions)       thousands) millions)         millions)  (%)  
Japan        Net sales     339,493 100.0  3,172,832   329,782   100.0     9,711    2.9
             Operating      26,382   7.8    246,561     8,538     2.6    17,844  209.0
Americas     Net sales      87,594 100.0    818,636   100,971   100.0  (13,377)  -13.2
             Operating       5,496   6.3     51,364     4,985     4.9       511   10.3
Europe       Net sales      71,682 100.0    669,925    80,641   100.0   (8,959)  -11.1
             Operating     (5,125)  -7.1   (47,897)     (115)    -0.1   (5,010)      -
Asia and     Net sales     400,866 100.0  3,746,411   380,781   100.0    20,085    5.3
             Operating      33,551   8.4    313,561    42,912    11.3   (9,361)  -21.8
Intersegment Net sales     241,782        2,259,645   236,383             5,399       
             Operating         474            4,430     (190)               664       
Total        Net sales     657,853 100.0  6,148,159   655,792   100.0     2,061    0.3
             Operating      59,830   9.1    559,159    56,510     8.6     3,320    5.9



1. Net sales in each geographic area are based on the location of TDK entities
where the sales are generated.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 107

3. Sales by region

                               FY2005                FY2004            Change     
                     (April 1, 2004 - March 31, (April 1, 2003 -                  
                               2005)             March 31, 2004)                  
Region/Term            (Yen      %     (U.S.$     (Yen       %      (Yen    Change
                     millions)       thousands) millions)         millions)  (%)  
Americas                77,813  11.8    727,224    88,734    13.5  (10,921)  -12.3
Europe                  71,702  10.9    670,112    80,710    12.3   (9,008)  -11.2
Asia and others        324,313  49.3  3,030,963   317,725    48.5     6,588    2.1
Overseas sales total   473,828  72.0  4,428,299   487,169    74.3  (13,341)   -2.7
Japan                  184,025  28.0  1,719,860   168,623    25.7    15,402    9.1
Net sales              657,853 100.0  6,148,159   655,792   100.0     2,061    0.3



1. Overseas sales are based on the location of the customers.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 107


I-10) Fair Value of Securities

(Yen millions)                                 Cost    Gross      Gross    Fair 
                                                     Unrealized Unrealized Value
                                                      Holding    Holding        
                                                       Gains      Losses        
As of March 31, 2005                                                            
Equity securities                              5,951      1,054       -    7,005
Debt securities                                1,698          -       -    1,698
Total                                          7,649      1,054       -    8,703
As of March 31, 2004                                                            
Equity securities                              2,782      1,054       -    3,836
Debt securities                                1,101          -       -    1,101
Total                                          3,883      1,054       -    4,937

U.S.$1=Yen 107                                 Cost    Gross      Gross     Fair 
(U.S.$ thousands)                                    Unrealized Unrealized Value 
                                                      Holding    Holding         
                                                       Gains      Losses         
As of March 31, 2005                                                             
Equity securities                             55,617      9,850       -    65,467
Debt securities                               15,869          -       -    15,869
Total                                         71,486      9,850       -    81,336

I-11) Fair Value of Derivatives

(Yen millions)                                       Contract Carrying Estimated
                                                      Amount   Amount    Fair   
As of March 31, 2005                                                            
Forward foreign exchange contracts                      4,349     (88)      (88)
Currency option contracts                              24,641    (366)     (366)
Currency swap agreements for loans to its              11,067    (312)     (312)
As of March 31, 2004                                                            
Forward foreign exchange contracts                     18,638      396       396
Currency option contracts                              16,340       91        91
Currency swap agreements for loans to its              12,605      252       252

(U.S.$ thousands)                                    Contract Carrying Estimated
U.S.$1=Yen 107                                        Amount   Amount    Fair       
As of March 31, 2005                                                            
Forward foreign exchange contracts                     40,645    (822)     (822)
Currency option contracts                             230,290  (3,421)   (3,421)
Currency swap agreements for loans to its             103,430  (2,916)   (2,916)


I-12) Conditions of Production and Orders

1. Production results

                                 FY2005             FY2004           Change      
                            (April 1, 2004 -   (April 1, 2003 -                  
                            March 31, 2005)    March 31, 2004)                   
Product/Term              (Yen        (U.S.$    (Yen millions)    (Yen    Change 
                          millions) thousands)                  millions)   (%)  
Electronic materials and    545,712  5,100,112          518,567    27,145     5.2
Electronic materials        175,538  1,640,542          164,244    11,294     6.9
Electronic devices          116,000  1,084,112          107,579     8,421     7.8
Recording devices           235,143  2,197,598          231,782     3,361     1.5
Semiconductors & others      19,031    177,860           14,962     4,069    27.2
Recording media & systems    89,551    836,925          112,658  (23,107)   -20.5
Total                       635,263  5,937,037          631,225     4,038     0.6


Notes :

1. Monetary amounts are calculated using sales prices.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 107

2. Orders conditions

                                    Orders of FY2005   Orders of FY2004        
                                    (April 1, 2004 -   (April 1, 2003 -        
                                    March 31, 2005)    March 31, 2004)         
                                    (Yen      (U.S.$    (Yen millions)  Change 
                                  millions) thousands)                    (%)  
Electronic materials and            536,947  5,018,196          503,485 6.6    

                                    Outstanding orders  Outstanding            
                                     (As of March 31,                          
                                          2005)         (As of March           
                                                         31, 2004)             
                                     (Yen      (U.S.$       (Yen     Change(%) 
                                   millions) thousands)  millions)             
Electronic materials and              45,462    424,879       54,582      -16.7


Notes :

1. For products other than electronic materials and components, forecast
production is used.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 107


I-13) Supplementary Information (Consolidated)

Exchange rates used for conversion

                                         April 1, 2004 -     April 1, 2003 -   
                                         March 31, 2005       March 31, 2004   
Item/Term                               US$=Yen  Euro=Yen   US$=Yen   Euro=Yen 
Average rate for the period               107.55    135.17    113.19     132.65
The end of the period                     107.39    138.87    105.69     128.88


                                       April 1, 2004 -   April 1, 2003 -        
                                       March 31, 2005    March 31, 2004         
Item/ Term                             Amount    Ratio   Amount    Ratio  Change
                                                  to                to          
                                        (Yen              (Yen             (%)  
                                      millions)  sales  millions)  sales        
                                                  (%)               (%)         
Capital expenditures                     61,005       -    44,471       -   37.2
Depreciation and amortization            52,806     8.0    50,726     7.7    4.1
Research and development                 36,348     5.5    32,948     5.0   10.3
Result of financial income                  1,368              866          58.0
Number of employees (as at the end of      37,115            36,804             
the period)                                                                     
Ratio of overseas production                59.0%             58.6%             

Overseas sales by division

                                     April 1, 2004 -   April 1, 2003 -         
                                     March 31, 2005     March 31, 2004         
Product/Term                         Amount    Ratio   Amount   Ratio to Change
                                      (Yen              (Yen     sales    (%)  
                                    millions)  sales  millions)   (%)          
Electronic materials and components   391,949    59.6   383,699     58.5    2.2
Electronic materials                  126,644    19.2   121,446     18.5    4.3
Electronic devices                     70,199    10.7    61,373      9.4   14.4
Recording devices                     186,768    28.4   195,137     29.7   -4.3
Semiconductors & others                 8,338     1.3     5,743      0.9   45.2
Recording media & systems              81,879    12.4   103,470     15.8  -20.9
Overseas sales                        473,828    72.0   487,169     74.3   -2.7


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