RNS Number : 6512V
  Tadpole Technology PLC
  30 May 2008

                                                         Tadpole Technology plc ("the Group")

      Interim Results

    The Group announces its Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2008.
    A copy of this report is also available on the Company's website

    30th May 2008

    Tadpole Technology plc
    Interim Report
    31 March 2007

    Corporate Summary

    Tadpole Technology plc, a company listed on the London Stock Exchange (EPIC Code: TAD), is the holding company of two main operating
subsidiaries, Endeavors Technologies, Inc., based in Irvine, California and Endeavors Technologies Ltd., based in Yorkshire, England,
serving the global market for software application streaming. 
The Group is an innovative software developer and the owner of the leading patents in its chosen market sector, application streaming, a
form of on demand software application delivery which forms part of the electronic software distribution marketplace.

    Application streaming enables pay-per-use and try-before-you-buy models, where users can quickly experiment and experience software
locally and more easily than downloading. They can use software without waiting for the entire application to download and without consuming
more bandwidth than they actually need. Users save time and service providers save bandwidth. 
    Application streaming ultimately makes all applications more pervasive and ubiquitous, benefiting both end users and ISVs.
    Management Commentary
    Execution of the Group's business plan for its application streaming business has been frustrated significantly by the delay in securing
adequate funding. 
    The original plan to raise �5 million by way of an underwritten firm placing with institutional investors and open offer to existing
shareholders did not proceed primarily due to the collapse in confidence in financial markets.  As a result, between November 2007 and
February 2008 when the project was aborted, the Company incurred professional costs amounting to �164,000 have been written off in the
income statement on page 6.
    Since February 2008, the Board has expended considerable time and effort exploring a number of strategic alternatives including the sale
of the Group's assets to trade buyers, the sale of a controlling interest to another party, and funding arrangements aimed at alternative
types of investor such as high net worth private individuals, venture capitalists, private equity and other institutional investors.
    The outcome of these negotiations is that the Company is now proposing a multistage funding initiative (subject to approval by
shareholders) capable of raising �5m to support the Group's business plan and strengthen its weak balance sheet.  
    It is also proposed to seek shareholder approval for the cancellation of the Company's listing on the Official List and its admission to
trading on AIM. The Board believes that AIM is a more appropriate market for a company of Tadpole's size; it offers the advantage of lighter
regulation and greater flexibility for corporate transactions with consequently lower costs. In addition there are possible beneficial tax
consequences for potential shareholders. 
    Given the current state of the financial markets, the Directors believe the proposed solution to the Group's financing needs, which will
enable management to execute its strategic plans, is in the best interests of current shareholders. It is evident, however, that the delay
in getting to this point has had a significant adverse impact on the performance of the business. Planned increases in sales resources and
expenditure on marketing initiatives have been delayed due to cash constraints and management has been pre-occupied with fund raising at the
expense of business development. Public announcements about our difficult financial condition (required for regulatory compliance) have
partly undermined our credibility with partners and existing or potential customers. 
    Financial Highlights
    Operating results
    Revenues from continuing operations in the first half year decreased by 59% to �813,000 compared with �1,993,000 in the first half last
year. However, previous year revenues included substantial licence fees arising from settlements with potential infringers of the Group's
intellectual property. 
    Operating expenses from continuing operations increased by 39% to �2,276,000 primarily in the UK by the establishment of a European
sales, marketing and support operation and in the US by increased investment in product development. There were 52 average personnel
employed in the first half compared with a planned average of 61 and an average of 29 in the same period last year.
    Operating expenses in the first half year from discontinued operations amounted to �65,000.
    A combination of reduced revenues and increased investment in new personnel resulted in a total operating loss of �1,488,000 in the
first half compared with an operating profit of �489,000 in the first half last year.
     Balance Sheet and Funding
    Total assets at 31 March 2008 were �1,531,000 compared with �2,738,000 at 30 September 2007, a reduction of �1,207,000 comprising
primarily a reduction of �345,000 in trade and other receivables and a reduction in cash of �755,000. Cash at 31 March 2008 stood at
�133,000. The Company is seeking funding through placement of convertible notes. See note 1(b).
    Cash flow
    Net cash used from operating activities in the first half was �1,637,000 compared with cash generated of �1,248,000 in the first half
last year.  
    Sales, marketing & product development
    As explained earlier in this Review, the Group's business development plans have had to be modified due to the delay in securing
adequate funding. 

    Marketing activities were impacted significantly with discretionary expenditure substantially reduced. This affected a number of trade
shows, planned analyst coverage and a wide range of direct marketing initiatives.

    Sales recruitment was halted with a major shortfall in sales resource against the planned figure; this particularly affected US
operations where the Company had recently released a number of sales personnel.
    Given the rapid development of the markets in which the Company is active, it was fortunate that product development was maintained as
there were a number of feature advances from competing products.

    Application Jukebox, the Company's next generation application streaming product/platform was debuted in October 2007 and placed on
general release in April 2008.
    The Group's penetration of the enterprise market was slower than had been anticipated, primarily due to the rapid consolidation of the
market place and the adverse impact of the regulatory announcements regarding the Group's financial condition.
    The Group has adapted its strategy to focus on systems integrators and resellers who provide integration with other vendors' products,
and also critically, have strong relationships with their existing customers.
    OEM opportunities for using application streaming as a technology embedded in other solutions continues to attract interest; the recent
announcement by Proxy Networks of their use of the Group's technology to add value to its existing product line is one such example. The
Group plans to focus a proportion of its business development activities in this area as there are many companies, products and solutions
that could benefit from the OEM application of the Group's technologies.
    The Software as a Service (SaaS) market, although more embryonic, showed rapid signs of development with European interest in SaaS
especially strong.
    An independent review commissioned by the Group identified the SaaS market as one with relative lower barriers to entry for Endeavors
with significant revenue opportunities, and based upon this and other work the Group plans to focus the majority of its marketing activities
in this market sector.
    The Group plans to develop its product set to optimise it for use in a SaaS based environment.
    Trials and evaluations of the Group's products have in the main been successful, however the general speed of adoption has been slower
than expected primarily due to customers optimising and re-evaluating the commercial models they had planned for commercial realisation.
    SaaS fundamentally changes the methods and possibilities for packaging of products and services and this has increased interest in the
approach whilst paradoxically slowing commercial fulfilment of these opportunities. 
    Wallace Systems with Group Moniteur released the first major SaaS based system in France in March 2008, and the associated reference and
case study articulates well the benefits of using application streaming as a method of SaaS delivery. 
    The market opportunities for the Company's products remain strong. Subject to shareholder approval and the completion of the proposed
funding, the Group will have the time and resources to execute its plans.
    Today, the revenue models associated with SaaS are transactional based, so the Group expects it will take at least a year to establish a
strong run rate business underpinned by a growing annuity of volume-related revenues.
    The SaaS market represents a very significant opportunity for the Group to capture a major share and be a shaper and influencer on the
destiny of that market. It also affords the Group the opportunity to successfully re-position itself in the Enterprise market based on its
performance in the SaaS market.

    Peter Bondar
    Chief Executive Officer

for the six months ended 31 March 2008

                                              Unaudited                      Unaudited                      Audited
                                                Six months ended 31 March    Six months ended 31 March      Year ended 30 September
                                              2008                           2007                           2007
                                 Notes        �'000                          �'000                          �'000
 Revenue                         2            813                            1,993                          3,276
 Cost of sales                                -                                 -                           (34)
 Gross profit                                 813                            1,993                          3,242
 Selling and marketing costs                  (824)                           (429)                                         (1,189)
 Research and development costs               (662)                           (474)                         (1,077)
 Administrative costs                         (790)                           (741)                         (1,248)
 Total operating expenses                     (2,276)                        (1,644)                        (3,514)
 Operating profit / (loss)       2            (1,463)                        349                            (272)
 Finance revenue                              20                             24                                                  36
 Finance expenses                             (2)                            (101)                          (104)
 Profit/(loss) before taxation                (1,445)                        272                            (340)
 Taxation                        3            22                             27                                                  55
 Profit/(loss) for the period                 (1,423)                        299                            (285)
 attributable to continuing                                                
 Profit/(loss) for the period                 (65)                           190                            542
 from discontinued operations    2,5                                       
 Profit/(loss) for the period                 (1,488)                        489                            257
 attributable to the equity                                                
 holders of the parent                                                     
 Profit/(loss) per ordinary share
                                              (0.34)p                        0.08p                                    (0.07)p
 Basic EPS from continuing       4                                         
 operations for the period                                                 
 Fully diluted EPS from                                                    
 continuing operations for the                                             
 period                          4            (0.34)p                                              0.12p              (0.07)p
 Basic EPS on profit/(loss) for  4            (0.35)p                                              0.12p              0.06p
 the period                                                                
                                 4            (0.35)p                                                                 0.06p.
 Fully diluted EPS on                                                      
 profit/(loss) for the period                                              

for the six months ended 31 March 2008

                                 Unaudited               Unaudited               Audited
                                   Six months ended      Six months ended 31     Year ended 30
                                 31 March                March                   September
                                                 2008                    2007                    2007
                                                �'000                   �'000                   �'000
 Exchange differences arising                      35                      19                    (43)
 on translation of foreign                                                     
                                                   35                      19                    (43)
 Net income/ (expense)                                                         
 recognised directly in equity                                                 
 Profit/(loss)for the period                  (1,488)                     489                     257
 Total recognised income and                  (1,453)                     508                     214
 expense relating to the period                                                
 attributable to equity holders                                                

at 31 March 2008

                                          Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                                          31 March     31 March     30 September
                                          2008         2007         2007
                                   Notes  �'000        �'000        �'000
 Non-current assets                                               
 Goodwill                                 947          952          915
 Intangible assets                        112          299          197
 Property, plant and equipment            62           118          64
                                          1,121        1,369        1,176
 Current assets                                                   
 Trade and other receivables       6      277          871          622
 Cash and cash equivalents                133          2,188        888
                                          410          3,059        1,510
 Assets held for sale              5      -            -            52
 Total assets                             1,531        4,428        2,738
 Issued share capital              7      21,136       20,893       20,936
 Share premium                     7      40,484       40,109       40,109
 Merger reserve                           11,190       11,191       11,190
 Foreign currency translation             2            29           (33)
 Equity instruments reserve               226          380          190
 Retained loss                            (72,874)     (71,476)     (71,455)
 Total equity                             164          1,126         937
 Non-current liabilities                                          
 Deferred tax liabilities                 33           90           59
 Current liabilities                                              
 Trade and other payables          8      1,128        3,199        1,644
 Interest-bearing loans and        9      195          -            -
 Tax liabilities                          11           13           7
                                          1,334        3,212         1,651
 Liabilities held for sale         5      -            -            91
 Total liabilities                        1,367        3,302        1,801
 Total equity and liabilities             1,531        4,428        2,738

    The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 30 May 2008. They were signed on its behalf

    Peter Bondar - Chief Executive Officer
    30 May 2008

for the six months ended 31 March 2008

                                         Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                       Six months      Six months    Year ended
                                 ended              ended            30 
                                 31 March           31 March         September
                                 2008               2007             2007
                                 �'000              �'000            �'000
 Cash flows from operating                                         
 (Loss)/profit before tax        (1,510)            462              202
 Depreciation, amortisation and  109                177              326
 Movements in holiday pay        (6)                -                6
 Profit on disposal of           -                  -                1
 non-current assets                                                
 Share-based remuneration        69                 48               110
 Finance revenue                 (20)               (24)             (36)
 Finance expenses                2                  101              104
 Decrease in receivables         261                588              560
 Decrease  in prepayments        85                 -                -
 (Decrease) in payables          (631)              (104)            (1,249)
 Cash/(used by) generated from                                     
 operating activities before     (1,641)            1,248            24
 Income taxes paid               4                  -                (9)
 Net cash (used by)/generated    (1,637)            1,248            15
 from operating activities                                         
 Cash flows from investing                                         
 Purchase of property, plant     (26)               (48)             (122)
 and equipment                                                     
 Disposal of subsidiary          52                 (14)             (21)
 Interest received               20                 24               36
 Net cash generated from/(used   46                 (38)             (107)
 in) investing activities                                          
 Cash flows from financing                                         
 Gross proceeds from issue of    585                42               85
 share capital                                                     
 Share issue costs               (10)               -                -
 Interest paid                   (2)                (38)             (41)
 Proceeds from issue of loan     230                -                -
 Repayment of DivestCap loan     -                  (763)            (761)
 Net cash generated from/(used                                     
 in) financing activities        803                (759)            (717)
 Net (decrease)/increase in      (788)              451              (810)
 cash and cash equivalents                                         
 Net foreign exchange            33                 28               (11)
 Opening cash and cash           888                1,709            1,709
 Closing cash and cash           133                2,188            888
    Material non-cash transactions in the six months to 31 March 2008 and the comparatives comprise the impairment of goodwill and other
intangible assets, share based payment charges and the accounting for the convertible loans.

    1.    Basis of preparation

    (a) Financial information and accounting policies
    The financial information set out within this report does not constitute the Group's consolidated statutory financial statements as
defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The results for the year ended 30 September 2007 have been extracted from the statutory
consolidated financial statements of Tadpole Technology Plc for the year ended 30 September 2007 which are prepared in accordance with IFRS,
on which the auditors gave an unqualified report (which made no statement under sections 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985) and have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

    The unaudited interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 March 2008 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting and the disclosure requirements of the Listing Rules.  The unaudited interim financial statements have been prepared on
the basis of the accounting policies set out in the most recently published financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30
September 2007.

    The interim financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the Annual Report and should be read in
conjunction with the Annual Report for the year ended 30 September 2007.

    (b) Going concern
    The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis which assumes that the Group will continue its operational
existence, and will be able to meet its liabilities as they fall due, for the foreseeable future.  

    In concluding that it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements the Directors have prepared
forecast income statements, balance sheets and cash flows for the three years ending 30 September 2010 taking into consideration an expected
fund raising of up to �5 million by the issue of Convertible Loan Notes, subject to approval by shareholders at a General meeting on 20 June

    The Notice of the General Meeting sent to shareholders contains a statement that "in order to ensure that adequate working capital, that
is sufficient for at least 12 months from the date (27 May 2008) of this document, is available to the Company, the Directors believe that a
minimum �2.5 million will need to be subscribed by way of the Loan Notes and the current potential investors who have expressed an interest
in the Company have given indications of investment up to an aggregate �4.5 million." 

    The Directors do not believe there are any alternative sources of funding available to the Company at present and, in the event that
subscriptions for the minimum funding requirement of �2.5 million are not received or the Resolutions put to shareholders at the General
Meeting are not passed there will be insufficient time to identify alternative sources of funding and consequently the Company will face
acute financial difficulty and will have to cease trading immediately and seek the appointment of an administrator.

    (c) Risks and uncertainties
    There are a number of risks which could have an impact on the performance of the Group for the remaining six months of the year and on
its long term performance. They include:
    *     Liquidity risk
    *     Foreign exchange risk
    *     Interest rate risk
    *     Customer dependence risk
    *     Market, technology and intellectual property risks
    *     Key employees risk
    *     Environmental and regulatory risk
    These risks are described in more detail in the most recently published Annual Report. The Directors routinely monitor all of these
risks and uncertainties and appropriate actions are taken to mitigate these risks.

    2.     Segment information
    The primary reporting segment format is determined to be business segments as this is the basis on which operations were managed during
the period.
    For management purposes, the Group was split into two trading operations; the continuing business comprising the Streaming Division and
HQ costs and the discontinued Geospatial Solutions Division. The Streaming business offers application software streaming technology for
consumer, games-on-demand, and enterprise delivery and management of applications over the Internet and private networks.  It is conducted
out of the UK and California, USA. The Geospatial business which provided enterprise infrastructure software solutions to support the
management, replication and distribution of geospatial data within and between organizations, was also conducted out of the UK and
California, USA.
    The operations of the Group are not subject to significant seasonality.
    Divisional segments 
    Unaudited six months ended 31 March 2008

                                 Streaming    Geospatial    Total
                                 �'000        �'000         �'000
 Licencing and support           813          -             813
 Segment revenue                 813          -             813
 Cost of sales                   -            -             -
 Gross profit                    813          -             813
 Selling and marketing costs     (824)        -             (824)
 Research and development costs  (662)        -             (662)
 Administrative costs            (790)        (65)          (855)
 Total operating expenses        (2,276)      (65)          (2,341)
 Operating loss                  (1,463)      (65)          (1,528)
 Finance revenue                                            20
 Finance expenses                                           (2)
 Loss before taxation                                       (1,510)
 Taxation                                                   22
 Loss for the period                                        (1,488)

      2.     Segment information (continued)
    Unaudited six months ended 31 March 2007

                                 Streaming    Geospatial    Total
                                 �'000        �'000         �'000
 Licencing and support           1,857        160           2,017
 Royalties                       123          -             123
 Consultancy and services        13           2,505         2,518
 Segment revenue                 1,993        2,665         4,658
 Cost of sales                   -            (1,467)       (1,467)
 Gross profit                    1,993        1,198         3,191
 Selling and marketing costs     (429)        (521)         (950)
 Research and development costs  (474)        (331)         (805)
 Administrative costs            (741)        (156)         (897)
 Total operating expenses        (1,644)      (1,008)       (2,652)
 Operating profit                349          190           539
 Finance revenue                                            24
 Finance expenses                                           (101)
 Profit before taxation                                     462
 Taxation                                                   27
 Profit for the period                                      489

    2.     Segment information (continued)
    Audited for year ended 30 September 2007

                                 Streaming    Geospatial    Total
                                 �'000        �'000         �'000
 Licencing and Support           3,006        777           3,783
 Royalties                       242          -             242
 Consultancy and services        28           3,693         3,721
 Segment revenue                 3,276        4,470         7,746
 Cost of sales                   (34)         (2,206)       (2,240)
 Gross profit                    3,242        2,264         5,506
 Selling and marketing costs     (1,189)      (745)         (1,934)
 Research and development costs  (1,077)      (364)         (1,441)
 Administrative costs            (1,248)      (613)         (1,861)
 Total operating expenses        (3,514)      (1,722)       (5,236)
 Operating profit/ (loss)        (272)        542           270
 Finance revenue                                            36
 Finance expenses                                           (104)
 Profit before taxation                                     202
 Taxation                                                   55
 Profit for the year                                        257
    3.    Taxation
    The tax charges / (credits) comprise:
                                 Unaudited               Unaudited                    Audited
                                 Six months ended 31     Six months ended 31 March    Year ended 30 September
                                 2008                    2007                         2007
                                 �'000                   �'000                        �'000
 UK corporation tax              4                       5                            7
 Total current tax               4                       5                            7
 Deferred tax release            (26)                    (32)                         (62)
 Tax on profit/(loss) on         (22)                    (27)                         (55)
 ordinary activities                                                                

    4.    Earnings per ordinary share

    The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per ordinary share on continuing operations for the six months ended 31 March 2008 is
based on the Group net loss attributable to the continuing operations of �1,423,000 and on 424,636,492 ordinary shares, the weighted average
number in issue and ranking for dividend in the period. In accordance with IAS 33, the 30,793,417 outstanding share options and 8,500,000
unexercised share warrants have been excluded as the impact of their inclusion would be anti-dilutive.
    The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per ordinary share on total operations for the six months ended 31 March 2008 is based on
the Group loss for the period of �1,488,000 and on 424,636,492 ordinary shares, the weighted average number in issue and ranking for
dividend in the period as above. 
    The calculation of the basic earnings per ordinary share on continuing operations for the six months ended 31 March 2007 is based on a
Group profit for the period of �299,000 and on 397,972,823 ordinary shares, the weighted average number in issue and ranking for dividend
during the period. The calculation of the basic earnings per ordinary share on total operations for the six months ended 31 March 2007 is
based on the Group profit for the period of �489,000 and on 397,972,823 ordinary shares, the weighted average number in issue and ranking
for dividend in the period as above. 
    The diluted earnings per share on continuing operations for the six months to 31 March 2007 is based on Group Profit of �299,000 and on
414,221,442 ordinary shares. This includes the outstanding 12.75 million share warrants. The diluted earnings per share on total operations
for the six months to 31 March 2007 is based on Group Profit of �489,000 and on 414,221,442 ordinary shares. This includes the outstanding
12.75 million share warrants.
    The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per ordinary share on continuing operations for the year to 30 September 2007 is based on
the Group net loss attributable to the continuing operations of �285,000 and on 400,951,967 ordinary shares, the weighted average number in
issue and ranking for dividend in the year. In accordance with IAS 33, the 15,085,000 outstanding share options and 8,500,000 unexercised
share warrants have been excluded as the impact of their inclusion would be anti-dilutive.
    The calculation of the basic and diluted profit per ordinary share on total operations for the year to 30 September 2007 is based on the
Group profit for the financial year of �257,000 and on 400,951,967 ordinary shares, the weighted average number in issue and ranking for
dividend in the year as above. 
    5.    Assets and liabilities held for sale and discontinued operations

    In November 2006 it was announced that the Ordnance Survey (OS) had suspended, on one month notice, two of the major work-streams in
connection with the development of the Phoenix programme, pending a strategic review. Prompt cost realignment actions, primarily in the UK,
enabled the Geospatial Solutions Division (GSD) to remain profitable. The Board also undertook a strategic review of the business and
concluded that it would be in the best interests of the Company and its stakeholders to sell its subsidiary Tadpole Cartesia, Inc. (TCI)
through which GSD's US operating activities were conducted. The sale of TCI was concluded in March 2007. Under the agreement the Company was
paid $1 cash and retained the Go! Sync intellectual property which the purchaser (TC Technology, Inc.) can exploit in return for royalty
payments. The loss on the disposal was �3,600.
    On 29 March 2007, GSD signed a framework services contract with the OS for the continuation of the Editor work-stream. 
    In September 2007 the Company announced that Ordnance Survey served notice to terminate its contract with GSD and as a consequence, the
future of the division needed urgent review. As a result of that review, on 1 November 2007, the Company announced that it entered into an
asset purchase agreement with ESRI (UK) Limited ("ESRI"). Under the terms of the agreement ESRI acquired customer and support contracts,
product intellectual property rights and tangible fixed assets for an aggregate consideration of �545,000, comprising �225,000 in cash and
�320,000 in respect of customer support, premises lease and employee liabilities undertaken by ESRI.  As a result, �52,000 of fixed assets
were shown on the balance sheet as assets held for sale at 30 September 2007, and �91,000 of deferred revenue, relating to the customer
support contracts for which ESRI agreed to assume responsibility, was shown on the balance sheet as liabilities held for sale at 30
September 2007. All other assets and liabilities, including debtors, creditors and cash remained with the Company. 
    As disclosed in the interim Report to 31 March 2007 the revenue for TCI, included in the results of the discontinued business, was
�244,000 (2006 - �856,000) and the operating loss was �219,000 (2006 - �434,000). In the period to 30 September 2007 the Company has
received �39,000 in royalties from TC Technology, Inc. 

Included in the results for 2007 was a provision of �348,000 relating to the closure costs of the Geospatial Solutions Division, comprising
staff redundancies (�281,000), property dilapidations (�45,000) and other costs (�22,000).     

    6.    Trade and other receivables
                                 Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                 31           31           30 September
                                 March        March      
                                 2008         2007         2007
                                 �'000        �'000        �'000
 Trade receivables                 78         635          388
 Other receivables               49           5            4
 Prepayments and accrued income  150          231          230
                                 277          871          622

    7.    Share capital

    During the six months ended 31 March 2008 the Company issued 20,000,000 of ordinary shares with par value of 1p for cash at a price of
2.925p per share. The total consideration before issue costs for the exercised options was �585,000, including �385,000 of premium.

    There was no movement in the deferred shares during the current or prior year.

    8.    Trade and other payables
                                Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                31           31           30 September
                                March        March      
                                2008         2007         2007
                                �'000        �'000        �'000
 Trade payables                 470          563          312
 Social security, PAYE and VAT  27           248          170
 Other payables                 155          505          302
 Accruals                       329          711          687
 Deferred revenues              147          1,172        173
                                1,128        3,199        1,644

    9.    Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

� 230,000,000 convertible loan note                                                                                  195

    The loan note is convertible, in whole or in part, at the option of the holder into ordinary capital of the Company at a rate of �0.01
per share. The loan note is secured by way of a floating charge against all the assets of the Group and carries interest at the rate of 2%
above the base rate of Barclays Bank plc, currently 7.00%, set and payable on maturity date. The note is repayable on 25 September 2008

    The loan liability was recognised at its initial fair value, based on the present value of the future cash flows discounted using an
estimated market interest rate of 50% for a loan with no additional equity or other features. The carrying amount of the loan liability was
accreted up to its redemption amount at maturity using the effective interest method. As the amounts initially recognised in equity and as a
liability exceeded the proceeds received, a charge was recognised in administrative expenses at the outset of the transaction, reflecting
the cost of this deal.


    Fair value of the liability component of the convertible loan at date of issue                                             194
    Accretion of liability component during the period                                                                                     
    Accretion of liability component allocated to future periods                                                                      35
    Redemption value of convertible loan                                                                                                    

    10.     Statement of changes in equity
                                 Share Capital    Share premium           Merger reserve    Foreign currency        Equity instru-ments    
Retained profit/    Total equity
                                                  account                                   translation reserve     reserve                
                                         �'000                   �'000             �'000                   �'000                   �'000    
          �'000           �'000
                 1 October 2006         20,851                  40,109            11,190                      10                     380    
       (72,012)             528
 Total recognised income and                 -                       -                 -                      19                       -    
            489             508
 expense for the period                                                                                                                     
 Share-based remuneration                    -                       -                 -                       -                       -    
             48              48
 Share issues                               42                       -                 -                       -                       -    
              -              42
 At  31 March 2007                      20,893                  40,109            11,190                      29                     380    
       (71,475)           1,126
 Total recognised income                                                                                                                    
  and expense for the period                 -                       -                 -                    (62)                       -    
          (232)           (294)
 Share-based remuneration                    -                       -                 -                       -                       -    
             62              62
 Share issues                               43                       -                 -                       -                       -    
              -              43
 Warrants exercised                          -                       -                 -                       -                   (190)    
              -             190
 At 30 September 2007                   20,936                  40,109            11,190                    (33)                     190    
       (71,455)             937
 Total recognised income                                                                                                                    
  and expense for the period                 -                       -                 -                      35                       -    
        (1,488)         (1,453)
 Share-based remuneration                    -                       -                 -                       -                       -    
             69              69
 Share issues                              200                     385                 -                       -                       -    
              -             585
 Costs relating to shares                    -                    (10)                 -                       -                       -    
              -            (10)
 Equity component of                         -                       -                 -                       -                      36    
              -              36
 convertible loan note                                                                                                                      
 At 31 March 2008                       21,136                  40,484            11,190                       2                     226    
       (72,874)             164
    11.    Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the interim financial statements
    The directors of the Company confirm to the best of their knowledge:
    a)    the interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34;
    b)    the interim financial statements contain a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R being an
        indication of the important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and
        a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and
    c)    the interim financial statements include a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R being
       disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein since the last Annual Report.
    By order of the Board
    Peter Bondar
    Chief Executive Officer

    30 May 2008
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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