RNS Number:3291Y
SPG Media Group Plc
14 June 2007


Financial highlights

Turnover                                           #16.6 million            (2006: # 18.2 million)

Operating profit (before exceptional items
  and goodwill amortisation)                       #0.7 million             (2006: #1.6 million)

Operating profit                                   #0.3 million             (2006: #1.5 million)

Cash generated by operations                       #1.0 million             (2006: #2.2 million)

Cash in hand                                       #3.0 million             (2006: #2.3 million)

Stephen Davidson, Chairman

"In a difficult year we have produced results which show the underlying
performance of the Group to be sound. We need to make investments in our
products and people to ensure they have an opportunity to deliver growth. I
believe we now have a realistic plan to deliver that growth.

The Group finished the period with net funds of #3.0 million."

Keith Sadler, Chief Executive
"Our aim is to grow the Group from its current base by developing the current
portfolio of products, to increase the revenue from each product through
investment in content, people and ideas. The result of this investment will
drive response for our clients ensuring they achieve a return on their
investment with us."


Keith Sadler             SPG Media Group plc             020 7915 9600

Mike Coe                 Blue Oar Securities Plc         0117 933 0020

Chairman's Statement

Trading results

In a difficult year we have produced results which show the underlying
performance of the Group to be sound. The results for the year ended 31 March
2007 show turnover of #16.6 million (2006: #18.2 million) and an operating
profit, before exceptional items and amortisation, of #0.7 million (2006: #1.6
million). The profit before taxation was #0.3 million (2006: #1.3 million).

As I stated in my interim statement we were reliant on the fourth quarter of the
year to deliver significant operating and financial performance. Although the
fourth quarter was disappointing for revenues we delivered both operating
profits and cash flow.

Following a review, we made the decision to close our Indian office based in
Hyderabad. The Indian operation had produced poor quality data and failed
financially to justify continued support. We have entered into an agreement to
sell the shares in SPG Media India Pty Limited to Visage Media Pty Limited for
US$100,000. This included the seven websites we had transferred to India to sell
advertising. We retain a small successful sales team who sell our International
Outsourcing Forum.

Net Funds

The Group produced net cash flow from operating activities of #1.0 million
(2006: #2.2 million) and made capital expenditure of some #0.3 million (2006:
#0.3 million). The Group finished the period with net funds of #3.0 million
(2006: #2.3 million). This increase represents the earnings before interest,
tax, depreciation and amortisation and indicates healthy cash conversion.


I am pleased to welcome Adrian Howe to the Board of Directors. Adrian has a
wealth of experience in operating with large and medium sized companies. With
his financial background Adrian will Chair the Audit Committee. I would like to
thank Christopher Haines for his tenure as Chair of the Audit Committee, which
he has conducted diligently and effectively. Christopher will remain on the
Audit Committee and continue to make a positive contribution to its operation.

Employees and customers

I would like to thank the staff and management of the Group for their hard work
and commitment throughout the year. Also my thanks to all our customers and
clients who have placed their marketing needs with us and supported us through
this year.


We need to make investments in our products and people to ensure they have an
opportunity to deliver growth. I believe we now have a realistic plan to deliver
that growth.

Stephen Davidson
14 June 2007

Business Review


Our aim is to grow the Group from its current base by developing the current
portfolio of products, to increase the revenue from each product through
investment in content, people and ideas. The result of this investment will
drive response for our clients ensuring they achieve a return on their
investment with us.

SPG Media Group plc's activities are focussed in three areas, in print, online
and in person. We aim to offer measurable marketing/advertising solutions to our
customers through these three channels. Historically we have pushed products
into the market place and cut costs to achieve short term results. To achieve
long term growth for the business and increase shareholder value we need to make
investments that will lead to improvements in revenue and over time improvement
in the operating profit of the Group.

The key driver for the business is the demand for advertising and marketing
services from a broad spectrum of industries. We are investing in our products
to ensure we can provide services for our clients even in the cyclical nature of
marketing and advertising. We have increased the budget for content on our
websites, introduced e-newsletters and job boards are to be launched on our
websites from September. Editorial and design form an important part of our
magazines where we now invest in compelling content through the editorial team
writing and commissioning specific articles for the magazines. In our events
division we are introducing more opportunities for our clients to meet their
potential clients through the addition of exhibition stands, meeting chalets and
establishing networking areas.

Principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group would be a failure to respond
to the competitive landscape and establishing marketing and product initiatives
to ensure we remain competitive. Investing in our products in the future will be
imperative if we are to achieve and maintain a profitable Group. The Group is
reliant on its sales force and critical to its success is the recruitment and
retention of skilled sales personnel.

Key performance indicators

The Board use a wide range of financial indicators to assess performance with in
the Group. These key performance indicators are reviewed regularly by the Board
and senior management to ensure we comply with our aims.

Order intake year on year                                2007: (11.1)%         2006: (6.4)%
Product order intake (in aggregate as above)
Sales revenue recognition (conversion of orders into     2007: 110%            2006:109%
Orders per sales person (average number in year)         2007: #2,354          2006: #1,891
Cash conversion (operating profit to cash from           2007: 3.38            2006: 1.42
EBITDA                                                   2007: #1.4 million    2006: #2.7 million

Group Results

Turnover for the Group fell from #18.2 million to #16.6 million. This was a
result of the continued decline in our print division which showed a decline in
revenues of #1.8 million. The majority of this decline, #1.2 million, occurred
in the first half of the year when restructuring had an impact on the
performance of this division. The rate of decline in revenue in the second half
has slowed and has shown signs of stability.

The gross profit margin has been maintained at 54% and produced a gross profit
of #9.0 million compared to #9.8 million for the previous year.

Distribution costs fell as a result of sourcing cheaper distribution channels
and publishing fewer titles.

We have identified certain costs as exceptional and disclosed these separately
on the face of the profit and loss account. They include the redundancy and
compensation for loss of office costs of #0.6 million (#0.3 million redundancy
and #0.3 million compensation for loss of office), the write down of our assets
in India and a tax liability in India totalling #182,000 and costs associated
with the potential offer for the company of #44,000. This charge was offset by a
release of #603,000 from the property provision as a result of the surrender of
the lease on Edgware Road and the letting of the vacant floor at Goodge Street.

The Administrative expenses have increased from #7.7 million to #7.9 million.
This increase is due to a stepped increase in the rent at North Wharf Road, the
Group's principal operating office and an increase in the bad debt provision.
The previous year benefited from a release from the bad debt provision.
Offsetting these increases was a release of #0.4 million (2006: #0.2 million) of
credit balances on the balance sheet. The Board regularly reviews and assess the
appropriateness of credit balances in the balance sheet which led to this

The Group reported an operating profit before amortisation and exceptional items
of #0.7 million (2006: #1.6 million). Group operating profit after amortisation
and exceptional items is #0.3 million.

The net interest charge of #34,000 includes a charge of #114,000 (2006:
#168,000) for the discount applied on the property provision at the time the
initial provision was calculated. This is a non-cash item and increases the
property provision by this amount. This should reduce as the provision is
reduced over time. #82,000 (2006: #21,000) of interest was generated from the
Group's cash balances.

As a result of the reduced retained earnings the earnings per share fell to 0.30
pence from 1.59 pence in 2006.

The Group was a positive cash generator with #0.7 million added to the balance
at the previous year-end making a total of #3.0 million of cash balances held at
31 March 2007.


We operate web sites where we offer a listing service to clients with a 600 word
profile and five image package. These web sites are aimed at businesses who are
looking to search for the procurement of goods and services for their own
businesses. Following the sale of our Indian operation we now have 30 web sites
which cover a number of industries. The full list of our current websites are as

Aerospace-technology.com                  Medicaldevice-network.com
Airforce-technology.com                   Mobilecommunication-technology.com
Airport-technology.com                    Naval-technology.com
Army-technology.com                       Offshore-technology.com
The-Chiefexecutive.com                    Packaging-gateway.com
Chemicals-technology.com                  Pharmaceutical-technology.com
Designbuild-network.com                   Power-technology.com
Drugdevelopment-technology.com            Railway-technology.com
The-Financedirector.com                   Roadtraffic-technology.com
Foodprocessing-technology.com             Semiconductor-technology.com
Hospital Management.net                   Ship-technology.com
Hotel-technology.com                      Totaloutsourcinghub.com
Hydrocarbons-technology.com               Water-technology.com
Industryappointments.com                  Worldcruise-network.com
Mining-technology.com                     Worldpharamceuticals.net

Revenues from our internet business increased by 6.8% from #6.1 million to #6.5
million in the year ended 31 March 2007.

During the last six months we have implemented a number of initiatives to
improve the content on our websites. This includes an increase in the editorial
personnel to write and commission articles and features for these websites. The
intention of this is to increase unique user sessions on our websites. This
investment will initially target our better performing websites. We have also
established electronic newsletters which are sent out to our internet client
base and carry paid for advertising. Our initial launch is on
Offshore-technology.com. These newsletters are to be produced monthly with our
plan to increase frequency. From September 2007 we will launch our interactive
job boards for our top twelve websites. This is, again, to increase unique user
sessions but also offer clients opportunities to integrate into the web site and
create community.


Our "in person" side of the business comprises executive Forums and Conferences.
The Forums consist of supplier and buyer delegates attending meetings at which
suppliers have an opportunity to make presentations to potential clients. An
important element for the success of the Forum is the seminar and conference
programme for all delegates. Separate to this is our conference programme where
we produce and sell delegate places to attendees. For both of these areas we
also attempt to generate sponsorship revenue. What we believe differentiates us
is our exceptional execution of both our Forums and Conferences.

We ran 13 forums (2006: 13), 2 business breakfasts (2006: none) and 35
conferences (2006: 31) through the year. Our aim is to increase the size of our
Forums with more delegates by making improvements in the proposition by offering
further opportunities for suppliers to have exhibition stands and also the
introduction of networking areas. These will generate further sponsorship
revenue opportunities. Revenue generated from all the events held was #6.0
million (2006: #6.2 million). The primary cause for the fall in revenue was the
cancellation of the Digital Infrastructure Technology Forum which was being sold
out of our Indian office. However, due to poor sales this event had to be
cancelled. In addition we were unable to rebook the South African Event we ran
successfully on behalf of the South African Contact Centre Community.

As with the other areas of the business we have invested in more producers and
sales staff as well marketing personnel to improve the performance of this part
of the business.


After a period of change we established the print division under a single head
of sales. We have also improved the quality of the magazines under the direction
of our Editor-in-Chief. Our aim is to have compelling content within the
magazines giving our advertisers and contributors a value added product. Our UK
publications during the year were as follows:

World Pharmaceutical Frontiers           Future Airport
World Expro                              CEO
FDE                                      Packaging and Converting Intelligence
Medical Devices                          Hotel Management International
Global Semiconductor                     CIMA
World Cruise Review                      Future Banking
The Wealth Collection                    Hospital Management International
Leaf Review                              Review of Modern Surgery
Review of Patient Care

The revenue from our print division declined from #5.9 million to #4.1 million;
#1.2 million of the decline was accounted for in the first half of the year and
#0.6 million in the second half. And of this second half decline some #0.3
million was due to the decision to cease publishing certain titles.

Half year on half year the rate of decline slowed dramatically and now we have a
platform from which we can improve. During the year we were awarded the contract
to publish a quarterly magazine for the Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants ("CIMA"). We believe this indicates our ability to produce and
publish quality magazines. The magazine is part of the continuing professional
development for certain members of the institute and therefore required reading
for those members. In addition we have been asked to produce, and procure
delegates for, four conferences on behalf of CIMA.


In the second half of the year a number of inconsistencies in the performance of
the Indian operation appeared. Revenue targets were not being met, bad debt
provisioning was increased and the quality of the data being produced in the
operation was consistently below standard. The Digital Infrastructure Technology
("DIT") forum had to be cancelled as no sales had been made on the event. This
was one of the first events run by the Group. In the wake of this outturn the
Board took the decision to sell the remaining part of the business to Visage
Media Pty Limited a subsidiary of iLabs Management LLC an Indian venture capital
fund. We have entered into an agreement with Visage Media Pty Limited to sell
the shares to them. We retain a small presence (four sales people and seven data
confirmation team) in India selling our International Outsourcing Forum.


We have surrendered our lease at Edgware Road, London. This was the only
property not to be sublet. The annual outgoings for this property were #181,000.
The Group will make a saving of #74,000 for the remainder of the lease. We have
also let a floor at Goodge Street, London for the remainder of the lease, saving
the Group some #189,000 per annum. This lease runs until 2014. The settlement of
these property issues has allowed the Group to release #603,000 from the
property provision, which has been disclosed as an exceptional item.

Unaudited Consolidated profit and loss account
For the year ended                                2007                                     2006
31 March

                                        Before   Exceptional     Total            Before  Exceptional    Total
                                   exceptional     items and                 exceptional    items and
                                     items and  amortisation                   items and amortisation
                                  amortisation                              amortisation
                                                    (Note 4)                                 (Note 4)
                          Notes          #'000         #'000     #'000             #'000        #'000    #'000

Group turnover including
share of joint venture
                                        16,597             -    16,597            18,256            -   18,256
Less share of joint
venture turnover
                                             -             -         -              (65)            -     (65)

Group turnover              1           16,597             -    16,597            18,191            -   18,191

Cost of sales                          (7,567)             -   (7,567)           (8,349)            -  (8,349)

Gross profit                             9,030             -     9,030             9,842            -    9,842
Distribution costs                       (380)             -     (380)             (450)            -    (450)
Administrative expenses                (7,916)         (444)   (8,360)           (7,752)         (94)  (7,846)

Administrative expenses     2          (7,916)             -   (7,916)           (7,752)            -  (7,752)
Amortisation                2                -         (241)     (241)                 -        (248)    (248)
Exceptional items           3                -         (203)     (203)                 -          154      154

Total administrative
                                       (7,916)         (444)   (8,360)           (7,752)         (94)  (7,846)

Group operating profit                     734         (444)       290             1,640         (94)    1,546

Share of joint venture
operating loss
                                             -             -         -              (44)            -     (44)
Loss on termination of      3
joint venture
                                             -             -         -                 -         (57)     (57)
Profit on disposal of       3
                                             -             -         -                 -           51       51
Net interest payable        5             (34)             -      (34)             (152)            -    (152)

Profit on activities
before taxation
                                           700         (444)       256             1,444        (100)    1,344
Tax on profit on ordinary
                            6              (2)             -       (2)                 -            -        -

Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation
and retained profit for
the financial year

                                           698         (444)       254             1,438        (100)    1,344

Basic profit per share      7                                    0.30p                                   1.59p
Diluted profit per share    7                                    0.30p                                   1.58p

*  All of the above activities are continuing operations with the
exception of the joint venture

*  There are no material differences between the profits on ordinary
activities before taxation and the retained profit as stated above and their
historical cost equivalents.

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 March 2007
                                                                                      2007          2006

                                                                     Notes           #'000         #'000

Fixed assets

Intangible assets                                                      8             3,918         4,159
Tangible assets                                                        9               936         1,590

                                                                                     4,854         5,749

Current assets

Debtors                                                                10            4,104         4,861
Cash at bank and in hand                                                             3,039         2,329

                                                                                     7,143         7,190

Creditors - amounts falling due within one year
Trade and other creditors                                              12          (8,025)       (8,072)

                                                                                   (8,025)       (8,072)

Net current liabilities                                                              (882)         (882)

Total assets less current liabilities                                                3,972         4,867

Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year               13                -          (39)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                 14          (1,157)       (2,280)

Net assets                                                                           2,815         2,548

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                                                18            4,293         4,293
Share premium account                                                  19            7,262         7,262
Capital redemption reserve                                             19            7,874         7,874
Other reserves                                                         19              733           733
Profit and loss account                                                19         (17,347)      (17,614)

Equity shareholders' funds                                                           2,815         2,548

Unaudited Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
For the year ended 31 March 2007
                                                                                       2007         2006

                                                                                      #'000        #'000
Profit for the financial year
    - Group                                                                             254        1,388
    - Joint venture                                                                       -         (44)
                                                                                        254        1,344
Exchange rate adjustment offset in reserves (retranslation of foreign
                                                                                        (4)            8

Total recognised gains for the year
   - Group                                                                              250        1,396
   - Joint venture                                                                        -         (44)

Total recognised gains for the year                                                     250        1,352

Prior year adjustment                                                                     -      (4,385)

Total gain/loss recognised since last annual report                                     250      (3,033)

Unaudited Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
For the year ended 31 March 2007
                                                                                      2007         2006

                                                                                     #'000        #'000

Profit/(loss) for the financial year                                                   254        1,344
Share based payments charge                                                             17            -
Other recognised gains and losses                                                      (4)            8

Net change in shareholders' funds                                                      267        1,352
Shareholders' funds as at start of year                                              2,548        1,196

Shareholders' funds as at 31 March                                                   2,815        2,548

Unaudited Consolidated cash flow statement
For the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                                      2007          2006

                                                                     Notes           #'000         #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                              22              981         2,199

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received and similar items                                                     82            21
Interest element of finance lease payments                                             (2)           (5)

Overseas corporation tax paid                                                          (2)             -

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                            (341)         (291)

Acquisitions and disposals

Net cash inflow from sale of trading assets                                             39           180

Net cash flow before financing                                                         757         2,104


Capital element of finance lease payments                                             (45)           (8)

Increase in net cash in the period                                                     712         2,096

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Increase in cash in the period                                                         712         2,096
Cash outflow from lease financing                                                       45             8

Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                                           757         2,104

Movement in net funds for the period                                                   757         2,104

Opening net funds                                                                    2,282           178

Closing net funds                                                      23            3,039         2,282

1.       Segmental analysis

The turnover and operating profit is derived from international business to
business communications and originates in the UK and India. Revenue generated
out of India was #0.7 million (2006: #0.9 million).

Geographical analysis of turnover:
                                                                         2007                    2006
                                                                        #'000                   #'000

UK                                                                      3,892                   3,659
USA                                                                     3,208                   3,640
Europe (other than UK)                                                  7,774                   9,272
Other                                                                   1,723                   1,620

                                                                       16,597                  18,191

Business analysis:
                                2007        2007        2007             2006         2006        2006
                               #'000       #'000       #'000            #'000        #'000       #'000
                            Turnover   Operating  Net assets         Turnover    Operating  Net assets
                                          profit                                                profit

Print                          4,116          56       1,602            5,884          404         825
Internet                       6,533         165         460            6,115          653         856
Events                         5,948          69         736            6,192          489         867

                              16,597         290       2,798           18,191        1,546       2,548

The calculation of operating profit before tax has been undertaken by allocating
central costs to each division on the basis of contribution generated. Net
assets have been allocated to each business unit on a proportional basis using
turnover as the basis for the calculation. Barter revenue of #0.5 million (2006:
#nil) is contained in the above total revenue.

2.        Operating profit

Operating profit is stated after charging/(crediting) the following amounts:
                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                               #'000         #'000

Staff costs (including directors)
Wages and salaries                                                             7,867         8,924
Share based payments                                                              17             -
Social security costs                                                            988           951
Other pension costs                                                               64            26

                                                                               8,936         9,901

Depreciation, amortisation and impairment

Owned assets                                                                     848           908
Assets held under finance leases                                                   -            13
Amortisation of goodwill                                                         100           107
Amortisation of web publishing rights                                            141           141

Auditors' remuneration

Fees payable to the company's auditor for the audit of the parent
company and consolidated accounts
                                                                                  58            55
Fees payable to the company's auditor and its associates for other
The audit of the company's subsidiaries pursuant to legislation                    5             5
Other services pursuant to legislation                                            12             -
Tax services                                                                      22             -
Operating lease rentals

Other (land and buildings)                                                     1,492         1,174
Plant and machinery                                                               74           112
Release of credit balances                                                     (428)         (148)

The Board regularly reviews and assesses the appropriateness of credit balances
held on the balance sheet. In the year, this review resulted in the release of
#428,000 (2006: #148,000)

3.       Exceptional items

The following have been identified as exceptional items and disclosed separately
on the face of the profit and loss account:

Exceptional items                                                               2007          2006
                                                                               #'000         #'000

Property provisions                                                              603           523
Write-off of leasehold improvements associated with onerous                        -         (369)
Write down of Indian fixed assets                                               (81)             -
Tax exposure on India employees                                                (101)             -
Costs associated with potential offer                                           (44)             -
Redundancy costs and compensation for loss of office                           (580)             -

                                                                               (203)           154

Closure of joint venture                                                           -          (57)
Profit on disposal of business                                                     -            51

Due to the surrender, letting and recalculation of the required property
provision an exceptional release of #603,000 has been made. The release mainly
comprises #187,000 for the surrender of Edgware Road. The fourth floor of Goodge
Street has been let for the remainder of the term at the current rent. Therefore
the remaining provision for this floor of #257,000 has been released.

As the Indian undertaking has been sold post year end we have reviewed the
carrying value of the Indian assets on the balance sheet and provided #81,000
against these assets. The assets relate to software licences. In addition a
provision of #101,000 has been made for personal tax liability of employees in
India. A claim is to be pursued against the individuals to reclaim this tax.

The costs for the potential offer for the Company relate to adviser fees and
legal costs.

Leasehold improvements were undertaken to improve the potential letting ability
of the non-operational properties and accordingly the ascertained costs have
therefore been written off.

In 2006 the Board decided to discontinue its joint venture with its partner and
closed this business down. A one-off charge has been made of outstanding loans
made to the joint venture company. #57,000 has been written off.

The profit on disposal of business relates to deferred consideration on disposal
of Debrett's in 2005 which has been adjusted to reflect the estimated amount
receivable, resulting in a #51,000 credit to the profit and loss account.

4.       Number of employees

The average monthly number of persons, including executive directors, employed
by the Group during the year was as follows:

                                                                               2006          2006
                                                                             Number        Number

Sales                                                                           147           162
Production, editorial and administrative                                        174           202

Total                                                                           321           364

5.       Net interest payable

                                                                               2007          2006
                                                                              #'000         #'000

Interest payable

Interest on finance leases                                                      (2)           (5)
Unwinding of discount on property provisions                                  (114)         (168)

                                                                              (116)         (173)
Interest receivable
Bank interest                                                                    82            21

Total                                                                          (34)         (152)

The unwinding of the discount on the property provisions calculates a nominal
interest charge on the property provision made. This is not a cash charge and
will fall as the provision is either released or utilised.

6.       Tax charge
                                                                               2007          2006
                                                                              #'000         #'000

UK corporation tax at 30% (2005: 30%)                                             -             -
Foreign taxation                                                                (2)             -
Deferred taxation (note 11)                                                       -             -

                                                                                (2)             -

The current tax charge is reconciled to the standard corporation tax rate
applicable in the UK as follows:
                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                               #'000         #'000

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax                                  256         1,344
Corporation tax at 30% (2005: 30%)                                                77           403
Effects of:
Prior year adjustment for basis of work-in-progress                                -       (1,329)
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                          14            57
Excess of capital allowances over depreciation of eligible                        87           195
Reduction in rate due to foreign reliefs                                           -          (35)
Utilisation of losses brought forward                                          (331)             -
Losses carried forward                                                            46           694
General bad debt provision                                                         -          (71)
Amortisation of goodwill                                                          70            73
Associate losses not utilised                                                     37            13
Foreign tax                                                                      (2)             -

                                                                                 (2)             -

The 2007 budget, announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 21 March 2007,
reduced the rate of UK corporation tax from 30% to 28% with effect from 1 April
2008. There is no impact on the 2007 Financial statements.

7.       Earnings per share

The earnings per share of 0.30p (2006: 1.59p) and the diluted earnings per share
of 0.30p (2006: 1.58p) have been calculated on the attributable profit to
shareholders of #0.3 million (2006: #1.3million).

The weighted average number of shares in issue during the period (excluding
those held by the Group's Employee Benefit Trust) were:

                                                                   2007                       2006
                                                                 Number                     Number
                                                                   '000                       '000
Total number of shares                                           85,857                     85,857
Shares held in employee benefit trust                           (1,214)                    (1,214)

Basic number of shares                                           84,643                     84,643
Dilutive effect of share options                                     74                        376

Diluted number of shares                                         84,717                     85,019

8.       Intangible assets

                                                          Goodwill           Website         Total
                                                                    rights and other
                                                                    intangible fixed

                                                             #'000             #'000         #'000

At 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007                            2,306            10,539        12,845

Amortisation/permanent diminution
At 1 April 2006                                              (838)           (7,848)       (8,686)
Charge for the year                                          (100)             (141)         (241)

At 31 March 2007                                             (938)           (7,989)       (8,927)

Net book value
At 31 March 2007                                             1,368             2,550         3,918

At 31 March 2006                                             1,468             2,691         4,159

Goodwill, being the excess of the consideration paid over the fair value
attributed to net assets acquired, relates to the acquisitions of Net Resources
International Limited and Vision in Business Limited.

The carrying value of the publishing rights relate to fair value of the websites
acquired with Net Resources International Limited.

9.       Tangible fixed assets

                                                        Short-term       Equipment,         Total
                                                         leasehold         vehicles
                                                          premises     fixtures and

                                                             #'000            #'000         #'000


At 1 April 2006                                                263            4,046         4,309
Additions                                                        -              341           341
Disposals                                                        -            (134)         (134)
Impairment of assets held in India                               -             (81)          (81)
Assets written off                                               -          (1,754)       (1,835)

At 31 March 2007                                               263            2,418         2,681


At 1 April 2006                                               (76)          (2,643)       (2,719)
Charge for the year                                           (38)            (810)         (848)
Depreciation written off                                         -               68            68
Assets written off                                               -            1,754         1,754

At 31 March 2007                                             (114)          (1,631)       (1,745)

Net book value
At 31 March 2007                                               149              787           936

At 31 March 2006                                               187            1,403         1,590

The net book value assets held under finance leases and hire purchase contracts
included in tangible fixed assets in the Group was #nil  (2006: #60,000). The
depreciation charge on these assets in the year was #nil (2006: #13,000).

10.    Debtors

                                                                              2007          2006
                                                                             #'000         #'000

Trade debtors                                                                3,494         4,179
Other debtors                                                                   66           234
Prepayments and accrued income                                                 544           448

                                                                             4,104         4,861

11.    Deferred taxation

The Group has a unrecognised potential deferred tax asset at the year end


                                                        Provided                     Unprovided
                                                       2007       2006            2007        2006
                                                      #'000      #'000           #'000       #'000

General bad debt provisions                               -          -              51          76
Excess capital allowances over depreciation               -          -             211         110
Losses                                                    -          -           1,940       2,157
Capital losses                                            -          -           4,573       4,583

                                                          -          -           6,775       6,926

12.    Creditors - amounts falling due within one year

                                                                              2007          2006
                                                                             #'000         #'000

Net obligations under finance                                                    -             8
Trade creditors                                                                398           139
Other taxes and social security                                                527           268
Other creditors                                                              1,308         1,728
Accruals and deferred income                                                 5,792         5,929

                                                                             8,025         8,072

13.    Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year

                                                                                2007         2006
                                                                               #'000        #'000

Net obligations under finance leases                                               -           39

                                                                                   -           39

14.    Provision for liabilities


At 1 April 2006                                                                           2,280

Utilised in year                                                                          (634)
Release in the year                                                                       (603)
Unwinding of discount (see note 6)                                                          114

At 31 March 2007                                                                          1,157

Provision has been made for the net present value of future residual leasehold
commitments. This provision has been calculated making assumptions on future
rental income, market rents, insurance and rates this has then been discounted
using a discount rate of 5.0% per annum. As these are estimates this provision
cannot be known with certainty. During the year we surrendered the lease for
Edgware Road which had been empty for a number of years this allowed us to
release the provision for this property of #206,000. This surrender will also
save the Group cash flow of approximately #100,000. The subletting of the vacant
floors at Goodge Street, London allowed a release of #397,000.

The provision will be utilised over the term of the relevant leases and falls
within the following periods:


Less than one year                                                                          290

Between two and five years                                                                  750
More than five years                                                                        117

Total                                                                                     1,157

15.    Financial assets and liabilities

The Group does not have any material exposure to interest rate, liquidity or
currency risks. The Group has cash balances, committed overdraft facilities if
required and conducts the majority of its business in sterling. The Group does
not use any swap or hedge instruments. Cash deposits are held on term notice or
placed with the money market. Interest is earned by reference to inter-bank

During the year the company funded its subsidiary, SPG India Private Limited, on
an imprest basis on a monthly cycle. Since the disposal of SPG India Private
Limited no further funding is required. The remaining employees based in India
are paid directly from the UK.

The Group banking facility operates under a right of set-off agreement for each
balance and each currency.

Short-term debtors and creditors have been excluded from the following

The fair value of the financial assets is not materially different to the
carrying value.

Financial assets: floating rate

                                                                               2007          2006
                                                                              #'000         #'000

EUR                                                                              35             3
USD                                                                              52           (7)
Indian Rupees                                                                    11            92

Total                                                                            98            88

Interest on floating-rate bank deposits is based on the inter-bank rate and may
be fixed for up to one month. The balance held on deposit for one month at the
year end was #2.8 million  (2006: #2.0 million).

16.    Obligations under finance leases

Obligations under finance leases net of finance charges allocated to future
periods are as follows:

                                                                               2007          2006
                                                                              #'000         #'000

Less than one year                                                                -             8

Between two and five years                                                        -            39

Total                                                                             -            47

17.    Operating leases

Non-cancellable operating lease rentals are payable as follows:

                                                                               2007          2006
                                                                              #'000         #'000
Land and buildings
Less than one year                                                               61            57
Between two and five years                                                        -           201
More than five years                                                          1,221         1,181

Total                                                                         1,272         1,439

Less than one year                                                               40            56
Between two and five years                                                        9             -

Total                                                                            49            56

18.    Share capital
                                               2007          2006          2007          2006
                                             Number        Number
                                               '000          '000         #'000         #'000
Ordinary shares of 5p each                  223,754       223,754        11,188        11,188
Redeemable deferred shares of 1p each       535,621       535,621         5,356         5,356

At 31 March                                                              16,544        16,544

Allotted and fully paid
Ordinary shares of 5p each                   85,857        85,857         4,293         4,293

There are outstanding options over ordinary shares granted to executives and
employees as shown in the following table:

                              Number of options
Scheme    Date of       1 April     Granted    Exercised/   31 March   Exercise      Date from  Expiry date
          grant            2006  during the lapsed during       2007      price          which
                                       year      the year                          exercisable

1996      07/07/1998     15,000           -             -     15,000     15.00p     08/07/2001   06/07/2008
1996      06/07/1999    125,000           -             -    125,000     33.00p     07/07/2002   05/07/2009
1996      15/12/1999     86,000           -      (21,000)     65,000     76.50p     16/12/2002   14/12/2009
2000      10/03/2000  1,333,335           -             -  1,333,335    116.50p     10/03/2000   09/03/2010
1996      07/07/2000    200,000           -     (100,000)    100,000    132.50p     08/07/2003   06/07/2010
1996      24/11/2000     70,000           -             -     70,000    135.00p     25/11/2003   23/11/2010
1996      20/12/2002     90,000           -      (30,000)     60,000     11.25p     21/12/2005   19/12/2012
2003      09/12/2003  1,535,708           -   (1,535,708)          -     13.25p     10/12/2006   08/12/2013
2003      25/07/2004    150,000           -             -    150,000     12.00p     26/07/2007   24/07/2014
2003      26/07/2004    244,292           -     (144,292)    100,000     12.00p     27/07/2007   27/07/2014
2003      01/07/2005  1,075,000           -     (575,000)    500,000      7.12p     02/07/2008   30/06/2015
2003      05/09/2005  2,500,000           -             -  2,500,000      8.20p     06/09/2008   04/09/2015
2003      21/09/2005     50,000           -             -     50,000     10.25p     22/09/2008   20/09/2015
2003      10/10/2005    250,000           -     (250,000)          -      9.42p     11/10/2008   09/10/2015
2003      10/02/2006    250,000           -     (250,000)          -     10.87p     11/02/2009   09/02/2016
2003      01/04/2006          -      50,000             -     50,000     11.00p     02/04/2009   31/03/2016
2003      06/03/2007          -   3,300,000             -  3,300,000      6.00p     07/03/2010   05/03/2017

                      7,974,335   3,350,000   (2,906,000)  8,418,335

The Group operates three share option schemes. Under the terms of the Sterling
Publishing Group 1996 Scheme ("1996"), options may only be exercised provided
the average annual growth in earnings per share over a three-year period exceeds
inflation by at least 2%.

The Sterling Publishing Group 2000 Scheme ("2000") was approved to grant options
by way of compensation for rights given up under the long term incentive plan.
The options were exercisable as to 40% immediately, 35% after one year (10 March
2001) and 25% after two years (10 March 2002). 50 of the share options are
subject to a requirement that average earnings per share over a three year
period exceed inflation by at least 2%. Provision also exists for option holders
to receive the cash equivalent of the excess of the market price of shares over
the option exercise price in the event of a general offer for the shares in the
Company. No further options may be granted under this scheme.

The third scheme is the Sterling Publishing Group 2003 Scheme ("2003") approved
by shareholders on 28 July 2003 and excludes the awards made under the 2000
scheme from the calculation of limits of share options to be awarded. Option
granted under the 2003 scheme are subject to the requirement that earnings per
share grow at an annual rate of the increase in the retail price index plus
either 5% (where the market value of the options granted is less than or equal
to 50% of the recipients salary) or 8% (where the market value of the options
granted is greater than 50% of the recipients salary).

Apart from the 2000 scheme, all employees including directors are eligible to
participate in the share option schemes. No awards have been made under the 1996
scheme since December 2005.

The fair value of options granted on 1 April 2006 and 6 March 2007 determined
using the Black-Scholes valuation model was 4.32 pence and 2.59 pence per option
respectively (2006: nil pence per option). The significant inputs into the model
were the share price at the date of grant, exercise prices of 11.00 pence and
6.00 pence, volatility 52.05% and 58.89% respectively (as measured on the
statistical analysis of weekly share prices over the previous three years from
the date of grant), expected option life of three years and an annual risk-free
interest rate of 4.5%.

19.    Statement of movement on reserves

                                                     Share       Capital        Other   Profit and
                                                   premium    redemption     reserves loss account
                                                     #'000         #'000        #'000        #'000


At 31 March 2006                                     7,262         7,874          733     (17,614)

Retained profit for the year                             -             -            -          254
Share based payments                                     -             -            -           17
Exchange rate differences                                -             -            -          (4)

At 31 March 2007                                     7,262         7,874          733     (17,347)

At the 31 March 2007, the Group's EBT held 1,214,395 Ordinary Shares in the
Company. The historical cost of the Ordinary Shares is #1,755,000. Under UITF 38
this has been set off against the profit and loss account. In prior years this
was shown as a separate reserve.

20.    Contingent liabilities

All the companies within the Group, with the exception of SPG Media Private
Limited, are subject to a right of set-off agreement with Lloyds TSB plc. As the
Group has no borrowings there is no contingent liability existing under any
banking arrangements at 31 March 2007 (2006: #nil).

21.    Capital commitments

There were no capital commitments at 31 March 2007 (2006: #nil).

22.    Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from operating

                                                                                 2007          2006

                                                                                #'000         #'000
Operating profit
  - Group                                                                         290         1,546
Amortisation of goodwill                                                          241           248
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                             848           921
Share based payment                                                                17             -
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets                                          26             -
Write-off of tangible fixed assets                                                 81             -
Write-off of leasehold improvements                                                 -           369
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                                    757         (511)
Write-off of joint venture investment                                               -          (47)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                                                 (43)           908
Movement in provision for liabilities and                                     (1,236)       (1,235)

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                         981         2,199

23.    Analysis of net funds

                                                           1 April 2006     Cash flow 31 March 2007
                                                                  #'000         #'000         #'000
Cash at bank and in hand                                          2,329           710         3,039

Finance leases                                                     (47)            47             -

Net funds                                                         2,282           757         3,039

24.    Post balance sheet event

On 14 May heads of agreement were signed with Visage Media Private Limited
whereby Visage would purchase the share capital and assets of SPG Media India
Private Limited. The consideration is $100,000 (United States dollars). As
result the carrying value of the assets held in the consolidated balance sheet
were reviewed for the year ended 31 March 2007 and an impairment provision of
#81,000 was made against these assets.

Preliminary results

These unaudited preliminary results do not constitute statutory accounts.  The
preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2006 are extracted from the
unaudited Group's accounts for the year.  Those financial statements have not
yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, nor have the auditors yet
reported on them.

These preliminary results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the Company's 2006 statutory accounts, apart from the change
of accounting policy relating to work-in-progress as explained in note 8.

Copies of the directors' report and the audited financial statements for the
year ended 31 March 2006 will be posted to shareholders on 13 June 2007 and may
be obtained from the Company's registered office.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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