RENESOLA LTD                                  

               RESULTS FOR THE FIRST QUARTER ENDED 31 MARCH 2007               

ReneSola Ltd (AIM: SOLA) ("ReneSola" or the "Group"), a leading manufacturer of
wafers for the photovoltaic (PV) industry, is pleased to announce results for
the first quarter ended 31 March 2007 and provide details of the finalisation
of the 2006 audited accounts.

First Quarter 2007 Highlights:

                          Quarter ended       Quarter ended          Year ended
                            31 Mar 2007         31 Dec 2006         31 Dec 2006
                              Unaudited           Unaudited             Audited
Revenue (US$000)                 36,597              35,104              87,561
Gross profit (US$000)             8,945               8,924              24,828
Gross margin                      24.4%               25.4%               28.4%
Profit before tax                 7,340               8,062              22,527
Production output (MW)             15.3                15.7                38.9

Mr. Li Xian Shou, CEO of ReneSola, said: "We have successfully achieved several
key milestones in our expansion plan, in particular the commissioning of 96 new
monocrystalline furnaces, bringing the total installed capacity up to 165 MW.
Demand remains strong and we are confident of continuing good progress over the
remainder of the year. As a result, we have announced separately today a
significant increase in our planned 2007 year end production capacity."

First Quarter 2007 Results

Total revenue for the first quarter 2007 was US$36.6 million, an increase of
4.3% sequentially and 426% year on year.

Gross profit for the first quarter was US$8.9 million, an increase of 0.2%
sequentially and 401% year on year. Gross margin for the first quarter was
24.4%, compared with 25.4% in the fourth quarter 2006 and 25.7% in the first
quarter 2006. The reduction in gross margin was primarily due to an expected
increase in raw material costs over the fourth quarter 2006.

Operating expenses in the first quarter were US$1.0 million, compared with
US$1.2 million in the fourth quarter 2006 and US$0.3 million in the first
quarter 2006.

Operating income for the first quarter was US$7.9 million, an increase of 1.7%
sequentially and 415% year on year.

Profit before tax for the first quarter was US$7.3 million, a decrease of 9%
sequentially and an increase of 391% year on year. The reduction in profit
before tax reflected a higher finance cost during the quarter as a result of
bank borrowings increasing from approximately US$15 million at the end of 2006
to approximately US$46 million.

Profit after tax for the first quarter was US$6.4 million, including a charge
for income tax which was paid at a rate of 12%. No income tax was paid in the
fourth quarter 2006 due to a tax holiday. As a result of the increase in the
registered capital of Zhejiang Yuhui Solar Energy Source Co. Ltd. ("Zhejiang
Yuhui"), the Company's principal trading subsidiary, in 2006, the Group is
eligible for a tax holiday in accordance with Chinese tax law. The Group has
started the application process for a new tax holiday. Until the application is
approved by the relevant tax authority, a tax rate of 12% will be applied to
the earnings of Zhejiang Yuhui. The tax payable for 2007 will be assessed by
the tax authority in early 2008 by taking into consideration the current tax
holiday, the potential further tax holiday arising from increased registered
capital of Zhejiang Yuhui and the tax credit available as a result of capital
equipment purchased by the Group in China. Zhejiang Yuhui will be able to
offset the tax paid against future tax credits.

Business Highlights

Production Output

Production output in the first quarter was 15.3 MW, approximately 2.9 MW below
net full capacity. During the first quarter, production is affected by both New
Year and Chinese New Year holidays. In addition, this year there was a two day
black out due to annual transmission line maintenance carried out by the local
electricity authority. Also, the previously announced higher breakage rate
arising from the initial learning curve on the in-house slicing of wafers had
an short term impact on production output. The breakage rate has now dropped
significantly to a level within industry norms, but the Company is focusing on
improving performance even further.

Production Capacity

ReneSola completed a key milestone in its expansion programme with an increase
in the number of monocrystalline furnaces from 90 to 186 providing annualised
capacity of 165 MW. Of the 96 new furnaces, 48 were delivered in March and are
in full operation and the remaining 48 were delivered in April and are expected
to become fully operational during June.

With 19 new NTC wire saws also being brought into operation in the quarter,
ReneSola has the capability to slice all of the ingot output from the first 90
monocrystalline furnaces, rather than outsourcing to third parties, thereby
enhancing the Group's gross margins.

The Group is in the process of adding a further 25 NTC wire saws which will
have the capability to slice the ingot output from the 96 new monocrystalline
furnaces. Of these new saws, 13 are being installed and the remaining 12 are to
be delivered in the third quarter 2007.

As set out in a separate announcement today, the Company has decided to
increase the 2007 year end monocrystalline capacity from 165 MW to 213 MW and
the multicrystalline capacity from 100 MW to 160MW. The new furnaces will be
delivered over the remainder of the year. In addition, the Group has ordered
sufficient wire saws to enable the in-house slicing of all the output of the
new furnaces.


Raw materials in stock were over 420 tonnes at the end of first quarter 2007,
sufficient for the planned output in the second quarter. With the ongoing
programme of purchases under contract and on spot, as well as raw materials to
be provided under tolling arrangements, the Group is well placed in respect of
raw material procurement for the increasing production capacity.


The Company raised US$120 million through the issue of convertible bonds in
March 2007. This funding is intended to enable the Company to finance the
revised 2007 capacity expansion as well as part-finance further expansion in


In addition to the establishment of ReneSola America Inc. a wholly-owned
subsidiary incorporated in Delaware, USA in 2006, the Company has incorporated
a wholly owned subsidiary in Singapore, and is in the process of establishing
an office in Germany in order to supplement the existing raw material
procurement network.

In order to expand the recycling capability close to raw material sources,
ReneSola has continued to work on establishing a recycling plant in Malaysia.


Total production output is anticipated to rise to approximately 25 MW in the
second quarter with the implementation of the new production capacity. Both
productivity and management efficiency are improving which will mitigate the
impact of margin pressure as a result of increasing raw material costs in the
second quarter. Demand for wafers remains strong and we are confident of
continuing good progress over the remainder of the year.

Finalisation of audit for year ended 31 December 2006

The audit of the 2006 accounts has now been completed by Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu. In finalising the accounts, adjustments to certain non-operational
items were made to the preliminary results which were announced on 27 April
2007. The principal adjustment comprised the creation of a contribution
reserve, in accordance with IFRS 2 - Share based payment, in relation to
certain transfers of shares by existing shareholders prior to admission to AIM.

Also in accordance with IFRS 2, a charge of US$264,000 to the income statement
has been made in relation to the following share based payments made or
potentially made to executive officers of the Company. As disclosed in the
Company's AIM admission document dated 3 August 2006, the existing shareholders
of the Company agreed to transfer, in aggregate, 333,333 shares to Charles Bai,
the Chief Financial Officer, in three equal tranches. In addition Professor
Huang Binghua, Chief Technical Officer, and Dr. Li Panjian, Chief Executive
Officer of ReneSola America Inc. and Vice President, International Business
Development, have conditionally been granted the issue of 20,000 shares and
40,000 shares respectively for each year of their employment contracts with
ReneSola. The first such issues are due to take place on 29 November 2007.

Annual accounts

It is expected that the annual accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006
will be posted to shareholders and available from the ReneSola's website during
the week commencing 11 June 2007.

For more information, please contact:

In China:                             In London                                
Charles Bai, CFO                      Charles Ryland / Suzanne Brocks /        
                                      Catherine Breen                          
ReneSola Ltd                                                                   
                                      Buchanan Communications                  
Tel: +86 573 477 3061 / 00 86 573 477                                          
3058                                  Tel: +44 20 7466 5000                    
Email:       Tim Feather/Richard Baty                 
                                      Hanson Westhouse Limited                 
                                      Tel: +44 20 7601 6100                    


                                 Three months ended      Year ended
                                        31 March        31 December
                                      2007       2006*         2006
                                 Unaudited     Audited      Audited
                                    US$000      US$000       US$000
Revenue                             36,597       6,963       87,561
Cost of sales                     (27,652)     (5,177)     (62,733)
Gross profit                         8,945       1,786       24,828
Other income                            50          22          189
Selling and distribution             (104)        (83)        (350)
Administrative expenses              (994)       (193)      (1,968)
Other expenses/income                    -           -         (20)
Investment income                       59                      312
Finance costs                        (616)        (36)        (464)
Profit before tax                    7,340       1,496       22,527
Taxation                             (924)           -        2,679
Profit for the year                  6,416       1,496       25,206


                                                          As at                
                                              31 March 31 December     31 March
                                                  2007        2006        2006*
                                             Unaudited     Audited      Audited
                                                US$000      US$000       US$000
Non-current assets                                                             
Property, plant and equipment                   26,829      19,200        4,965
Deposits for acquisition of property,           25,700      15,810            -
plant and equipment ("PPE")                                                    
Deferred expense (issue cost of bond)            4,224           -            -
Prepaid lease payments                           4,228       4,187            -
Deferred tax assets                              3,391       3,359            -
                                                64,372      42,556        4,965
Current assets                                                                 
Inventories                                     60,077      44,849        8,878
Trade and other receivables                     32,026      34,202       10,275
Prepaid lease payments                              82         108            -
Cash and cash equivalents                      131,034       9,862        2,733
                                               223,219      89,021       21,886
Total assets                                   287,591     131,577       26,851
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                        38,485      41,909       20,711
Tax payable                                        928           -            1
Bank loans                                      45,983      14,675        2,488
                                                85,396      56,584       23,200
Net current assets/(liabilities)               137,823      32,437      (1,314)
Non current liabilities                                                        
Convertible bond payables                      105,449           -            -
                                               105,449           -            -
Total liabilities                              190,845      56,584       23,200
Net assets                                      96,746      74,993        3,651
Capital and reserves attributable to                                           
equity holders                                                                 
Share capital                                        -           -        1,513
Reserves                                        96,746      74,993        2,138
Total equity                                    96,746      74,993        3,651


                                 Three months ended     Year ended 31 
                                      31 March               December
                                 Unaudited     Audited      Unaudited
                                      2007       2006*           2006
                                    US$000      US$000         US$000
CASHFLOWS FROM OPERATING                                             
Profit before tax                    7,340       1,496         22,527
Adjustments for                                                      
Investment revenue                    (59)           -          (312)
Finance cost                           616          19            464
Employees shares incentives            110           -            264
Depreciation                           516          60            740
Amortisation                            26           -             31
Loss on disposal of fixed                -           -              -
Allowance for doubtful debts             -          26              7
Operating cash flows before          8,549       1,601         23,721
movements in working capital                                         
Increase in inventory             (15,574)     (5,777)       (40,859)
Increase in receivables and          2,524     (6,594)       (31,319)
Increase in payables and           (3,423)      14,026         35,254
Cash (used in) / generated by      (7,924)       3,256       (13,203)
Interest paid                        (616)        (20)          (464)
Net cash (used in) /               (8,540)       3,236       (13,667)
generated by operating                                               
CASHFLOWS FROM INVESTING                                             
Interest received                       59           1            312
Proceeds on disposal of PPE              -           -              -
Purchase of PPE                    (7,811)     (2,685)       (14,789)
Deposits for acquisition of        (9,890)           -       (15,810)
Purchase of prepaid lease                -           -        (4,140)
Acquisition of subsidiary                -           -               
Payment to a shareholder for                         -        (2,878)
transfer of a subsidiary                                             
Net cash used in investing        (17,642)     (2,684)       (37,305)
CASHFLOWS FROM FINANCING                                             
Proceeds from capital                    -           -         50,000
Proceeds from bond                 119,995           -              -
Share issue costs                  (4,224)           -        (3,734)
Short-term bank borrowings          38,273       1,764         27,880
Repayment of bank loans            (7,106)           -       (13,941)
Net cash from financing            146,938       1,764         60,205
NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH      120,756       2,316          9,233
Cash and cash equivalents at         9,862         404            404
beginning of period                                                  
Effect of foreign exchange             416          13            225
Cash and cash equivalents at       131,034       2,733          9,862
end of period                                                        

*The audited balance sheet at 31 March 2006 and the audited income and cash
flow statements for the three months ended 31 March 2006 are those of Zhejiang
Yuhui Solar Energy Source Co. Ltd. ReneSola Ltd's wholly owned subsidiary and
have been included for comparative purposes.


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