Stockcube preliminary results for 2009 
                                            Stockcube Plc 
                       Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2009 
                                                                          2009                2008 
                                                                         ?'000               ?'000 
 Turnover                                                                2,254               2,586 
 Profit before tax                                                          22                 192 
 Profit after tax                                                           75                  82 
 Earnings - pence per share - basic                                      0.78p               0.86p 
 Normalised Earnings - pence per share - basic                           0.89p               1.86p 
 Earnings - pence per share - diluted                                    0.78p               0.86p 
Group turnover 12.8% down on 2008 
Profit before tax down to ?22,000 from ?192,000 
Normalised earnings per share in 2009 (before share options charge of ?62,000 and R&D tax credits  of 
?51,000)  down to 0.89p from 1.86p in 2008 (before share options charge of ?41,000 and  deferred  tax 
charge of ?55,000) 
Balance sheet with net assets of 27.3p per share, with 26.6p per share in cash and marketable bonds 
No dividend will be proposed for the year (2008: 0.75p per share) 
Julian Burney, Chief Executive Officer, said: 
"As was stated in our interim statement for 2009 we did not foresee an immediate increase in stock 
market activity and the trading outlook for the year ended 31 December 2009 was uncertain. 
Stockcube's costs are largely fixed so that the group's operating profitability is highly sensitive 
to variations in our turnover. Turnover for 2009 was 12.8% below that achieved in 2008 and, although 
the Company remained profitable, the reduction in turnover was directly reflected in a drop of 52% in 
earnings per share on a like for like basis from 2008. 
We believe that confidence and market activity will take some years to return to pre-2008 levels. 
With this background in mind, the board of Stockcube has been actively reviewing how to balance 
shareholders' interests with the need to maximise cashflows and remunerate staff competitively. The 
Board has concluded that continuing to have the Company's shares admitted to trading on AIM is no 
longer appropriate and that the interests of non-management shareholders and their associates would 
be better served by a tender offer to buy back and cancel their holdings. Proposals to this effect 
are being made to shareholders today." 
For further information: 
Stockcube plc                     Julian Burney                      020-7352-4001 
                                  Shirley Yeoh 
Astaire Securities plc            William Vandyk                     020-7448-4400 
Chairman's Statement 
The well-publicised economic shocks of the previous two years are still being absorbed and 2009 saw a 
continuation of investor reluctance or inability to invest. We expect that the downturn in investment 
activity, particularly by institutional investors, will take some years to return to pre-2008 levels. 
Overheads continued to be closely monitored during the year. 
Financial review 
Turnover  showed  a  net  decrease of 12.8% from ?2.586m in 2008 to ?2.254m for  the  year  ended  31 
December  2009.  Profit  before tax was ?22,000, a decrease of 89% from 2008  (?192,000).  Normalised 
profit  after tax for 2009 was ?86,000, after adjusting for the apportioned employee benefits arising 
from  the  grant of share options during the year and R&D tax credits, a decrease of 52%  from  2008. 
There  was a profit per share of 0.78p compared to a profit of 0.86p per share in 2008. The like  for 
like decrease in normalised EPS between 2009 and 2008 was 52% from 1.86p to 0.89p. 
Business review 
Stockcube  Research, our institutional consultancy service, suffered a 31% drop in revenues  compared 
to  2008 directly reflecting the impact of the economic downturn in global markets and the sharp drop 
in  stock  turnover. The impact of lost turnover in our institutional business outweighed  the  gains 
made elsewhere in the group. 
Our Fullermoney service recorded a 14% decrease in income. 
More positively, Investors Intelligence showed a 7% increase in revenues due to increases in the 
provision of business to business data and analysis services and Chartcraft recorded a 12% increase 
in revenues in US dollar terms over 2008 and a similar increase in pounds sterling. 
Ecube, our in-house software business, which develops and supports the group's technology needs, 
recorded an increase of 42% in revenues from third parties in 2009 as new customers were gained in 
the financial services sector and as existing customers commissioned further systems work. 
Our  Treasury  activities were stepped up during the year to generate return  of  4.6%  on  cash  and 
available-for-sale investments. 
Key performance indicators 
The Board measure the Group's performance, principally using the following financial indicators: 
                                                             2009          2008 
                                                            ?'000         ?'000    % (decrease) 
Normalised operating (loss)/profit                           (34)           115          (130%) 
Normalised profit before tax                                   84           233           (64%) 
Normalised earnings per share                               0.89p         1.86p           (52%) 
Dividend  (proposed and paid)                                   -         0.75p               - 
Normalised profit before  tax of ?84,000 for 2009 is profit before the share option charge of ?62,000 
and for 2008 is profit before the share options charge of ?41,000 . 
I should like to thank all our staff for their contributions during the year. 
In  view  of  the results for 2009, the company will not be proposing a final dividend for  the  year 
(2008: 0.75p). 
Proposals for a reduction of capital, tender offer by Astaire Securities Plc, purchase of own  shares 
and "de-listing" from AIM. 
The  Directors have concluded that for the reasons outlined below, admission of the Company's  shares 
to  trading on AIM (the "Listing") does not fulfil the Company's aim of conferring liquidity  to  the 
Company's  shares or providing a means of expanding the Company's activities: 
*       since the Listing, the directors have been seeking acquisitions which would have synergy with 
        Stockcube's  businesses, would enhance shareholder value and would be available at  what  the 
        directors  consider  appropriate  values.   The  directors  have  now  concluded  that   such 
        acquisitions are very unlikely to be achieved; 
*       the  directors  have also concluded that the niche nature of the Company's methodologies  and 
        services  regarding investment analysis and the method of their distribution are more  suited 
        to organic growth rather than growth by acquisition; 
*       this  means  that a key justification for the Listing, to provide a currency  for  growth  by 
        acquisition,  is no longer considered applicable by the directors and is aggravated  by  poor 
        levels of share liquidity; 
*       the  market capitalisation of the Company is considerably below the level when it floated  in 
        May  2000  and its shares have traded in the last three months at a discount to net  tangible 
        assets and to cash and investment holdings of between 40% and 51%; 
*       the  Company's  shares suffer from a lack of liquidity and in practical  terms  a  relatively 
        small  free float, which the board believes reduces demand. Trades in small volumes of shares 
        tend to have a disproportionate effect on the share price and hence market capitalisation  of 
        the Company; 
*       low  liquidity  is  coupled  with high costs associated with  the  Listing  relative  to  the 
        Company's market capitalisation (approximately ?143,000 per year); and 
*       recent  and  current  uncertainty within the investment community has led  to  a  significant 
        reduction  in the Group's income particularly from institutional customers and the  directors 
        believe  that  this  necessitates a reorganisation of the Group's  products  and  operational 
        structure to remove surplus costs so that its cost base is more in line with the lower growth 
        environment the directors see for the investment industry. 
In  the  light  of  a number of these factors, the Company repaid ?2,402,657.50 of surplus  cash  (in 
aggregate) to shareholders in 2007 and 2008. 
The directors have formed the view that for the foreseeable future any benefits to the Company of the 
Listing  are  outweighed by the cost and resources required (i) to manage the  Group  in  the  public 
arena;  and  (ii)  for an entity of its current size, to comply with increasingly  complex  financial 
reporting requirements. 
Accordingly,  the  directors  now firmly believe that the Company should  seek  cancellation  of  the 
admission  of  the  its  shares to trading on AIM.  It is anticipated that,  subject  to  shareholder 
approval and other conditions being met, the Company's ordinary shares will be cancelled from trading 
on AIM. 
In  addition,  the  directors have decided that they do not intend to provide, seek  or  support  any 
arrangements whereby the Company's shares can be bought and sold on a market or on a  matched bargain 
basis.   As  such,  the directors believe that the Company's shares will be unlikely  to  be  readily 
capable  of sale and where a buyer is identified, it will be difficult to place a fair value  on  any 
such sale. 
The  directors recognise that many shareholders will not be able or willing to continue to own shares 
in the Company following the proposed de-Listing, particularly in view of the directors' intention of 
increasing the emphasis on staff incentivisation by results-driven remuneration, coupled with  a  nil 
dividend  policy for the foreseeable future.  Accordingly, the board has arranged for the Company  to 
apply to Court to reduce its share premium account, for Astaire Securities Plc to make a tender offer 
to  shareholders  to  buy their shares for cash and for such shares to then be  bought  back  by  the 
Company  and cancelled (all subject to court approval and the approval of shareholders at  a  general 
meeting  of  the Company). Holders of shares totaling 57.6% of the issued shares have confirmed  that 
they  do  not  wish  to  participate in the tender offer which will be made to  the  holders  of  the 
remaining 42.4% of issued shares. A circular setting out the above proposals is being issued  by  the 
Company today. 
Edward Forbes, 
30 March 2010 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2009 
                                                                                       2009        2008 
                                                                                       ?000        ?000 
Continuing Operations 
Revenue                                                                               2,254       2,586 
Cost of sales                                                                         (287)       (328) 
                                                                                    -------     ------- 
Gross Profit                                                                          1,967 
Administrative expenses                                                             (2,063)     (2,184) 
                                                                                    -------     ------- 
Operating(loss)/ profit                                                                (96)          74 
Finance income                                                                          118         118 
                                                                                    -------     ------- 
Profit before taxation                                                                   22         192 
Taxation                                                                                 53       (110) 
                                                                                    -------     ------- 
Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent                         75          82 
                                                                                    -------     ------- 
Basic earnings per share                                                              0.78p       0.86p 
Diluted earnings per share                                                            0.78p       0.86p 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
At 31 December 2009 
Company Number 3838579 
                                                                                 2009              2008 
                                                                                 ?000              ?000 
Non current assets 
Intangible assets                                                                  17                17 
Available for sale investments                                                  1,059               700 
Property, plant and equipment                                                     300               329 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
                                                                                1,376             1,046 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                                                       338               229 
Available for sale investments                                                    727               515 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                         774             1,413 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Total current assets                                                            1,839             2,157 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                                        (588)             (603) 
Current tax payable                                                                 -              (60) 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Total current liabilities                                                                                                                                 (588)             (663) 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Net current assets                                                              1,251             1,494 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Net assets                                                                      2,627             2,540 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Share capital                                                                     961               961 
Share premium account                                                           1,294             1,294 
Merger reserve                                                                    568               568 
Share options reserve                                                             103                41 
Available for sale investments reserve                                             11                 9 
Translation reserve                                                                 -              (20) 
Retained earnings                                                               (310)             (313) 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Total equity                                                                    2,627             2,540 
                                                                              -------           ------- 
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
for the year ended 31 December 2009 
                                                                                2009               2008 
                                                                                ?000               ?000 
Net cash(outflow)/ inflow from operating activities                            (105)                526 
                                                                             --------          -------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest and other income received                                               118                118 
Sales of available-for-sale investments                                        1,601                668 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                       (9)               (10) 
Purchase of available-for-sale investments                                   (2,172)            (1,874) 
                                                                            --------           -------- 
Net cash used in investing activities                                          (462)            (1,098) 
                                                                            --------           -------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Capital reorganisation - cash repaid to shareholders and 
associated expenses                                                                -              (203) 
Equity dividends paid                                                           (72)              (120) 
                                                                            --------           -------- 
Net cash used in financing activities                                           (72)              (323) 
                                                                            --------           -------- 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                      (639)              (895) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                 1,413              2,308 
                                                                            --------           -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                         774              1,413 
                                                                            --------           -------- 
1.    Nature of financial information 
This financial statements does not constitute financial statements under Section 434 of the Companies 
Act 2006. The results of the year ended 31 December 2008 are extracts from the Group financial 
statements which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. They carry an unqualified 
auditor's report and did not contain a statement under Section 495 of the Companies Act 2006and did 
not include references to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis. The 
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 have not yet been delivered to the Registrar 
of Companies nor have the auditors reported on them. They will be finalised on the basis of the 
information presented by the Directors in this preliminary announcement. 
2.    Accounting policies 
The principal accounting policies are summarised below.  They have all been applied consistently 
throughout the period covered by these financial statements. 
Basis of preparation 
The financial information has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting 
Standards ("IFRS"), as adopted by the EU. 
The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for available for sale 
assets which are measured at fair value. 
Basis of consolidation 
The group financial statements incorporate the financial statements of Stockcube PLC and all of its 
subsidiary undertakings for the year to 31 December 2009. 
All subsidiaries are controlled by Stockcube Plc. Control is achieved where the Company has the power 
to govern the financial and operating policies of than investing entity so as to obtain benefits from 
its activities. 
Intra-group balances and any unrealised gains and losses or income and expenses arising from intra- 
group transactions are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements. 
3.    Revenue 
    Revenue, which is stated net of value added tax, represents the sales value of work done in the 
    Revenue is attributable mainly to the continuing activity of the provision of research and 
    analysis of price trends in stocks, commodities, currencies and interest rates. 
4.    Operating segments 
Segmental information is presented in the consolidated financial statements based on how information 
is reported to the Chief Operating Decision Maker. The Group derives its revenues from three separate 
streams and these have formed the basis of the reportable segments. 
All inter-segment sales are transacted at arms-length basis. The results of each segment have been 
prepared using accounting policies consistent with the Group as a whole. 
                Consultancy     Subscriptions    Technology     Total  Consultancy   Subscriptions   Technology     Total 
                        31Dec          31Dec         31Dec    31 Dec        31Dec           31Dec        31Dec    31 Dec 
                         2009           2009          2009      2009         2008            2008         2008      2008 
                         ?000           ?000          ?000     ?'000         ?000            ?000         ?000      ?000 
External                  894          1,153           207     2,254        1,303           1,137          146     2,586 
Inter-segment               -              -           179       179            -               -          273       273 
sales                       -              -                                    -               - 
Eliminations                                         (179)     (179)                                     (273)     (273) 
Total Revenue             894          1,153           207     2,254        1,303           1,137          146     2,586 
Segment                    20             96          (12)       104          175             121         (40)       256 
Expenses                                                       (200)                                               (182) 
(Loss)/profit                                                   (96)                                                  74 
Net Financing 
income                                                           118                                                 118 
Profit before                                                     22                                                 192 
/ Expense                                                         53                                               (110) 
Profit for the 
year                                                              75                                                  82 
                Consultancy     Subscriptions    Technology     Total  Consultancy   Subscriptions   Technology     Total 
                        31Dec                        31Dec    31 Dec        31Dec           31Dec        31Dec    31 Dec 
                         2009          31Dec          2009      2009         2008            2008         2008      2008 
                         ?000           ?000          ?000     ?'000         ?000            ?000         ?000      ?000 
Segment Assets         1,275           1,645           295    3,215         1,614           1,408         180     3,203 
Segment                (233)           (301)          (54)    (588)         (334)          (291)          (37)    (663) 
Net assets              1,042          1,344          241      2,627        1,280          1,117           143    2,540 
Group assets and liabilities have been allocated to segments based on turnover. 
The Group's operations are in two geographical segments, the United Kingdom and United States. 
                                       UK           US                        UK         US 
                                     2009         2009         Total        2008       2008    Total 
                                     ?000         ?000          ?000        ?000       ?000     ?000 
External turnover                   1,765          489         2,254       2,237        349    2,586 
                                   ------       ------        ------      ------     ------    ------ 
No customer accounts for more than 10% of group revenue. 
All non-current assets are located in the UK. 
5.     Earnings per share 
                                                                                  2009          2008 
Earnings                                                                          ?000          ?000 
Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share being 
net profit attributable to equity shareholders                                      75            82 
                                                                              --------      -------- 
Number of shares                                                                  '000          '000 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of basic 
earnings per  share                                                              9,611         9,611 
                                                                              --------      -------- 
Profit per ordinary share (pence): 
Basic                                                                           0.78p           0.86p 
Normalised basic                                                                0.89p           1.86p 
Diluted                                                                         0.78p           0.86p 
Normalised diluted                                                              0.89p           1.86p 
Normalised  earnings  per  share is calculated by adding back the share  option  benefits  charge  of 
?62,000  and adjusted R&D tax credits of ?51,000 (2008: share options benefits charge of ?41,000  and 
deferred tax charge of ?55,000), to give an adjusted earnings after tax of ?86,000 (2008: ?178,000). 
Diluted earnings per share are calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.  A calculation is done to 
determine the number of shares that could have been acquired at fair value (determined as the average 
annual  market  share price of the company's shares) based on the monetary value of the  subscription 
rights  attached to outstanding share options. The number of shares calculated as above  is  compared 
with  the  number of shares that would have been issued assuming the exercise of the  share  options. 
Based  on these calculations there were no dilutive potential ordinary shares in 2009 (2008: nil)  as 
the  market  price  is less than the grant price of the options. 1,564,647 options  were  potentially 
dilutive at 31 December 2009. 
6 .  Cash (used in)/generated from operations 
Group                                                                            2009            2008 
                                                                                 ?000            ?000 
Operating (loss)/profit                                                          (96)              74 
Depreciation                                                                       38              20 
Exchange differences                                                               20            (27) 
Share options charge                                                               62              41 
Available for sale investments revaluations                                         2               - 
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables                                        (109)             562 
Increase/(decrease) in trade payables                                              25            (95) 
                                                                             --------        -------- 
Cash (used in) generated from operations                                         (58)             575 
Tax paid                                                                         (47)            (49) 
                                                                             --------        -------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                             (105)             526 
                                                                             --------        -------- 
Company                                                                          2009            2008 
                                                                                 ?000            ?000 
Operating loss                                                                  (475)           (181) 
Provision for amounts due from group undertaking                                  275               - 
Share options charge                                                               62              41 
Available for sale investments revaluations                                         2               - 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                                             7             198 
Increase in trade and other payables                                               25             354 
                                                                             --------        -------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                             (104)             412 
                                                                             --------        -------- 
7. Post Balance Sheet Event 
Recent and current uncertainty within the investment community has led to a significant reduction in 
the Group's income, particularly from institutional customers. 
The Directors now firmly believe that the Company should seek cancellation of the admission of the 
Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM. 
The proposal to Shareholders to delist the Company's shares to trading on AIM will constitute a post 
balance sheet event. 
8. Annual report and accounts 
The annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders on 31 March 2010 and copies will be 
available free of charge during normal business hours on any day (except Saturdays, Sundays and 
public holidays) at the offices of the Company at Unit 1.23 Plaza 535, King's Road, London SW10 0SZ. 
Stockcube PLC 

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