RNS Number : 0411X 
Stanley Gibbons Group PLC 
07 August 2009 

                                                                 ("the Company" 
or "the Group") 
| Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2009                    | 
The Company today announces its Interim Results for the six months to 30 June 
Financial Highlights 
  *  Earnings per share of 5.09p (2008: 4.16p), up 22%. 
  *  Profit before tax of GBP1.4m (2008: GBP1.2m), up 13%. 
  *  Sales up 18% to GBP9.6m (2008: GBP8.2m). 
  *  Sales achieved in the first half of 2009 do not include the crystallisation of 
  deferred revenue from the prior year of GBP3.4m, as the terms of those 
  transactions do not expire until December 2009. 
  *  Interim dividend declared of 2p net per share (2008: 2p), payable on 28 
  September 2009 to all holders on the Registrar at the close of business on 21 
  August 2009. 
Other Highlights 
  *  Strong sales to overseas clients as a direct result of our growing network of 
  international sales agents, contributing sales in the period of GBP1.1m 
  *  Continued success from our e-marketing approach through the delivery of powerful 
  sales copy to our e-mail database, contributing sales in the period of GBP0.9m 
  *  Excellent performance from auction activities with sales growth of 16% and 
  increased profit contribution of 65% 
Martin Bralsford, Non-Executive Chairman commented: 
"The Company's performance in the first six months of the financial year is 
remarkable in the prevailing market conditions. The business has delivered 
strong profit growth in a period where our primary focus was on building the 
necessary team of a quality to take forward our longer term growth objectives. 
We have successfully recruited a Chief Operating Officer and a Group Director of 
Sales in the period. These key appointments to our executive team create a 
broader range of skills to enable us to capitalise fully on the untapped 
potential within our Brand. 
The worldwide recognition our brand name already enjoys is now beginning to 
translate into broad based sales penetration through our successful recruitment 
of international sales agents. The planned launch of a rare stamp investment 
fund in the first quarter of 2010 should create the platform required to ensure 
that rare stamps achieve the recognition they deserve as a credible asset class 
as part of a sensible wealth diversification strategy. The formation of a 
regulated investment product will increase the range of investors which can 
participate in our market, including institutional investors and high net worth 
individuals who feel more comfortable dealing in a regulated investment product. 
Whilst we are currently making some immediate changes to our website to realise 
some short term benefits, we have also allocated more executive resource to this 
part of our long-term strategy. Increased focus should ensure that we create a 
website that encompasses the best attributes of brand leaders such as Amazon.com 
and Ebay.com, but specifically tailored to the requirements of stamp collectors, 
which we believe, will transform our marketplace. 
The current strength in our core rare stamp market, evident from recent auction 
realisations, together with a stronger start to trading in the second half to 
date, leads your Board to remain confident on the Company's ability to grow both 
sales and profits for the full financial year." 
For further information, contact: 
The Stanley Gibbons Group plc 
Michael Hall, Chief Executive 
 +44 (0) 1534 766711 
Seymour Pierce Ltd, NOMAD/Broker 
Jonathan Wright 
 +44 (0) 20 7107 8000 
Chairman's Statement 
On behalf of your Board, I am pleased to present a strong trading performance 
of The Stanley Gibbons Group plc for the six months ended 30 June 2009. The 
performance of the Company was in line with the strategy and current trading 
shows no signs of the trading difficulties we experienced at this time last 
year, which were a direct consequence of global economic events unfolding at 
that time. 
We have restated the prior period results to exclude sales transactions which 
were entered into on extended credit terms incorporating buyback guarantees in 
line with our accounting treatment in the financial statements for the year 
ended 31 December 2008. The restatement of the prior period result was necessary 
to enable a like-for-like comparison of trading and to report the interim 
results in line with the accounting treatment of those transactions for the full 
In the half year to 30 June 2009, turnover increased by 18% to GBP9.6 million 
(2008: GBP8.2 million) whilst profit before tax was GBP1.4 million, up 13%. 
Earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2009 were 5.09p (2008: 
4.16p), representing an increase of 22% benefiting further from a lower 
effective tax rate in the current period. 
In our annual report for the year ended 31 December 2008, we referred to GBP3.4 
million in value of sales transactions entered into on extended credit terms 
incorporating a 12 month buyback guarantee. Those revenues were not reported in 
the prior year result as it was considered by the Board prudent to only 
recognise this revenue and the associated profit when the guarantees have 
expired and the outcome is certain. No such deferred revenue from the prior year 
had crystallised by 30 June 2009. The terms of these transactions do not expire 
until December 2009. The performance achieved on the active management of those 
clients' portfolios between now and then will determine the likelihood of 
crystallising such sales in 2009. 
Your Board is pleased to declare an interim dividend of 2p (2008: 2p) net per 
Ordinary Share, payable on 28 September 2009 to holders of Ordinary Shares on 
the Register at the close of business on the record date of 21 August 2009. The 
Board's dividend policy is maintained, covered 2.5 times by earnings for the six 
months ended 30 June 2009, having taking into consideration projected cash flow 
requirements to support the development of our internet strategy and planned 
refurbishment of our retail premises at 399 Strand following the renewal of our 
lease in March. 
The Company paid a final dividend of 2.75p net per share in respect of the year 
ended 31 December 2008, on 11 May 2009. 
Current trading continues to show high demand for quality material and the 
exceptional result from our own June Public Auction gives us confidence that our 
market continues to be remarkably resilient in the current economic climate. As 
a result, together with the growth opportunities available from the successful 
implementation of our strategy, the Board remains confident of the outlook for 
2009 and beyond. 
It is inevitable that the internet will continue to transform the dynamics of 
our market and we fully expect to be the primary beneficiary, being the biggest 
and most well known brand in our market. We are currently implementing some 
"quick wins" in our website developments and are in the process of putting in 
place the right resource and structure to bring this part of our strategy to the 
forefront of our business development. 
The refurbishment of our retail premises at 399 Strand scheduled for early next 
year will enable us to present our brand better in its position as the premier 
brand in philately. The improved presentation and quality of service from our 
retail premises in 
London will prove timely in light of the "London 2010 Festival of Stamps", a 
once in a decade event, which will see thousands of collectors from all over the 
world congregate in London. 
We are now making some tangible progress, working with an investment partner, in 
the launch of a rare stamp investment fund. We hope that the launch of such a 
fund will provide the recognition that rare stamps deserves as a credible asset 
class as part of a sensible wealth diversification strategy. 
Our new investment sales office in Jersey is scheduled to open in October. Our 
marketing plans surrounding the opening of our new office there are expected to 
result in the recruitment of new investment clients in the second half of the 
On behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome our new employees who have 
joined Stanley Gibbons at this exciting time for us and to thank everyone in the 
team for their contribution to the positive result achieved for the first half 
of the year. I take this opportunity to welcome Donal Duff to the Main Board as 
Chief Operating Officer and Keith Heddle to the Senior Executive Team as 
Group Director of Sales. I am confident that our quality new additions to the 
team will quickly contribute to our continued growth plans. 
Martin Bralsford 
6 August 2009 
Operating Review 
|                          |      6 |      6 |          6 |          6 |     Year |     Year | 
|                          | months | months |     months |     months |    ended |    ended | 
|                          |  to 30 |  to 30 |      to 30 |      to 30 |       31 |       31 | 
|                          |   June |   June |       June |       June | December | December | 
|                          |   2009 |   2009 |       2008 |       2008 |     2008 |     2008 | 
|                          |        |        | (restated) | (restated) |          |          | 
|                          |  Sales | Profit |      Sales |     Profit |          |   Profit | 
|                          |        |        |            |            |  Sales   |          | 
|                          | GBP000 | GBP000 |     GBP000 |     GBP000 |   GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
| Philatelic trading and   |  7,215 |  1,549 |      5,718 |      1,197 |   13,801 |    3,251 | 
| retail operations        |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
| Publishing and           |  1,312 |    222 |      1,309 |        318 |    2,899 |      785 | 
| philatelic accessories   |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
| Dealing in autographs,   |  1,096 |    424 |      1,155 |        501 |    2,655 |    1,179 | 
| records and              |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
| related memorabilia      |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
|                          |  9,623 |  2,195 |      8,182 |      2,016 |   19,355 |    5,215 | 
| Internet development     |     20 |   (61) |         19 |       (66) |       39 |    (140) | 
| Corporate overheads      |        |  (694) |            |      (669) |          |  (1,377) | 
| Interest and similar     |        |   (15) |            |         69 |          |       91 | 
| income/(expenses)        |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
|                          |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
| Before exceptional items |  9,643 |  1,425 |      8,201 |      1,350 |   19,394 |    3,789 | 
|                          |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
| Exceptional operating    |        |      - |            |       (88) |          |     (88) | 
| costs                    |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
|                          |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
| Group total sales and    |  9,643 |  1,425 |      8,201 |      1,262 |   19,394 |    3,701 | 
| profit before tax        |        |        |            |            |          |          | 
Group turnover increased by GBP1,442,000 (18%) compared to the same period last 
year. The profit before tax for the period of GBP1,425,000 compared to a profit 
in the prior period of GBP1,262,000, representing an increase of 13%. Earnings 
per share for the six months ended 30 June 2009 were 5.09p (2008: 4.16p), up 
The key contributors to growth in the period were: 
  *  Strong sales to overseas clients as a direct result of our growing network of 
  international sales agents, contributing total sales in the period of GBP1.1 
  *  Continued successful responses from the delivery of powerful sales copy to our 
  e-mail database, contributing total sales in the period of GBP0.9 million 
  *  Excellent performance from our auction department in the period achieving sales 
  growth of 16% and increased profit contribution of 65% 
  *  Sales of material re-acquired from guaranteed minimum return contracts which 
  reached maturity of GBP1.3 million. Material sold on these contracts, as 
  previously stated, represented some of our finest stock items and as such has 
  provided a boost to sales for the period. 
The gross margin percentage for the six months ended 30 June 2009 was 43.4% 
compared to 48.6% in the same period last year. The decline in the gross margin 
percentage was in line with our expectations for the period and reflects the 
shift in business more towards higher value rarities. 
Overheads remained relatively stable in the period despite the expected 
pressures from the costs required to build the correct team of personnel to take 
forward our strategy effectively. All other overheads have remained under tight 
control to retain our fixed cost base at a consistent level. 
Philatelic trading and retail operations 
Philatelic trading and retail sales were 26% higher than the same period last 
year with profit contribution up by 29%. Traditional business activities 
servicing collectors have shown a robust trading performance during this 
recessionary period. 
Our auction business showed strong growth in the first half with sales up by 
16%. Realisations from our June Public Auction surpassed our own expectations 
with a number of the higher value lots included within the auction achieving 
realisations well above estimates and, quite frequently, above listed catalogue 
retail prices. 
Sales to collectors of British stamps were 5% higher than in the same period 
last year and sales to collectors of British Commonwealth countries were up by 
18%. The improved sales performance is predominantly the result of strong buying 
of quality collections during the period including material re-acquired from 
guaranteed minimum return contracts. 
Sales to investment clients and high net worth collectors increased by 39%. We 
recently launched a new investment product called the "Capital Protected Growth 
Plan" which is expected to reduce the Company's overall buyback obligations 
under investment sales in the future. The main strength of the product to 
investors is a lower trading spread. Early indications show positive demand for 
this product which will flow through into the second half of the year. 
Publishing and philatelic accessories 
Publishing and philatelic accessory sales were flat although profit contribution 
was down 30% from the same period last year. The lower profit contribution is 
partly because of lower gross margins due mainly to the fact that the biggest 
downturn in sales was witnessed in catalogues which generate the highest 
margins. Profit contribution is further impacted by the increase in overheads as 
a result of the recruitment of a Publishing Director last year. 
We are witnessing a recessionary impact on our Publishing division which is 
affecting sales of our catalogue titles, which are deemed a luxury product by 
collectors, and advertising sales in our magazines. Despite those negative 
influences, sales have remained consistent through focussed sales efforts in the 
period. We have scheduled additional catalogue titles for publication in the 
second half which will provide a boost to revenues and are working on increasing 
distribution channels worldwide. We recently signed up a distributor of 
catalogues in India which will provide a benefit to sales in the second half. 
Autographs, records and related memorabilia 
Autographs, records and related memorabilia sales were 5% lower than the same 
period last year with profit contribution down by 15%. Sales to collectors were 
up by 20% in the period benefiting from the improved strength of our auctions 
and mail order catalogues together with strong customer recruitment from our 
marketing activities. 
Sales to investors were, however, down by GBP111,000 (14%) in the period. 
Autograph investment sales in the current period were impacted by a large credit 
issued to one customer invoiced in the prior year of GBP101,000. When adjusting 
for this credit, autograph investment sales were broadly in line with the prior 
Internet development 
Sales reported within this department relate to online subscription revenue 
only. Online sales represented 7% of total revenue compared to 9% in the prior 
period, when excluding investment sales. The website generated investment sales 
totalling GBP621,000 in the period demonstrating the growing importance of this 
medium of communicating our services to the world. 
Recent improvements to our homepage made in July have already made an immediate 
impact on our web sales and the planned improvements to our online shopping 
functionality scheduled for later in the year are expected to have a further 
positive impact on sales conversions from online visitors. 
Website traffic from major search engines for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
shows a 5% increase on traffic for the previous six months (July to December 
2008). The increase in registrations for bidding in online auctions rose by 18% 
on the equivalent period last year. 
Corporate overheads 
Corporate overheads were GBP25,000 (4%) higher than the same period last year. 
IT costs increased by GBP20,000 as a result of higher depreciation charges on 
capitalised IT hardware and software and increased costs associated with 
improvements to our network communication links between sites which has 
substantially improved speed and performance levels across the Group. 
Cash generated from operating activities of GBP1,353,000 (2008: cash used of 
GBP695,000) included the benefit of a reduction of GBP389,000 (3%) in the cost 
of our inventories from the year end. Cash generated from operating activities 
in the period was used to finance tax payments of GBP638,000 and dividend 
payments to shareholders of GBP692,000. 
Strategic focus and opportunities 
The Group is in a strong position to grow profits in the second half of the year 
and beyond. Our key areas of focus in the second half include: 
  *  Development of our websites and implementation of a Database Asset Management 
  system to support the launch of online trading community 
  *  Development of online publishing opportunities and e-marketing functions 
  *  Preparation and fund raising for the planned launch of rare stamp investment 
  fund in the first quarter of 2010 
  *  Implement refurbishment programme of our retail premises at 399 Strand, London 
  in preparation for "London 2010 Festival of Stamps" in May 2010 
  *  Opening of our Jersey investment office in October with associated marketing 
  campaign to develop sales potential similar to that achieved in the Guernsey 
Although our short term activities provide opportunities to grow sales and 
profits from current levels, our success against our strategy provides the 
potential to escalate profits to a new level. Ultimately, our success in this 
respect will create a business of a size and profitability matching the size of 
our brand. 
Michael Hall 
Chief Executive 
6 August 2009 
  Condensed statement of comprehensive income 
|                                |       | 6 months to |    6 months |      Year | 
|                                |       |             |          to |     ended | 
|                                |       |     30 June |     30 June |        31 | 
|                                |       |             |             |  December | 
|                                |       |        2009 |        2008 |      2008 | 
|                                |       | (unaudited) | (unaudited) | (audited) | 
|                                |       |             |  (restated) |           | 
|                                | Notes |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Revenue                        |   3,8 |       9,643 |       8,201 |    19,394 | 
| Cost of sales                  |       |     (5,459) |     (4,212) |  (10,135) | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Gross Profit                   |       |       4,184 |       3,989 |     9,259 | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Administrative expenses        |       |       (843) |       (848) |   (1,734) | 
| Distribution costs             |       |     (1,901) |     (1,860) |   (3,827) | 
| Exceptional operating costs    |       |           - |        (88) |      (88) | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Operating Profit               |     8 |       1,440 |       1,193 |     3,610 | 
| Finance income                 |       |           1 |          69 |       103 | 
| Finance costs                  |       |        (16) |           - |      (12) | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Profit before tax              |       |       1,425 |       1,262 |     3,701 | 
| Taxation                       |     4 |       (143) |       (216) |     (378) | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Profit for the period          |       |       1,282 |       1,046 |     3,323 | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Other comprehensive income:    |       |             |             |           | 
| Actuarial gains recognised in  |       |           - |           - |       160 | 
| the pension scheme             |       |             |             |           | 
| Tax on actuarial gains         |       |           - |           - |      (62) | 
| recognised in the pension      |       |             |             |           | 
| scheme                         |       |             |             |           | 
| Other comprehensive income for |       |           - |           - |        98 | 
| the period, net of tax         |       |             |             |           | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Total comprehensive income for |       |       1,282 |       1,046 |     3,421 | 
| the period                     |       |             |             |           | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
|                                |       |             |             |           | 
| Earnings per Ordinary Share    |     5 |       5.09p |       4.16p |    13.22p | 
| Diluted earnings per Ordinary  |     5 |       5.09p |       4.15p |    13.19p | 
| Share                          |       |             |             |           | 
All profit and total comprehensive income is attributable to the owners of the 
parent, there are no non-controlling interests. 
Condensed statement of changes in equity 
|                          |  Called |   Share |        Share | Revaluation |    Capital | Retained |   Total | 
|                          |      up | premium | compensation |     reserve | redemption | earnings |         | 
|                          |   share | account |      reserve |             |    reserve |          |         | 
|                          | capital |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          | GBP'000 | 
|                          | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |      GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |         | 
| At 1 January 2009        |     252 |   5,195 |           92 |         182 |         38 |   10,076 |  15,835 | 
| Total comprehensive      |       - |       - |            - |           - |          - |    1,282 |   1,282 | 
| income for the period    |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| Dividends                |       - |       - |            - |           - |          - |    (692) |   (692) | 
| Cost of share options    |       - |       - |           24 |           - |          - |        - |      24 | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| At 30 June 2009          |     252 |   5,195 |          116 |         182 |         38 |   10,666 |  16,449 | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| At 1 January 2008        |     251 |   5,148 |           44 |         182 |         38 |    7,849 |  13,512 | 
| Total comprehensive      |       - |       - |            - |           - |          - |    1,046 |   1,046 | 
| income for the period    |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| (restated)               |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| Dividends                |       - |       - |            - |           - |          - |    (691) |   (691) | 
| Cost of share options    |       - |       - |           24 |           - |          - |        - |      24 | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| At 30 June 2008          |     251 |   5,148 |           68 |         182 |         38 |    8,204 |  13,891 | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| At 1 January 2008        |     251 |   5,148 |           44 |         182 |         38 |    7,849 |  13,512 | 
| Total comprehensive      |       - |       - |            - |           - |          - |    3,421 |   3,421 | 
| income for the year      |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| Dividends                |       - |       - |            - |           - |          - |  (1,194) | (1,194) | 
| Cost of share options    |       - |       - |           48 |           - |          - |        - |      48 | 
| Share options exercised  |       1 |      47 |            - |           - |          - |        - |      48 | 
|                          |         |         |              |             |            |          |         | 
| At 31 December 2008      |     252 |   5,195 |           92 |         182 |         38 |   10,076 |  15,835 | 
Condensed statement of financial position 
|                                 |      |     30 June |     30 June |        31 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |  December | 
|                                 |      |        2009 |        2008 |      2008 | 
|                                 |      | (unaudited) | (unaudited) | (audited) | 
|                                 |      |             |  (restated) |           | 
|                                 |      |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets              |      |             |             |           | 
| Intangible assets               |      |         134 |          27 |        64 | 
| Property, plant and equipment   |      |         957 |         953 |       901 | 
| Deferred tax asset              |      |          23 |          71 |        21 | 
| Trade and other receivables     |      |       1,855 |       3,251 |     2,801 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
|                                 |      |       2,969 |       4,302 |     3,787 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Current Assets                  |      |             |             |           | 
| Inventories                     |      |      11,356 |      10,787 |    11,745 | 
| Trade and other receivables     |      |       4,980 |       3,534 |     3,988 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents       |      |         394 |       1,094 |       535 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
|                                 |      |      16,730 |      15,415 |    16,268 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Total assets                    |      |      19,699 |      19,717 |    20,055 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Current liabilities             |      |             |             |           | 
| Trade and other payables        |      |       2,156 |       4,366 |     2,828 | 
| Current tax payable             |      |         163 |         597 |       656 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
|                                 |      |       2,319 |       4,963 |     3,484 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Non-current liabilities         |      |             |             |           | 
| Retirement benefit obligations  |      |          86 |         252 |        75 | 
| Deferred tax liabilities        |      |         150 |         152 |       144 | 
| Provisions                      |      |         695 |         459 |       517 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
|                                 |      |         931 |         863 |       736 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Total liabilities               |      |       3,250 |       5,826 |     4,220 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Net assets                      |      |      16,449 |      13,891 |    15,835 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Equity                          |      |             |             |           | 
| Called up share capital         |      |         252 |         251 |       252 | 
| Share premium account           |      |       5,195 |       5,148 |     5,195 | 
| Share compensation reserve      |      |         116 |          68 |        92 | 
| Capital redemption reserve      |      |          38 |          38 |        38 | 
| Revaluation reserve             |      |         182 |         182 |       182 | 
| Retained earnings               |      |      10,666 |       8,204 |    10,076 | 
|                                 |      |             |             |           | 
| Equity shareholders' funds      |      |      16,449 |      13,891 |    15,835 | 
Condensed statement of cash flows 
|                                |       |           6 | 6           | Year ended | 
|                                |       |   months to | months to   |            | 
|                                |       |     30 June |     30 June |         31 | 
|                                |       |             |             |   December | 
|                                |       |        2009 |        2008 |       2008 | 
|                                |       | (unaudited) | (unaudited) |  (audited) | 
|                                | Notes |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Cash generated from / (used    |     6 |       1,353 |       (695) |      (601) | 
| in) operations                 |       |             |             |            | 
| Interest paid                  |       |         (3) |           - |       (12) | 
| Taxes paid                     |       |       (638) |       (525) |      (647) | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Net cash generated from /      |       |         712 |     (1,220) |    (1,260) | 
| (used in) operating activities |       |             |             |            | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Investing activities           |       |             |             |            | 
| Purchase of property, plant    |       |       (110) |        (48) |       (69) | 
| and equipment                  |       |             |             |            | 
| Purchase of other intangible   |       |        (52) |         (4) |       (53) | 
| assets                         |       |             |             |            | 
| Interest received              |       |           1 |          44 |         50 | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Net cash used in investing     |       |       (161) |         (8) |       (72) | 
| activities                     |       |             |             |            | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Financing activities           |       |             |             |            | 
| Dividends paid to company      |     7 |       (692) |       (691) |    (1,194) | 
| shareholders                   |       |             |             |            | 
| Net proceeds from issue of     |       |           - |           - |         48 | 
| ordinary share capital         |       |             |             |            | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Net cash used in financing     |       |       (692) |       (691) |    (1,146) | 
| activities                     |       |             |             |            | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Net decrease in cash and cash  |       |       (141) |     (1,919) |    (2,478) | 
| equivalents                    |       |             |             |            | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at   |       |         535 |       3,013 |      3,013 | 
| start of period                |       |             |             |            | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at   |       |         394 |       1,094 |        535 | 
| end of period                  |       |             |             |            | 
|                                |       |             |             |            | 
Notes to the condensed financial statements 
1.   Basis of preparation 
These condensed financial statements have been prepared using accounting 
policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and 
in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial 
Reporting (as amended). For the period ended 30 June 2008 comparatives have been 
restated, details of which are disclosed in note 8. 
2.   Significant accounting policies 
The accounting policies followed in the preparation of this condensed interim 
report have been applied consistently to all periods in these financial 
statements and are the same as those applied by the Group in the preparation of 
its Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008. The presentation of this 
condensed interim report is not the same as the Annual Report for the year ended 
31 December 2008 as IAS 1 (revised) has been applied. No actuarial valuation of 
the pension scheme had been undertaken at 30 June 2009 or at 30 June 2008. 
3.   Segmental reporting 
As disclosed in the Operating Review the company has four main business 
segments, operations being split between Philatelic trading, Publishing and 
philatelic accessories, Autographs, records and memorabilia and Internet 
development. This is based upon the Group's internal organisation and management 
structure and is the primary way in which the board of directors is provided 
with financial information. When previously reporting under IAS 14 it was 
considered that there was only one business segment and all these activities 
were combined in the segmental reporting disclosure. IFRS 8 superseded IAS 14 
and under this standard it has been decided to disclose the four segments 
separately. It remains impractical to allocate group assets and liabilities 
between these activities. 
|                     | Philatelic |  Publishing | Autographs, |    Internet |    Group | 
|                     |    trading |         and | records and | development |          | 
|                     |            |  philatelic | memorabilia |             |          | 
|                     |            | accessories |             |             |          | 
| Segmental income    |    GBP000 |     GBP000 |     GBP000 |     GBP000 |  GBP000 | 
| statement           |            |             |             |             |          | 
|                     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| 6 months to 30 June |            |             |             |             |          | 
| 2009                |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Revenue             |      7,215 |       1,312 |       1,096 |          20 |    9,643 | 
| Segment operating   |      1,549 |         222 |         424 |        (61) |    2,134 | 
| profit / (loss)     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Unallocated         |            |             |             |             |    (694) | 
| expenses            |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Operating profit    |            |             |             |             |    1,440 | 
| Net finance costs   |            |             |             |             |     (15) | 
| Profit before tax   |            |             |             |             |    1,425 | 
| Tax                 |            |             |             |             |    (143) | 
|                     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Profit for the      |            |             |             |             |    1,282 | 
| period              |            |             |             |             |          | 
|                     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| 6 months to 30 June |            |             |             |             |          | 
| 2008 (restated)     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Revenue             |      5,718 |       1,309 |       1,155 |          19 |    8,201 | 
| Segment operating   |      1,197 |         318 |         501 |        (66) |    1,950 | 
| profit / (loss)     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Unallocated         |            |             |             |             |    (757) | 
| expenses            |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Operating profit    |            |             |             |             |    1,193 | 
| Finance income      |            |             |             |             |       69 | 
| Profit  before tax  |            |             |             |             |    1,262 | 
| Tax                 |            |             |             |             |    (216) | 
|                     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Profit  for the     |            |             |             |             |    1,046 | 
| period              |            |             |             |             |          | 
|                     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Year ended 31       |            |             |             |             |          | 
| December 2008       |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Revenue             |     13,801 |       2,899 |       2,655 |          39 |   19,394 | 
| Segment operating   |      3,251 |         785 |       1,179 |       (140) |    5,075 | 
| profit / (loss)     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Unallocated         |            |             |             |             |  (1,465) | 
| expenses            |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Operating profit    |            |             |             |             |    3,610 | 
| Finance income      |            |             |             |             |       91 | 
| Profit before tax   |            |             |             |             |    3,701 | 
| Tax                 |            |             |             |             |    (378) | 
|                     |            |             |             |             |          | 
| Profit for the      |            |             |             |             |    3,323 | 
| period              |            |             |             |             |          | 
|                     |            |             |             |             |          | 
Geographical information 
Analysis of revenue by origin and destination 
|                 | Period ended | Period ended | Period ended | Period ended | 
|                 | 30 June 2009 |      30 June |      30 June | 30 June 2008 | 
|                 |     Sales by | 2009Sales by | 2008Sales by |     Sales by | 
|                 |  destination |       origin |  destination |       origin | 
|                 |              |              |   (restated) |   (restated) | 
|                 |      GBP'000 |      GBP'000 |      GBP'000 |      GBP'000 | 
|                 |              |              |              |              | 
| Channel Islands |          286 |        4,645 |          313 |        3,560 | 
| United Kingdom  |        6,939 |        4,998 |        5,060 |        4,641 | 
| Europe          |          368 |            - |          795 |            - | 
| North America   |          512 |            - |        1,050 |            - | 
| Rest of the     |        1,538 |            - |          983 |            - | 
| World           |              |              |              |              | 
|                 |              |              |              |              | 
|                 |        9,643 |        9,643 |        8,201 |        8,201 | 
4.  Taxation 
The charge for taxation is based on the results for the period and takes into 
account taxation deferred because of timing differences between the treatment of 
certain items for taxation and accounting purposes. Deferred tax is recognised 
on a full provision basis in respect of all temporary differences which have 
originated, but not reversed at the balance sheet date. The provision is not 
5.   Earnings per ordinary share 
The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the weighted 
average number of shares in issue during the period. Adjusted earnings per share 
has been calculated to exclude the effect of exceptional operating costs. The 
Directors believe this gives a more meaningful measure of the underlying 
performance of the Group. 
For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary 
shares. The Group has only one category of dilutive ordinary shares: those share 
options granted to employees where the exercise price is less than the average 
market price of the Company's ordinary shares during the period. Also in 
existence were 420,702 options issued under the Company's 2007 Long-Term 
Incentive Plan (LTIP). These options were not dilutive at 30 June 2009. 
|                                    |    6 months |    6 months |  Year ended | 
|                                    |          to |          to |             | 
|                                    |     30 June |     30 June | 31 December | 
|                                    |        2009 |        2008 |        2008 | 
|                                    | (unaudited) | (unaudited) |   (audited) | 
|                                    |             |  (restated) |             | 
| Weighted average number of         |  25,177,443 |  25,137,443 |  25,145,312 | 
| ordinary shares in issue           |             |             |             | 
| Dilutive potential ordinary        |       2,143 |      64,276 |      39,496 | 
| shares: Employee share options     |             |             |             | 
| Profit after tax (GBP)             |   1,282,000 |   1,046,000 |   3,323,000 | 
| Exceptional operating cost (net of |           - |      88,000 |      88,000 | 
| tax)                               |             |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             |             | 
| Adjusted profit after tax (GBP)    |   1,282,000 |   1,134,000 |   3,411,000 | 
|                                    |             |             |             | 
| Basic earnings per share - pence   |       5.09p |       4.16p |      13.22p | 
| per share (p)                      |             |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             |             | 
| Diluted earnings per share - pence |       5.09p |       4.15p |      13.19p | 
| per share (p)                      |             |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             |             | 
| Adjusted earnings per share -      |       5.09p |       4.51p |      13.57p | 
| pence per share (p)                |             |             |             | 
6.   Cash generated from / (used in) operations 
|                                    |    6 months |    6 months |  Year ended | 
|                                    |          to |          to |             | 
|                                    |     30 June |     30 June | 31 December | 
|                                    |        2009 |        2008 |        2008 | 
|                                    | (unaudited) | (unaudited) |   (audited) | 
|                                    |             |  (restated) |             | 
|                                    |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
| Operating profit                   |       1,440 |       1,193 |       3,610 | 
| Depreciation                       |          55 |          73 |         146 | 
| Amortisation                       |          12 |          14 |          26 | 
| Increase in provisions             |         181 |         122 |         190 | 
| Cost of share options              |          24 |          24 |          48 | 
| Decrease / (increase) in           |         389 |     (3,678) |     (4,636) | 
| inventories                        |             |             |             | 
| (Increase) / decrease in trade and |        (37) |         309 |         305 | 
| other receivables                  |             |             |             | 
| (Decrease) / increase in trade and |       (711) |       1,248 |       (290) | 
| other payables                     |             |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             |             | 
| Cash generated from / (used in)    |       1,353 |       (695) |       (601) | 
| operations                         |             |             |             | 
7.  Dividends 
|                                   |  |    6 months |    6 months |  Year ended | 
|                                   |  |       to 30 |       to 30 | 31 December | 
|                                   |  |   June 2009 |        June |        2008 | 
|                                   |  |             |        2008 |             | 
|                                   |  | (unaudited) | (unaudited) |   (audited) | 
|                                   |  |     GBP000 |     GBP000 |     GBP000 | 
|                                   |  |             |             |             | 
| Amounts recognised as             |  |             |             |             | 
| distribution to equity holders in |  |             |             |             | 
| period:                           |  |             |             |             | 
| Dividend paid                     |  |         692 |         691 |       1,194 | 
|                                   |  |             |             |             | 
| Dividend paid per share           |  |       2.75p |       2.75p |       4.75p | 
|                                   |  |             |             |             | 
|                                   |  |             |             |             | 
| Dividend proposed but not paid    |  |         504 |         503 |         691 | 
|                                   |  |             |             |             | 
| Dividend proposed per share       |  |        2.0p |        2.0p |       2.75p | 
8.Prior period adjustment 
We have restated the prior period results to exclude sales transactions which 
were entered into on extended credit terms incorporating buyback guarantees in 
line with our accounting treatment in the financial statements for the year 
ended 31 December 2008. The restatement of the prior period result was necessary 
to enable a like-for-like comparison of trading and to report the interim 
results in line with the accounting treatment of those transactions for the full 
 The effect of excluding these transactions from the June 2008 statement of 
comprehensive income is to reduce revenue by GBP1,646,000, cost of sales by 
GBP1,101,000 and gross margin and operating profit by GBP545,000. The effect on 
the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2008 is to decrease trade and 
other receivables by GBP1,646,000, to increase inventories by GBP1,101,000 and 
reduce retained earnings by GBP545,000. 
9.Further copies of this statement 
Copies of this statement are being sent to shareholders and can be viewed on the 
Company's website at www.stanleygibbons.com. Further copies are available on 
request from: The Company Secretary, The Stanley Gibbons Group plc, Pirouet 
House, Union Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3FF. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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