RNS Number:4198A
SEP Industrial Holdings PLC
14 March 2001

On behalf of:   SEP Industrial Holdings plc   Date:   14 March 2001 Embargoed
until: 07:00am

              Preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2000


* Disposal of Component Industries Limited, SEP Presstech Limited, Springfix    
  Linkages Limited and its subsidiaries

*  Discussions with Integration Limited are continuing

*  Following the acquisition of Integration the Group will concentrate on
   current and proposed information technology investments and activities

*  Group loss before taxation for the year ended 30 September 2000 #937,000

Tony Caplin, Chairman of SEP Industrial Holdings plc commented:

"Overall trading in the current year shows an improvement on that experienced
in the second half of the prior year.

Negotiations are continuing with Integration Limited and we hope to be in a
position to issue a circular to shareholders concerning the proposed acquisition
and related matters before long."

For further information contact:-

Tony Caplin
Non-Executive Chairman
SEP                                                     020 7505 2330

Ruari McGirr
Brown Shipley & Co. Ltd                                 020 7282 3219

Adam Reynolds/Takki Sulaiman
Hansard Communications                                   020 7 735 9415

Chairman's Statement

My first report to you as Chairman is made during a period of change for the
Group.  The last year has seen a number of acquisitions and disposals.  These,
together with further changes proposed and in negotiation, should leave SEP
refocused on information technology investments and activities.

Acquisitions and disposals

In his statement accompanying the Report and Accounts for the year ended 30
September 1999 in March last year, my predecessor, Barry Roberts, reported to
you that your Board was actively examining a number of options, including
acquisitions and disposals, to improve the performance of the Group.

In April 2000 the Group made an investment of #2 million for a 10%
shareholding in a computer software company, Quantiv Limited, and in May 2000
it acquired the IAS II fund management software business.  IAS II has
subsequently been renamed Fund Management Services Limited.  In May 2000 the
sale of the Group's presswork subsidiary, SEP Presstech Limited, was also

On 29 November 2000 we were pleased to announce that SEP had entered into a
letter of intent and exclusivity arrangement with Integration Limited with a
view to acquiring the entire issued share capital of Integration.  Such an
acquisition would amount to a reverse takeover under the Listing Rules of the
UKLA and would be conditional upon shareholder approval.  Consequently,
trading in the Company's shares was suspended at SEP's request.

Integration Limited was founded in 1992.  Its business has been the
implementation of IT systems and solutions to enable companies to access the
latest software without any of the IT management difficulties.  Integration
has a number of revenue channels including as an application service provider
(ASP) and a Value Added Reseller.  Its ASP division iFuel, manages and
delivers applications and services through an internet-aware Managed Data
Centre.  This enables Integration to meet the needs of highly mobile global
businesses that need flexibility from their IT.  iFuel has recently won the
award of European ASP of the Year due to the quality of its services.

As part of the arrangements with Integration, SEP agreed to lend Integration
up to #1,000,000 for a period of up to one year, convertible into ordinary
shares in Integration on the occurrence of certain events. To help fund this
loan, on 29 November 2000 SEP placed 10,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 5p each at
8.75p per share with certain of its institutional shareholders to raise #

It is anticipated that, following the acquisition of Integration, the Group
will concentrate solely on its current and proposed information technology
investments and activities.  For this reason, SEP is disposing of its
remaining non-IT interests.

On 6 February 2001 the Company sold Springfix Linkages Limited and its
subsidiaries, including Midland Mechanical Developments Limited and Springfix
Linkages LLC.  The consideration in respect of the transaction was #175,000.
#25,000 has already been received.  The balance is due in equal tranches on
the first and second anniversaries of completion.  Prior to the sale, SEP paid
#949,000 towards the bank overdraft of Springfix and waived intercompany debt
due from Springfix of #647,000.

On 13 March 2001 it was announced that the Company had entered into a
conditional agreement for the sale of the entire share capital of Component
Industries Limited to Component Industries Holdings Limited, a company of
which the majority shareholders are the executive directors of Component
Industries Limited.  Component Industries Limited is the intermediate holding
company of the four Group subsidiaries which are involved in the '
just-in-time' supply of industrial consumables.  The consideration for the
proposed disposal is #4.45 million of which #3.8 million is payable in cash on
completion, and #650,000 will be issued by way of zero rated, unsecured 2005
loan notes.  Any non-trading intercompany debt outstanding will be repaid at
completion and deducted from the cash element of the consideration.   The
proposed disposal is conditional on shareholder approval which will be sought
at an EGM to be held on 30 March 2001.  Notice of the meeting and further
information on the proposed disposal is set out in a separate circular to


The Group loss before taxation for the year ended 30 September 2000 was #
937,000 (1999: loss of #4,587,000) resulting in a loss per share of 1.00p
(1999: loss of 4.74p).  The results are stated after exceptional charges for
asset writedowns of #383,000 (1999: #3,077,000).

The Group finished the year with net borrowings of #2,322,000 (1999: net cash
of #277,000).  This change reflects the cost of acquisitions and investments
partly offset by the disposal of SEP Presstech, the sale of the freehold
office building at Godalming in November 1999 and of the Group's shareholding
in Widney plc, which realised a profit of #161,000.

Operating Review

The outcome for the year was disappointing, especially after the small profit
achieved in the first half.  However, your Board is actively taking steps to
enhance shareholder value.

Overall operating profits at Component Industries increased by 12%.  A strong
performance at Component Logistics was partly offset by reduced profits at
Diss Fasteners where demand fell.

The results of the Springfix Linkages group of companies were affected by poor
demand and the costs of implementing changes following the appointment of the
new managing director.  #383,000 was provided for impairment in the value of
fixed assets.

A major restructuring was implemented in the second half of the year at Clyde
Fasteners, which had been incurring heavy losses following the decline in
sales and margins in its production for the standard fastener market.  This
resulted in the withdrawal from manufacture of standard fasteners for stock
and the closure of the distribution warehouse in Birmingham.  As a result the
workforce was halved to approximately 40.

The results at SEP Presstech in the period up to its sale reflected the
benefit of the reorganisation carried out during the previous year.

As expected at the time of the acquisition Fund Management Services made a
loss during the period, however prospects are encouraging.


No dividend on the ordinary shares is proposed.  The dividends of 0.9565p per
share on the preferred ordinary shares due in March and September were not
paid, although they have been provided for in the accounts in accordance with
standard accounting practice.

Current trading and prospects

Overall trading in the current year shows an improvement on that experienced
in the second half of the prior year.  Fund Management Services is trading
profitably, and there is the prospect of some significant new business with a
major customer.  The benefits of the reorganisation at Clyde Fasteners are
reducing losses, but the difficult trading conditions continued at Springfix
in the period up to its disposal.  The result at Component Industries is in
line with budget but is down on the prior year reflecting the costs of the
move of Component Logistics to new premises.

Negotiations are continuing with Integration Limited and we hope to be in a
position to issue a circular to shareholders concerning the proposed
acquisition and related matters before long, at which point the Company will
seek to have the suspension of the shares lifted.  It is intended that the
Annual General Meeting will be held immediately prior to an EGM concerning the

Tony Caplin


13 March 2001

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended 30 September 2000


                                                            2000        1999
                                                           #'000       #'000

Turnover  - ongoing                                       22,499       16,694
              - acquisitions                                 654         -
                                                          23,153       16,694
              - discontinued                               5,620       10,140
                                                          28,773       26,834

Cost of sales                                            (22,903)     (22,640)

Gross profit                                               5,870        4,194

Other operating expenses                                  (6,876)      (8,663)

Operating loss
- ongoing                                                 (1,211)      (3,574)
- acquisitions                                              (118)        -

                                                          (1,329)      (3,574)
- discontinued                                               323         (895)

                                                    1     (1,006)      (4,469)

Profit on sale of fixed assets                                -           275

Profit/(loss) on disposal of
subsidiaries before goodwill
previously written off                                       252          (880)
Release of provision for loss on                              -            880
Goodwill previously written off to                           (53)         -

Profit on disposal of subsidiaries                  2         199         -

Loss on ordinary activities before                           (807)      (4,194)

Interest payable                                             (130)        (393)

Loss on ordinary activities before                           (937)      (4,587)

Tax credit on loss on ordinary                                 65          40

Loss on ordinary activities after                            (872)     (4,547)

Minority interest                                              (6)        (42)

Loss for the financial year                                   (878)     (4,589)

Dividends (non equity)                                        (154)       (154)

Retained loss for the year                                  (1,032)     (4,743)

Basic loss per ordinary share                       3        (1.00)p     (4.74)p

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30 September 2000

                                            Notes    2000           1999

                                                    #'000          #'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                      1,815            25
Intangible assets                                    1,541         4,321
  Investments                                        2,028             -

                                                     5,384         4,346

Current assets
Stocks                                               4,724         5,209
Property for resale                                    852           -
Debtors                                              5,564         4,954
Investments                                             -            591
Cash at bank and in hand                               218         2,923

                                                     11,358        13,677

Amounts falling due within one year                  (7,895)       (7,775)

Net current assets                                    3,463         5,902

Total assets less current liabilities                 8,847        10,248
Amounts falling due after more than one year           (594)         (953)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                   -            (65)

                                                      8,253         9,230

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                               5,575         5,575
Share premium account                                    -         14,551
Other reserves                                          407           253
Profit and loss account                               2,271       (11,267)

Shareholders' funds (includes non-equity)     4,5     8,253         9,112

Equity minority interest                                 -            118
                                                      8,253         9,230

Summarised Consolidated Cashflow Statement

For the year ended 30 September 2000

                                                          2000        1999

                                                       #'000 #'000 #'000 #'000

Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from operating
Operating loss including exceptional costs           (1,006)      (4,469)
Profit on sale of fixed assets                          (14)          (9)
Depreciation, asset impairment and amortisation       1,201        3,110
Profit on disposal of current asset investment         (161)           -
Net movement in working capital                        (332)       4,486
Provision against current asset investment               -            36

                                                             (312)       3,154

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Net interest paid                                      (130)       (643)
Minority dividends paid                                 (39)        (31)
Dividends paid to preferred ordinary                     -         (156)
                                                             (169)        (830)

Taxation paid                                                  -         (2,919)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                      (321)       (556)
Purchase of trade investment                         (2,028)         -

Purchase of intangible assets                            -           (10)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                           340        3,105
Purchase of current asset investments                    -          (193)
Sale of current asset investments                       752           -
                                                            (1,257)       2,346
Acquisitions and disposals
Sale of business of subsidiary undertakings             787              14,363
Net cash disposed of with subsidiary                    (59)                  -
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                  (2,100)                  -
                                                            (1,372)      14,363

Equity dividends paid                                        -             (494)

Cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                      (3,110)      15,620

Financing activities

Issue of shares                                        -             26
Net financing from capital element of hire             (317)       (704)
purchase and finance leases
Net repayment of bank loans                            (385)       (1,516)
                                                              (702)      (2,194)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                   (3,812)      13,426

Notes to the Preliminary Results

1.              The operating loss is after charging asset write-downs of #
383,000 (1999: #3,077,000) following reviews of the carrying value of assets
carried out as a result of the difficult trading conditions being experienced
within certain of the manufacturing businesses.

2.              The profit on disposal of subsidiaries arises from the sale of
SEP Presstech, which was sold on 2 May 2000 to European Commercial Holdings
Limited ("ECH").  ECH is the holding company of European Commercial Pressings
Limited ("ECP").  ECP and Presstech were placed in administration in July
2000.  As a result neither the deferred consideration of #200,000 payable to
SEP in May 2001 nor a similar amount expected to be received following
agreement of completion accounts will be received.  In the prior year there
was a loss of #880,000 on the sale of the Wholesale Distribution Division in
October 1998 which was offset by the release of the provision for loss on
disposal of #880,000.

3.              Loss per share has been calculated on the result for the
financial year after deducting preferred ordinary dividends of #154,000 (1999:
#154,000) on 103,421,952 shares (1999: 100,047,252 shares) being the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.  There is no
difference between the basic loss per share and the diluted loss per share.

4.              Under FRS4 the Preferred Ordinary Shares are defined as
non-equity shares as they are currently entitled to a fixed dividend, but have
the same rights in all other respects.  Non Equity Shareholders' funds are #
635,000 (1999: #2,251,000).

5.              The reconciliation of movements on shareholders' funds is:

                                                         2000             1999
                                                        #'000           #'000

Loss for the financial year                             (878)          (4,589)
Dividends                                               (154)            (154)

                                                      (1,032)          (4,743)
Other recognised gains and losses
Exchange loss                                            (34)             (18)
Preferred dividend transferred to other reserve          154               77
Write back of goodwill on disposal                        53                -
New share capital subscribed (less expenses)               -              143
Other                                                      -              (42)

Net deduction from Shareholders' funds                  (859)          (4,583)

Opening Shareholders' funds                            9,112           13,695

Closing Shareholders' funds                            8,253            9,112

6.              The Group's net (debt)/cash comprised:

                                                   2000                   1999
                                                  #'000                  #'000
Bank loans and overdrafts                        (2,024)                (1,386)
Finance leases and hire purchase                   (516)                (1,260)
Cash at bank and in hand                            218                  2,923
                                                 (2,322)                   277

7.              The exceptional item in the results for the year ended 30
September 1999 represents a profit on disposal of fixed assets of #275,000 on
the sale of the Group's freehold interest in Tyburn Trading Estate, which was
completed in August 1999.

8.              The financial information set out above does not constitute
the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 September 1999 and 2000
but is derived from those accounts.  This announcement has been prepared on
the basis of the accounting policies stated in the previous year's accounts.
Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 1999 have been delivered,
and for the year ended 30 September 2000 will be delivered, to the Registrar
of Companies.  The auditors' report on the financial statements for the year
ended 30 September 2000 is unqualified.  The auditors' report in respect of
the year ended 30 September 1999 is unqualified in respect of the balance
sheet at that date and the results for the year then ended, but contains a
statement that in view of the qualification of the 1998 accounts the
comparative figures may not be comparable.  In this regard alone in respect of
the 1999 accounts the auditors had not received all the information and
explanations they considered necessary for the purposes of their audit.

Copies of this announcement are available from the Company's registered
office: Fourth Floor, Churchill House, 142 Old Street, London EC1V 9BW.

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