RNS Number:7661X
Shariah Capital, Inc
05 June 2007

           Shariah Capital Inc. ("Shariah Capital" or "the Company")

              Final Results for the period ended 31 December 2006

Chairman's Statement

This is the first set of final results since Shariah Capital's shares were
admitted to the Alternative Investment Market on 13 December 2006.

Shariah Capital is a U.S.-based company that builds Shariah compliant financial
products, provides Shariah compliant consulting and advisory services as well as
Shariah compliant screening software tools. The Company's unique solutions for
short-sales, options and balance sheet leverage enable financial institutions
and investment firms with product platforms to directly market to Islamic
investors. We are pleased to report on the progress made during the period and
to date.

Shariah Capital made considerable progress in the period under review,
culminating with the successful admission of the Company's shares to the
Alternative Investment Market in December 2006. This event marked a significant
strategic milestone, raising Shariah Capital's profile and enabling
international investors to become shareholders in a firm dedicated to
engineering Shariah compliant products.

Since the period end, Shariah Capital has announced, in collaboration with GRT
Capital Partners, a multi-strategy investment adviser, the launch of a unique
Shariah-compliant managed account, with Barclays Capital acting as sole prime
broker for the new account. We believe the account structure and launch with
Barclays Capital represent significant milestones in the Islamic Finance and
alternative investment world.

Furthermore, in May 2007 Shariah Capital announced that it had been granted a
license to operate in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), which we
view as a further significant strategic development, now enabling Shariah
Capital to operate under regulations in Dubai as well as in the United States
and the United Kingdom.

We continue to be encouraged by the demand for Shariah compliant products and
the opportunities presented for Shariah Capital in the future.

For further information, please contact: Bill Redman bredman@shariahcap.com

Eric Meyer
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Shariah Capital, Inc.
125 Elm Street
New Canaan, Connecticut 06340
United States of America
Telephone: +1 (203) 972-0331
Facsimile: +1 (203) 972-0229

Emirates Towers - 42nd Floor
Suite 4230
Sheikh Zayed Road
P.O. Box 31303
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971 4 319 9199
Facsimile: +971 4 319 747

Shariah Capital, Inc.
(formerly Meyer Fund Management, LLC)
Balance Sheet

December 31,                                                              2006
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Cash                                                                $1,093,734
Certificates of deposit                                              3,517,817
Due from related parties (Note 2)                                       29,097
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                               91,589
Property and equipment-net (Note 3)                                      6,223
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Total assets                                                        $4,738,460
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Accounts payable                                                  $      9,446
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities                         568,171
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Total liabilities                                                      577,617
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Commitments (Note 4)
Stockholders' equity:
Common stock, $.01 par value, 70,000,000 shares authorized;
58,440,600 shares issued and outstanding                               584,406
Additional paid in-capital                                           4,164,899
Retained deficit                                                      (588,462)
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Total stockholders' equity                                           4,160,843
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                          $4,738,460
--------------------------------------                              ------------

                            See accompanying significant accounting policies and
                                                  notes to financial statements.

Shariah Capital, Inc.
(formerly Meyer Fund Management, LLC)
Statement of Operations

December 31,                                                              2006
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Consulting                                                    $        222,500
Interest income                                                         30,328
Rental income (Note 4)                                                  19,500
Conference attendee and sponsorship                                     18,868
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Total revenues                                                $        291,196
--------------------------------------                              ------------
General and administrative expenses (Notes 3 and 4)           $        885,726
Consultant expenses                                                     31,431
Conference hosting expenses                                             15,107
Interest expense                                                         3,120
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Total expenses                                                $        935,384
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Net loss                                                      $       (644,188)
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Earnings (loss) per share, basic and diluted                  $           (.01)
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Weighted average shares outstanding, basic and diluted              50,886,497
--------------------------------------                              ------------

                            See accompanying significant accounting policies and
                                                  notes to financial statements.

Shariah Capital, Inc.
(formerly Meyer Fund Management, LLC)
Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity

Year ended
December 31, 2006
 ---------------        ----------------                       ---------                   ----------       ---------
                          Common Stock                        Additional                  Retained
                    Shares          Amount                  paid-in capital          Earnings/ (Deficit)       Total
 ---------------   ---------       ---------                   ---------                   ----------        ---------
Balance at
December 31,
2005                       -   $             - $                        -        $              55,726  $       55,726
Shares issued
(Note 1)           5,550,000            55,500                  5,494,500                            -       5,550,000
Shares issued
in lieu of
payment for
services (Note
1)                   190,600             1,906                    188,694                            -         190,600
Conversion of
Meyer Fund
Management LLC
interests to
common stock      50,000,000           500,000                   (500,000)                           -               -
(Note 6)                   -                 -                     72,329                            -          72,329
Issuance of
common stock       2,700,000            27,000                    (27,000)                           -               -
AIM offering
expenses                   -                 -                 (1,063,624)                           -      (1,063,624)
Net loss                   -                 -                          -                     (644,188)       (644,188)
---------------      ---------         ---------                  ---------                   ----------       ---------
Balance at
December 31,
2006              58,440,600       $   584,406               $  4,164,899                 $   (588,462)  $   4,160,843
---------------      ---------         ---------                  ---------                   ----------       ---------

                            See accompanying significant accounting policies and
                                                  notes to financial statements.

Shariah Capital, Inc.
(formerly Meyer Fund Management, LLC)
Statement of Cash Flows
(Note 5)

For the year ended December 31,                                           2006
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net loss                                                           $ (644,188)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by
operating activities:
Common stock issued in lieu of payment for services                    190,600
Stock compensation expense                                              72,329
Depreciation and amortization                                            1,251
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                              (82,920)
Deferred revenue                                                       (25,000)
Accounts payable                                                        (2,831)
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities                         520,464
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Net cash provided by operating activities                               29,705
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Cash flows used in investing activities:
Purchase of certificate of deposit                                  (3,517,817)
Purchase of property and equipment                                      (2,259)
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Net cash used in investing activities                               (3,520,076)
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from sale of common stock, net of AIM expenses              1,936,376
Proceeds from bridge loan                                            1,200,000
Proceeds from issuance of common stock to investee                   1,350,000
Due from related parties                                               (18,000)
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Net cash provided by operating activities                            4,468,376
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Net increase in cash                                                   978,005
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Cash, beginning of period                                              115,729
---------------------------------------                               ----------
Cash, end of period                                              $   1,093,734
---------------------------------------                               ----------

                            See accompanying significant accounting policies and
                                                  notes to financial statements.

Shariah Capital, Inc.
(formerly Meyer Fund Management, LLC)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

The Company and Nature of  Shariah Capital, Inc. ("the Company") was formed on
Operations                 September 6, 2006 as a Delaware Corporation. The Company
                           is a multi-dimensional company that creates
                           Shariah-compliant financial products and services under
                           its own brand name, under co-branding arrangements with
                           joint venture partners or on a private label basis. The
                           Company's targeted clients are financial institutions
                           and investment management firms that are building
                           product platforms primarily directed to the Middle East
                           and Far East and, specifically to, Islamic institutional
                           and high net worth investors. The firm also is exploring
                           and expects to pursue a number of business opportunities
                           with financial and investment firms in Europe, Asia and
                           the United States.

                           On September 26, 2006, the Company increased the
                           authorized shares of common stock that it may issue to

                           On November 8, 2006, the Company acquired the assets and
                           liabilities of Meyer Fund Management, LLC ("Meyer"), the
                           predecessor Company. The existing members of Meyer were
                           given 50,000,000 shares of common stock in the Company,
                           based on their existing percentage holdings in Meyer.
                           The merger was accounted for as entities under common
                           control, whereby the Company recognized the assets and
                           liabilities of Meyer at their carryover basis as of the
                           date of the merger. Accordingly, the accompanying
                           financial statements present the operations of both
                           Meyer Fund Management, LLC and Shariah Capital, Inc.
                           Post merger, Meyer has since been dissolved.

Revenue Recognition        The Company recognizes revenue in the month when the
                           services are provided.

Property, Equipment and    Property and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation
Depreciation               and amortization are provided principally on the
                           straight-line method over the estimated useful lives.
                           Fully depreciated assets are written off in the year
                           following its last depreciation charge. The estimated
                           useful lives of the computer equipment is 5 years.

Cash and cash equivalents  Cash and cash equivalents consist of short term highly
                           liquid investments purchased with original maturities of
                           three months or less and are readily convertible into

Concentration of Credit    The Company maintains cash balances with a financial
Risk                       institution. The balance in this account at this
                           institution at times maybe in excess of the FDIC insured
                           limit. The Company has not expensed any losses on such

                           Additionally, the Company maintains a brokerage account
                           with a financial institution. The balance in this
                           account at this institution at times may be in excess of
                           the SIPC insured limit. The Company has not expensed any
                           losses on such accounts.

Advertising                The Company expenses advertising costs as they are

Income Taxes               On September 6, 2006, Shariah Capital, Inc. was
                           incorporated in Delaware as a C Corp. under the
                           provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The Company is
                           responsible for minimum taxes to the States of Delaware
                           and Connecticut. Due to the current year loss, no income
                           tax provision has been made in the accompanying
                           financial statements and only the required minimum and
                           capital taxes have been provided for.

                          The Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with
                          Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109,
                          "Accounting for Income Taxes." Under this method,
                          deferred income taxes are recognized for the tax
                          consequences of "temporary differences" by applying
                          statutory tax rates expected to be applicable in future
                          years to differences between the financial statement
                          carrying amounts and the tax bases of existing assets and

                          A valuation allowance reduces deferred tax assets when it
                          is more likely than not that some or all of the deferred
                          tax assets will not be realized. (See Note 7.)

Use of Estimates          The preparation of financial statements in conformity
                          with generally accepted accounting principles requires
                          management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
                          the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the
                          date of the financial statements and the reported amounts
                          of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.
                          Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Earnings (loss) per share Basic earnings (loss) per share is computed by dividing
                          net income (loss) by the weighted average common shares
                          outstanding. Diluted earnings (loss) per share is
                          computed by dividing net income (loss) by the weighted
                          average common shares outstanding adjusted for
                          incremental dilution of potentially dilutive securities.
                          There were no potentially dilutive securities in 2006.

Shariah Capital, Inc.
(formerly Meyer Fund Management, LLC)
Notes to Financial Statements

 1.  Private          On September 1, 2006, the Company entered into a "Master
     Placement and    Participation Agreement" with numerous individuals and
     Recapitalization entities. These participants funded the Company in the
                      aggregate of $1.2 million. The funding provided working
                      capital to the Company and to fund costs and expenses
                      related to having its common stock admitted for trading on
                      the London Alternative Investment Market (the "AIM") on
                      terms and conditions as defined in the Agreement. On
                      December 13, 2006, the Company started publicly trading on
                      the AIM under the ticker symbol ("SCAP"). In total, the
                      Company raised $5,740,600, of which $1,200,000 was raised
                      from the bridge loan per the Master Participation
                      Agreement, $3,000,000 as part of the private placement,
                      and the remaining $1,540,600 raised from an investee (AIM
                      representative). Included in the funds raised are shares
                      issued in lieu of payment for professional services that
                      amounted to $190,600. Total costs incurred amounted to
                      approximately $1,064,000.

 2.  Related Party    As of December 31, 2006, the Company had a receivable from
     Transactions     the President in the amount of $30,000. The amount was
                      paid in January 2007. As of December 31, 2006, the Company
                      had a payable to the President in the amount of $903. The
                      amount was paid in January 2007.

 3.  Property and     Property and equipment - net, held and used at December
     Equipment - net  31, 2006 consists of the following:

Computer equipment                                                      $8,449

Less: Accumulated depreciation                                           2,226
and amortization

                 Depreciation expense amounted to $1,251 for the year ended
                 December 31, 2006 and is included in general and administrative

 4.  Commitments Operating Leases

                 The Company is a party to an operating lease agreement relating
                 to the rental of its corporate office that expires on August
                 31, 2007, with an annual base rent of approximately $72,000.
                 The lease also includes a provision to pay additional rent for
                 their proportionate share of utilities of approximately $1,600
                 per month over the lease term. Rent expense amounted to
                 approximately $92,887 for the year ended December 31, 2006 and
                 is included in general and administrative expenses. The Company
                 sublets a portion of this corporate office on a month-to-month
                 basis to two tenants. Rental income amounted to approximately
                 $19,500 for the year ended December 31, 2006.
                 The Company is also a party to a month-to-month operating lease
                 agreement relating to the rental of corporate office space in
                 Dubai, that commenced in April 2007.
                 The minimum rental commitments required under these operating
                 leases after December 31, 2006 are as follows:

Year ended December 31,
                                               2007                    $48,000

     Employment     The Company entered into employment agreements with its
     Agreements     management employees effective December 7, 2006 whereby
                    annual salaries aggregate $1,050,000. The agreements provide
                    for 6 to 12 months notice of termination and provide for the
                    annual salaries to be paid through the termination date. In
                    addition, the agreement with the Chairman and Chief
                    Executive Officer of the Company provides for a $650,000
                    termination fee.

     Non Executive  Effective December 6, 2006, the Company entered into a Non
     Director       Executive Director Service Agreement whereby the individual
     Service        will serve as the Chairman of the audit, nomination and
     Agreement      compensation committees of the board of directors for an
                    annual fee of $32,500. The term of the agreement shall be
                    for a period of not less than six months unless notice is
                    given in writing by either party to terminate the agreement.

 5.  Supplemental   Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information are as
     Disclosures of follows:
     Cash Flow

                                                                 Year ended 
                                                              December 31, 2006
Cash paid during the year for interest                          $      3,120
Non cash financing transaction:
Contribution of services in exchange for common stock           $    190,600
Conversion of bridge loan into common stock                     $  1,200,000

 6.  Shared Based In December 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
     Compensation ("FASB") issued SFAS 123R, "Share-based Payment," a revision
                  of SFAS 123 which supersedes APB 25 "Accounting for Stock
                  Issued to Employees". The Company adopted SFAS 123R using the
                  modified prospective application. Under this method,
                  compensation cost is recognized for all shared-based payments
                  granted, modified, or settled after the date of adoption as
                  well as for any unvested awards that were granted prior to the
                  date of the adoption.

                  The Company granted 2,700,000 shares of restricted stock on
                  December 7, 2006 to several of its employees. These 2006
                  restricted stock grants vest over a period of three years.
                  Under the provisions of SFAS 123R, share-based compensation
                  cost is measured at the grant date, based on the calculated
                  fair value of the award, and is recognized as an expense over
                  the employee's requisite service period, which is the vesting
                  period of the grant. Accordingly, compensation expense of
                  $72,329 was recorded for the year ended December 31, 2006 in
                  connection with the restricted stock grants and is included in
                  general and administrative expenses. Additional compensation
                  expense costs amounting to $1,073,699, $713,151, and $840,822
                  will be recognized over the next three years.

 7.  Income Taxes The Company has net operating loss carry forwards of
                  approximately $1,100,000 available to reduce any future income
                  taxes, expiring at various times from 2025 to 2026. The tax
                  benefit of these losses and other temporary differences amount
                  to approximately $469,000, has been fully offset by a
                  valuation allowance due to the uncertainty of its realization.

Please be advised that the pages herewith provided from the financial statements
are just an extract. Full sets are available upon request.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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