RNS Number : 6150E
  Supercart PLC
  30 September 2008

    30 September 2008

    Supercart plc
    ("Supercart" or the "Company")

Interim results for the period ended 30 June 2008
�         Turnover of �1,032,000 (2007 - �822,000)
�         Operating loss of �725,000 (2007 * loss of �578,000)
�         Net cash balances of �469,000 at 30 June 2008
�         Continued strong growth in established South African market

    Mike Wolfe, Chief Executive, commenting on the results said:

    "I continue to be encouraged with growth in our South African core market and I believe that we are well positioned with good product in
our main North American and European markets. 

    With the introduction, later this year, of our seventh trolley world-wide, which will be sold into the South African and European
markets, I believe that Supercart remains well positioned with a unique range of products that meet the growing world retailer demand for
recyclable and recycled commodities to satisfy their corporate social responsibility goals."


    Mike Wolfe, CEO Supercart plc                                                                           01732 459898

    Russell Cook, Charles Stanley Securities (Nominated Adviser)                         020 7149 6000

      Chairman's Statement

    Progress in the first half of the current year has been steady. Revenues have risen and despite higher oil prices, we have increased our
margins on product sales. Revenues are still driven by our operations in South Africa as the Company continues to strive to make a
significant breakthrough in the main target markets of North America and Europe, which hopefully is becoming ever closer.

    Financial Results

    Turnover of �1,032,000 (2007 - �822,000) was 26% higher than the comparative period in 2007 primarily due to our continuing strong
performance in South Africa. While gross margins rose from 16.7% to 22.6% the operating loss for the period increased to �725,000 (2007 -
�578,000). This was as a result, primarily, of increased marketing and selling costs in North America and Europe, incurred in readiness for
our new products. Losses before tax were �724,000 (2007: �593,000).

    The Company continues to control carefully its operating cost base to optimise its cash resources. The Company maintained a positive
cash balance of �469,000 at 30 June 2008 (2007 - �552,000). 

Operational Review
South Africa

We achieved a unit sale increase of nearly 20% compared to the same period in 2007, a very satisfactory result coming on the back of a
nearly 40% increase in the same 2007 period over 2006. The sales of the new 'Nexus' trolleys have now expanded to four retailers and early
signs are good for this product in this market. 

    Our 30 litre hand basket continues its high levels of acceptance across all of the retail groups and is selling at significantly
increased levels from 2007.

North America

As reported in my statement of 30th April 2008, the new 'Max200' trolley was delivered for testing to one of the largest grocery retailer
chains in North America. A recent independent customer survey carried out by this retailer has been encouraging. In addition, we are
following up with a number of other retailers who have expressed significant interest. Accordingly, we are cautiously optimistic about
opportunities available to us over the course of the rest of this year and beyond.


Our store test with our Nexus trolley and hand baskets, both made from recycled plastic, is proceeding with a major UK high street chain. We
are hoping that this, in time, will lead to more retailer demand in the UK. 

    Our store tests in France have been successful thus far, and we have recently received a further order from one of the retailers
concerned.  We are also following up interest in the Nexus in both Spain and Germany.

Our retailer trials continue with our 185 litre Australian trolley and a nationwide sales drive has started this month.

    Manufacturing costs

    Although the price of raw material resins has increased by up to 25% in the last 12 months, world steel prices have increased even more
significantly by up to 100% over this period. With the high capital cost and introductory lead time for each of our trolleys, our cost base
has always been higher than our competitors' metal products. However, with the dramatic rise in the cost of steel, our products are
beginning to become increasingly competitive. 

    Product development

    We have completed successfully the off tool trials of our latest trolley, the 'Excel 200' which will serve the South African and
European markets. In Europe it will meet the demand of the retailers who want a trolley size between our current 145 litre Nexus and the 225
litre Hyper. With final mould commercialisation work happening in South Africa through to the end of October, we anticipate that sales of
the Excel 200 will commence in South Africa at the end of 2008 and in Europe in early 2009.


    The final quarter is traditionally the strongest part of our year. With our extended product range, and our new and ongoing sales
initiatives, we are expecting progress in our markets during the second half of 2008.

Victor Segal

 Condensed consolidated income             6 months    6 months   12 months ended 
 statement for the period                     ended       ended   31 December 2007
                                             30 June     30 June
                                                2008        2007
                                           Unaudited   Unaudited           Audited
                                               �'000       �'000             �'000
 Continuing Operations           Notes  
 Revenue                                       1,032         822             3,342
 Cost of Sales                                 (799)       (685)           (2,699)
 Gross Profit                                    233         137               643
 Administrative expenses                       (958)       (715)           (1,533)
 Operating loss                                (725)       (578)             (890)
 Investment revenue                               17          16                31
 Finance Costs                                  (16)        (31)              (53)
 Loss before taxation                          (724)       (593)             (912)
 Tax                                               0           0              (17)
 Loss for the period                           (724)       (593)             (929)
 attributable to equity holders         
 of the parent                          
 Loss per share (pence)                 
 Basic and fully diluted           3          (1.67)      (1.67)            (2.59)

 Condensed consolidated balance                  As at     As at        As at 
 sheet                                         30 June    30 June           31
                                                   2008       2007    December
                                              Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited
                                                  �'000      �'000       �'000
 Non-current assets                         
 Intangible assets                                    -          -           4
 Property, plant and equipment         4          2,227      1,187       1,821
 Deferred tax asset                                                          6
                                                  2,227      1,187       1,831
 Current assets                             
 Inventories                                        120         65          85
 Trade and other receivables           5            449        335       1,185
 Cash and cash equivalents                          469        552       1,748
                                                  1,038        952       3,018
 Total Assets                                     3,265      2,139       4,849
 Equity and Liabilities                     
 Capital and reserves                       
 Issued share capital                               174        142         174
 Share premium account                            5,585      4,057       5,585
 Share option reserve                               152         75         122
 Foreign currency translation                     (254)          0       (148)
 Retained earnings                              (4,241)    (3,053)     (3,517)
 Total Equity                                     1,416      1,221       2,216
 Non-current liabilities                            974        284         837
 Current liabilities                   6            874        634       1,796
 Total liabilities                                1,848        918       2,633
 Total equity and liabilities                     3,265      2,139       4,849

                  Condensed Statement of changes in equity
                                     Issued share capital         Share premium  Share option reserve      Foreign Currency  Retained
earnings   Total equity 
                                                                       Account                         Translation Reserve 
                                                    �'000                 �'000                 �'000                 �'000              
�'000          �'000

 At 1 January 2007                                    142                 4,057                    75                 (146)            
(2,314)          1,814

 Loss for six months to 30 June                         -                     -                     -                                    
(593)          (593)
 Share issue costs
 Provision for share options
 Exchange differences arising                           -                     -                     -                                       
 -              -
 on translation of foreign
 Balance at 30 June 2007                              142                 4,057                    75                 (146)            
(2,907)          1,221

 Loss for six months to 31                              -                     -                     -                     -              
(336)          (289)
 December 2007
 Issue of 8 million shares                             32                 1,568                     -                     -                 
 -          1,560
 Share issue costs                                                         (40)                     -                     -
 Provision for share options                                                                       47                     -
 Exchange differences arising                           -                     -                     -                   (2)                 
 -            (2)
 on translation of foreign
 Balance at 31 December 2007                          174                 5,585                   122                 (148)            
(3,517)          2,216

 Loss for six months to 30 June                         -                     -                    30                 (106)              
(724)          (800)
 Share issue costs
 Provision for share options
 Exchange differences arising                           -                     -                     -                     -                 
 -              -
 on translation of foreign
 Balance at 30 June 2008                              174                 5,585                   152                 (254)            
(4,241)          1,416

 Condensed consolidated cash           6 months     6 months   12 months ended 
 flow statement for the period            ended        ended   31 December 2007
                                        30 June      30 June 
                                            2008         2007
                                       Unaudited    Unaudited           Audited
                                           �'000        �'000             �'000
 Cashflow from operating           
 Loss for period                           (724)        (593)             (929)
 Income tax expense                            -            -                17
 Depreciation                                 38            8                37
 Amortisation                                  -            7                 -
 Loss on disposal of fixed                     -            -               (4)
 Share based payment charges                   -           23                47
 Interest income                            (17)         (16)              (31)
 Interest expense                             16           31                53
 Reversal of impairment                        -            -               (1)
 Net foreign exchange gain                     -            -               (2)
                                           (687)        (540)             (813)
 Movements in working capital      
 (Increase)/decrease in                     (37)         (54)              (74)
 (Increase)/Decrease in trade                566          640             (197)
 and other  receivables            
 Increase/ (Decrease) in                   (506)        (421)               605
 Cash used by operations                   (664)        (375)             (479)
 Finance cost                               (16)         (31)              (53)
 Tax received                                  -            -                62
 Net cash from operating                   (680)        (406)            (470))
 Cashflows from investing          
 Purchase of property, plant               (585)        (124)             (393)
 and equipment                     
 Interest received                            17           16                31
 Net cash used in investing                (569)        (109)             (362)
 Cashflows from financing          
 Proceeds from issue of share                  -            -             1,560
 Repayment of finance lease and             (81)         (78)             (131)
 instalment sale borrowings        
 Net cash (used in)/from                    (81)         (78)             1,429
 financing activities              
 Net (decrease)/increase in               (1330)       (593)                597
 cash and cash equivalents         
 Effects of exchange rate                     51          (2)                 4
 Cash and cash equivalents at              1,748        1,147             1,147
 the beginning of the period       
 Cash and cash equivalents at                469          552             1,748
 the end of the                    

      Notes on the unaudited interim financial information

    1.    Basis of Preparation

    The unaudited condensed financial statements have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial
Reporting Standards. The unaudited condensed financial statements are presented in Sterling and have been prepared under the historical cost

    The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are followed in these unaudited condensed financial statements as
were applied in the preparation of the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.

    2.    Cyclicality of Operations

           Operations in the six months to 30 June 2008 are following usual seasonal trends 

    3.    Loss per share
                            6 months ended        6 months           12 months
                               30 June 2008         ended               ended 
                                              30 June 2007    31 December 2007
                                  Unaudited      Unaudited             Audited
   Loss for the period                (724)          (593)               (929)
   attributable to        
   shareholders (�'000)   
   Weighted average              43,500,000     35,500,000          35,806,849
   number of shares       
   in issue               

    The losses attributable to ordinary shareholders and weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating the
diluted loss per ordinary share are identical to those used for basic loss per ordinary share. This is because the exercise of share options
would have the effect of reducing the loss per ordinary share and is therefore not dilutive under the terms of IAS 33.

    4.   Property, plant and equipment
                           Trolley Moulds      Moulds including  Motor vehicles     Plant, equipment,  Total
                                                    those under                         furniture and
                                                   construction                              fittings
                                    �'000                 �'000           �'000                 �'000  �'000
   At 1 January 2008                1,229                   552              60                    61  1,902
   Additions                            -                   397              29                   21     447
   Translation                        (1)                     -               -                   (2)    (3)
   At 30 June 2008                  1,228                   949              89                    80  2,346
   At 1 January 2008                   39                     -               5                    37     81
   Charge for period                   18                     -               4                    22     44
   Translation                        (4)                     -               -                   (2)    (6)
   At 30 June 2008                     53                     -               9                    57    119
   Net book value at 30             1,174                   949              80                    23  2,227
   June 2008             
   Net book value at 31             1,190                   552              55                    24  1,821
   December 2007         

    5.    Trade and other receivables
                                        As at      As at       As at 
                                      30 June     30 June          31
                                          2008       2007    December
                                     Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited
                                         �'000      �'000       �'000
   Trade receivables                       341        299       1,061
   Other receivables                        80         20         104
   Prepayments and accrued income           28         16          20
                                           449        335       1,185

    6.    Trade and other payables
                                      As at      As at       As at 
                                    30 June    30 June           31
                                        2008       2007    December
                                   Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited
                                       �'000      �'000       �'000
   Trade payables                        426        283       1,172
   Accruals and deferred income          170         50         116
   Other payables                        166        121         241
   HP and finance lease                    -         57           -
   Standard Bank                           -        115           -
   Employee benefits                      95          -          75
   Taxation and social security           17          8          17
                                         874        634       1,621
7.    Copies of this report will be sent to shareholders shortly and will be available from the Company's registered office, 3 
       The Mews, 16 Hollybush Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3JT and available to download from the Company's website  

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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