The full Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 
2014 can be accessed via the Company's website: www.renaissanceusgrowth.co.uk 
or by contacting the Secretary by telephone on 01392 412122. 
Company Summary 
Commencement                       The Company was incorporated on 19 January 
                                   1996 and commenced trading on 29 May 1996. 
Investment objective               To conduct an orderly realisation of the 
                                   assets of the Company, to be effected in a 
                                   manner that seeks to achieve a balance 
                                   between returning cash to shareholders 
                                   promptly and maximising the value of the 
                                   Company's portfolio. A detailed description 
                                   of the Company's investment policy is set 
                                   out in the Strategic Report below. 
Total net assets and 
shareholders' funds                GBP39,936,000 as at 31 March 2014. 
Market capitalisation              GBP35,901,000 as at 31 March 2014. 
Capital structure                  As at 31 March 2014 and at the date of this 
                                   report, the Company had 13,078,541 Ordinary 
                                   shares of 25p each in issue. 
Total voting rights                13,078,541. 
ISA status                         The Company is fully eligible for inclusion 
                                   in ISAs. 
AIC                                The Company is a member of the Association 
                                   of Investment Companies ("AIC"). 
Investment Manager                 RENN Capital Group, Inc. ("RENN Capital"). 
                                   See below for further details. 
Management fee                     The Investment Manager receives a fixed fee 
                                   of $90,000 per month. A performance fee may 
                                   also be payable as described in the 
                                   Strategic Report below and Note 3 to the 
                                   Financial Statements. 
Secretarial and 
administration fee                 The Secretary receives an annual fee of 
                                   GBP88,000 in respect of secretarial and 
                                   administration services. This fee is subject 
                                   to an annual adjustment based on the UK 
                                   Retail Price Index. 
Summary of Results and Financial Highlights 
                                           Year ended    Year ended 
                                             31 March      31 March          % 
                                                 2014          2013     change 
Total net assets                          GBP39,936,000   GBP57,252,000     (30.25) 
Net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary share 
                            - pence            305.35        328.32      (7.00) 
                            - US cents         509.06        498.54       2.11 
Mid-market price per Ordinary share            274.50p       234.50p     17.06 
Discount to NAV                                 10.10%        28.58%     18.48 
Net revenue return after taxation         GBP(1,021,000)  GBP(1,145,000)     10.83 
Revenue return per Ordinary share               (5.92)p       (6.47)p     8.50 
Costs of running the Company* 
- Investment Manager's fee                   GBP677,000      GBP746,000      (9.25) 
- Other expenses                             GBP498,000      GBP465,000       7.10 
- Performance fee (Note 3 below)                  nil|    GBP(175,000)|      n/a 
As a percentage of average net assets* 
- Investment Manager's fee                       1.27%         1.38%     (0.11) 
- Other expenses                                 1.18%         0.86%      0.32 
Exchange rate - US Dollar/Sterling            1.66715       1.51845       9.79 
S&P 500 Index (Total Return)                 3,375.51      2,770.05      21.86 
S&P 500 Index (Total Return) 
- Sterling adjusted                          2,023.57      1,823.72      10.96 
Russell 2000 Index (Total Return)            5,477.96      4,385.95      24.90 
Russell 2000 Index (Total Return) - 
Sterling adjusted                            3,283.95      2,887.58      13.73 
                                      High           Date      Low         Date 
Mid-market price per Ordinary 
share                               274.50p      31/03/14   229.50p    03/06/13 
NAV per Ordinary share - pence|     334.29p      30/06/13   290.96p    31/12/13 
Discount to NAV|                     30.24%      31/05/13     9.92%    07/03/14 
* Calculated in accordance with the AIC recommended methodology for the 
calculation of `Ongoing Charges' issued in May 2012. 
| There is no performance fee payable for the year ended 31 March 2014. 
| Including current period revenue. 
Investment Portfolio 
as at 31 March 2014 
                                                   cost       Fair value      % of net 
                           Sector               US$'000   US$'000    GBP'000      Assets 
Corporate investments 
US unlisted convertible 
PetroHunter Energy         Oil and gas 
                           exploration            2,100       166      100        0.25 
Total US unlisted 
convertible debentures                            2,100       166      100        0.25 
US unlisted convertible 
preference shares 
AnchorFree                 Wireless 
                           communications         2,162    27,613   16,563       41.48 
iSatori                    Personal products         75         2        1           - 
Total US unlisted 
convertible preference 
shares|                                           2,237    27,615   16,564       41.48 
US listed Chinese 
Tiger Media                Advertising            2,422       665      399        1.00 
Total US listed Chinese 
equities                                          2,422       665      399        1.00 
US listed French 
Flamel Technologies        Pharmaceuticals        3,774    10,720    6,430       16.10 
Total US listed French 
equities                                          3,774    10,720    6,430       16.10 
US listed equities 
Bovie Medical              Healthcare 
                           services               3,767     6,240    3,743        9.37 
Charles & Colvard          Clothing and 
                           accessories              777       572      343        0.86 
Cover-All Technologies     Information 
                           technology             5,051    10,938    6,561       16.43 
iSatori                    Personal products      9,562     5,981    3,587        8.98 
PetroHunter Energy         Oil and gas 
                           exploration              202        13        8        0.02 
Total US listed 
equities                                         19,359    23,744   14,242       35.66 
Total corporate 
investments                                      29,892    62,910   37,735       94.49 
Net current assets                                          4,555    2,732        6.84 
Provision for 
liabilities                                                  (885)    (531)      (1.33) 
Net assets                                                 66,580   39,936      100.00 
| Unlisted convertible preference shares and warrants convert into unlisted 
common stocks. 
Unlisted warrant investments are valued at fair value using the Black Scholes 
methodology, which includes a time value which is calculated and added to the 
intrinsic value to arrive at a total valuation for each warrant. 
The Black Scholes methodology requires certain assumptions to be made around 
the volatility of the underlying shares to which the warrants subscribe. 
The valuation of unlisted warrants at 31 March 2014 of GBPnil is made up of the 
intrinsic value of GBPnil and a time value of GBPnil. 
Strategic Report 
The Strategic Report has been prepared in accordance with Section 414A of the 
Companies Act 2006 (the "Act"). Its purpose is to inform members of the Company 
and help them to assess how the Directors have performed their legal duty under 
Section 172 of the Act to promote the success of the Company. 
Dear Shareholder, 
On 10 June 2014, the Company announced that, due to ill health, Ernest Fenton 
had stepped down as Chairman of your Company and would not be seeking 
re-election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Since that date, I have 
assumed the role of Chairman. Ernest has been a Director of the Company since 
its launch in 1996 and was appointed Chairman in 2004. He has made a great 
contribution to the successful running of the Company and has worked tirelessly 
on behalf of shareholders over the years. I would like to thank him on behalf 
of the Board for his valuable input and advice. We are going to miss his 
presence on the Board and wish him a full and speedy recovery. 
Following the approval of the revised investment policy on 17 April 2013, I 
want to update you on progress. As you will see from the Investment Manager's 
Review and the Financial Statements, GBP12.95 million of capital was returned to 
the shareholders on 21 March 2014 through a tender offer reducing the number of 
shares in issue by 4,359,438 to 13,078,541 shares. During the year, the NAV per 
share fell by 7.0%, while the share price rose by 17.1%. 
As expected, the remaining portfolio is concentrated in a smaller number of 
companies. The Board is fully aware of the implications of this position and is 
taking advice on the processes required to avoid jeopardising investment trust 
status and the favourable tax treatment that comes with it. Depending on the 
circumstances and the degree of portfolio concentration, it is possible that in 
order to preserve that status, the Company may have to recommend to 
shareholders that it enter voluntary liquidation at any time during the coming 
months, and this may need to be done at relatively short notice. As a result of 
this situation, and in agreement with the Auditor, the Board has decided not to 
prepare the Financial Statements on a going concern basis. This has no impact 
on the amounts recognised in the Financial Statements. 
There is one significant holding in the portfolio which is not valued using 
market prices. AnchorFree, Inc. ("AnchorFree"), representing 41.5% of net 
assets, is being held at a price which reflects a transaction which took place 
in 2012. The Board recently obtained an independent valuation of the Company's 
holding in AnchorFree. Having reviewed the valuation report, the Board decided 
to maintain the US Dollar valuation of the holding which, as at 31 March 2014, 
remained unchanged since the previous fiscal year end. This valuation was 
towards the lower end of the valuation range given by the independent valuer. 
The Company is in the process of changing its business model from one based on 
advertising to one reliant on subscriptions. The Board sees no justification to 
change the valuation of this holding at this point, but any change in the 
future could clearly have a very significant impact, in either direction, on 
net assets. 
During the 12 months ended 31 March 2014, Sterling rose sharply by 9.8%, 
negatively affecting the Sterling returns for shareholders. As the process of 
realisation continues, proceeds are translated into Sterling as sales are made, 
but the underlying Dollar exposure in the remaining holdings is unhedged. In 
accordance with the Company's investment policy, the realised proceeds, 
converted into Sterling, are held in UK treasury gilts. 
The Board has taken advice on the use of buyback powers during the realisation 
process and concluded that share buybacks should be suspended to avoid the risk 
of the Company dealing while in possession of material non-public information 
on any of its listed holdings. Therefore, the Board is not seeking 
shareholders' approval to renew the Company's authority to make market 
purchases of shares. 
The Company's portfolio holds five core positions as at the date of this 
report, and we expect the Investment Manager to continue to make steady 
progress along the road to realisation, recognising that, given the underlying 
illiquidity in certain key investments, and the expectation that the portfolio 
will be liquidated by March 2015, some time and patience will still be required 
in order to maximise returns to the shareholders. 
Andrew Barker 
23 June 2014 
The establishment of the new investment policy and objective on 17 April 2013 
shifted the focus of the Investment Manager towards the realisation of the 
portfolio by March 2015. Many positions have been sold resulting in the 
21 March 2014 tender offer returning GBP12.95 million to shareholders and leaving a 
cash balance of GBP2.4 million at the end of March 2014. We expect to continue 
building the cash account over the next 12 months in preparation for the 
realisation of the portfolio by March 2015. 
Top five holdings 
AnchorFree, Inc. (Private): 41.5% of net assets, Primary Industry Group: 
Internet Software & Services 
AnchorFree is the world's leading advertising and subscription supported 
virtual private network. Over 200 million people have downloaded AnchorFree's 
Hotspot Shield to protect their identities. Hotspot Shield encrypts users' 
internet communications and detects and blocks malware, protecting all internet 
communication and securing customer and employee data. The company platform 
accommodates desktop and all forms of mobile devices. In May 2012, Goldman 
Sachs invested $52 million in AnchorFree. The company continues to make 
progress through the addition of new partners and new subscription revenue with 
multiple offerings. AnchorFree continues to benefit from increased demand on 
the back of rising concerns about internet privacy. AnchorFree is currently 
ranked 12th on iOS App Store's productivity category in the US. 
Cover-All Technologies (AMEX: COVR): 16.4% of net assets, Primary Industry 
Group: Application Software 
Cover-All Technologies provides software solutions for insurance companies, 
agents and brokers. The company has a suite of software products installed with 
some of the largest insurance companies in the world. With its deep product 
line, we believe Cover-All Technologies could be an acquisition candidate. For 
the year ended 31 December 2013, total revenues were up 26% to $20.5 million as 
compared to the same period in 2012. Earnings before interest, taxes, 
depreciation and amortisation for the same period were $2.6 million compared to 
a loss of $1.1 million in the comparable period of 2012. On 15 May 2014, 
Cover-All Technologies announced financial results for the first quarter ended 
31 March 2014. Operating income was $531,000 compared to $803,000 in the 
comparable period in 2013. Net income was $434,000 ($0.02 per basic and diluted 
share) compared to $705,000 ($0.03 per basic and diluted share) in the same 
period of 2013. 
Flamel Technologies Ltd (NASDAQ: FLML): 16.1% of net assets, Primary Industry 
Group: Pharmaceuticals 
Flamel Technologies engages in the development and commercialisation of 
controlled release therapeutic products. The company is transforming itself 
into a high margin specialty pharmaceutical company. Earlier the company 
received an approval for Bloxiverz, the first FDA-approved version of 
neostigmine sulfate, a drug used to reverse neuromuscular blocking drugs in 
surgical procedures. The company expects solid revenue growth from Bloxiverz 
throughout 2014. On 7 March 2014, the company announced a successful completion 
of a $113.0 million equity financing. For the year ended 31 December 2013, 
revenues were up 16% to $26.0 million and the net loss decreased to 
$3.3 million. 
Bovie Medical Corporation (AMEX: BVX): 9.4% of net assets, Primary Industry 
Group: Healthcare Equipment 
Bovie Medical engages in the development, manufacture and marketing of 
electrosurgical generators and disposables. On 13 December 2013, the company 
announced the completion of a $7.0 million funding by Great Point Partners, a 
leading health care investment firm. This new funding is earmarked to 
accelerate the growth of Bovie Medical's innovative signature technology, 
J-Plasma. On the same date the board of directors appointed Robert L. Gershon 
as the company's new chief executive officer. Mr. Gershon has over 25 years of 
healthcare experience most recently as a senior sales and marketing executive 
at Covidien (NYSE: COV) and Henry Schein (NASDAQ: HSIC). For the year ended 
31 December 2013, sales totalled $23.6 million resulting in a loss of 
$4.3 million. For the comparable period in 2012, sales were $27.7 million 
resulting in a net income of $617,000. 2013 results were negatively impacted by 
an overall decline in the OEM business, the costs of legal fees and continued 
investments in J-Plasma. The Investment Manager believes that J-Plasma has 
great promise and will begin to impact operations in 2014. 
iSatori, Inc. (OTCBB: IFIT): 9.0% of net assets, Primary Industry Group: 
Personal Products 
iSatori is a developer and marketer of scientifically engineered nutritional 
supplements focusing upon specific markets, including weight loss and sports 
nutrition. This year the company has entered the mass market through major 
retail outlets including Wal-Mart, Walgreens and Duane Reade. The company also 
introduced a new category-defining product called Bio-Gro. GNC (NYSE: GNC), 
America's largest sports supplement retailer, began carrying Bio-Gro in January 
2014. The company has a long-term sales target of $25- $50 million. For the 
year ended 31 December 2013, total revenues increased by 14% to $10.6 million. 
The net loss for the same period was $959,000 compared to a loss of $1,030,638 
for 2012. 
Other holdings 
As at 31 March 2014, your Company owned a total of eight holdings, with the 
three holdings outside the top five positions representing 2.1% of net assets 
in total. These three holdings are in oil and gas exploration (PetroHunter 
Energy), advertising (Tiger Media) and clothing and accessories (Charles & 
The Investment Manager has made progress in realising value demonstrated in the 
recent return of GBP12.95 million in capital to shareholders. The Investment 
Manager is working actively towards realising the balance of the portfolio by 
March 2015. 
While some holdings are sufficiently liquid to allow open market sales, others 
either are not or have other characteristics which will require a structural 
solution. The Investment Manager has experience in liquidating portfolios and 
is optimistic that the prospects for profitable realisation are good. 
Holdings at 31 March 2014 and top ten holdings at 31 March 2013 
31 March 2014         % of Net Assets     31 March 2013         % of Net Assets 
AnchorFree                       41.5     AnchorFree                       31.8 
Cover-All                                 iSatori                          11.5 
Technologies                     16.4 
Flamel Technologies              16.1     Technologies                     11.1 
Bovie Medical                     9.4     Points International              7.3 
iSatori                           9.0     Plures Technologies               7.0 
Tiger Media                       1.0     Bovie Medical                     6.1 
Charles & Colvard                 0.9     Flamel Technologies               4.0 
PetroHunter Energy                0.2     Hollysys Automation 
                                          Technologies                      2.8 
                                          DXP Enterprises                   1.8 
                                          Titan Machinery                   1.6 
Russell Cleveland 
RENN Capital 
23 June 2014 
To conduct an orderly realisation of the assets of the Company, to be effected 
in a manner that seeks to achieve a balance between returning cash to 
shareholders promptly and maximising the value of the Company's portfolio. 
Strategy and business model 
Investment policy 
The Company's investments will be realised in an orderly manner in accordance 
with the investment objective. 
The Company may not make any new investments save that (a) subject to Board 
approval, further investment may be made into existing investments in order to 
preserve the value of such investments; and (b) realised cash may be invested 
in liquid cash-equivalent securities, denominated in Sterling, including 
short-dated corporate bonds, government bonds, cash funds, or bank cash 
deposits pending its return to shareholders in accordance with the Company's 
investment objective. 
No more than 10% of the Company's total assets may be invested in any single 
cash equivalent instrument or placed on deposit with any single institution 
except that this limit does not apply to investment in government bonds, which 
shall be unconstrained. 
The Company may not employ gearing. 
The Company will continue to comply with the restrictions imposed by the 
Listing Rules in force from time to time. 
Business and status of the Company 
The Company is an investment company in accordance with the provisions of 
Section 833 of the Act. The Directors expect that the process of realisation 
will result in a transition to voluntary liquidation in order to preserve the 
Company's investment trust status. The timing of such a move is uncertain but 
is unlikely to be later than the end of March 2015. 
The principal activity of the Company is to conduct business as an investment 
trust. The Company has received approval from HM Revenue & Customs ("HMRC") as 
an authorised investment trust under Sections 1158 and 1159 of the Corporation 
Tax Act 2010 ("Sections 1158 and 1159"). This approval is subject to there 
being no subsequent enquiry under corporation tax self-assessment and to there 
being no subsequent serious breaches of the regulations. The Directors of the 
Company will endeavour to direct the Company's affairs so as to enable it to 
continue to qualify for such approval. 
The Company's status as an investment trust allows it to obtain an exemption 
from paying taxes on the profits made from the sale of its investments. 
Investment trusts offer a number of advantages for investors, including access 
to investment opportunities that might not be open to private investors and to 
professional stock selection skills at low cost. 
The Company's shares are listed on the premium segment of the Official List of 
the UK Listing Authority and traded on the Main Market of the London Stock 
Portfolio analysis 
A review of how the Company's assets have been invested is contained in the 
Investment Manager's Review above. A list of the Company's investments is 
contained in the Investment Portfolio above. The Investment Portfolio sets out 
the sector and geographical distribution of the Company's holdings. As at 
31 March 2014, the Company held eight investments, excluding cash and other net 
assets. As the Investment Manager continues to realise the Company's 
investments in accordance with its investment policy, the number of holdings is 
expected to reduce further. 
Results and dividend 
The results for the year are set out in the Income Statement and Reconciliation 
of Movements in Shareholders' Funds below. The Directors recommend that no 
dividend be paid in respect of the year ended 31 March 2014 (2013: nil). 
Key performance indicators 
The key performance indicator for the Company is progress towards meeting the 
Company's objective of realising its assets. The Directors also consider the 
benchmark, which is the Russell 2000 Index. It should be noted though that the 
relevance of this indicator is diminishing as the Company moves towards its 
objective. At each Board meeting, the Directors consider a number of 
performance measures to assess the Company's success in achieving its 
objective. The key performance indicators used to measure progress and 
performance of the Company over time are established industry measures and are 
as follows: 
Progress towards the Company's objective 
During the year, GBP13.62 million of assets were sold and the sum of 
GBP12.95 million was returned to shareholders via a tender offer. 
Net asset value 
In the year to 31 March 2014, the NAV per share decreased by 7.0% from 328.32p 
to 305.35p. This compares with the total return gain of 13.7% from the Russell 
2000 Index, adjusted to Sterling. 
Share price 
In the year to 31 March 2014, the Company's share price increased by 17.1% from 
234.50p to 274.50p. 
Share price discount to net asset value 
The underlying discount to NAV fell during the year. The discount ranged from a 
low of 9.92% on 7 March 2014 to a high of 30.24% on 31 May 2013, averaging 
23.44% for the year. As at 31 March 2014, the Company's shares traded at a 
discount of 10.10% compared to 28.58% as at 31 March 2013. 
Net asset value total return per Ordinary share 
There was a decrease in the loss per share in the year to 31 March 2014 of 8.5% 
from (6.47)p to (5.92)p. 
For the year ended 31 March 2014, the NAV return of the Company, measured in 
US Dollars, rose by 2.1% compared to a rise of 24.9% for the Russell 2000. The net 
asset value return of the Company, measured in Sterling, fell by 7.0% compared 
to a rise of 13.7% for the Russell 2000. Since the inception of the Company in 
1996, the Sterling annualised return has been 7.1% against the Russell 2000 
annualised return of 8.1%. 
Ongoing charges 
The ongoing charges ratio was 2.45% (2013: 2.25%) in the year to 31 March 2014. 
Events subsequent to the year end 
As detailed in the Chairman's Statement above, Mr Barker succeeded Mr Fenton as 
Chairman of the Company on 10 June 2014. 
There have not been any other significant events subsequent to the year end, 
nor is the Board aware of any potential developments that are likely to have a 
significant impact on the Company. 
Investment Management Agreement 
The Company's investments are managed by RENN Capital under an agreement dated 
17 May 1996, as amended. Pursuant to the Side Letter to the Investment 
Management Agreement dated 19 March 2013 and following the approval of the 
shareholders at the General Meeting held on 17 April 2013, the Investment 
Manager is paid a fixed monthly fee of $90,000. If the realisation of the 
Company's assets is ongoing after 19 March 2015, the Board and Investment 
Manager will review the fixed monthly fee; this fee would also be renegotiated 
on the appointment of liquidators to the Company. 
Under the revised terms, the hurdle for the achievement of any performance fee 
will be a cash amount which must be returned to shareholders before a 
performance fee can be earned (the "Cash Hurdle"). The Cash Hurdle will be the 
audited NAV as at 31 March 2013 plus a notional accrual (the "Accrual"), which 
will reflect the time value of money between 17 April 2013 and actual returns 
of cash in excess of the Cash Hurdle. The Investment Manager will be entitled 
to 10% of any amounts returned to shareholders in excess of the Cash Hurdle 
(including the Accrual). The Company and the Investment Manager have agreed 
that the opening Cash Hurdle will be the audited NAV as at 31 March 2013, in 
Sterling terms, and the Accrual will be 8% per annum (compound) calculated on 
the opening Cash Hurdle. The total performance fee payable will be capped at an 
amount equivalent to 10% of the NAV as at 31 March 2013. 
The management agreement may be terminated by either party giving to the other 
not less than 12 months' notice in writing at any time. No additional 
compensation is payable to the Investment Manager in the event of termination. 
Further details of the Investment Manager's fees are given in Note 3 to the 
Financial Statements. 
Appointment of the Investment Manager 
Through the Management Engagement Committee, the Directors keep under review 
the performance of the Investment Manager. In the opinion of the Directors, the 
continuing appointment of RENN Capital as Investment Manager, on the terms 
outlined in the Investment Management Agreement dated 17 May 1996, as amended, 
is in the best interests of shareholders as a whole. 
Principal risks and uncertainties associated with the Company 
Risks associated with investing in the Company include, but are not limited to, 
risk associated with non-compliance with Sections 1158 and 1159, valuation 
risk, concentration risk, liquidity/marketability risk, interest rate risk, 
foreign currency risk, country risk, market price and discount volatility risk 
and risks associated with the engagement of third parties. 
Compliance with Sections 1158 and 1159 
If the Company did not comply with the provisions of Sections 1158 and 1159, it 
would lose its investment trust status for taxation purposes. There is a risk 
that the diversification test which needs to be met in order to ensure 
compliance may be breached by the increasing concentration of the Company's 
holdings. The Board continues to monitor this risk by taking professional 
advice on the matter. At each Board meeting, the status of the Company is 
considered and discussed, so as to ensure compliance with the criteria of 
Sections 1158 and 1159. 
Valuation risk 
The Directors take responsibility for the valuation of a number of holdings 
which are unlisted. The valuations are the result of a range of valuation 
techniques described in Note 1 to the Financial Statements and do involve 
elements of judgement which may mean that the values recognised in the event of 
a sale might be significantly different from those used in the Financial 
Concentration risk 
The portfolio of the company is concentrated in a few investee companies, with 
the top five investments representing 92.4% of the net assets. Concentration in 
a small number of holdings can leave the Company more exposed to liquidity 
problems and market losses. The insolvency or other business failure of any one 
or more of these main portfolio positions could have a material effect on the 
Company, its operations and ability to achieve its objectives. 
As the Company progresses with its objective to realise its assets in order to 
return cash to shareholders, the degree of concentration is likely to increase. 
This could impact the Company's ability to comply with the requirement under 
Sections 1158 and 1159 to spread investment risk with a diversified portfolio. 
The Board and the Investment Manager will be monitoring the concentration risk 
on an ongoing basis. 
Liquidity/marketability risk 
The Company is exposed to the US equity markets and could therefore be affected 
by a decline in the US equity markets as a whole. Furthermore, a large 
proportion of the stocks in which the Company invests are, by their very 
nature, less readily marketable than, for example, blue-chip UK equities, and 
the Company may hold significant ownership stakes. The Company's largest 
position is in a private company with no stock market liquidity. The Investment 
Manager attempts to manage liquidity risk by monitoring the trading volume of 
the listed stocks in which the Company invests and by seeking other methods of 
realising assets. There is a risk that the absence of liquidity may cause 
delays to the Company in meeting its objective of realising its assets by the 
end of March 2015. The Board closely monitors the performance of the Company 
through quarterly meetings and the review of monthly management accounts and 
pays close attention to the progress of the realisation process. Where 
possible, the Investment Manager monitors the value of the Company's underlying 
securities on a daily basis. 
Interest rate risk 
Bond prices and interest rates are inversely correlated. Thus, when interest 
rates increase, the price of a bond with a fixed coupon will decline. 
Alternatively, when interest rates decline, the price of a bond with a fixed 
coupon will increase. As the assets of the Company are realised, the proceeds 
are invested in fixed income securities or held as cash. Where fixed income 
securities are owned, they will normally be UK Government securities of 
relatively short duration, held in order to control interest rate risk. 
Foreign currency risk 
The Company invests in US stocks and its assets are therefore subject to 
fluctuations in the US Dollar/Sterling exchange rate. It is not the Company's 
policy to hedge the currency risk between the US Dollar and Sterling. The 
Investment Manager does not actively manage currency risk. As the portfolio is 
liquidated, the proceeds will be converted to Sterling. 
Country risk 
The majority of the Company's investments have financial exposure to the US 
economy and, therefore, will be influenced by its prospects and the performance 
of the US stock market. 
Market price and discount volatility risk 
Since the Company invests in financial instruments, market price risk is 
inherent in these investments. The Company itself, being a closed-end fund, has 
generally traded at a discount to its NAV. The magnitude of this discount 
fluctuates daily and can vary significantly. Thus, for a given period of time, 
it is possible that the market price could decrease despite an increase in the 
Company's net asset value. The Directors review the Company's discount levels 
on a weekly basis. The Company seeks to manage discount volatility through 
active communication with its shareholders and has, from time to time, bought 
back shares. The Board has taken professional advice on the use of buyback 
powers and decided that share buybacks should be suspended to avoid the risk of 
the Company dealing while in the possession of material non-public information. 
The Directors retain a corporate broker that can be consulted, if necessary. 
Risks associated with the engagement of third parties 
There are a number of potential operational risks associated with the fact that 
third parties undertake the Company's administration and custody of assets. 
Most seriously, there is the risk that third parties could fail to ensure 
compliance with statutory requirements, such as the Companies Act 2006 and the 
Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority. 
The Board regularly reviews the performance of the service providers to the 
Company. As part of the review, the Board considers the regular assurances 
provided from those service providers that appropriate controls are in place to 
mitigate risks relating to services undertaken on behalf of the Company. 
Further information on risks 
Further information on risks facing the Company is included in Note 16 to the 
Financial Statements: Analysis of financial assets and liabilities. Information 
regarding the Company's risk review procedures may also be found under 
`Internal control review' in the full Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
Main trends and future development 
A review of the main features of the year and the outlook for the coming year 
is to be found in the Chairman's Statement and the Investment Manager's Review 
above. As set out in the Chairman's Statement, the Directors believe that the 
Company's strategy is proving effective and the Company is well placed to 
progress its realisation process. 
Gender diversity 
The Board of Directors of the Company comprised four male Directors and one 
female Director during, and at the end of, the year to 31 March 2014. 
Employees, human rights, environmental, social and community issues 
The Company has no employees and the Board is comprised entirely of 
non-executive Directors. Day-to-day management of the Company's business is 
delegated to the Investment Manager (details of the Investment Management 
Agreement are set out above) and the Company itself has no environmental, human 
rights or community policies. In carrying out its activities and in 
relationships with suppliers, the Company aims to conduct itself responsibly, 
ethically and fairly. 
Andrew Barker 
23 June 2014 
Extracts from the Report of the Directors 
Share capital 
At the Annual General Meeting held on 30 July 2013, the Company was granted 
authority to purchase up to 14.99% of the Company's Ordinary shares in issue at 
that date, being 2,613,953 Ordinary shares. No shares have been bought back 
under this authority. 
At the General Meeting held on 13 March 2014, the Company was granted authority 
to purchase up to 25% of the Company's issued share capital as at 31 March 2013 
amounting to 4,359,494 Ordinary shares. As part of the Company's realisation 
strategy and in accordance with the above authority, a tender offer took place 
in March 2014. As a result of the tender offer, 4,359,438 Ordinary shares (with 
a nominal value of GBP1,089,859.50), representing 24.99% of the issued share 
capital at 31 March 2013, were bought back for cancellation at a price of 
297.0036p. The total cost of shares purchased, including stamp duty, was 
GBP13.0 million. As at 23 June 2014, the Company may purchase up to 56 Ordinary 
shares under the existing authority. This authority will expire at the 2014 
Annual General Meeting. 
No shares were issued during the year. 
At 31 March 2014, and as at the date of this report, the Company's issued share 
capital comprised 13,078,541 Ordinary shares of 25p each. No shares were held 
in treasury at the year end (2013: nil). 
At general meetings of the Company, shareholders are entitled to one vote on a 
show of hands and on a poll, to one vote for every share held. The total voting 
rights of the Company at 31 March 2014 were 13,078,541. 
Going concern 
These Financial Statements are not prepared on a going concern basis because 
the Directors expect that the Company will enter voluntary liquidation within 
12 months in line with its investment policy. This accounting treatment has no 
material impact on the Financial Statements. 
The Directors who held office during the year and at the date of this report 
Andrew Barker (Chairman from 10 June 2014) 
Steven Bates 
Ernest Fenton (Chairman until 9 June 2014) 
Alexandra Mackesy 
William Vanderfelt 
Management Report 
Listed companies are required by the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure 
and Transparency Rules (the "Rules") to include a management report within 
their annual report and financial statements. 
The information required to be included in the management report for the 
purpose of these rules is detailed in the Strategic Report above. Therefore no 
separate management report has been included. 
Statement of Directors' responsibilities in respect of the Annual Report and 
the Financial Statements 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report, the Directors' 
Remuneration Report and the Financial Statements in accordance with applicable 
law and regulations. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year. Under that law, they have elected to prepare the Financial 
Statements in accordance with UK Accounting Standards and applicable law (UK 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 
Under company law, the Directors must not approve the financial statements 
unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of 
affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that 
period. In preparing these Financial Statements, the Directors are required to: 
? select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
? make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
? state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject 
to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Financial Statements; 
? prepare the Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. As 
explained in the Report of the Directors, the Directors do not believe that it 
is appropriate to prepare these Financial Statements on a going concern basis. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and 
enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements and the the Directors' 
Remuneration Report comply with the Act and the Listing Rules of the UK Listing 
Authority. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are 
reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent 
and detect fraud and other irregularities. 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
? the Financial Statements, which have been prepared in accordance with UK 
  Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, give a true and fair view of the 
  assets, liabilities, financial position and net return of the Company; 
? the Strategic Report and the Directors' Report include a fair review of the 
  development and performance of the business and the position of the 
  Company, together with a description of the principal risks and 
  uncertainties it faces; and 
? the Annual Report and Financial Statements, taken as a whole, are fair, 
  balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for 
  shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. 
Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial 
statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
On behalf of the Board 
Andrew Barker 
23 June 2014 
Non-Statutory Accounts 
The financial information set out below does not constitute the Company's 
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2013 and 31 March 2014 
but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2013 have been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and those for 2014 will be delivered 
in due course. The Auditor has reported on those accounts; their report was 
(i)unqualified, and (ii) did not contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or 
(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The Auditor's report contained a reference to a 
matter to which the Auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without 
qualifying their report. This related to the non-going concern basis of 
preparation of the Financial Statements, as set out in Note 1 to the Financial 
Statements. The text of the Auditor's report can be found in the Company's full 
Annual Report and Financial Statements at www.renaissanceusgrowth.co.uk. 
Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2014 
                                          2014                      2013 
                              Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                        Notes   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Losses on investments 
at fair value through 
profit or loss            7         -   (2,893) (2,893)       -     (913)   (913) 
Exchange (losses)/gains 
on capital items          7         -     (323)   (323)       -       22      22 
Income                    2       243        -     243      231        -     231 
Investment management 
fee                       3      (677)       -    (677)    (746)       -    (746) 
Investment management 
performance fee           3         -        -       -        -      175     175 
Other expenses            4      (587)       -    (587)    (621)       -    (621) 
Return before finance 
costs and taxation             (1,021)  (3,216) (4,237)  (1,136)    (716) (1,852) 
Interest payable                    -        -       -        -        -       - 
Return after finance 
costs and before 
taxation                       (1,021)  (3,216) (4,237)  (1,136)    (716) (1,852) 
Taxation on ordinary 
activities                5         -        -       -       (9)       -      (9) 
Return on ordinary 
activities after 
taxation for the 
financial year                 (1,021)  (3,216) (4,237)  (1,145)    (716) (1,861) 
                                pence    pence   pence    pence    pence   pence 
Return per Ordinary 
share                     6     (5.92)  (18.63) (24.55)   (6.47)   (4.04) (10.51) 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been 
prepared in accordance with the AIC's Statement of Recommended Practice. 
Revenue and capital return per share figures shown are also supplementary 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
There are no recognised gains and losses other than those reflected in the 
Income Statement for the year, accordingly no statement of recognised gains and 
losses has been prepared. 
The Notes below form part of these Financial Statements. 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
for the year ended 31 March 2014 
                               Share     Capital 
                      Share  premium  redemption   Special  Capital  Revenue 
                    capital  account     reserve   reserve* reserve  reserve    Total 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
As at 1 April 2013    4,359    5,995         972     2,698   50,159   (6,931)  57,252 
Increase in 
investment holding 
gains|                    -        -           -         -    4,366        -    4,366 
Net losses on sales 
of investments|           -        -           -         -   (7,259)       -   (7,259) 
Exchange losses on 
currency and 
capital items|            -        -           -         -     (323)       -     (323) 
Tender offer         (1,089)       -       1,089         -  (12,947)       -  (12,947) 
Tender offer 
expenses                  -        -           -         -     (132)       -     (132) 
performance fee           -        -           -         -        -        -        - 
Retained revenue 
return for the year       -        -           -         -        -   (1,021)  (1,021) 
As at 31 March 2014   3,270    5,995       2,061      2,698  33,864   (7,952)  39,936 
                                Share     Capital 
                       Share  premium  redemption   Special   Capital  Revenue 
                     capital  account     reserve   reserve* reserve  reserve   Total 
                       GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
As at 1 April 2012     4,506    5,995         825     4,008   50,875   (5,786) 60,423 
Decrease in 
investment holding 
gains|                     -        -           -         -   (3,599)       -  (3,599) 
Net gains on sales 
of investments|            -        -           -         -    2,686        -   2,686 
Exchange gains on 
currency and capital 
items|                     -        -           -         -       22        -      22 
Cost of share 
repurchase              (147)       -         147    (1,313)       -        -  (1,313) 
Refund of share 
commissions                -        -           -         3        -        -       3 
performance fee            -        -           -         -      175        -     175 
Retained revenue 
return for the year        -        -           -         -        -   (1,145) (1,145) 
As at 31 March 2013    4,359    5,995         972     2,698   50,159   (6,931) 57,252 
* The special reserve was created in September 1998, following a transfer from 
the share premium account, to enable the Company to purchase its own shares. 
| See Note 7 for further details. 
The Notes below form part of these Financial Statements. 
Balance Sheet 
as at 31 March 2014 
                                                           2014          2013 
                                            Notes         GBP'000         GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair value through profit 
or loss                                       7               -        53,404 
Current assets 
Investments at fair value through profit 
or loss                                       7          37,735             - 
Debtors                                       8             559           473 
Cash at bank                                              2,395         4,181 
                                                         40,689         4,654 
Creditors - amounts falling due within one 
Creditors and accruals                        9            (222)         (363) 
                                                           (222)         (363) 
Net current assets                                       40,467         4,291 
Total assets less current liabilities                    40,467        57,695 
Provision for liabilities and charges 
Provision for bad debt                        10           (531)         (443) 
Total net assets                                         39,936        57,252 
Share capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                   3,270         4,359 
Share premium account                                     5,995         5,995 
Capital redemption reserve                                2,061           972 
Special reserve                                           2,698         2,698 
Capital reserve                                          33,864        50,159 
Revenue reserve                                          (7,952)       (6,931) 
Equity shareholders' funds                               39,936        57,252 
Net asset value per Ordinary share            14         305.35p       328.32p 
These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors of 
RENN Universal Growth Investment Trust PLC on 23 June 2014 and signed on 
its behalf by: 
Andrew Barker 
Company number: 3150876 
The Notes below form part of these Financial Statements. 
Statement of Cash Flows 
for the year ended 31 March 2014 
                                                            2014          2013 
                                             Notes         GBP'000         GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                                   145            63 
Deposit interest received                                     16             7 
Investment management fees paid                             (817)         (738) 
Investment management performance fee 
paid                                                           -          (714) 
Secretarial and administration fees paid                     (92)          (73) 
Other cash payments                                         (428)         (378) 
Net cash outflow from operating 
activities                                    12          (1,176)       (1,833) 
Irrecoverable overseas tax                                     -            (9) 
Total taxation paid                                            -            (9) 
Capital expenditure and financial 
Purchases of investments                                 (14,528)       (7,316) 
Sales of investments                                      27,273        13,881 
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure 
and financial investment                                  12,745         6,565 
Repurchase of Ordinary shares for 
cancellation                                                   -        (1,313) 
Repurchase commissions refunded                                -             3 
Tender offer                                             (13,063)            - 
Net cash outflow from financing                          (13,063)       (1,310) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash                   13          (1,494)        3,413 
The Notes below form part of these Financial Statements. 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
for the year ended 31 March 2014 
Basis of preparation 
The Financial Statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, as 
modified by the revaluation of fixed asset investments, and in accordance with 
applicable accounting standards in the UK and with the Statement of Recommended 
Practice regarding the Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and 
Venture Capital Trusts, issued by the AIC in January 2009. All the Company's 
activities are continuing. As explained in the Directors' Report, the Financial 
Statements are not prepared on the going concern basis. 
Financial assets are designated by the Company as at fair value through profit 
or loss. Purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the trade 
date, which is when the Company commits to purchase or sell the assets. 
After initial recognition, the Company measures financial assets designated as 
at fair value through profit or loss, at fair values without any deduction for 
transaction costs it may incur on their disposal. The fair value of quoted 
financial assets is their last traded price at the balance sheet date, unless 
liquidity constraints or other factors require a Directors' valuation, as 
described below. 
Unlisted investments are valued by the Directors as follows: 
? Where possible, unlisted equity investments are included at fair value based 
on the last arm's length transaction that has taken place in the security held 
by the Company. This price is reviewed by the Directors at year end to ensure 
that there has not been a significant alteration in the market or stock specific 
conditions since the transaction date that would make the use of the 
transaction price insufficiently recent. Third party valuations may be 
commissioned where the Board believes it to be appropriate. 
? Unlisted convertible debentures investments and unlisted convertible 
preferred stock of companies with a quoted common stock are valued by reference 
to the fair value of the underlying equity of the investments only if 
conversion terms are satisfied. When the conditions are satisfied, the closing 
last traded price of the common stock is used to value the position. 
? For ordinary unlisted debentures, an estimate of the fair value is derived 
based on a discounted cashflow analysis. In performing the analysis, the 
Directors estimate the cashflows they expect to arise from holding the 
investment. The Directors also estimate an appropriate discount factor to apply 
to the investment. The Directors then estimate the fair value of the investment 
based on the expected cashflows and the discount factor they have identified. 
? Unlisted warrant investments are valued at fair value using the Black Scholes 
methodology which includes a time value which is calculated and added to the 
intrinsic value to arrive at a total valuation for each warrant. The Black 
Scholes pricing formula requires five inputs: (i) stock price, (ii) exercise 
price, (iii) time to expiration, (iv) volatility and (v) interest rates. The 
stock price, exercise price and time to maturity are straightforward inputs. 
The interest rate is a risk-free rate represented by the yield on a US Treasury 
security for a term that corresponds to the time to expiration of the subject 
The application of the Black Scholes methodology requires certain assumptions 
to be made around the volatility of the underlying shares to which the warrants 
subscribe. The Directors have agreed that the Company use the 100-day 
volatility measure of the Russell 2000 Index to give the best reflection of 
fair value. 
The intrinsic value is calculated by reference to the quoted price of the 
investment into which the warrant will convert and the conversion price for 
each warrant. 
Investment transactions are recognised on the date that they are traded. 
Realised gains and losses arising from the sale of investments, and gains and 
losses arising from changes in the fair value of financial assets held at fair 
value through profit or loss, are included in the Income Statement in the 
period in which they arise. Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair 
value of financial assets classified as at fair value through profit or loss 
include interest income. 
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of financial assets are 
considered to be realised to the extent that they are readily convertible to 
cash, without accepting adverse terms, at the balance sheet date. Fair value 
gains on unlisted investments are not considered to be readily convertible to 
cash and therefore treated as unrealised. The treatment of listed investments 
is dependent upon the individual circumstances of each holding. 
There is a degree of uncertainty in determining the fair values ascribed to the 
unlisted investments held by the Company and the Directors have used their 
judgement in determining the most appropriate methodology and valuation for 
each unlisted investment. These estimates may differ significantly to the 
values that might have been used if an active market existed. 
Where investments in a company have been valued at nil, the loss has been 
charged to the capital reserve. Other than as stated above, any unrealised 
profits and losses are taken directly to the capital reserve. Any realised 
profits and losses arising on the disposal of investments are also taken 
directly to the capital reserve. 
Income recognition 
Dividends receivable on quoted shares are included in the Financial Statements 
when the investments concerned are quoted `ex-dividend'. 
Dividends receivable on such shares where no ex-dividend date is quoted are 
brought into account when the Company's right to receive payment is 
established. The fixed return on a debt security is recognised on a time 
apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield on the debt security. 
Interest receivable is included on an accruals basis. 
The ordinary element of stocks received in lieu of dividends is recognised as 
income of the Company. Any enhancement above the equivalent value of the cash 
dividend that would have been receivable is treated as a capital gain on the 
associated investment. 
Management expenses and finance costs 
Management expenses and finance costs are allocated in full to the revenue 
account. The investment management performance fee, which is based on capital 
performance, is charged to capital (see Note 3). 
Foreign currency 
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are converted to Sterling at the 
actual exchange rate as at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and 
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the year end are reported at 
the rate of exchange at the balance sheet date. Any gain or loss arising from a 
change in exchange rate subsequent to the date of the transaction is included 
as an exchange gain or loss in the capital reserve or the revenue account 
depending on whether the gain or loss is of a capital or revenue nature. 
No taxation liability arises on gains from sales of fixed asset investments 
made by the Company by reason of its investment trust status. However, the net 
revenue (excluding UK dividend income and overseas dividend income from 1 July 
2009) accruing to the Company is liable to corporation tax at the prevailing 
The payment of taxation is deferred or accelerated because of timing 
differences between the treatment of certain items for accounting and taxation 
purposes. Full provision for deferred taxation is made under the liability 
method, without discounting, on all timing differences that have arisen but not 
reversed by the balance sheet date, unless such provision is not permitted by 
FRS 19: Deferred Tax. 
Capital reserve 
The following are accounted for in this reserve: 
? gains and losses on the realisation of investments*; 
? changes in fair value of investments held which are readily convertible to 
  cash, without accepting adverse terms*; 
? realised exchange differences of a capital nature*; 
? other capital charges and credits charged or credited to this account in 
  accordance with the above policies*; 
? changes in fair value investments held which are not readily convertible to 
  cash, without accepting adverse terms; and 
? unrealised exchange differences of a capital nature. 
* Items classified as distributable to shareholders for the purpose of 
purchasing the Company's own shares for cancellation. 
Segmental reporting 
The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single 
segment of business, being investment business. The Company invests primarily 
in companies listed, quoted or domiciled in the US and Canada. Geographical 
analysis of the portfolio is shown above. 
                                                                 2014      2013 
                                                                GBP'000     GBP'000 
Income from US investments 
Convertible debenture stocks - unlisted                            82       161 
UK Government stocks - listed                                     144         - 
Equity shares - listed                                              1        63 
                                                                  227       224 
Other income 
Bank interest receivable                                           16         7 
Total income                                                      243       231 
Total income comprises: 
Dividends from financial assets designated at fair value 
through profit or loss                                              1        63 
Interest from financial assets designated at fair value 
through profit or loss                                            226       161 
Deposit interest from financial assets not at fair value 
through profit or loss                                             16         7 
                                                                  243       231 
                                          2014                      2013 
                              Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Investment management fee         677        -     677      746        -     746 
Investment management 
performance fee                     -        -       -        -        -       - 
Adjustment to prior year 
performance fee                     -        -       -        -     (175)   (175) 
The investment management fee is charged 100% to revenue. Investment management 
fees of GBP677,000 (2013: GBP746,000) have been charged to the Income Statement. At 
31 March 2014, GBP54,000 (2013: GBP193,000) was due for payment to the Investment 
Manager in respect of investment management fees. 
Following shareholder approval at the General Meeting on 17 April 2013, the 
terms of the Investment Management Agreement between the Company and the 
Investment Manager were amended in order to reflect the modification of the 
Company's investment objective and policy to better align the interests of the 
shareholders and the Investment Manager during the managed wind-down period. 
The Investment Manager is now paid a fixed monthly fee of $90,000. 
A performance fee may also become payable at the end of each year and this is 
charged 100% to capital. Under the revised terms, the hurdle for the 
achievement of any performance fee will be a cash amount which must be returned 
to shareholders before a performance fee can be earned (the "Cash Hurdle"). The 
Cash Hurdle will be the audited NAV as at 31 March 2013 plus a notional accrual 
(the "Accrual"), which will reflect the time value of money between 17 April 
2013 and actual returns of cash in excess of the Cash Hurdle. The Investment 
Manager will be entitled to 10% of any amounts returned to shareholders in 
excess of the Cash Hurdle (including the Accrual). The Company and the 
Investment Manager have agreed that the opening Cash Hurdle will be the audited 
NAV as at 31 March 2013, in Sterling terms, and the Accrual will be 8% per 
annum (compound) calculated on the opening Cash Hurdle. The total performance 
fee payable will be capped at an amount equivalent to 10% of the NAV as at 
31 March 2013. No performance fee has been accrued for the year ended 31 March 
2014 (2013: GBPnil). 
Prior to the payment of the performance fee of GBP889,000 for the year to 
31 March 2012, a further review of the fee was performed and it was identified 
that the incorrect benchmark index had been used in the calculation process. 
This oversight was applicable to the financial year ended 31 March 2012 only. 
The recalculation of the performance fee resulted in it being revised to 
GBP714,000, a reduction of GBP175,000. This adjustment is reflected within the 
Income Statement. The fee of GBP714,000 was paid to the Investment Manager on 
3 August 2012. 
                                                               2014        2013 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Secretarial and administration services                          86          80 
Auditor's remuneration                                           38          37 
Directors' remuneration                                         117         117 
Other expenses                                                  258         232 
Provision for bad debt/income written off                        88         155 
                                                                587         621 
Total fees paid to the Auditor for the year, all of which 
were charged to revenue, comprised: 
Audit services - statutory audit - current year                  33          32 
Tax services - compliance services                                5           5 
                                                                 38          37 
The Directors do not consider that the provision of non-audit work to the 
Company affects the independence of the Auditor. 
                                         2014                       2013 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                               GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
(a) Analysis of charge in 
Based on net return for 
the year 
Overseas tax suffered              -        -       -         9        -       9 
(b) Factors affecting the current tax charge: 
The tax assessed on the net return for the year is different to the standard 
rate of corporation tax of 23% (2013: 24%). The differences are reconciled 
                                                               2014       2013 
                                                              GBP'000      GBP'000 
Return on ordinary activities before tax                     (4,237)    (1,852) 
Theoretical tax at UK corporation tax rate of 23% 
(2013:24%)                                                     (975)      (445) 
Effects of: 
Losses on investments and exchange losses on capital 
items                                                           740        172 
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                         16          - 
Foreign dividends that are not taxable                            -        (15) 
Irrecoverable overseas tax                                        -          9 
Excess management expenses for tax purposes                     219        288 
Total current tax charge                                          -          9 
The Company is subject to corporation tax at 23% (2013: 24%). However, the 
available tax deductible expenses (including substantial brought forward 
amounts) exceed the taxable income of the Company and, as a result, there is no 
UK tax charge (2013: GBPnil), other than withholding tax suffered on foreign 
dividends receipts. 
At 31 March 2014, the Company had unrelieved losses for tax purposes of 
GBP16,195,000 (2013: GBP15,431,000) which have not been recognised as a deferred tax 
asset. This is because the Company is not expected to generate taxable income 
in future periods in excess of the deductible expenses of those future periods 
and, accordingly, it is unlikely that the Company will be able to reduce future 
tax liabilities through the use of existing surplus expenses. 
The Company carries out its activities as an investment trust and the intention 
is to continue meeting the conditions required to obtain approval in the 
foreseeable future. Therefore, the Company has not provided deferred tax on any 
capital gains and losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of investments. 
                                       2014                       2013 
                           Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                             pence    pence   pence     pence    pence   pence 
Basic                        (5.92)  (18.63) (24.55)    (6.47)   (4.04) (10.51) 
Revenue return per Ordinary share is based on the net return on ordinary 
activities after taxation of GBP(1,021,000) (2013: GBP(1,145,000)) and on 
17,258,824 (2013: 17,703,174) Ordinary shares, being the average number of 
Ordinary shares in issue during the year. 
Capital return per Ordinary share is based on a net capital return for the year 
of GBP(3,216,000) (2013: GBP(716,000)), and on 17,258,824 (2013: 17,703,174) 
Ordinary shares, being the average number of Ordinary shares in issue during 
the year. 
                                                          2014          2013 
                                                         GBP'000         GBP'000 
a) Investment portfolio summary 
Listed investments 
- Equities                                              21,071        31,300 
- Warrants                                                   -             4 
Unlisted investments 
- Equities                                                   -             - 
- Convertible debenture stocks                             100           594 
- Loan notes                                                 -           753 
- Convertible preference shares                         16,564        20,003 
- Warrants                                                   -           750 
                                                        37,735        53,404 
Listed equities make up 56% (2013: 59%) of the total portfolio and 53% 
(2013: 55%) of the net assets. 
                                                  Listed   Unlisted      Total 
                                                   GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
b) Analysis of investment portfolio movements 
Opening book cost                                 30,736      6,835     37,571 
Opening investment holding gains                     568     15,265     15,833 
Opening valuation                                 31,304     22,100     53,404 
Movements in the year: 
Purchases at cost                                 13,157      1,371     14,528 
- Proceeds                                       (26,593)      (711)   (27,304) 
- Realised gains on sales                          5,239          -      5,239 
- Realised losses on write-offs                   (7,191)    (5,307)   (12,498) 
Increase/(decrease) in investment holding gains    5,155       (789)     4,366 
Closing valuation                                 21,071     16,664     37,735 
Closing book cost                                 15,348      2,188     17,536 
Closing investment holding gains                   5,723     14,476     20,199 
                                                  21,071     16,664     37,735 
During the year, the Company incurred transaction costs of GBP11,000 (2013: 
GBP33,000) on purchases of investments and GBP65,000 (2013: GBP64,000) on sales of 
investments. These are included within losses on investments in the Income 
                                                               2014       2013 
                                                              GBP'000      GBP'000 
c) Analysis of capital gains and losses 
Net losses on investments designated at fair value 
through profit or loss on initial recognition 
Net realised (losses)/gains on sales/ write-offs             (7,259)     2,686 
Increase/(decrease) in investment holding gains               4,366     (3,599) 
                                                             (2,893)      (913) 
Exchange (losses)/gains on capital items                       (323)        22 
d) Fair value gains and losses 
With effect from 1 April 2008, changes in fair value of investments which are 
readily convertible to cash, without accepting adverse terms, at the balance 
sheet date are considered to be realised. Fair value gains on unlisted 
investments are not treated as readily convertible to cash, whereas the 
treatment of fair value gains on listed investments depends on the individual 
circumstances of each investment. 
The Company's investments in Global Axcess, Hemobiotech, Plures Technologies 
and SinoHub were written off during the year, realising losses of GBP1,177,000, 
GBP1,094,000, GBP7,171,000 and GBP2,942,000, respectively. The Company received 
liquidation proceeds of GBP691,000 for Pipeline Data convertible debenture, 
realising losses of GBP134,000. Other than those stated, there were no other 
material changes to unlisted investments. 
e) Unlisted securities 
Details of material investments in unlisted securities are as follows: 
                       Carrying   Carrying         Net       Latest 
                       value at   value at      income     accounts    Aggregate         Loss 
                Total  31 March   31 March        from     for year  capital and    after tax 
Investment       cost      2014       2013  investment          end     reserves     for year 
                GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000                       US$          US$ 
preference      1,117    16,563    18,185            -   31/03/2014          n/a|         n/a| 
preference         45         1         2            -   31/12/2013    2,728,070     (958,640) 
Warrants            -         -         -            -   31/12/2013    2,728,070     (958,640) 
debenture       1,026       100       201           88*  30/06/2013  (81,400,800)  (7,683,060) 
Warrants            -         -         -            -   30/06/2013  (81,400,800)  (7,683,060) 
| Private company - Information not available to the public domain. 
* Against which a 100% provision has been taken. 
f) Significant interests 
The following are investments in which the Company has an interest exceeding 
20% of the nominal value of that class in the investee company. 
                         Country of                                   % of class 
Investment               registration   Class of capital                     held 
AnchorFree                    US        Series B Convertible 
                                        Preferred                            40.2 
PetroHunter Energy            US        8.5% Convertible Debenture           30.2 
Cover-All Technologies        US        Common stock                         28.7 
iSatori                       US        Common stock                         20.6 
The Company holds more than 20% of the common stock of Cover-All Technologies 
and iSatori. The investment in these companies is not held on a long-term basis 
and although it is greater than 20%, the value to the Company is the marketable 
value, as a part of the overall investment portfolio. Accordingly, they have 
not been accounted for as associate companies. 
In addition to the above, the Company has a holding of 3% or more that is 
material in the context of the accounts in the following investments: 
                          Country of                                   % of class 
Investment               registration    Class of capital                    held 
AnchorFree                    US         Series A Convertible 7% 
                                         Preferred                            9.1 
Bovie Medical                 US         Common stock                         9.0 
iSatori                       US         Convertible 9% Preferred             4.2 
A full listing of the investment portfolio is provided above. 
8 DEBTORS - amounts falling due within one year 
                                                                 2014      2013 
                                                                GBP'000     GBP'000 
Accrued income                                                    532       450 
Prepayments and other debtors                                      27        23 
                                                                  559       473 
The carrying amount for prepayments, accrued income and dividends receivable 
disclosed above reasonably approximates to its fair value at the year end and 
is expected to be realised within a year from the balance sheet date. 
9 CREDITORS - amounts falling due within one year 
                                                                 2014      2013 
                                                                GBP'000     GBP'000 
Accruals                                                          222       363 
                                                                  222       363 
At 31 March 2014, GBP7,000 was due for payment to the Administrator 
(2013: GBP14,000). 
At 31 March 2014, GBP54,000 was due for payment to the Investment Manager 
(2013: GBP193,000) in respect of investment management fees and GBPnil (2013: GBPnil) 
in respect of the performance fee. 
The carrying amount for accruals and deferred income disclosed above reasonably 
approximates to its fair value at the year end and is expected to be realised 
within a year from the balance sheet date. 
                                                               2014        2013 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Provision for bad debt                                          531         443 
                                                                531         443 
A provision has been made for 100% (2013: 100%) of the Company's debtor of 
PetroHunter 8.5% convertible debenture interest, on the grounds of uncertainty 
that full payment will be received. 
                                                               2014        2013 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Allotted, called up and fully paid: 
13,078,541 (2013: 17,437,979) Ordinary shares 
of 25p each                                                   3,270       4,359 
During the year, the Company tendered 4,359,438 Ordinary shares, for 
cancellation, at a cost of GBP2.970 per share and a total consideration of 
GBP13,012,000 (including stamp duty). 
The Company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements. 
The capital of the Company is managed in accordance with its investment policy 
in pursuit of its investment objective. 
                                                               2014       2013 
                                                              GBP'000      GBP'000 
Net return before finance costs and taxation                 (4,237)    (1,852) 
Net capital return                                            3,216        716 
Increase in provision for bad debts                              88        155 
Decrease in creditors and accruals                             (157)      (691) 
Increase in prepayments and accrued income                      (86)      (161) 
                                                             (1,176)    (1,833) 
                                                               2014       2013 
                                                              GBP'000      GBP'000 
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                      (1,494)     3,413 
Effect of exchange rate movements                              (292)        17 
Movement in net funds                                        (1,786)     3,430 
Net funds at beginning of year                                4,181        751 
Net funds at end of year                                      2,395      4,181 
Net funds are comprised as follows: 
                                                               2014       2013 
                                                              GBP'000      GBP'000 
Cash at bank                                                  2,395      4,181 
Net funds at 31 March                                         2,395      4,181 
The basic net asset value per Ordinary share is based on net assets of 
GBP39,936,000 (2013: GBP57,252,000) and on 13,078,541 (2013: 17,437,979) Ordinary 
shares, being the number of shares in issue at the year end. 
There are no dilutive elements or potentially dilutive elements in existence at 
the year end (2013: none). 
At 31 March 2014, there were no outstanding commitments or contingent 
liabilities (2013: none). 
As detailed above, the investment objective of the Company is to conduct an 
orderly realisation of the assets of the Company, to be effected in a manner 
that seeks to achieve a balance between returning cash to shareholders promptly 
and maximising the value of the Company's portfolio. 
The Company's principal financial instruments comprise securities, warrants, 
other investments and bank deposits which are held to achieve its investment 
objective and to manage the Company's funding and liquidity requirements. The 
Company has other financial assets and liabilities such as debtors and 
creditors that arise from its operations, for example sales and purchases of 
securities awaiting settlement and debtors of accrued income. 
The nature and extent of the financial instruments outstanding at the balance 
sheet date and the risk management policies employed by the Company are 
discussed below. 
The principal risks the Company faces through the holding of financial 
instruments are: 
? market risk, comprising currency risk, interest rate risk and other price 
  risk; and 
? liquidity/marketability risk. 
The Company does not enter into derivative contracts. 
The Investment Manager monitors the financial risks affecting the Company on a 
daily basis. The Directors receive financial information on a monthly basis 
which is used to identify and monitor risk. 
As required by FRS 29: Financial Instruments: Disclosure, an analysis of 
financial assets and liabilities, which identifies the risk to the Company of 
holding such items, is given below. 
Market risk 
The Company's strategy on the management of investment risk is driven by the 
Company's investment objective, which is detailed above. The Investment Manager 
monitors the financial risks affecting the Company on a daily basis in 
accordance with the policies and procedures in place. The Board manages the 
market price risks inherent in the investment portfolio by ensuring full and 
timely access to relevant information from the Investment Manager. The Board 
meets regularly and at each meeting reviews the investment performance, the 
investment portfolio and the rationale for the current investment positioning 
to ensure consistency with the Company's objective and investment policy. The 
portfolio does not seek to reproduce the Russell 2000 Index. 
Financial assets 
All financial assets are stated in Sterling and disclosed at fair value through 
profit or loss. Analysis of the Company's investment portfolio is given above. 
Further details of warrants held are given below. 
                                          Intrinsic    Time   Total      Expiry 
                                              value   value   value        date 
                                              GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
iSatori                                           -       -       -  01/06/2014 
PetroHunter Energy                                -       -       -  31/12/2014 
Value at 31 March 2014                            -       -       - 
As discussed in the accounting policies of the Company in Note 1 above, 
unquoted warrants are valued at fair value using the Black Scholes methodology, 
which includes a time value which is calculated and added to the intrinsic 
value to arrive at the total valuation for each warrant. 
The method of valuing the fixed asset investments is discussed in the 
accounting policies of the Company in Note 1 above. 
Foreign currency risk 
Due to the Company's holdings being wholly overseas, the Company is also 
exposed to the risk of movement in the Sterling/Dollar exchange rate. The 
Company does not, nor does it intend to, hedge the portfolio against any 
movement in the exchange rate. 
The Investment Manager monitors the exposure to foreign currencies on a daily 
basis and reports to the Directors on a regular basis. The Investment Manager 
measures the risk to the Company of the foreign currency exposure by 
considering the effect on the Company's net asset value and income of a 
movement in the rates of exchange to which the Company's assets, liabilities, 
income and expenses are exposed. 
The Company settles its investment transactions from its bank accounts in US 
Dollars. In the year ended 31 March 2014, exchange losses of GBP323,000 
(2013:gains of GBP22,000) relating to currency, have been taken to the capital 
The primary currency risk is between Sterling and US Dollar. 
The Directors consider currency risk, but as stated in the Company's investment 
policy above, it is not their intention to hedge currency risk between the US Dollar 
and Sterling. 
The Investment Manager's risk assessment policy is reflected in its investment 
strategy. In order to protect against inflation and grow capital, the fund 
invests in small companies that it believes will grow into larger companies, 
with the intention of increasing the value of the investment. 
The currency profile of the Company's financial assets at 31 March was as 
                          Investment            current   Financial     Financial 
As at 31 March 2014        portfolio     Cash    assets      assets   liabilities 
                               GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000 
Sterling                           -    2,248        28       2,276           162 
US Dollar                     37,735      147       531      38,413           592 
Canada Dollar                      -        -         -           -             - 
                              37,735    2,395       559      40,689           754 
                          Investment            current   Financial     Financial 
As at 31 March 2013        portfolio     Cash    assets      assets   liabilities 
                               GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000 
Sterling                           -      117        23         140           145 
US Dollar                     49,208    4,064       450      53,722           661 
Canada Dollar                  4,196        -         -       4,196             - 
                              53,404    4,181       473      58,058           806 
The Company has a total exposure as a percentage of net assets to US Dollar of 
95% (2013: 93%) and Canadian Dollar of nil% (2013: 7%). 
Sensitivity analysis 
At 31 March 2014, had Sterling strengthened by 10% in relation to the 
US Dollar, with all other variables held constant, the net assets attributable 
to shareholders and the return for the year would have decreased by GBP3,438,000 
(2013: GBP4,824,000). A 10% weakening of Sterling against the US Dollar would 
have resulted in an equal but opposite effect. 
Interest rate risk 
The Company's portfolio is partially invested in interest bearing securities of 
various types (as set out below). At the time of investing, interest rates are 
fixed and as long as the security concerned remains unimpaired, cash flows will 
not be affected by movements in long-term interest rates. The Company also 
holds cash in the short term. 
The Company's interest rate risk is managed on a daily basis by the Investment 
Manager in accordance with policies and procedures in place. The overall 
interest rate risks are monitored on a regular basis by the Directors. 
The Directors consider interest rate risk as part of their overall assessment 
of risk in the portfolio. The interest rate profile of the Company's fixed 
interest financial assets at 31 March was as follows: 
                                                         Weighted      average 
                                                          average   period for 
                                                         interest  which rates 
                                         Value    Value      rate    are fixed 
                                       US$'000    GBP'000         %       (years) 
As at 31 March 2014 
US unlisted convertible debentures         166      100       0.1            - 
US unlisted loan notes                       -        -         -            - 
US unlisted convertible preference 
shares                                  27,615   16,564         -            - 
As at 31 March 2013 
US unlisted convertible debentures         902      594       0.3            - 
US unlisted loan notes                   1,144      753       0.1          0.2 
US unlisted convertible preference 
shares                                  30,374   20,003         -            - 
The maturity profile of assets held in the portfolio at 31 March was as 
                                                                2014      2013 
                                                               GBP'000     GBP'000 
Within one year                                                  100       393 
Within one to two years                                            -       201 
Within two to three years                                          -         - 
Within three to four years                                         -         - 
Within four to five years                                          -       753 
More than five years                                               -         - 
                                                                 100     1,347 
Investments with no maturity dates                            37,635    52,057 
Net funds at end of year                                      37,735    53,404 
The remaining current assets of the Company of GBP2,954,000 (2013: GBP4,654,000) 
have no maturity date. 
The Company finances its operations through equity and retained profits. The 
change in the fair value of financial liabilities during the year was not 
related to the credit risk profile. 
The interest rate risk profile of the Company's financial liabilities as at 
31 March 2014 was as follows: 
                                                                  Period until 
                                                            Total     maturity 
                                                            GBP'000       (years) 
Financial liabilities upon which no interest is paid          222            - 
The interest rate risk profile of the Company's financial liabilities as at 
31 March 2013 was as follows: 
                                                                  Period until 
                                                            Total     maturity 
                                                            GBP'000       (years) 
Financial liabilities upon which no interest is paid          363            - 
The maturity profile of the company's financial liabilities was as follows: 
                                                         As at           As at 
                                                 31 March 2014   31 March 2013 
                                                         GBP'000           GBP'000 
In one year or less                                        222             363 
In more than one year but no more than two 
years                                                        -               - 
In more than two years but no more than five 
years                                                        -               - 
                                                           222             363 
Sensitivity analysis 
A change in interest rates would have some impact on the fair value of warrants 
and debt instruments but the quantum of the impact is not easily measured. 
Other price risk 
Other price risk is the risk that the value of the instrument will fluctuate as 
a result of changes in market prices (other than those arising from currency 
risk or interest rate risk) and represents the potential loss the Company may 
suffer in the light of adverse market price movements. Since the Company 
invests in financial instruments, this risk is inherent. The Company will 
always face uncertainty as to the future price of the financial instruments in 
which it is invested. The price of certain unquoted stocks is also affected by 
their relative illiquidity (see below). 
The Board of Directors manages this risk by ensuring full and timely access to 
relevant information from the Investment Manager. The Directors monitor 
compliance with the Company's objectives and are directly responsible for 
investment strategy and asset allocation. 
The investment strategy of the Company is a "bottom-up" approach, meaning the 
Company invests on the merits of each investee company rather than a "top-down" 
approach which endeavours to have certain percentages of assets in given 
See the Investment Manager's review above for discussion of investments made 
during the year. The method of valuing the investments is discussed in the 
accounting policies above. 
Sensitivity analysis 
A 10% increase in the market value of investments at 31 March 2014 would have 
increased net assets attributable to shareholders by GBP3,774,000 
(2013: GBP5,340,000). An equal change in the opposite direction would have 
decreased the net assets attributable to shareholders by an equal but opposite 
Liquidity risk 
The investments made by the Company are in smaller US companies. Although at 
the year end, 56% of the portfolio (2013: 59%) was held in listed equity 
securities (see Note 7), it should be recognised that the Company is exposed to 
liquidity risk as many of the portfolio holdings are relatively illiquid. The 
Investment Manager could be unable to sell due to lack of trading volume. Any 
forced sales are likely to generate significantly lower proceeds than the 
valuations in the portfolio shown above. 
Most investments, micro-capitalisation and private placements in public 
equities investing involve liquidity risk. Most often the lack of liquidity is 
a function of the individual holding not meeting its business objectives. If a 
given company becomes successful, liquidity typically increases, when 
individual holdings fail, valuation and liquidity can decline to zero. 
Financial liabilities 
The Company finances its operations primarily through equity and retained 
profits, although trade creditors and accruals arise from its operations. At 
31 March 2014, all financial liabilities are due within one year and are stated at 
fair value. 
Fair value hierarchy disclosures 
The Company has adopted the amendment to FRS 29, effective 1 January 2009. This 
requires the Company to classify fair value measurements using a fair value 
hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the 
measurements. The fair value hierarchy consists of the following three levels: 
? Level 1 - Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets 
  or liabilities. 
An active market is a market in which transactions for the asset or liability 
occur with sufficient frequency and volume on an ongoing basis such that quoted 
prices reflect prices at which an orderly transaction would take place between 
market participants at the measurement date. Quoted prices provided by external 
pricing services, brokers and vendors are included in Level 1, if they reflect 
actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm's length basis. 
? Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are 
  observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e., as prices) or 
  indirectly (i.e., derived from prices). 
Level 2 inputs include the following: 
  ? quoted prices for similar (i.e., not identical) assets in active markets. 
  ? quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets 
    that are not active. Characteristics of an inactive market include a 
    significant decline in the volume and level of trading activity, the 
    available prices vary significantly over time or among market participants 
    or the prices are not current. 
  ? inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset (for 
    example, interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted 
  ? inputs that are derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable 
    market data by correlation or other means (market-corroborated inputs). 
? Level 3 - Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on 
  observable market data (unobservable inputs). 
The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement 
is categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level 
input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. For 
this purpose, the significance of an input is assessed against the fair value 
measurement in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs 
that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, that 
measurement is a Level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of a 
particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires 
judgement, considering factors specific to the asset or liability. 
The determination of what constitutes `observable' requires significant 
judgement by the Company. The Company considers observable data to be the price 
of investments actively traded in organised financial markets, fair value is 
generally determined by reference to Stock Exchange quoted market bid prices at 
the close of business on the balance sheet date, without adjustment for 
transaction costs necessary to realise the asset. 
The table below sets out fair value measurements of financial assets in 
accordance with the FRS 29 fair value hierarchy system: 
Financial assets at fair value 
through profit or loss at              Total     Level 1     Level 2    Level 3 
31 March 2014                          GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Equity investments                    21,071      21,071           -          - 
Convertible debenture shares             100           -           -        100 
Loan notes                                 -           -           -          - 
Convertible preference shares         16,564           1           -     16,563 
Warrants                                   -           -           -          - 
Total                                 37,735      21,072           -     16,663 
Financial assets at fair value 
through profit or loss at              Total     Level 1     Level 2    Level 3 
31 March 2013                          GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Equity investments                    31,300      29,963           -      1,337 
Convertible debenture shares             594           -           -        594 
Loan notes                               753           -           -        753 
Convertible preference shares         20,003           2           -     20,001 
Warrants                                 754           -           1        753 
Total                                 53,404      29,965           1     23,438 
There are no other financial assets or liabilities other than those disclosed 
above. Trade receivables consist purely of accrued income and prepayments and 
trade payables consist purely of accruals and are not restated at fair value. 
Cash is also not restated at fair value. 
Investments whose values are based on quoted market prices in active markets, 
and therefore classified within Level 1, include active listed equities. The 
Company does not adjust the quoted price for these instruments. 
Financial instruments that trade in markets that are not considered to be 
active but are valued based on quoted market prices, dealer quotations or 
alternative pricing sources supported by observable inputs are classified 
within Level 2. As Level 2 investments include positions that are not traded in 
active markets and/or are subject to transfer restrictions, valuations may be 
adjusted to reflect illiquidity and/or non-transferability, which are generally 
based on available market information. 
Investments classified within Level 3 have significant unobservable inputs. 
Level 3 instruments include private equity and corporate debt securities. As 
observable prices are not available for these securities, the Company has used 
valuation techniques to derive the fair value. In respect of unquoted 
instruments, or where the market for a financial instrument is not active, fair 
value is established by using recognised valuation methodologies, in accordance 
with International Private Equity and Venture Capital ("IPEVC") Valuation 
Guidelines. New investments are initially carried at cost, for a limited 
period, being the price of the most recent investment in the investee. This is 
in accordance with IPEVC Guidelines as the cost of recent investments will 
generally provide a good indication of fair value. Fair value is the amount for 
which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an 
arm's length transaction. 
There were no transfers from Level 3 to 1 (2013: GBPnil) for the year ended 
31 March 2014. 
The following table presents the movement in Level 3 instruments for the years 
ended 31 March 2014 and 31 March 2013: 
At 31 March 2014 
Company                                 Convertible          Convertible 
                                Equity    debenture    Loan   preference 
                    Total  investments       shares   notes       shares  Warrants 
                    GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening balance    23,438        1,337          594     753       20,001       753 
Purchases           1,371            -            -   1,371            -         - 
Sales - proceeds   (1,339)        (626)        (710)      -            -        (3) 
Total (losses)/ 
gains for the 
year included in 
the Income 
Statement          (6,807)        (711)         216  (2,124)      (3,438)     (750) 
Closing balance    16,663            -          100       -       16,563         - 
At 31 March 2013 
Company                                 Convertible          Convertible 
                                Equity    debenture    Loan   preference 
                    Total  investments       shares   notes       shares  Warrants 
                    GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening balance    25,728        1,698          571       -       23,454         5 
Purchases           1,352          318            -   1,034            -         - 
Sales - proceeds   (3,336)           -            -       -       (3,336)        - 
Total (losses)/ 
gains for the 
year included in 
the Income 
Statement            (306)        (679)          23    (281)        (117)      748 
Closing balance    23,438        1,337          594     753       20,001       753 
The Directors are required under FRS 29 to provide further information on 
holdings categorised as Level 3 in the table above to illustrate a range of 
values for these positions which might be obtainable in certain circumstances. 
The holdings categorised by the Directors as Level 3 are as follows: 
PetroHunter Energy 
The Directors show the holdings at what they believe to be fair value of 
GBP16.7 million. There is clearly considerable uncertainty as to whether this valuation 
could be realised in all market circumstances. Values realised on sale could be 
lower or higher than fair value. The most significant inputs used to derive the 
various valuations are the operational forecasts and the discount rate applied 
to future cash flows. 
Mr Russell Cleveland, President and CEO of RENN Capital, is considered a 
related party due to his directorship of AnchorFree, Cover-All Technologies and 
iSatori. Details of the Company's holdings in these investments are disclosed 
in the Investment Portfolio and in the Strategic Report above. At the year end, 
there were no amounts due from these investee companies. 
Of these directorships, in 2014, Mr Cleveland received fees from Cover-All 
Technologies amounting to $22,000 and stock awards of $29,000 (2013: fees 
$22,000 and stock awards $29,000). Mr Cleveland holds 73,353 warrants to 
purchase shares in AnchorFree and 195,545 shares, representing 0.73% of the 
company, in Cover-All Technologies. 
Mr Eric Stephens, Vice President of RENN Capital, was considered a related 
party due to his directorship of Plures Technologies from which he received 
stock awards of $9,000 (2013: fees $500 and stock awards $56,343). Mr Stephens 
ceased to be a director of Plures Technologies with effect from 4 April 2014. 
Mr Cleveland is interested in 210,003 Ordinary shares of the Company, 
representing 1.61% of the total voting rights, as follows: Russell Cleveland - 
3,753 shares, RENN Capital - 75,000 shares and Cleveland Family Limited 
Partnership - 131,250 shares. 
RENN Capital pays RP&C International an amount equal to 0.5% of the net asset 
value of the Company each year and 5% of any performance fee received from the 
Company. The fees are compensation for management and advisory services 
rendered to RENN Capital. 
As detailed in the Chairman's Statement above, Mr Barker succeeded Mr Fenton as 
Chairman of the Company on 10 June 2014. 
The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held at the offices of the 
Association of Investment Companies, 9th Floor, 24 Chiswell Street, London 
EC1Y 4YY at 12.00 noon on Wednesday, 30 July 2014. 
The notice of this meeting can be found in the full Annual Report and Financial 
Statements at www.renaissanceusgrowth.co.uk. 
A copy of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be submitted shortly 
to the National Storage Mechanism ("NSM") and will be available for inspection 
at the NSM, which is situated at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM. 
Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website 
accessible from hyperlinks on this announcement (or any other website) are 
incorporated into, or form part of, this announcement. 

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