RNS No 3166h
30th November 1998

                       Riceman Insurance Investments plc 
             Interim Results for the six months ended 31 July 1998 
                          Chief Executive's Review 

1998  has proven to be one of the most challenging  periods for  businesses
focused within emerging  market  economies. None  more  so  than the States of
the Former Soviet  Union (FSU).  The  worst affected of these States was the
Russian Federation.  As  a  matter  of generality,  and  despite my previous
optimism, Riceman's business has  suffered along with many others in these
markets. It is with this backdrop that I regret to announce a further
deterioration in the financial performance of your Company. For the period to
31st July 1998 your Company has incurred a pre-tax loss  of #373,478 against a
profit of #406,924 for the corresponding period of 1997. Following  the  loss of
certain large accounts  to  state insurers  as reported  in  my year-end
statement  and  the consequential large loss of our income, we have changed  our
emphasis  away from  concentrating on  high profile major accounts.  Instead we
have concentrated  on  developing  a portfolio of smaller and medium sized
businesses that have a good  prospect of remaining clients over the  longer
term. Progress in this respect has been made in our joint  venture operations in
the FSU. Bearing in mind large losses of income referred to above and our
sizeable fixed overheads, we have continued the line by line  review  of
operating expenses within  the  insurance company  joint ventures and in London.
Furthermore,  as in previous periods, we continue to charge the profit and loss
account with development expenses. Clearly  the results are very disappointing
and in  view of the  current situation the Directors  do  not propose  the
payment of an interim dividend. I  will  now turn  to  the specific  business
activity  by territory.

Russia:  Moscow
This has proved to be a very difficult market. Moreover,  we no  longer have
the benefit of, or the reliance on,  one  or two   major  accounts.
Accordingly,  we  are  viewing  this operation with caution.

Uzbekistan:  Tashkent
As  reported previously, our major businesses were  lost  to the  state
insurer.  Additionally,  in  view  of  the  nonconvertibility of the Uzbek
Som, local business  is  proving very  difficult in view of the need to
purchase  reinsurance capacity that is only available in hard currency. For
these reasons, we are considering the viability of our presence in Uzbekistan.

Azerbaijan:  Baku
Anglo-Azerbaijan  has  continued  to  make   good   progress
throughout  the period, gaining more small and medium  sized renewable

Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek
Anglo-Kyrgyz  has  finally started to generate  some  medium sized business
during the period under review. In the autumn of  1998,  Anglo-Kyrgyz  became
the  insurer  of  Kyrgyzstan Airlines'   entire  aviation  insurance  account.
We   are continuing   to  work  to  develop  certain   other   larger
businesses  in co-operation with our joint venture  partner, The State
Property Fund.

Georgia: Tbilisi
Anglo-Georgian  Insurance  Company  is  our   newest   joint venture.
Following the establishment of the company and  the obtaining  of the
necessary licences, the company  commenced underwriting various small and
medium sized accounts. In the autumn  of this year Anglo-Georgian Insurance
Company became the insurer of Georgian Airlines. The airline at present has
only  an eastern manufactured fleet of modest size. However, it is the
national flag carrier and we expect the airline to develop  in a similar
manner to the state airlines of  other FSU countries.

Future Developments
The future development of the group's business is focused on obtaining  an
increasing flow of  small  and  medium  sized commercial business. Whilst we
previously enjoyed the fruits of  acting  as  local insurers to certain major
businesses,  our  results  show  we  have   been 
vulnerable  to the loss of the major accounts  due  in  many respect to
factors outside our control. Whilst we regret the loss  of major sources of
income, we remain of the view that our  current  strategy to build our
portfolio  with  regular renewable   clients  is  the  correct  course   to
follow. Development might be slower but it will be a firm foundation for  the
future.  The  Company has  adequate  resources  to continue in operation in
the foreseeable future.
We will of course continue to develop sizeable accounts such as  have  been
won in Kyrgyzstan and Georgia. However,  the focus will be on spread of
account, volume of clients and  a continuous review to reduce the level of
expenses. Marketing efforts  in  each of our joint ventures have  been
modified toward cost effective business acquisition in line with  our evolving

Finally,  I  would like to extend my sincere  thanks  to  my fellow Directors
and to all our staff both overseas and here in  London  all  of  who work
tirelessly in  this  extremely challenging period for the Group.

Robert  J Alford
Chief Executive
30 November 1998

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the six months ended 31
July 1998

                    Six months    Six months       Year ended
                    ended 31 July ended 31 July  31 January 1998 
                        1998         1997 
                  Note  Unaudited  Unaudited        Audited
                             #       #                  #
TURNOVER                202,624     929,898        1,242,248
Net operating expenses (616,341)   (559,948)      (1,675,093)

OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT (413,717)   369,950         (432,845)
Interest receivable  2    40,239     37,008           96,495
Interest payable and 
similar charges                -       (34)             (73)

ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION(373,478) 406,924        (336,423)
Tax  on profit on
ordinary activities         -      (130,177)        115,264

TRANSFERRED TO RESERVES    (373,478)  276,747      (221,159)

PER SHARE            4       (0.57)p   0.42p         (0.34)p

All activities derive from continuing operations.

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
31 July 1998

                       31 July 31 July  31 January
                          1998    1997     1998
                  Note Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                             #       #       #
Tangible assets            47,171  40,078  56,844
Investments  -  
associated undertakings 5 567,482 385,165  512,604

                          614,653 425,243  569,448

Debtors             6    529,092 1,280,439  900,900
Cash at bank           1,068,587 2,297,260 1,544,245

                       1,597,679 3,577,699 2,445,145
CREDITORS: amounts falling
due within one year  7 (504,050) (1,293,099) (932,833)

NET CURRENT ASSETS     1,093,629 2,284,600  1,512,312

LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,708,282 2,709,843 2,081,760
CREDITORS: amounts 
falling due after
more  than one year
 - corporation tax         -      (130,177)          -

NET ASSETS             1,708,282  2,579,666  2,081,760
Called up 
share capital             65,939     65,939     65,939
Share premium account 1,896,685   1,896,685  1,896,685
Profit and 
loss account          (254,342)    617,042    119,136

SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS   1,708,282  2,579,666  2,081,760

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 31 July 1998

                      Six months    Six months     Year ended
                      ended 31 July ended 31 July  31 January 1998
                          1998          1997
                  Note Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                             #          #              #
FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 8(a)(468,522) 729,912    244,873

SERVICING OF FINANCE  8(b)   40,239       36,974     96,422
Taxation                     15,264            -   (178,125)

FINANCIAL INVESTMENT8(b)   (54,878)     (21,912)   (177,972)
Acquisitions and 
disposals                        -            -      (2,000)
RESOURCES AND FINANCING   (467,897)      744,974    (16,802)

(Decrease)/increase in cash8(c)(467,897) 744,974    (16,802)

Notes to the Interim Financial Information for the six months ended 31 July


(i)The  interim  financial information for  the  six  months ended  31  July
   1998 consolidates the results of  Riceman Insurance  Investments plc,
   Riceman Underwriters  Limited and Ricemans Insurance Consultants Limited.
   A  supplementary statement incorporating the  results  of the  associated
   undertakings  has not been  prepared  on the grounds of practicality.
   All activities derive from continuing operations.
(ii)     The  unaudited results for the six months ended  31 July  1998  have
   been prepared on the basis of accounting policies  adopted in the audited
   accounts  for  the  year ended 31 January 1998.
(iii)    The  Interim  Report  is  unaudited  and  does  not constitute
   Statutory Accounts. The results for  the  year ended  31  January  1998
   have been  extracted  from  the audited  financial statements for that
   period which  have been   filed   with  the  Registrar  of  Companies.
   The Auditors' opinion on these accounts was unqualified.

           The  Interim Report for the six months ended 31 July 1998
              was approved by the Directors on 30 November 1998.
                         31 July  31 July  31 January
                            1998    1997     1998
                         Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                              #       #       #
   Bank interest receivable 40,239 37,008  96,495

   No  dividend is proposed to be paid in respect of the six months  ended  31
   July  1998 (31  July  1997:  #nil;  31 January 1998: #nil)
The calculation of earnings per share is based on the loss after taxation for
the period of #373,478 (31 July 1997: profit #276,747) and on 65,938,530
ordinary shares (31 July 1997: 65,938,530) being the average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period.

Notes to the Interim Financial Information
for the six months ended 31 July 1998

                      31 July 31 July 31 January
                       1998    1997    1998
                    Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                            #       #       #
   Associated undertakings
Insurance Company    319,826  319,826 319,826
   Insurance Company  39,216   39,216  39,216
   Anglo-Azerbaijan Insurance
   Company            92,224      761  92,224
 Insurance Company    80,240   25,362  25,362
Insurance Company     29,878        -  29,878
                     561,384  385,165 506,506
Trade investment at
 cost: Imedi Limited   6,098       -    6,098
                     567,482  385,165 512,604

                      31 July   31 July   31 January
                        1998      1997       1998
                      Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                          #         #       #
   Trade debtors       278,151 662,438    712,897
   Other debtors       122,895 592,514     57,288
   Corporation tax
 recoverable           100,000       -    115,264
  Prepayments and
 accrued income         28,046   25,487    15,451
                       529,092 1,280,439 900,900

                      31 July 31 July 31 January
                         1998    1997    1998
                     Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                            #       #       #
   Trade creditors    416,233 1,013,603 783,484
   Corporation tax          -   178,125       -
   Other creditors     22,185    75,569  51,105
   Other taxes and 
social security        14,079     2,870  25,994
 Accruals and
deferred income        51,553    22,932  64,489
 Bank overdraft            -       -      7,761
                      504,050  1,293,099 932,833

           (a)  Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit  to  cash
   inflow from operating activities
                      31 July  31 July31  January
                          1998    1997    1998
                       Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                             #       #       #
   Operating (loss)/profit(413,717)369,950(432,845)
 Depreciation charge      9,673   3,310      9,668
 Decrease in debtors    356,544 527,381  1,027,681
 Decrease in creditors(421,022) (171,729) (359,631)
Adjustment for investment
 in subsidiary               -     1,000         -

   Cash    outflow    from   
operating   activities(468,522)  729,912   244,873

           (b)  Analysis of cash flows from headings netted  in  the
   cash flow statement
                      31 July  31 July  31 January
                         1998    1997     1998
                      Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                            #       #       #
   Returns on investment and
   servicing of finance
   Interest received      40,239  37,008  96,495
   Interest paid              -    (34)    (73)
   Net cash inflow from
 returns on investments
  and  servicing of finance40,239 36,974 96,422

   Net cash outflow from capital expenditure
   and financial investment
   Purchase of tangible fixed assets  -  (17,254)  (45,875)
 Purchase of trade
   investments                        -       -  (6,098)
 Purchase of investment in
   associated undertaking        (54,878)(4,658)(125,999)

   Net cash outflow from capital expenditure
   and financial investment     (54,878) (21,912) (177,972)

   (c) Analysis of cash
                At 1 February   Cash  At 31 July
                         1998    flow    1998
                            #       #       #
   Cash at bank and 
   in hand            1,544,245 (475,658) 1,068,587
   Bank overdraft        (7,761)   7,761       -

                      1,536,484 (467,897) 1,068,587

9. Further copies of this Interim Report are available  from the Company's
   office at 130 Minories, London EC3N 1NT.



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