CHICAGO, Nov. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- The Playboy Foundation today announced that it is accepting nominations for its Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Awards. Established in 1979 by Playboy Enterprises, Inc.'s now-Chairman and CEO Christie Hefner, the awards program honors individuals who have made significant contributions to protect and enhance First Amendment rights of Americans. Since its inception, more than 100 individuals including high school students, lawyers, journalists and educators have been honored with a Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award. The awards are given in areas including print and broadcast journalism, education, book publishing, arts and entertainment, government and law. Past winners have included Nicholas Becker, for challenging the constitutionality of a student-led prayer during his high school graduation ceremony; Bill Maher, as host of Politically Incorrect, for speaking out at a time when Americans were encouraged to abandon the Bill of Rights in exchange for the false comfort of "national security"; Mary Dana and Nancy Zennie, co-founders of "Muggles for Harry Potter," a group of students, parents and teachers who successfully rallied to oppose a Michigan school superintendent's decision to ban the Harry Potter books from Zeeland Public Schools' curricula; Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, former supervisory agent and forensic chemist for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who blew the whistle on fraud and scientific misconduct in the FBI crime lab; Trina Magi and Linda Ramsdell, for organizing a grassroots campaign to eliminate Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act, which undermines Americans' right to read and access information without governmental intrusion or interference; and Kelli Peterson, who formed the Gay-Straight Alliance, defended its right to convene on the campus of Salt Lake City's East High School, and inspired similar programs in 25 states. Each Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award winner will receive a cash award of $5000 as well as a specially designed plaque at an April 24, 2006 ceremony in New York City. The deadline for submitting nominations is February 10, 2006. For more information visit or contact the Playboy Foundation directly at 312-373-2435. The Playboy Foundation supports local and national nonprofit organizations that protect the rights of the individual in a free society. Since its inception in 1965, the Foundation has awarded nearly $20 million in grants and in-kind contributions to organizations concerned with First Amendment freedoms, civil liberties and social justice. DATASOURCE: Playboy Foundation CONTACT: Theresa Hennessey of the Playboy Foundation, +1-312-373-2444 Web site:
