RNS No 0340c
22 April 1999

      Final results for the year to 31st December 1998
Plantation & General Investments Plc, which is focusing  its
activities  on Tropical Agriculture, reports a  recovery  in
profit before tax for the year to 31st December 1998 despite
the impact of low tea prices.

*    Profit before tax #1,599,000 (1997: loss #1,729,000)

*    Increased  tax  charges  and tax provisions  restricted
     earnings  per ordinary share to a profit  of  0.2p  per
     share (1997 : loss 8.0p)

*    Net debt greatly reduced from #14,529,000 to #5,931,000
     through   ongoing  disposal  programme  and  successful
     capital raising

*    Asset revaluation this year resulting in a surplus #5.8
     million  following  substantial exchange  losses  as  a
     result  of currency devaluations in Indonesia, Zimbabwe
     and Malawi in 1997 and 1998

*    Good   progress   on  the  disposal   of   assets   and
     restructuring programme

*    Acquisition  of Aberfoyle Estates in Zimbabwe  in  line
     with   our   active   strategy  of  expanding   Group's
     agricultural investments in Africa

Rupert Pennant-Rea, Chairman, said:

"We  have  produced  a  reasonable  performance  against   a
background of weak commodity prices.  We have made  progress
in  focusing the group, strengthening the balance sheet  and
improving the efficiency of our businesses."

                                            22nd April, 1999


Plantation & General                      0171 457 2020 (today)
Richard Clothier, Group Chief Executive   0171 236 6135 (thereafter)
Geoffrey Moores, Finance Director

College Hill                              0171 457 2020
Mark Garraway
Corinna Dorward

            Extract from the Chairman's Statement

I  am  pleased to reported better results for 1998  compared
with  1997.   This  is  against a  background  of  difficult
conditions in some of the group's markets and poor commodity
prices for most of the year.

For  the  year,  the group's profit before tax  amounted  to
#1,599,000  (1997  -  loss  #1,729,000).   The  geographical
distribution of profits, coupled with a tax provision for an
asset disposal in 1995, resulted in a high tax charge.  This
restricted earnings per share to a profit of 0.2 pence (1997
-  loss  8.0 pence).  A review of the various operations  of
the group is on pages 4 and 5.

In my first report to you last year, I outlined your Board's
strategy  to  restructure  the  group  by  selling  non-core
activities   and  expanding  in  Africa,  where   we   think
acquisitions  offer good value.  We have  made  progress  on
both fronts.

We  sold the group's businesses in Thailand in May 1998, and
in  the  second half of the year sold two divisions  of  P&G
Industries  in the UK.  In Brazil, we combined our  separate
factories,  and sold the site in Sao Paulo in  August  1998.
In  total,  these sales (and the elimination  of  associated
borrowings)   have  reduced  group  debt  by   approximately

Just after the year-end, we announced that we had bought the
Aberfoyle  Estates  in Zimbabwe and sold  Balangai,  a  loss
making tea estate in Tanzania.  The Aberfoyle tea and coffee
estate  is right next door to our Eastern Highlands  Estate,
providing  the  opportunity to achieve efficiencies  in  the
running of the two plantations.

Last  year  we also took the opportunity to restructure  the
group's finances via a Placing and Open Offer, which  raised
new  equity  of approximately #10 million.  The  company  is
thus well placed to make further acquisitions in Africa, and
your Board is considering several opportunities.

Currency  devaluation  was a significant  feature  of  1998.
Against  sterling, the exchange rates of Indonesia, Zimbabwe
and Malawi devalued by between 32 and 58 per cent.  Since we
believe  that  at  least part of these declines  will  prove
permanent, we concluded that the value of some group assets,
when  translated into sterling at the end of the  year,  did
not  reflect  their underlying values, particularly  as  the
revenues  they  produce are denominated by US  dollars.   We
therefore sought a professional revaluation of the assets in
Malawi and Zimbabwe at 31 December 1998, and the new figures
are  incorporated in the accounts.  The revaluation produced
a surplus of #5,800,000 which as been credited direct to the
group  reserves.   This only partly offsets exchange  losses
which  amount  to #7.9 million in 1997 and #6.6  million  in

The  combination of disposals and new equity transformed the
balance sheet.  The ratio of net debt to equity was close to
100 per cent at the end of 1997, but then fell to roughly 25
per cent by 31 December 1998.

Although  much has been done, there is much more  to  do  to
secure  the  strategy  we are following.   Several  non-core
assets  are  still to be sold.  Weak commodity  prices  have
continued  into  1999, and these are holding  back  profits.
Against  this  background,  the Board  has  decided  not  to
recommend  an  ordinary  dividend  for  the  year  ended  31
December  1998.   However,  we  remain  convinced  that  our
strategy  is  on  course  to bring  value  to  shareholders,
particularly as commodity prices improve.

Rupert Pennant-Rea

22 April, 1999

Review of Activities

Tropical agriculture

This  division grows tea, coffee and sisal in  the  Southern
African  states of Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania and  rubber
in  Indonesia.   Overseas Farmers Group is  a  trading  unit
based  in  London which markets the produce of  the  group's
agricultural  operations  and  provides  support   services.
Profit before interest and tax for the division declined  to
#3,062,000 from #3,348,000 in 1997.

The  main  product grown is tea.  Total production  for  the
year was 13,208 tonnes from a mature area of 6,824 hectares.
The yield per hectare fell by 8 per cent from 1997, a result
of  a strike in Zimbabwe during the peak season in the first
quarter and a late start to the 1998/99 season in the fourth
quarter.   Tea prices weakened considerably after the  first
quarter  and ended the year as low as they have been  during
the  last ten years.  The average tea price for the year was
35  per  cent below last year and since the year end  prices
have  remained  at  the  low end of  the  long  term  range.
Investment  to  improve  our  efficiency  and  tea   quality
continued  with  improvements  to  our  Sayama  and   Nchima
factories   in   Malawi  and  Zindi  in  Zimbabwe,   further
replanting and improved irrigation.

The  arabica coffee crop for the year of 956 tonnes was also
a  reduction  on the 1997 production of 1,062  tonnes.   The
yield  per  hectare  in  Malawi  improved  but  in  Zimbabwe
increased replanting contributed to a temporary reduction in
yields.  The greater attention being given to the appearance
of  the coffee from improved sorting resulted in good  price
premiums being achieved.

The rubber plantations in Indonesia yielded 1,198 tonnes,  a
70  per  cent  increase  as  the maturing  trees  come  into
production.  Rubber prices were 22 per cent below last year.

The  total sisal crop of 2,490 tonnes, all of which is grown
in  Tanzania,  was  an  increase  on  1997  but  remains   a
relatively  poor  crop as a result of the exceptionally  wet
weather which affected both years.

Since  the year end, the disposal of the uneconomic Balangai
tea  estate in Tanzania and the acquisition of the Aberfoyle
estate  (renamed Honde Valley Plantations since acquisition)
in  Zimbabwe  represents a significant  improvement  in  the
portfolio.  Balangai was too small to achieve low unit costs
and  too  remote to give it the necessary attention.   Honde
Valley   Plantations  on  the  other  hand  adjoins  Eastern
Highlands  Plantations  in  the Honde  Valley  and  the  two
together  make  up 2,151 hectares of tea and  coffee.   This
offers  great  opportunity for increased  efficiency  though
better  management and through investment to take  advantage
of scale, keeping unit costs relatively low.

Trading and manufacturing

This  section,  as a result of the disposal  of  loss-making
operations,  achieved a profit before interest  and  tax  of
#1,280,000 compared with #702,000 in 1997.

Jacobs  Young  & Westbury are UK importers of furniture  and
leisure products, mainly hardwood garden furniture.   During
the  year  the company has increased its product  range  and
increased its number of customers with the result that sales
have   increased  by  10  per  cent.   A  new   system   for
distribution has been established and prospects for  further
growth in 1999 are good.

The  two Brazilian had tool manufactures, Acotupy and  Tarza
have  been merged onto one site at Raul Soares in the  state
of  Minas Gerias and the proceeds of the disposal of surplus
property  in Sao Paulo has substantially reduced debt.   The
business,  again made an operating loss in 1998  but,  as  a
result  of  the  reorganisation, the  operation  is  trading
profitably in 1999.

Chillington Manufacturing, the UK's largest manufacturer  of
wheelbarrows,  has been for sale but the bids received  have
not   reflected  the  potential  of  the  business  and  new
management  has  been installed to improve the  performance.
Sales during 1998 declined  by 3 per cent.

Nicholl  & Wood, the producer of steel shelving for the  DIY
market  under the Zamba brand, has continued to suffer  from
the loss of its export business into Europe, a result of the
relative   strength   of  sterling.    Other   manufacturing
operations  include  G E Adams & Co and Greengate  Holdings,
which are currently the subject of negotiations for possible
disposal,  and WM Chalke and Golden Arrow Marine which  were
sold during the year.

Richard J. Clothier
Group Chief Executive

22nd April, 1999

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 1998

                                      CONTINUING OPERATIONS
                                          1998        1997
                                          #000        #000
Turnover                               42,830        51,026
Cost of sales                          (29,107)      (36,679)
Gross profit                           13,723        14,347
Operating expenses                     (9,945)       (10,886)
Operating profit                       3,778         3,461
Share of results of associated         40            (236)
Profit/(loss) on disposal or closure   70            (17)
of operations
Profit on disposal of investment in    -             240
associated undertakings
Provision for diminution in value of   (100)         (2,617)
assets to be disposed of
Profit before interest                 3,788         831
Interest                               (2,189)       (2,560)
Profit/(loss) before taxation          1,599         (1,729)
Taxation                               (935)         (630)
Profit/(loss) after taxation           664           (2,359)
Minority interests                     (402)         (132)
Profit/(loss) for the year             262           (2,491)
Dividends (non-equity)                 (174)         (174)
Amount transferred to/(from) reserves  88            (2,665)
                                       Pence         Pence
Profit/(loss) per ordinary share                     
Basic                                  0.2           (8.0)
Dividends per ordinary share           -             -
Balance Sheets
at 31 December 1998
                         GROUP                COMPANY
                          1998      1997      1998        1997
                          #000      #000      #000        #000
Fixed assets                                                      
Tangible assets        29,189       29,775    68        38
Investments            466          558       28,920    29,340
                       29,655       30,333    28,988    29,378
Current assets                                          
Stocks                 7,846        9,573     -         -
Debtors                7,197        8,990     767       896
Cash at bank and in    3,734        794       6,257     1
                       18,777       19,357    7,024     897
Creditors: amounts                                      
falling due within one                                  
Debt finance (including(3,969)      (7,901)   (2,009)   (3,284)
amounts relating to
convertible debt)
Other                  (9,004)      (13,543)  (1,223)   (1,737)
                       (12,973)     (21,444)  (3,232)   (5,021)
Net current            5,804        (2,087)   3,792     (4,124)
Total assets less      35,459       28,246    32,780    25,254
current liabilities
Creditors: amounts                                      
falling due after
  more than one year
Debt finance                                            
(including amounts     (5,696)      (7,422)   (4,776)   (6,785)
     relating to
convertible debt)
Other                  (391)        (433)     (167)     (171)
                       (6,087)      (7,855)   (4,943)   (6,956)
Provisions for         (140)        (256)     -         -
liabilities and
Net assets             29,232       20,135    27,837    18,298
Capital and reserves                                    
Called up share        14,776       9,855     14,776    9,855
Share premium account  11,375       6,290     11,375    6,290
Capital redemption     225          225       225       225
Revaluation reserves   3,832        3,042     -         -
Other reserves         -            5,681     -         -
Profit and loss        (4,019)      (8,252)   1,461     1,928
Shareholders' funds                                     
     Equity            24,359       15,011    26,007    16,468
     Non-equity        1,830        1,830     1,830     1,830
                       26,189       16,841    27,837    18,298
Minority interest                                       
    Equity             2,390        2,430     -         -
    Non-equity         653          864       -         -
                       3,043        3,294     -         -
                       29,232       20,135    27,837    18,298

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 1998
                                    1998           1997
                                   #'000          #'000
Cash flow from operating           3,935          4,841
Returns on investments and         (2,669)        (2,916)
servicing finance
Taxation - UK corporation tax paid (67)           (71)
Overseas tax paid                  (464)          (595)
Capital expenditure and financial  (1,646)        (2,328)
Acquisitions and disposals         1,897          1,607
Equity dividends paid              -              (640)
Cash flow before use of liquid     986            (102)
resources and financing
Management of liquid resources     -              688
Financing - Issue of shares        10,006         43
Loan repayments                    (2,787)        (1,082)
Capital elements of finance lease  (257)          (153)
rentals payable
(Decrease)/Increase in other       (2,546)        264
Total financing                    4,416          (928)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the 5,402          (342)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to                
movement in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the 5,402          (342)
Cash outflow from reduction in net 2,787          1,082
Cash outflow from reduction in     257            153
finance lease liabilities
Cash inflow from reduction in      -              (688)
liquid resources
Change in net debt resulting from  8,446          205
cash flows
New finance leases                 (155)          (252)
Translation differences            307            1,336
Movement in net debt in the year   8,598          1,289
Net debt 1 January                 (14,529)       (15,818)
Net debt 31 December               (5,931)        (14,529)
                Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses
                         for the year ended 31 December 1998
                                       1998         1998
                                       #000         #000

Profit/(loss) for the year             262          (2,491)
Unrealised surplus/(deficit) on                     
revaluation of properties less         5,789        (2,281)
minority  interest of #593,000
Exchange differences                   (6,608)      (7,937)
Share of prior year adjustment of      -            (115)
associated company
Total recognised losses for the year   (557)        (12,824)
                Statement of Movement in Shareholders' Funds
                         for the year ended 31 December 1998
                                       1998         1997
                                       #000         #000

Recognised losses for the year         (557)        (12,824)
Dividends                              (174)        (174)
Discount less goodwill on              73           896
New shares issued                      10,006       43
Net increase/(reduction) in            9,348        (12,059)
shareholders' funds
Shareholders' funds at beginning of    16,841       28,900
Shareholders' funds at the end of year 26,189       16,841
Segmental analysis Profit/(loss) before taxation

                                        1998    (Restated)
                                       #'000        #'000
By activity:                                          
Tropical Agriculture                  3,062           3,348
Trading                               502             546
Manufacturing                         778             156
Central costs net of sundry income    (454)           (281)
Interest                              (2,189)         (2,560)
Exceptional items                     -               (331)
Provision for diminution in value of  (100)           (2,617)
assets to be disposed of
                                      1,599           (1,739)
Property and investment               -               (19)
Langdons Foods plc                    -               29
                                      -               10
                                      1,599           (1,729)

Foreign currency

The foreign exchange rates used in translating the accounts
of the principal oversea subsidiary undertakings were as
follows (local currency to #1):

Country        Currency            1998            1997
Brazil         Cruzeiro real       2.01            1.84
Indonesia      Rupiah         13,226.80        9,041.21
Malawi         Kwacha             75.05           31.68
Tanzania       Tanzanian       1,124.82        1,017.81
Uganda         Ugandan         2,264.37        1,867.47
Zimbabwe       Zimbabwe           61.92           30.36


1.   Taxation

                                         1998        1997
                                         #000        #000

   Advance corporation tax written off   24          51
   Deferred taxation                     (23)        (27)
   Tax on franked investment income      -           2
   Oversea taxation                      876         696
   Prior year adjustment                 56          (80)
   Group's share of associated           2           (12)
   companies taxation
                                         935         630

2.   Dividend

  No  final  ordinary dividend is proposed  for  payment  in
  1998 (1997: nil).
  Non Statutory Accounts

  The   financial  information  set  out  above   does   not
  constitute the company's statutory accounts for the  years
  ended  31 December 1998 or 1997 but is derived from  those
  accounts.    Statutory  accounts  for   1997   have   been
  delivered  to  the Registrar of Companies,  whereas  those
  for  1998  which have been agreed with Company's Auditors,
  will  be  delivered following the Company's Annual General
  Meeting.    The  Auditors  have  reported  on   the   1997
  accounts;  their  report  was  unqualified  and  did   not
  contain  a  statement under Section 237(2) or (3)  of  the
  Companies Act 1985.



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