RNS Number:1793Q
Pochin's PLC
25 September 2003



Audited results for the 
year ended 31 May 2003

Pochin group highlights
Year ended 31 May 2003

"We have continued to focus on improving performance in the trading divisions...."
(Nick Pochin, chairman)

* Turnover up 41% to #66.1m (2002 : #46.8m)
* Profit before tax up 7% to #4.5m (2002 : #4.2m)
* Earnings per share up 19% from 12.5p to 14.9p
* Final dividend of 4.25p, making a total of 6.25p, up 12.6% on last year
* Net asset value per share up 4% from 2.07p to 2.16p
* Net debt reduced by #1.1m
* Secured orders for the current year #42m

"We have a healthy order book and, with further benefits from reorganisation
anticipated, I am confident that the current year will add to our continuing

(Nick Pochin, chairman)

Pochin Group
Chairman's statement
Results and dividends

This is the first full year of trading since our reorganisation of the group's
businesses and management. We have made good progress, although much of this
improvement is not yet fully reflected in the group's financial results. I am
pleased to report that profit before tax has increased by 7% to #4.49m (2002:
#4.20m) on turnover up by 41% to #66.1m (2002: #46.8m.).

We have continued to focus on improving performance in the trading divisions by
targeting higher quality contracts and improving operating margins. As a result
the contracting and plant divisions have both improved their performance, with
contracting returning to profit and plant increasing its contribution.

The property division has again produced substantial profits, both from our own
and from joint venture projects. Rental income during the year was lower,
following various sales, but it is pleasing to note that new rental streams will
generate higher investment income in the current year.

The board is recommending a final dividend of 4.25p per share (2002: 3.55p),
which will make a total dividend for the year of 6.25p (2002: 5.55p), an
increase of 12.6%. This increase reflects the board's intention to adopt a more
progressive dividend policy providing it is justified by trading performance and
underpinned by a prudent level of dividend cover.



The improvement in contracting is particularly pleasing and rewarding for the
new management team. There is a secured order book for the current year of
#42.4m (2002: #40.7m) and there are some good quality enquiries in hand. However
conditions in the marketplace remain competitive and low returns continue to be
a fact of life within the industry.


The plant division has also improved its contribution. Prospects are good with
the new Pumi pumping equipment gaining increasing acceptance within the UK
concrete delivery market. This provides the company with an avenue for growth
without the need for significant increases in overheads. Avoidatrench Limited
has had another good year and has acquired Pipeline Drillers Limited to increase
the range of its services to utility and other contractors. The new company has
met its initial targets and we are confident that it will prove a sound
investment for the future.


There were fewer disposals than in the previous year. The principal transaction
in this year was the sale of the property at Bolton for #5.9m, which generated a
profit in excess of #1m. The development division is working on a number of new
projects which will underpin contributions to group profits in the current and
future years.

Rental income has been supplemented at Prosperity Court on Midpoint 18, here in
Middlewich, by the development of smaller units. These have been added to the
group investment property portfolio and are already fully let. Further lettings
in the second innovation centre building at Keele Park have been secured and the
next phase of development, involving the construction of two further innovation
/ incubation units is about to start.

Joint Ventures

The Bushwing group, now including Castello Developments Limited, had a
successful year with three substantial sales contributing #0.75m to group
profits. Pochin Homes Limited, its new subsidiary, is off to a good start with
the first houses already under construction, and our plan for the current year
is to secure land with planning permission to build at least 100 units. We are
already well on the way to meeting this target.

Sales in Weston Gate Developments Limited, at Crewe, and Limefort Two Limited,
at Tyldesley in Greater Manchester, were also profitable contributors to the
group result. However these gains were largely offset by continuing losses of
#0.5m in Manchester Technopark Limited, including our share of interest costs.
We remain confident that our investment is sound but clearly it is taking longer
to justify our view than we originally anticipated. There are, however, some
positive indications that more tenants will be in occupation over the coming
months. In addition the board of Manchester Technopark Limited has taken the
decision to commence the marketing of Lovell House, one of the three completed
buildings, which is fully let. This disposal will reduce the joint venture's
borrowings significantly.


A fundamental part of the reorganisation of the management of the business has
been the succession plan for the group board. We have implemented the first
stage of this with the appointment in April of Richard Buck, as business
development director, and Jim Nicholson, as property development director. I
welcome them onto the board and I am confident that they will contribute
substantially to the group's progress over the coming years.

The composition of the board was further changed by the sad death of Ron Verity
in July. Ron joined the company in 1948 and became chairman in 1982. He stood
down in 1987 but continued as a non-executive director until his death. I know
my colleagues join me in recording our gratitude for his outstanding
contribution to the group's growth and success over this 55 year period.


We have a healthy order book and, with further benefits from reorganisation
anticipated, I am confident that the current year will add to our continuing
success, especially if some of the possible development sales we are currently
negotiating are finalised and completed in the year.

I am pleased to acknowledge the hard work put in by everyone in the group, and
to thank them for their contribution in achieving the progress evident from
these results.

Nicholas J. Pochin
25 September 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss
For the year ended 31 May 2003

                                                     2003             2002

                                  Notes             #'000            #'000
   ------------------------------  ------  -----   --------  ----   --------  ----

Group and share of joint ventures                  69,656           48,522
and associates
Less: share of joint ventures and                  (3,516)          (1,704)
                                                   --------         --------
                                      2            66,140           46,818

Cost of sales                                     (57,617)         (37,849)
                                                   --------         --------
Gross profit                                        8,523            8,969

Operating expenses                                 (7,620)          (7,827)
Other operating income                4             3,063            3,552
                                                   --------         --------

Operating profit                                    3,966            4,694

Share of operating profit in                          983               78
joint ventures
Share of operating profit in                          311              479

Net interest                                         (769)          (1,046)
                                                   --------         --------
Profit on ordinary activities         2             4,491            4,205
before taxation

Tax on profit on ordinary             5            (1,442)          (1,569)
                                                   --------         --------
Profit on ordinary activities                       3,049            2,636
after taxation

Equity minority interests                              (6)             (62)
                                                   --------         --------
Profit for the financial year                       3,043            2,574

Dividends                             6            (1,300)          (1,154)
                                                   --------         --------
Retained profit for the year                        1,743            1,420
                                                   --------         --------

Earnings per share (basic and         7              14.9p            12.5p

The above figures are for
continuing operations.

Statement of Total Recognised
Gains and Losses
                                                     2003             2002

                                                    #'000            #'000
   ------------------------------  ------  -----   --------  ----   --------  ----

Profit for the financial year                       3,043            2,574

Unrealised (deficit) / surplus on                     (38)           1,933
revaluation of investment
properties - group
Unrealised surplus / (deficit) on                     386              (41)
revaluation of investment properties -
joint ventures
                                                   --------         --------
Total gains recognised for the                      3,391            4,466

Prior year adjustment relating to                       -             (504)
deferred tax
                                                   --------         --------
Total gains recognised since last                   3,391            3,962
annual report                                      --------         --------

Note of Historical Cost Profits
and Losses                         ------  -----   --------  ----   --------  ----

Reported profit on ordinary                         4,491            4,205
activities before taxation

Realisation of revaluation                            440              583
surpluses of previous years
Difference between historical
cost depreciation charge and
depreciation charge based on                          223              143
revalued amounts
                                                   --------         --------
Historical cost profit on                           5,154            4,931
ordinary activities before                         --------         --------

Historical cost profit retained
for the year after taxation,
minority interests and                              2,406            2,146
dividends                                          --------         --------

Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 May 2003

                                                         2003                      2002

                               Notes                    #'000                     #'000
 ----------------------------   ------     --------   ---------      --------   ---------

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                         723                       365
Tangible assets                                        29,592                    30,009
Joint ventures
                                                      ---------                 ---------
Share of gross assets                                  21,982                    16,557
Share of gross liabilities                            (14,843)                  (11,057)
Goodwill                                                   94                       125
                                                        7,233                     5,625
Associates                                              2,428                     2,397
Other                                                   1,500                     1,500
Own shares                                                607                       304
                                                      ---------                 ---------

                                                       11,768                     9,826
                                                      ---------                 ---------
                                                       42,083                    40,200
                                                      ---------                 ---------

Current assets

Stocks and work in progress                            15,870                    17,517
Debtors                                                12,462                     7,645
Investments and deposits                               10,602                    10,159
Cash at bank and in hand                                    5                         9
                                                      ---------                 ---------
                                                       38,939                    35,330
                                                      ---------                 ---------

Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year
Borrowings                                            (18,333)                  (18,885)
Trade and other creditors                             (13,927)                   (9,726)
                                                      ---------                 ---------
                                                      (32,260)                  (28,611)
                                                      ---------                 ---------

Net current assets                                      6,679                     6,719
                                                      ---------                 ---------
Total assets less current                              48,762                    46,919

Creditors: amounts falling
due after more
than one year
                                                      ---------                 ---------
Borrowings                                               (469)                     (531)
Other creditors                                          (233)                        -
                                                      ---------                 ---------

                                                         (702)                     (531)

Provisions for liabilities                             (1,131)                   (1,219)
and charges

Accruals and deferred                                  (1,936)                   (2,008)

                                                      ---------                 ---------
Net assets                         2                   44,993                    43,161
                                                      ---------                 ---------

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                 5,200                     5,200
Revaluation reserve                                     9,949                    10,264
Profit and loss account                                29,640                    27,234
                                                      ---------                 ---------
Equity shareholders' funds                             44,789                    42,698

Equity minority interests                                 204                       463
                                                      ---------                 ---------
                                                       44,993                    43,161
                                                      ---------                 ---------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31
May 2003

                                           2003        2003            2002      2002

                                          #'000       #'000           #'000     #'000
  ----------------------   ------  ----   -------     -------  ----   -------   -------  ----

Net cash inflow from          8                       5,749                     7,189
operating activities

Income received from                                     60                        81
joint ventures

Returns on investments and servicing of

Interest received                           295                         313
Interest paid                              (335)                       (688)
Interest paid on finance                    (21)                        (31)
leases                                    -------                     -------

Net cash outflow from returns on investments and        (61)                     (406)
servicing of finance

Taxation                                             (1,195)                   (1,556)

Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible                     (1,108)                     (4,755)
fixed assets
Sale of tangible fixed                      988                       2,025
assets                                    -------                     -------

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and          (120)                   (2,730)
financial investment

Acquisitions and
Purchase of subsidiary        3            (824)                          -
Increase in interest in                  (1,008)                     (1,237)
joint ventures and
Purchase of other fixed                       -                      (1,500)
asset investment
Purchase of own shares                     (303)                       (304)
                                          -------                     -------

                                                     (2,135)                   (3,041)

Equity dividends paid                                (1,154)                   (1,154)
                                                      -------                   -------
Net cash inflow / (outflow) before financing and     1,144                     (1,617)
management of liquid resources

Management of liquid
Sale of corporate                             -                       3,480
Cash deposited at call                        8                      (2,803)
and short notice                          -------                     -------

Net cash inflow from
management of
liquid resources                                          8                       677

Repayment of loan                          (940)                       (400)
Repayment of principal under finance       (146)                       (218)
leases and hire purchase contracts          -----                     -------
                                          -------                     -------

Net cash outflow from                                (1,086)                     (618)
                                                      -------                   -------
Increase / (decrease) in                                 66                    (1,558)
cash in the year                                      -------                   -------

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
-------------------------------------                          ----   -------   -------  ----
                                                               ----   -------   -------  ----

Increase / (decrease) in                                 66                    (1,558)
cash in the year

Cash outflow from decrease in                         1,086                       618
debt and lease financing
Cash inflow from                                         (8)                     (677)
decrease in liquid
                                                      -------                   -------
                                                      -------                   -------
Change in net debt resulting from                     1,144                    (1,617)
cash flows

Inception of finance                                   (321)                     (195)
Finance lease acquired                                   (1)                        -
with subsidiary
Deposits acquired with                                  451                         -
Deferred consideration                                 (220)                     (540)
                                                      -------                   -------
Movement in net debt in                               1,053                    (2,352)
the year

Opening net debt                                     (9,248)                   (6,896)
                                                      -------                   -------
Closing net debt                                     (8,195)                   (9,248)
                                                      -------                   -------


    1   Basis of preparation

        The financial information has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards
        and under the historical cost convention except that certain tangible fixed assets are shown at
        their revalued amounts. The accounting policies have remained unchanged from the previous year.

    2   Turnover, profit before taxation and net assets

        Segmental analysis of the results is set out below:

                                 Turnover           Profit / (loss) before tax         Net assets
                                2003      2002              2003       2002          2003          2002
                               #'000     #'000             #'000      #'000         #'000         #'000
        By activity:
        Construction          44,948    22,844               335       (403)       (1,846)       (2,324)
        Plant*                15,127    14,189               564        165         8,553         8,829
        Property               6,065     9,785             2,860      4,635        16,437        16,733
        Group management           -         -              (590)      (695)            -             -
        Group interest**           -         -               735        586        12,188        11,901
                                ------    ------            ------     ------        ------         -----
                              66,140    46,818             3,904      4,288        35,332        35,139
                                ------    ------            ------     ------        ------         -----

        Joint ventures and associates***
        Property - joint       3,516     1,379               542       (282)        7,233         5,625
        Property -                 -       325                45        199         2,428         2,397
                                ------    ------            ------     ------        ------         -----
                               3,516     1,704               587        (83)        9,661         8,022
                                ------    ------            ------     ------        ------         -----
                                ------    ------            ------     ------        ------         -----
        Totals                69,656    48,522             4,491      4,205        44,993        43,161
                                ------    ------            ------     ------        ------         -----

        Turnover, profits before tax and net assets are derived from operations within the United

        * Plant operations include plant hire, concrete block manufacture and directional drilling
        ** Borrowings and related interest charges are included under each activity only where they are
        identifiable with that activity, principally property. Group interest includes group investments,
        cash resources and those borrowings that are not readilly identifiable with individual
        *** Borrowings and related interest charges in joint ventures and associates are included under
        property activities.

    3   Acquisition

        On 25 October 2002, the group acquired 2 ordinary shares of #1 each in Pipeline Drillers Limited,
        being 100% of its nominal share capital for a consideration of #1,277,000 (including professional
        fees), satisfied by the issue of loan notes of #220,000, #800,000 in cash and deferred
        consideration of #233,000. The purchase has been accounted for by the acquisition method of
        accounting. The profit after taxation of Pipeline Drillers Limited for the period from 1 August
        2001, the beginning of the subsidiary's financial period, to the date of acquisition was
        #398,000. The profit after taxation for the year to 31 July 2001 was #118,000.

        The assets and liabilities of Pipeline Drillers Limited acquired were as follows:

                                                                                             Fair value

        Tangible fixed assets                                                                       168
        Current assets
        Stocks                                                                                       13
        Debtors                                                                                     315
        Deposits                                                                                    451
        Total assets                                                                                947

        Trade creditors                                                                             105
        Other creditors                                                                             186
        Accruals                                                                                     31
        Deferred taxation (asset)                                                                    (5)
        Total                                                                                       317
        liabilites                                                                                  -----

        Net assets                                                                                  630

        Purchased                                                                                   647

        Satisfied by:

        Cash                                                                                        800
        Loan notes                                                                                  220
        Deferred consideration                                                                      233
        Professional fees                                                                            24

        The directors consider that the book value of assets and liabilities acquired are not materially
        different from their fair value. The deferred consideration is contingent upon one of the two
        vendors of the business remaining in the employment of the group at the third anniversary of the
        completion of the acquisition.

        The subsidiary undertaking acquired during the year made the following contribution to, and
        utilisation of, group cash flow:

        Net cash outflow from operating activites                                                   (50)
        Servicing of finance                                                                          5
        Capital expenditure                                                                         (21)
        Management of liquid resources                                                               67
        Financing                                                                                    (1)
        Decrease in cash                                                                              -

        Net cash outflow in respect of the purchase of the subsidiary undertaking:

        Cash consideration                                                                         (800)
        Professional fees                                                                           (24)

        Turnover and operating

        The amounts shown for continuing operations include the following in respect of the acquisition
        of Pipeline Drillers Limited:
        Sales                                                                                       508
        Cost of                                                                                    (354)
        Operating expenses                                                                          (69)
        Operating profit                                                                             85

    4   Other operating income
                                                                       2003                        2002
                                                                      #'000                       #'000

        Income from property                                          3,063                       3,467
        Profit on disposal of land and                                    -                          69
        Profit on disposal of subsidiary                                  -                          16
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                      3,063                       3,552
                                                                       ------                       -----

    5   Tax on profit on ordinary activities
                                                                       2003                        2002
                                                                      #'000                       #'000

        The tax charge is based on the profit for the year and comprises:
        United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2002 : 30%)            1,041                       1,388
        Adjustments in respect of prior years                           (32)                         81
        Share of tax charge of joint ventures                           268                          23
        Share of tax charge of associates                                13                          45
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                      1,290                       1,537

        Deferred tax                                                    152                          32
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                      1,442                       1,569
                                                                       ------                       -----

        The tax assessed for the period is lower /(2002 : higher) than the standard rate of corporation
        tax in the United Kingdom.
        The differences are explained below:
                                                                       2003                        2002
                                                                      #'000                       #'000

        Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                 4,491                       4,205
        Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by standard rate     1,347                       1,261
        of corporation tax in the United Kingdom of 30% (2002 :

        Effects of:
        Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                        157                         162
        Non taxable sales in period                                    (166)                       (121)
        Capital allowances for period in excess of depreciation        (119)                         (6)
        Other short term timing differences                             (51)                         65
        Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous years          (32)                         81
        Losses not utilised                                             154                         125
        Difference in tax rates in joint ventures and associates          -                         (30)
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                       ------                       -----
        Current tax charge for the year                               1,290                       1,537
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                       ------                       -----

    6   Dividends
                                                                       2003                        2002
                                                                      #'000                       #'000

        Interim paid - 2.0p (2002 : 2.0p)                               416                         416
        Final proposed - 4.25p (2002 : 3.55p)                           884                         738
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                      1,300                       1,154
                                                                       ------                       -----

        Dividend record date : 3 October 2003.
        If the dividend is approved, warrants will be posted on Monday, 10 November 2003, and paid on
        Tuesday, 11 November 2003.

    7   Earnings per share

        The calculation of earnings per share (basic and fully diluted) is based on group profit after
        taxation and minority interests of #3,043,000 (2002 : #2,574,000) and the 20,800,000 ordinary
        shares of 25p in issue at 31 May 2003 and 31 May 2002. The number of shares used in the
        calculation has been reduced at 31 May 2003 for the 442,000 shares (2002 : 202,000) shares held
        in the Employee Share Trust.

        Basic earnings per share is 14.9p. The assumed conversion of dilutive options increases the
        number of shares by only 8,000 shares and so diluted earnings per share is also 14.9p.

    8   Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities:

                                                                       2003                        2002
                                                                      #'000                       #'000

        Operating profit                                              3,966                       4,694
        Depreciation charge                                           1,434                       1,648
        Amortisation of goodwill                                        289                         213
        Profit on sale of fixed assets                                  (96)                        (98)
        Amounts written back on cost of investment                     (350)                          -
        Amounts written off fixed assets investments                      -                          75
        Decrease in stocks and work in progress                       1,660                       4,967
        Increase in debtors                                          (4,502)                       (276)
        Increase / (decrease) in creditors                            3,348                      (4,034)
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                       ------                       -----
        Net cash inflow from operating activities                     5,749                       7,189
                                                                       ------                       -----
                                                                       ------                       -----

    9   Additional information

        (i) The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the company's
        statutory accounts for the years ended 31 May 2003 and 2002. The figures for year ended 31 May
        2003 and 31 May 2002 are extracted from the statutory accounts which contain an unqualified audit
        report and which did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act
        1985. The 31 May 2002 accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies, however, the 31
        May 2003 accounts are yet to be filed.

        (ii) The Annual General Meeting will be held at the company's offices at Brooks Lane, Middlewich,
        Cheshire at 12.00 noon on Friday, 7 November 2003. The full report will be posted to shareholders
        on 9 October 2003.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange