Pennine AIM VCT plc 
Half Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 July 2009 
Recent performance summary 
                                              2009     2009     2008 
                                            31 Jul   31 Jan   31 Jul 
                                             pence    Pence    pence 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share            34.8     33.6     44.1 
Cumulative distributions per Ordinary Share   88.1     88.1     88.1 
Total return per Ordinary Share              122.9    121.7    132.2 
Net asset value per 'D' Share                 84.8     86.4     86.7 
Cumulative dividends per 'D' Share             1.0      1.0      1.0 
Total return per 'D' Share                    85.8     87.4     87.7 
The six  months ended  31 July  2009  have seen  a change  in  market 
conditions with less volatility than we  have seen for some time  and 
steady increases  in  market indices  over  the latter  half  of  the 
period.  However, the general economic conditions continue to have  a 
negative impact  on many  company valuations  which has  resulted  in 
there being little movement in  your Company's net asset values  over 
the period. 
Net Asset Value 
At 31 July 2009, the Net Asset Value ("NAV") per Ordinary Share stood 
at 34.8p, an increase of 1.2p or 3.6% since 31 January 2009. 
The NAV per 'D' Share stood at  84.8p at 31 July 2009, a decrease  of 
1.6p or 1.9% since 31 January 2009. 
Venture capital investments 
Ordinary Share pool 
During the period, the  Ordinary Share pool  invested GBP55,000 in  two 
new investments and three  small follow-on investments.  GBP40,000  was 
invested  into  Financial  News   Publishing  Limited,  a   financial 
publisher which has arisen from  Sanastro plc, a previous  investment 
which had failed during the  period.  GBP13,000 was also invested  into 
Tristel plc, a manufacturer of infection control products. 
There have  been  a  small  number of  realisations  in  the  period. 
Clerkenwell Ventures  plc  was  unable to  find  suitable  restaurant 
businesses to acquire in line with its plans and returned most of its 
surplus funds to shareholders. The Ordinary Share portfolio  received 
GBP150,000, realising a gain of GBP24,000. 
Sanastro (as mentioned  above) and  Forward Media  Limited both  went 
into liquidation in  the period, producing  total realised losses  of 
Over the period the majority of the Ordinary Share pool's  AIM-quoted 
and main market investments showed small increases in value and there 
were no changes  to the valuation  of any of  the Company's  unquoted 
investments.  Unrealised gains for the six-months were GBP190,000. 
'D' Share pool 
During the period, the 'D' Share  pool invested a further GBP50,000  in 
Tristel plc. 
The 'D' Share pool had one  realisation, with cash being returned  by 
Clerkenwell Ventures  plc  as  described above.   The  pool  received 
proceeds of GBP73,000, realising a gain of GBP12,000. 
As with the Ordinary  Share pool, the  quoted investments within  the 
portfolio mostly increased in value.  However, a provision of GBP50,000 
was made against the unquoted investment in the Thames Club Limited. 
The Company has been refurbishing the health club it owns in Staines, 
which has  unsurprisingly reduced  trading performance  temporarily. 
Additionally, FSG  Security plc  was  placed into  administration  in 
August and  has therefore  been devalued  to GBPnil.   Overall the  'D' 
Share portfolio showed unrealised losses of GBP8,000. 
Details of both portfolios and movements thereon are shown below. 
Fixed income and other investments 
Ordinary Share pool 
The Ordinary Share  pool holds  a small  proportion of  its funds  in 
listed fixed income investments and hedge funds. The portfolio showed 
a small unrealised  gain over the  period of GBP18,000  and a  realised 
loss of GBP1,000. 
'D' Share pool 
The  'D'  Share  pool  holds   a  portfolio  of  non-VCT   qualifying 
investments which comprise of a gilt  and a FTSE index tracker.   The 
portfolio showed a small unrealised  loss over the period of  GBP29,000 
and a realised loss of GBP2,000.  The unrealised loss primarily  arises 
from the expectation of future rises in interest rates. 
Revenue and dividend 
The return  for  the period  was  GBP104,000 (2008  loss:  GBP1,178,000), 
comprising a revenue loss of GBP20,000 and a capital gain of GBP124,000. 
In line with the Company's normal practice, no interim dividend  will 
be paid for either class of share. 
Shares buybacks 
The Company has currently suspended its share buyback policy while it 
is in the process of cancelling its Share Premium account to create 
more distributable reserves.  Once this is complete, the Board will 
give consideration to the Company's future share buyback policy. 
Risk and uncertainties 
Under the Disclosure  and Transparency  Directive, the  Board is  now 
required in the Company's half  year results, to report on  principal 
risks and uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of  the 
financial year. 
The Board has concluded  that the key risks  facing the Company  over 
the remainder of the financial period are as follows: 
(i) investment risk associated with  investing in small and  immature 
businesses; and 
(ii) failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
In both cases the Board continues to be satisfied with the  Company's 
approach to  these  risks.   Although  the  Company  has  significant 
exposure to the  relatively immature  businesses quoted  on AIM,  the 
Company seeks to mitigate risk associated with this as far it can  by 
holding a well-diversified portfolio. 
The Company's  compliance with  the  VCT regulations  is  continually 
monitored by the Administration Manager, who regularly reports to the 
Board  on   the  current   position.    The  Company   also   retains 
PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and advice in  this 
area. The Board considers  that this approach reduces  the risk of  a 
breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level. 
Market indices have generally continued to rise since the period end, 
leading to small increases in the NAV of both the Ordinary Share  and 
D Shares.   However, despite  improved market  performance in  recent 
months, the FTSE AIM All-Share Index remains substantially below  its 
levels of  two  years ago.   Accordingly  the Board  believes  it  is 
unrealistic to expect  the Company's Ordinary  Share pool to  recover 
the ground it has lost in the short or medium-term. 
The 'D' Share pool raised its  funds approximately two and half  year 
ago and has  not been so  badly affected by  the declining  markets. 
This pool  may be  in a  better position  to benefit  from  improving 
The Board is conscious that, with net assets of less than GBP7 million, 
the Company is small for a VCT. As a result, running costs are now at 
their maximum level of 3.5% of net asset per annum, with any surplus 
costs being borne by the Investment and Administration Managers. The 
Board is considering options for the future of the Company that can 
reduce the burden of annual running costs on Shareholders and meet 
other Shareholder requirements such as strong dividend and share 
buyback policies.  Naturally, I shall be in touch with Shareholders 
if and when there are any significant developments. 
Hugh Gillespie 
28 September 2009 
as at 31 July 2009 
                                                      As at     As at 
                                                31 Jul 2008    31 Jan 
                         As at 31 Jul 2009                       2009 
                      Ordinary    'D' 
                        Shares Shares   Total         Total     Total 
                         GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000 
Investments              3,795  1,773   5,568         8,083     6,576 
Current assets 
Debtors                     41     27      68            78       116 
Cash at  bank and  in      732    619   1,351           217       211 
                           773    646   1,419           295       327 
Creditors:    amounts 
falling                   (18)   (13)    (31)          (83)      (51) 
due within one year 
Net current assets         755    633   1,388           212       276 
Net assets               4,550  2,406   6,956         8,295     6,852 
Capital and reserves 
Called    up    share    1,308    284   1,592         1,607     1,592 
Capital    redemption      299      -     299           284       299 
Special reserve              -  2,396   2,396             -     2,396 
Share premium account    4,984      -   4,984         7,380     4,984 
Capital   reserve   -      959   (71)     888         2,171     1,724 
Investment    holding  (3,696)  (205) (3,901)       (3,896)   (4,861) 
Revenue reserve          (492)      2   (490)         (490)     (470) 
Merger reserve           1,188      -   1,188         1,239     1,188 
Equity  shareholders'    4,550  2,406   6,956         8,295     6,852 
Net asset value per: 
Ordinary Share           34.8p                        44.1p     33.6p 
'D' Share                       84.8p                 86.7p     86.4p 
                                 31 Jul 2009         31 Jul    31 Jan 
                                                       2008      2009 
                            Ordinary    'D' 
                              Shares Shares Total     Total     Total 
                               GBP'000  GBP'000 GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening Shareholders' funds    4,403  2,449 6,852    10,063    10,063 
Repurchase of own shares           -      -     -     (162)     (213) 
Total            recognised      147   (43)   104   (1,178)   (2,570) 
gains/(losses)   for    the 
Dividends paid in period           -      -     -     (428)     (428) 
Closing Shareholders' funds    4,550  2,406 6,956     8,295     6,852 
for the six months ended 31 July 2009 
                                              Six months ended 
                                                31 Jul 2009 
                                         Revenue   Capital    Total 
Company position                           GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income                                        77         -       77 
Gains/(losses) on investments                  -       153      153 
                                              77       153      230 
Investment management fees                  (10)      (29)     (39) 
Other expenses                              (87)         -     (87) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities        (20)       124      104 
Taxation                                       -         -        - 
Return/(loss)  attributable  to   Equity    (20)       124      104 
Return per Ordinary Share                 (0.1p)      1.2p     1.1p 
Return per 'D' Share                      (0.2p)    (1.3p)   (1.5p) 
                                  Six months ended         Year ended 
                                     31 Jul 2008         31 Jan  2009 
                             Revenue   Capital     Total     Total 
Company position               GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000 
Income                           112         -       112          234 
Gains/(losses)            on       -   (1,084)   (1,084)      (2,495) 
                                 112   (1,084)     (972)      (2,261) 
Investment management fees      (22)      (66)      (88)         (90) 
Other expenses                 (115)       (3)     (118)        (219) 
Return/(loss)  on   ordinary    (25)   (1,153)   (1,178)      (2,570) 
Taxation                           -         -         -            - 
Return/(loss)   attributable    (25)   (1,153)   (1,178)      (2,570) 
to Equity Shareholders 
Return per Ordinary Share     (0.1p)    (7.5p)    (7.6p)      (18.0p) 
Return per 'D' Share          (0.4p)    (5.0p)    (5.4p)       (5.8p) 
Split as: 
                                              Six months ended 
                                                 31 Jul 2009 
                                          Revenue   Capital   Total 
                                            GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Ordinary Shares 
Income                                         49         -      49 
Gains/(losses) on investments                   -       180     180 
                                               49       180     229 
Investment management fees                    (6)      (19)    (25) 
Other expenses                               (57)         -    (57) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities         (14)       161     147 
Taxation                                        -         -       - 
Return/(loss)  attributable   to   Equity    (14)       161     147 
                                  Six months ended         Year ended 
                                     31 Jul 2008         31 Jan  2009 
                             Revenue   Capital     Total    Total 
Ordinary Shares                GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000 
Income                            83         -        83          162 
Gains/(losses)            on       -     (963)     (963)      (2,356) 
                                  83     (963)     (880)      (2,194) 
Investment management fees      (16)      (48)      (64)         (61) 
Other expenses                  (79)       (2)      (81)        (151) 
Return/(loss)  on   ordinary    (12)   (1,013)   (1,025)      (2,406) 
Taxation                           -         -         -            - 
Return/(loss)   attributable    (12)   (1,013)   (1,025)      (2,406) 
to Equity Shareholders 
                                             Six months ended 
                                                31 Jul 2009 
                                         Revenue   Capital   Total 
                                           GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
'D' Shares 
Income                                        28         -      28 
Losses on investments                          -      (27)    (27) 
                                              28      (27)       1 
Investment management fees                   (4)      (10)    (14) 
Other expenses                              (30)         -    (30) 
Loss on ordinary activities                  (6)      (37)    (43) 
Taxation                                       -         -       - 
Loss attributable to Equity Shareholders     (6)      (37)    (43) 
                                   Six months ended        Year ended 
                                      31 Jul 2008        31 Jan  2009 
                               Revenue   Capital   Total      Total 
'D' Shares                       GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000 
Income                              29         -      29           72 
Losses on investments                -     (121)   (121)        (139) 
                                    29     (121)    (92)         (67) 
Investment management fees         (6)      (18)    (24)         (29) 
Other expenses                    (36)       (1)    (37)         (68) 
Loss on ordinary activities       (13)     (140)   (153)        (164) 
Taxation                             -         -       -            - 
Loss  attributable  to  Equity    (13)     (140)   (153)        (164) 
for the six months ended 31 July 2009 
                          Six months ended     Six months        Year 
                             31 Jul 2009            ended       ended 
                     Ordinary     'D'         31 Jul 2008 31 Jan 2009 
                       Shares   Share   Total 
                   Note GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Net cash outflow 
from operating      1     (1)    (13)    (14)        (19) 
activities                                                       (71) 
Purchase of              (55)    (50)   (105)     (2,517)     (2,779) 
Proceeds on               595     670   1,265       3,295       3,647 
disposal of 
Net cash inflow           540     620   1,160         778         868 
from capital 
Equity dividends            -       -       -       (430)       (428) 
Net cash inflow before    539     607   1,146         329         369 
Purchase  of   own        (6)       -     (6)       (162)       (208) 
Net cash outflow from     (6)       -     (6)       (162)       (208) 
Increase in cash    2     533     607   1,140         167         161 
Notes to the  cash 
flow statement: 
1    Cash (outflow)/inflow from 
operating activities 
Return/(loss) on 
ordinary activities       147    (43)     104     (1,178)     (2,570) 
before taxation 
(Gains)/losses on       (180)      27   (153)       1,084       2,495 
Decrease in other          35      13      48          79          46 
Decrease in 
accruals and              (3)    (10)    (13)                    (42) 
deferred income                                       (4) 
Net cash outflow 
from operating            (1)    (13)    (14)        (19)        (71) 
2    Analysis of 
net funds 
Beginning       of        199      12     211          50          50 
Net cash inflow           533     607   1,140         167         161 
End of period             732     619   1,351         217         211 
as at 31 July 2009 
                                          gain/(loss) in         % of 
ORDINARY SHARE POOL      Cost  Valuation     the  period    portfolio 
                         GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000 
Top ten venture capital 
Connaught plc **            40       575              29        12.7% 
Spice plc **               249       323            (31)         7.1% 
Cadbury House Limited *    289       289               -         6.4% 
FDM Group plc              200       282              90         6.2% 
Synergy Health plc **      145       240              45         5.3% 
Hoole Hall Country  Club   200       200               -         4.4% 
Holdings Limited * 
Aero Inventory plc         230       167            (26)         3.7% 
Ludorum plc                 63       131              66         2.9% 
Interserve plc **          102       118               -         2.6% 
Straight plc               179       107              51         2.4% 
                         1,697     2,432             224        53.7% 
Other venture capital    5,067       664            (34)        14.7% 
Other investments          727       699              18        15.4% 
Total investments        7,491     3,795             208        83.8% 
Cash at bank and in hand             732                        16.2% 
Total investments                  4,527                       100.0% 
(including cash) 
Top ten venture capital 
Animalcare Group plc       101       147               9         6.1% 
Tristel plc                113       112               8         4.7% 
IS Pharma plc              100       103              19         4.3% 
Cadbury House Limited *    100       100               -         4.2% 
Ludorum plc                 35        72              37         3.0% 
Hoole Hall Country  Club    50        50               -         2.1% 
Holdings Limited * 
Hoole   Hall   Spa   and    50        50               -         2.1% 
Leisure Limited * 
The Thames Club  Limited   100        50            (50)         2.1% 
Plastics Capital plc       100        25             (5)         1.1% 
Clerkenwell Ventures plc     9         5             (2)         0.2% 
                           758       714              16        29.9% 
Other venture capital      100         -            (24)            - 
Other investments 
Treasury 8% Stock 2009     531       575            (19)        24.0% 
Barclays Bank FTSE 155%                             (10)        20.2% 
16/03/2012                 589       484 
Total investments        1,978     1,773            (37)        74.1% 
Cash at bank and in hand             619                        25.9% 
Total        investments           2,392                       100.0% 
(including cash) 
All venture capital investments are listed on AIM unless otherwise 
* Unquoted 
** Listed on London Stock Exchange Main Market 
for the six months ended 31 July 2009 
                                  Ordinary Share pool Share pool 
                                                GBP'000      GBP'000 
Venture Capital investments 
Financial News Publishing Limited                  40          - 
Tristel plc                                        13         50 
Sundry investments                                  2          - 
Total                                              55         50 
                          value at                              Total 
                        1 February Disposal Profit/(loss)    realised 
                   Cost     2009 * proceeds       vs cost gain/(loss) 
                  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Partial disposal 
Ludorum plc           2          2        4             2           2 
Ventures plc        158        126      150           (8)          24 
Liquidations        788         53        -         (788)        (53) 
Barclays Bank plc 
GAM Diversity 
Tracker             108         93       93          (15)           - 
Treasury  4% 
Stock 07/03/09      346        349      348             2         (1) 
                  1,402        623      595         (807)        (28) 
Ventures plc         77         61       73           (4)          12 
Treasury  4% 
Stock 07/03/09      593        599      597             4         (2) 
                    670        660      670             -          10 
* After adjusting for purchases in the period. 
1. The unaudited half yearly results cover the six months to 31  July 
2009  and  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  Statement   of 
Recommended  Practice  "Financial  Statements  of  Investment   Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital  Trusts" revised January 2009  ("SORP") 
and in  accordance  with  the  accounting policies  set  out  in  the 
statutory accounts for  the year  ended 31 January  2009, which  were 
prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP"). 
2. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive  from 
continuing operations. 
3. The Company has only one class of business and derives its  income 
from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
4. The comparative  figures were in  respect of the  period ended  31 
July 2008 and the year ended 31 January 2009 respectively. 
5. Net Asset Value per share calculations are based on the following: 
                                        Ordinary Shares   'D' Shares 
Net Asset Value per share based on: 
Net Assets (GBP'000)                                4,550        2,406 
Number of shares in issue at period end      13,086,372    2,836,269 
6. Return per share calculations are based on the following: 
                                         Ordinary Shares   'D' Shares 
Revenue loss per share based on: 
Net revenue loss after taxation (GBP'000)             (14)          (6) 
Capital return per share based on: 
Net capital gain/(loss) for the period               161         (37) 
Weighted average number of shares in          13,086,372    2,836,269 
7. Dividends 
Paid in the period        31 Jul 2009          31 Jan 2009 
                   Revenue   Capital   Total         Total 
                     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000 
Ordinary Shares: 
2008 Final - 1.0p        -         -       -           400 
'D' Shares: 
2008 Final - 1.0p        -         -       -            28 
8. Reserves 
                  Capital Special   Share  Capital Investment Revenue  Merger 
               redemption reserve premium  reserve    holding reserve reserve 
                  reserve         account        -     losses 
                    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
At 1 February         299   2,396   4,984    1,724    (4,861)   (470)   1,188 
Capital                 -       -       -     (29)          -       -       - 
Gains/(losses)          -       -       -     (18)        171       -       - 
on investments 
Transfer                -       -       -    (789)        789       -       - 
Retained net            -       -       -        -          -    (20)       - 
At 31 July            299   2,396   4,984      888    (3,901)   (490)   1,188 
The Special Reserve, Capital Reserve  - Realised, the Merger  Reserve 
and the  Revenue Reserve  are all  distributable. Investment  Holding 
Losses Reserve included losses of GBP3,901,000 which are distributable. 
Reserves available for  distribution at  the period  end amounted  to 
9.  The  unaudited  financial  statements  set  out  herein  do   not 
constitute statutory accounts  within the meaning  of Section 240  of 
the Companies Act 1985 and have  not been delivered to the  Registrar 
of Companies.  The figures  for the year ended  31 January 2009  have 
been extracted from  the financial  statements for  that year,  which 
have been  delivered to  the Registrar  of Companies;  the  auditors' 
report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
10.The Directors confirm that,  to the best  of their knowledge,  the 
half-yearly financial  statements have  been prepared  in  accordance 
with the "Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the  UK 
Accounting Standards  Board  and  the  half-yearly  financial  report 
includes a fair review of the information required by: 
a) DTR  4.2.7R of  the Disclosure  and Transparency  Rules, being  an 
indication of important  events that have  occurred during the  first 
six months of the  financial year and their  impact on the  condensed 
set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks 
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and 
b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related 
party transactions that have taken place  in the first six months  of 
the current  financial year  and that  have materially  affected  the 
financial position or performance of  the entity during that  period, 
and any changes in  the related party  transactions described in  the 
last annual report that could do so. 
11.Copies of the unaudited half yearly financial reports will be sent 
to Shareholders  shortly. Further  copies can  be obtained  from  the 
Company's Registered Office and will  be available for download  from 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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