The information contained within this
announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside
information as stipulated under the UK Market Abuse
4 February 2025
Panthera Resources Plc
("Panthera" or "the
Maiden JORC Mineral Resource Estimate
for the Kalaka Project
Gold exploration and development
company Panthera Resources Plc (AIM:PAT), with gold assets in West
Africa and India, is pleased to announce the maiden JORC compliant
Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the K1A deposit at the Kalaka
project located in Mali (the "Kalaka Project").
Maiden Statement of Mineral Resource Estimate (JORC 2012) for
gold at the K1A deposit in the Kalaka Project
Inferred MRE of 49.9 million tonnes at a grade of 0.50 g/t Au
for 803,000 ounces of gold (0.3 g/t Au cut-off)
Statement of
Kalaka K1A Deposit Mineral Resources
Oxide and
· The
Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with the JORC code,
2012 Edition
· Mineral Resources stated using a cut-off of 0.3 g/t
· Mineral Resources have not been constrained within an
Economical Pit Shell
· Figures have been rounded to the appropriate level of
precision for the reporting Mineral Resources
· Due to
rounding, some columns or rows may not compute exactly as
Mark Bolton, Managing Director of
Panthera, commented:
"The 2024
drilling programme at the Kalaka Project has added substantial
value to the Company's West African gold portfolio leveraging
shareholders exposure to record gold prices.
The maiden
MRE of 803,000 ounces at K1A deposit exhibits good continuity, is
near surface and approximately 180 metres wide. Furthermore,
preliminary metallurgical testing in 2024 delivered excellent
results for both the oxide and sulphide ores.
The Kalaka
Project holds the potential for a large-scale, low-grade gold
development either by conventional CIL mill or heap leach
processing. Further drilling to the north-east of the K1A
deposit MRE has the potential to deliver a multi-million-ounce
deposit with the K1A deposit being only one of
eleven priority
exploration prospects within the Kalaka Project
The Company has assembled an extensive and
diverse portfolio of gold projects in West Africa (Figure 1), a
region that is now the largest gold producing region globally.
In Mali, the Company operates the Kalaka and the Bassala
The project is located in southeast Mali,
between Morila and Syama gold mines and is approximately 260 km
southeast of Bamako. It lies approximately 80 km south of the
Morila gold mine (8m oz) and 85 km northwest of Resolute's Syama
gold mine (6m oz) and is situated adjacent and to the east of the
regional Banifin Shear Zone.

Figure 1: West Africa
Regional Geology Plan showing Panthera Project
The primary mineralisation at the K1A deposit,
is associated with an intrusive tonalite / micro granodiorite in
contact with altered metasediments. The alteration envelope
is dominantly characterized by silica-feldspar flooding and
sulphide mineralisation.
Resources Estimate
A considerable gold system has been identified
at the K1A deposit at the Kalaka Project and this announcement
reports on the publication of the maiden MRE (JORC
Following a recent review of all information on
Kalaka Project, the Company commissioned its consultants Dr
Schadrac Ibrango and Ian S Cooper who both qualify as Competent
Persons as defined in the 2012 Edition of the "Australasian Code
for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves" (the "JORC Code" or "JORC") to complete an estimate of
mineral resources at the K1A deposit. Dr Schadrac Ibrango is the
Company's Consulting Geologist Manager for Burkina Faso and Ian S
Cooper is the Company's Consultant for West Africa.
This report stems from a review of the
Company's results from recent test work on drill samples that
provided encouragement that this low grade, large gold system might
respond well to conventional extraction technologies. This
step of reporting a maiden MRE and especially in the formal
reporting of upside potential as exploration targets, is expected
to allow the Company to consider various options for future work,
including additional metallurgical testing to confirm the Kalaka
Project's possible commercial viability in a high gold price
The Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) as
reported in the table below has been reported at a 0.3 g/t Au
Statement of Kalaka K1A Deposit Mineral
Oxide and
· The
Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with the JORC code,
2012 Edition
· Mineral Resources stated using a cut-off of 0.3 g/t
· Mineral Resources have not been constrained within an
Economical Pit Shell
· Figures have been rounded to the appropriate level of
precision for the reporting Mineral Resources
· Due to
rounding, some columns or rows may not compute exactly as
The MRE has been constrained to maximum depths
varying between 150 m and 290 m below surface and widths between
100 m and 180 m depending on the location on the wireframe defined
to constrain the estimates (Figures 2 and 3). The MRE has not been
constrained within an Economical Pit Shell at this stage of the
project development.
The resource has been defined using circa 47
reverse circulation and 21 diamond drill holes, in addition
preliminary metallurgical testing has also been completed
supporting the potential economic viability of the
The full unedited JORC compliant Mineral
Resource Estimate document titled "Resource Estimate for the K1A
Deposit, Kalaka Project, Mali" is available for viewing
The maiden MRE extends approximately 1.0 km
along strike with a width of 180 m at the surface and 160 m at base
of the resource envelope (Figures 2 and 3).
These ore body dimensions at the cut-off grade
at which the resources are reported reflects an intended
bulk-mining approach and a CIL plant. The use of a 0.10 g/t
cut-off, given the very high current gold price, would deliver
about 1 million ounces and this may be an option if a Heap Leach
approach is considered for treatment (Graph 1 below).
Open pit bulk mining offers several significant
advantages in material transport and processing, reducing labour
costs and time required for operations. This leads to lower
operating costs and increased profitability while the
cost-effectiveness of open pit mining allows for the economic
extraction of lower grade ores such as at the K1A

Figure 2: Plan view of wireframe
modelled to constraint the Kalaka Project MRE with the location of
section in Figure 3 shown in red
Figure 3: Typical
Sectional View with block grades

Graph 1: Grade/Ounces Curve using
different Cut-offs Parameters
Metallurgical testing completed by
the Company included Leachwell testing and Bottle Roll
Metallurgical testing to determine if the ore was amenable to
conventional cyanide (CN) metallurgical processing methods.
These initial tests confirmed that the Kalaka Project ore is
non-refractory and amenable to simple cyanide leaching with likely
good recoveries.
The Leachwell test work results
announced on 6 February 2024 indicated that CN extractable gold for
the near surface oxide samples reported on average 87% recovery,
transitional zone samples reported on average 90% recovery and
unoxidized, sulphide-bearing samples reported on average
The Bottle Roll Metallurgical
testing of drill core samples announced on 13 June 2024, showed
recoveries between 67% and 88%, a positive result for the coarse
size tested (minus 10mm). All samples tested showed
relatively fast cyanide leaching with most gold extracted within 12
hours of leaching.
Further steps in a future
metallurgical work programme would include larger-scale leaching to
test if this mineralisation might be able to be processed using the
cheaper heap leach approach. If this were to prove positive,
the potential for future development of the Kalaka Project and any
further similar and adjacent discoveries, would be
K1A deposit
In addition to the mineralisation as
defined in the MRE at the K1A deposit, the Company completed a
review of exploration data including the historical drilling data
at the Kalaka Project. Importantly, the Company is yet to
drill the northern extension of the mineralisation at the K1A
deposit as interpreted from its geophysical and soil geochemical
surveys (Figures 4 and 5). For the northern extension of the K1A
deposit geophysical anomaly the soil geochemistry that initially
identified the K1A deposit, is masked by the flood plain sediments
of a drainage system. This exploration target together with several
similar targets in the Kalaka Project area (Figure 6) taken
together would potentially expand the exploration target to a range
of approximately 3 to 5 Moz of gold.

Figure 4: K1A deposit with northern and
eastern exploration targets highlighted by background image of IP
chargeability anomaly with gold in soil

Figure 5: K1A deposit with northern and
eastern exploration targets highlighted by background image of
airborne Electro Magnetic (EM) survey image showing the Channel 34
anomaly with gold in soil geochemistry.
Regional Exploration Potential
Several regional exploration
programmes including geophysics and geochemical techniques have
identified eleven priority exploration prospects (Figure 6) and in
particular, the K1B, K1C and the Southern Artisanal

Figure 6: Exploration targets in the
Kalaka Project tenement area
On the eastern side of the Kalaka
Project in the K1B prospect, highlighted by soil geochemistry,
sporadic but high gold assays were returned in the rotary air blast
drilling and follow up reverse circulation drilling over a strike
length of at least 2 km and occurring on a structural discontinuity
between conductive and resistive geophysical domains. The eastern
most drill hole at the Kalaka Project, air core hole K1BAC001 ended
in mineralisation with a metre at 17.7 g/t Au (the bottom 22 metres
of the hole was anomalous in gold with values ranging from 0.92 g/t
Au to 0.1 g/t Au).
The K1C prospect was identified from
soil geochemistry and is located at the southern end of an IP
chargeability response. Like the northern extension of the K1A
geophysical anomaly (Figure 4) the soil geochemistry at K1C is
masked by the flood plain sediments of a drainage system. Three RC
drill holes on the southern section (only two sections were
drilled) returned significant intersections. K1RC7 intersected 11m
at 0.89 g/t Au within a lower grade intersection of 33 metres
length. A near surface intersection of 11 metres in hole K1RC8
returned 0.59 g/t Au (hole K1RC8A was abandoned at shallow depth
but was anomalous in the top 6 metres). A diamond drill hole,
K1CD002, located 220 metres northeast of the RC hole reported three
intersections of 8m, 12m and 3m with gold values in the range 0.1
g/t to 3.0 g/t.
At the southern Artisanal workings
prospect, inspection in the field shows that the earlier AC
drilling did not test the prospect, those holes were on 50 m
centres so only provides spot wide spaced data, with the holes
drilled to a maximum depth of 5 to 10 m, straight into hard rock
(drill refusal) so the main working trends (Panthera have mapped
the workings in detail) were not tested.
Resources PLC
Mark Bolton (Managing
+61 411 220 942
Allenby Capital
Limited (Nominated Adviser & Joint
+44 (0) 20 3328 5656
John Depasquale / Vivek Bhardwaj (Corporate
Guy McDougall / Kelly Gardiner
VSA Capital
Limited (Joint
+44 (0) 20 3005 5000
Andrew Monk / Andrew Raca
Securities Limited (Joint
+44 (0) 20 7399 9400
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The technical information contained in this
disclosure has been read and approved by Ian S Cooper (BSc, ARSM,
FAusIMM, FGS), who is a qualified geologist and acts as the
Qualified Person under the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil
& Gas Companies. Mr Cooper is a geological consultant to
Panthera Resources PLC.
The technical information contained in this
disclosure has been read and approved by Dr Schadrac
Ibrango who is a Member of the Ordre des Geologues du
Quebec (OGQ - Canada) and of the Professional Engineers and
Geoscientists of Newfound Lands and Labrador (PEGNL - Canada), is a
qualified geologist and acts as the Qualified Person under the AIM
Rules - Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies.
Dr Schadrac Ibrango is a geological consultant
to Panthera Resources PLC.
The chemical element for
Bottle Roll:
Metallurgical test providing an
initial evaluation of ore leachability
Carbon in Leach is a metallurgical
process for extracting gold from ore through the dissolution of
gold particles into a cyanide solution and their subsequent
adsorption onto activated carbon
Ore processing facility used in the
mining industry to extract valuable products from ore
Diamond Core
Diamond core drilling uses a diamond cutting
bit, which rotates at the end of a steel rod (tube) allowing for a
solid column of rock to be recovered from the tube at the
Economic Pit Shell:
Constraining the calculated mineral
resource estimate within a commercially viable open pit
Grammes per Tonne
Heap Leach:
Metallurgical process where ore is
placed in a heap and sprayed with a chemical solution to extract
the desired metals
Induced polarization (IP) is a
geophysical imaging technique used to identify the electrical
chargeability of subsurface materials
JORC or JORC Code:
Australasian Code for Reporting of
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' of December 2012 ("JORC Code")
as prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of the Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Terms including Measured,
Indicated and Inferred Resources as defined therein
Kilometre (Metric)
Thousand ounces (Troy)
A proprietary reagent for cyanide
leach gold assaying allowing for large sample testing
Metres (Metric)
Million Ounces (Troy)
Million Tonnes (Metric)
Ounces (Troy)
Net Smelter Return (NSR) is the net
revenue that the owner of a mining property receives from the sale
of the mine's metal products less transportation and refining
Reverse Circulation drilling, or RC
drilling, uses rods with inner and outer tubes, the drill cuttings
are returned to surface inside the rods. The drilling mechanism is
a pneumatic reciprocating piston known as a hammer driving a
tungsten-steel drill bit
Forward-looking Statements
This news release contains
forward-looking statements that are based on the Company's current
expectations and estimates. Forward-looking statements are
frequently characterised by words such as "plan", "expect",
"project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate",
"suggest", "indicate" and other similar words or statements that
certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Such
forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or
results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events
or results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements.
Such factors include, among others: the actual results of current
exploration activities; conclusions of economic evaluations;
changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined;
possible variations in ore grade or recovery rates; accidents,
labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; delays in
obtaining governmental approvals or financing; and fluctuations in
metal prices. There may be other factors that cause actions, events
or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Any
forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is
made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws,
the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any
forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information,
future events or results or otherwise. Forward-looking statements
are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly, undue
reliance should not be put on such statements due to the inherent
uncertainty therein.