For RNS Release 
   30(th) June 2015 
   Oxford Technology 3 Venture Capital Trust Plc 
   Announcement for the year ended 28 February 2015 
   Headlines for the Year 
   -- Net asset value per share at the year end was 95.6p (compared to 98.3p at 
      28 February 2014) 
   -- The net assets at 28 February 2015 were GBP6.48m (GBP6.67m) 
   -- HMRC issues resolved successfully 
   -- New Common Board Structure announced 
   -- Manager's fee reduced to 1% 
   -- Performance fee threshold hurdle now subject to escalation 
   Financial Headlines 
                                                    Year Ended              Year Ended 
                                                  28 February 2015    28 February 2014 
  Net Assets at Year End                                 GBP6.48m             GBP6.67m 
  Net Asset Value per Share                                 95.6p                98.3p 
Cumulative Dividend                                         10.0p                10.0p 
NAV + Cumulative Dividend 
Paid from Incorporation                                    105.6p               108.3p 
Share Price at Year End                                     72.5p                  65p 
Earnings Per Share 
 (Basic & Diluted)                                         (2.7)p                 1.0p 
   Chairman's Statement 
   I am pleased to be writing my first report to shareholders as your 
   Your company's net asset value per share at year end is down 2.7p at 
95.6p and the total return per share since the initial 2002 flotation is 
down 2.7p at 105.6p from the values at the beginning of the year. The 
main reason for the small decrease was due to an accrual for the 
performance fee under the terms of the original prospectus. I will 
discuss this and underlying financial performance later. 
   Ongoing VCT Status 
   This time last year the main concern was the threatened loss of our VCT 
status. HMRC had considered that an earlier purchase of shares in 
Scancell Holdings Plc to be in breach of VCT rules. Following corrective 
action, your Company's holding in Scancell is now as it was prior to 
July 2013.  The corrective action undertaken resulted in no financial 
gain or loss to the VCT. I am pleased to report that this issue has been 
resolved and HMRC have confirmed that VCT status was retained throughout 
the year. 
   I would place on record my thanks to the Manager, his staff and all the 
Oxford Technology VCTs directors for their collective, vigorous and 
ultimately successful efforts in getting VCT status retained. I would 
specifically like to mention the outstanding work done by Joseph Hage 
Aaronson LLP for their legal work at no cost to your VCT. 
   In August last year changes in governance were put in place whereby a 
clear segregation of duties between Board and Manager was achieved by 
Lucius Cary not seeking re-election. A comprehensive and transparent 
nomination process for seeking new NED candidates had been put in place 
using an ad hoc independent committee comprising an institutional 
shareholder, a representative from ShareSoc and a private shareholder 
with an HR background. 
   As a result of that process, I was appointed to the Board and re-elected 
at the last AGM. At the same time Richard Vessey stood down as Chairman 
but remained a valued director on your Board. I would also like to thank 
Lucius Cary for his long service as director of your company. 
   The Board has reviewed all internal governance procedures to avoid the 
possibility of further breaches of VCT rules. We have worked with the 
Manager to upgrade policies and procedures in this area and have closely 
reviewed the outcomes. 
   HMRC were satisfied with this work and with the revised governance 
procedure of a clear segregation of Board and Manager's 
responsibilities. The Directors now have a review and update on VCT 
compliance as the first item on the agenda for their quarterly meetings. 
This closes a difficult period in your company's history but we can now 
move forward with greater confidence for shareholders who still have all 
their tax reliefs preserved and without reduction in their net assets. 
   Financial Performance & Investment Portfolio 
   Without the performance fee accrual of GBP95,000 or 1.4p per share, 
Oxford Technology 3 VCT Plc's ("OT3") NAV performance was basically 
unchanged over the year. 
   The stated policy of the VCT, which has been fully invested for some 
time, is to exit from investee companies once the technology development 
and/or the business model has been proved and the companies have floated 
or become saleable. Profits from sales on exits will be returned to 
shareholders along with original investment by way of dividends subject 
to retaining sufficient funds to pay ongoing running costs of the VCT 
and to support existing investee companies. During the last year no 
exits were achieved. 
   Telegesis is our largest holding by value. The company has increased 
sales and we have increased our valuation accordingly. 
   Our second largest holding by value is Scancell which is quoted on AIM. 
We are a 2.0% shareholder with no representation on their board. Their 
board has announced that the company is up for sale and are engaged in 
preliminary discussions with several companies under confidentiality 
agreements. The result of these discussions could lead to an outright 
sale or to licensing deals. If no agreements are reached by the end of 
2015 Scancell will need to consider funding for 2016 and beyond. Your 
Board is monitoring this situation closely. 
   Another of our companies appointed a sales agent last year and received 
an offer from a third party buyer. After close consideration by the VCT 
and the investee company board, the offer was rejected as being too low. 
The investee is cash rich and profitable and we anticipate that it will 
shortly begin paying dividends. At the same time the company is 
developing its market position which may lead to a more attractive and 
realistic offer being made in 2 or 3 years' time. 
   None of our other remaining unquoted investee companies is currently 
ready for an optimum sale. The Manager is being pressed by the Directors 
to find profitable exits for as many as possible by the end of 2017. We 
will update shareholders on progress of this initiative. 
   We made no top up investment in any of our existing portfolio companies. 
We will consider any investee company requests for additional funds on 
their merits for further investment or as a potential opportunity to 
make some realisations.  Since year end we have received one request 
which, subject to due diligence, we anticipate approving. 
   We have not invested in any new companies. During the year Abzena (a new 
company formed by a merger with Polytherics which in turn had previously 
acquired our initial investee Warwick Effect Polymers) floated on AIM at 
over twice our carrying cost. The directors have been considering 
whether Abzena, as a listed company, has any near term value inflection 
points or whether the time for realisation is approaching. Since year 
end we have chosen to sell 41% of our holding in Abzena at above our 
year end carrying price to be able to support another of our investee 
companies in its final round of fundraising. 
   So to sum up the financial performance, there has been an increase in 
the value of the portfolio of GBP117k.  The major increases are 
Telegesis up GBP425k and Abzena up GBP150k offset by a lower Scancell 
bid price GBP111k and a more cautious valuation of Ixaris GBP315k to 
reflect the last fundraising round and slightly lower sales. Also 
Insense has been written down by GBP44k after spin outs of some of its 
component parts. 
   Shareholders should be aware that the valuation of Glide our fourth 
largest investment is very dependent on continuing satisfactory 
performance. In the February 2013 fund raising Investec subscribed to a 
tranche of preference shares which rank above our equity. A downturn in 
performance could lead to a disproportionate decrease in the value of 
our equity. We have applied a discount to our valuations to reflect this 
   The Directors note the fund's flat performance this year. The technology 
area in which we are primarily invested has not yet produced the returns 
seen by more generalist VCT funds. Since 2002 the total return of 
dividends paid to shareholders plus remaining NAV is 105.6p. The 
Directors consider this long term performance to be very disappointing. 
As a result the Directors have been considering all ways of increasing 
fund performance both by profitable exits and by reducing costs. 
   Management Fees 
   In the light of the fully invested nature of OT3, which is now in its 
14(th) year, your Directors have considered the level of ongoing 
management fees. The existing fee arrangement covered a range of 
responsibilities, some of which are no longer applicable, such as 
regularly considering and reviewing new investment opportunities. In 
conjunction with further changes outlined below that improve the board 
structure and improve the Company's corporate governance, the Board 
renegotiated the ongoing management fees from 2% (of which recently 1.5% 
has been paid out while 0.5% has been deferred) to a reduced rate of 
1.0% per annum. At the same time we have agreed to pay off the deferred 
management fee balance of GBP141,000 over the next 3 years. 
   We have also reconfirmed that the annual regular running costs 
(excluding directors' fees and any performance fees payable) are subject 
to a cap of 3.0% of the Company's net assets. Any running costs in 
excess of this are borne by Oxford Technology Management. The new 
arrangements start from 1 March 2015. 
   Performance Fees 
   The existing OT3 performance fee structure saw Oxford Technology 
Management, past and current directors sharing in 20% of the returns 
achieved beyond 100p.  Thus taking into account dividends paid to date 
of 10.0p, there was a net target as at 28 February 2015 of 90.0p. Since 
our NAV on that date was above the net target, we have accrued for a 
potential performance fee liability in this year's accounts. 
   As outlined below, the Board is optimistic about the potential for 
increasing shareholder value.  However Directors are of the view that it 
would be inappropriate for the existing performance fee structure to 
remain, as it would reward performance that, in terms of annual return 
on investment, is actually relatively low.  The Board has therefore 
negotiated with relevant parties and agreed that a compound annual 6% 
increase shall be applied retrospectively to the performance threshold 
from the end of the tenth year of full trading following the year of the 
first major allotment under the original OT3 prospectus, namely 1 March 
2013.  In recognition of dividends paid, actual returns to shareholders 
will be subtracted from the compounding threshold in the year these are 
   This will maintain the purpose of the performance fee as an appropriate 
and achievable incentive for Oxford Technology Management (who would 
receive three quarters of any performance fee payable) to maximise 
shareholder value, yet also ensure that the performance threshold cannot 
be 'inflated away' over time.  The level of the performance fee remains 
at 20%. Note also that your company will only pay out a performance fee 
after cash returns to shareholders have achieved the performance 
threshold - many other VCTs pay out performance fees based on growth in 
asset values before actual cash returns have been made to shareholders. 
   The new arrangements will apply from 1 March 2015. Shareholders should 
note that no performance fee accrual will be made on 29 February 2016 
unless the OT3 total return of dividends paid plus NAV on that date is 
above 117.2p.  No forecast is implied that this hurdle will be reached. 
   Your Directors believe that the lower level of management fees, together 
with a performance fee incorporating an escalating hurdle and only 
payable once shareholders have received back more than their original 
investment prior to any additional tax reliefs, makes this management 
arrangement market-leading and continues the principle always adopted by 
the VCT to keep its costs as low as possible. 
   Board Structure and Remuneration 
   Shareholders will be aware that the Company was considering the 
possibility of a merger with some, or all, of the other Oxford 
Technology VCTs. 
   Following clear feedback from shareholders the directors realised that, 
should they decide to merge the four companies, they would still need to 
maintain four separate listed share classes as some shareholders did not 
wish their holdings in certain specific assets to be diluted by 
consolidation with the other funds.  The OT3 Board determined that such 
a structure would not deliver sufficient savings to offset the costs of 
its introduction now. 
   The directors have therefore considered other methods by which OT3 can 
benefit from a more robust board structure. At present, your company has 
a board of just two directors. A similar situation applies to the other 
three VCTs within the Oxford Technology stable. Whilst directors from 
the other three VCTs provide ad hoc support, the board believes it is 
better to formalise this relationship. 
   It is therefore proposed to form a common board across each Company, 
each with its own chairman. To achieve this whilst retaining the 
independence that is required by generally accepted corporate governance 
(specifically AIC guidelines), the Directors have resolved that the 
Company should be self-managed by its own subsidiary company, OT3 
Managers Limited. In turn, this subsidiary will sub-contract in services 
from Oxford Technology Management, thereby ensuring continuity from the 
team led by Lucius Cary. This type of self-managed format has been 
adopted very successfully by a number of other VCTs that are keen to 
maintain good and cost-effective corporate governance. 
   Three new directors will be appointed to the board of OT3 in early July 
2015, David Livesley, Chairman of OT4 and Alex Starling and Richard Roth, 
respectively Chairman and Director of OT1.  Richard Vessey will not 
stand for re-election as a director at the AGM.  I would like to pay 
tribute to Richard for his service to OT3 and his wise counsel to me 
over the last year. Shareholders will be asked to ratify these 
appointments at the forthcoming AGM. 
   Shareholders will also note that the remuneration committee has proposed 
a different structure to directors' fees. Fees are still much lower than 
those earned by directors of many other VCTs but represent an increase 
from that paid in recent years by any of the Oxford Technology funds. 
This also recognises, to some extent, the actual amount of work 
currently performed by your directors and the incremental cost is more 
than offset by the reduction in management fees discussed above. 
   Reducing Share Premium Account 
   In line with normal market practice, the company is planning to clear 
the remaining balance on its share premium account. This has been 
approved by shareholders in the past, but the Board wishes to clear the 
amount that accrued from the share issues since that date. Once the 
process has been completed, this will increase the reserves ultimately 
available for distribution to shareholders. 
   Shareholder Approvals 
   Shareholders are invited to approve the appointment of the new directors, 
the revised remuneration structure and the reduction in the share 
premium account at the AGM on 26 August 2015, and the Board encourages 
you to vote in favour of all the resolutions. 
   Share Buybacks 
   The Company has the ability to buy back shares but the Directors do not 
think this is the best use of money at this time, preferring to reserve 
resources to support our investees and to pay dividends. To date this 
authority has never been exercised and the Directors have no current 
intention to do so. It is however a useful facility to have and the 
Company wishes to maintain this policy. 
   The Directors look forward to 2015 with a degree of cautious optimism. 
The future of our four largest investments will determine the outturn of 
this fund and our ability to pay future dividends. The Directors are 
focussed on finding profitable exits from the VCT's major holdings at 
the earliest practicable date.  The Directors are not in a position to 
recommend a dividend at this time. 
   Shareholders should note that the AGM for Oxford Technology 3 VCT will 
be held on Wednesday 26 August 2015 at the Magdalen Centre, Oxford 
Science Park, starting at 11 am and will include presentations by some 
of the companies in which the Oxford Technology VCTs have invested.  A 
formal notice of the AGM has been separately included with these 
Financial Statements together with a Form of Proxy for those not 
   I am always pleased to hear from shareholders. I have met many at Annual 
General Meetings over the last few years. If shareholders have questions 
or comments for me, please get in touch via our Manager, Oxford 
Technology Management, or by email to lucius@oxfordtechnology.com. I 
hope that as many shareholders as possible will be able to attend our 
   Robin Goodfellow 
   29 June 2015 
   Table of Investments held by Company at 28 February 2015 
                                                                                      Carrying   value 
                                                                                      value at  for the 
                                                                     Net cost of      28/02/15   year    % equity 
Company            Description      Date of initial investment    investment GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    held 
Telegesis           technology               Oct 2003                            147     1,999      425      27.2 
Ixaris              payments                 Aug 2002                            218     1,461    (315)       7.1 
Scancell           Cancer 
 Quoted on AIM      therapeutics             Dec 2003                            325     1,350    (111)       2.0 
Glide              Needle free 
 Technologies       injector                 Nov 2003                            225       814       28       3.3 
                   Protein & 
Abzena              peptide based 
 Quoted on AIM      drugs                    Nov 2002                            115       268      150       0.3 
Allinea Software    computing                May 2009                             15       132        -       2.3 
Plasma Antennas     antennas                 Sep 2004                            108       109        -       5.3 
Select Technology   Interfaces               Nov 2004                             47        89       19       2.8 
ImmunoBiology      Novel vaccines            May 2003                            250        87        -       2.3 
Arecor              stabilisation            Jul 2007                             24        46        -       0.7 
Insense            Wound healing             May 2003                            333        44     (44)       4.1 
Inaplex             software                 Mar 2003                             58        30     (10)      13.3 
Concurrent         Cluster 
 Thinking           computing                Nov 2009                             97        24     (25)       2.0 
                   Bone graft 
Orthogem            material                 Dec 2004                            114        22        5       2.5 
                   Low power 
Invro               electronics              Apr 2004                             40        20        -      33.1 
                   Production of 
Metal Nanopowders   metal powders            Nov 2002                            153        13        -      20.0 
                   Production of 
Superhard           hard 
 Materials          materials                Feb 2012                             11        11        -      21.8 
Dataflow           Accountancy 
 Sold               software                 Jul 2002                              4         4      (5)         - 
Microarray         Insense spinout           Dec 2013                              2         2        -       1.1 
Totals                                                                         2,286     6,525      117 
Other Net Assets                                                                          (40) 
NET ASSETS                                                                               6,485 
   Directors' Remuneration Report 
   This report has been prepared by the Directors in accordance with the 
requirements of the Companies Act 2006. The Company's independent 
auditor, James Cowper Kreston, is required to give its opinion on 
certain information included in this report. This report includes a 
statement regarding the Directors' remuneration policy. Resolutions to 
approve the Directors' remuneration report and policy will be proposed 
at the Annual General Meeting on 26 August 2015. 
   A policy was approved at the AGM on 27 August 2014, together with the 
resolution regarding the directors' remuneration report for the year 
ended 28 February 2014 on a show of hands, which reflected overwhelming 
support amongst proxies submitted. 
   This report sets out the Company's forward looking Directors' 
Remuneration Policy, and the Annual Remuneration Report which describes 
how this policy has been applied during the year. 
   Directors' Terms of Appointment 
   The Board consists entirely of non-executive Directors who meet at least 
4 times a year and on other occasions as necessary to deal with 
important aspects of the Company's affairs. Directors are appointed with 
the expectation that they will serve for at least three years, and are 
expected to devote the time necessary to perform their duties.  All 
Directors retire at the first general meeting after election and 
thereafter every third year, with at least one director standing for 
election or re-election each year. 
   Re-election will be recommended by the Board but is dependent upon 
shareholder vote. Directors who have been in office for more than 9 
years will stand for annual re-election in line with the AIC Code. There 
are no service contracts in place, but Directors have a letter of 
   Directors' Fees 
   The Board acts as the Remuneration Committee and meets annually to 
review Directors' fees to ensure it remains appropriate given the need 
to attract and retain candidates of sufficient calibre and ensure they 
are able to devote the time necessary to lead the Company in achieving 
its strategy.  The Board has not engaged any third party consultancy 
services but carefully considers the opinions of other Oxford Technology 
VCT fund directors. 
   Given the proposed introduction of a common board across the four Oxford 
Technology VCTs, the additional focus on effective corporate governance 
(as outlined in the Chairman's statement) and the greater involvement of 
the Directors in the day-to-day running of the VCT, the Remuneration 
Committee has proposed a revised fee structure. This new fee structure 
also takes into account the additional responsibilities and workload for 
the Company Chairman and responsibilities within the Audit Committee. 
   In proposing the revised levels, the Remuneration Committee took note of 
an internal report providing an extensive analysis of fees paid by the 
rest of the VCT industry, with particular focus on other VCTs managed in 
a similar manner to the Company, and other relevant information. They 
were also mindful of the low cost philosophy of the Oxford Technology 
VCTs and fund affordability. Fees continue to be amongst the lowest in 
the industry.  During the process a range of stakeholders including 
retiring board members from several of the Oxford Technology VCTs were 
consulted to provide expertise and input to reach a balanced 
   As the levels and structure of remuneration have been modified, the 
Directors consider that this once again requires shareholder approval, 
as Shareholders must now vote on the remuneration policy every three 
years, or sooner if the Company wants to make changes to it. 
   The Articles of Association of the company state that the aggregate of 
the remuneration (by way of fee) of all the Directors shall not exceed 
GBP50,000 per annum unless otherwise approved by ordinary resolution of 
the Company. Following the changes outlined above, the following 
Directors' fees will be payable by the Company with effect from 1 July 
2015, the date of the proposed implementation of the Common Board: 
   per annum 
   Director Base Fee                           GBP3,500 
   Chairman's Supplement               GBP2,000 
   Audit Committee Chairman       GBP3,000 
   Audit Committee Member          GBP1,500 
   Robin Goodfellow will continue to chair the Company and Richard Roth 
will chair the Audit Committee, with Robin Goodfellow as a member of the 
Committee.  As the VCT will be self-managed after implementation of the 
new structure, the Audit Committee will be carrying out a particularly 
important role for the VCT and will play a greater part in the 
production of the annual accounts compared to recent years. 
   These figures compare to the previous individual fee of GBP7,500 per 
annum for each director independent of the manager and GBP2,500 per 
annum for Lucius Cary, who was a director of the Company up until 27 
August 2014.  Richard Vessey will be paid GBP3,750 for his services from 
1 March 2015 to his resignation on 26 August 2015. 
   The directors may at their discretion pay additional sums in respect of 
specific tasks carried out by individual Directors on behalf of the 
   Fees are currently paid annually. The fees are not specifically related 
to the Directors' performance, either individually or collectively.  No 
expenses are paid to the Directors.  There are no share option schemes 
or pension schemes in place but Directors are entitled to a share of the 
carried interest as detailed below. 
   The revised performance incentive fee is described in the Chairman's 
statement and becomes payable if a certain cash return hurdle to 
shareholders is exceeded - the excess is then subject to a 20% carry 
that is distributed to Oxford Technology Management, past directors and 
current directors; the remaining 80% is returned to shareholders. 
   At 28 February 2015 the cash return to shareholders would have had to 
have been in excess of 111.1p for a performance fee to have been 
payable.  If a performance fee is not triggered (as it was not in this 
financial year) the hurdle, net of dividends paid, increments by a 
compound annual growth rate of 6%, applied quarterly. 
   Should the new director appointments as outlined in the Chairman's 
Statement go ahead as planned and any fee be payable at the end of the 
year to 29 February 2016, Alex Starling, Richard Roth and Robin 
Goodfellow would each receive 0.10% of any amount over the hurdle, 
whilst David Livesley would be entitled to 0.60%. 
   No performance fee is payable for the year ending 29 February 2016 
unless original shareholders have received back at least GBP1.17 in cash 
for each GBP1 (gross) invested; no forecast is implied that the hurdle 
will be reached in the year to 29 February 2016. 
   Relative Spend on Directors' Fees 
   The Company has no employees, so no consultation with employees or 
comparison measurements with employee remuneration are appropriate. 
   Loss of Office 
   In the event of anyone ceasing to be a Director, for any reason, no loss 
of office payments will be made.  There are no contractual arrangements 
entitling any Director to any such payment. 
   Directors' Emoluments 
   As outlined in the Chairman's statement, it is proposed to appoint Alex 
Starling, Richard Roth and David Livesley to the Board of OT3 on 1 July 
2015.  Richard Vessey is not expecting to stand for re-election at this 
year's AGM.  The Directors consider it helpful to shareholders to 
therefore set out the full expected cost for Director's emoluments for 
the year to 29/2/16. Given the partial year timing for the creation of 
the Common Board, they have also set out the expected remuneration for 
each director for the year ended 28/2/17, all other things being equal. 
Directors'      Year End      Year End    Year End 28/02/15  Year End 28/02/14 
Fees            28/02/17      29/02/16        (audited)          (audited) 
               (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
Alex            GBP3,500      GBP2,333            -                  - 
Richard Roth    GBP6,500      GBP4,333            -                  - 
Richard            -          GBP3,750        GBP7,500           GBP7,500 
Lucius Cary        -             -            GBP1,041           GBP2,500 
Robin           GBP7,000      GBP7,167        GBP4,375               - 
David           GBP3,500      GBP2,333            -                  - 
Total          GBP20,500     GBP19,916        GBP12,916          GBP10,000 
   Prior to his appointment as an OT3 director Richard Roth received a one 
off payment of GBP2,000 as compensation for executive work undertaken in 
relation to setting up of the common board structure. 
   Income Statement 
   Year to 28 February 2015           Year to 28 February 2014 
                     Revenue   Capital    Total    Revenue   Capital    Total 
              Notes   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Gain on 
 disposal of 
 investments                -         2         2         -        73        73 
 gain on 
 fair value                 -        94        94         -       167       167 
Other income      2         -         -         -         2         -         2 
 fees             8         -      (95)      (95)         -         -         - 
 fees             3         -     (133)     (133)         -     (132)     (132) 
 expenses         4      (53)         -      (53)      (40)         -      (40) 
Return on 
 before tax              (53)     (132)     (185)      (38)       108        70 
Taxation on 
 return on 
 activities       5         -         -         -         -         -         - 
Return on 
 after tax               (53)     (132)     (185)      (38)       108        70 
Earnings per 
 share - 
 basic and 
 diluted          6    (0.8)p    (1.9)p    (2.7)p    (0.6)p      1.6p      1.0p 
   The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
the Company, the supplementary revenue and capital columns have been 
prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
   All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 
   Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds 
                                             Year Ended         Year Ended 
                                           28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                               GBP'000            GBP'000 
Shareholders' funds at start of year                  6,670              6,600 
Return on ordinary activities after tax               (185)                 70 
Dividends paid                                            -                  - 
Shareholders' funds at end of year                    6,485              6,670 
   Balance Sheet 
   Year to 28 February 2015             Year to 28 February 2014 
                                          GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000 
Fixed Asset Investments at fair value 
 (Note 7)                                            6,525              6,405 
Current Assets 
Debtors                                         1               112 
Cash at Bank                                  203               267 
Creditors: amounts falling due in less 
 than 1 year                                 (55)             (114) 
Net Current Assets                                     149               265 
Creditors: amounts falling due after 
 more than 1 year                                     (94)                 - 
Provisions (Note 8)                                   (95)                 - 
Net Assets                                           6,485             6,670 
Called up equity share capital                         679               679 
Share Premium                                          718               718 
Unrealised Capital Reserve                           4,315             4,224 
Profit and Loss Account Reserve                        773             1,049 
Total Equity Shareholders' Funds                     6,485             6,670 
Net Asset Value Per Share                            95.6p             98.3p 
   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 
   The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue 
on 29 June 2015 and are signed on their behalf by: 
   Robin Goodfellow 
   Cash Flow Statement 
                                             Year Ended         Year Ended 
                                           28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                               GBP'000            GBP'000 
Net cash outflow from operating 
 activities                                            (76)              (212) 
Financial investment 
Purchase of investments                                   -               (85) 
Disposal of investments                                  12                222 
(Decrease) in cash at bank                             (64)               (75) 
   Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow 
   to Movement in Net Funds 
                                        Year Ended         Year Ended 
                                      28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Decrease in cash resources at bank                (64)               (75) 
Opening net funds                                  267                342 
Net funds at 28 February 2015                      203                267 
   Reconciliation of Operating Profit/(Loss) before Taxation to Cash Flow 
from Operating Activities 
                                             Year Ended         Year Ended 
                                           28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                               GBP'000            GBP'000 
Return on ordinary activities before tax              (185)                 70 
Gain on disposal of investments                         (2)               (73) 
(Gain) on valuation of investments                     (94)              (167) 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                           75               (75) 
Increase in creditors                                   130                 33 
Outflow from operating activities                      (76)              (212) 
   Notes to the Financial Statements 
   These schedules and notes have been extracted from the Financial 
Statements prepared to Year End 28 February 2015. 
   1. Principal Accounting Policies 
   Basis of Accounting 
   The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention except for the measurement at fair value of certain financial 
instruments, and in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting 
Practice (UK GAAP) and the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) 
'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' (revised in 2009). 
   The company invests in financial assets with a view to profiting from 
their total return through income and capital growth. These investments 
are managed and their performance is evaluated on a fair value basis. 
Accordingly as permitted by Financial Reporting Standard 26 (FRS 26) the 
investments are designated as fair value through profit and loss. 
Unrealised gains or losses on valuation are recognised through the 
income statement. 
   Valuation of Investments 
   Quoted investments are stated at the bid price. Unquoted investments are 
stated at fair value, where fair value is estimated after following the 
guidelines laid down by the International Private Equity and Venture 
Capital Guidelines. The Directors' policy is to initially state 
investments at cost and then to review the valuation every three months. 
The Directors may then apply an appropriate methodology which, as far as 
possible, draws on external, objective market data such as where fair 
value is indicated by: 
   --   a material arms length transaction by a third party in the shares 
of the company, with discounting for more junior asset classes, and 
reviewed for impairment; or 
   --   a suitable revenue or earnings multiple where the company is well 
established and generating maintainable profits. The multiple will be 
based on comparable listed companies but may be discounted to reflect a 
lack of marketability; or 
   --     the net assets of the business. 
   Where such objective data is not available the Directors may choose to 
maintain the value of the company as previously stated or to discount 
this where indicated by underperformance against plan. 
   The Directors consider that this basis of valuation of unquoted 
investments is consistent with the International Private Equity and 
Venture Capital Guidelines. 
   The preparation of the financial statements requires the Board to make 
judgments and estimates that affect the application of policies and 
reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses.  Estimates 
and assumptions mainly relate to the fair valuation of the fixed asset 
investments particularly unquoted investments.  Estimates are based on 
historical experience and other assumptions that are considered 
reasonable under the circumstances.  The estimates and the assumptions 
are under continuous review with particular attention paid to the 
carrying value of the investments. 
   Deferred Tax 
   Deferred tax is not provided on capital gains and losses arising on the 
revaluation or disposal of investments because the company was approved 
as a Venture Capital Trust during the current year. HMRC has approved 
the company as a Venture Capital Trust for the purpose of Section 259 of 
the Income Tax Act 2007. The approval was given in the financial period 
ended 28 February 2003. 
   2. Income 
   Income represents realised gains on the disposal of investments along 
with dividends and interest receivable on cash deposits and loans. 
Dividends receivable on unquoted equity shares are brought into account 
when the company's right to receive payment is established and there is 
no significant doubt that payment will be received. Dividends receivable 
on quoted equity shares are brought into account on the ex-dividend 
   Fixed returns on debt securities and non-equity shares are recognised on 
a time apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield on the 
debt securities and shares, provided there is no significant doubt that 
payment will be received in due course. Interest receivable from cash 
and short term deposits are accrued to the end of the year. 
                                   Year Ended         Year Ended 
                                 28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                     GBP'000            GBP'000 
Bank interest receivable                        -                  2 
Loan note interest receivable                   -                  - 
Total                                           -                  2 
   3.  Investment Management Fees 
   Expenses are charged wholly to revenue with the exception of the 
investment management (including performance fee) which has been charged 
100% to the capital return. 
                               Year Ended         Year Ended 
                             28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                 GBP'000            GBP'000 
Investment management fee                 133                132 
Total                                     133                132 
   In the year to 28 February 2015 (and previous financial years), the 
manager received a fee of 2% of the net asset value as at the previous 
year end.  As indicated in the Chairman's statement, the Board have 
agreed with Oxford Technology Management that as from 1 March 2015, this 
will be reduced to 1.0% of net asset value as at the previous year end. 
   The Manager had agreed to defer 25% of the management fee to which it 
was contractually entitled (ie 0.5% of net assets) until a time when the 
Company was more able to afford it.  As part of the revised agreement 
with effect from 1 March 2015 the Board have agreed to pay over the 
deferred balance over a 36 month period. 
   In all previous years to 28 February 2015, a performance incentive has 
been payable to the Investment Manager once the original shareholders 
have received back GBP1.00 in cash for each GBP1 (gross) invested.  Each 
extra GBP1 distributed goes 80p to the shareholder and 20p to the 
beneficiaries of the performance incentive fee, of which Oxford 
Technology Management receives 15p. 
   As reported in the Chairman's statement, the hurdle of GBP1.00 has now 
been increased, by compounding that portion that remains to be paid to 
shareholders by 6% per annum with effect from 1 March 2013. 
   Annual running costs are capped at 3%, including the management fee but 
excluding Directors fees. 
   4. Other Expenses 
   All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis.  All expenses are 
charged through the profit and loss account except as follows: 
   --        those expenses which are incidental to the acquisition of an 
investment are included within the cost of the investment 
   --        expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an investment 
are deducted from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
                                            Year Ended         Year Ended 
                                          28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                              GBP'000            GBP'000 
Directors' remuneration                                 13                 10 
Auditors' remuneration                                   6                  5 
Legal and professional expenses                         10                  6 
Accounting and administration services                   4                  2 
Other expenses                                          20                 17 
Total                                                   53                 40 
   5. Tax on Ordinary Activities 
   Corporation tax payable is applied to profits chargeable to corporation 
tax, if any, at the current rate.  The corporation tax charge for the 
period was GBPnil (2014: nil) 
                                             Year Ended         Year Ended 
                                           28 February 2015   28 February 2014 
                                               GBP'000            GBP'000 
Return on ordinary activities before tax              (185)                 70 
Current tax at standard rate of taxation               (39)                 14 
Unrecognised tax losses                                  39               (14) 
Total current tax charge                                  -                  - 
   Unrelieved management expenses of GBP1,716,092 (2014: GBP1,435,542) 
remain available for offset against future taxable profits. 
   6. Earnings per Share 
   The calculation of earnings per share (basic and diluted) for the period 
is based on the net loss of GBP185,000 (2014: profit of GBP70,000) 
attributable to shareholders divided by the weighted average number of 
shares 6,785,233 (6,785,233) in issue during the period. 
   There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, 
therefore, no diluted returns per share figures are relevant.  The basic 
and diluted earnings per share are therefore identical. 
   7. Investments 
   Fixed asset investments are valued at fair value.  Unquoted investments 
are carried at fair value as determined by the Directors in accordance 
with current venture capital industry guidelines.  Purchases and sales 
of investments are recognised in the financial statements at the date of 
the transaction. 
   Where financial instruments are measured in the balance sheet at fair 
value, FRS 29 requires disclosure of the fair value measurements by 
level based on the following fair value investment hierarchy. 
   Level 1: quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and 
liabilities.  The fair value of financial instruments traded in active 
markets is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date.  A 
market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and regularly 
available, and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring 
market transactions on an arm's length basis.  The quoted market price 
used for financial assets held is the current bid price.  These 
instruments are included in level 1 and comprise AIM quoted investments 
classified as held at fair value through profit or loss. 
   Level 2: the fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in 
an active market is determined by using valuation techniques.  These 
valuation techniques maximise the use of observable data where it is 
available and rely as little as possible on entity-specific estimates. 
   Level 3: the fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in 
an active market (for example investments in unquoted companies) is 
determined by using valuation techniques such as earnings or sales 
multiples.  Level 3 valuations include assumptions based on 
non-observable market data, such as discounts applied either to reflect 
fair value of financial assets held at the price of recent investment, 
or, in the case of unquoted investments to adjust earnings or sales 
                    AIM quoted investments  Unquoted investments     Total 
                            Level 1                Level 3        investments 
                            GBP'000                GBP'000          GBP'000 
Valuation and net 
book amount: 
Book cost as at 28 
 February 2014                         325                 1,967         2,292 
 revaluation                         1,135                 2,978         4,113 
Valuation at 28 
 February 2014                       1,460                 4,945         6,405 
Movement in the 
Purchases at cost                        -                     2             2 
Redeemed/Disposed                        -                   (8)           (8) 
IPO during year at 
 28/2 valuation                        119                 (119)             - 
Revaluation in 
 year                                   39                    87           126 
Valuation at 28 
 February 2015                       1,618                 4,907         6,525 
Book cost at 28 
 February 2015                         440                 1,846         2,286 
Revaluation to 28 
 February 2015                       1,178                 3,061         4,239 
Valuation at 28 
 February 2015                       1,618                 4,907         6,525 
   8. Provisions 
                  28 February 2015  28 February 2014 
                       GBP'000           GBP'000 
Performance Fee                 95                 - 
Total                           95                 - 
   In all previous years to 28 February 2015, a performance incentive has 
been payable to the Investment Manager once the original shareholders 
have received back GBP1.00 in cash for each GBP1 (gross) invested.  Each 
extra GBP1 distributed goes 80p to the shareholder and 20p to the 
beneficiaries of the performance incentive fee, of which Oxford 
Technology Management receives 15p.  As reported in the Chairman's 
statement, the hurdle of GBP1.00 has now been increased, by compounding 
that portion that remains to be paid to shareholders by 6% per annum 
with effect from 1 March 2013.  No forecast is implied that this hurdle 
will be reached. 
   Based on the net asset value per share and cumulative dividends paid to 
date this is more than likely to occur and the Directors assessed that 
the costs should be included in the accounts.  The value of the 
liability arising to date can be estimated, however the timing of the 
future payment is uncertain. 
   9.  Events after the Balance Sheet Date 
   OT3 sold 73,534 shares in Abzena Plc in May 2015 at a price of 81.83p. 
In June 2015 it subsequently sold an additional 58,000 shares at a price 
of 86p.  The company retains 190,541 shares. 
   10.  Notes 
   The financial information set out in these statements does not 
constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 28 
February 2015 in terms of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 but is 
derived from those accounts. 
   Statutory accounts for the year ended 28 February 2015 will be delivered 
to Companies House following the Company's Annual General Meeting.  The 
auditors have reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified 
and did not contain a statement under Section 489 of the Companies Act 
   The Annual Report for the year ended 28 February 2015 will shortly be 
made available on the Company's website www.oxfordtechnology.com. 
Shareholders will be notified of this by email or post or sent a hard 
copy in the post in accordance with their instructions. 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Oxford Technology 3 VCT plc via Globenewswire 

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