RNS Number : 5843N

Old Mutual PLC

10 May 2018


Old Mutual plc

Ref 205/18

10 May 2018


Nedbank Group Limited ("Nedbank Group"), the majority-owned South African banking subsidiary of Old Mutual plc, released its first quarter performance update today, 10 May 2018.

The following is the full text of Nedbank Group's announcement:


Nedbank Group produced a strong performance for the first three months of the year, underpinned by the return to profitability of Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI) in their fourth-quarter of 2017 (equity-accounted one quarter in arrear in Nedbank Group's first quarter of 2018). Managed Operations performed in line with our expectations. While business and consumer confidence levels have improved, the beneficial impact thereof in the group's performance to date has largely been limited to improved trading and market-related activities. Credit demand and transactional activity has remained subdued, but an improvement is expected from the second half of 2018.

Net interest income grew at low- to mid-single-digit levels. The net interest margin (NIM) for the period widened ahead of the full-year 2017 level of 3,62% led by advances and funding mix benefits, as well as improved asset pricing.

The group's credit loss ratio (CLR) now reported under IFRS 9, increased in line with expectations and was slightly below the lower end of our 60 to 100 bps through-the-cycle target range.

Non-interest revenue grew just above mid-single-digit levels. Commission and fee growth reflects subdued levels of client transactional activity as well as accounting impacts from IFRS 15, offset by continued cross-sell and gains in clients across our retail and wholesale businesses. In line with the improved business sentiment, trading and private equity income grew strongly, while insurance income increased off a low base in the first quarter of 2017.

Disciplined expense management resulted in expenses growing in line with our expectations.

Associate income from the group's share of ETI's attributable income is equity-accounted one quarter in arrear, based on ETI's publicly disclosed results. In Q1 2018 the group's share of ETI's attributable profit of US $16,5m for their fourth quarter in 2017 (announced on 21 March 2018) was R42m (Q1 2017: R1 203m loss) and in Q2 2018 the group's share of ETI's attributable profit of US $77m for their first quarter in 2018 (announced on 23 April 2018) is estimated at R198m (subject to exchange rate movements) (Q2 2017: R142m). As a result, the group's associate income relating to ETI for the first six months of 2018 is estimated at R240m (H1 2017: R1 061m loss).

Our earnings guidance for 2018 remains the same as announced on 2 March 2018, where we noted: 'Reflecting on the impact on the group of the greater levels of business and consumer confidence evident in the early part of 2018, an improving economic outlook, ongoing delivery on our strategy and ETI's returning to sustained levels of profitability, our guidance for growth in diluted headline earnings per share for 2018 is to be in line with our medium-to-long-term target of greater than or equal to GDP plus CPI plus 5%.'

Shareholders are advised that the guidance is based on organic earnings and our latest macroeconomic outlook, and have not been reviewed or reported on by the group's auditors.

Pillar 3 Basel III capital adequacy, leverage and liquidity ratios at 31 March 2018

This quarterly Pillar 3 disclosure covers the operations of Nedbank Group Limited (group) as well as Nedbank Limited (bank) and complies with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's (BCBS) revised Pillar 3 disclosure requirements and the South African Reserve Bank's (SARB) Directive 1/2018.

                                                                                    Nedbank Group 
---  -------------------------------------------------  -----  ------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                                Mar 2018   Dec 2017      Sep 2017   Jun 2017  Mar 2017 
---  -------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
     Available capital 
1    Common equity tier 1 (CET1)                         (Rm)     59 438     60 313        60 772     56 274    56 592 
1a   Fully loaded ECL accounting model                   (Rm)     59 438 
2    Tier 1                                              (Rm)     63 623     64 737        65 200     60 689    60 390 
2a   Fully loaded ECL accounting model Tier 1            (Rm)     63 623 
3    Total capital                                       (Rm)     77 046     75 920        76 384     73 994    73 153 
3a   Fully loaded ECL accounting model total capital     (Rm)     77 046 
     Risk-weighted assets 
4    Total risk-weighted assets (RWA)                    (Rm)    542 314    528 206       522 810    516 051   508 793 
     Risk-based capital ratios as a percentage of RWA 
5    Common equity tier 1 ratio                           (%)       11,0       11,4          11,6       10,9      11,1 
     Fully loaded ECL accounting model common equity      (%) 
5a   tier 1                                                         11,0 
6    Tier 1 ratio                                         (%)       11,7       12,3          12,5       11,8      11,9 
6a   Fully loaded ECL accounting model tier 1 ratio       (%)       11,7 
7    Total capital ratio                                  (%)       14,2       14,4          14,6       14,3      14,4 
     Fully loaded ECL accounting model total capital      (%) 
7a   ratio                                                          14,2 
     Additional CET1 buffer requirements as a 
     percentage of RWA 
8    Capital conservation buffer requirement              (%)      1,875       1,25          1,25       1,25      1,25 
9    Countercyclical buffer requirement                   (%) 
10   Bank G-SIB and/or D-SIB additional requirements      (%) 
     Total of bank CET1 specific buffer requirements      (%) 
11   (row 8 + row 9 + row 10)                                      1,875       1,25          1,25       1,25      1,25 
     CET1 available after meeting the bank's minimum      (%) 
12   capital requirements                                            3,6        4,2           4,4        3,7       3,9 
     Basel III leverage ratio 
13   Total Basel III leverage ratio exposure measure     (Rm)  1 019 589  1 009 172     1 013 565  1 000 130   999 644 
14   Basel III leverage ratio (row 2/row 13)              (%)        6,2        6,4           6,4        6,1       6,0 
     Fully loaded ECL accounting model Basel III          (%) 
14a  leverage ratio (row 2a /row13)                                  6,2 
     Liquidity Coverage Ratio 
15   Total HQLA                                          (Rm)    139 476    138 180       151 314    144 568   141 704 
16   Total net cash outflow                              (Rm)    132 001    118 956       125 652    138 260   144 159 
17   LCR ratio                                            (%)      105,7      116,2         120,0      104,6      98,3 
===  =================================================  =====  =========  =========  ============  =========  ======== 

Basel III capital adequacy

Both the group and bank remain well capitalised at levels significantly above the minimum regulatory requirements. The common-equity tier 1 ratios of 12,5% (December 2017: 12,6%) and 12,3% (December 2017: 12,6%), respectively are reflective of organic capital generation and growth in risk weighted assets during the period and include the full impact of the implementation of IFRS 9 on 1 January 2018. The group CET 1 capital ratio also decreased marginally following the strengthening of the ZAR against the USD during the period. The total tier 1 and total capital adequacy ratios were adversely impacted by a further grandfathering of old-style preference shares (R531m) in January 2018 in line with the Basel III transitional arrangements. The total CARs were positively impacted by the issuance of further new-style tier 2 capital of R2bn during March 2018.

The following table sets out the capital ratios including unappropriated profits at 31 March 2018:

%                                      Nedbank Group     Nedbank Limited 
---------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
Including unappropriated profits 
Common-equity tier 1 capital                    12,5                12,3 
Tier 1 capital                                  13,2                13,3 
Total capital                                   15,7                16,5 
=================================  =================  ================== 


                                                                    Nedbank Group              Nedbank Limited(1) 
                                                            ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                                                 Mar 2018       Dec 2017       Mar 2018       Dec 2017 
                                                            -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
                                                                 RWA   MRC(2)        RWA       RWA   MRC(2)        RWA 
                                                            --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------  --------- 
 1    Credit risk                                            365 177   40 626    356 893   305 159   33 949    295 646 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
 2    Standardised Approach                                   38 064    4 235     37 410       415       46        426 
 3    AIRB Approach                                          327 113   36 391    319 483   304 744   33 903    295 220 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
 4    Counterparty credit risk                                27 269    3 034     23 921    26 583    2 957     23 169 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
 5    Current Exposure Method                                 27 269    3 034     23 921    26 583    2 957     23 169 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
      Equity positions in banking book under Market-based 
 7    Approach                                                27 537    3 063     26 927    20 482    2 279     20 386 
      Securitisation exposures in banking book under 
 12   Internal Ratings-based Approach                            546       61        621       546       61        621 
 16   Market risk                                             21 157    2 354     17 142    18 240    2 029     14 046 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
 17   Standardised Approach                                    3 750      417      3 643     1 394      155      1 222 
 18   Internal Model Approach                                 17 407    1 937     13 499    16 846    1 874     12 824 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
 19   Operational risk                                        66 333    7 379     66 333    57 664    6 415     57 664 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
 21   Standardised Approach                                    6 030      671      6 030        16        1         16 
 22   Advanced Measurement Approach                           52 596    5 851     52 596    50 380    5 605     50 380 
 24   Floor adjustment                                         7 707      857      7 707     7 268      809      7 268 
                                                            ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
      Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (subject     12 956    1 441     15 016     2 373      264      2 058 
 23   to 250% risk weighting) 
 25   Other assets (100% risk weighting)                      21 339    2 374     21 353    18 096    2 013     17 616 
===  =====================================================  ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 
 26   Total                                                  542 314   60 332    528 206   449 143   49 967    431 206 
===  =====================================================  ========  =======  =========  ========  =======  ========= 

(1) Nedbank Limited refers to the SA reporting entity in terms of regulation 38 (BA700) of the regulations relating to banks issued in terms of the Banks Act (Act No 94 of 1990).

(2) Total minimum required capital (MRC) is measured at 11,125% in line with the transitional requirements and excludes bank-specific Pillar 2b and D-SIB capital requirements.

Credit RWA

Nedbank Limited's lending portfolios make up approximately 94% of the total credit extended by the group and utilise the AIRB Approach. The lending portfolios of Nedbank Private Wealth International, the Rest of Africa subsidiaries and some of the legacy Imperial Bank portfolio remain on TSA.


Rm                                  RWA 
    --------------------------  ------- 
1   RWA at 31 December 2017     319 483 
2   Asset size                    4 567 
3   Asset quality                 1 552 
4   Model updates                 1 500 
5   Methodology and policy 
6   Acquisitions and disposals 
7   Foreign exchange movements 
8   Other                            11 
    ==========================  ======= 
9   RWA at 31 March 2018        327 113 
    ==========================  ======= 

Market RWA

Trading activity in Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) is primarily focused on client activities and flow trading. This includes market making and the facilitation of client business in the foreign exchange, interest rate, equity, credit and commodity markets. There were no incremental or comprehensive risk capital charges.


Rm                                VaR  Stressed VaR  Total RWA 
    --------------------------  -----  ------------  --------- 
1   RWA at 31 December 2017     5 066         8 433     13 499 
2   Movement in risk levels     1 319           700      2 018 
3   Model updates/changes 
4   Methodology and policy 
5   Acquisitions and disposals 
6   Foreign exchange movements    467         1 422      1 890 
7   Other 
    ==========================  =====  ============  ========= 
8   RWA at 31 March 2018        6 852        10 555     17 407 
    ==========================  =====  ============  ========= 

Leverage ratio

The leverage ratio is a supplementary measure to risk-based capital requirements. The leverage ratios of both the group and bank are well above minimum regulatory requirements.


    Item                                                                                                     Mar 2018 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------- 
    1       Total consolidated assets as per published financial statements                                   993 447 
        Adjustment for investments in banking, financial, insurance or commercial entities that are 
    2    consolidated for accounting purposes but outside the scope of regulatory consolidation 
        Adjustment for fiduciary assets recognised on the balance sheet pursuant to the operative 
    3    accounting framework but excluded from the leverage ratio exposure measure 
    4   Adjustments for derivative financial instruments                                                      (5 315) 
    5   Adjustment for securities financing transactions (ie repos and similar secured lending)              (16 243) 
        Adjustment for off-balance sheet items (ie conversion to credit equivalent amounts of off-balance 
    6    sheet exposures)                                                                                      51 142 
    7   Other adjustments                                                                                     (3 442) 
=====  ==================================================================================================  ========== 
    8   Leverage ratio exposure                                                                             1 019 589 
=====  ==================================================================================================  ========== 


    Item                                                                                          Mar 2018    Dec 2017 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 On-balance sheet exposures 
 1    On-balance sheet items (excluding derivatives and SFTs, but including collateral)            956 768     941 050 
 2    Asset amounts deducted in determining Basel III Tier 1 capital                              (13 718)    (15 445) 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 3    Total on-balance sheet exposures (excluding derivatives and SFTs) (sum of lines 1 and 2)     943 050     925 605 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Derivative exposures 
 4    Replacement cost associated with all derivatives transactions (ie net of eligible cash 
      margin)                                                                                       19 559      25 358 
 5    Add-on amounts for PFE associated with all derivatives transactions                           13 818      13 372 
 6    Gross-up for derivatives collateral provided where deducted from the balance sheet 
      pursuant to the operative accounting framework                                                 1 363       1 452 
 7    Deductions of receivables assets for cash variation margin provided in derivatives 
      transactions                                                                                               (142) 
 8    Exempted CCP leg of client-cleared trade exposures                                          (10 826)     (8 791) 
 9    Adjusted effective notional amount of written credit derivatives                                 395       1 845 
 10   Credit derivatives (protection bought) (same reference name with equal to or greater 
      maturity)                                                                                      (680)     (1 998) 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 11   Total derivative exposures (sum of lines 4 to 10)                                             23 629      31 096 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Securities financing transaction exposures 
 12   Gross SFT assets (with no recognition of netting), after adjusting for sale accounting 
      transactions                                                                                  18 109      17 366 
 13   Netted amounts of cash payables and cash receivables of gross SFT assets                    (17 333)    (16 758) 
 14   CCR exposure for SFT assets                                                                      776         609 
 15   Agent transaction exposures                                                                      216         112 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 16   Total securities financing transaction exposures (sum of lines 12 to 15)                       1 768       1 329 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Other off-balance sheet exposures 
 17   Off-balance sheet exposure at gross notional amount                                          197 398     197 398 
 18   Adjustments for conversion to credit equivalent amounts                                    (146 256)   (146 256) 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 19   Off-balance sheet items (sum of lines 17 and 18)                                              51 142      51 142 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Capital and total exposures 
 20   Tier 1 capital                                                                                63 623      64 737 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 21   Total exposures (sum of lines 3, 11, 16 and 19)                                            1 019 589   1 009 172 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Leverage ratio(1) 
 22   Basel III leverage ratio (%)                                                                     6,2         6,4 
===  =========================================================================================  ==========  ========== 

(1) Basis of preparation for the leverage ratio is quarterly averaging.

Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)

In accordance with the provisions of section 6(6) of the Banks Act, 1990 (Act No 94 of 1990), banks are directed to comply with the relevant LCR disclosure requirements, as set out in Directive 6/2014, Directive 11/2014 and Directive 1/2018.

The LCR aims to ensure that a bank holds an adequate stock of unencumbered high quality liquid assets (HQLA) to cover total net cash outflows over a 30-day period under a prescribed stress scenario. Based on the final revisions announced by the Basel Committee the LCR is being phased-in by 10% each year and will reach a minimum requirement of 100% from 1 January 2019.

The figures below reflect the simple average of daily observations over the quarter ending 31 March 2018 for Nedbank Limited and the simple average of the month-end values at 31 January 2018, 28 February 2018 and 31 March 2018 for all non-SA banking entities. The figures are based on the regulatory submissions to SARB.

                                      Nedbank Group Limited(1)                           Nedbank Limited 
                            --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
                                             Total                 Total                   Total                 Total 
                               unweighted value(2)     weighted value(3)     unweighted value(2)     weighted value(3) 
 Rm                                      (average)             (average)               (average)             (average) 
--------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------  ----------------------  -------------------- 
 1    Total HQLA                                                 139 476                                       134 784 
===  =====================  ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
      Cash outflows 
      Retail deposits and 
      deposits from 
 2    clients, of which                    175 866                17 428                 160 521                16 052 
                            ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
 3    stable deposits                        3 162                   158 
 4    less stable deposits                 172 704                17 270                 160 521                16 052 
                            ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
      Unsecured wholesale 
 5    funding, of which                    246 276               121 572                 214 762               107 157 
                            ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
 6    operational deposits 
      (all counterparties) 
      and deposits in 
      networks of 
      banks                                123 490                30 883                 105 495                26 374 
      deposits (all 
 7    counterparties)                      122 313                90 216                 109 083                80 599 
 8    unsecured debt                           473                   473                     184                   184 
                            ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
      Secured wholesale 
 9    funding                               24 109                                        23 882 
      requirements, of 
 10   which                                101 903                17 602                  91 974                14 759 
                            ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
      outflows related to 
      derivative exposures 
      and other collateral 
 11   requirements                             758                   758                     723                   723 
      outflows related to 
      loss of funding on 
 12   debt products 
      credit and liquidity 
 13   facilities                           101 145                16 844                  91 251                14 036 
                            ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
      Other contractual 
 14   funding obligations 
      Other contingent 
 15   funding obligations                  164 688                 8 531                 155 642                 8 068 
===  =====================  ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
 16   Total cash outflows                  712 842               165 133                 646 781               146 036 
===  =====================  ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
      Cash inflows 
 17   Secured lending                       15 296                    38                  15 296                    38 
      Inflows from fully 
 18   performing exposures                  50 036                32 332                  37 196                21 817 
 19   Other cash inflows                     4 263                 4 143                     522                   522 
===  =====================  ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
 20   Total cash inflows                    69 595                36 513                  53 014                22 377 
===  =====================  ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
 21   Total HQLA                                                 139 476                                       134 784 
      Total net cash 
 22   outflows(4)                                                132 001                                       123 659 
===  =====================  ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 
 23   LCR (%)                                                      105,7                                         109,0 
===  =====================  ======================  ====================  ======================  ==================== 

(1) Only banking and/or deposit-taking entities are included and the group data represents an aggregation of the relevant individual net cash outflows and the individual HQLA portfolios, where surplus HQLA holdings in excess of the minimum requirement of 90% for 2018 have been excluded from the aggregated HQLA number in the case of all non-SA banking entities.

(2) Unweighted values are calculated as outstanding balances maturing or callable within 30 days (for inflows and outflows).

(3) Weighted values are calculated after the application of respective haircuts (for HQLA) or inflow and outflow rates (for inflows and outflows).

(4) Note that total cash outflows less total cash inflows may not be equal to total net cash outflows to the extent that regulatory caps have been applied to cash inflows as specified by the regulations.

The group's quarterly average LCR exceeded the minimum regulatory requirement of 90% applicable in 2018, where the group maintains appropriate operational buffers designed to absorb seasonal and cyclical volatility in the LCR. Nedbank's portfolio of LCR--compliant HQLA (comprising mainly of government bonds and treasury bills) increased to a quarterly average of R139,5bn, up marginally from December 2017 where the portfolio amounted to R138,2bn. Nedbank will continue to procure additional HQLA to support balance sheet growth and the LCR phase-in, while maintaining appropriately sized surplus liquid-asset buffers. The lower LCR observed in the current quarter (105,7%), compared with the previous quarter (116,2%), relates to a business-as-usual seasonal trends observed every year after the December holiday period.

Shareholders are advised that this report has not been reviewed or reported on by the group's auditors.


10 May 2018"


 External communications 
 Patrick Bowes                    +44 20 7002 7440 
   Investor relations 
 Dominic Lagan (Old Mutual 
  plc)                            +44 20 7002 7190 
 John-Paul Crutchley (Quilter)    +44 20 7002 7016 
 Nwabisa Piki (Old Mutual 
  Emerging Markets)               +27 11 217 1951 
                                  +44 20 7002 7133 
 William Baldwin-Charles           +44 7834 524833 

Notes to Editors

About Old Mutual plc

Old Mutual plc is a holding company for several financial services companies. In March 2016, it announced a new strategy of managed separation entailing the separation of its underlying businesses into independently-listed, standalone entities.

BrightSphere Investment Group, a US based institutional asset manager, which rebranded from OM Asset Management in March 2018, is now independent from Old Mutual. The remaining underlying businesses are:

OML (which includes Old Mutual Emerging Markets): OML has an ambition to become a premium financial services group in sub-Saharan Africa and offers a broad spectrum of financial solutions to retail and corporate customers across key market segments in 17 countries.

Nedbank: Nedbank ranks as a top-5 bank by capital on the African continent and Ecobank, in which Nedbank maintains a 21.2% shareholding, ranks within the top-10 banks by assets on the African continent.

Quilter: Quilter (formerly Old Mutual Wealth) is a leader in the UK and in selected offshore markets in wealth management, providing advice-led investment solutions and investment platforms to over 900,000 customers, principally in the affluent market segment.

For the year ended 31 December 2017, Old Mutual reported an adjusted operating profit before tax of GBP2.0 billion. For further information on Old Mutual plc and the underlying businesses, please visit the corporate website at www.oldmutualplc.com.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 10, 2018 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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