22 SEPTEMBER 2009 
Northern 2 VCT PLC is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) managed by NVM 
Private Equity.  It invests mainly in unquoted venture capital 
holdings and aims to provide high long-term tax-free returns to 
shareholders through a combination of dividend yield and capital 
Financial highlights: 
(comparative figures for the six months ended 31 July 2008) 
                                       2009          2008 
Net assets                            GBP44.0m        GBP47.3m 
Net asset value per share              77.1p         83.3p 
Return per share 
Revenue                                 1.5p          1.6p 
Capital                                 9.3p        (4.4)p 
Total                                  10.8p        (2.8)p 
Interim dividend per share 
In respect of the period 
Revenue                                 1.0p          1.0p 
Capital                                 1.0p          1.0p 
Total                                   2.0p          2.0p 
Cumulative returns to 
shareholders since launch 
Net asset value per share              77.1p         83.3p 
Dividends paid per share*              44.9p         39.4p 
Net asset value plus dividends 
paid per share                        122.0p        122.7p 
Share price at end of period           49.5p         76.5p 
*Excluding proposed interim dividend 
For further information, please contact: 
NVM Private Equity Limited 
Alastair Conn/Christopher Mellor 0191 244 6000 
Website:  www.nvm.co.uk 
The six months to 31 July 2009 saw some recovery in the financial 
markets, with the FTSE All-Share index rising by 13% over the period, 
but there was relatively little evidence of a sustainable improvement 
in the UK economy.  The operating environment for small and 
medium-sized companies has continued to be very difficult and seems 
likely to remain so for some time to come.  This presents significant 
challenges to investors in such companies, and it is therefore 
encouraging to report that over the past half year our portfolio has 
demonstrated a measure of resilience against the effects of 
recession.  We are also pleased to announce today a highly successful 
exit from the molecular diagnostics developer DxS, which was our 
largest investment by value at 31 July 2009. 
Results and dividend 
The net asset value (NAV) per share at 31 July 2009, after deducting 
the 2008/09 final dividend of 3.5p per share paid in June 2009, was 
77.1p (31 January 2009 69.8p) - an increase of 10.5% during the half 
year.  The return per share for the period before dividends, as shown 
in the income statement, was 10.8p compared with a negative return of 
2.8p for the corresponding period last year.  This is a good result 
against the background of continuing uncertainty in the economy and 
financial markets. 
Investment income for the period remained steady at GBP1.4 million, and 
the revenue return per share was down marginally from 1.6p to 1.5p. 
These figures reflect the benefit of a significant one-off income 
receipt from DxS, without which both income and revenue return per 
share would have been considerably lower than in the corresponding 
period.  The principal factors affecting income generation have been 
firstly the continuing reduction in interest rates, culminating in 
base rate being reduced in March 2009 to 0.5% - a level which would 
have seemed almost inconceivable twelve months earlier - and secondly 
the fact that a number of our unquoted investee companies have come 
under pressure from their bankers to defer interest and dividend 
payments in order to reduce borrowings.  We are likely to feel the 
impact of this more keenly in the second half of the current 
financial year.  However the capital return per share recovered 
strongly to 9.3p, from minus 4.4p in the corresponding period, 
through a combination of realised gains and unrealised revaluation 
The board has declared an unchanged interim dividend of 2.0p per 
share, comprising 1.0p revenue and 1.0p capital distribution, which 
will be paid on 4 December 2009 to shareholders on the register on 6 
November 2009.  Our stated objective is to maintain the annual 
dividend at not less than 5.5p per share;  in the current climate 
this is a demanding target but we presently expect, in the light of 
recent encouraging progress, to declare a final dividend of 3.5p per 
share so as to match last year's total. 
The rate of new investment has remained slow and one new unquoted 
holding was added during the period:  GBP995,000 was invested in 
Ingleby (1817), a new company formed by an experienced pharmaceutical 
industry entrepreneur to acquire high-potential drug development 
businesses.  At this stage in the economic cycle our managers expect 
to see some interesting new opportunities at realistic valuations and 
this should lead to an increase in investment activity. 
During the period there were two significant realisations in the 
portfolio.  In March Pivotal Laboratories Holdings was sold to the 
US-based clinical research services firm ACM, realising proceeds of 
GBP1.6 million and a gain over original cost of GBP0.7 million, and in 
July the public sector software developer Liquidlogic was sold to the 
AIM-quoted System C Healthcare for proceeds of GBP1.2 million and a 
gain of GBP1.0 million.  In both cases there may be a further payment 
to come depending on future performance. 
Subsequent to 31 July 2009, as referred to above, the company's 
investment in DxS has been sold for initial proceeds of GBP4.4 million 
in cash.  DxS, which provides molecular diagnostic products and 
services to the healthcare sector, has achieved significant growth 
since our original early-stage investment in 2001 and this is a very 
satisfactory outcome, representing an overall cash return of over 
seven times the money invested.  The initial sale price has been 
reflected in the directors' valuation of the investment at 31 July 
2009 and we have also been able to recognise some GBP0.6 million of 
accrued investment income which was paid at completion.  Northern 2 
VCT may become entitled to receive further capital payments of up to 
GBP3.2 million over the next three years depending on the achievement 
by DxS of specified objectives, but no account has been taken of 
these in the financial statements at this stage. 
The valuation of the continuing portfolio has as usual been subjected 
to a careful review, based on a cautious perception of the current 
economic outlook and an awareness that many companies are finding it 
difficult to maintain their bank borrowing facilities at previous 
levels.  This has led to some further reductions in individual 
company valuations but we have also been able to recognise a number 
of cases where good progress is being made and value has been 
enhanced.  However the investment in Foreman Roberts Group, which was 
written down to nil value at 31 January 2009, was radically 
restructured in July and has now in effect been permanently written 
The reserve of cash and near-cash assets available for future 
investment remains strong, with approximately GBP17 million of liquid 
resources on the balance sheet at 31 July 2009. 
Shareholder issues 
We reported six months ago on the difficulties which had been 
experienced in relation to the provision of corporate broking and 
market-making services to the company.  In April 2009, following a 
review of available options, the board appointed Singers Capital 
Markets as brokers.  The mid-market share price, which reached a low 
point of 34.5p in April, has subsequently recovered to 49.5p at 31 
July.  This still represents a discount of over 30% to NAV, and a 
tax-free income yield of 11.1% based on a 5.5p annual dividend. 
The directors remain willing to use the company's powers to 
re-purchase its own shares in order to support market liquidity.  The 
buy-back authority granted by shareholders caps the price at which we 
can deal at a maximum of 105% of the latest mid-market share price, 
which currently prevents us from buying shares at our target discount 
to NAV of 10%.  Given this restriction, and having regard to the 
general volatility in the financial markets, we have concluded (as 
have a number of other VCT boards) that maintaining a fixed 10% 
discount is not currently feasible and that for the foreseeable 
future we should be prepared to buy back at a wider discount, subject 
to market conditions.  This matter will be kept under continuing 
At the same time our managers and their colleagues in the VCT sector 
are continuing their efforts, supported by the Association of 
Investment Companies, to promote the merits of acquiring and 
retaining VCT shares as a means of generating substantial tax-free 
yields in the long term, at a time when the higher rate of income tax 
is about to increase and conventional methods of pension provision 
have been proving less than wholly adequate.  We believe that a wider 
appreciation by investors of the attractions of VCT shares could help 
to reduce discounts to NAV in the sector generally. 
VAT on management fees 
Following HM Revenue & Customs' acceptance that investment management 
fees paid by VCTs should be exempt from VAT, a credit of GBP414,000 was 
recognised in the financial statements for the year ended 31 January 
2009 in respect of VAT recoverable for earlier periods.  Discussions 
are continuing with a view to possible further recoveries, but the 
outcome is not yet sufficiently certain to be reflected in the 
current financial statements. 
VCT qualifying status 
The company has continued to meet the qualifying conditions laid down 
by HM Revenue & Customs for maintaining its approval as a VCT.  The 
board retains PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent advisers on 
VCT taxation matters. 
Risk management 
The board carries out a regular review of the risk environment in 
which the company operates.  There has been no significant change to 
the key risks discussed on page 10 of the annual report for the year 
ended 31 January 2009, including those resulting from the size and 
relative illiquidity of the unquoted and AIM-quoted investments held 
by the company. 
The recent upturn in the financial markets has been taken in some 
quarters as an indicator of imminent recovery in the economy.  At 
this stage your board and managers consider it appropriate to take a 
more cautious view, believing that a return to economic prosperity 
may be only gradual while the effects of recent events work their way 
through the system.  This will inevitably have an impact on the 
short-term prospects for our own investments.  Nevertheless the 
portfolio is showing some encouraging signs and this should lead to 
further progress being made in the medium term. 
On behalf of the Board 
The unaudited half-yearly financial statements for the six months 
ended 31 July 2009 are set out below. 
(unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2009 
                  Six mths ended 31 July 2009  Six mths ended 31 July 
                    Revenue   Capital   Total Revenue Capital   Total 
                       GBP000      GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
Gain on disposal 
investments              -       703     703       -     159     159 
Movements in 
value of 
investments              -     4,768   4,768       -  (2,559) (2,559) 
                     -----     -----   -----   -----   -----   ----- 
                         -     5,471   5,471       -  (2,400) (2,400) 
Income               1,369         -   1,369   1,377       -   1,377 
Investment            (102)     (307)   (409)   (129)   (386)   (515) 
management fee 
Recoverable VAT          -         -       -     119     381     500 
Other expenses        (155)        -    (155)   (150)      -    (150) 
                     -----     -----   -----   -----   -----   ----- 
Return on 
before tax           1,112     5,164   6,276   1,217  (2,405) (1,188) 
Tax on return on 
ordinary              (242)       89    (153)   (321)      2    (319) 
                     -----     -----   -----   -----   -----   ----- 
Return on 
after tax              870     5,253   6,123     896  (2,403) (1,507) 
                     -----     -----   -----   -----   -----   ----- 
Return per share       1.5p      9.3p   10.8p    1.6p  (4.4)p  (2.8)p 
                                    Year ended 31 January 2009 
                                     Revenue  Capital    Total 
                                        GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Gain on disposal of 
investments                               -      784      784 
Movements in fair value of 
investments                               -   (9,985)  (9,985) 
                                      -----    -----    ----- 
                                          -   (9,201)  (9,201) 
Income                                2,456        -    2,456 
Investment management fee              (246)    (740)    (986) 
Recoverable VAT                          99      315      414 
Other expenses                         (298)       -     (298) 
                                      -----    -----    ----- 
Return on ordinary activities 
before tax                            2,011   (9,626)  (7,615) 
Tax on return on 
ordinary activities                    (538)     120     (418) 
                                      -----    -----    ----- 
Return on ordinary activities 
after tax                             1,473   (9,506)  (8,033) 
                                      -----    -----    ----- 
Return per share                        2.6p  (16.8)p  (14.2)p 
(unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2009 
                             Six months     Six months     Year ended 
                                  ended          ended     31 January 
                           31 July 2009   31 July 2008           2009 
                                   GBP000           GBP000           GBP000 
Equity shareholders' 
funds at 
1 February 2009                 39,702         43,753         43,753 
Return on ordinary 
after tax                        6,123         (1,507)        (8,033) 
Dividends recognised 
in the period                   (1,990)        (1,870)        (3,005) 
Net proceeds of share              173          7,466          7,573 
Shares purchased for 
cancellation                       (36)          (586)          (586) 
                                ------         -- ---         ------ 
Equity shareholders' 
funds at 
31 July 2009                    43,972         47,256         39,702 
                                ------         ------         ------ 
(unaudited) as at 31 July 2009 
                                 31 July 2009 31 July 2008 31 January 
                                         GBP000         GBP000       GBP000 
Fixed asset investments held 
at fair value: 
Venture capital investments 
Unquoted                              23,577       25,779     21,090 
Quoted                                 2,544        2,053      1,823 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Total venture capital                 26,121       27,832     22,913 
Listed fixed-interest                  5,018       17,548      4,636 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Total fixed asset investments         31,139       45,380     27,549 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Current assets: 
Debtors                                1,465          872        813 
Cash and deposits                     12,008        1,565     11,891 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
                                      13,473        2,437     12,704 
Creditors (amounts 
falling due within one year)            (640)        (561)      (551) 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Net current assets                    12,833        1,876     12,153 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Net assets                            43,972       47,256     39,702 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Capital and reserves: 
Called-up equity share capital         2,852        2,835      2,843 
Share premium                         34,181       33,922     34,021 
Capital redemption reserve               341          337        337 
Capital reserve                        7,472        8,028      8,157 
Revaluation reserve                   (2,098)         937     (6,863) 
Revenue reserve                        1,224        1,197      1,207 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Total equity shareholders' funds      43,972       47,256     39,702 
                                      ------       ------     ------ 
Net asset value per share               77.1p        83.3p      69.8p 
(unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2009 
                   Six months ended  Six months ended      Year ended 
                       31 July 2009      31 July 2008 31 January 2009 
                      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
Net cash inflow 
operating                       89               142             574 
Corporation tax                  -                 -            (108) 
Purchase of        (1,528)          (22,619)          (7,864) 
Sale/repayment of 
investments         3,409            11,580            7,855 
                   ------            ------           ------ 
Net cash 
from financial               1,881           (11,039)             (9) 
Equity dividends            (1,990)           (1,870)         (3,005) 
                            ------            ------          ------ 
Net cash outflow 
before financing               (20)          (12,767)         (2,548) 
Issue of ordinary     189             7,886            7,999 
Share issue           (16)             (420)            (426) 
Purchase of 
ordinary shares 
for cancellation      (36)             (586)            (586) 
                   ------            ------           ------ 
Net cash inflow 
financing                      137             6,880           6,987 
                            ------            ------          ------ 
Increase/(decrease) in 
cash and deposits              117            (5,887)          4,439 
                            ------            ------          ------ 
Reconciliation of return before tax 
to net cash flow from operating 
Return on ordinary 
before tax                   6,276            (1,188)         (7,615) 
Gain on disposal of 
investments                   (703)             (159)           (784) 
Movements in fair 
of investments              (4,768)            2,559           9,985 
Increase in debtors           (652)             (517)           (458) 
Decrease in creditors          (64)             (553)           (554) 
                            ------            ------          ------ 
Net cash inflow from 
operating activities            89               142             574 
                            ------            ------          ------ 
Analysis of movement in 
net funds 
                         1 February       Cash flows     31 July 2009 
                               GBP000             GBP000             GBP000 
Cash and deposits           11,891               117          12,008 
                            ------            ------          ------ 
as at 31 July 2009 
                                    Cost Valuation % of net assets 
                                    GBP000      GBP000    by valuation 
15 largest investments: 
DxS                                  685     4,395            10.0 
Paladin Group                      1,307     1,823             4.1 
Envirotec                            975     1,785             4.1 
Crantock Bakery                    1,107     1,412             3.2 
Britspace Holdings                 2,230     1,365             3.1 
Axial Systems Holdings             1,004     1,164             2.6 
Abermed                              725     1,059             2.4 
CloserStill Holdings               1,000     1,000             2.3 
Ingleby (1817)                       995       995             2.3 
S&P Coil Products                    620       994             2.3 
Longhirst Venues                     375       965             2.2 
Arleigh International                435       888             2.0 
Advanced Computer Software*          429       884             2.0 
Optilan Group                      1,000       821             1.9 
IG Doors                           1,000       750             1.7 
                                  ------    ------           ----- 
                                  13,887    20,300            46.2 
Other venture capital investments 14,090     5,821            13.2 
                                  ------    ------           ----- 
Total venture capital investments 27,977    26,121            59.4 
Listed fixed-interest investments  5,260     5,018            11.4 
                                  ------    ------           ----- 
Total fixed asset investments     33,237    31,139            70.8 
Net current assets                          12,833            29.2 
                                            ------           ----- 
Net assets                                  43,972           100.0 
                                            ------           ----- 
*Quoted on AIM 
The above summary of  results for the six  months ended 31 July  2009 
does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning 
of Section 240  of the Companies  Act 1985, has  not been audited  or 
reviewed by  the  company's independent  auditors  and has  not  been 
delivered to the Registrar  of Companies.  The  figures for the  year 
ended 31 January 2009 have been extracted from the audited  financial 
statements for that year, which have been delivered to the  Registrar 
of Companies;  the  independent auditors' report  on those  financial 
statements  under  Section  235  of   the  Companies  Act  1985   was 
unqualified.  The half-yearly financial statements have been prepared 
on the  basis  of the  accounting  policies  set out  in  the  annual 
financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2009. 
The directors  confirm  that  to  the best  of  their  knowledge  the 
half-yearly financial  statements have  been prepared  in  accordance 
with the Statement "Half-yearly financial  reports" issued by the  UK 
Accounting Standards  Board  and  the  half-yearly  financial  report 
includes a fair review of the information required by (a) DTR  4.2.7R 
of the  Disclosure and  Transparency Rules,  being an  indication  of 
important events that have  occurred during the  first six months  of 
the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial 
statements,  and   a  description   of   the  principal   risks   and 
uncertainties for the remaining six months  of the year, and (b)  DTR 
4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related  party 
transactions that have  taken place in  the first six  months of  the 
current  financial  year  and  that  have  materially  affected   the 
financial position or performance of  the entity during that  period, 
and any changes in  the related party  transactions described in  the 
last annual report that could do so. 
The calculation of the revenue and capital return per share is  based 
on the return on ordinary activities after tax for the period and  on 
56,924,548 (2008  54,434,646)  ordinary shares,  being  the  weighted 
average number of shares in issue during the period. 
The proposed interim dividend of 2.0p  per share for the year  ending 
31 January 2010 will  be paid on 4  December 2009 to shareholders  on 
the register at the close of business on 6 November 2009. 
A copy of the half-yearly financial  report for the six months  ended 
31 July 2009 is  expected to be posted  to shareholders on 2  October 
2009 and will be available to the public at the registered office  of 
the company at Northumberland House, Princess Square, Newcastle  upon 
Tyne  NE1  8ER  and  on  the  NVM  Private  Equity  Limited  website, 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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