27 MARCH 2009 
Northern 2 VCT PLC  is a Venture Capital  Trust (VCT) managed by  NVM 
Private Equity.  The trust invests mainly in unquoted venture capital 
holdings and  aims  to provide  high  long-term tax-free  returns  to 
shareholders through  a combination  of  dividend yield  and  capital 
Financial highlights - year ended 31 January 2009: 
(comparative figures as at 31 January 2008 in italics): 
                                                 2009    2008 
*               Net assets                      GBP39.7m  GBP43.8m 
*               Net asset value per share        69.8p   89.1p 
*               Return/(loss) per share 
                Revenue                           2.6p    2.5p 
                Capital                        (16.8)p    3.9p 
                Total                          (14.2)p    6.4p 
*               Dividend per share proposed 
                in respect of the year 
                Revenue                           2.5p    2.5p 
                Capital                           3.0p    3.5p 
                Total                             5.5p    6.0p 
*               Cumulative return to 
                shareholders since launch 
                Net asset value per share        69.8p   89.1p 
                Dividends paid per share*        41.4p   35.4p 
                Net asset value plus dividends 
                paid per share                  111.2p  124.5p 
*               Share price at end of year       51.0p   80.5p 
*Excluding proposed final dividend 
For further information, please contact: 
NVM Private Equity Limited 
Alastair Conn/Christopher Mellor 0191 244 6000 
Website:  www.nvm.co.uk 
Lansons Communications 
Karen Mignon                     020 7294 3685 
My report is set against  an extremely difficult background for  most 
investment companies.  The  past year  has seen the  UK economy  move 
sharply into  recession.   The  global  financial  system  is  in  an 
extremely fragile state.  The operating environment for businesses in 
the UK has been deeply affected  by the reduced availability of  bank 
finance, the fall  in consumer  demand, the weakness  of the  housing 
market and a general lack of confidence in virtually all parts of the 
economy.  The UK stock market has fallen to a six-year low and  there 
appears to be little reason for optimism in the short to medium term. 
In this context it is perhaps unsurprising that your company has  had 
a  difficult  year  so  far  as  asset  values  are  concerned.   The 
accompanying results show a net asset value (NAV) per share of  69.8p 
as at 31 January 2009 and a  negative total return per share for  the 
year (before dividends) of 14.2p, equivalent to 15.9% of the  opening 
net asset value.   This disappointing outcome  should however be  set 
against the fact that over the  same period the FTSE All-Share  index 
produced a negative total return of 27.8%.  Notwithstanding the  fall 
in NAV, investment income and realised gains in the year held up well 
and the directors  are pleased to  declare a total  dividend for  the 
year of 5.5p per share, in line with our previously stated objective. 
Investment portfolio 
During the year six new venture capital investments (two of which are 
AIM-quoted) were acquired at a cost of GBP4.6 million.  Six investments 
were fully  exited  and the  total  disposal proceeds  for  the  year 
amounted to GBP7.2 million.  The portfolio at 31 January 2009 comprised 
48  holdings  with  a  book  value  of  GBP22.9  million.    Investment 
valuations generally have  been depressed by  a combination of  lower 
price-earnings ratios applying to comparable industry sectors in  the 
quoted markets and some falls in underlying company profitability and 
asset values.  The board  continues to take  a cautious and  rigorous 
approach to valuing  the portfolio and  has marked down  a number  of 
individual holdings, which we believe is prudent and realistic in the 
current circumstances. 
Despite these lower valuations  it is noteworthy  that no company  in 
the  portfolio  actually  failed   during  the  year,  although   our 
investment in DMN was sold for a token consideration which realised a 
substantial loss and  we have made  appropriate provisions against  a 
number of other companies  where prospects are presently  uncertain. 
DxS has made strong progress and is now our largest holding by value, 
and several other investments have defied the challenging  conditions 
to report  excellent  results.   Developments in  the  portfolio  are 
discussed in more detail in the business review in the annual report. 
Revenue and dividends 
The revenue return per share for the year was marginally higher  than 
last year at 2.6p, enabling the revenue dividend to be maintained  at 
2.5p per share for the  eighth successive year.  The venture  capital 
portfolio continued to  contribute a  strong flow of  income and  the 
revenue account also benefited from the interest income on the  funds 
subscribed in the public  share offer as well  as the exemption  from 
VAT on management fees referred to below.  In addition we are able to 
distribute  realised  gains  from   the  venture  capital   portfolio 
equivalent to 3.0p per share, making a total dividend for the year of 
5.5p which is  in line with  the objective  we set out  in 2007.   An 
interim dividend of 2.0p per share was paid in December 2008 and  the 
proposed final  dividend  of 3.5p  per  share will,  if  approved  by 
shareholders at the annual general meeting, be paid on 5 June 2009 to 
shareholders on the register on 1  May 2009.  This payment will  take 
the cumulative  total  of dividends  declared  by the  company  since 
inception to 44.9p per share. 
We do not expect to achieve  a similar level of investment income  in 
the year ending 31  January 2010, with  interest rates on  short-term 
deposits drastically  reduced  and some  portfolio  companies  coming 
under increasing pressure from their bankers to suspend dividend  and 
interest payments.   This means  that we  will be  more reliant  than 
hitherto on realised  capital gains  in order to  maintain the  total 
dividend, and  I  am glad  to  report that  in  this regard  the  new 
financial year has started well with the sale of Pivotal Laboratories 
Holdings in March 2009.  However  with market conditions unlikely  to 
improve in  the  near  future, the  challenge  of  achieving  further 
realisations on  acceptable  terms  should  not  be  underestimated. 
Shareholders should therefore  recognise that in  the short term  our 
target annual dividend of 5.5p per share may not be sustainable. 
Shareholder issues 
The company's public offer of new ordinary shares for subscription in 
the 2007/08 and 2008/09 tax years, launched in November 2007,  closed 
in April 2008 having raised a total of GBP9.5 million - a  satisfactory 
outcome.  A further GBP0.3 million was subscribed for new shares during 
the year  through the  company's  dividend investment  scheme,  under 
which investors can currently claim income  tax relief at 30% on  the 
amount invested. 
During the  year  the  company  purchased  for  cancellation  742,786 
ordinary shares,  equivalent  to  approximately 1.5%  of  the  issued 
capital at the start of the year, at a total cost of GBP586,000.   This 
buy-back activity was concentrated  in the earlier  part of the  year 
and in recent months  we have stood back  from the market because  of 
the volatility of  asset prices  generally.  However  it remains  the 
board's policy  to buy  back  the company's  ordinary shares  in  the 
market at a 10% discount to NAV, subject to market conditions and the 
terms of the authority granted by shareholders. 
The turmoil  in  the  financial markets  has  produced  various  side 
effects, one of which  was the failure of  our corporate brokers  and 
market-makers,  Landsbanki  Securities  (UK),  in  October  2008.   A 
successor  firm,  Teathers,  was   appointed  by  your  company   but 
regrettably in March  2009 this  firm in  turn was  obliged to  cease 
trading due to the  financial difficulties of  its parent group.   We 
are presently  reviewing the  future provision  of corporate  broking 
services.  The most obvious result of these disruptions has been  the 
volatility of the company's share price, which has been trading at  a 
discount to NAV of over 40%  during the recent closed period  leading 
up to the announcement of these annual results.  Although in the long 
run it is our objective to stimulate secondary market demand for  the 
company's shares by maintaining an attractive dividend yield, in  the 
immediate future  we may  have  to make  more  extensive use  of  our 
buy-back powers in order to restore the discount to a more acceptable 
level in the short term. 
VAT on management fees 
Following the Chancellor of the Exchequer's announcement in the  2008 
Budget that investment management  fees paid by  VCTs were to  become 
exempt from VAT,  HM Revenue  & Customs has  acknowledged that  under 
European Union VAT law this  exemption should have applied from  1990 
onwards.  Our managers had already submitted a claim for repayment of 
VAT previously paid and your  company has so far recovered  GBP414,000, 
which has  been  recognised  as  a  separate  credit  in  the  income 
statement.  It is possible that a further repayment will be  obtained 
but the position is not sufficiently clear-cut for us to predict  the 
outcome at this stage. 
The ongoing saving in VAT on management fees is especially welcome at 
a time when the Government's policy of driving down interest rates is 
having a significant effect on our investment income. 
VCT qualifying status 
The company has continued to meet the qualifying conditions laid down 
by HM Revenue & Customs for  maintaining its approval as a VCT.   The 
board retains PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP  as independent advisers  on 
VCT taxation matters. 
Board of directors 
In April  2008 Matt  Ridley retired  from the  board, having  chaired 
Northern 2 VCT since  its inception in 1999.   I would like to  thank 
Matt on behalf of shareholders and the board for his contribution  to 
the company over the first nine years of its life.  I am grateful  to 
my colleagues for  their support  and encouragement  during what  has 
been by any measure an interesting first year in the chair. 
The immediate outlook for  the UK economy is  uncertain and it  seems 
likely that  the  financial  markets  will  remain  depressed  for  a 
considerable period into the future.  The flow of new venture capital 
deals has  slowed  considerably  and your  board  and  managers  will 
continue to  take  a  cautious  approach  to  making  new  investment 
commitments.  Nevertheless  our  experience  of  previous  recessions 
suggests  that  in  time  there  will  be  opportunities  to  acquire 
fundamentally sound businesses at  attractive valuations with a  view 
to benefiting from the  eventual recovery.  In  the meantime, with  a 
defensively managed portfolio  and ample liquid  funds, the  emphasis 
will remain on ensuring as far  as possible that our company is  well 
placed to emerge from the present downturn in a strong position. 
David Gravells 
The audited financial statements for  the year ended 31 January  2009 
are set out below. 
for the year ended 31 January 2009 
                Year ended 31 January 2009      Year ended 31 January 
                 Revenue   Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                    GBP000      GBP000    GBP000     GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
Gain on 
disposal of 
  investments          -       784     784        -    1,759   1,759 
Movements in 
fair value 
  of                   -    (9,985) (9,985)       -      802     802 
                  ------    ------  ------   ------   ------  ------ 
                       -    (9,201) (9,201)       -    2,561   2,561 
Income             2,456         -   2,456    2,111        -   2,111 
Investment          (246)     (740)   (986)    (253)    (968) (1,221) 
management fee 
Recoverable VAT       99       315     414        -        -       - 
Other expenses      (298)        -    (298)    (266)       -    (266) 
                  ------    ------  ------   ------   ------  ------ 
Return on 
  activities       2,011    (9,626) (7,615)   1,592    1.593   3,185 
before tax 
Tax on return 
  ordinary          (538)      120    (418)    (416)     303    (113) 
                  ------    ------  ------   ------   ------  ------ 
Return on 
  activities       1,473    (9,506) (8,033)   1,176    1,896   3,072 
after tax 
                  ------    ------  ------   ------   ------  ------ 
Return/(loss)        2.6p   (16.8)p (14.2)p     2.5p     3.9p    6.4p 
per share 
for the year ended 31 January 2009 
                                    Year ended       Year ended 
                               31 January 2009  31 January 2008 
                                          GBP000             GBP000 
Equity shareholders' funds 
  at 1 February 2008                    43,753           42,909 
Return on ordinary 
  activities after tax                  (8,033)           3,072 
Dividends recognised 
  in the year                           (3,005)          (3,109) 
Net proceeds of share issues             7,573            2,038 
Shares purchased for 
  Cancellation                            (586)          (1,157) 
                                        ------           ------ 
Equity shareholders' funds 
  at 31 January 2009                    39,702           43,753 
                                        ------           ------ 
as at 31 January 2009 
                                    31 January  31 January 
                                          2009        2008 
                                          GBP000        GBP000 
Venture capital investments 
  Unquoted                              21,090      29,326 
  Quoted                                 1,823       2,349 
                                        ------      ------ 
Total venture capital investments       22,913      31,675 
Listed fixed-interest investments        4,636       5,066 
                                        ------      ------ 
Total fixed asset investments           27,549      36,741 
                                        ------      ------ 
Current assets: 
  Debtors                                  813         355 
  Cash and deposits                     11,891       7,452 
                                        ------      ------ 
                                        12,704       7,807 
Creditors (amounts falling due 
  within one year)                        (551)       (795) 
                                        ------      ------ 
Net current assets                      12,153       7,012 
                                        ------      ------ 
Net assets                              39,702      43,753 
                                        ------      ------ 
Capital and reserves: 
Called-up equity share capital           2,843       2,456 
Share premium                           34,021      26,872 
Capital redemption reserve                 337         300 
Capital reserve - realised               8,157       8,727 
Capital reserve - unrealised            (6,863)      4,396 
Revenue reserve                          1,207       1,002 
                                        ------      ------ 
Total equity shareholders' funds        39,702      43,753 
                                        ------      ------ 
Net asset value per share                 69.8p       89.1p 
for the year ended 31 January 2009 
                                         Year ended       Year ended 
                                    31 January 2009  31 January 2008 
                                       GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
Cash flow statement 
Net cash inflow from 
  operating activities                          574            1,283 
Corporation tax paid                           (108)            (106) 
Financial investment: 
Purchase of investments              (7,864)          (8,066) 
Sale/repayment of 
  Investments                         7,855           14,159 
                                     ------           ------ 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) 
  from financial investment                      (9)           6,093 
Equity dividends paid                        (3,005)          (3,109) 
                                             ------           ------ 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) 
  before financing                           (2,548)           4,161 
Issue of shares                       7,999            2,146 
Share issue expenses                   (426)            (108) 
Purchase of shares 
  for cancellation                     (586)          (1,157) 
                                     ------           ------ 
Net cash inflow from                          6,987              881 
                                             ------           ------ 
Increase in cash and                          4,439            5,042 
                                             ------           ------ 
Reconciliation of return 
before tax to net cash flow 
operating activities 
Return on ordinary 
  activities before tax                      (7,615)           3,185 
Gain on disposal of                            (784)          (1,759) 
Movements in fair value of                    9,985             (802) 
Decrease/(increase) in                         (458)             116 
Increase/(decrease) in                         (554)             543 
                                             ------           ------ 
Net cash inflow from 
  operating activities                          574            1,283 
                                             ------           ------ 
Reconciliation of movement 
in net funds 
                         1 February      Cash flows  31 January 2009 
                              GBP000             GBP000             GBP000 
Cash at bank                 7,452            4,439           11,891 
                            ------           ------           ------ 
as at 31 January 2009 
                                              Cost Valuation % of net 
                                              GBP000      GBP000   assets 
                                                             by value 
Fifteen largest venture capital investments 
DxS                                            684     2,083      5.2 
Envirotec                                      975     1,744      4.4 
Paladin Group                                1,307     1,567      4.0 
Pivotal Laboratories Holdings                  857     1,563      3.9 
Crantock Bakery                              1,107     1,406      3.6 
Britspace Holdings                           2,230     1,295      3.3 
Axial Systems Holdings                       1,000     1,000      2.5 
Closerstill Holdings                         1,000     1,000      2.5 
Optilan Group                                1,000     1,000      2.5 
Abermed                                        725       989      2.5 
Longhirst Venues                               353       958      2.4 
S&P Coil Products                              620       834      2.1 
Arleigh International                          435       769      1.9 
Liquidlogic                                    169       672      1.7 
Ingleby (1804)                                 633       633      1.6 
                                            ------    ------    ----- 
                                            13,095    17,513     44.1 
Other venture capital investments           15,900     5,400     13.6 
                                            ------    ------    ----- 
Total venture capital investments           28,995    22,913     57.7 
Listed fixed-interest investments            5,418     4,636     11.7 
                                            ------    ------    ----- 
Total fixed asset investments               34,413    27,549     69.4 
Net current assets                                    12,153     30.6 
                                                      ------    ----- 
Net assets                                            39,702    100.0 
                                                      ------    ----- 
The board carries  out a regular  review of the  risk environment  in 
which the company operates.  The main areas of risk identified by the 
board are as follows: 
Investment risk:  The  majority of the  company's investments are  in 
small and medium-sized  unquoted and AIM-quoted  companies which  are 
VCT qualifying holdings, and  which by their  nature entail a  higher 
level of risk and  lower liquidity than  investments in large  quoted 
companies. The  directors aim  to  limit the  risk attaching  to  the 
portfolio as a whole by  careful selection and timely realisation  of 
investments, by carrying out rigorous due diligence procedures and by 
maintaining a wide spread  of holdings in  terms of financing  stage, 
industry sector  and geographical  location.  The  board reviews  the 
investment portfolio with the investment managers on a regular basis. 
Financial risk:   As  most of  the  company's investments  involve  a 
medium to long-term commitment and many are relatively illiquid,  the 
directors consider that it is inappropriate to finance the  company's 
activities through  borrowing  except  on  an  occasional  short-term 
basis.  Accordingly  they  seek  to  maintain  a  proportion  of  the 
company's assets in  cash or  cash equivalents in  order to  be in  a 
position to take advantage of new unquoted investment opportunities. 
The company has  very little  exposure to foreign  currency risk  and 
does not enter into derivative transactions. 
Liquidity risk:   The  company's  investments  may  be  difficult  to 
realise.  The fact that a stock  is quoted on AIM does not  guarantee 
its liquidity and there may be  a large spread between bid and  offer 
prices.  Unquoted investments  are not traded  on a recognised  stock 
exchange and are inherently illiquid. 
Internal control risk:   The board  regularly reviews  the system  of 
internal controls, both financial and non-financial, operated by  the 
company and the manager.  These  include controls designed to  ensure 
that the company's assets are safeguarded and that proper  accounting 
records are maintained. 
VCT qualifying status risk:  the company is required at all times  to 
observe the conditions laid down in  the Income Tax Act 2007 for  the 
maintenance of approved VCT status.  The loss of such approval  could 
lead to  the company  losing its  exemption from  corporation tax  on 
capital gains,  to  investors  being  liable to  pay  income  tax  on 
dividends received from the company and, in certain circumstances, to 
investors being required to  repay the initial  income tax relief  on 
their investment.   The manager  keeps the  company's VCT  qualifying 
status under continual review and reports to the board on a quarterly 
basis.  The  board has  also retained  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP  to 
undertake an independent VCT status monitoring role. 
The directors  are responsible  for  preparing the  annual  financial 
report in accordance  with applicable law  and regulations.   Company 
law requires the directors to  prepare financial statements for  each 
financial year.  Under that law the directors have elected to prepare 
the financial statements in accordance with UK Accounting Standards. 
The financial statements are required by law to give a true and  fair 
view of  the state  of  affairs of  the company  at  the end  of  the 
financial period and of the return  of the company for that  period. 
In preparing these financial  statements, the directors are  required 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them 
  * make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been 
    followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and 
    explained in the financial statements;  and 
  * prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis 
    unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will 
    continue in business. 
In relation to the financial statements for the year ended 31 January 
2009, each of  the directors has  confirmed that to  the best of  his 
  * the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance 
    with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and 
    fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and 
    profit or loss of the company;  and 
  * the directors' report includes a fair review of the development 
    and performance of the business and the position of the company 
    together with a description of the principal risks and 
    uncertainties which it faces. 
The directors  are also  responsible  for keeping  proper  accounting 
records that  disclose  with  reasonable accuracy  at  any  time  the 
financial position of the company and enable them to ensure that  its 
financial statements comply with the  Companies Act 1985.  They  have 
general responsibility for taking such  steps as are reasonably  open 
to them to  safeguard the assets  of the company  and to prevent  and 
detect fraud and other irregularities. 
Under  applicable  law  and  regulations,  the  directors  are   also 
responsible   for   preparing   a   directors'   report,   directors' 
remuneration report and  corporate governance  statement that  comply 
with that law and those regulations. 
The company's financial statements are  published on the NVM  Private 
Equity Limited  website.   The  maintenance  and  integrity  of  this 
website is  the  responsibility  of  NVM and  not  of  the  company. 
Visitors to  the website  should  be aware  that legislation  in  the 
United  Kingdom  governing  the  preparation  and  dissemination   of 
financial  statements   may   differ  from   legislation   in   other 
The above summary of results for the year ended 31 January 2009  does 
not constitute statutory financial  statements within the meaning  of 
Section 240 of the Companies Act  1985 and has not been delivered  to 
the Registrar of Companies.   Statutory financial statements will  be 
filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course;  the independent 
auditors' report on those financial  statements under Section 235  of 
the Companies  Act  1985  is  unqualified  and  does  not  contain  a 
statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The proposed final dividend of 3.5p  per share for the year ended  31 
January 2009 will,  if approved by  shareholders, be paid  on 5  June 
2009 to shareholders on  the register at the  close of business on  1 
May 2009. 
The full annual  report including financial  statements for the  year 
ended 31 January 2009 is expected to be posted to shareholders on  14 
April 2009 and  will be  available to  the public  at the  registered 
office of  the  company  at Northumberland  House,  Princess  Square, 
Newcastle upon Tyne  NE1 8ER and  on the NVM  Private Equity  Limited 
website, www.nvm.co.uk. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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Northern 2 Vct (LSE:NTV)
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