Statement of Results for the six months to 30 June 2008

New Star Private Equity Investment Trust PLC (the "Company") today announces
its results for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

Investment Objective

The Company's investment objective is to produce capital gains through exposure
to a diversified portfolio of private equity investments.

Highlights for the six months ended 30 June 2008

*    Net Asset Value per share increase d by 2.0% since 31 December 2007 and by
     11.6% since 30 June 2007.                                                 
*    Realisation of Healthcare Homes on a 2.7 times multiple of the original   
*    Commitments of Euro7.0m each made to French mid-market funds Astorg IV and   
     Pragma II.                                                                

                                 30 June 2008      31 December 2007      Change
Net Asset Value                        �73.0m                �74.5m       -2.0%
Net Asset Value per share              385.0p                377.6p       +2.0%
Share price                            262.5p                299.0p     - 12.2%
Discount                                31.8%                 20.8%         N/A
FTSE All Share Index                  2,855.7               3,286.7     - 13.1%

For further information please contact:

Nick Brind, New Star Asset Management Limited, 020 7225 6052

Paul Craig, New Star Asset Management Limited, 020 7225 9527

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report a total return for the six months to 30 June 2008 of
2.0%, with the net asset value at 30 June 2008 being 385.0p per Ordinary share
compared to 377.6p at 31 December 2007.


At 30 June 2008 the value of the Company's investments, including cash and
government bonds, was �75.1 million. This included private equity fund
interests of �65.2 million. The value of the Company's interests in limited
partnerships was �52.4 million.

During the period to 30 June 2008 there were net realised gains of �0.6 million
and net unrealised losses of �0.1 million.

Unfortunately as a result of the disclosure and transparency rules requirement
to issue the half year accounts by 31 August, it has not been practical to
update all limited partnership interests for the final valuations at 30 June
2008; 82% of the portfolio is valued using final valuations at 30 June 2008;
14% of the portfolio is valued using preliminary valuations at 30 June 2008 and
4% of the portfolio is valued at 31 March 2008 valuations, as amended for any
subsequent cash flows. All limited partnership valuations for 30 June 2008 are
expected to be fully reflected in the net asset value for 30 September 2008
which is due to be published in mid October 2008.

Further information on the Company's portfolio, including details of the
underlying investments held via limited partnership interests, can be found


Aggregate cash and government bonds were approximately �8.9 million at 30 June
2008. Including listed private equity vehicles, the Company had �19.1 million
of liquidity. In addition, the Company had undrawn loan facilities of �30
million. These liquid resources of �49.1 million compare to current outstanding
commitments to funds still in their initial investment period of �62.6 million
which are expected to be drawn down over the next few years ; the excess will
be funded by future realisations.

Investment activity

The first six months of 2008 were relatively quiet as far as investment
activity was concerned.

Existing portfolio

The Company had only one realisation through a limited partnership, namely that
of Healthcare Homes, an investment in August Equity Partners I ("AEP I"), which
was sold at a multiple of 2.7 times the original investment, after taking into
account follow-on investments.

There were five partial realisations, the largest being Wolstenholme, an
investment in Rutland Fund I, but also Planit Holdings, Hat Trick Productions
and Imagine Publishing, all investments in AEP I.

New investments were limited, reflecting the more difficult environment for
funding buy-outs but also disparity in vendors' expectations for the value of
their businesses. Nevertheless, August Equity Partners II completed the
acquisition of Enara Community Care ("Enara") to pursue a buy-and-build
strategy in the domiciliary care market in London and the South East. Enara has
completed two bolt-on acquisitions since its purchase. In addition there have
been a small number of follow-on investments.

New commitments

Two new commitments of Euro7.0 million each were made to Astorg IV and to Pragma
II, both French mid-market buy-out funds . Further commitments are under
consideration particularly seeking to take advantage of the opportunities that
the weakness in financial markets and worsening economic environment are
creating. Against this the Company needs to balance the expected drawdown
profile of the Company's current commitments and likely slowdown in
realisations over the next few years.

Listed investments

European listed private equity companies fell by 15.9% in the six months to 30
June 2008, as illustrated by the LPX Europe Price Index , against a fall of
13.1% in the broader equity market as reflected by the FTSE All-Share Index.
The opportunity was taken to add only selectively to the Company's holdings in
listed private equity companies as we are conscious of the short-term downside
risks. In this respect a holding in SVG Capital ordinary shares was sold and
part of the proceeds re-invested into an 8.25% convertible unsecured loan stock
issued by the same company.

Share price

The discount on the Company's shares compared to net asset value widened
significantly to approximately 31.8% at 30 June 2008. This widening of the
discount was a sector-wide phenomenon, with the sector average discount at 30
June 2008 being 21.7%. The Company's share price reflects quite a negative
outlook; it seems for the discount to narrow, general sentiment towards equity
investments needs to improve significantly.

As set out last year's annual report, the Board believes it is appropriate to
seek to maintain a discount level broadly in line with the peer group average
and to this end, since the publication of the annual results to 31 December
2007; the Company has repurchased 762,000 shares, of which 712,000 shares are
held in treasury.

Market environment

The severe downturn in credit markets and macro economic outlook continues to
weigh heavily on activity in the public and private markets. Valuations across
private equity portfolios continue to be viewed with some scepticism and hence
the severe movement in share prices of listed private equity funds from close
to net asset value a year ago to the current wide discounts to net asset value.

Whilst the Manager's recent discussions with general partners suggest that the
current valuations are reasonable, the Company's portfolio has some sensitivity
to the macro economic environment.

Perhaps as important, the Company's undrawn commitments provide the opportunity
to benefit from lower valuations that are likely to prevail in European
mid-market transactions where the Company focuses. This should create
opportunities for upside as conditions improve over the next few years.
Opportunities to trade listed private equity vehicles provide another tool for
the Manager and offer potential for continued growth in net asset value.

Clearly there is a risk that a continued downturn in the economy and/or
financial markets will impact valuations at 31 December 2008. However, the
Board believes the Company's portfolio should prove to be relatively robust.

John Mackie CBE


29 August 2008

Investment Portfolio

The Company's investments at 30 June 2008 were:

Company                      Category            Country /  Valuation      % of
                                                                 �000 Portfolio
Rutland Fund I               Limited Partnership UK            18,270      24.3
August Equity Partners I     Limited Partnership UK            12,466      16.6
Parallel Ventures 2006       Limited Partnership UK /          10,667      14.2
August Equity Partners II    Limited Partnership UK             5,854       7.8
Logic Group                  Direct              UK             2,500       3.3
Graphite Enterprise          Listed              UK             2,100       2.8
Rutland Fund II              Limited Partnership UK             1,457       1.9
Astorg IV                    Limited Partnership France         1,419       1.9
Hg Capital Trust             Listed              UK             1,285       1.7
Renewable Energy Generation  Listed              UK             1,080       1.4
Ten largest investments                                        57,098      75.9
Reconstruction Capital II    Listed              Eastern          990       1.3
Evolvence India              Listed              India            975       1.3
Century Capital Partners     Limited Partnership US               822       1.1
Fund IV                                                                        
Quorum Oil & Gas Technology  Listed              Global           810       1.1
SVG Capital 8.25%            Listed              UK               727       1.0
Convertible Bonds 2016                                                         
ARC Capital                  Listed              China            681       0.9
Pragma II                    Limited Partnership France           535       0.7
Dinamia                      Listed              Spain            458       0.6
Wendel Investments           Listed              Europe           434       0.6
Private Equity Investor      Listed              US               371       0.5
Twenty largest investments                                     63,901      85.0

Elderstreet Capital Partners Limited Partnership UK               301       0.4
London Asia Chinese Private  Listed              China            289       0.4
Equity Fund                                                                    
KB Fund III B                Limited Partnership UK               235       0.3
Zeus Private Equity Fund     Limited Partnership UK               209       0.3
Global Telecom & Technology  Direct investment   US               146       0.2
KB Fund III                  Limited Partnership UK               118       0.2
Total investments                                              65,199      86.8
French Treasury 4.0% 12/09/                                     4,710       6.3
UK Treasury 4.0% 07/03/2009                                       992       1.3
Cash                                                            4,188       5.6
Total Portfolio                                                75,089     100.0

Portfolio Analysis

Underlying investments

The Company's 10 largest underlying investments at 30 June 2008 were:

Investment             General      Sector         Vintage  Valuation      % of
                       Partner                                        portfolio
Notemachine            Rutland I    Financial         2006     11,017      14.7
Lifeways               August I     Healthcare        2007      3,822       5.1
Community Care                                                                 
Enara Community Care   August II    Healthcare        2008      3,597       4.8
Boat International     August I     Consumer          2006      3,016       4.0
Wolstenholme           Rutland I    Industrial        2000      2,941       3.9
Logic Group            Direct       Technology        2007      2,500       3.3
Rollford Group         August I     Consumer          2006      2,448       3.3
The Music Group        Rutland I    Consumer          2003      2,354       3.1
Planit Holdings        August I     Technology        2006      1,817       2.4
Advantage              Rutland I    Healthcare        2005      1,795       2.4

Type of investment

Type of investment                                      Percentage of portfolio
Limited partnerships                                                        70%
Listed funds                                                                14%
Cash and treasury                                                           13%
Direct investment                                                            3%

Geographic exposure of underlying investments

Country or region                                       Percentage of portfolio
UK                                                                          77%
Europe                                                                      19%
North America                                                                2%
China                                                                        1%
India                                                                        1%

Sector exposure of limited partnerships

Sector                                                  Percentage of portfolio
Financial                                                                   25%
Healthcare                                                                  20%
Technology                                                                  19%
Industrial                                                                  11%
Goods                                                                       14%
Services                                                                     9%
Other                                                                        2%

Limited partnership by vintage

Vintage                                                 Percentage of portfolio
Less than 1 year                                                            16%
1 - 2 years                                                                 53%
2 - 3 years                                                                 16%
More than 3 years                                                           15%

Valuation basis of limited partnerships

Valuation basis                                         Percentage of portfolio
Cost                                                                        46%
Earnings                                                                    54%

Interim Management Report


At 30 June 2008 net asset value per share, share price and discount were as

                                        30 June      31 December        30 June
                                           2008             2007           2007
Net asset value per share                385.0p           377.6p         345.1p
Share price                              262.5p           299.0p         310.0p
Discount                                  31.8%            20.8%          10.2%

The Chairman's Statement and the Investment Management Report include details
of the Company's performance during the period.

Issued share capital

At 30 June 2008 the issued share capital of the Company was as follows:

                                        30 June      31 December        30 June
                                           2008             2007           2007
Issued share capital                 19,682,212       19,732,212     27,079,500
(including treasury shares)                                                    
Treasury shares                         712,000                -              -
Issued share capital                 18,970,212       19,732,212     27,079,500
(excluding treasury shares)                                                    

In the six months to 30 June 2008, the Company repurchased a total of 762,000
shares . Of these shares 50,000 were cancelled whilst 712,000 were placed into
treasury. No shares were repurchased or issued in the six months ended 30 June
2007. In the year ended 31 December 2007, the Company repurchased a total of
10,881,800 shares (including 10,831,800 shares repurchased pursuant to a tender
offer); 3,534,512 shares were issued pursuant to the merger with Rutland Trust

Principal risks and uncertainties

The principal risks associated with the Company include the following:

Investment strategy

Inappropriate long-term strategy, asset allocation and manager selection might
lead to the underperformance of the Company.

Long term nature of private equity investments

Private equity investments are long term in nature and it may take several
years before they can be realised.

Financial risks of private equity

A substantial proportion of the Company's assets are invested in limited
partnerships which invest in private companies. These unquoted investments are
less readily marketable than quoted securities. In addition, such investments
may carry a higher degree of risk than quoted securities.

Valuation uncertainty

In valuing its investments in unlisted private equity funds or limited
partnerships and in calculating its net asset value, the Company relies to a
significant extent on the accuracy of financial and other information provided
by these funds to the Manager. Limited partnerships typically only provide
updated valuations on a quarterly or six monthly basis.

Regulatory risk

Failure to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements could lead
to the suspension or loss of the Company's Stock Exchange listing or result in
financial penalties. Breach of Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes
Act 1988 could lead to the loss of the Company's investment trust status,
leading to the Company being subject to tax on its capital gains. The latest
period in respect of which the Company has received approval from HM Revenue
and Customs as an investment trust is the year ended 31 December 2007.

Investment Manager

The quality of the management team employed by the Investment Manager is an
important factor in delivering good performance and the loss by New Star of key
staff could adversely affect investment returns. In addition, the failure of
the Investment Manager's core fund management systems might lead to the loss of
data or inaccurate reporting.

Business conditions and general economy

The Company's investment returns are influenced by general economic conditions
in the UK and globally. Factors such as interest rates, inflation, investor
sentiment, the availability and cost of credit could adversely affect the
performance of both the Company and its underlying investments.

Further details of the risks facing the Company, and how the Company seeks to
manage them, may be found in the Report and Accounts for the year ended 31
December 2007.


The Directors of the Company are:

John Mackie (Chairman)

Terry Connor (Senior Independent Director)

Barry Dean

John Duffield (alternate: Howard Covington)

Ian Orrock

Each of the Directors served throughout the period. Howard Covington , the
Chief Executive of New Star Asset Management Group PLC, replaced Ravi Anand as
John Duffield's alternate with effect from 29 August 2008.

Related parties Transactions

During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions with
related parties have taken place that materially affected the financial
position or performance of the Company during the period.


The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by auditors .

Responsibility Statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

  * The condensed set of financial statements contained within the half yearly
    report to 30 June 2008 has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim
    Financial Reporting".
  * The interim directors' report includes a fair review of important events
    that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and
    their impact on financial statements
  * The interim directors' report includes a description of the principal risks
    and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year.
  * The interim management report includes a fair review of the information
    concerning related party transactions as required by DTR 4.2.8R of the
    FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
By order of the Board

New Star Asset Management Limited, Secretary

29 August 2008.

Income Statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2008 (unaudited)

                                            Six months to 30 June 2008         

                              Notes         Revenue        Capital        Total
                                              �'000          �'000        �'000
Gains on investments held at                      -            467          467
fair value through profit or                                                   
Gains on foreign exchange                         -           (39)         (39)
Income                          2             1,235              -        1,235
Investment Management fee       3             (433)              -        (433)
Administration expenses                       (454)              -        (454)
Return on ordinary                              348            428          776
activities before finance                                                      
costs and taxation                                                             
Interest payable and similar                   (37)              -         (37)
Return on ordinary                              311            428          739
activities before taxation                                                     
Taxation                                       (96)              -         (96)
Return on ordinary                              215            428          643
activities after finance                                                       
costs and taxation                                                             
Return per Ordinary share       6              1.1p           2.2p         3.3p
(based on average number of                                                    
shares during the period)                                                      

Number of Ordinary shares in                     18,970,212
issue at period end                                        
Weighted average number of                       19,668,679
Ordinary shares during the period                          

The total columns of this statement are the profit and loss account for the
Company and the revenue and capital columns represent supplementary
information. The total columns represent all the information required to be
disclosed in the Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses ("STRGL"). For
this reason a STRGL is not presented.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the current or prior

Income Statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2007 (unaudited) and the year ended 31
December 2007 (audited)

                                 Six months to               Year ended        
                                 30 June 2007             31 December 2007     
                    Notes  Revenue   Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital   Total
                             �'000     �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000
Gains on                         -     4,803    4,803        -   11,212  11,212
investments held at                                                            
fair value through                                                             
profit or loss                                                                 
Gains on foreign                 -         -        -        -       21      21
Income                2      1,590         -    1,590    2,323        -   2,323
Investment            3      (505)         -    (505)    (913)    (323) (1,236)
Management fee                                                                 
Administration               (115)         -    (115)    (553)  (1,018) (1,571)
Return on ordinary             970     4,803    5,773      857    9,892  10,749
activities before                                                              
finance costs and                                                              
Interest payable                 -         -        -    (176)        -   (176)
and similar charges                                                            
Return on ordinary             970     4,803    5,773      681    9,892  10,573
activities before                                                              
Taxation                     (376)         -    (376)    (290)       97   (193)
Return on ordinary             594     4,803    5,397      391    9,989  10,380
activities after                                                               
finance costs and                                                              
Return per Ordinary   6       2.2p     17.7p    19.9p     1.7p    42.6p   44.3p
share (based on                                                                
average number of                                                              
shares during the                                                              

Number of Ordinary                          27,079,500               19,732,212
shares in issue at                                                             
period end                                                                     
Weighted average                            27,079,500               24,436,058
number of Ordinary                                                             
shares in issue                                                                
during the year                                                                

The total columns of this statement are the profit and loss account for the
Company and the revenue and capital columns represent supplementary
information. The total columns represent all the information required to be
disclosed in the Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses ("STRGL"). For
this reason a STRGL is not presented.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the current or prior

Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds

for the six months ended 30 June 2008 (unaudited)

             Called up   Share    Capital Realised Revaluation Revenue Shareholders'
                 share premium redemption  capital     capital Reserve         funds
                       account    reserve  reserve     reserve                      
                 �'000   �'000      �'000    �'000       �'000   �'000         �'000
Balance at 1       987  17,321        702   35,840      18,036   1,630        74,516
January 2008                                                                        
Net loss on          -       -          -     (36)           -       -          (36)
Net gain on          -       -          -      645           -       -           645
Transfer on          -       -          -    2,593     (2,593)       -             -
disposal of                                                                         
Decrease in          -       -          -        -     (1,159)       -       (1,159)
on listed                                                                           
Increase in          -       -          -        -       1,017       -         1,017
on unlisted                                                                         
Net loss on          -       -          -     (39)           -       -          (39)
Dividends            -       -          -        -           -   (130)         (130)
Revenue              -       -          -        -           -     215           215
to Ordinary                                                                         
Shares             (3)       -          3    (128)           -       -         (128)
bought back                                                                         
Shares               -       -          -  (1,862)           -       -       (1,862)
bought back                                                                         
and held in                                                                         
Balance at 3       984  17,321        705   37,013      15,301   1,715        73,039
0 June 2008                                                                         

Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds

for the six months ended 30 June 2007 (unaudited)

             Called up   Share    Capital Realised Revaluation Revenue Shareholders'
                 share premium redemption  capital     capital Reserve         funds

               capital account    reserve  reserve     reserve                      
                 �'000   �'000      �'000    �'000       �'000   �'000         �'000
Balance at 1     1,354   5,145        158   70,887       9,271   2,661        89,476
January 2007                                                                        
Net loss on          -       -          -  (1,298)           -       -       (1,298)
Net loss on          -       -          -    (336)           -       -         (336)
Transfer on          -       -          -  (5,954)       5,954       -             -
disposal of                                                                         
Increase in          -       -          -        -           -       -             -
on listed                                                                           
Increase in          -       -          -        -       6,437       -         6,437
on unlisted                                                                         
Net gains on         -       -          -        -           -       -             -
Dividends            -       -          -        -           - (1,422)       (1,422)
Revenue              -       -          -        -           -     594           594
to Ordinary                                                                         
Balance at       1,354   5,145        158   63,299      21,662   1,833        93,451
30 June 2007                                                                        

Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds

for the year ended 31 December 2007 (audited)

               Called up    Share    Capital Realised Revaluation  Revenue Shareholders'
                   share  premium redemption  capital     capital  Reserve         funds

                 capital  account    reserve  reserve     reserve                       
                   �'000    �'000      �'000    �'000       �'000    �'000         �'000
Balance at 1       1,354    5,145        158   70,887       9,271    2,661        89,476
January 2007                                                                            
Net loss on            -        -          -  (1,231)           -        -       (1,231)
Net loss on            -        -          -  (6,680)           -        -       (6,680)
Transfer on            -        -          -   10,358    (10,358)        -             -
disposal of                                                                             
Increase in            -        -          -        -          19        -            19
on listed                                                                               
Increase in            -        -          -        -      19,104        -        19,104
on unlisted                                                                             
Net gains on           -        -          -       21           -        -            21
Dividends paid         -        -          -        -           -  (1,422)       (1,422)
Revenue                -        -          -        -           -      391           391
to Ordinary                                                                             
Shares bought        (3)        -          3    (156)           -        -         (156)
back and                                                                                
Capital            (364)   12,176        541 (36,115)           -        -      (23,762)
Performance            -        -          -    (226)           -        -         (226)
fee (net of                                                                             
tax relief)                                                                             
Reconstruction         -        -          -  (1,018)           -        -       (1,018)
Balance at 31        987   17,321        702   35,840      18,036    1,630        74,516
December 2007                                                                           

Balance Sheet

at 30 June 2008

                                          30 June        30 June    31 December
                                             2008           2007           2007
                                       (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                            �'000          �'000          �'000
Fixed assets                                                                   
Investments                                70,901         42,233         71,150                                                             
Current assets                                                                 
Debtors                                       305            763            969
Cash at bank                                4,188         50,293          5,173
                                            4,493         51,056          6,142
Amounts falling due within one            (2,355)          (838)        (2,776)
Net current assets                          2,138         50,218          3,366
Net assets                                 73,039         93,451         74,516
Capital and reserves                                                           
Called up share capital                       984          1,354            987
Share premium                              17,321          5,145         17,321
Capital redemption reserve                    705            158            702
Capital reserve                            52,314         84,961         53,876
Revenue reserve                             1,715          1,833          1,630
Shareholders' funds                        73,039         93,451         74,516
Net asset value per Ordinary     8         385.0p         345.1p         377.6p

Approved by the Board of Directors on 29 August 2008.

Cash Flow Statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2008 (unaudited)

                                          30 June        30 June    31 December
                                             2008           2007           2007
                                       (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                            �'000          �'000          �'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from               (81)          2,066          1,365
operating activities                                                           
Tax received / (paid)                         127              -          (313)
Financial investment                                                           
Purchase of listed fixed asset           (12,528)              -       (14,849)
Purchase of unlisted fixed asset          (8,624)        (6,770)       (49,636)
Sale of listed fixed asset                 10,355         44,163         44,727
Sale of unlisted fixed asset               12,146          8,061         44,997
Net cash inflow from financial              1,349         45.454         25,239
Equity dividends paid                       (127)        (1,422)        (1,422)
Net cash inflow before financing            1,268         46,098         24,869
Issue of Ordinary Shares                        -              -         12,353
Purchase of Ordinary Shares for             (128)              -       (36,271)
Purchase of Ordinary Shares held          (1,856)              -              -
in treasury                                                                    
Bank interest paid                           (43)              -          (169)
Reconstruction costs                            -                       (1,018)
(Decrease) / Increase in cash               (759)         46,098          (236)
Net funds at start of the period            3,980          4,195          4,195
(Losses)/Gains on foreign                    (39)              -             21
Net funds at the end of the                 3,182         50,293          3,980
Represented by:                                                                
Cash at bank                                4,188         50,293          5,173
Bank overdraft                            (1,006)              -        (1,193)
                                            3,182         50,293          3,980

Notes (unaudited)

  * Accounting policies
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments and in
accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards.

The Company is not an investment company within the meaning of Section 833 of
the Companies Act 2006. However, it conducts its affairs as an investment trust
for taxation purposes under Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act
1988. As such, the Directors consider it appropriate to present the accounts in
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of
Investment Trust Companies" (the "SORP"), as issued by the Association of
Investment Companies in December 2005.

The financial statements for each of the six month periods ended 30 June 2008
and 30 June 2007 comprise non-statutory accounts within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31
December 2007 has been extracted from published accounts that have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the auditors
was unqualified. The interim accounts have been prepared on the same basis as
the annual accounts.

The Company's accounting policies have not varied from those described in the
Report and Accounts for the year to 31 December 2007.

2 Income

                                   Six months     Six months        Year ended
                                        ended          Ended  31 December 2007
                                 30 June 2008   30 June 2007         (Audited)
                                  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)             �'000
                                        �'000          �'000                  
Income from fixed asset                                                       
Franked income:                                                               
Dividends from listed UK                   84              -                 -
Dividends from unlisted UK                  -              1                 1
                                           84              1                 1
Unfranked income:                                                             
Dividends from listed overseas             44              -                 -
Listed UK treasury gilts                   85          1,108             1,155
Listed UK loan stock                        4              -                 -
Listed overseas treasury gilts              7              -                 -
Unlisted UK loan stock                    889            372               723
                                        1,029          1,480             1,878
Total income from fixed asset           1,113          1,481             1,879
Other income                                                                  
Deposit interest                          120            108               347
Other income                                2              1                97
                                          122            109               444
                                        1,235          1,590             2,323

3 Investment management fee

                                 30 June 2008   30 June 2007  31 December 2007
                                  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                        �'000          �'000             �'000
Investment management fee -               433            505               913
charged to revenue                                                            
Performance fee - charged to                -              -               323
                                          433            505             1,236

The investment management agreement provides for a management fee of 1.25% per
annum of the Company's assets (at valuation) invested in limited partnerships
and direct private equity interests and 0.75% per annum on the remainder of the
Company's assets. In addition, the Company's Investment Manager will also be
entitled to an annual performance fee of 10% of any return in excess of 8% per
annum. The investment management agreement may be terminated by either party by
giving 12 months notice in writing, subject to there being an initial period of
24 months (i.e. from 2 July 2007 to 1 July 2009).

4 Commitments

                                 30 June 2008   30 June 2007  31 December 2007
                                  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                        �'000          �'000             �'000
August Equity Partners II              23,688              -            27,888
Rutland Fund I                          9,001              -             9,068
Rutland Fund II                         8,314              -             8,386
Lyceum Fund II                          4,914              -             5,000
Pragma II                               4,787              -                 -
Astorg IV                               4,051              -                 -
Parallel Ventures 2006                  2,269          2,348             2,269
Century Capital Partners IV             1,631              -             1,886
August Equity I                         1,315         11,258             2,439
KB Fund III and KB Fund III B           1,790          1,790             1,790
Zeus Private Equity                       764              -             1,000
Elderstreet Capital Partners               31             49                49
The Logic Group                             -          1,000                 -
Outstanding commitments                62,555         16,445            59,775

     Gains and losses on investments                                           

5Gains and losses on investments

                                Six months      Six months            Year
                                     ended           ended           ended
                                   30 June         30 June         30 June
                                      2008            2007            2008
                               (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)
                                     �'000           �'000           �'000
Realised gains / (losses)                                                 
Listed investments                    (36)         (1,298)         (1,231)
Unlisted investments                   645           (336)         (6,680)
                                       609         (1,634)         (7,911)
Unrealised gains / (losses)                                               
Listed investments                 (1,159)               -              19
Unlisted investments                 1,017           6,437          19,104
                                     (142)           6,437          19,123
Total gains / (losses)                 467           4,803          11,212

6 Return per ordinary share

                                   Six months     Six months        Year ended
                                        ended          Ended  31 December 2007
                                 30 June 2008   30 June 2007         (Audited)
                                  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)             �'000
                                        �'000          �'000                  
Revenue return                            215            594               391
Capital return                            428          4,803             9,989
Total return                              643          5,397            10,380
Weighted average number of         19,668,679     27,079,500        23,436,058
ordinary shares in issue                                                      

Revenue return                           1.1p            2.2p              1.7p
Capital return                           2.2p           17.7p             42.6p
Total return                             3.3p           19.9p             44.3p

7. Called up share capital

During the six months to 30 June 2008, the Company repurchased and cancelled
50,000 ordinary shares at a cost of �128,000. A further 712,000 ordinary shares
were repurchased and held in treasury at a cost of �1,849,000. This reduced the
number of ordinary shares in issue to 18,970,212.

The ordinary shares held in treasury have no voting rights and are not entitled
to dividends.

8 Net asset value per share

                                 30 June 2008   30 June 2007  31 December 2007
                                  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)         (Audited)
Net assets attributable to             73,039         93,451            74,516
ordinary shareholders (�'000)                                                 
Ordinary shares in issue at        18,970,212     27,079,500        19,732,212
period end                                                                    
Net asset value per ordinary           385.0p         345.1p            377.6p

9. Contingent asset

The Association of Investment Companies and JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment
Trust lodged a joint appeal in 2004 for the payment of management and
performance fees ("fees") by investment trusts to be treated as exempt from
VAT. In June 2007 the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") found in favour of the
appellants, declaring that investment trusts should be exempted from VAT on
fees. HM Revenue and Customs ("HMRC") have announced that they will not appeal
the ECJ decision.

New Star Asset Management Limited was appointed Manager subsequent to the ECJ
judgement. Accordingly the Company has not paid any VAT on fees in respect of
the period since 2 July 2007. The amounts recoverable by the former manager on
behalf of the Company, and the timing of those recoveries, are dependent upon
negotiations between the former manager and HMRC on the one hand, and between
the former manager and the Company on the other. At present it is not possible
to quantify the amount that will be recovered by the Company with any

10 Related party transactions

Mr John Duffield is a non-executive Director of the Company. Mr Duffield is
Chairman of New Star Asset Management Limited, which was appointed the
Company's Manager with effect from 2 July 2007. Funds managed by New Star Asset
Management Limited ha ve an interest in 46.02% of the issued share capital of
the Company (excluding treasury shares). However , New Star Asset Management
Limited has undertaken to exercise no more than 39.0% of the votes of the
issued share capital.

11 2007 Accounts

The figures and financial information for the years ended 31 December 2007 are
extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do not
constitute statutory accounts for the year.

Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included
the Report of the Auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a
reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of
emphasis without qualifying the report, and did not contain a statement under
s237(2) or 237(3) Companies Act 1985.

12 Website

The Company's report and accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2008 may be
found at: /alternative-investments/closed-end-funds

By Order of the Board

New Star Asset Management Limited, Secretary

29 August 2008


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