11 NOVEMBER 2015 
   Northern Investors Company PLC is a private equity investment trust 
managed by NVM Private Equity LLP.  The trust was launched in 1984 and 
has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 1990.  In July 2011 
shareholders approved a change in investment strategy, whereby the trust 
ceased making new investments and began an orderly realisation of its 
portfolio with a view to returning capital to shareholders. 
   Financial highlights (comparative figures as at 30 September 2014 and 31 
March 2015): 
                                                 Six months to  Six months to   Year to 
                                                  30 September   30 September   31 March 
                                                      2015           2014         2015 
Net assets                                         GBP27.1m       GBP40.1m     GBP25.6m 
No of shares in issue at end of period               4,900,000      8,728,440  4,900,000 
Net asset value per share                               553.6p         459.9p     522.7p 
Cash distributions to shareholders 
 (dividends paid plus share buy-backs):                GBP0.8m        GBP0.9m   GBP20.0m 
 During period                                        GBP61.4m       GBP41.5m   GBP60.6m 
 Since change in investment policy (July 2011) 
Return for the period: 
 Pence per share                                         47.9p          36.5p      92.2p 
 As % of opening net asset value                          9.2%           8.4%      21.3% 
Dividend per share declared 
 in respect of the period                                    -              -      17.0p 
Mid-market share price at end of period                 590.0p         395.0p     507.5p 
Share price premium/(discount) 
 to net asset value                                       6.6%        (14.1)%     (2.9)% 
   For further information, please contact: 
   Northern Investors Company PLC 
   Nigel Guy/Christopher Mellor                                                0191 244 6000 
   Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited 
   Neil Winward/Mark Bloomfield/Gaudi le Roux         020 7710 7600 
   Your directors and manager have continued to implement the orderly 
realisation strategy adopted by shareholders in 2011.  During the six 
month period under review the number of holdings in the portfolio 
reduced further from 15 to 12, with investment sales generating total 
cash proceeds of GBP2.5 million.  With cash deposits at 30 September 
2015 standing at GBP7.5 million, it is expected that another return of 
funds to shareholders will take place by 31 March 2016, although clearly 
the quantum will be determined by the level of further exit activity in 
the next few months. 
   The net asset value (NAV) per share increased by 5.9% during the half 
year to a new high of 553.6 pence as at 30 September 2015, reflecting 
positive performance by most of our remaining investee companies. 
   A final dividend of 17.0 pence per share for the year ended 31 March 
2015 was paid in July, taking the total cash distributed to shareholders 
since July 2011 to GBP61.4 million - equivalent to 104% of the net 
assets at the time of the change in strategy. 
   Investment portfolio 
   No new investments were made during the period.  The investments in 
Direct Valeting and Wear Inns were sold for proceeds of GBP0.8 million 
and GBP1.4 million respectively, and a further GBP0.3 million was 
realised from loan repayments and deferred proceeds from earlier sales. 
Warmseal Windows (Newcastle) went into administration after a long 
period of difficult trading, but this had no impact on NAV as the 
investment had been written down to nil value in 2011.  Since 30 
September 2015 the investment in Arleigh Group has been sold for cash 
proceeds of GBP1.5 million. 
   The portfolio at 30 September 2015 comprised 12 holdings, with the 
investments in Kitwave One and Control Risks Group Holdings together 
representing some 50% of the company's net assets.  The increasing 
concentration of the portfolio is an inevitable feature of the 
realisation process.  Your directors review the exit prospects for each 
investment with the manager on a regular basis and although there have 
inevitably been some movements in the projected timing of individual 
transactions, we are satisfied that the overall realisation process 
continues to move in line with expectations. 
   Progress within the portfolio is satisfactory, although recent global 
market turmoil initiated in China reminds us of the relative fragility 
of confidence within the capital markets on which some prospective 
purchasers of our investee companies may be reliant for funding. 
   Financial performance 
   Over the six month period to 30 September 2015 the company's NAV, after 
deducting the 2014/15 final dividend of 17.0 pence per share paid in 
July, rose from 522.7 pence to 553.6 pence.  The return per share for 
the half year was 47.9 pence, compared with 36.5 pence in the 
corresponding period last year.  Investment income from the portfolio 
was lower than in the corresponding period, as expected given the 
continuing reduction in the company's asset base.  The management fee 
payable to NVM Private Equity has continued to reduce as set out in the 
management agreement. 
   A further GBP335,000 was accrued in the period in respect of the exit 
performance fee which will be payable in due course to NVM subject to 
the stipulated cash distributions hurdle being exceeded.  The total 
performance fee provision is now GBP4,227,000;  the earliest point at 
which an initial payment to the manager may become due is May 2016, 
based on the audited accounts for the 2015/16 financial year, provided 
that there is a further distribution of at least GBP9.8 million to 
shareholders by 31 March 2016. 
   The mid-market share price increased from 507.5 pence to 590.0 pence 
during the half year, with the result that at 30 September 2015 the 
share price was at a premium of approximately 6.6% to NAV (31 March 
2015: 2.9% discount). 
   Since 2013 the company's annual dividend has been paid in the form of a 
single final dividend, with no interim dividend being declared.  The net 
revenue available for distribution in respect of each year is likely to 
decrease as the sale of income-producing investments continues and cash 
is returned to shareholders.  The directors intend to declare annual 
dividends sufficient to maintain the company's authorised investment 
trust status.  The final dividend in respect of the current financial 
year is expected to be paid in July 2016. 
   Corporate strategy 
   Since July 2011 a total of GBP61.4 million has been returned to 
shareholders through four tender offers, priced at net asset value, and 
a series of dividends.  We currently expect that a further return of 
funds to shareholders will take place before the end of the current 
financial year;  the precise amount to be distributed will depend on 
exit activity over the next few months, but we envisage that in any case 
it will be not less than GBP7.0 million. 
   It was indicated six months ago that we expected the liquidation of the 
portfolio to be completed by the end of 2017, with the total cash 
returned to shareholders projected to lie in the range between 155% and 
170% of the original GBP59 million of net assets in 2011.  Our latest 
review with the manager suggests that this projection remains valid, 
which would mean an ultimate return of funds in the range between GBP91 
million and GBP100 million.  Based on the present issued capital of 
4,900,000 ordinary shares, and with GBP61.4 million already returned to 
shareholders, the range of projected outcomes implies future 
distributions of between approximately 605 pence and 785 pence per share 
in total.  However it should be noted that these figures are likely to 
change as realisation proceeds continue to be distributed, firstly as 
the projected amounts to be distributed change over time, and secondly 
as the projected distributions may accrue to a reducing number of shares 
in issue if shares are re-purchased by the company through tender 
offers.  The estimates also remain subject to inevitable uncertainties 
including timing, market conditions, individual company performance and 
the behaviour of other shareholders in investee companies. 
   Management agreement and smaller related party transaction 
   The change in the company's investment policy in 2011 was accompanied by 
a review of the terms of the management agreement with NVM, with the 
result that the annual management fee was reduced on a stepped basis 
from GBP900,000 in the year ended 31 March 2012 to GBP300,000 in the 
year ending 31 March 2016.  Your board has now agreed with NVM that for 
periods after 31 March 2016 the management fee will comprise two 
elements, a fixed fee at the rate of GBP100,000 per annum and a variable 
fee equivalent to 1.0% of the company's net assets calculated on a 
half-yearly basis.  The total management fee will be capped at 
GBP275,000 per annum.  It has also been agreed that with effect from 1 
April 2017 the manager's notice period will be reduced from twelve to 
six months.  This approach is consistent with our expectation that the 
portfolio will reduce considerably over the period to the end of 2017. 
The directors have been advised that the changes to the management 
agreement fall within the definition of a 'smaller related party 
transaction' for the purpose of the Listing Rules, such that the company 
is not required to seek formal shareholder approval. 
   The orderly realisation of the company's investments continues to make 
good progress and your directors believe that the results to date 
validate the strategy adopted in 2011.  The next twelve months will be 

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an important period as we seek to achieve our goal of completing the 
process by the end of 2017. 
   On behalf of the Board 
   Nigel Guy 
   The unaudited half-yearly financial statements for the six months ended 
30 September 2015 are set out below. 
   (unaudited) for the six months ended 30 September 2015 
                       Six months ended                    Six months ended 
                       30 September 2015                   30 September 2014 
               Revenue     Capital      Total      Revenue     Capital      Total 
                GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
Gain on 
 disposal of 
 investments           -         240         240           -           5           5 
Movements in 
 fair value 
 investments           -       2,185       2,185           -       3,348       3,348 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                       -       2,425       2,425           -       3,353       3,353 
Income               590           -         590         693           -         693 
 fee                (30)       (455)       (485)        (45)       (635)       (680) 
 expenses          (194)           -       (194)       (194)           -       (194) 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return on 
 before tax          366       1,970       2,336         454       2,718       3,172 
Tax on 
 return on 
 activities         (11)          24          13        (27)          38          11 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return on 
 after tax           355       1,994       2,349         427       2,756       3,183 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return per          7.2p       40.7p       47.9p        4.9p       31.6p       36.5p 
                                              Year ended 31 March 2015 
                                          Revenue     Capital      Total 
                                           GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
Gain on disposal of investments                   -       5,870       5,870 
Movements in fair value of investments            -       2,464       2,464 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                  -       8,334       8,334 
Income                                        1,546           -       1,546 
Investment management fee                      (90)     (1,474)     (1,564) 
Other expenses                                (313)           -       (313) 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return on ordinary activities before 
 tax                                          1,143       6,860       8,003 
Tax on return on ordinary activities          (123)         155          32 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return on ordinary activities after tax       1,020       7,015       8,035 
                                         ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return per share                              11.7p       80.5p       92.2p 
   (unaudited) for the six months ended 30 September 2015 
                         Six months ended    Six months ended     Year ended 
                         30 September 2015   30 September 2014   31 March 2015 
                              GBP000              GBP000            GBP000 
Equity shareholders' 
 funds at 1 April 
 2015                               25,611              37,831          37,831 
Return on ordinary 
 activities after tax                2,349               3,183           8,035 
Dividends recognised 
 in the period                       (833)               (873)           (873) 
Shares re-purchased 
 for cancellation                        -                   -        (19,382) 
                                ----------          ----------      ---------- 
Equity shareholders' 
 funds at 30 Sept 
 2015                               27,127              40,141          25,611 
                                ----------          ----------      ---------- 
   (unaudited) as at 30 September 2015 
                           30 September 2015  30 September 2014  31 March 2015 
                                 GBP000             GBP000           GBP000 
Fixed assets: 
Investments                           23,979             41,133         24,068 
                                  ----------         ----------     ---------- 
Current assets: 
Investments                               56                 56             56 
Debtors                                   14                 39             56 
Cash and deposits                      7,453              2,396          5,477 
                                  ----------         ----------     ---------- 
                                       7,523              2,491          5,589 
Creditors (amounts 
falling due 
within one year)                     (4,375)            (3,483)        (4,046) 
                                  ----------         ----------     ---------- 
Net current 
 assets/(liabilities)                  3,148              (992)          1,543 
                                  ----------         ----------     ---------- 
Net assets                            27,127             40,141         25,611 
                                  ----------         ----------     ---------- 
Capital and reserves: 
Called-up equity share 
 capital                               1,225              2,182          1,225 
Capital redemption 
 reserve                               3,930              2,973          3,930 
Capital reserve                        3,890              5,151          4,257 
Special reserve                       12,674             12,674         12,674 
Revaluation reserve                    3,707             15,575          1,346 
Revenue reserve                        1,701              1,586          2,179 
                                  ----------         ----------     ---------- 
Total equity 
 shareholders' funds                  27,127             40,141         25,611 
                                  ----------         ----------     ---------- 
Net asset value per share             553.6p             459.9p         522.7p 
   (unaudited) for the six months ended 30 September 2015 
                      Six months ended        Six months ended                 Year ended 
                      30 September 2015       30 September 2014             31 March 2015 
                     GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
Cash flow 
Net cash inflow 
 from operating 
 activities                           295                     499                     916 
Corporation tax 
recovered/(paid)                        -                       -                       - 
Purchase of 
investments                 -                       -                       - 
Sale/repayment of 
 investments            2,514                     983                  23,029 
                   ----------              ----------              ---------- 
Net cash inflow from 
 financial investment               2,514                     983                  23,029 
Equity dividends 
 paid                               (833)                   (873)                   (873) 
                               ----------              ----------              ---------- 
Net cash inflow 
 financing                          1,976                     609                  23,072 
 re-purchased for 
 cancellation                           -                       -                (19,382) 
                               ----------              ----------              ---------- 
Increase in cash 
 and deposits                       1,976                     609                   3,690 
                               ----------              ----------              ---------- 
Reconciliation of revenue 
return before tax 
to net cash flow from 
operating activities 
Revenue return on ordinary 
 activities before tax                366                     454                   1,143 
Decrease in 
 debtors                               55                      53                      36 
Increase in 
 creditors                            329                     627                   1,211 
 expenses charged 
 to capital                         (455)                   (635)                 (1,474) 
                               ----------              ----------              ---------- 
Net cash inflow 
 from operating 
 activities                           295                     499                     916 
                               ----------              ----------              ---------- 
Reconciliation of 
movement in net 
                             1 April 2015              Cash flows       30 September 2015 
                                   GBP000                  GBP000                  GBP000 
Cash and deposits                   5,477                   1,976                   7,453 
 investments                           56                       -                      56 
                               ----------              ----------              ---------- 
Net funds                           5,533                   1,976                   7,509 
                               ----------              ----------              ---------- 
   as at 30 September 2015 
                                          Cost     Valuation   % of net assets 

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