RNS Number:0798J
Meriden Group PLC
24 March 2003

24 March 2003


Russell Stevens, Chief Executive                 0121 504 0992
Meriden Group Plc                                russell@meriden-group.co.uk

David Bick/Trevor Phillips                       020 7929 5599
Holborn                                          Trevor.Phillips@holbornpr.co.uk

Hugh Oram                                        020 7710 7400
Nabarro Wells & Co.Limited                       HughOram@nabarro-wells.co.uk

                       Meriden Group Plc (the "Company")

           Interim results for the 6 months ended 31 January 2003


  * Profit before tax up 20% to #306,371 (2002: #253,930

  * Turnover up 6.5% to #2,865,327 (2002: #2,678,298)

  * Interim Dividend of 0.1p representing half of the maiden year's dividend

Commenting on the results Russell Stevens, Chief Executive said:

"I am very pleased to report a 20% increase in pre tax profits on turnover up
6.5%. This is a very satisfying result given the current economic climate. We
have increased profitability by keeping a tight rein on operating costs and will
continue to do so over the rest of the year.

We have opened a centre in London that is currently offering marketing services
to a blue chip client base and we continue to explore opportunities for further
operating sites. However, we will only open these where we are confident that
they will contribute earnings growth and increase shareholder value."

Meriden Group Plc (the "Company")

Interim results for the six months ended 31 January 2003

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present my Chairman's report for Meriden Group Plc for the
period ended 31 January 2003.

The Group has performed satisfactorily during this period, delivering a pre-tax
profit of #306,371 (2002: #253,930) on a turnover of #2,865,327 (2002:
#2,678,298) and having cash balances at the end of the period of #660,920 (2002:

We are particularly pleased that the Board is recommending an interim dividend
of 0.1p per share, which represents half of the dividend voted in the last
financial year.  The Board will review the full year's dividend recommendation
when the annual results are known.

The Group was admitted to the Alternative Investment Market in August 2001 and
has continued to follow the strategy set out in the Admission Document.  We have
consolidated on the good start we made last year and have eight operating
divisions delivering a wide range of services to the business and public service
communities.  The composition of the divisions has evolved during the period as
a consequence of the Group's policy to continually review the performance of
each division and to streamline or divest as appropriate.  Our attractive
performance-driven remuneration packages and dynamic business environment means
that we are able to attract high calibre individuals to senior positions in the
divisions.  This divisional structure and scope of the services provided will
continue to evolve as the demands of the market place change.  The Group will
maintain its policy of taking a cautious approach to the establishment of new

While the Group's progress has been satisfactory, the adverse market conditions
have meant that we have made less progress than planned in opening additional
operating centres.  We have established one Centre in London, which is initially
concentrating on delivering our marketing services, and we will continue to
search for suitable opportunities across the country.  However, we will only act
if we are confident that the proposed Centre will deliver robust earnings growth
for the Group and enhance the brand.

My fellow Board members and I continue to be grateful for the high levels of
competence and commitment from all members of the Meriden team.  We are
confident of further satisfactory progress in the next six months.

Derek Hall
24 March 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the 6 months ended 31 January 2003

                                                       Note       6 months ended     Period ended        Period
                                                                 31 January 2003       31 January         ended
                                                                     (unaudited)             2002  31 July 2002
                                                                               #      (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                                                                #             #

Turnover                                                               2,865,327       2,678,298     5,511,923

Cost of sales                                                        (2,197,653)     (2,242,539)   (4,101,319)
                                                                       _________       _________     _________

Gross Profit                                                             667,674         435,759     1,410,604

Administration Expenses                                                (367,129)       (188,673)     (809,421)
                                                                       _________       _________     _________

Operating Profit                                                         300,545         247,086       601,183

Interest Receivable                                                        5,826           6,844         8,106
                                                                       _________       _________     _________

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                            306,371         253,930       609,289

Taxation                                                                (91,533)        (76,179)     (174,578)
                                                                       _________       _________     _________

Profit for the financial period                                          214,838         177,751       434,711

Dividends                                                               (29,000)               -      (58,000)
                                                                       _________       _________     _________

Retained profits                                                         185,838         177,751       376,711
                                                                       _________       _________     _________

Basic earnings per share (pence)                        3                   0.74            1.04          2.05

Earnings per share in trading period (pence)            3                   0.74            0.61          1.50

Dividend per share (pence)                                                  0.10               -          0.20
                                                                       _________       _________     _________

The company has no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the
period, which has been derived from continuing operations.

The company was incorporated on 15th February 2001 and commenced trading on 14th
August 2001.  The periods ended 31 January 2002 and 31 July 2002 therefore
represent a trading period of 170 and 351 days respectively.

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 January 2003

                                                Note                  As at            As at            As at
                                                                 31 January  31 January 2002     31 July 2002     
                                                                       2003      (unaudited)        (audited)
                                                                (unaudited)                #                #
Fixed assets

Tangible assets                                                     294,057          381,282          364,731

Fixed asset investments                                             177,853                -          177,853
                                                                  _________        _________        _________

                                                                    471,910          381,282          542,584

Current assets

Stocks and work in progress                                          59,684          185,389           67,228

Debtors                                                           1,603,309          192,799        1,287,120

Cash at bank and in hand                                            660,920          703,447          538,817
                                                                  _________        _________        _________

                                                                  2,323,913        1,081,635        1,893,165

Current liabilities falling due within one year                 (1,350,281)        (409,610)      (1,168,414)
                                                                  _________        _________        _________

Net current assets                                                  973,632          672,025          724,751

Total assets less current liabilities                             1,445,542        1,053,307        1,267,335

Provisions for liabilities and charges                             (69,638)                -         (77,269)
                                                                  _________        _________        _________

Net assets                                                        1,375,904        1,053,307        1,190,066
                                                                  _________        _________        _________

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                                             290,000          290,000          290,000

Share premium                                                       523,355          585,556          523,355

Profit and loss account                                             562,549          177,751          376,711
                                                                  _________        _________        _________

Equity shareholders' funds                          4             1,375,904        1,053,307        1,190,066
                                                                  _________        _________        _________

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the 6 months ended 31 January 2003

                                                    Note             6 months  Period ended 31  Period ended 31
                                                                     ended 31     January 2002        July 2002
                                                                 January 2003      (unaudited)        (audited)
                                                                  (unaudited)                #                #     

Net cash inflow from operating activities             5               152,179          220,999          331,171

Return on investments

Interest received                                                       5,826            6,844            8,106

Net cash inflow from returns on investment and
servicing of finance                                                    5,826            6,844            8,106

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                            (18,199)        (399,952)        (436,169)

Payments to acquire fixed asset investments                                 -                -        (177,853)

Receipts from the sale of tangible fixed assets                        40,297                -              207
                                                                    _________        _________        _________

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital                                 22,098        (399,952)        (613,815)
expenditure and financial investments

Dividend paid                                                        (58,000)                -                -
                                                                    _________        _________        _________

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                            122,103        (172,109)        (274,538)


Issue of ordinary share capital                                             -        1,250,000        1,250,000

Share issue costs                                                           -        (374,444)        (436,645)
                                                                    _________        _________        _________

Net cash inflow from financing                                              -          875,556          813,355
                                                                    _________        _________        _________

Increase in cash                                      6               122,103          703,447          538,817
                                                                    _________        _________        _________

Notes to the Interim Results for the period ended 31 January 2003

1    Basis of preparation

     The interim report does not represent statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 Companies Act
     1985.  The interim report has not been audited or reviewed but was approved by the board on 24 March 2003.

2    Basis of consolidation

     The Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement consolidates those of the
     Company and its subsidiary undertakings as at 31 January 2003.  Intra-group transactions have been
     eliminated in full.

3    Basic earnings per share

     The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after
     taxation and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.  The profit and
     weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                                                                        number of
                                                        Weighted           shares       Basic   Earnings per
                                                         average       in trading    Earnings       share in
                                                          number           period   per share  trading period
                                           Profit      of shares                #     (pence)        (pence)

     6 months ended 31 January 2003       214,838     29,000,000       29,000,000        0.74           0.74

     Period ended 31 January 2002         177,751     17,119,659       29,000,000        1.04           0.61

     Period ended 31 July 2002            434,711     21,154,136       29,000,000        2.05           1.50
                                          _______      _________        _________     _______         ______

     The earnings per share in the trading period is based on the number of shares in issue in the trading
     period and not from the date of incorporation as with the basic earnings per share.  The directors
     believe this provides a more accurate basis in the initial years on which to monitor the progress of
     the group.

4       Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                                                      6 months    Period ended        Period
                                                                         ended 31 January 2002         ended
                                                                    31 January     (unaudited)  31 July 2002      
                                                                   (unaudited)               #     (audited)            
                                                                             #                             #

        Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                   214,838         177,751       434,711

        Dividend                                                      (29,000)               -      (58,000)
                                                                     _________       _________      ________

        Profit of ordinary activities after taxation and               185,838         177,751       376,711

        Issues of ordinary share capital                                     -         875,556       813,355

        Opening shareholders' funds                                  1,190,066               -             -
                                                                     _________       _________      ________

        Closing shareholders' funds                                  1,375,904       1,053,307     1,190,066

                                                                     _________       _________      ________

5        Reconciliation of operating profit with net cash flow from operating activities

                                                                    6 months ended    Period ended          Period
                                                                   31 January 2003 31 January 2002           ended
                                                                       (unaudited)     (unaudited)    31 July 2002
                                                                                 #               #       (audited)

         Operating profit                                                  300,545         247,086         601,183

         Depreciation                                                       48,576          18,670          71,231

         Decrease/(increase) in stocks and work in progress                  7,544       (185,389)        (67,228)

         (Increase) in debtors                                           (316,189)       (192,799)     (1,287,120)

         Increase in creditors                                             111,703         333,431       1,013,105
                                                                          _________      _________      ________

         Net cash inflow from operativing activities                       152,179         220,999         331,171
                                                                          _________      _________      ________

6.     Analysis of changes in net funds
                                                                          As at
                                                                1st August 2002       Cash flow 31 January 2003
                                                                              #       in period               #

       Cash at bank                                                     538,817         122,103         660,920
                                                                      _________       _________       _________

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange