ABN: 60 099 377 849 
                                                       Unit 7, 11 Preston Street 
                                                                  Como   WA   6152 
                                                                       PO Box 860 
                                                    Canning Bridge   WA   6153 
                                                  Telephone:   +618-9367 0601 
                                                      Facsimile:   +618-9367 0602 
            Email:   admin@medusamining.com.au <mailto:admin@medusamining.com.au> 
              Internet:www.medusamining.com.au <http://www.medusamining.com.au/> 
                                                                 18 January 2010 
Medusa  Mining Limited(ASX  & AIM:  MML: TSX:  MLL) ("Medusa" or the "Company"), 
through   its   Philippines   operating  company,  Philsaga  Mining  Corporation 
("Philsaga"),  advises that it has completed a re-interpretation of the resource 
model  for the Co-O Mine with the  sole purpose of correcting inconsistencies to 
the  east of the Oriental Fault between previous drillhole based interpretations 
and  the  on-going  development  on  Level  5 from  the Agsao Shaft. The revised 
resource  is  JORC  and  NI  43-101 compliant.  A  large  number  of  drill hole 
intersections are yet to be included in the re-interpretated resource model. 
This  re-interpretation  has  marginally  decreased  the  Inferred Resources but 
maintained   the   Indicated   Resources  taking  into  account  production  and 
stockpiles.  This now provides an accurate development based model for expanding 
the  mine to the east.  Thirty-five veins have now  been modelled with resources 
and  more are expected  to be identified.  Future resource updates  will be done 
annually in June-July. 
In  addition, estimates  of the  conceptual potential  target size** of the Co-O 
Mine  using  various  parameters  indicate  a  range  from  3,000,000 ounces  in 
9,300,000 tonnes to 7,000,000 ounces in 22,000,000 tonnes using a grade range of 
9 to  11 g/t gold with a preferred average grade of the current resources of 10 
g/t gold. 
Table I.Mineral resource estimate at 9 December 2009. 
| Category  |              > 0 g/t gold               | 
|           +-----------+----------+------------------+ 
|           |    tonnes | g/t gold | contained ounces | 
| Indicated | 1,450,000 |     12.3 |          580,000 | 
| Inferred  | 2,290,000 |      9.0 |          660,000 | 
Geoff Davis, Managing Director of Medusa, commented: 
"This  re-interpretation  based  on  on-vein  development  now  provides a solid 
foundation  for growing the mineral resources on the east of the Oriental Fault. 
Estimates  of the  conceptual potential  target size**  of Co-O indicate 3 to 7 
million ounces of gold. On-going drilling and development is continuing with the 
aim of unlocking this potential." 
**The  potential target size  and grade is  conceptual in nature,  and there has 
been  insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource, and it is uncertain 
if  further exploration  will result  in the  target being  defined as a mineral 
The  sole purpose of the re-interpretation was to correct inconsistencies to the 
east  of the Oriental Fault between previous drillhole based interpretations and 
the on-going development on Level 5 from the Agsao Shaft. 
Diamond  drilling has continued since the  resource model update announced on 1 
July  2009 and focused on  extending the Co-O  vein system. A  total of 52 drill 
holes  have been completed (as announced on 10 December 2009) since the previous 
resource  estimation and considered for inclusion in the re-interpreted resource 
model  in conjunction  with available  underground sampling  data, and excluding 
mined material. 
Thirty five veins now have resources allocated to them, with a number of the new 
veins,  particularly the East  Agsao series of  veins, being open  in almost all 
directions. The vein system is open at depth. 
It should be noted that a large number of drill holes in a number of areas shown 
on Figure 2(please see the link at the end of this announcement) are still to be 
included  in resource estimates,  and will be  included as the confidence levels 
increase and demonstrated continuity improves through additional drilling and/or 
As  a result of extensive development from  the bottom of the Agsao Shaft (Level 
5) since  the last  resource estimate,  this new  wireframe model  has corrected 
previously   noted   (see   announcement   of   1 July  2009) inconsistent  vein 
orientations  on the east side  of the Oriental Fault.  It is now clear from the 
underground development that the vein system continues in an easterly direction, 
disrupted in places by north-trending step-faulting, which generally down-throws 
the  veins on the east  side of each fault.  Re-interpretation as straight veins 
has   resulted  in  some  inferred  resources  loss  compared  to  the  previous 
interpretation of curved veins which was based solely on drill hole data. 
Figure  1(please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the updated 
3D resource model. The veins are open at depth and currently only limited by the 
depth and density of drilling. 
Figure  2(please see the link at the end  of this announcement) is the composite 
map  of the Co-O  Mine area showing  the projection of  veins onto Level 5. This 
also  shows areas where additional  drilling/development is required to complete 
the  definition/extension  of  known  veins  and  to  increase definition around 
existing drill hole intersections which are not yet included in the model. 
Figure  3(please see the  link at  the end  of this  announcement) shows all the 
current development in the mine and Table II is a summary of the major veins. 
Table II.Co-O Mine mineral resource estimates for the major veins. 
|                  |           |              > 0 g/t gold               | 
| Vein name        | Category  +-----------+----------+------------------+ 
|                  |           |    tonnes | g/t gold | contained ounces | 
| Central          | Indicated |   342,000 |     9.57 |           110,00 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  |   250,000 |     3.27 |           26,000 | 
| Jereme           | Indicated |    97,000 |    14.53 |           45,000 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  |    93,000 |     7.81 |           23,000 | 
| Jereme   Footwall | Indicated |    82,000 |    16.84 |           44,000 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  |    73,000 |    12.73 |           30,000 | 
| Great Hamish     | Indicated |   188,000 |    21.16 |          130,000 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  |   191,000 |    10.79 |           66,000 | 
| Great Hamish FW  | Indicated |   170,000 |    11.42 |           63,000 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  |   196,000 |    12.21 |           77,000 | 
| Roysan           | Indicated |     96,000 |    23.10 |           71,000 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  |    98,200 |    23.29 |            73,000 | 
| Catto 1          | Indicated |    56,000 |    18.28 |           30,000 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  |    54,000 |    18.99 |           33,000 | 
| East Agsao 4     | Inferred  |   196,000 |    12.01 |           76,000 | 
| Other veins      | Indicated |   420,000 |     6.50 |           90,000 | 
|                  |           |           |          |                  | 
|                   | Inferred  | 1,140,000 |     7.10 |          260,000 | 
| Total Indicated              | 1,450,000 |     12.3 |          580,000 | 
| Total Inferred               | 2,290,000 |      9.0 |          660,000 | 
     The resource estimations have been undertaken by Cube Consulting Pty Ltd , 
     Note: Rounding may result in some slight discrepancies in totals. 
Resource drilling is continuing with the aim of increasing confidence levels for 
interpretation  in some areas which  will result in the  inclusion of more drill 
hole intersections as well as extensions to the vein system. 
Stockwork/stringer mineralisation 
At  the western end of the mine, preliminary work suggests the possible presence 
of a number of stockwork or stringer zones where narrow quartz veins over widths 
of  5 to  6 metres  have  been  developed.  One  of  these  has  been defined as 
approximately 40 metres long within the Great Hamish Vein. An Alimak rise within 
this zone has been completed between Levels 2 and 3 demonstrating continuity and 
that  it is  open above  and below  these levels.  Two early bulk samples tested 
through  the mill returned  head grades of  14 and 17 g/t gold. Alimak long-hole 
stoping (much cheaper than shrink stoping) is about to commence in this zone and 
will be employed if other similar zones are defined. 
Other potentially similar stockwork or stringer zones may be present in parts of 
other  veins and  a similar  zone outcrops  near the  Tinago Shaft which will be 
subject  to additional exploration. A drive to  connect the Baguio Shaft and the 
Tinago Shaft on Level 3 is underway and expected to allow underground assessment 
of  previous drill hole TIN  3 with a similar interpreted  style adjacent to the 
Central   Vein  and  between  Levels  2 and  3. It  returned  two  close  spaced 
intersections  of 3.80 metres at 21.15 g/t gold and 6.60 metres at 2.45 g/t gold 
(see announcement dated 28 February 2007). 
Specific gravity 
A  programme of specific  gravity ("SG") measurements  is underway for the lower 
levels of the mine. Initial results indicate that the currently used SG of 2.45 
may be conservative. This programme should be completed before the next resource 
Vein modelling 
Cube  Consulting Pty Ltd of Perth, Western Australia was contracted to undertake 
the  resource estimations.   A  wireframe model of  the vein system  and the mine 
depletions were based on all available information as at 7 December 2009.   A 2D 
longitudinal  modelling  approach  was  used  and  is  based  on an accumulation 
variable  incorporating mineralised  vein horizontal  width and intercept grade. 
  Variography  was used to analyse the spatial continuity of the horizontal width 
and  accumulation  variables  within  the  mineralised  veins  and  to determine 
appropriate  estimation inputs  to the  interpolation process.  The accumulation 
variables  were  interpolated  into  blocks  using Ordinary Kriging.   High grade 
limits  were  applied  to  gold  prior  to  the  calculation of the accumulation 
variable.    Mineral resources  have been  reported in  accordance with The 2004 
Australasian  Code for  Reporting of  Mineral Resources  and Ore  Reserves (JORC 
Code) and Canadian National Instrument 43-101. 
Estimates  (Table III) have been undertaken  for the Co-O Mine conceptual target 
size**  based on a drill-defined strike length of approximately 1,500 metres and 
up to 2,000 metres based on potential extensions. 
Aggregate  across-strike widths of  the veins of  5 and 8 metres (ie, adding the 
width of each individual vein across strike to give an aggregate vein width) are 
regarded  as possibly conservative.  Depths of between  500 and 750 metres below 
Level  1 (adit level) in the  mine are regarded as  geologically reasonable as a 
few  deeper drill  holes below  400 metres below  Level 1 have  intersected good 
grade mineralisation. 
The  estimate used a  grade range of  9 to 11 g/t gold  with a preferred average 
grade of the current resources of 10 g/t gold. 
Table III.Co-O Mine conceptual target parameters and estimates ** 
|Strike   |Depth below| Aggregate|Conceptual| Gold|Conceptual contained| 
|length   |    Level I|Vein width|    tonnes|grade|              ounces| 
|(metres) |   (metres)|  (metres)|          |(g/t)|                    | 
|1,500    |        500|         5| 9,375,000|   10|           3,125,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |         8|14,700,000|   10|           4,725,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |        10|18,750,000|   10|           6,250,000| 
|         +-----------+----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |        750|         5|15,000,000|   10|           5,000,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |         8|22,050,000|   10|           7,000,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |        10|30,000,000|   10|          10,000,000| 
|         +-----------+----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |       1000|         5|18,750,000|   10|           6,250,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |         8|29,400,000|   10|           9,450,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |        10|37,500,000|   10|          12,500,000| 
|2,000    |        500|         5|12,500,000|   10|           4,160,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |         8|19,600,000|   10|           6,300,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |        10|25,000,000|   10|           8,125,000| 
|         +-----------+----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |        750|         5|20,000,000|   10|           6,660,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |         8|29,400,000|   10|           9,450,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |        10|40,000,000|   10|          10,330,000| 
|         +-----------+----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |      1,000|         5|25,000,000|   10|           8,125,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |         8|39,200,000|   10|          10,200,000| 
|         |           +----------+----------+-----+--------------------+ 
|          |            |        10|50,000,000|   10|          16,250,000| 
(i)         SG of 2.45 used for all estimates; 
(ii)       Estimates rounded to nearest 1000; and 
(iii)        Highlighted  cases  indicate  most  geologically  reasonable based on 
current knowledge 
**  The potential target size  and grade is conceptual  in nature, and there has 
been  insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource, and it is uncertain 
if  further exploration  will result  in the  target being  defined as a mineral 
Geoff Davis 
Managing Director 
Information   in   this  report  relating  toExploration  Results  is  based  on 
information  compiled  by  Mr  Geoff  Davis,  who  is a member of The Australian 
Institute  of Geoscientists. Mr Davis is  the Managing Director of Medusa Mining 
Limited  and  has  sufficient  experience  which  is  relevant  to  the style of 
mineralisation  and type  of deposits  under consideration  and to  the activity 
which  he is undertaking  to qualify as  a "Competent Person"  as defined in the 
2004 Edition  of  the  "Australian  Code  for  Reporting of Exploration Results, 
Mineral  Resources and Ore Reserves"  and is a "Qualified  Person" as defined in 
"National  Instrument  43-101" of  the  Canadian  Securities Administrators.   Mr 
Davis  consents  to  the  inclusion  in  the  report of the matters based on his 
information in the form and context in which it appears. 
Information  in this report relating toMineral  Resources has been estimated and 
compiled  by Mark Zammit of Cube Consulting Pty Ltd of Perth, Western Australia. 
Mr  Zammit is a member of The  Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy and 
has  sufficient experience that  is relevant to  the style of mineralisation and 
type  of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking 
to  qualify  as  a  Competent  Person  as  defined  in  the  2004 Edition of the 
"Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore 
Reserves"  and  is  a  "Qualified  Person"  as  defined  in "National Instrument 
43-101" of  the Canadian  Securities Administrators.  Mr Zammit  consents to the 
inclusion  in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and 
context in which it appears. 
Refer    to    the    Technical   Report   which   was   filed   onwww.sedar.com 
<http://www.sedar.com/>  in  November  2009 for  further  discussion of the Co-O 
Deposit's   geology,   structural  controls,  drilling,  sampling  and  assaying 
information,  and any  known material  environmental, permitting,  legal, title, 
taxation, socio-political, marketing or other relevant issue. 
A  revised Technical  Report will  be lodged  with Sedar  within 45 days of this 
Medusa Mining Limited("Medusa" or the "Company"), a public company listed on the 
ASX,  AIM and the TSX, is an  Australian based gold producer, focussed solely on 
the Philippines. 
With  current mineral resources comprising  Indicated 580,000 ounces of gold and 
Inferred  1,310,000 ounces of gold,  Medusa's corporate strategy  is to become a 
mid tier 300,000 to 400,000 ounce per year, low cost gold producer. 
The  Company  is  currently  expanding  its  high  grade  Co-O  Mine  operations 
(Indicated  Resources 580,000 ounces of gold inclusive  of a Probable Reserve of 
500,000 ounces  of  gold,  and  Inferred  Resources  660,000 ounces  of gold) to 
increase  its forecast  production to  100,000 ounces per  year in  2010, and is 
conducting  near  mine  exploration  to  assess  the  possibilities  of  further 
expansion  to 200,000 ounces per year.   Current cash  costs at the Co-O Mine are 
approximately US$200 per ounce. 
A  pipe-line of deposits  is now being  established with the Bananghilig Deposit 
(Inferred  Resource  of  650,000 ounces  of  gold)  recently  added and which is 
expected to expand, potentially in conjunction with nearby discoveries. 
Further  potential upside exists in the discovery of substantial copper deposits 
within  the tenement holding of > 800km2. 
For further information please contact: 
  Medusa Mining Limited                         +61 8 9367 0601 
  Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director 
  Roy Daniel, Finance Director 
  United Kingdom 
  Fairfax I.S. PLC                              +44 (0)20 7598 5368 
  Nominated Adviser/Joint Broker 
  Ewan Leggat 
  Lothbury Financial                            +44 (0)20 7011 9411 
  Michael Padley/Libby Moss 
  Nicholas Sayce, Investor Relations            +1 416 822 4404 
    Co-O Mine Re-Interpretation and Conceptual Target Size: http://hugin.info/138050/R/1374154/336815.pdf 

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