30 September 2008
                                             MKM GROUP PLC
                                    ("the Group" or "the Company")
                            Final Results for the year ended 31 March 2008

                                              Key Points

    *       Group considerably enlarged by two acquisitions, Leapfrog in August 2007 and Promodus in
            October 2007:
                 -  more than doubles the size of the Group
                 -  broadens Group's geographic reach
                 -  strengthens Group's market offering

    *       Integration of acquisitions substantially completed including:
                 -  rebranding of existing loyalty and sales promotion business under 'Leapfrog' name
                 -  integrated IT platforms now in place
                 -  shared product development resources

    *       Strategic shift of business towards longer term, contracted marketing programmes

    *       Pro forma revenue of the combined business was �10.3m* (2007 statutory revenue of �3.9m)

    *       Pro forma operating profit of the combined business was �686,000*, after taking into account
            pre-acquisition one-off charges not expected to re-occur
    *       The audited results show revenue of �6,970,000 (2007 �3,888,000) and a loss from operations of
            �222,000 (2007 profit �404,000). These include 7 months contribution from the Leapfrog business and 6
            months contribution from Promodus, being the results generated since acquisition

    *       Post year end, launch of flagship product, 'Airport Angel' - supports strategy to build long
            term loyalty contracts

    *       Major new contracts signed post year end
    *       Board views prospects positively despite the difficult economic environment

*Assumes that the acquisition of both the Leapfrog and Promodus businesses had been completed  on  the
first day of the financial year, derived from management information.

Andrew Johnson, Executive Chairman, commented,

"The  acquisitions of the Leapfrog business in Australia in August 2007, and the Promodus business  in
London in October 2007, more than doubled the Group's size and have broadened our geographic reach and
strengthened our market offering.

We  now have a larger and broader business base upon which we can build. Whilst it has taken longer to
achieve  our  targets than we had hoped at the time of the acquisitions, we now have a  good  platform
upon which to grow, with an emphasis on recurring revenues.

Traditionally, in a tough economic climate, the market focuses more on exploiting sales promotion  and
direct marketing tools which have measurable results. Thus whilst the economic slow down has increased
the time taken to close large contracts, we believe that we will be able to build our business through
providing clients with innovative and cost effective campaigns with measurable results.

We view prospects for the Group positively despite the difficult economic environment."


MKM Group Plc (www.mkmgroupplc.com)                              T: 0161 877 1112
Andrew Johnson, Executive Chairman
Matthew Toynton, Finance Director

WH Ireland                                                       T: 0161 832 2174
David Youngman

Biddicks                                                         T: 020 7448 1000
Katie Tzouliadis
Sophie Lane



The financial year to 31 March 2008 was a transformational one for the MKM Group. The acquisitions  of
the  Leapfrog  business in Australia in August 2007, and the Promodus business in  London  in  October
2007, more than doubled the Group's size and have broadened our geographic reach and strengthened  our
market  offering.  We  now employ approximately 100 people in offices in the  UK,  Australia  and  New

The  integration of both our acquisitions is now substantially complete. In the final quarter  of  the
financial year, we adopted the Leapfrog name across our existing loyalty and sales promotion business,
formerly  MKM  Concepts, and all our businesses now share common IT platforms and product  development
resources.  These  developments allow us to focus our development resources on core products  such  as
StARS thus improving the competitiveness of our client offer.

Following the acquisition of Leapfrog, some 60% of annual Group revenues are now generated in the Asia
Pacific  region,  a  growth  region for our services. Additionally our management  focus  has  shifted
substantially  towards  the  delivery of longer term, multi-year  loyalty  and  Customer  Relationship
Management  ("CRM") programmes as opposed to shorter, tactical marketing campaigns. These longer  term
programmes  allow us to build productive relationships with clients and provide greater visibility  of

Whilst  this  strategic  shift  has  been  very positive  for  the  business  the  market  environment
deteriorated, and in the second half of the financial year, sales across the business were  below  our

Since the financial year end, we have continued to implement the strategy announced at the time of the
Leapfrog acquisition and have begun to see the sales position improve. An important development in the
first  quarter  of  the new financial year was the launch of a new flagship product, 'Airport  Angel',
which  has  strengthened our offering to customers. The launch was well received and I am  pleased  to
report that we have secured some major contracts with large financial institutions.


The full year results of the combined business on a pro forma basis assuming that the acquisition  of
both the Leapfrog and Promodus businesses had been completed on the first day of the financial  year
show sales of �10.3m and an operating profit of �686,000. The pro forma operating profit  is  struck
after taking into account one-off charges in the businesses acquired that are not  expected  to  re-
occur. The pro forma sales of �10.3m are approximately 260% of the prior year statutory sales of �3.9m
illustrating the impact of the acquisitions on the size of the Group.

The audited results show sales of �6,970,000 (2007 �3,888,000) and include 7 months contribution from
the Leapfrog business  and 6 months contribution from Promodus, being the results generated since
acquisition. The loss from operations of �222,000 (2007 profit �404,000) was primarily associated with
poor  performance from the Leapfrog Australia business during the second half of the financial year
resulting from the loss of a major client and a reduction in the volume of promotional sales.

We  ended  the  year  with  a total cash deficit of �208,000 (2007 surplus of  �1,906,000).  The  cash
reduction is primarily associated with the financing of the two acquisitions.


The  focus  during  the year has been on the completion of the two acquisitions and  their  subsequent
integration into the Group. As part of this process, we have rebranded the UK business, previously MKM
Concepts, as Leapfrog and also sought to simplify the structure of our Asia-Pacific operations.  We
continue to push ahead to fully integrate our businesses and exploit the benefits of their respective
relationships with blue chip multi-national clients. These initiatives allow us to significantly
improve the solutions we build for our clients and maximise the benefits we gain from our key staff.


Last  year,  the  Group  made a major investment in the development of StARS, its  web-based  database
programme.  The StARS programme allows us to hold comprehensive details of promotional offers  on  one
database and readily supports the activity of multiple clients. StARS  also  enables  our  clients'
consumers to access promotional offers easily and provides clients with enhanced management
information on the results of marketing campaigns.

The  launch  of StARS represented a major step forward in the fulfilment of campaigns for clients  and
helped Leapfrog UK to win a number of accounts during the year. StARS is now being utilised to support
all of our major clients in the UK and creates significant operational efficiencies.

Leapfrog  Australia  is now using StARS to support a number of significant new business  pitches.   We
have  continued to enhance StARS to meet the demands of new clients and the programme provides us with
some significant advantages which allow us to differentiate ourselves from competitors.

Loyalty Schemes

The  acquisition of Leapfrog strengthened our capability in the management of point collection loyalty
schemes. Following the year end we signed a major three year contract in New Zealand with Genesis, the
government owned utility, to run its consumer loyalty programme, servicing 550,000 households.

Airport Angel

After  the year end, in May 2008 we launched Airport Angel.  Airport Angel membership allows consumers
to  access airport lounges across the world and to receive a number of other support services aimed at
enhancing  their  travel  experience. The product includes an innovative text  service  which  enables
consumers to receive information on their mobile phones about their plane arrival and departure times.

We  have  ambitious  plans for the development of Airport Angel and over the next 12  months  will  be
developing the product and launching it to international markets. At present, sales of the product are
primarily  focused on the retail banking and financial services sector. In these sectors, the  product
becomes  an  integral part of our clients' offer to their consumer. This in turn helps to support  our
strategy of increasing the proportion of our revenues derived from long term contracts.

Airport  Angel has been well received by the market and, since the financial year end, we have  signed
major  contracts  with  UK based banks and are in discussions with a number of other  major  potential


The  Promodus  business, which provides a full range of marketing services specialising  in  servicing
clients  in  the financial services, B2B and technology sectors, finished the year on a very  positive
note hitting the targets agreed at the time of the acquisition. As a result of this we paid a deferred
consideration of �125,000.

Since  the year end the Promodus business has been adversely affected by the economic slowdown.  Their
major  financial  service clients have cut budgets and in general are being more cautious  with  their


In  February  we reported that short term sales were disappointing but that the longer  term  pipeline
remained strong. I am pleased to say that in the UK we have closed a number of the long term contracts
that we were negotiating at that time and, since the financial year end, Leapfrog Australia has won  a
number of tactical marketing campaigns. Since the financial year end, the UK tactical business,  which
was  under-performing, has been brought under the control of Brian Smillie who  is  now  managing  the
sales force internationally.


The  composition of the Board has changed with our acquisitions.  In August 2007, we were  pleased  to
welcome  co-founders of the Leapfrog business, Brian Smillie and Richard Tenser, to the  Board.  Brian
assumed  the role of International Managing Director. In January 2008, Victor Koch stepped  down  from
the  Board  and I would formally like to thank him on behalf of all the Directors for his contribution
to the Group over many years.


In  my  statement last year I explained that the acquisition of Leapfrog Group gave us the opportunity
to  build a first rate and robust loyalty and sales promotion business with substantial potential  for
growth.  We  remain focused on this objective. Our recent contract wins and the successful  launch  of
Airport Angel have confirmed the validity of this strategy. We continue to focus on securing long term
loyalty  and  CRM  contracts  which provide greater visibility of future earnings  and  a  more  solid
platform upon which to build.

Last  year I also stated that we would continue to search for an acquisition that would enable  us  to
build  a  second  leg  for the Group. However, given the current market and economic  environment  our
primary  focus will be on organic growth. Whilst there are acquisition opportunities we will focus  on
those that strengthen our existing offer.


The  Company  entered the current financial year with a larger and broader business base  and  greater
critical mass in key areas such as information technology and product development. Whilst it has taken
longer  to achieve our targets than we had hoped at the time of the acquisitions, we now have  a  good
platform upon which to build.

Traditionally, in a tough economic climate, the market focuses more on exploiting sales promotion  and
direct marketing tools which have measurable results. Thus whilst the economic slow down has increased
the time taken to close large contracts, we believe that we will be able to build our business through
providing clients with innovative and cost effective campaigns with measurable results.

We view prospects for the Group positively despite the difficult economic environment.


29 September 2008

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 31 March 2008

                                                                           2008             2007
                                                                          �'000            �'000
Revenue                                                                   6,970            3,888
Cost of sales                                                           (2,601)          (1,411)

                                                                      ----------        --------
GROSS PROFIT                                                              4,369            2,477
Administrative expenses                                                 (4,591)          (2,073)

                                                                      ----------        --------
(LOSS)/PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                                             (222)              404
Finance expense                                                            (68)              (1)
Finance income                                                               41               53

                                                                      ----------        --------
(LOSS)/PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                                             (249)              456
Income tax credit                                                            45              124

                                                                      ----------        --------
(LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                                (204)              580
                                                                      ----------        --------
                                                                      ----------        --------
                                                                      ----------        --------
Attributable to the equity holders of the parent                          (204)              580
                                                                      ----------        --------
                                                                      ----------        --------
Basic (loss)/earnings per share (pence)                                   (0.3)              1.3
Diluted (loss)/earnings per share (pence)                                 (0.3)              1.1

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 March 2008

                                                        Share                            Deferred                   
                                  Share      Share     Option    Merger Translation         share   Retained        
                                capital    premium    Reserve   Reserve     Reserve       capital   earnings   Total
                                  �'000      �'000      �'000     �'000       �'000         �'000      �'000   �'000
Balance as at 1 April 2007          218      2,205        112         -           -             -      (107)   2,428
Changes in equity for year                                                                                        
ended 31 March 2008
      Net loss for the                -          -          -         -           -             -      (204)   (204)
      period                  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total recognised income  and                                                                                        
expense for the period                -          -          -         -           -             -      (204)   (204)
Equity credit in respect  of                                                                                        
share based payments                  -          -         25         -           -             -          -      25
Deferred  tax asset relating                                                                                        
to share options                      -          -       (51)         -           -             -          -    (51)
Issue of Equity Shares              147        442          -     1,767           -           671          -   3,027
Exchange   rate   loss    on                                                                                        
translation   of    overseas          -          -          -         -        (84)             -          -    (84)
operations                    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance as at 31 March 2008         365      2,647         86     1,767        (84)           671      (311)   5,141

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                        Share                            Deferred                   
                                  Share      Share     Option    Merger Translation         share   Retained        
                                capital    premium    Reserve   Reserve     Reserve       capital   earnings   Total
                                  �'000      �'000      �'000     �'000       �'000         �'000      �'000   �'000
Balance as at 1 April 2006          218      2,205         31         -           -             -      (687)   1,767
Changes in equity for year                                                                                        
ended 31 March 2007
      Net profit for the              -          -          -         -           -             -        580     580
      period                     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total recognised income  and                                                                                        
expense for the period                -          -          -         -           -             -        580     580

Equity credit in respect  of                                                                                        
share based payments                  -          -         30         -           -             -          -      30
Deferred  tax asset relating                                                                                        
to share options                      -          -         51         -           -             -          -      51
Balance as at 31 March 2007         218      2,205        112         -           -             -      (107)   2,428

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2008

                                                                       31 March 2008        31 March 2007
                                                                               �'000                �'000
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                                        
Property, plant & equipment                                                      691                  277
Intangibles                                                                    6,597                  703
Deferred tax asset                                                               185                  178
                                                                       --------------       --------------
                                                                               7,473                1,158

CURRENT ASSETS                                                                            
Trade and other receivables                                                    2,635                  806
Cash and cash equivalents                                                        134                1,906
                                                                        -------------       --------------
                                                                               2,769                2,712

                                                                        -------------       --------------           
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                  10,242                3,870
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                       
Trade and other payables                                                     (4,068)              (1,437)
Borrowings                                                                     (342)                    -
Loan stock                                                                     (450)                    -
Provisions                                                                     (159)                  (5)
                                                                         ------------        -------------
                                                                             (5,019)              (1,442)

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                   
Borrowings                                                                      (82)                    -

                                                                         ------------        -------------
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                            (5,101)              (1,442)

                                                                         ------------        -------------     
NET ASSETS                                                                     5,141                2,428
                                                                         ------------        -------------
                                                                         ------------        -------------
Share capital                                                                    365                  218
Share premium                                                                  2,647                2,205
Share option reserve                                                              86                  112
Deferred share capital consideration                                             671                    -
Merger reserve                                                                 1,767                    -
Translation reserve                                                             (84)                    -
Retained earnings                                                              (311)                (107)

                                                                         ------------        -------------     
TOTAL EQUITY                                                                   5,141                2,428
                                                                         ------------        -------------
                                                                         ------------        -------------

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2008

                                                                        Year ended               Year ended
                                                                      31 March 2008            31 March 2007
                                                                       �'000     �'000         �'000     �'000
CASHFLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                           
     (Loss)/profit before taxation                                     (249)                     456          
     Adjustments for                                                                                          
          Interest receivable                                           (41)                    (53)          
          Depreciation                                                   174                      80          
          Gain on deferred consideration                                (97)                       -          
          Interest expense                                                68                       1          
          Share option charge                                             25                      30      
                                                                              --------                 -------    
     Operating cashflow before movement in working
     capital                                                                    (120)                     514
     Increase in receivables                                           (596)                   (546)          
     Increase in payables                                                212                     278          
     Increase/(decrease) in provisions                                   154                    (16)          
     Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                            (71)                       -      
                                                                              --------                 -------    
     Movement in working capital                                                 (301)                   (284)
     Interest paid                                                                (68)                     (1)
                                                                              ---------                -------
Net cash (used in)/generated from operations                                     (489)                     229
                                                                              ---------                -------
CASHFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                                       
     Purchase of property, plant and equipment                         (378)                    (72)          
     Purchase of intangible assets                                     (247)                       -     
     Acquisition of share capital in new companies                   (1,366)                       -          
     Costs associated with acquisition                                 (422)                       -          
     Cash within acquired Company                                        272                       -       
     Acquisition of subsidiary                                       (1,516)                       -          
     Interest received                                                    41                      53     
                                                                              -------                   ------        
Net cash outflow from investing
 activities                                                                    (2,100)                    (19)
                                                                              --------                  ------
CASHFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                                           
     Issue of ordinary share capital                                     475                       -      
                                                                               -------                  ------   
Net cash generated from financing activities                                       475                       -
                                                                               -------                  ------
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                           (2,114)                     210

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                         1,906                   1,696
                                                                               -------                  ------
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                               (208)                   1,906
                                                                               -------                  ------
                                                                               -------                  ------

MKM Group Plc

Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008

1.  Preliminary announcement

The  financial  information  set  out  in this document does not constitute  the  company's  statutory
accounts  for  the year ended 31 March 2008, but is derived from those audited accounts to  that  date
which received an unqualified auditors' report and will be filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The
information  in  this  preliminary  announcement has been computed in  accordance  with  International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), but does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS.
The company has today published full financial statements that comply with IFRS.

The  preliminary announcement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
statutory  financial  statements for the year ended 31 March 2008. The annual accounts  for  the  year
ended  31 March 2008 have been posted to shareholders and will be available from the Company's website
on www.mkmgroupplc.com.

2. Earnings per share

                                                                       2008              2007
                                                                      �'000             �'000
(Loss)/profit for the year                                            (204)               580
                                                                -----------       ------------
                                                                -----------       ------------
(Loss)/earnings used in basic EPS                                     (204)               580
                                                                -----------       ------------
                                                                -----------       ------------
(Loss)/earnings used in diluted EPS                                   (204)               580
                                                                -----------       ------------
                                                                -----------       ------------
Weighted average number of shares used in basic EPS              60,630,267        43,744,545
                                                                -----------       ------------
                                                                -----------       ------------
Effects of:                                                                                  
- employee share options                                                            7,864,881

                                                                -----------       ------------
Weighted average number of shares used in diluted EPS                              51,609,426

Basic (loss)/earnings per share (pence)                               (0.3)               1.3
                                                                -----------       ------------
                                                                -----------       ------------
Diluted (loss)/earnings per share (pence)                             (0.3)               1.1
                                                                -----------       ------------
                                                                -----------       ------------

The  basic earnings per share has been calculated using the profit after tax, divided by the  weighted
average number of shares in issue of 60,630,267 (2007: 43,744,545).

As  a  result of the loss in the year to 31 March 2008, the diluted earnings per share is the same  as
the  basic  earnings  per share as the employee share options of 2,845,481 and deferred  consideration
shares of 20,216,216 are antidilutive.

MKM Group Plc - Group Financial Statements

Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008

2. Earnings per share (continued)

In  the  year  to  31 March 2007, diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting  the  weighted
average  number  of  shares in issue on the assumption of conversion of all the  potentially  dilutive
ordinary  shares  which are share options granted where the exercise price is less  than  the  average
price  of  the Company's ordinary shares during the period. The weighted average number of potentially
dilutive share options at 31 March 2007 was 7,864,881.

3. Acquisition of subsidiary

Leisure World

On  29  August  2007,  the group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Leisure  World  Pty  Ltd
(trading  as the Leapfrog Group in Australia) for cash consideration of �1,250,000. Leisure World  Pty
Ltd  is  the  parent company of a group of companies involved in Loyalty and Sales promotion  activity
across Asia Pacific. This transaction has been accounted for by the purchase method of accounting.

                                                  Book value and fair
                                                      �'000        �'000
Fair value of assets and liabilities acquired                           
Property, plant and equipment                           163             
Deferred tax asset                                       36             
Intangible assets                                       141             
Trade and other receivables                           1,121             
Cash and cash equivalents                               191             
Trade and other payables                            (1,881)             
Current tax liabilities                               (226)
Net liabilities on acquisition                                     (455)
Consideration paid                                                      
Initial cash consideration                            1,250             
Initial 20 million ordinary shares                    1,600             
Loan stock                                              450             
Deferred consideration                                  708             
Costs of acquisition                                    481
Total consideration                                                4,489

Goodwill                                                           4,944

The  goodwill  arising on the acquisition of Leisure World Pty Ltd is attributable to the  anticipated
future  profitability that will be achieved as a result of distributing the Group's products into  new
markets and the anticipated future synergies that will be achieved throughout the Group as a result of
bringing the businesses together.

MKM Group Plc - Group Financial Statements

Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008

3.      Acquisition of subsidiary (continued)

Leisure World (continued)

The  fair  value  of the shares issued as initial consideration was determined by reference  to  their
published market price of 8p/share at the date of acquisition. The deferred consideration shares  have
not yet been issued and the original settlement terms are being renegotiated. The value above is based
upon the number of shares that would have been issued under the original agreement terms but reflect a
decrease in the fair value of the shares. Management has estimated the fair value by reference to  the
signed  sale and purchase agreement between the parties, which in turn references the published  price
for  the  30 days up to 30 June 2008. The renegotiation is also expected to deliver a gain of  �97,000
through  the award of a reduced number of shares (20,216,216) to settle this same value and this  gain
has been recognised within the income statement.

The net cash outflow on acquisition was �1,540,000 being the net of cash consideration and costs above
partially  offset by �191,000 cash within the acquired company. At the balance sheet date  �74,000  of
the costs of acquisition had not yet been settled.

Leisure  World  Pty  Ltd contributed �3,162,000 revenue and a loss of �247,000 to the  Group's  profit
before tax for the period between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date.

If the acquisition of Leisure World Pty Ltd had been completed on the first day of the financial year,
the  revenue it would have contributed to group revenues for the period would have been �6,135,000 and
group profit attributable to equity holders of the parent would have been �645,000.

The   interim  results  to  30  September  2007  included  provisional  accounting  for  the  deferred
consideration of the acquisition. At this time a higher level of deferred consideration  was  expected
to  be  awarded  and the share price on 30 September 2007 was used to value the deferred consideration
shares and as such the total goodwill was recorded as �6,506,000.

MKM Group Plc - Group Financial Statements

Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008

3. Acquisition of subsidiary (continued)


On  9  October  2007,  the group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Promodus  Ltd  for  cash
consideration  of  �116,000. Promodus Ltd is the parent company of a group of  companies  involved  in
marketing consultancy. This transaction has been accounted for by the purchase method of accounting.

                                             Book value and fair value
                                                   �'000          �'000
Fair value of assets and liabilities                                   
Property, plant and equipment                         12               
Deferred tax asset                                     -               
Inventories                                            5               
Trade and other receivables                          121               
Cash and cash equivalents                             81               
Trade and other payables                           (113)
Net assets on acquisition                                           106
Consideration paid                                                     
Initial cash consideration                           116               
Initial 2.6 million ordinary shares                  280               
First deferred cash consideration                    125               
Second deferred share consideration                  125               
Costs of acquisition                                  15
Total Consideration                                                 661

Goodwill                                                            555

The  goodwill  arising  on  the  acquisition  of Promodus  Ltd  is  attributable  to  the  anticipated
profitability of the distribution of the Group's products in the new markets.

The  fair  value  of the shares issued as Initial consideration was determined by reference  to  their
published  market  price  of  10.53p/share at the date of acquisition. The deferred  consideration  is
defined  as an amount to be paid in either cash or shares at the discretion of the company. The  level
of  consideration is dependent on profits generated by Promodus Ltd over the 1 year period  up  to  31
December 2008. The amount included above represents the directors' current best estimate of the amount

The  net  cash outflow on acquisition was �50,000 being the net of cash consideration and costs  above
partially offset by �81,000 cash within the acquired company.

Promodus Ltd contributed �464,000 revenue and �48,000 to the Group's profit before tax for the  period
between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date.

If  the  acquisition  of Promodus Ltd had been completed on the first day of the financial  year,  the
revenue it would have contributed to group revenues for the period would have been �882,000 and  group
profit attributable to equity holders of the parent would have been �136,000.

MKM Group Plc - Group Financial Statements

Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008

4. Notes to the cash flow statement

Cash and cash equivalents comprise:

                                                                2008            2007
                                                               �'000           �'000
Cash available on demand                                         134           1,906
Short term borrowings                                          (342)               -

                                                             -------        --------
Total Cash Position                                            (208)           1,906
                                                             -------        --------
                                                             -------        --------
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents         (2,114)             210
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                 1,906           1,696

                                                             -------        --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                       (208)           1,906
                                                             -------        --------
                                                             -------        --------

The cash and cash equivalents shown above include �45,000 that is classified as restricted cash as  it
is held for travel bonding purposes.

MKM Group plc


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