RNS Number : 0868R 
Minera IRL Limited 
16 August 2010 
              Minera IRL Announces Second Quarter Financial Results 
London, 16 August 2010: Minera IRL Limited ("Minera IRL" or the "Company"), 
(TSX:IRL) (AIM:MIRL) (BVL:MIRL) the Latin American focused gold mining, 
development and exploration company, is pleased to announce its unaudited 
interim results for the 3-month period ended June 30, 2010 and its interim 
results for the six months ended June 30, 2010.  All amounts are reported in US 
Highlights for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 included: 
·    Gold production above budget at 8,098 ounces (15,169 ounces for 6 months to 
 June 30, 2010) 
·    Sales revenue of US$10.0 million (US$18.3 million for 6 months to June 30, 
·    Average sales price US$1,201 per ounce in the second quarter 
·    Corihuarmi cash operating cost of US$365 per ounce (US$396 for the 6 months 
to  June 30, 2010) 
·    EBITDA of US$3.9 million (Q2 2009 US$1.7 million) 
·    Profit before tax of US$3.0 million (Q2 2009 US$557,000) 
·    Profit after tax of US$1.6 million (Q2 2009 US$234,000) 
·    Cash balance of US$6.6 million at June 30, 2010 (June 30, 2009: US$ 5.1 
·    Rapid advancement on Ollachea Project Pre-Feasibility Study 
·    Don Nicolas Feasibility Study progressing well 
·    Extensive airborne geophysical survey carried out over Patagonia 
exploration projects 
·    Acquisition of new exploration project, Killincho, in southern Peru 
·    $20 million debt facility put in place with Macquarie Bank 
Summary table: 
|            |   Quarter to | Quarter to |  Six months |   Six months | 
|            |      30 June |    30 June |  to 30 June |           to | 
|            |         2010 |       2009 |        2010 |      30 June | 
|            |              |            |             |         2009 | 
| Gold       | 8,098 ounces |      7,753 |      15,169 |       14,903 | 
| production |              |     ounces |      ounces |       ounces | 
| Sales      |      US$10.0 |    US$ 6.6 | US$         |     US$ 13.3 | 
| revenue    |      million |    million | 18.3million |      million | 
| Average    |    US$ 1,201 |    US$ 929 |   US$ 1,157 |  US$ 917 per | 
| sales      |    per ounce |  per ounce |   per ounce |        ounce | 
| price      |              |            |             |              | 
| Corihuami  |  US$ 365 per |    US$ 393 |     US$ 396 |  US$ 388 per | 
| cash       |        ounce |  per ounce |  per ounces |        ounce | 
| operating  |              |            |             |              | 
| cost       |              |            |             |              | 
| EBITDA     |      US$ 3.9 |    US$ 1.7 |     US$ 6.2 |      US$ 4.1 | 
|            |      million |    million |     million |      million | 
| Profit     |      US$ 3.0 |        US$ |     US$ 3.6 |      US$ 1.2 | 
| before tax |      million |    557,000 |     million |      million | 
| Profit     |      US$ 1.6 |        US$ |     US$ 1.8 |  US$ 527,000 | 
| after tax  |      million |    234,000 |     million |              | 
"Financial performance for the three months to June 30, 2010 was above 
expectations.  Driven by above budget gold production at our Corihuarmi Gold 
Mine and a continuing strong gold price." stated Courtney Chamberlain Minera IRL 
Limited Executive Chairman.  "The Pre-Feasibility Study at the Minapampa Zone, 
Ollachea Project in Peru and Feasibility Study on the Don Nicolas Project in 
Argentina are progressing well with two drill rigs carrying out in-fill drilling 
on each project.  On the exploration front, we have completed a large airborne 
geophysical survey in Patagonia to better define and prioritize exploration 
targets including the new zone in Escondido.  In Peru, early stage exploration 
commenced on the new Killincho Project." 
This announcement is available from the Company's web site, www.minera-irl.com. 
For more information please contact: 
| Minera IRL Limited                             | +511 4181230      | 
|                                                |                   | 
| Trish Kent, Vice President, Corporate          |                   | 
| Relations                                      |                   | 
|                                                | + 44 (0)20 7012   | 
| Arbuthnot Securities (Nominated Adviser &      | 2000              | 
| Broker, London)                                |                   | 
| Hugh Field/Richard Johnson                     |                   | 
|                                                |                   | 
| The Equicom Group Inc. (Investor Relations,    | +1 416 815 0700   | 
| Canada)                                        | (ext 267)         | 
| James Kitchen, Account Executive               |                   | 
|                                                | + 44 (0)20 7367   | 
| Bankside Consultants (Financial PR, London)    | 8888              | 
| Simon Rothschild                               |                   | 
| Louise Mason                                   |                   | 
Minera IRL Limited is the AIM traded and TSX and BVL listed holding company of 
precious metals mining and exploration companies focused in Latin America. 
Minera IRL is led by an experienced senior management team with extensive 
industry experience, particularly in operating in South America.  The Group 
operates the Corihuarmi Gold Mine and the emerging Ollachea Gold Project in Peru 
as well as the Don Nicolas Project in Argentina. 
This press release was reviewed by Donald McIver, VP Exploration of the Company, 
MSc Exploration and  Economic Geology, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of 
Mining and Metallurgy (AUSIMM), who is the designated Qualified Person for the 
purposes of National Instrument 43-101 and has approved the technical 
information in this press release. 
The Toronto Stock Exchange neither approves nor disapproves the information 
contained in this News Release. 
Some of the statements contained in this release are forward-looking statements, 
such as estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, 
objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or 
management expects a stated condition or result to occur.  Since forward-looking 
statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they 
involve inherent risks and uncertainties. 
While these forward-looking statements, and any assumptions upon which they are 
based, are made in good faith and reflect our current judgment regarding the 
direction of our business, actual results will almost always vary, sometimes 
materially, from any estimates, predictions, projections, assumptions or other 
future performance suggestions herein.  Except as required by applicable law or 
regulation, Minera IRL Limited does not intend to update any forward-looking 
statements to conform these statements to actual results. 
Chairman's Statement 
A high level of activity continued within the Minera IRL Group during the June 
quarter of 2010.  Excellent results were achieved from our Corihuarmi Gold Mine, 
good progress has been made on the Pre-Feasibility Study on the Ollachea Project 
and the Feasibility Study on the Don Nicolas Project and there have been 
encouraging results from exploration in Peru and Argentina. 
The financial performance for the three months to 30 June 2010 was above 
expectations and an improvement on both the comparative second quarter of 2009 
and the first quarter of 2010.  Gold sales were a solid US$10.0 million on the 
back of a continuing strong gold price, with spot sales averaging US$1,201 per 
ounce.  Gross profit was US$5.3 million and EBITDA US$3.9 million.  Profit 
before tax was US$3.0 million and profit after tax was US$1.6 million.  Each of 
these financial figures is significantly better than both the corresponding 
period in 2009 and the first quarter of 2010.  The cash balance at the end of 
the quarter was US$6.6 million. 
Our Corihuarmi Gold Mine continues to perform very well with gold production of 
8,098 ounces, approximately 10% above budget, bringing production for the first 
six months to 15,169 ounces.  Mining activities were largely concentrated on the 
Susan outcrop.  Cash operating costs averaged US$365 per ounce for the quarter 
thus reducing the average cash operating costs for the first six months to 
US$396 per ounce. 
At the Ollachea Project in southern Peru, the Pre-Feasibility Study has made 
excellent progress and remains on schedule for completion during the first half 
of 2011. Infill drilling in the core Minapampa Zone with 2 rigs continued 
throughout the period with 32 of the 40 holes completed to date.  This drilling 
is required to raise the resource confidence level to Measured and Indicated 
categories compliant with NI43-101 standards.  Progress was also made on other 
aspects of the Pre-Feasibility Study including planning for an exploration 
tunnel into the deposit, metallurgical test-work, geotechnical evaluations and 
information gathering for the environmental baseline report.  Drilling will 
revert to the new Concurayoc discovery, approximately 500 meters west of the 
Minapampa Zone, when the infill program is completed. 
In Patagonia, good progress has been made on the Don Nicolas Feasibility Study, 
due for completion in 2011.  Two drill rigs completed the infill and stepout 
drilling in late July on the Sulfuro Vein, one of the two principal deposits at 
Don Nicolas.  This is to be followed by infill drilling on the Martinetas 
deposit.  Other aspects of the Study, such as more metallurgical testing, 
geotechnical studies and a hydrology program are in progress. 
Exploration continued at a number of projects.  In the large tenement package in 
the Deseado Massif in Patagonia, a 4,500 line kilometer helicopter-borne 
magnetic and radiometric survey has been undertaken to fine tune existing 
exploration targets and locate new ones.  Highly encouraging rock chip analysis 
and geophysical anomalies have identified drill targets on the 700 meter long 
outcropping breccia zone at Escondido, contiguous to Mariana Resources Las 
Calandrias discovery.  Scout drilling commenced at the end of July.  Good 
progress was also made in better understanding the undrilled 1.3 kilometer vein 
at Pan de Azucar with further confirmatory elevated gold outcrop samples 
obtained.  In addition, a 300 meter long, gold anomalous, breccia envelope has 
been identified around the southern portion of the vein. 
Results of a 12 hole, 4,856 meter reverse circulation drilling program were 
announced in July 2010 for the Bethania porphyry gold project, which is situated 
approximately 10 kilometers from Corihuarmi.  Extensive intersections of low 
grade gold, copper and molybdenum mineralization were identified in six of the 
holes which provide substantial encouragement to continue exploring this large 
alteration zone.    A new exploration project in southern Peru, known as 
Killincho, was acquired, and exploration commenced within a known gold producing 
The planned drilling was completed at the La Falda Project in Chile and targeted 
geophysical IP anomalies and auriferous banded quartz veins considered to be 
associated with a gold porphyry system.  Encouraging gold mineralization was 
encountered deeper in a number of holes which may link to a substantial, largely 
untested magnetic anomaly.  However, further testing is beyond the current 
funding capacity of Minera IRL.  As a result, the agreement with Catalina 
Resources was extended to 30 September 2010 to allow time to seek another party 
for the next phase of exploration. 
Following the successful listing of Minera IRL on the Canadian TSX in April 
2010, the Company sought to issue a tranche of equity to generate liquidity in 
the Canadian markets and to bolster working capital.  However, deteriorating 
market conditions resulted in the suspension of this process in favour of a 
US$20 million debt facility provided by Macquarie Bank.  These funds are to be 
used to advance rapidly the Ollachea and Don Nicolas projects toward 
In closing, I would like to extend my appreciation to our outstanding team and 
to our loyal shareholders.  Together, I believe we continue to build toward a 
bright and prosperous future. 
Courtney Chamberlain 
Executive Chairman 
Minera IRL Limited 
                          12 August 2010 
Minera IRL Limited 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
|                            |          3 months |    3 months |         6 months |    6 months |       Year | 
|                            |             ended |       ended |            ended |       ended |      ended | 
|                            |           30 June |     30 June |          30 June |     30 June | 31December | 
|                            |              2010 |        2009 |             2010 |        2009 |       2009 | 
|                            |       (unaudited) | (unaudited) |      (unaudited) | (unaudited) |  (audited) | 
|                            |           US$'000 |     US$'000 |          US$'000 |     US$'000 |    US$'000 | 
|                            |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
|                            |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
| Revenue                    |             9,963 |       6,610 |           18,319 |      13,318 |     31,856 | 
| Cost of sales              |           (4,636) |     (4,722) |         (10,392) |     (9,070) |   (18,804) | 
| Gross profit               |             5,327 |       1,888 |            7,927 |       4,248 |     13,052 | 
|                            |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
| Administration expenses    |           (1,965) |       (996) |          (3,818) |     (2,247) |    (6,637) | 
| Exploration costs          |             (214) |       (253) |            (367) |       (415) |    (1,739) | 
| Excess of fair value of    |                 - |           - |                - |           - |      1,134 | 
| assets acquired over       |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
| consideration              |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
| Operating profit           |             3,148 |         639 |            3,742 |       1,586 |      5,810 | 
|                            |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
| Finance income             |                 1 |           3 |               38 |          19 |         36 | 
| Finance expenses           |             (105) |        (85) |            (170) |       (415) |      (402) | 
| Net finance expense        |             (104) |        (82) |            (132) |       (396) |      (366) | 
|                            |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
| Profit before  tax         |             3,044 |         557 |            3,610 |       1,190 |      5,444 | 
|                            |                   |             |                  |             |            | 
| Income tax                           | (1,473) |       (323) |          (1,797) |       (663) |    (2,473) | 
| Profit for the period                |   1,571 |             |            1,813 |             |            | 
| attributable to the equity           |         |         234 |                  |         527 |      2,971 | 
| shareholders of the parent           |         |             |                  |             |            | 
|                                      |         |             |                  |             |            | 
| Earnings per ordinary share          |         |             |                  |             |            | 
| (US cents)                           |         |             |                  |             |            | 
| Basic                                |     1.8 |         0.4 |              2.1 |         0.9 |        4.3 | 
| Diluted                              |     1.8 |         0.4 |              2.1 |         0.9 |        4.3 | 
|                            |         |         |             |                  |             |            | 
Minera IRL Limited 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
|                            |      As at  | |      As at  | |     As at | 
|                            |     30 June | |     30 June | |        31 | 
|                            |        2010 | |        2009 | |  December | 
|                            |             | |             | |      2009 | 
|                            | (unaudited) | | (unaudited) | | (audited) | 
|                            |     US$'000 | |     US$'000 | |   US$'000 | 
| Assets                     |             | |             | |           | 
| Property, plant and        |      23,996 | |      24,720 | |    25,390 | 
| equipment                  |             | |             | |           | 
| Intangible assets          |      43,400 | |      14,710 | |    34,197 | 
| Available for sale         |         921 | |           - | |     1,567 | 
| investments                |             | |             | |           | 
| Deferred tax asset         |         504 | |           - | |       426 | 
| Other receivables          |       3,648 | |           - | |     2,808 | 
| Total non-current assets   |      72,469 | |      39,430 | |    64,388 | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
| Inventory                  |       2,501 | |         936 | |     1,526 | 
| Other receivables and      |       4,075 | |       4,965 | |     1,714 | 
| prepayments                |             | |             | |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |       6,574 | |       5,141 | |    14,218 | 
|                            |      13,150 | |      11,042 | |    17,458 | 
| Non-current assets held    |         600 | |           - | |       600 | 
| for sale                   |             | |             | |           | 
| Total current assets       |      13,750 | |      11,042 | |    18,058 | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
| Total assets               |      86,219 | |      50,472 | |    82,446 | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
| Equity                     |             | |             | |           | 
| Share capital              |      66,856 | |      41,459 | |    65,784 | 
| Foreign currency reserve   |         129 | |         129 | |       129 | 
| Share option reserve       |       1,736 | |       1,259 | |     1,363 | 
| Accumulated losses         |     (1,587) | |     (5,844) | |   (3,400) | 
| Total equity attributable  |      67,134 | |      37,003 | |    63,876 | 
| to the equity shareholders |             | |             | |           | 
| of the parent              |             | |             | |           | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
| Liabilities                |             | |             | |           | 
| Provisions                 |       1,577 | |       1,349 | |     1,463 | 
| Other long term            |       1,921 | |       3,212 | |     1,843 | 
| liabilities                |             | |             | |           | 
| Total non-current          |       3,498 | |       4,561 | |     3,306 | 
| liabilities                |             | |             | |           | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
| Interest bearing loans     |       2,500 | |       3,500 | |     3,511 | 
| Current tax                |       1,936 | |         664 | |       951 | 
| Trade and other payables   |      11,151 | |       4,744 | |    10,802 | 
| Total current liabilities  |      15,587 | |       8,908 | |    15,264 | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
| Total liabilities          |      19,085 | |      13,469 | |    18,570 | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
| Total equity and           |      86,219 | |      50,472 | |    82,446 | 
| liabilities                |             | |             | |           | 
|                            |             | |             | |           | 
Minera IRL Limited 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
|                            |         |          |  Foreign |          |   Share |          |  Profit |          |         | 
|                            |   Share |          | currency |          |  Option |          |     and |          |         | 
|                            | capital |          |  reserve |          | reserve |          |    loss |          |   Total | 
|                            | US$'000 |          |  US$'000 |          | US$'000 |          | account |          | US$'000 | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          | US$'000 |          |         | 
| Balance 1 January 2009     |  41,459 |          |      129 |          |   1,173 |          | (6,371) |          |  36,390 | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Profit for the period to   |       - |          |        - |          |       - |          |     527 |          |     527 | 
| 30 June 2009               |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Reserve for share option   |       - |          |        - |          |      86 |          |       - |          |      86 | 
| costs                      |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Balance 30 June 2009       |  41,459 |          |      129 |          |   1,259 |          | (5,844) |          |  37,003 | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Balance 1 July 2009        |  41,459 |          |      129 |          |   1,259 |          | (5,844) |          |  37,003 | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Profit for the period to   |       - |          |        - |          |       - |          |   2,444 |          |   2,444 | 
| 31 December 2009           |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| New share capital          |  25,166 |          |        - |          |       - |          |       - |          |  25,166 | 
| subscribed                 |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Cost of raising share      |   (841) |          |        - |          |       - |          |       - |          |   (841) | 
| capital                    |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Reserve for share option   |       - |          |        - |          |     104 |          |       - |          |     104 | 
| costs                      |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Balance 31 December 2009   |  65,784 |          |      129 |          |   1,363 |          | (3,400) |          |  63,876 | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Balance 1 January 2010     |  65,784 |          |      129 |          |   1,363 |          | (3,400) |          |  63,876 | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Profit for the period to   |       - |          |        - |          |       - |          |   1,813 |          |   1,813 | 
| 30 June 2010               |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Issue of share capital     |   1,072 |          |        - |          |       - |          |       - |          |   1,072 | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Reserve for share option   |       - |          |        - |          |     373 |          |       - |          |     373 | 
| costs                      |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
|                            |         |          |          |          |         |          |         |          |         | 
| Balance 30 June 2010       |  66,856 |          |      129 |          |   1,736 |          | (1,587) |          |  67,134 | 
Minera IRL Limited 
|                             |     3months |     3months |     6months |           6 |      Year | 
|                             |       ended |       ended |       ended |      months |     ended | 
|                             |     30 June |     30 June |     30 June |       ended |        31 | 
|                             |        2010 |        2009 |        2010 |          30 |  December | 
|                             | (unaudited) | (unaudited) | (unaudited) |        June |      2009 | 
|                             |     US$'000 |     US$'000 |     US$'000 |        2009 | (audited) | 
|                             |             |             |             | (unaudited) |   US$'000 | 
|                             |             |             |             |     US$'000 |           | 
| Cash flows from operating   |             |             |             |             |           | 
| activities                  |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Operating profit            |       3,148 |         639 |       3,742 |       1,586 |     5,810 | 
| Depreciation                |         735 |       1,081 |       2,421 |       2,504 |     5,509 | 
| Impairment of exploration   |           - |          69 |           - |         112 |         - | 
| assets                      |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Share option costs          |         260 |          43 |         373 |          86 |       190 | 
| Provision for mine closure  |          57 |          57 |         114 |         114 |       228 | 
| costs                       |             |             |             |             |           | 
| (Gain)/loss on disposal of  |       (113) |           - |         175 |           - |        28 | 
| assets                      |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Excess of fair value of     |           - |           - |           - |           - |   (1,134) | 
| assets acquired over        |             |             |             |             |           | 
| consideration               |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Foreign exchange losses     |           - |           - |         305 |           - |       250 | 
| relating to non-operating   |             |             |             |             |           | 
| items                       |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Increase in inventory       |     (1,426) |       (328) |       (975) |       (163) |     (753) | 
| (Increase)/decrease in      |     (3,542) |     (2,522) |     (3,279) |       3,205 |     5,097 | 
| other receivables and       |             |             |             |             |           | 
| prepayments                 |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Increase/(Decrease) in      |       1,593 |         112 |         426 |     (1,037) |       709 | 
| trade and other payables    |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Corporation tax paid        |           - |           - |       (811) |     (2,200) |   (4,473) | 
| Net cash flow from          |         712 |       (849) |       2,491 |       4,207 |    11,461 | 
| operations                  |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Interest received           |           1 |           3 |          38 |          19 |        36 | 
| Interest paid               |       (105) |        (85) |       (170) |       (284) |     (140) | 
| Net cash flow from          |         608 |       (931) |       2,359 |       3,942 |    11,357 | 
| operating activities        |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Cash flows from investing   |             |             |             |             |           | 
| activities                  |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries |           - |           - |           - |           - |   (1,843) | 
| net of cash received        |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Sale of investments         |         363 |           - |         471 |           - |         - | 
| Acquisition of property,    |       (294) |       (206) |     (1,027) |       (975) |   (3,581) | 
| plant and equipment         |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Acquisition of intangible   |     (5,014) |     (2,006) |     (9,203) |     (4,318) |  (12,416) | 
| assets (exploration         |             |             |             |             |           | 
| expenditure)                |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Net cash outflow from       |     (4,945) |     (2,212) |     (9,759) |     (5,293) |  (17,840) | 
| investing activities        |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Cash flows from financing   |             |             |             |             |           | 
| activities                  |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Proceeds from the issue of  |           - |           - |          72 |           - |    15,300 | 
| ordinary share capital      |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Cost of raising share       |           - |           - |           - |           - |     (841) | 
| capital                     |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Repayment of loans          |           - |           - |        (11) |     (2,500) |   (2,500) | 
| Net cash inflow from        |           - |           - |          61 |     (2,500) |    11,959 | 
| financing activities        |             |             |             |             |           | 
|                             |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in  |     (4,337) |     (3,143) |     (7,339) |     (3,851) |     5,476 | 
| cash and cash equivalents   |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |      10,911 |       8,284 |      14,218 |       8,992 |     8,992 | 
| at beginning of the period  |             |             |             |             |           | 
| Exchange rate movements     |           - |           - |       (305) |           - |     (250) | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |       6,574 |       5,141 |       6,574 |       5,141 |    14,218 | 
| at end of the period        |             |             |             |             |           | 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
Minera IRL Limited 
| Notes to the Interim Report                                     | 
|                                                                 | 
| The financial information contained in this Interim Report does | 
| not constitute statutory accounts as defined by the Companies   | 
| (Jersey) Law 1991. No statutory accounts for the period have    | 
| been delivered to the Jersey Registrar of Companies. The        | 
| financial information contained in this Interim Report has      | 
| neither been audited nor reviewed by the auditors.              | 
|                                                                 | 
| The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 will | 
| be filed with the Jersey Registrar of Companies. The auditors'  | 
| report on these accounts was unqualified. The consolidated      | 
| financial information contained in this Interim Report has been | 
| presented and prepared in accordance with interim reporting     | 
| standards, in a form consistent with the annual accounts and in | 
| accordance with accounting policies and standards applicable to | 
| those annual accounts. However, these interim accounts do not   | 
| include all the disclosures required for those annual accounts. | 
| Both the annual accounts and these interim accounts have been   | 
| prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting   | 
| Standards. There have been no changes in the company's          | 
| accounting policies since 31 December 2009.                     | 
|                                                                 | 
| This Interim Report has been approved for issue by the Board of | 
| Directors on 12 August 2010.                                    | 
|                                                                 | 
| Earnings per share                                              | 
| The earnings per share for the second quarter has been          | 
| calculated using the profit attributable to ordinary            | 
| shareholders of US$1,571,000 (second quarter 2009: US$234,000)  | 
| and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue     | 
| during the three months to 30 June of 85,760,642 (second        | 
| quarter 2009: 61,883,422).                                      | 
|                                                                 | 
| The earnings per share for the first half has been calculated   | 
| using the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of       | 
| US$1,813,000 (first half 2009: US$527,000) and the weighted     | 
| average number of ordinary shares in issue during the six       | 
| months to 30 June 2010 of 85,697,147 (first half 2009:          | 
| 61,883,422).                                                    | 
|                                                                 | 
| Issue of shares                                                 | 
| On 24 June 2010 the Company issued 1,111,111 ordinary shares at | 
| a price of US$0.90 per share as a result of the conversion of a | 
| US$1 million loan by Resource Capital Fund.                     | 
|                                                                 | 
| Transactions of an unusual nature                               | 
| There were no transactions of an unusual nature during the six  | 
| months to 30 June 2010.                                         | 
|                                                                 | 
| Seasonal Influences                                             | 
| The business of the Company is not generally subject to         | 
| seasonal influences.                                            | 
|                                                                 | 
| Related parties                                                 | 
| During the period the Company has received registrar services   | 
| from Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited, a        | 
| company related through a common director. The contract for     | 
| these services provides for a minimum annual charge of GBP3,000 | 
| to be paid by the Company.                                      | 
|                                                                 | 
| In addition the Company has received consultancy services from  | 
| Hamilton Capital Partners Limited for whom a director acts as a | 
| consultant adviser. The contract for these services provides    | 
| for an annual charge of GBP24,000. The contract will end on 30  | 
| September 2010.                                                 | 
|                                                                 | 
| Subsequent events                                               | 
| On 7 July 2010 the Company entered into an agreement with       | 
| Macquarie Bank Limited for a US$20 million loan facility. In    | 
| July 2010, US$7.5 million of this facility was drawn with       | 
| US$2.5 million being used to repay the existing loan from       | 
| Macquarie Bank. In consideration for this drawdown and under    | 
| the terms of the agreement, the Company issued to Macquarie     | 
| Bank an option over 6,944,444 shares of Minera IRL Limited.     | 
| This option is exercisable at a price of US$1.08 per share up   | 
| to and including 28 June 2013. The previous options issued to   | 
| Macquarie Bank over a total of 4,861,048 shares have been       | 
| cancelled.                                                      | 
The Directors of Minera IRL are listed in the Group's Annual report for the year 
ended 31 December 2009. 
By order of the Board 
C Chamberlain 
Executive Chairman 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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