RNS Number : 4544N

Mobeus Income & Growth 4 VCT PLC

08 August 2017

Mobeus Income & Growth 4 VCT plc

Mobeus Income & Growth 4 VCT plc, ("MIG4", the "Company", or the "Fund") is a Venture Capital Trust ("VCT") advised by Mobeus Equity Partners LLP ("Mobeus"), investing primarily in established, unquoted companies.

Company Objective

The Objective of the Company is to provide investors with a regular income stream by way of tax-free dividends and to generate capital growth through portfolio realisations which can be distributed by way of additional tax-free dividends, while continuing at all times to qualify as a VCT.

Financial Highlights

Results for the six months ended 30 June 2017

-Net Asset Value ("NAV") Total Return per share of 5.2% for the half-year.

-The Company has declared an interim dividend of 18.00 pence per share, payable on 11 September 2017 to

shareholders on the register on 18 August 2017, bringing total cumulative dividends paid to shareholders since

inception to 98.20 pence per share.

- Investments totalling GBP1.65(1) million have been made into Tapas Revolution, Buster & Punch, MyTutor, and a

follow on investment into BookingTek.

- The Company has realised its investment in Entanet after the period end in August 2017 for GBP4.89 million,

contributing to a 2.5 multiple of cost over the life of the investment to date.

- The Board intends to raise up to GBP15 million under an Offer (GBP10 million plus

GBP5 million via an over-allotment facility) alongside the other Mobeus VCTs, to be launched in September 2017.

(1) - includes GBP0.53 million previously held in a company preparing to trade.

Cumulative total shareholder return per share (NAV basis)*

The net asset value (NAV) per share as at 30 June 2017 was 106.18 pence.

The longer term trend of performance on this measure is shown in the chart below:

 Period               Net asset    Cumulative   Cumulative total 
                       value        dividends    return per share 
                       (NAV)        paid per     to shareholders 
                       per share    share        since launch(*) 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
                                                (NAV basis) 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
                      (p)          (p)          (p) 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
 As at 30 June 
  2017                106.18       80.20        186.38 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
 As at 31 December 
  2016                107.57       73.20        180.77 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
 As at 31 December 
  2015                117.89       62.20        180.09 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
 As at 31 December 
  2014                118.21       52.20        170.41 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
 As at 31 December 
  2013                119.92       34.20        154.12 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
 As at 31 December 
  2012                117.31       26.70        144.01 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 
 As at 31 January 
  2012                116.73       21.70        138.43 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------ 

*Cumulative NAV total shareholder return is net asset value plus cumulative dividends paid since 1999 to date.

The table above shows the recent past performance of the original funds raised in 1999. The original subscription price was 200 pence per share before the benefit of income tax relief. Subscription prices from subsequent fundraisings and historic performance data from 2008 are shown in the Investor Performance Appendix on the Company's website, www.mig4vct.co.uk, where they can be downloaded by clicking on "table" under "Reviewing the performance of your investment" on the home page.

On 31 July 2006, Mobeus became sole Investment Adviser to the Company. The cumulative NAV total return at this date was 122.51 pence.

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present this Half-Year Report for Mobeus Income & Growth 4 VCT plc covering the six months ended 30 June 2017.


Your Board has announced its intention to raise up to a further GBP15 million comprising GBP10 million with a possible further over-allotment facility of GBP5 million alongside three other Mobeus- advised VCTs before the end of the financial year. This seems sensible to finance the intended investment programme, particularly as it is possible that the rules governing VCT investment may not be as favourable in the future.

We also believe that there continues to be good appetite for further investment in the Company, following a very popular fundraising in the 2014/2015 tax year.

A general meeting was convened and held on 3 August 2017 at which shareholder approval was sought and obtained for authority to allot shares and dis-apply pre-emption rights in connection with the fundraising. The Offers for Subscription ("Offers") are expected to be launched in early September 2017, full details of which will be contained in the Prospectus that will be sent to all registered shareholders.

We very much hope that existing shareholders will add to their holdings and look forward to welcoming new investors in the Company.

The half-year has produced a good return for shareholders with a positive income return and an increase in the value of the portfolio. In particular, the Board is pleased to note the sale of the investment in Entanet just after the half-year end, which has contributed substantially to this good return for shareholders.

The level of new investment has been strong with four growth capital investments completed so far in 2017. Further details of these investments are included under 'Investment Portfolio' below. These investments reflect the revised focus on providing growth capital to younger and smaller companies in accordance with the revised Investment Policy approved by shareholders last year. By way of reminder, this revised Policy was required to comply with the new VCT measures introduced by the Finance (No 2) Act 2015 in November of that year. Since that change GBP7.12 million has been invested to date in nine such companies.

Although the VCT industry can no longer make investments to finance management buyouts ("MBOs") these MBO investments continue to represent 77% of the Company's portfolio. This portfolio has performed well in what is a time of political and economic uncertainty.


The Net Asset Value ("NAV") Total Return was 5.2% for the period (compared with 0.1% for the same period last year).

Interim dividend

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 18.00 pence per share, comprising 1.00 pence from income (2016: 1.00 pence) and 17.00 pence from capital (2016: 1.00 pence), of which 15.00 pence is payable from the Company's Special Distributable Reserve. Shareholders should not assume further payments from the Special Distributable Reserve in the foreseeable future. The quantum of dividend payments will increasingly depend on the success or otherwise of the current investment policy implemented as a result of regulatory changes.

The interim dividend will be paid on 11 September 2017 to shareholders on the Register on 18 August 2017 and will bring cumulative dividends paid per share since launch to 98.20 pence.

Investment portfolio

As noted above, the Company completed the divestment of Entanet Holdings Limited after the period end. Proceeds of GBP4.89 million have been received, while a further GBP0.50 million of deferred consideration is potentially payable over the next two years. This investment has achieved a return on original investment cost of 2.5 times to date, over the three and a half years that the investment was held, which is a very pleasing. The valuation of Entanet at the half-year reflects the full GBP4.89 million of cash proceeds received after the period-end.

Overall the performance of the investment portfolio has been pleasing. The portfolio achieved a gain of GBP2.45 million (6.3% of the opening value during the first half of the year and was valued at GBP37.93 million at the period-end (30 June 2016: GBP37.45 million). The six month period experienced notable increases in the valuations of Entanet and Access IS. The portfolio also saw valuation declines over the period for Fullfield (Motorclean), CGI Creative Graphics and Media Business Insight.

During the period three new investments and one follow on were completed at a total cost of GBP1.65 million (analysed in the Investment Review and explained within Note 10).

These new investments were:

-- Ibericos Etc. Limited (trading as Tapas Revolution) - a leading Spanish restaurant chain in the casual dining sector.

   --      Chatfield Services Limited (trading as Buster & Punch) - a London-based interiors brand. 

-- MyTutorweb Limited - a digital marketplace that connects school pupils who are seeking private

one-to-one tutoring with university students.

Shortly after the period end, a further new investment of GBP2.33 million was made into Wetsuit Outlet, a leading online retailer in the water sports market. This investment utilised GBP1.56 million previously held in a company preparing to trade.

The company received cash proceeds of GBP4.57 million during the period, including GBP4.40 million of loan stock repayments.

Further information on the portfolio can be found under the Investment Adviser's Review.

Revenue account

There was an increase in net revenue return for the period, being GBP0.76 million compared to GBP0.61 million recorded this time last year. Income has increased due to a strong stream of dividends, as well as improved loan interest receipts due to new investments and some portfolio companies resuming loan interest payments as their trading improved. Running costs have fallen due to lower Investment Adviser fees arising from lower net assets.

Industry and regulatory developments

The Patient Capital Review, announced in November 2016, is now in its consultation phase ahead of the Autumn Budget 2017. Led by HM Treasury, its objective is to assess what amendments to Government policy, if any, are needed to support the expansion in provision of long-term capital for growing innovative firms. The Board is firmly of the view that the government should use this review to make a renewed public commitment to the positive role that VCTs play in providing development capital to the small business sector, as well as affirming the long-term future of the scheme.


The present level of cash or near cash resources held by the Company as at 30 June 2017, including the liquidity held by companies preparing to trade, was GBP18.25 million or 35% of net assets. After the period end, following the investment in Wetsuit Outlet, the realisation of Entanet Holdings, and the payment of the interim dividend in September 2017, the level of liquidity will be GBP11.86 million or 27% of net assets.

The VCT continues to hold its cash in a selection of money market funds with AAA credit ratings and in a number of deposit accounts diversified among well-known financial institutions across a range of maturities.

Investment in qualifying holdings

The Company is required to meet the threshold set by HM Revenue & Customs ("HMRC") of investing 70% of the funds raised in qualifying unquoted and AIM quoted companies. The Company complied with this limit (based on VCT cost as defined in tax legislation, which differs from the actual cost given in the Investment Portfolio Summary throughout the period. The balance of the portfolio continues to be held in non-qualifying investments and cash.

Share buybacks

We are pleased to note that currently there is relatively little demand for share buybacks. There were no share buybacks during the six months ended 30 June 2017. 10,000 Ordinary shares were bought back following the period end at a price of 90.86 pence per share (including costs). These were bought back at approximately a 10% discount to the Company's latest announced NAV, in accordance with its Buyback policy.

All of the shares bought-back after the period-end were subsequently cancelled by the Company. Continuing shareholders benefit from the difference between NAV per share and the price per share at which the shares are bought back and cancelled.

Dividend Investment Scheme

The Company's Dividend Investment Scheme ("the Scheme") is a convenient, easy and cost effective way for shareholders to build up their shareholding in the Company. Instead of receiving cash dividends they can elect to receive new shares in the Company.

A total of 706,138 new Ordinary shares were issued under the Scheme during the period at a price of 90.00 pence each.

Further information on the Scheme, including details of where to obtain an application form, can be found in Shareholder Information.

Shareholder communications

The Investment Adviser held its seventh annual shareholder event on 24 January 2017. The event was well attended and we were pleased to hear from the Investment Adviser that it received positive feedback from shareholders. The next event is to be held on Tuesday, 30 January 2018, again at the Royal Institute of British Architects in Central London. The programme will again include presentations on the investment activity and performance of the Mobeus VCTs as well as an update on the recent regulatory changes and talks from investee companies. Shareholders have been sent further details, and an invitation to the event, with the shareholder newsletter sent last week.


The UK economy continues to be subject to the uncertainties arising both out of the ability of the UK government to negotiate a satisfactory exit from the European Union and from the recent UK election result. Nevertheless the demand from small UK businesses for development capital remains strong and there continues to be a healthy market to purchase quality smaller companies at attractive prices.

Both the Board and the Investment Adviser continue to have a positive outlook about the Company's future prospects. The small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) segment is a dynamic target universe for new investment, where the Investment Adviser is reviewing many promising opportunities. The Investment Adviser continues to expand its team and capabilities and has adapted well to the requirements of the new Investment Policy.

The existing portfolio continues to comprise predominantly established, profitable companies that have been conservatively financed, but over time the growth capital investments will represent a growing proportion. The latter will tend to be younger, and may not always be profitable at the time of investment. They will typically exhibit more volatility in returns and generate less income as they tend to re-invest profits during their growth phase, but may offer the prospect of higher capital returns.

Finally, I would like to thank shareholders for their continuing support.

Christopher Moore


8 August 2017

Investment Policy

The investment policy is designed to meet the Company's objective.


The Company invests primarily in a diverse portfolio of UK unquoted companies. Investments are made selectively across a number of sectors, principally in established companies. Investments are usually structured as part loan stock and part equity in order to produce a regular income stream and to generate capital gains from realisations.

There are a number of conditions within the VCT legislation which need to be met by the Company and which may change from time to time. The Company will seek to make investments in accordance with the requirements of prevailing VCT legislation.

Asset allocation and risk diversification policies, including the size and type of investments the Company makes, are determined in part by the requirements of prevailing VCT legislation. No single investment may represent more than 15 per cent. (by VCT tax value) of the Company's total investments at the date of investment.


The Company's cash and liquid funds are held in a portfolio of readily realisable interest bearing investments, deposit and current accounts, of varying maturities, subject to the overriding criterion that the risk of loss of capital be minimised.


The Company's articles of association permit borrowings of amounts up to 10 per cent. of the adjusted capital and reserves (as defined therein). However, the Company has never borrowed and the Board would only consider doing so in exceptional circumstances.

Summary of VCT Regulation

To maintain its status as a VCT, the Company must meet a number of conditions, the most important 
 of which are that:- 
 -The Company must hold at least 70%, by VCT tax value*, of its total investments (shares, 
 securities and liquidity) in VCT qualifying holdings, within approximately three years of 
 a fundraising; 
 -Of these qualifying holdings, an overall minimum of 30% by VCT tax value* (70% for funds 
 raised on or after 6 April 2011) must be in ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights 
 (save as may be permitted under VCT rules); 
 -No investment in a single company or group of companies may represent more than 15% (by VCT 
 tax value*) of the Company's total investments at the date of investment; 
 -The Company must pay sufficient levels of income dividend from its revenue available for 
 distribution so as not to retain more than 15% of its income from shares and securities in 
 a year; 
 -The Company's shares must be listed on a regulated European stock market; and 
 -Non-qualifying investments can no longer be made, except for certain exemptions in managing 
 the Company's short term liquidity. 
 To be a VCT qualifying holding, a new investment must be in companies:- 
 -which carry on a qualifying trade; 
 -which have no more than GBP15 million of gross assets at the time of investment and GBP16 
 million immediately following investment from VCTs; 
 -whose maximum age is generally seven years (ten years for knowledge intensive businesses); 
 -that receive no more than an annual limit of GBP5 million and a lifetime limit of GBP12 million 
 (GBP20 million for knowledge intensive companies), from VCTs and similar sources of State 
 Aid funding; 
 -that use the funds received from VCTs for growth and development purposes. 
 *VCT tax value means as valued in accordance with prevailing VCT legislation which may not 
 be the actual cost or fair value of the Investment Portfolio Summary. 
 The above takes into account legislation up to the Finance Act 2016 but effective from 6 April 

Investment Review

New investments in the Half-Year

A total of GBP1.65 million was invested into three new companies during the six months under review plus one existing portfolio company. This comprised new investments into Tapas Revolution, Buster & Punch, MyTutor and a follow on investment in BookingTek. One further investment in Wetsuit Outlet was completed after the period end.

Company            Business          Date of        Amount of new investment 
                                      investment     (GBPm) 
-----------------  ----------------  ------------   ------------------------ 
Tapas Revolution   Restaurant         2017          0.58 
Based in London, Ibericos Etc. Limited (which trades 
 as Tapas Revolution) is a leading Spanish restaurant 
 chain in the casual dining sector focusing on shopping 
 centre sites with high footfall. Having opened its 
 first restaurant in Shepherd's Bush Westfield, the 
 business has since opened a further six restaurants. 
 The investment provided growth capital to a high-calibre 
 team with significant restaurant rollout experience 
 which has spent the past five years building and refining 
 its offer and is now well placed to capitalise on a 
 strong pipeline of new sites. The company's latest 
 accounts for the year ended 25 October 2016 show a 
 turnover of GBP4.25 million and loss before interest, 
 tax and amortisation of goodwill of GBP0.25 million. 
Buster & 
 Punch             Retailer          March 2017     0.53 
Chatfield Services Limited (trading as Buster & Punch) 
 is a London-based interiors brand founded in 2012 by 
 architect and industrial designer Massimo Buster Minale. 
 Buster & Punch (www.busterandpunch.com) started in 
 a small garage in East London, where it built the "world's 
 first designer LED light bulb" (the Buster Bulb) and 
 made its name with its industrial-inspired lighting. 
 Its products are now sold in over 50 countries, both 
 directly to end-consumers, designers and architects, 
 and through well-known retailers including John Lewis, 
 Harvey Nichols and Harrods. The investment will support 
 the business's international expansion plans and the 
 broadening of its product range. The company's latest 
 accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016 show turnover 
 of GBP1.98 million and profit before interest, tax 
 and amortisation of goodwill of GBP0.47 million. 
MyTutor            Online tutoring   May 2017       0.47 
My Tutorweb Limited is a digital marketplace that connects 
 school pupils who are seeking private one-to-one tutoring 
 with university students. The business is satisfying 
 a growing demand from both schools and parents to improve 
 pupils' exam results to enhance their academic and 
 career prospects. This investment represents an opportunity 
 to consolidate the sizeable GBP2bn UK tutoring market, 
 build My Tutor's market presence and will also be used 
 to drive technological development. The company's latest 
 accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 show a 
 turnover of GBP0.21 million and a loss before interest, 
 tax and amortisation of goodwill of GBP0.79 million. 

A further small loan investment of GBP0.07 million was made into BookingTek Limited (which provides direct booking software for hotel groups), to fund an opportunity for US expansion.

New investment post period-end

Company          Business   Date of        Amount of new investment 
                             investment     (GBPm) 
---------------  ---------  ------------   ------------------------ 
Wetsuit Outlet   Retailer   July 2017      2.33 
B2C Holdings Limited (trading as Wetsuit Outlet) has 
 established itself as a leading online retailer in 
 the water sports market, stocking an impressive brand 
 portfolio including Musto, Billabong, Rip Curl, O'Neill, 
 Red Paddle (an existing Mobeus investment) and Gul. 
 The investment is to fund working capital and growth 
 in the existing activity and enter two new markets. 
 Established in 2005, the company has developed into 
 a successful and profitable business with revenues 
 of GBP11.51 million and GBP1.77 million NPBIT&A in 
 the financial year ended 31 March 2017. 

Realisations in the period

There were no realisations during the period under review, although there was one substantial realisation shortly after the period end (Entanet Holdings Limited) as set out below:

Company  Business                  Period            Total cash proceeds 
                                    of investment     over the life of 
                                                      the investment/Multiple 
                                                      over cost 
-------  ------------------------  --------------    ------------------------ 
Entanet  Wholesale voice           February          GBP5.53 million 
          and data communications   2014 to           2.5 times cost 
          provider                  August 
The VCT has just sold this investment to AIM quoted 
 CityFibre Infrastructure Holdings PLC for GBP4.89 million. 
 Between December 2014 and December 2016, Entanet's 
 revenues increased by 39% to GBP35.75 million. Deferred 
 consideration of up to GBP0.50 million is potentially 
 payable over the next 24 months. Excluding this deferred 
 consideration, the company has so far realised a gain 
 of GBP2.72 million, being 5.48 pence per share, and 
 has returned an IRR of 39% to date, an excellent outcome. 

Loan stock repayments

Loan stock repayments totalled GBP4.40 million. These proceeds are summarised below:-

Company                Business               Month        Amount 
---------------------  ---------------------  ----------   ---------- 
                       Company preparing 
Backhouse Management    to trade              January             907 
                       Company preparing 
Creasy Marketing        to trade              March               907 
                       Company preparing      January, 
McGrigor Management     to trade               February           907 
                       Company preparing 
Hollydale Management    to trade              March               657 
                       Company subsequently 
                        used to invest 
Chatfield Services      in Buster & Punch     March               523 
                       Company preparing 
Barham Consulting       to trade              March               454 
                       Building finishing 
TPSFF Holdings          services              April                42 
BG Training            Technical training     January               4 
  Total                                                         4,401 
  -----------  ------------------------------------------  ---------- 

Mobeus Equity Partners LLP

Investment Adviser

8 August 2017

Investment Portfolio Summary

at 30 June 2017

                              Total cost                        Total valuation 
                                      at               Total         at 30 June             % of         % of 
                                 30 June           valuation               2017           equity         portfolio 
  Mobeus Equity                     2017               at 31                GBP             held         by value 
  Partners LLP                       GBP            December 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Entanet Holdings 
  Wholesale voice and 
  provider                     2,167,662          2,254,135          4,892,454         13.1%           13.0% 
 Tovey Management 
  (trading as Access 
  Provider of data 
  and scanning hardware        2,469,013          2,601,197          2,932,773         10.1%             7.7% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Virgin Wines Holding 
  Online wine retailer         1,930,813          2,685,675          2,531,929           9.7%            6.7% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 ASL Technology 
  Printer and 
  services                     1,933,591          2,082,980          2,031,383           9.5%            5.4% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Manufacturing Services 
  Company subsequently 
  to invest in Wetsuit 
  after the period- end        2,016,900          2,016,900          2,016,900         11.4%             5.3% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Media Business Insight 
  A publishing and 
  business focused on 
  creative production 
  industries                   2,722,760          2,218,152          1,991,494         15.7%             5.3% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Turner Topco Limited 
  as ATG Media) 
  Publisher and online 
  platform operator            1,529,075          1,330,326          1,359,196           3.7%            3.6% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Vian Marketing Limited 
  as Red Paddle Co) 
  manufacture and sale 
  stand-up paddleboards 
  windsurfing sails             899,074           1,188,439          1,330,996           7.1%            3.5% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Gro-Group Holdings 
  Baby sleep products          1,577,977          1,361,293          1,260,805         10.7%             3.3% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Tharstern Group 
  Software based 
  information systems 
  to the 
  print sector                 1,091,886          1,217,396          1,247,456         12.2%             3.3% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Veritek Global 
  Maintenance of 
  imaging equipment            1,620,086          1,283,041          1,225,723         10.3%             3.2% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 EOTH Limited (trading 
  Equip Outdoor 
  Branded outdoor 
  and clothing                  951,471           1,197,945          1,188,932           1.7%            3.1% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Fullfield Limited 
  as Motorclean) 
  Vehicle cleaning and 
  services                     1,131,444          1,459,525          1,147,117           9.8%            3.0% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 CGI Creative Graphics 
  Vinyl graphics to 
  recreation vehicle 
  and aerospace markets        1,449,746          1,311,572          1,080,299           6.6%            2.8% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 TPSFF Holdings Limited 
  The Plastic Surgeon 
  Supplier of snagging 
  finishing services to 
  domestic and 
  property markets              424,235             902,329            986,808           8.7%            2.7% 
 ----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Redline Worldwide 
  Provider of security 
  to the aviation 
  and other sectors             838,377             838,377            971,656           6.7%            2.6% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 RDL Corporation 
  within the 
  business intelligence 
  IT industries                1,000,000            926,025            966,274           9.1%            2.5% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Master Removers Group 
  (formerly Leap New Co 
  (trading as Anthony 
  Thomas, Bishopsgate 
  Aussie Man 
  & Van)) 
  A specialist 
  storage and removals 
  business                      511,855             734,387            957,783           4.3%            2.5% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Bourn Bioscience 
  Management of 
  clinics                      1,132,521            864,082            777,161           7.7%            2.0% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Preservica Limited 
  Seller of proprietary 
  archiving software            679,617             679,617            679,617           4.6%            1.8% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 MPB Group Limited 
  Online marketplace 
  for photographic 
  and video equipment           471,216             471,216            677,890           5.3%            1.8% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Pattern Analytics 
  (trading as Biosite) 
  Workforce management 
  security services for 
  construction industry         640,171             640,171            640,171           4.8%            1.7% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 BookingTek Limited 
  Direct booking 
  for hotels                    581,974             512,137            581,974           3.4%            1.5% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Ibericos Etc. Limited 
  as Tapas Revolution)          580,469                    -           580,469           5.8%            1.5% 
 Spanish restaurant 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Chatfield Services 
  (trading as Buster & 
  Punch)2                       530,392           1,134,000            530,392           4.5%            1.4% 
 Industrial inspired 
 and interiors retailer 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 My TutorWeb Limited            466,639                    -           466,639           4.5%            1.2% 
 Digtal marketplace 
 school pupils seeking 
 to one 
 online tutoring 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Jablite Holdings 
  Limited                       376,083             606,998            448,343           9.1%            1.2% 
 Manufacturer of 
 polystyrene products 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Hollydale Management 
  Limited                       701,120           1,095,500            438,200         11.0%             1.2% 
 Company seeking to 
 on a business in the 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Omega Diagnostics 
  plc                           200,028             291,682            312,516           1.5%            0.8% 
 In-vitro diagnostics 
 food intolerance, 
 diseases and 
 infectious diseases 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Backhouse Management 
  Limited                       589,680           1,134,000            226,800         11.3%             0.6% 
 Company seeking to 
 on a business in the 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Barham Consulting 
  Limited                       589,680             680,400            226,800         11.3%             0.6% 
 Company seeking to 
 on a business in the 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Creasy Marketing 
  Limited                       589,680           1,134,000            226,800         11.3%             0.6% 
 Company seeking to 
 on a business in the 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 McGrigor Management 
  Limited                       589,680           1,134,000            226,800         11.3%             0.6% 
 Company seeking to 
 on a business in the 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Blaze Signs Holdings 
  Limited                       190,631             280,944            213,131           5.7%            0.6% 
 Manufacturer and 
 of signs 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Vectair Holdings 
  Limited                         24,732            183,729            160,769           2.1%            0.4% 
 Designer and 
 of washroom products 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Lightworks Software 
  Limited                          9,329              34,926            31,444           4.2%            0.1% 
 Provider of software 
 CAD and CAM vendors 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 BG Training Limited              10,625              14,167              5,313          0.0%            0.0% 
 City-based provider of 
 technical training 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Racoon International 
  Limited                       484,347               38,771                  -        10.5%             0.0% 
 Supplier of hair 
 hair care products and 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 CB Imports Group 
  (trading as Country 
  Baskets)                      175,000                    -                  -          5.8%            0.0% 
 Importer and 
 of artificial flowers, 
 sundries and home 
 decor products 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Newquay Helicopters 
  Limited (in 
  creditors' voluntary             7,617                   -                  -          2.5%            0.0% 
 Helicopter service 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Watchgate Limited                 1,000                   -                  -        33.3%             0.0% 
 Holding company 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Total                      35,888,196          38,540,034         37,571,207                          99.1% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Former Elderstreet 
 Equity Limited 
 Cashfac Limited 
  Provider of virtual 
  application software 
  to                            260,101             288,932            300,988           2.9%            0.8% 
 corporate customers 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Sparesfinder Limited           250,854               64,067            53,025           2.0%            0.1% 
 Supplier of industrial 
 parts online 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Sift Group Limited             135,391               33,401                  -          1.3%            0.0% 
 Developer of 
 internet communities 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Total                         646,346             386,400            354,013                           0.9% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
   Total Investment 
   Portfolio                  36,534,542          38,926,434        37,925,220                         100.0% 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 

1 - Entanet Holdings Limited was realised after the period end. The valuation at 30 June 2017 reflects the actual proceeds received.

2 - GBP1,134,000 invested in Chatfield Services Limited, a company preparing to trade, was used for the investment into Buster & Punch. This resulted in a net repayment to the company of GBP603,608.

Statements of the Directors' Responsibilities

Responsibility Statement

In accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule (DTR) 4.2.10, Christopher Moore (Chairman), Andrew Robson (Chairman of the Audit Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee) and Helen Sinclair (Chairman of the Investment Committee), being the Directors of the Company confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

(a) the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 104 "Interim Financial Reporting" gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Company, as required by DTR 4.2.10;

(b) the Half-Year Management Report which comprises the Chairman's Statement, Investment Policy, Investment Review and the Investment Portfolio Summary includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7, being an indication of the important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements;

(c) a description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company for the remaining six months is set out below, in accordance with DTR 4.2.7; and

(d) there were no related party transactions in the first six months of the current financial year that are required to be disclosed, in accordance with DTR 4.2.8.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

In accordance with DTR 4.2.7, the Board confirms that the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company have not changed materially from those identified in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 ("the Annual Report").

The principal risks faced by the Company are:

   --       economic risk; 
   --       loss of approval as a Venture Capital Trust; 
   --       investment risk; 
   --       regulatory risk; 
   --       financial and operating risk; 
   --       market risk; 
   --       asset liquidity risk; 
   --       market liquidity risk; and 
   --       counterparty risk. 

A detailed explanation of these risks can be found in the Annual Report on page 19 and in Note 15 on pages 54 - 60 of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016, copies of which are available on the Investment Adviser's website, www.mobeusequity.co.uk or by going directly to the VCT's website, www.mig4vct.co.uk.

Going Concern

The Board has assessed the Company's operation as a going concern. The Company's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are set out in the Half-Year Management Report. The Directors have satisfied themselves that the Company continues to maintain a significant cash position but does intend to raise funds from an offer of subscription later this year. The majority of companies in the portfolio continue to trade profitably and the portfolio taken as a whole remains resilient and well-diversified. The major cash outflows of the Company (namely investments, buybacks and dividends) are within the Company's control.

The Board's assessment of liquidity risk and details of the Company's policies for managing its capital and financial risks are shown in Notes 15 and 16 on pages 54 - 61 of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016. Accordingly, the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the half-year report and annual financial statements.

Cautionary Statement

This report may contain forward looking statements with regards to the financial condition and results of the Company, which are made in the light of current economic and business circumstances. Nothing in this report should be construed as a profit forecast.

On behalf of the Board

Christopher Moore


8 August 2017

Unaudited Condensed Income Statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2017

                     Six months ended                     Six months ended                 Year ended 31 
                      30 June 2017                         30 June 2016                     December 2016 
                      (unaudited)                          (unaudited)                      (audited) 
              Notes  Revenue    Capital    Total          Revenue    Capital    Total      Revenue    Capital    Total 
                           GBP        GBP        GBP            GBP        GBP        GBP        GBP        GBP          GBP 
 on investments 
 held at 
 fair value      10          -  2,363,132  2,363,132              -  (479,479)  (479,479)          -  (377,677)    (377,677) 
 on investments 
 held at 
 fair value      10          -     87,628     87,628              -    381,087    381,087          -    381,087      381,087 
Income           4   1,244,177          -  1,244,177      1,054,766          -  1,054,766  2,019,579          -    2,019,579 
 fees            5   (142,763)  (428,288)  (571,051)      (156,674)  (470,021)  (626,695)  (304,628)  (913,884)  (1,218,512) 
 expenses            (189,358)          -  (189,358)      (187,868)          -  (187,868)  (370,899)          -    (370,899) 
 on ordinary 
 taxation              912,056  2,022,472  2,934,528        710,224  (568,413)    141,811  1,344,052  (910,474)      433,578 
Tax on 
 on ordinary 
 activities      6   (150,244)     82,446   (67,798)      (101,479)     94,004    (7,475)  (212,864)    182,776     (30,088) 
---------------      ---------  ---------  ---------      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
 and total 
 income                761,812  2,104,918  2,866,730        608,745  (474,409)    134,336  1,131,188  (727,698)      403,490 
---------------      ---------  ---------  ---------      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
 and diluted 
 per ordinary 
 share           7       1.54p      4.26p      5.80p          1.26p    (0.98)p      0.28p      2.32p    (1.49)p        0.83p 
---------------      ---------  ---------  ---------      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 

The revenue column of the Income Statement includes all income and expenses. The capital column accounts for the unrealised gains/(losses) and realised gains on investments and the proportion of the Investment Adviser's fee charged to capital.

The total column is the Statement of Total Comprehensive Income of the Company prepared in accordance with UK GAAP, including Financial Reporting Standard 102. In order to better reflect the activities of a VCT and in accordance with the 2014 Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") updated in January 2017 by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"), supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the Income Statement. The revenue column of profit attributable to equity shareholders is the measure the Directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company's compliance with certain requirements set out in Section 274 Income Tax Act 2007.

All the items in the above statement derive from continuing operations of the Company. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

Unaudited Condensed Balance Sheet

as at 30 June 2017

                                        30 June       30 June  31 December 
                                           2017          2016         2016 
                                    (unaudited)   (unaudited)    (audited) 
                            Notes           GBP           GBP          GBP 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair 
 value                      10       37,925,220    37,450,507   38,926,434 
Current assets 
Debtors and prepayments                 250,771       227,399      860,011 
Current asset investments   11       12,193,267    13,308,457    9,511,810 
Cash at bank                11        2,690,122     2,596,622    3,662,074 
                                     15,134,160    16,132,478   14,033,895 
Creditors: amounts 
 falling due within 
 one year                             (235,006)     (167,128)    (205,173) 
Net current assets                   14,899,154    15,965,350   13,828,722 
Net assets                           52,824,374    53,415,857   52,755,156 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                 497,492       489,909      490,430 
Share premium reserve                14,169,354    13,364,351   13,540,891 
Capital redemption 
 reserve                                  9,342         8,012        9,342 
Revaluation reserve                   3,512,924     1,050,205    1,152,007 
Special distributable 
 reserve                             28,357,894    32,129,885   31,646,338 
Realised capital reserve              4,792,400     5,192,452    4,702,557 
Revenue reserve                       1,484,968     1,181,043    1,213,591 
Equity shareholders' 
 funds                               52,824,374    53,415,857   52,755,156 
Basic and diluted 
 net asset value per 
 share                      9           106.18p       109.03p      107.57p 

Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six months ended 30 June 2017

                                Non-distributable reserves                  Distributable reserves 
                      Called up       Share     Capital  Revaluation        Special   Realised    Revenue        Total 
                          share     premium  redemption      reserve  distributable    capital    reserve 
                        capital     reserve     reserve                     reserve    reserve   (Note b) 
                                                                           (Note a)   (Note b) 
                            GBP         GBP         GBP          GBP            GBP        GBP        GBP          GBP 
At 1 January 
 2017                   490,430  13,540,891       9,342    1,152,007     31,646,338  4,702,557  1,213,591   52,755,156 
 for the 
 for the 
 period                       -           -           -    2,363,132              -  (258,214)    761,812    2,866,730 
Total comprehensive 
 for the 
 period                       -           -           -    2,363,132              -  (258,214)    761,812    2,866,730 
 by and 
 to owners 
Issue of 
 shares under 
 Scheme                   7,062     628,463           -            -              -          -          -      635,525 
Shares bought                 -           -           -            -              -          -          -            - 
 paid                         -           -           -            -    (2,942,602)          -  (490,435)  (3,433,037) 
Total contributions 
 by and 
 to owners                7,062     628,463           -            -    (2,942,602)          -  (490,435)  (2,797,512) 
--------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
Other movements 
 losses transferred 
 to special 
 (note a)                     -           -           -            -      (345,842)    345,842          -            - 
 of previously 
 appreciation                 -           -           -      (2,215)              -      2,215          -            - 
Total other 
 movements                    -           -           -      (2,215)      (345,842)    348,057          -            - 
--------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
At 30 June 
 2017                   497,492  14,169,354       9,342    3,512,924     28,357,894  4,792,400  1,484,968   52,824,374 


a): The cancellation of the share premium reserve and capital redemption reserve has increased the Company's special distributable reserve. The purpose of this reserve is to fund market purchases of the Company's own shares, write off any existing and future losses and for any other corporate purpose. All of this reserve arose from shares issued before 5 April 2014.

b): The Realised capital reserve and the Revenue reserve together comprise the Profit and Loss Account of the Company.

Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six months ended 30 June 2016

                              Non-distributable reserves                   Distributable reserves 
                    Called up       Share     Capital  Revaluation        Special     Realised    Revenue        Total 
                        share     premium  redemption      reserve  distributable      capital    reserve 
                      capital     reserve     reserve                     reserve      reserve   (Note b) 
                                                                         (Note a)     (Note b) 
                          GBP         GBP         GBP          GBP            GBP          GBP        GBP          GBP 
At 1 January 
 2016                 483,562  12,629,944       6,827    1,545,364     32,622,021    8,422,420  1,297,644   57,007,782 
 for the 
 Profit for 
 the period                 -           -           -    (479,479)              -        5,070    608,745      134,336 
 for the 
 period                     -           -           -    (479,479)              -        5,070    608,745      134,336 
 by and 
 to owners 
Issue of 
 shares under 
 Scheme                 7,532     734,407           -            -              -            -          -      741,939 
Shares bought 
 back                 (1,185)           -       1,185            -      (116,119)            -          -    (116,119) 
 paid                       -           -           -            -              -  (3,626,735)  (725,346)  (4,352,081) 
 by and 
 to owners              6,347     734,407       1,185            -      (116,119)  (3,626,735)  (725,346)  (3,726,261) 
------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Other movements 
 to special 
 reserve                    -           -           -            -      (376,017)      376,017          -            - 
 of previously 
 appreciation               -           -           -     (15,680)              -       15,680          -            - 
Total other 
 movements                  -           -           -     (15,680)      (376,017)      391,697          -            - 
------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
At 30 June 
 2016                 489,909  13,364,351       8,012    1,050,205     32,129,885    5,192,452  1,181,043   53,415,857 

Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows

for the six months ended 30 June 2017

                                                                 Six months ended  Six months ended         Year ended 
                                                                     30 June 2017      30 June 2016   31 December 2016 
                                                                      (unaudited)       (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                                          Notes               GBP               GBP                GBP 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit for the financial period                                         2,866,730           134,336            403,490 
Adjustments for: 
Unrealised (gains)/losses on investments                              (2,363,132)           479,479            377,677 
Realised gains on investments                                            (87,628)         (381,087)          (381,087) 
Tax charge for the current year                                            67,798                 -             30,088 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                             28,771            29,330           (22,813) 
Decrease in creditors and accruals                                       (37,965)         (110,131)          (102,175) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                 474,574           151,927            305,180 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Sale of investments                                       10            4,568,919         1,944,207          2,402,008 
Purchase of investments                                   10            (536,476)         (471,216)        (2,883,610) 
(Increase)/decrease in bank deposits with a maturity 
 over three months                                                              -         (621,023)             85,130 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities                     4,032,443           851,968          (396,472) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Equity dividends paid                                     8           (2,797,512)       (3,610,142)        (4,411,541) 
Purchase of own shares                                                          -         (115,539)          (243,995) 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                            (2,797,512)       (3,725,681)        (4,655,536) 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                    1,709,505       (2,721,786)        (4,746,828) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period                           11,173,884        15,920,712         15,920,712 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                             12,883,389        13,198,926         11,173,884 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 
Cash at bank and in hand                                  11            2,690,122         2,596,622          3,662,074 
Cash equivalents                                          11           10,193,267        10,602,304          7,511,810 

Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements

for the six months ended 30 June 2017

1. Company information

Mobeus Income and Growth 4 VCT plc is a public limited company incorporated in England, registration number 03707697. The registered office is 30 Haymarket, London, SW1Y 4EX.

2. Basis of preparation of the financial statements

These financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting policies consistent with Financial Reporting Standard 102 ("FRS102"), Financial Reporting Standard 104 ("FRS104") - Interim Financial Reporting, with the Companies Act 2006 and the 2014 Statement of Recommended Practice, 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' ('the SORP') issued by the Association of Investment Companies (updated in January 2017).

The Half-Year Report has not been audited, nor has it been reviewed by the auditor pursuant to the Financial Reporting Council's (FRC) guidance on Review of Interim Financial Information.

3. Principal accounting policies

The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the period. Full details of principal accounting policies will be disclosed in the Annual Report, while the policy in respect of investments is included within an outlined box at the top of Note 10 on investments.

4. Income

                          Six months     Six months    Year ended 
                               ended          ended 
                             30 June   30 June 2016   31 December 
                                2017                         2016 
                         (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                 GBP            GBP           GBP 
Dividends                    131,569         29,140       106,043 
Loan stock interest        1,087,313        967,555     1,817,393 
Money-market funds            10,591         29,864        47,986 
Bank deposit interest         14,704         28,207        48,157 
Total Income               1,244,177      1,054,766     2,019,579 

5. Investment Adviser's fees and performance fees

25% of the Investment Adviser's fees are charged to the revenue column of the Income Statement, while 75% is charged against the capital column of the Income Statement. This is in line with the Board's expected long-term split of returns from the investment portfolio of the Company. 100% of any performance incentive fee payable for the year would be charged against the capital column of the Income Statement, as it is based upon the achievement of capital growth.

                          Six months     Six months    Year ended 
                               ended          ended 
                             30 June   30 June 2016   31 December 
                                2017                         2016 
                         (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
                               Total          Total         Total 
                                 GBP            GBP           GBP 
Allocation to 
 revenue return: 
 Investment Adviser's 
 fees                        142,763        156,674       304,628 
Allocation of 
 capital return: 
 Investment Adviser's 
 fees                        428,288        470,021       913,884 
Total Income                 571,051        626,695     1,218,512 

6. Taxation

                                     Six months ended               Six months ended                      Year ended 
                                         30 June 2017                   30 June 2016                31 December 2016 
                                          (unaudited)                    (unaudited)                       (audited) 
                        Revenue    Capital      Total   Revenue    Capital     Total    Revenue    Capital     Total 
                            GBP        GBP        GBP       GBP        GBP       GBP        GBP        GBP       GBP 
a) Analysis 
 of tax charge: 
 UK Corporation 
 tax on 
 for the period         150,244   (82,446)     67,798   101,479   (94,004)     7,475    212,864  (182,776)    30,088 
Total current 
 tax charge/(credit)    150,244   (82,446)     67,798   101,479   (94,004)     7,475    212,864  (182,776)    30,088 
 tax is based 
 on a 
 rate of 
 19.3% (2016: 
b) Profit 
 on ordinary 
 before tax             912,056  2,022,472  2,934,528   710,224  (568,413)   141,811  1,344,052  (910,474)   433,578 
 on ordinary 
 by rate of 
 tax in the 
 UK of 
 19.3% (2016: 
 20.0%)                 175,571    389,326    564,897   142,045  (113,683)    28,362    268,810  (182,095)    86,715 
Effect of: 
UK dividends           (25,327)          -   (25,327)   (5,828)          -   (5,828)   (21,209)          -  (21,209) 
 taxable/allowable            -  (454,904)  (454,904)         -     95,896    95,896          -     75,535    75,535 
 gains not 
 taxable                      -   (16,868)   (16,868)         -   (76,217)  (76,217)          -   (76,216)  (76,216) 
Losses brought 
 forward                      -          -          -  (34,738)          -  (34,738)   (34,737)          -  (34,737) 
Actual current 
 tax charge             150,244   (82,446)     67,798   101,479   (94,004)     7,475    212,864  (182,776)    30,088 

7. Basic and diluted earnings per share

The basic earnings, revenue return and capital return per share shown below for each period are respectively based on numerators i)-iii), each divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue in the period - see iv) below:

                                                                  Six months 
                                                                       ended                         Year ended 
                                                                     30 June          Six months    31 December 
                                                                        2017               ended           2016 
                                                                                         30 June 
                                                                 (unaudited)    2016 (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                                                         GBP                 GBP            GBP 
i) Total earnings after taxation:                                  2,866,730             134,336        403,490 
Basic and diluted earnings per share (pence)                           5.80p               0.28p          0.83p 
ii) Revenue earnings from ordinary activities after taxation         761,812             608,745      1,131,188 
Basic and diluted revenue earnings per share (pence)                   1.54p               1.26p          2.32p 
Net unrealised capital gains/(losses) on investments               2,363,132           (479,479)      (377,677) 
Net realised capital gains on investments                             87,628             381,087        381,087 
Capital Investment Adviser's fees less taxation                    (345,842)           (376,017)      (731,108) 
iii) Capital earnings                                              2,104,918           (474,409)      (727,698) 
Basic and diluted capital earnings per share (pence)                   4.26p             (0.98)p        (1.49)p 
iv) Weighted average number of shares in issue in the period      49,452,671          48,504,551     48,793,978 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------  ------------- 

8. Dividends paid

 Dividend      Type   For the year ended       Pence       Date paid                                          Year 
                             31 December   per share                                      Six months 
                                                                      Six months ended         ended         ended 
                                                                               30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                                                                  2017          2016          2016 
                                                                           (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
---------  --------  -------------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                   GBP           GBP           GBP 
---------  --------  -------------------  ----------  --------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------ 
Final      Income                   2015       1.50p     25 May 2016                         725,346       725,346 
Final      Capital                  2015       7.50p     25 May 2016                       3,626,735     3,626,735 
                                                         8 September 
Interim    Income                   2016       1.00p            2016                 -             -       489,895 
                                                         8 September 
Interim    Capital                  2016       1.00p            2016                 -             -       489,895 
 Interim   Income                   2016       1.00p   17 March 2017           490,435             -             - 
 Interim   Capital                  2016       6.00p   17 March 2017      2,942,602(1)             -             - 
Total Dividends Paid*                                                        3,433,037     4,352,081     5,331,871 

1- This dividend was paid out of the Company's special distributable reserve.

* - GBP3,433,037 (30 June 2016: GBP4,352,081; 31 December 2016: GBP5,331,871) disclosed above differs to that shown in the Condensed Statement of Cash Flows of GBP2,797,512 (30 June 2016: GBP3,610,142; 31 December 2016: GBP4,411,541) due to GBP635,525 (30 June 2016: GBP741,939; 31 December 2016: GBP920,330) of new shares issued under the Company's Dividend Investment Scheme.

9. Net asset value per share

                             as at          as at          as at 
                           30 June        30 June    31 December 
                              2017           2016           2016 
                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
Net assets           GBP52,824,374  GBP53,415,857  GBP52,755,156 
Number of shares 
 in issue               48,749,171     48,990,948     49,043,033 
Net asset value 
 per share (pence)         106.18p        109.03p        107.57p 
-------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

10. Summary of movement on investments during the period

       The most critical estimates, assumptions and judgements 
        relate to the determination of the carrying value of 
        investments at 'fair value through profit and loss' 
        ("FVTPL"). All investments held by the Company are classified 
        as FVTPL, and measured in accordance with the International 
        Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation ("IPEV") 
        guidelines, as updated in December 2015. This classification 
        is followed as the Company's business is to invest in 
        financial assets with a view to profiting from their 
        total return in the form of capital growth and income. 
        For investments actively traded in organised financial 
        markets, fair value is generally determined by reference 
        to Stock Exchange market quoted bid prices at the close 
        of business on the balance sheet date. Purchases and 
        sales of quoted investments are recognised on the trade 
        date where a contract of sale exists whose terms require 
        delivery within a time frame determined by the relevant 
        market. Purchases and sales of unlisted investments 
        are recognised when the contract for acquisition or 
        sale becomes unconditional. 
        Unquoted investments are stated at fair value by the 
        Directors in accordance with the following rules, which 
        are consistent with the IPEV guidelines: 
        All investments are held at the price of a recent investment 
        for an appropriate period where there is considered 
        to have been no change in fair value. Where such a basis 
        is no longer considered appropriate, each investment 
        is considered as a whole on a 'unit of account' basis 
        alongside consideration of: 
        (i) Where a value is indicated by a material arms-length 
        transaction by an independent third party in the shares 
        of a company, this value will be used. 
        (ii) In the absence of i), and depending upon both the 
        subsequent trading performance and investment structure 
        of an investee company, the valuation basis will usually 
        move to either:- 
        a) a multiple basis. The shares may be valued by applying 
        a suitable price-earnings ratio or revenue multiple 
        to that company's historic, current or forecast post-tax 
        earnings before interest and amortisation or revenue 
        (the ratio used being based on a comparable sector but 
        the resulting value being adjusted to reflect points 
        of difference identified by the Investment Adviser compared 
        to the sector including, inter alia, a lack of marketability). 
        b) where a company's underperformance against plan indicates 
        a diminution in the value of the investment, provision 
        against cost is made, as appropriate. 
        (iii) Premiums, to the extent they are considered capital 
        in nature, and that will be received upon repayment 
        of loan stock investments are accrued at fair value 
        when the Company receives the right to the premium and 
        when considered recoverable. 
        (vi) Where an earnings or revenue multiple or cost less 
        impairment basis is not appropriate and overriding factors 
        apply, adiscounted cash flow, net asset valuation, or 
        realisation proceeds basis may be applied. 
        Capital gains and losses on investments, whether realised 
        or unrealised, are dealt with in the profit and loss 
        and revaluation reserves and movements in the period 
        are shown in the Income Statement. 
        All investments are initially recognised and subsequently 
        measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognised 
        in the Income Statement. 
        A key judgement made in applying the above accounting 
        policy relates to investments that are permanently impaired. 
        Where the value of an investment has fallen permanently 
        below cost, the loss is treated as a permanent impairment 
        and as a realised loss, even though the investment is 
        still held. The Board assesses the portfolio for such 
        investments and, after agreement with the Investment 
        Adviser, will agree the values that represent the extent 
        to which an investment has become realised. This is 
        based upon an assessment of objective evidence of that 
        investment's future prospects, to determine whether 
        there is potential for the investment to recover in 
        All investments are initially recognised and subsequently 
        measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognised 
        in the Income Statement. 
        The methods of fair value measurement are classified 
        in to hierarchy based on the reliability of the information 
        used to determine the valuation. 
         *    Level 1 - Fair value is measured based on quoted 
              prices in an active market. 
         *    Level 2 - Fair value is measured based on directly 
              observable current market prices or indirectly being 
              derived from market prices. 
         *    Level 3 - Fair value is measured using valuation 
              techniques using inputs that are not based on 
              observable market data. 

10. Summary of movement on investments during the period (continued)

                                                            Traded     Unquoted     Unquoted     Unquoted        Total 
                                                            on AIM       equity   preference   Loan Stock 
                                                                         shares       shares 
                                                                                       Level        Level 
                                                           Level 1      Level 3            3            3 
                                                               GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Valuation at 31 December 2016                              291,682   10,204,887       12,767   28,417,098   38,926,434 
Purchase at cost                                                 -      814,908            -      302,037    1,116,945 
Reclassification at value                                        -         (98)           98            -            - 
Sales - proceeds                                                 -    (168,156)            -  (4,400,763)  (4,568,919) 
-realised (losses)/gains                                         -  (1,445,372)            -    1,533,000       87,628 
Unrealised gains/(losses) on 
 investments in the period                                  20,834    2,220,983      442,365    (321,050)    2,363,132 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Valuation at 30 June 2017                                  312,516   11,627,152      455,230   25,530,322   37,925,220 
Book cost at 30 June 2017                                  200,028   13,841,556       15,242   22,477,716   36,534,542 
Unrealised gains/(losses) at 30 June 2017                  112,488    (376,920)      440,569    3,336,787    3,512,924 
Permanent impairment of investments                              -  (1,837,484)        (581)    (284,181)  (2,122,246) 
Valuation at 30 June 2017                                  312,516   11,627,152      455,230   25,530,322   37,925,220 
(Losses)/gains on investments                                    -  (1,450,097)            -    1,539,940       89,843 
Less amounts recognised as unrealised gains/(losses) in 
 previous period                                                 -        4,725            -      (6,940)      (2,215) 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Realised (losses)/gains based on carrying 
 value at 31 December 2016                                       -  (1,445,372)            -    1,533,000       87,628 
Net movement in unrealised appreciation/ 
 (depreciation) in the period                               20,834    2,220,983      442,365    (321,050)    2,363,132 
Gains on investments for the six months ended 30 June 
 2017                                                       20,834      775,611      442,365    1,211,950    2,450,760 

Purchases of investments above of GBP1,116,945 are more than that shown in the Condensed Statement of Cash Flows of GBP536,476 by GBP580,469. This amount represents funds remitted in December 2016, for the investment in Ibericos Etc. Limited (trading as Tapas Revolution), which completed in this Half-Year period. Purchases of investments referred to in the Chairman's Statement of GBP1,647,337 are higher than that shown above by GBP530,392. This amount represents funds previously held in Chatfield Services Limited, a company preparing to trade, utilised for the investment into Buster & Punch, as referred to in the Investment Adviser's Review.

There has been no significant change in the risk analysis as disclosed in Note 15 of the financial statements in the Company's Annual Report. The decrease in unrealised valuations of the loan stock investments above reflect the changes in the entitlement to loan premiums, and/or in the underlying enterprise value of the investee company. The decrease does not arise from assessments of credit or market risk upon these instruments.

Level 3 unquoted equity and loan stock investments are valued in accordance with IPEV guidelines as follows:

                               as at         as at         as at 
                             30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                2017          2016          2016 
                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                 GBP           GBP           GBP 
----------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
Valuation methodology 
Estimated realisation 
 proceeds                  4,897,767        14,167        14,167 
Cost (reviewed 
 for impairment)                   -             -        38,771 
Recent investment 
 price                     6,841,561    12,638,548    11,470,318 
Price earnings 
 or revenue multiple      25,873,376    24,531,112    27,111,496 
                          37,612,704    37,183,827    38,634,752 

11. Current asset investments and cash at bank

                                                                               as at          as at              as at 
                                                                        30 June 2017   30 June 2016   31 December 2016 
                                                                         (unaudited)    (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                                                                 GBP            GBP                GBP 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
OEIC Money market funds                                                   10,193,267     10,597,771          7,511,810 
Bank deposits that mature within three months but are not immediately 
 repayable                                                                         -          4,533                  - 
Cash equivalents per Condensed Statement of Cash Flows                    10,193,267     10,602,304          7,511,810 
Bank deposits that mature after three months                               2,000,000      2,706,153          2,000,000 
Current asset investments                                                 12,193,267     13,308,457          9,511,810 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Cash at bank                                                               2,690,122      2,596,622          3,662,074 

12. Post balance sheet events

On 5 July 2017, an investment of GBP2.33 million was made in Wetsuit Outlet Limited, comprising GBP0.77 million of funds from the Company and GBP1.56 million from one of the Company's investments, Manufacturing Services Investment Limited, a company preparing to trade.

On 1 August 2017, the Company realised its entire holding in Entanet Holdings Limited for proceeds of GBP4.89 million, realising a gain over original cost of GBP2.72 million, or 5.48 pence per share to date. These proceeds have been fully reflected in the valuation of the company at 30 June 2017, as the Board consider the transaction was sufficiently progressed at 30 June to justify a valuation reflecting the full cash proceeds.

13. Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016

The financial information for the period ended 30 June 2017 does not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor has reported on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 and that report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

14. Half-Year Report

This Half-Year Report will shortly be made available on our website: www.mig4vct.co.uk and will be circulated by post to those shareholders who have requested copies of the Report. Further copies are available free of charge from the Company's registered office, 30 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4EX or can be downloaded via the website.

Contact details for further enquiries:

Jonathan McGuire at Mobeus Equity Partners LLP (the Company Secretary) on 020 7024 7600 or by e-mail on mig4@mobeusequity.co.uk

Jonathan Gregory at Mobeus Equity Partners LLP (the Investment Adviser), on 020 7024 7600 or by e-mail on info@mobeusequity.co.uk.


Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 08, 2017 12:34 ET (16:34 GMT)

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