Matrix Income & Growth 4 VCT plc 
Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 July 2011 
The objective of Matrix Income & Growth 4 VCT plc ("the Company" or "MIG4") is 
to provide investors with a regular income stream by way of tax free dividends 
and to generate capital growth through portfolio realisations which can be 
distributed by way of additional tax free dividends. 
The portfolio comprises a number of diverse investments over a wide range of 
different business sectors, thus spreading risk by avoiding over-concentration 
in any one sector. 
As at 31 July 2011 
- Increase in total shareholder return (net asset value basis) over the six 
month period of 1.8% 
- Increase in total shareholder return (share price basis) over the six month 
period of 1.2% 
- Further net funds of GBP3.5 million raised in period 
Performance Summary - Ordinary Shares of 1 penny 
Period            Net assets      Net      NAV total      Share     Share price 
                                asset      return to price (p)1 total return to 
                  (GBP million    value   shareholders               shareholders 
                           )    (NAV)   since launch               since launch 
                                  per           (p)2             per share (p)2 
Six months ended 
31 July 2011            28.3    111.9          133.6     101.75           123.5 
31 July 2010            23.3    110.9          128.6       95.5           113.2 
Year ended 
31 January 2011         25.3    112.9          131.6      103.5           122.2 
31 January 2010         21.2    106.3          122.0       92.3           108.0 
31 January 2009         21.0    104.6          118.3       92.0           105.7 
31 January 2008         24.1    117.4          128.9      109.0           120.5 
31 January 2007          9.8    116.3          125.2       91.0           101.7 
1 Source: London Stock Exchange 2 Total returns to Shareholders include 
dividends paid 
The tables below show the NAV total returns at 31 July 2011 for a shareholder 
that invested GBP10,000 in the different fundraisings undertaken by the Company: 
Fundraising                    1999/2000    2006/2007         2010         2011 
                                                           (Top-up      (Linked 
                                                          Offer) 3     Offer) 4 
Issue price per share (p)          200 1      120.9 2        112.4        121.6 
Number of shares held              5,000        8,271        8,896        8,225 
Net asset value (NAV) at 31        5,594        9,253        9,953        9,202 
July 2011 (GBP) 
Dividends paid to                  1,085          910          534         2475 
shareholder since 
subscription (GBP) 
NAV total return to                6,679       10,163       10,487        9,448 
shareholder since 
subscription (GBP) 
Profit/(loss) before income      (3,321)          163          487      (552) 7 
tax relief (GBP) 6 
Income tax relief                  20% 8          30%          30%          30% 
Cost net of income tax             8,000        7,000        7,000        7,000 
relief (GBP) 
Profit/ (loss) after income      (1,321)        3,163        3,487        2,448 
tax relief (GBP) 9 
1 Original investment at 100p per ordinary share of 5p each, converted on a 2 
for 1 basis to ordinary shares of 1p each in October 2006. 
2 Weighted average issue price of shares. 
3 Top-Up Offer to raise up to GBP2.18 million. 
4 Linked Offer for Subscription with Matrix Income & Growth VCT plc and The 
Income & Growth VCT plc to raise up to GBP21 million in total. The issue price is 
a weighted average for all shares issued. 
5 As all investors except for the last allotment received this period's 
dividend, it has been shown in these figures 
6 NAV total return minus initial investment cost (before income tax relief). 
7 Current unrealised loss results from initial Offer costs of 5.5% paid on 
8 Additional capital gains tax deferral relief of up to GBP4,000 available to 
qualifying shareholders. 
9 NAV total return minus cost net of income tax relief. 
The data for the initial fundraising above includes the period up to 1 August 
2006, when the Company used three investment advisers. The three subsequent 
fundraisings have raised capital which has been solely managed by MPEP. 
                               DIVIDEND HISTORY 
Year ended 31        Dividends per share paid in           Cumulative dividends 
January                     respect of each year 
                                                    per share paid and proposed 
                                                                   since launch 
                                             (p)                            (p) 
2011                                        4.00                          21.70 
2010                                        3.00                          17.70 
2009                                        2.00                          14.70 
2008                                        2.00                          12.70 
2007                                       1.80*                          10.70 
2006                                       0.50*                           8.90 
2005                                       0.20*                           8.40 
2004                                       0.50*                           8.20 
2003                                       0.50*                           7.70 
2002                                       1.00*                           7.20 
2001                                       3.10*                           6.20 
2000                                       3.10*                           3.10 
Dividends paid include distributions from both income and capital. 
* re-stated following capital reorganisation in 2006. 
I am pleased to present the Company's Half-Yearly Report for the six months 
ended 31 July 2011. 
As at 31 July 2011 the Company's NAV per share was 111.9 pence (31 January 
2011: 112.9 pence). Adjusted for dividends of 3p per share paid in the 6 month 
period, this represents an increase of 1.8% in NAV per share for the period. 
Total shareholder return on a share price basis has risen by 1.2% during the 
period. These figures compare with a decline of 0.9% in the FTSE SmallCap CR 
Index and a rise of 2.7% in the FTSE AIM CR Index. 
This result principally reflects a small net uplift in the value of the 
portfolio companies. 
Quoted markets have remained volatile during the six months under review with 
most sector price earnings multiples (by reference to which unquoted 
investments are valued) declining slightly. Notwithstanding this, overall, the 
portfolio showed a net increase of GBP0.5 million over the six month period. The 
significant contributors to this increase were Iglu.com Holidays, Blaze Signs, 
Focus Pharma and DiGiCo. Blaze Signs and Youngman are affected by the 
recession, but have seen their profits begin to recover. 
The increase in deal activity in the smaller companies market reported in the 
Annual Report has been sustained over this six month period, leading to more 
prospective opportunities being reviewed by the Investment Manager. An 
investment of GBP1,280,880 has been made into Motorclean Group, the UK's leading 
provider of vehicle cleaning and valet services to the car dealership market. A 
follow-on investment of GBP409,067 was made in ASL Technology Holdings Limited, 
to enable that Company to acquire the assets of a similar company, Transcribe 
Copier Systems Limited, as part of ASL's acquisition strategy. 
It is encouraging to note that Iglu.com Holidays Limited made a final loan 
repayment in February of GBP876,207, (of which GBP131,737 was premium), while in 
March, Vectair Limited made a full loan repayment of GBP90,322 (of which GBP15,054 
was a premium) and Machineworks fully repaid a loan of GBP116,588 (including a 
premium of GBP23,318) in April. Further details of transactions in the period and 
the performance of investee companies are contained in the Investment Manager's 
Review of the Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 July 2011. 
Cash and liquidity fund balances as at 31 July 2011 amounted to GBP9.3 million. 
The Board has an objective of providing shareholders with a regular dividend. 
For reasons of administrative efficiency, your Board has decided not to make a 
relatively small interim payment, but intends to pay a dividend after 
considering the year-end results. 
Revenue Account 
The revenue return for the six months to 31 July 2011 was GBP208,189 (after tax) 
or 0.86p per share. This compares to a revenue return of GBP37,186 in the six 
months to 31 July 2010. Income has benefited from the higher level of loan 
stock interest received from companies as well as a notably higher dividend 
from DiGiCo. 
Interest received from money market funds continues to be low, at an average 
rate of around 0.6%. 
Investment Management expenses charged to revenue have increased by GBP29,672 
compared to 2010, due to the increase in net assets, as a result of the funds 
raised under the Top-up Offer earlier this year and the reclassification of 
administration costs previously shown in other expenses. Other expenses have 
decreased by GBP76,656, following the reclassification referred to above, lower 
professional fees and trail commission. 
Share buy-backs 
During the six months ended 31 July 2011 the Company continued to implement its 
buy-back policy and bought back 160,752 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.72% of 
the shares in issue as at 1 February 2011 at a total cost of GBP163,990. These 
shares were subsequently cancelled by the Company. 
The Board regularly reviews its buyback policy and endeavours to maintain the 
discount to NAV at which the Company's shares trade at around 10%. On 22 
September, the mid-market price for the Company's shares was 101.5 pence, 
representing a discount of 10.1% to the latest NAV announced before today. 
Linked offer 
A further 2,960,632 new shares were allotted under the linked offer which 
closed on 30 June 2011. A total of GBP16.2m before expenses was subscribed across 
the three VCTs of which GBP5.4 million was raised by the Company. 
Future fundraising 
The Company expects to be participating again in a linked fundraising with 
Matrix Income & Growth VCT plc and The Income & Growth VCT plc which is 
expected to launch later this year. The funds raised will further add to the 
Company's capability to capitalise on new investment opportunities, should 
provide further support, if needed, for the share buyback program, and should 
spread fixed running costs over a larger asset base. Details of the Offer are 
expected to be posted to shareholders shortly. 
Shareholder communication 
May I remind you that the Company has its own website which is available at 
Following a successful Matrix VCT shareholder workshop held last December the 
Investment Manager will be holding a second workshop on Wednesday, 14 December 
2011 in central London. The workshop will include a presentation on the VCTs' 
investment activity and performance. All shareholders will receive an 
invitation to this event nearer to the date. 
The Board also welcomes the opportunity to meet Shareholders at the Company's 
General Meetings during which representatives of the Investment Manager are 
present to discuss the progress of the portfolio. The next AGM of the Company 
will be held in June 2012. 
There has been a sharp correction in global equity markets since the end of 
July. This has been principally due to continued concerns over European 
sovereign debt and the deteriorating prospects for economic growth in many 
countries within the developed world. The UK is not immune from these fears. 
The outlook for the domestic economy remains highly uncertain. Government debt 
remains at relatively high levels and public expenditure needs to be far more 
However, almost all of the portfolio companies are trading profitably at the 
operating level. Having held back on investment during the downturn, the 
Company retains a significant cash position. The Investment Manager is now 
seeing more investment opportunities at realistic pricing levels. Your Board 
expects that investments recently made, and to be made over the next year, will 
contribute to enhancing the Company's performance which includes the objective 
of making attractive dividend payments. 
Finally, I would like to thank all of our Shareholders for their continuing 
Christopher Moore 
22 September 2011 
In accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule (DTR) 4.2.7, the Board 
confirms that the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company have not 
materially changed since the publication of the Annual Report and Accounts for 
the year ended 31 January 2011. The Board acknowledges that there is regulatory 
risk and continues to manage the Company's affairs in such a manner as to 
comply with section 274 Income Tax Act 2007. 
The principal risks faced by the Company are: 
  * economic risk; 
  * investment and strategic risk; 
  * regulatory risk (including loss of VCT status); 
  * financial and operating risk; 
  * market risk; 
  * asset liquidity risk; 
  * market liquidity risk; 
  * credit/counterparty risk. 
A more detailed explanation of these risks can be found in the Directors' 
Report on pages 21 - 30 and in Note 20 on pages 62 - 68 of the Annual Report 
and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2011 copies of which are available 
on the VCT's website, www.mig4vct.co.uk. 
Responsibility Statement 
In accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule (DTR) 4.2.10 the Directors 
confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
 a. the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared in 
    accordance with the statement, "Half-Yearly Reports", issued by the 
    Accounting Standards Board, gives a true and fair view of the assets, 
    liabilities, financial position and profit of the Company, as required by 
    DTR 4.2.4; and 
 b. the interim management report, included within the Chairman's Statement, 
    Investment Policy, Investment Manager's Review and the Investment Portfolio 
    Summary includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7 
    being an indication of the important events that have occurred during the 
    first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed 
    set of financial statements. 
 c. a description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company 
    for the remaining six months is set out above, in accordance with DTR 
    4.2.7; and 
 d. there were no related party transactions in the first six months of the 
    current financial year that are required to be reported, in accordance with 
    DTR 4.2.8. 
Cautionary Statement 
This report may contain forward looking statements with regards to the 
financial condition and results of the Company, which are made in the light of 
current economic and business circumstances. Nothing in this report should be 
construed as a profit forecast. 
On behalf of the Board 
Christopher Moore 
22 September 2011 
The Company's policy is to invest primarily in a diverse portfolio of UK 
unquoted companies. Investments are structured as part loan and part equity in 
order to receive regular income and to generate capital gains from trade sales 
and flotations of investee companies. 
Investments are made selectively across a number of sectors, primarily in 
management buyout transactions (MBOs) i.e. to support incumbent management 
teams in acquiring the business they manage but do not yet own. Investments are 
primarily made in companies that are established and profitable. 
The Company has a small legacy portfolio of investments in companies from its 
period prior to 1 August 2006, when it was a multi-manager VCT. This includes 
investments in early stage and technology companies. 
Uninvested funds are held in cash and lower risk money market funds. 
UK companies 
The companies in which investments are made must have no more than GBP15 million 
of gross assets at the time of investment to be classed as a VCT qualifying 
holding. The GBP20.2 million of Funds raised by the Company after 6 April 2006 
are subject to a GBP7 million gross assets test for an investment to be VCT 
VCT regulation 
The investment policy is designed to ensure that the Company continues to 
qualify and is approved as a VCT by HMRC. Amongst other conditions, the Company 
may not invest more than 15% of its investments in a single company and must 
have at least 70% by value of its investments throughout the year in shares or 
securities comprised in VCT qualifying holdings, of which a minimum overall of 
30% by value must be ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights. In 
addition, although the Company can invest less than 30% of an investment in a 
specific company in ordinary shares it must have at least 10% by value of its 
total investments in each VCT qualifying company in ordinary shares which carry 
no preferential rights (save as may be permitted under VCT rules). 
The VCT regulations in respect of funds raised after 6 April 2011 will change, 
such that 70% of such funds must be invested in equity. 
Asset mix 
The Company initially holds its funds in a portfolio of readily realisable 
interest bearing investments and deposits. The investment portfolio of 
qualifying investments is built up over a three year period with the aim of 
investing and maintaining at least 80% of net funds raised in qualifying 
Risk diversification and maximum exposures 
Risk is spread by investing in a number of different businesses across 
different industry sectors. To reduce the risk of high exposure to equities, 
each qualifying investment is structured using a significant proportion of loan 
stock (up to 70% of the total investment in each VCT qualifying company). 
Initial investments in VCT qualifying companies are generally made in amounts 
ranging from GBP200,000 to GBP1 million at cost. No holding in any one company will 
represent more than 10% of the value of the Company's investments at the time 
of investment. Ongoing monitoring of each investment is carried out by the 
Investment Manager, generally through taking a seat on the board of each VCT 
qualifying company. 
The Company aims to invest in larger, more mature unquoted companies through 
investing alongside the three other VCTs advised by the Investment Manager with 
a similar investment policy. This enables the Company to participate in 
combined investments advised on by the Investment Manager of up to GBP5 million. 
The Company has no current plans to undertake any borrowing. 
The Board has overall responsibility for the Company's affairs including the 
determination of its investment policy. Investment and divestment proposals are 
originated, negotiated and recommended by the Investment Manager and are then 
subject to formal approval by the Board of Directors. 
We have been encouraged by positive signs of improvement in our marketplace 
during the six month period to 31 July 2011. The number of quality potential 
new investments that we have seen has increased considerably and more company 
boards are confident about making decisions to market their businesses for sale 
or raise new capital for expansion. Over these six months, we have continued 
our measured approach in assessing the opportunities that are emerging. We 
remain aware that we are yet to see the full effect of the UK Government's cuts 
in public spending on the UK smaller company sector and are therefore 
particularly mindful of the risks of deteriorating economic conditions on 
prospective new investments. We have rejected a number of prospective deals 
either on the grounds that they would not deliver forecast growth or because 
the required sale price was too high, but there are still a number of 
opportunities that we are progressing and expect to complete in the second half 
of the year. 
The Portfolio 
The MPEP-invested portfolio at 31 July 2011 comprised thirty-one investments 
with a cost of GBP17.9 million and a valuation of GBP19.0 million. On a 
like-for-like basis the value of the portfolio has increased by 2.4% in the 
first six months of the year. 
This uplift in value principally derives from higher valuations for five 
companies: Iglu.com Holidays, Blaze Signs, Focus Pharma, DiGiCo and CB Imports. 
All other companies experienced relatively little change in their valuations. 
Iglu.com continues to trade ahead of expectation at the time of investment, and 
has repaid all of its loan stock, realising total proceeds of GBP876,207, 
including a premium of GBP131,737. Blaze Signs' recovery in trading has 
continued. Focus Pharma continues to perform satisfactorily and is planning to 
progress further with several new product launches due during 2011. DiGiCo 
continues to grow its business and generate strong profits and has paid a 
dividend of GBP135,283 to the Company in the period. 
The value of CB Imports has risen as trading continues to be robust and this 
company has paid its first dividend since investment. ATG Media has traded 
particularly well and returned good results. Racoon's profitability continues 
to improve through sales of core hair extension products in the UK, although 
export sales have been disappointing. Vectair's trading has been satisfactory, 
and it has repaid all of its loan stock to the Company, realising GBP90,322, 
including a premium of GBP15,054. 
Whilst the building and construction sector has continued to suffer from 
sluggish demand, those portfolio companies with direct exposure to this sector, 
Blaze Signs, Plastic Surgeon and Youngman, are all performing steadily. We have 
worked with these and other portfolio businesses and encouraged them to make 
the changes necessary to ensure they are in the best possible position to 
withstand this period of economic uncertainty. It is a measure of this effort 
that only one portfolio company has required modest additional funding during 
the past two years. 
VSI completed the demerger of its two operating subsidiary companies in March 
2011, creating two separate investee companies for the Company, MachineWorks 
Software Limited (MachineWorks) and LightWorks Software Limited. It also paid a 
dividend of GBP11,796. The original VSI loan of GBP93,270, which was transferred to 
MachineWorks on the demerger, was repaid in April 2011, releasing GBP116,588 
including a premium of GBP23,318. The Company now has separate investments in 
each of these companies with a cost of GBP9,329 each. The boards of these 
companies believe that the demerger will enhance the prospects of both 
One new investment and two follow-on investments have been made. The Company 
used GBP1m already invested in acquisition vehicle Fullfield Limited as part of a 
total investment of GBP1,280,880 to support the MBO of Motorclean Group, the UK's 
leading provider of vehicle cleaning and valet services to the car dealership 
market. Following its original investment into ASL in December 2010, the 
Company made a further investment totalling GBP409,067 in March 2011 to support 
the acquisition of the assets of Transcribe Copier Systems Limited. ASL is a 
Cambridge-based printer and copier services business with a broad customer base 
of schools and small and medium sized enterprises. This acquisition is part of 
ASL's strategy to acquire similar businesses, thereby consolidating a highly 
fragmented market in order to become of interest to larger corporate acquirers 
in this sector. 
As reported in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 
2011, Monsal experienced completion delays on an existing contract and in the 
commissioning of new contracts. These delays led to a requirement for 
additional funding. In June your Company approved a further loan stock 
investment commitment totalling GBP158,577 as part of a GBP1.75 million fundraising 
alongside other Matrix VCTs and other shareholders. The terms of this new 
investment provide that it ranks ahead of the previous rounds of investment 
made up to 31 January 2011. We continue to hold the value of the Company's 
previous rounds of investment at nil. GBP42,287 of the new commitment had been 
drawn down by 31 July, which is valued at cost and a further GBP21,144 was drawn 
down after 31 July. With this additional funding Monsal now has the ability to 
pursue a number of major contracts in the waste and water sectors. Assuming 
contract awards, the potential for recovery of value in the original investment 
should become a more realistic prospect. 
The investments previously made by Elderstreet are now unlikely to have a 
significant impact on the Company's performance. Cashfac has increased its 
headcount in anticipation of an increase in sales in the financial sector, and 
this has started to occur. Sift has experienced a weakening in advertising 
revenues and incurred losses. sparesFinder has been trading ahead of its budget 
for the year, the budget itself being ahead of its previous financial year. 
The prospects for increased investment activity over the coming months have 
improved now that the UK economy appears to have recovered from the worst of 
the recession. We are also well-positioned to offer an attractive combination 
of equity and debt to companies as the availability of external debt from the 
major banks is harder to access. The positive performance of some of our 
investee companies has enabled the value of our portfolio to be resilient 
overall. We expect to be able to crystallise this value over time through 
realisations, and we are seeing interest in a number of our investee companies 
from larger private equity firms. 
However, much uncertainty remains concerning the quality of the economic 
recovery and we remain vigilant about the potential impact on the portfolio and 
cautious when evaluating new opportunities. 
Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP 
22 September 2011 
As at 31 July 2011 
                       Total cost         Total       Total     % of       % of 
                                at valuation at   valuation   equity  portfolio 
                                      31 Jan 11 at 31-Jul-1     held   by value 
                         31 Jul 11                        1 
Matrix Private Equity            GBP            GBP           GBP 
Partners LLP 
DiGiCo Europe Limited      495,652    1,900,210   1,962,646    6.52%     10.33% 
Design and 
manufacture of audio 
mixing desks 
ATG Media Holdings         888,993    1,293,507   1,337,986    8.50%      7.04% 
Publisher and online 
auction platform 
CB Imports Group         1,000,000    1,242,622   1,301,140    6.00%      6.85% 
Importer and 
distributor of 
artificial flowers, 
floral sundries and 
home decor products 
Fullfield Limited        1,280,880    1,000,000   1,280,880    8.75%      6.74% 
(Motorclean Group) 
Vehicle cleaning and 
valet services 
ASL Technology           1,257,133      848,066   1,257,133    6.78%      6.62% 
Holdings Limited 
Printer and 
photocopier services 
Focus Pharma Holdings      772,451    1,060,749   1,126,107    3.10%      5.93% 
Licensor and 
distributor of 
Backbarrow Limited       1,000,000    1,000,000   1,000,000   16.67%      5.26% 
Food manufacturing, 
distribution and 
brand management 
Bladon Castle            1,000,000    1,000,000   1,000,000   16.67%      5.26% 
Management Limited 
Brand management, 
consumer products and 
RDL Corporation          1,000,000    1,000,000   1,000,000    9.05%      5.26% 
Limited (formerly 
Aust Recruitment 
Group Limited) 
consultants for the 
business intelligence 
and IT industries 
Rusland Management       1,000,000    1,000,000   1,000,000   16.33%      5.26% 
Brand management, 
consumer products and 
Torvar Limited           1,000,000    1,000,000   1,000,000   16.33%      5.26% 
Database management, 
mapping, data mapping 
and management 
services to legal and 
building industries 
Vanir Consultants        1,000,000    1,000,000   1,000,000   16.67%      5.26% 
Database management, 
mapping, data mapping 
and management 
services to legal and 
building industries 
IGLU.com Holidays          133,779    1,420,200     763,425    7.15%      4.02% 
Online ski and cruise 
Westway Services           236,096      646,071     650,946    3.20%      3.43% 
Holdings (2010) 
Limited (formerly 
MC440 Limited) 
maintenance and 
servicing of 
Blaze Signs Holdings       610,016      560,223     644,612    5.72%      3.39% 
Manufacturer and 
installer of signs 
Higher Nature Limited      500,127      429,671     401,840   10.34%      2.11% 
Supplier of mineral, 
vitamin and food 
British International      295,455      433,545     395,030    2.50%      2.08% 
Holdings Limited 
Operator of 
helicopter services 
Youngman Group             500,026      349,983     389,045    4.24%      2.05% 
Manufacturer of 
ladders and access 
Faversham House            346,488      346,488     346,488    6.26%      1.82% 
Publisher, exhibition 
organiser and 
operator of web sites 
for the 
environmental, visual 
communications and 
building services 
Omega Diagnostics plc      199,998      241,664     241,664    1.96%      1.27% 
In-vitro diagnostics 
for food intolerance, 
autoimmune diseases 
and infectious 
Machineworks Software        9,329      306,331     189,321    4.20%      1.00% 
Limited 2 
Software for CAM and 
machine tool vendors 
Racoon International       406,805      174,507     178,128    5.70%      0.94% 
Holdings Limited 
Supplier of hair 
extensions, hair care 
products and training 
Plastic Surgeon            458,837      114,709     114,709    6.88%      0.60% 
Holdings Limited 
Snagging and 
finishing of domestic 
and commercial 
Duncary 8 Limited          126,995      104,769     103,420    5.10%      0.54% 
(formerly Duncary 4/ 
BG Consulting 
Technical training 
Vectair Holdings            24,732      181,406      78,148    2.14%      0.41% 
Designer and 
distributor of 
washroom products 
Monsal Holdings            678,300            -      42,287    6.14%      0.22% 
Supplier of 
engineering services 
to water and waste 
BOX-IT Data                 25,759       25,759      25,759        -      0.14% 
Management Limited 
(former investment in 
Stortext FM Limited 
Software based 
solutions for 
document management 
Lightworks Software          9,329       63,248      21,337    4.20%      0.11% 
Limited 2 
Software for CAD 
Letraset Limited           150,010       19,540      18,272    5.26%      0.10% 
(formerly Creative 
Manufacturer and 
distributor of 
graphic art products 
PXP Holdings Limited       679,549            -           -    4.98%      0.00% 
(Pinewood Structures) 
manufacturer and 
supplier of timber 
frames for buildings 
Other investments in       150,102            -           -        -      0.00% 
the portfolio 1 
                             -----        -----       -----    -----      ----- 
Total                   17,236,841   18,763,268  18,870,323        -     99.30% 
Former Elderstreet 
Private Equity 
Limited Portfolio 
Cashfac Limited            260,101      111,054      99,311    3.04%      0.52% 
Provider of virtual 
banking application 
Sparesfinder Limited       250,854       26,568      31,712    1.70%      0.18% 
Supplier of 
industrial spare 
parts on-line 
Sift Limited               130,116            -           -    1.03%      0.00% 
Developer of business 
to business internet 
                             -----        -----       -----    -----      ----- 
Total                      641,071      137,622     131,023        -      0.70% 
                             -----        -----       -----    -----      ----- 
Investment Managers'    17,877,912   18,900,890  19,001,346        -    100.00% 
                             =====        =====       =====    =====      ===== 
1 Other investments in the portfolio comprises those investments that have been 
valued at nil and from which the Directors only expect to receive small 
recoveries i.e. Legion Group plc (in administration) in the MPEP portfolio. 
2 On 31 March 2011, VSI Limited undertook a demerger, such that MIG 4 VCT now 
holds separate investments in Machineworks Software Limited ("Machineworks") 
and Lightworks Software Limited ("Lightworks"). As a result, the cost as at 31 
January 2011, of the ordinary and preference share investments in VSI Limited 
has been split equally between Machineworks and Lightworks. The valuation of 
the ordinary shares at 31 January 2011 has been split 75:25 between 
Machineworks and Lightworks respectively. The former loan investment in VSI of 
GBP93,270 had been wholly transferred to Machineworks, so this loan's cost and 
value at 31 January 2011 has been specifically allocated to that new 
For the six months ended 31 July 2011 
                                      Six months ended 31 July 2011 
                      Notes       Revenue      Capital        Total 
                                        GBP            GBP            GBP 
Unrealised gains on     8               -      451,225      451,225 
investments held at 
fair value 
Realised gains/         8               -        2,551        2,551 
(losses) on 
investments held at 
fair value 
Income                  2         459,395            -      459,395 
Recoverable VAT                         -            -            - 
Investment              3        (81,573)    (244,718)    (326,291) 
management expense 
Other expenses                  (155,917)            -    (155,917) 
                                    -----        -----        ----- 
Profit on ordinary                221,905      209,058      430,963 
activities before 
Tax on profit on        4        (13,716)       13,716            - 
ordinary activities 
                                    -----        -----        ----- 
Profit attributable               208,189      222,774      430,963 
to equity 
                                    =====        =====        ===== 
Basic and diluted       5           0.86p        0.91p        1.77p 
earnings per 
Ordinary share 
                                      Six months ended 31 July 2010 
                      Notes       Revenue      Capital        Total 
                                        GBP            GBP            GBP 
Unrealised gains on     8               -    1,522,221    1,522,221 
investments held at 
fair value 
Realised gains/         8               -     (80,807)     (80,807) 
(losses) on 
investments held at 
fair value 
Income                  2         321,660            -      321,660 
Recoverable VAT                         -            -            - 
Investment              3        (51,901)    (155,703)    (207,604) 
management expense 
Other expenses                  (232,573)            -    (232,573) 
                                    -----        -----        ----- 
Profit on ordinary                 37,186    1,285,711    1,322,897 
activities before 
Tax on profit on        4               -            -            - 
ordinary activities 
                                    -----        -----        ----- 
Profit attributable                37,186    1,285,711    1,322,897 
to equity 
                                    =====        =====        ===== 
Basic and diluted       5           0.18p        6.17p        6.35p 
earnings per 
Ordinary share 
                                       Year ended 31 January 2011 
                      Notes      Revenue     Capital        Total 
                                       GBP           GBP            GBP 
Unrealised gains on     8              -   2,119,702    2,119,702 
investments held at 
fair value 
Realised gains/         8              -      16,077       16,077 
(losses) on 
investments held at 
fair value 
Income                  2        636,426           -      636,426 
Recoverable VAT                    (264)       (794)      (1,058) 
Investment              3      (120,335)   (361,003)    (481,338) 
management expense 
Other expenses                 (396,019)           -    (396,019) 
                                   -----       -----        ----- 
Profit on ordinary               119,808   1,773,982    1,893,790 
activities before 
Tax on profit on        4              -           -            - 
ordinary activities 
                                   -----       -----        ----- 
Profit attributable              119,808   1,773,982    1,893,790 
to equity 
                                   =====       =====        ===== 
Basic and diluted       5          0.57p       8.47p        9.04p 
earnings per 
Ordinary share 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
There were no other recognised gains or losses in the period. 
Other than revaluation movements arising on investments held at fair value 
through profit and loss there were no differences between the profit/ (loss) as 
stated above and at historical cost. 
The notes below form part of these Half-Yearly financial statements. 
As at 31 July 2011 
                                   31 July 2011    31 July 2010 31 January 2011 
                                    (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited) 
                         Notes                GBP               GBP               GBP 
Non-current assets 
Investments at fair        8         19,001,346      16,187,108      18,900,890 
Current assets 
Debtors and prepayments                 191,511         152,051       1,948,065 
Current Investments        9          6,853,014       7,116,251       3,644,741 
Cash at bank                          2,460,293         255,319       1,061,164 
                                          -----           -----           ----- 
                                      9,504,818       7,523,621       6,653,970 
Creditors: amounts                    (183,711)       (400,774)       (209,681) 
falling due within one 
                                          -----           -----           ----- 
Net current assets                    9,321,107       7,122,847       6,444,289 
                                          -----           -----           ----- 
Net assets                           28,322,453      23,309,955      25,345,179 
                                          =====           =====           ===== 
Capital and reserves      10 
Called up share capital                 253,166         210,277         224,558 
Share premium reserve                 6,847,570       1,583,088       3,413,664 
Capital redemption                      892,958         889,606         891,351 
Revaluation reserve                   1,273,536         317,939         992,420 
Special distributable                14,861,009      15,656,959      15,256,001 
Profit and loss account               4,194,214       4,652,086       4,567,185 
                                          -----           -----           ----- 
Equity shareholders'                 28,322,453      23,309,955      25,345,179 
                                          =====           =====           ===== 
Net asset value per        7            111.87p         110.85p         112.87p 
Ordinary share 
for the six months ended 31 July 2011 
                                      Six months     Six months  Year ended 31 
                                   ended 31 July  ended 31 July   January 2011 
                                            2011           2010 
                                     (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                               GBP              GBP              GBP 
Opening Shareholders'                 25,345,179     21,222,542     21,222,542 
Net share capital                      3,464,121      1,598,150      3,444,752 
Net share capital bought               (163,990)      (405,046)      (582,286) 
Profit for the period                    430,963      1,322,897      1,893,790 
before dividends 
Dividends paid in period     6         (753,820)      (428,588)      (633,619) 
                                           -----          -----          ----- 
Closing shareholders'                 28,322,453     23,309,955     25,345,179 
                                           =====          =====          ===== 
The notes below form part of these Half-Yearly financial statements. 
For the six months ended 31 July 2011 
                                        Six months     Six months Year ended 31 
                                     ended 31 July  ended 31 July  January 2011 
                                              2011           2010 
                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
                            Notes                GBP              GBP             GBP 
Interest income received                   263,398        285,302       494,974 
Dividend income                            128,616         22,653       144,366 
Other income                                     -              -         2,544 
VAT (paid)/recovered (to)/                (15,287)         44,569        10,199 
from from Investment 
Investment management fees               (326,080)      (327,610)     (561,799) 
Cash payments for other                  (131,059)      (195,954)     (397,775) 
                                             -----          -----         ----- 
Net cash outflow from                     (80,412)      (171,040)     (307,491) 
operating activities 
Investing activities 
Sale of investments            8         1,085,668        548,848       923,983 
Purchase of investments        8         (732,348)        (2,576)   (2,397,128) 
                                             -----          -----         ----- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                  353,320        546,272   (1,473,145) 
from investing activities 
                                             -----          -----         ----- 
Cash inflow/(outflow)                      272,908        375,232   (1,780,636) 
before financing and liquid 
resource management 
Equity dividends paid        6         (753,820)    (428,588)   (633,619) 
Share capital                          5,297,186    1,598,150   1,611,231 
Purchase of own shares                 (208,872)    (219,447)   (537,294) 
Management of liquid 
(Increase)/decrease in               (3,208,273)  (1,140,432)   2,331,078 
monies held in money 
market funds 
                                           -----        -----       ----- 
Increase in cash                       1,399,129      184,915     990,760 
                                           =====        =====       ===== 
Reconciliation of net 
cash inflow to movement 
in net funds 
Increase in cash for                   1,399,129      184,915     990,760 
the period 
Net funds at the start                 1,061,164       70,404      70,404 
of the period 
                                           -----        -----       ----- 
Net funds at the end of                2,460,293      255,319   1,061,164 
the period 
                                           =====        =====       ===== 
For the six months ended 31 July 2011 
                                         Six months    Six months Year ended 31 
                                           ended 31 ended 31 July  January 2011 
                                          July 2011          2010 
                                        (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                                  GBP             GBP             GBP 
Profit on ordinary activities before        430,963     1,322,897     1,893,790 
Net unrealised gains on investments       (451,225)   (1,522,221)      (16,077) 
Net (gains)/ losses on realisations of      (2,551)        80,807   (2,119,702) 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors             (76,511)      (12,349)        24,702 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors             18,912      (40,174)      (90,204) 
                                              -----         -----         ----- 
Net cash outflow from operating            (80,412)     (171,040)     (307,491) 
                                              =====         =====         ===== 
The share capital subscribed figure per the cash flow statement of GBP5,297,186 
above differs to elsewhere in the financial statements by GBP1,833,065, which was 
included within debtors at 31 January 2011. 
The notes below form part of these Half-Yearly financial statements. 
Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements 
1. Principal accounting policies 
The following accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the 
period. Full details of principal accounting policies will be disclosed in the 
Annual Report. 
 a. Basis of accounting 
The unaudited results cover the six months to 31 July 2011 and have been 
prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP), consistent 
with the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year 
ended 31 January 2011 and the 2009 Statement of Recommended Practice, 
`Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' 
('the SORP') issued by the Association of Investment Companies. 
The Half-Yearly Report has not been audited, nor has it been reviewed by the 
auditors pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board (APB)'s guidance on Review of 
Interim Financial Information. 
 b. Presentation of the Income Statement 
In order to better reflect the activities of a VCT and in accordance with the 
SORP, supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement between 
items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the Income 
Statement. The revenue column of profit attributable to equity shareholders is 
the measure the Directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company's 
compliance with certain requirements set out in Section 274 Income Tax Act 
 c. Investments 
All investments held by the Company are classified as "fair value through 
profit and loss", in accordance with the International Private Equity and 
Venture Capital Valuation ("IPEVCV") guidelines, as updated in September 2009. 
This classification is followed as the Company's business is to invest in 
financial assets with a view to profiting from their total return in the form 
of capital growth and income. 
For investments actively traded in organised financial markets, fair value is 
generally determined by reference to Stock Exchange market quoted bid prices at 
the close of business on the balance sheet date. Purchases and sales of quoted 
investments are recognised on the trade date where a contract of sale exists 
whose terms require delivery within a time frame determined by the relevant 
market. Purchase and sales of unlisted investments are recognised when the 
contract for acquisition or sale becomes unconditional. 
Unquoted investments are stated at fair value by the Directors in accordance 
with the following rules, which are consistent with the IPEVCV guidelines: 
All investments are held at the price of a recent investment for an appropriate 
period where there is considered to have been no change in fair value. Where 
such a basis is no longer considered appropriate, the following factors will be 
 i. Where a value is indicated by a material arms-length transaction by an 
    independent third party in the shares of a company, this value will be 
ii. In the absence of i), and depending upon both the subsequent trading 
    performance and investment structure of an investee company, the valuation 
    basis will usually move to either:- 
a) an earnings multiple basis. The shares may be valued by applying a suitable 
price-earnings ratio to that company's historic, current or forecast post-tax 
earnings before interest and amortisation (the ratio used being based on a 
comparable sector but the resulting value being adjusted to reflect points of 
difference identified by the Investment Manager compared to the sector 
including, inter alia, a lack of marketability). 
b)  where a company's underperformance against plan indicates a diminution in 
the value of the investment, provision against cost is made, as appropriate. 
Where the value of an investment has fallen permanently below cost, the loss is 
treated as a permanent impairment and as a realised loss, even though the 
investment is still held. The Board assesses the portfolio for such investments 
and, after agreement with the Investment Manager, will agree the values that 
represent the extent to which an investment loss has become realised. This is 
based upon an assessment of objective evidence of that investment's future 
prospects, to determine whether there is potential for the investment to 
recover in value. 
iii. Premiums on loan stock investments are accrued at fair value when the 
    Company receives the right to the premium and when considered recoverable. 
iv. Where an earnings multiple or cost less impairment basis is not appropriate 
    and overriding factors apply, discounted cash flow or net asset valuation 
    bases may be applied. 
Capital gains and losses on investments, whether realised or unrealised, are 
dealt with in the profit and loss and revaluation reserves and movements in the 
period are shown in the Income Statement. 
 2. Income 
      Six months ended  Six months ended 
          31 July 2011      31 July 2010 
                                             31 January 2011 
                             (unaudited)         (unaudited)          (audited) 
Income from                            GBP                   GBP                  GBP 
Dividends                        156,589              74,794            127,836 
Money-market funds                22,240              17,108             34,092 
Loan stock interest              270,851             229,721            469,393 
Bank deposit interest              9,715                  37              2,561 
Other Income                           -                   -              2,544 
                                   -----               -----              ----- 
Total Income                     459,395             321,660            636,426 
                                   =====               =====              ===== 
 3. Investment management expense 
In accordance with the policy statement published under "Management and 
Administration" in the Company's prospectus dated 8th February 1999, the 
Directors have charged 75% of the investment management expenses to the capital 
account. This is in line with the Board's expectation of the long-term split of 
returns from the investment portfolio of the Company. 
 4. Taxation 
There is no tax charge for the period as the Company has tax losses from the 
current year and from previous periods, both of which can be offset between 
revenue and capital. 
 5. Basic and diluted earnings per share 
The basic earnings, revenue return and capital return per share shown below for 
each period are respectively based on numerators i)-iii), each divided by the 
weighted average number of shares in issue in the period - see iv) below 
                                Six months Six months ended       Year ended 31 
                             ended 31 July      31 July 2010       January 2011 
                               (unaudited)       (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                         GBP                 GBP                  GBP 
i) Total earnings after            430,963         1,322,897          1,893,790 
                                     -----             -----              ----- 
Basic and diluted earnings           1.77p             6.35p              9.04p 
per Ordinary share (pence) 
ii) Revenue earnings/              208,189            37,186            119,808 
(loss) from ordinary 
activities after taxation 
                                     -----             -----              ----- 
Basic and diluted revenue            0.86p             0.18p              0.57p 
earnings/(loss) per 
Ordinary share (pence) 
Net unrealised capital             451,225         1,522,221          2,119,702 
Net realised capital gains           2,551          (80,807)             16,077 
Capital expenses net of          (231,002)         (155,703)          (361,003) 
Capital element of VAT                   -                 -              (794) 
iii) Capital return                222,774         1,285,711          1,773,982 
                                     -----             -----              ----- 
Basic and diluted capital            0.91p             6.17p              8.47p 
earnings per Ordinary 
share (pence) 
                                     -----             -----              ----- 
iv) Weighted average            24,337,457        20,831,585         20,946,842 
number of shares in issue 
in the period 
 6. Dividends paid 
   Six    Six         Year 
months months 
 ended  ended        ended 
    31     31   31 January 
  July   July         2011 
  2011   2010 
               (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) 
                         GBP           GBP         GBP 
Final income       100,509           -         - 
dividend for 
the year ended 
31 January 
2011 of 0.4 
pence per 
Ordinary share 
paid 24 June 
Final capital      653,311           -         - 
dividend for 
the year ended 
31 January 
2011 of 2.6 
pence per 
Ordinary share 
paid 24 June 
Final capital            -     428,588   423,331 
dividend for 
the year ended 
31 January 
2010 of 2 
pence per 
Ordinary Share 
paid 9 June 
Interim                  -           -   210,288 
dividend for 
the year ended 
31 January 
2011 of 1 
pence per 
Ordinary Share 
paid 5 
November 2010 
         -----                   -----     ----- 
       753,820                 428,588   633,619 
         =====                   =====     ===== 
 7. Net asset value per Ordinary Share 
                    As at           As at             As at 
             31 July 2011    31 July 2010   31 January 2011 
                              (unaudited)       (unaudited)         (audited) 
                                        GBP                 GBP                 GBP 
Net assets                     28,322,453        23,309,955        25,345,179 
Number of shares in issue      25,316,557        21,027,687        22,455,802 
                                    -----             -----             ----- 
Net asset value per share         111.87p           110.85p           112.87p 
 8. Summary of non current asset investments at fair value during the period 
                    Unquoted    Unquoted 
     Traded on AIM    equity  preference   Loan Stock        Total 
                       shares      shares 
                            GBP           GBP           GBP            GBP            GBP 
Valuation at 31       241,664   7,967,196      16,448   10,675,582   18,900,890 
January 2011 
Purchases at cost           -       5,726           -      726,622      732,348 
Reclassification            -         932       (932)            -            - 
at value 
Sales - proceeds            -     (2,551)           -  (1,083,117)  (1,085,668) 
- realised gains            -       2,551           -            -        2,551 
Unrealised gains            -     408,542           -       42,683      451,225 
                        -----       -----       -----        -----        ----- 
Valuation at 31       241,664   8,382,396      15,516   10,361,770   19,001,346 
July 2011 
Book cost at 31       199,998   6,717,752      24,535   10,935,627   17,877,912 
July 2011 
Unrealised gains/      41,666   1,814,746     (9,019)    (573,857)    1,273,536 
(losses) at 31 
July 2011 
Permanent                   -   (150,102)           -            -    (150,102) 
impairment of 
                        -----       -----       -----        -----        ----- 
Valuation at 31       241,664   8,382,396      15,516   10,361,770   19,001,346 
July 2011 
Gains on                    -       2,551           -      170,109      172,660 
Less amounts                -           -           -    (170,109)    (170,109) 
recognised as 
unrealised gains 
in previous years 
                        -----       -----       -----        -----        ----- 
Realised gains              -       2,551           -            -        2,551 
based on carrying 
value at 31 July 
Net movement in             -     408,542           -       42,683      451,225 
appreciation in 
the period 
                        -----       -----       -----        -----        ----- 
Gains on                    -     411,093           -       42,683      453,776 
investments for 
the period ended 
31 July 2011 
                        =====       =====       =====        =====        ===== 
 9. Current investments at fair value 
These comprise investments in 8 Dublin based OEIC money market funds managed by 
Royal Bank of Scotland, Blackrock Investment Management (UK) Ltd, Goldman 
Sachs, Scottish Widows Investment Management and Fidelity Investment 
GBP6,842,545 (31 July 2010: GBP7,105,841, 31 January 2011: GBP3,634,303) of this sum 
is subject to same day access, whilst GBP10,469 (31 July 2010: GBP10,410, 31 
January 2011: GBP10,438) is subject to 2 day access. 
10. Capital and reserves 
  Called up    Share   Capital  Revaluation       Special Profit and 
      share  Premium redemption     reserve distributable       loss     Total 
     capital account    reserve                   reserve    reserve 
                   GBP          GBP           GBP             GBP          GBP         GBP          GBP 
At 1         224,558  3,413,664     891,351       992,420 15,256,001 4,567,185 25,345,179 
Shares        29,606  3,373,214           -             -          -         -  3,402,820 
issued via 
Linked Offer 
Dividends        609     60,692           -             -          -         -     61,301 
into new 
Shares       (1,607)          -       1,607             -  (163,990)         -  (163,990) 
bought back 
Profit/            -          -           -       451,225          -  (20,262)    430,963 
(loss) for 
the period 
Realised           -          -           -             -  (231,002)   231,002          - 
to special 
Realisation        -          -           -     (170,109)          -   170,109          - 
Dividend -         -          -           -             -          - (753,820)  (753,820) 
final paid 
for year 
ended 31 
January 2011 
               -----      -----       -----         -----      -----     -----      ----- 
At 31 July   253,166  6,847,570     892,958     1,273,536 14,861,009 4,194,214 28,322,453 
               =====      =====       =====         =====      =====     =====      ===== 
During the six months to 31 July 2011, the Company issued 2,960,632 new 
ordinary shares at an average price of 121.46 pence per share under the linked 
offer for subscription launched on 12 November 2010. 
11. Related party transactions 
All amounts raised from the Joint VCT fundraising offer were held in a bank 
account called "The Income & Growth VCT plc For Matrix VCTs Linked Offer" prior 
to each allotment. Following each allotment, the Company became entitled to 
these amounts, which were subsequently received, totalling GBP5,236,340. 
12. Post balance sheet events 
On 9 August 2011, a further GBP21,144 was invested in loan notes issued by Monsal 
Holdings Limited. 
13. The financial information for the period ended 31 July 2011 does not 
    comprise full financial statements within the meaning of Section 435 of the 
    Companies Act 2006. The financial statements for the year ended 31 January 
    2011 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have 
    reported on these financial statements and that report was unqualified and 
    did not contain a statement under section 498(2) of the Companies Act 2006. 
14. This Half-Yearly Report will shortly be made available on our website: 
    www.mig4vct.co.uk and will be circulated by post to those shareholders who 
    have requested copies of the Report. Further copies are available free of 
    charge from the Company's registered office, One Vine Street, London W1J 
    0AH or can be downloaded via the website. 
                             CORPORATE INFORMATION 
                           Directors (Non-executive) 
                         Christopher Moore (Chairman) 
                                 Andrew Robson 
                                Helen Sinclair 
                      Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP 
                                One Vine Street 
                                London W1J 0AH 
                  Company's Registered Office and Head Office 
                                One Vine Street 
                                London W1J 0AH 
                          Company Registration Number 
                              Investment Manager 
                      Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP 
                                One Vine Street 
                                London W1J 0AH 
                           Telephone: 020 3206 7000 
                          Website: www.mig4vct.co.uk 
Solicitors                               Independent Auditors 
Martineau                                PKF (UK) LLP 
No 1 Colmore Square                      Farringdon Place 
Birmingham                               20 Farringdon Road 
B4 6AA                                   London EC1M 3AP 
Stockbroker                              VCT Status Adviser 
Matrix Corporate Capital LLP             PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
One Vine Street                          1 Embankment Place 
London W1J 0AH                           London WC2N 6RH 
Registrars                               Bankers 
Capita Registrars                        National Westminster Bank plc 
The Registry                             Financial Institutions Team 
34 Beckenham Road                        First Floor 
Beckenham                                Mayfair Commercial Banking Centre 
Kent                                     65 Piccadilly 
BR3 4TU                                  London W1A 2PP 
Tel: 0871 664 0300 (calls cost 10p per 
minute plus net work extras. Lines are 
open 8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Fri. If calling 
from overseas please ring +44 208 639 

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