RNS Number : 7775W

Maruwa Co Ld

29 April 2016

  Notice: This document is an excerpt translation of the 
   original Japanese document and is only for reference 
   purposes. In the event of any discrepancy between this 
   translated document and the original Japanese document, 
   the latter shall prevail. 
                                Summary of Consolidated Financial Results 
                                     for the Year Ended March 31, 2016 
                                         (Based on Japanese GAAP) 
                                                                                            April 28, 2016 
Company name:                MARUWA CO., LTD. 
Stock exchange               Tokyo, Nagoya 
Stock code:                  5344                          URL http://www.maruwa-g.com/ 
Representative:              President and Representative    Sei Kanbe 
Inquiries:                   Director, General               Tetsuya Nagamitsu    TEL 0561-51-0839 
                              Manager of Administrative 
Scheduled date of ordinary                                   June 23, 2016 
 general meeting of shareholders: 
Scheduled date to file Securities                            June 24, 2016 
Scheduled date to commence                                   June 24, 2016 
 dividend payments: 
Preparation of supplementary                                 No 
 material on financial results: 
Holding of financial results                                 No 
  (Amounts are rounded off to 
     the nearest million yen) 

1. Consolidated financial results for the year ended March 31, 2016 (from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016)

   (1) Consolidated operating  Percentages indicate year-on-year 
    results                                              changes 
                       Net sales        Operating          Ordinary       Profit attributable 
                                          income            income             to owners 
                                                                               of parent 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------  --------------------- 
                    Millions      %  Millions       %  Millions       %     Millions         % 
                      of yen           of yen            of yen               of yen 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2016            30,578  (6.8)     3,812    58.6     3,702    30.3        2,287     158.7 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2015            32,811  (2.0)     2,404  (28.2)     2,841  (22.1)          884    (65.8) 
------------------  --------  -----  --------  ------  --------  ------  -----------  -------- 
                     Earnings    Diluted         Profit          Ordinary      Operating 
                     per share   earnings      attributable     income/total   income/net 
                                 per share      to owners          assets        sales 
                                             of parent/equity 
------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
                           Yen         Yen                  %              %            % 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2016              185.18      185.17                5.5            7.6         12.5 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2015               71.59       71.58                2.2            5.7          7.3 
------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 

(2) Consolidated financial position

                   Total assets  Net assets  Equity ratio  Net assets 
                                                            per share 
-----------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
                       Millions    Millions             %         Yen 
                         of yen      of yen 
 As of March 31, 
  2016                   48,474      41,700          86.0    3,376.42 
 As of March 31, 
  2015                   49,445      41,000          82.9    3,319.58 
-----------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 

(3) Consolidated cash flows

                       Cash flows        Cash flows        Cash flows          Cash and 
                      from operating    from investing    from financing    cash equivalents 
                        activities        activities        activities         at end of 
------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
                            Millions          Millions          Millions            Millions 
                              of yen            of yen            of yen              of yen 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2016                     4,154           (1,675)           (1,406)              14,541 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2015                     3,688           (1,881)             (877)              13,684 
------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------ 

2. Cash dividends

                                   Annual dividends per share                  Total       Dividend         Ratio 
                                                                               cash         payout       of dividends 
                                                                             dividends      ratio           to net 
                                                                              (Total)   (Consolidated)      assets 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------------  -------------- 
                         1st          2nd          3rd       Fiscal   Total 
                     quarter-end  quarter-end  quarter-end  year-end 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------  -----  ---------  --------------  -------------- 
                             Yen          Yen          Yen       Yen    Yen   Millions               %               % 
                                                                                of yen 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2015                     -        18.00            -     18.00  36.00        445            50.3             1.1 
 Year ended March 
  31, 2016                     -        19.00            -     19.00  38.00        469            20.5             1.1 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------  -----  ---------  --------------  -------------- 
 Year ending March 
  31, 2017                     -        20.00            -     20.00  40.00                       17.3 
-------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------  -----  ---------  --------------  -------------- 

3. Forecast of consolidated financial results for the year ending March 31, 2017 (from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017)

  Percentages indicate year-on-year changes 
                Net sales       Operating        Ordinary      Profit attributable    Earnings 
                                  income          income            to owners         per share 
                                                                    of parent 
-----------  ---------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------------  ---------- 
             Millions      %  Millions     %  Millions     %       Millions       %         Yen 
               of yen           of yen          of yen               of yen 
Six months 
  30, 2016     14,200  (2.5)     1,600   8.7     1,650  14.0          1,050    23.2       85.02 
 Full year     31,200    2.0     4,350  14.1     4,450  20.2          2,850    24.6      230.77 
-----------  --------  -----  --------  ----  --------  ----  -------------  ------  ---------- 

4. Notes

    (1) Changes in significant subsidiaries        Yes 
     during the year ended March 31, 2016 
     (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting 
     in the change in scope of consolidation): 

(2) Changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates, and restatement of prior period financial statements

Changes in accounting policies due to   Yes 
 revisions to accounting standards and 
 other regulations: 
Changes in accounting policies due to   No 
 other reasons: 
Changes in accounting estimates:        No 
Restatement of prior period financial   No 

(3) Number of issued shares (common shares)

Total number of issued shares at the end of the period (including treasury shares)

  As of March 31,                         As of March 31, 
   2016             12,372,000   shares    2015            12,372,000   shares 
 -----------------  ----------  -------  ----------------  ----------  ------- 

Number of treasury shares at the end of the period

  As of March 31,                     As of March 31, 
   2016             22,033   shares    2015            21,983   shares 
 -----------------  ------  -------  ----------------  ------  ------- 

Average number of shares during the period

  Year ended March                         Year ended March 
   31, 2016          12,350,001   shares    31, 2015         12,350,052   shares 
 ------------------  ----------  -------  -----------------  ----------  ------- 

Consolidated financial statements

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April 29, 2016 02:28 ET (06:28 GMT)

Consolidated balance sheets

                                                                       of yen) 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                    As of March   As of March 
                                                      31, 2015      31, 2016 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
      Current assets 
           Cash and deposits                          14,224,593    15,379,533 
           Notes and accounts receivable 
            - trade                                    8,491,300     8,042,230 
           Electronically recorded 
            monetary claims - operating                  439,199       572,146 
           Merchandise and finished 
            goods                                      2,170,099     2,489,838 
           Work in process                             1,864,301     1,702,316 
           Raw materials and supplies                  3,097,696     3,095,281 
           Deferred tax assets                           319,540       285,439 
           Other                                         811,100       833,428 
           Allowance for doubtful accounts              (11,420)       (1,990) 
           Total current assets                       31,406,408    32,398,221 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
      Non-current assets 
           Property, plant and equipment 
               Buildings and structures                9,941,584    10,078,873 
                   Accumulated depreciation          (5,306,942)   (5,519,695) 
                   Buildings and structures, 
                    net                                4,634,642     4,559,178 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
               Machinery, equipment and 
                vehicles                              18,005,004    18,712,379 
                   Accumulated depreciation         (13,486,127)  (13,799,300) 
                   Machinery, equipment and 
                    vehicles, net                      4,518,878     4,913,079 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
               Land                                    3,518,446     3,503,763 
               Construction in progress                1,786,282       276,133 
               Other                                   3,514,181     3,553,267 
                   Accumulated depreciation          (2,980,477)   (3,007,107) 
                   Other, net                            533,704       546,160 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
               Total property, plant and 
                equipment                             14,991,951    13,798,312 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
           Intangible assets 
               Goodwill                                  426,091       135,905 
               Other                                     450,485       433,269 
               Total intangible assets                   876,575       569,174 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
           Investments and other assets 
               Investment securities                     432,336       214,656 
               Deferred tax assets                       272,254        20,722 
               Real estate for investment              1,003,155     1,023,527 
                   Buildings and structures              624,499       662,939 
                        Accumulated depreciation       (326,734)     (342,336) 
                        Buildings and structures, 
                         net                             297,765       320,604 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
                   Land                                  688,833       688,833 
                   Other                                  42,204        42,204 
                        Accumulated depreciation        (25,647)      (28,114) 
                        Other, net                        16,557        14,090 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
               Other                                     481,772       467,496 
               Allowance for doubtful accounts          (19,243)      (18,167) 
               Total investments and other 
                assets                                 2,170,275     1,708,234 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
           Total non-current assets                   18,038,802    16,075,721 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
      Total assets                                    49,445,209    48,473,941 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
                                                             of yen) 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                            As of March  As of March 
                                              31, 2015     31, 2016 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
      Current liabilities 
           Notes and accounts payable 
            - trade                           3,989,435    3,068,282 
           Current portion of long-term 
            loans payable                       992,576      137,984 
           Income taxes payable                 393,528      589,934 
           Provision for bonuses                458,819      503,850 
           Provision for directors' 
            bonuses                               4,750       23,750 
           Notes payable - facilities           184,241      169,681 
           Other                              1,690,996    1,824,564 
           Total current liabilities          7,714,345    6,318,045 
                                            -----------  ----------- 
      Non-current liabilities 
           Long-term loans payable              253,393      115,409 
           Deferred tax liabilities                   -        1,139 
           Provision for environmental 
            measures                             26,256       13,527 
           Other                                451,317      325,379 
           Total non-current liabilities        730,966      455,453 
                                            -----------  ----------- 
      Total liabilities                       8,445,311    6,773,498 
                                            -----------  ----------- 
  Net assets 
      Shareholders' equity 
           Capital stock                      8,646,720    8,646,720 
           Capital surplus                   11,946,793   11,946,793 
           Retained earnings                 19,824,325   21,654,339 
           Treasury shares                     (46,922)     (47,072) 
           Total shareholders' equity        40,370,916   42,200,781 
                                            -----------  ----------- 
      Accumulated other comprehensive 
           Valuation difference on 
            available-for-sale securities       130,601       53,057 
           Foreign currency translation 
            adjustment                          495,314    (555,170) 
           Total accumulated other 
            comprehensive income                625,915    (502,113) 
                                            -----------  ----------- 
      Subscription rights to shares               1,775        1,775 
      Non-controlling interests                   1,293            - 
      Total net assets                       40,999,898   41,700,443 
                                            -----------  ----------- 
  Total liabilities and net 
   assets                                    49,445,209   48,473,941 
                                            -----------  ----------- 

Consolidated statements of income and consolidated statements of comprehensive income

Consolidated statements of income

                                                                    of yen) 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                             Fiscal year      Fiscal year 
                                                ended            ended 
                                            March 31, 2015   March 31, 2016 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Net sales                                     32,810,623       30,578,092 
  Cost of sales                                 22,983,315       19,594,309 
  Gross profit                                   9,827,308       10,983,783 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Selling, general and administrative 
   expenses                                      7,422,922        7,171,349 
  Operating income                               2,404,387        3,812,434 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Non-operating income 
      Interest income                               56,268           50,853 
      Rent income                                   89,993          105,614 
      Foreign exchange gains                       283,353                - 
      Other                                         72,226           63,210 
      Total non-operating income                   501,840          219,677 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Non-operating expenses 
      Interest expenses                             13,548            5,267 

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      Foreign exchange losses                            -          245,869 
      Rent expenses on real estate 
       for investments                              37,622           38,954 
      Other                                         14,352           40,225 
      Total non-operating expenses                  65,523          330,315 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Ordinary income                                2,840,703        3,701,796 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Extraordinary income 
      Gain on sales of non-current 
       assets                                        1,236            3,633 
      Gain on sales of investment 
       securities                                   26,584                - 
      Subsidy income                               755,000                - 
      Total extraordinary income                   782,820            3,633 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Extraordinary losses 
      Loss on sales and retirement 
       of non-current assets                        35,970           28,357 
      Loss on reduction of non-current 
       assets                                      738,327                - 
      Loss on sales of investment 
       securities                                        -            6,816 
      Loss on valuation of shares 
       of subsidiaries and associates                    -           18,940 
      Impairment loss                              949,949                - 
      Other                                        152,925            5,900 
      Total extraordinary losses                 1,877,171           60,013 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Profit before income taxes                     1,746,352        3,645,416 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Income taxes - current                           987,068        1,068,997 
  Income taxes - deferred                        (124,978)          289,454 
  Total income taxes                               862,090        1,358,451 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Profit                                           884,262        2,286,965 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Profit attributable to non-controlling 
   interests                                           135              (0) 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Profit attributable to owners 
   of parent                                       884,127        2,286,965 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 

Consolidated statements of comprehensive income

                                                                   of yen) 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                            Fiscal year      Fiscal year 
                                               ended            ended 
                                           March 31, 2015   March 31, 2016 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Profit                                          884,262        2,286,965 
  Other comprehensive income 
      Valuation difference on 
       available-for-sale securities               82,494         (77,544) 
      Foreign currency translation 
       adjustment                                 449,909      (1,050,483) 
      Total other comprehensive 
       income                                     532,403      (1,128,028) 
                                          ---------------  --------------- 
  Comprehensive income                          1,416,665        1,158,937 
                                          ---------------  --------------- 
  Comprehensive income attributable 
      Comprehensive income attributable 
       to owners of parent                      1,416,530        1,158,938 
      Comprehensive income attributable 
       to non-controlling interests                   135              (0) 

Consolidated statements of changes in equity

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2015

                                                                            (Thousands of 
                                               Shareholders' equity 
                          Capital    Capital     Retained   Treasury  Total shareholders' 
                           stock      surplus    earnings    shares          equity 
                         ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Balance at 
  of current 
  period                 8,646,720  11,946,793  19,372,451  (46,551)           39,919,414 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Changes of 
  items during 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
    of surplus                                   (432,253)                      (432,253) 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Profit attributable 
    to owners 
    of parent                                      884,127                        884,127 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Purchase of 
    treasury shares                                            (372)                (372) 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Disposal of                                                                          - 
    treasury shares 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Net changes 
    of items other 
    than shareholders' 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Total changes 
  of items during 
  period                         -           -     451,874     (372)              451,502 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Balance at 
  end of current 
  period                 8,646,720  11,946,793  19,824,325  (46,922)           40,370,916 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
                                        Accumulated other                   Subscription  Non-controlling     Total 
                                       comprehensive income                    rights        interests      net assets 
                                                                              to shares 
                       ---------------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
                             Valuation          Foreign         Total 
                            difference          currency      accumulated 
                       on available-for-sale   translation       other 
                            securities         adjustment    comprehensive 
                       ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Balance at 
  of current 
  period                              48,107        45,405          93,512         1,775            1,158   40,015,859 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Changes of 
  items during 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
    of surplus                                                                                               (432,253) 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
    to owners 
    of parent                                                                                                  884,127 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
   Purchase of 
    treasury shares                                                                                              (372) 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
   Disposal of                                                                                                       - 
    treasury shares 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
   Net changes 
    of items other 
    equity                            82,494       449,909         532,403                            135      532,538 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Total changes 
  of items during 
  period                              82,494       449,909         532,403             -              135      984,040 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Balance at 
  end of current 
  period                             130,601       495,314         625,915         1,775            1,293   40,999,898 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 

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April 29, 2016 02:28 ET (06:28 GMT)

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2016

                                                                            (Thousands of 
                                               Shareholders' equity 
                          Capital    Capital     Retained   Treasury  Total shareholders' 
                           stock      surplus    earnings    shares          equity 
                         ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Balance at 
  of current 
  period                 8,646,720  11,946,793  19,824,325  (46,922)           40,370,916 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Changes of 
  items during 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
    of surplus                                   (456,951)                      (456,951) 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Profit attributable 
    to owners 
    of parent                                    2,286,965                      2,286,965 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Purchase of 
    treasury shares                                            (149)                (149) 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Disposal of 
    treasury shares 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
   Net changes 
    of items other 
    than shareholders' 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Total changes 
  of items during 
  period                                         1,830,015     (149)            1,829,865 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
 Balance at 
  end of current 
  period                 8,646,720  11,946,793  21,654,339  (47,072)           42,200,781 
-----------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ------------------- 
                                        Accumulated other                   Subscription  Non-controlling     Total 
                                       comprehensive income                    rights        interests      net assets 
                                                                              to shares 
                       ---------------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
                             Valuation          Foreign         Total 
                            difference          currency      accumulated 
                       on available-for-sale   translation       other 
                            securities         adjustment    comprehensive 
                       ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Balance at 
  of current 
  period                             130,601       495,314         625,915         1,775            1,293   40,999,898 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Changes of 
  items during 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
    of surplus                                                                                               (456,951) 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
    to owners 
    of parent                                                                                                2,286,965 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
   Purchase of 
    treasury shares                                                                                              (149) 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
   Disposal of 
    treasury shares 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
   Net changes 
    of items other 
    equity                          (77,544)   (1,050,483)     (1,128,028)                        (1,293)  (1,129,321) 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Total changes 
  of items during 
  period                            (77,544)   (1,050,483)     (1,128,028)                        (1,293)      700,545 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Balance at 
  end of current 
  period                              53,057     (555,170)       (502,113)         1,775                -   41,700,443 
---------------------  ---------------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 

Consolidated statements of cash flows

                                                                    of yen) 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                             Fiscal year      Fiscal year 
                                                ended            ended 
                                            March 31, 2015   March 31, 2016 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Cash flows from operating 
      Profit before income taxes                 1,746,352        3,645,416 
      Depreciation                               2,137,169        1,903,292 
      Impairment loss                              949,949                - 
      Amortization of goodwill                     290,185          290,185 
      Increase (decrease) in allowance 
       for doubtful accounts                       (4,406)          (6,244) 
      Loss on valuation of shares 
       of subsidiaries and associates                    -           18,940 
      Increase (decrease) in provision 
       for environmental measures                        -         (12,730) 
      Loss (gain) on sales of 
       investment securities                      (26,584)            6,816 
      Loss (gain) on sales and 
       retirement of non-current 
       assets                                       34,735           24,724 
      Loss on reduction of non-current 
       assets                                      738,327                - 
      Interest and dividend income                (59,943)         (63,300) 
      Foreign exchange losses 
       (gains)                                    (98,511)          264,023 
      Decrease (increase) in notes 
       and accounts receivable 
       - trade                                     396,906           95,205 
      Decrease (increase) in inventories       (1,049,050)        (418,729) 
      Increase (decrease) in notes 
       and accounts payable - trade                299,267        (873,176) 
      Other, net                                 (222,123)           97,409 
      Subtotal                                   5,132,273        4,971,833 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
      Interest and dividend income 
       received                                     60,440           63,124 
      Interest expenses paid                      (14,033)          (4,786) 
      Income taxes paid                        (1,490,957)        (876,570) 
      Net cash provided by (used 
       in) operating activities                  3,687,723        4,153,600 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Cash flows from investing 
      Payments into time deposits                (313,612)        (417,600) 
      Proceeds from withdrawal 
       of time deposits                            717,695           43,877 
      Purchase of property, plant 
       and equipment                           (2,138,871)      (1,342,585) 
      Proceeds from sales of property, 
       plant and equipment                          14,102            7,485 
      Purchase of investment securities          (206,770)          (3,745) 
      Proceeds from sales of investment 
       securities                                  167,104           95,980 
      Purchase of intangible assets               (69,133)         (50,147) 
      Purchase of long-term prepaid 
       expenses                                          -          (1,500) 
      Other, net                                  (51,873)          (6,835) 
      Net cash provided by (used 
       in) investing activities                (1,881,358)      (1,675,070) 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Cash flows from financing 
      Repayments of long-term 
       loans payable                             (444,684)        (947,648) 
      Purchase of treasury shares                    (372)            (149) 
      Cash dividends paid                        (432,253)        (456,951) 
      Dividends paid to non-controlling 
       interests                                         -          (1,233) 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
      Net cash provided by (used 
       in) financing activities                  (877,309)      (1,405,982) 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Effect of exchange rate 

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April 29, 2016 02:28 ET (06:28 GMT)

   change on cash and cash 
   equivalents                                     247,254        (222,485) 
  Net increase (decrease) 
   in cash and cash equivalents                  1,176,310          850,063 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at beginning of period                       12,507,198       13,683,508 
  Increase in cash and cash 
   equivalents from newly consolidated 
   subsidiary                                            -            7,000 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at end of period                             13,683,508       14,540,571 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 29, 2016 02:28 ET (06:28 GMT)

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