RNS Number : 9491L

Law Debenture Corp PLC

25 July 2017

The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. and its subsidiaries


The directors recommend an interim dividend of 5.5p on the ordinary shares for the six months to 30 June 2017. The report including the unaudited results for the period was as follows:

Group summary

From its origins in 1889, Law Debenture has diversified to become a group with a unique range of activities in the financial and professional services sectors. The group divides into two distinct areas of business.

Investment trust

We are a global investment trust, listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Our portfolio of investments is managed by Henderson Global Investors Limited and the fund manager is James Henderson under a contract terminable by either side on six months' notice.

Our objective is to achieve long term capital growth in real terms and steadily increasing income. The aim is to achieve a higher rate of total return than the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index through investing in a portfolio diversified both geographically and by industry.

Independent professional services

We have decided to rename our businesses, better to reflect the nature of the services that we provide. We are a leading provider of independent professional services. Our activities are corporate trusts, pension trusts, corporate services (including agent for service of process), whistle blowing services and governance services. We have offices in London, Sunderland, Dublin, New York, Delaware, Hong Kong, the Channel Islands and the Cayman Islands.

Companies, agencies, organisations and individuals throughout the world rely upon Law Debenture to carry out its duties with the independence and professionalism upon which its reputation is built.

Registered office

Fifth Floor

100 Wood Street

London EC2V 7EX

Telephone: 020 7606 5451

   Facsimile:   020 7606 0643 

(Registered in England No 30397)

Performance to 30 June 2017

                        6 months       1 year       5 years    10 years 
                               %            %             %           % 
---------------------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
 Share price total 
  return 1                  10.2         21.3          78.0       126.6 
---------------------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
 NAV total return 
  1                          9.3         25.9          82.1       129.0 
---------------------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
 FTSE All-Share 
  Index total return         5.5         18.1          65.2        68.5 
---------------------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 

1 Calculated in accordance with AIC methodology based on NAV at fair value

                       30 June 
------------------    -------- 
 Ongoing charges1         0.43 
--------------------  -------- 
 Gearing1                    6 
--------------------  -------- 

Ongoing charges are based on the costs of the investment trust and include the Henderson management fee

of 0.30% of NAV for the investment trust. There is no performance element related to the fee.

1 Source: AIC

Financial summary

                               30 June   30 June       31 December 
                                  2017      2016              2016 
                                 pence     pence             pence 
----------------------------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
   Net revenue return 
   per share: 
   - Investment trust             8.11      7.05             10.88 
 - Independent professional 
  services                        3.26      3.44              7.68 
 - Group charges                     -         -            (2.60) 
----------------------------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Group net revenue 
  return per share               11.37     10.49             15.96 
----------------------------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Capital return per 
  share                          39.49     13.30             89.30 
 Dividends per share              5.50      5.20             16.70 
 Share price                    572.00    486.50            530.00 
 NAV per share 1                641.10    519.18            598.48 
----------------------------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
                                     %         %                 % 
----------------------------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 (Discount)                     (10.8)     (6.3)            (11.4) 
----------------------------  --------  --------  ---------------- 

1 Calculated in accordance with AIC methodology based on NAV including fair value of IPS businesses and long term borrowings

NAV per share

                                   30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                      2017          2016          2016 
----------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                     pence         pence         pence 
 NAV per share per 
  financial statements              599.96        485.56        560.73 
 Fair value adjustment 
  for IPS                            65.99         56.48         62.37 
 Debt fair value adjustment        (24.85)       (22.86)       (24.62) 
----------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 NAV per share as 
  disclosed with debt 
  at fair value                     641.10        519.18        598.48 
----------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

Fair valuation of the independent professional services businesses

The fair valuation of the independent professional services businesses (IPS) is based upon the historic earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA), an appropriate multiple and the surplus net assets of the business at their underlying fair value. The multiple applied in valuing the IPS is from comparable companies sourced from market data, with appropriate adjustments to reflect the difference between the comparable companies and the IPS in respect of growth, margin, size and liquidity.

Fair valuation of the IPS

                         30 June   30 June   31 December 
                            2017      2016          2016 
                          GBP000    GBP000        GBP000 
----------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 EBITDA at a multiple 
  of 8.3 
  (30 June 2016: 7.9; 
  31 December 2016: 
  8.1)                    82,004    73,865        80,028 
 Surplus net assets       16,730    15,823         9,908 
----------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 
                          98,734    89,688        89,936 
----------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 

An increase or decrease of 1 in the multiple would give rise to a GBP9.9 million change in the fair valuation of the IPS. The adjustment to NAV to reflect the IPS fair value is an increase of 65.99p per share (30 June 2016: 56.48p; 31 December 2016: 62.37p).

Half yearly management report


Our Net Asset Value total return for the six months to 30 June 2017 was 9.3%, compared to a total return of 5.5% for the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index. Net revenue per share was 11.37p, 8.4% higher than the corresponding period last year (2016: 10.49p).


The board has declared an interim dividend of 5.5p (2016: 5.2p). The dividend will be paid on 8 September 2017 to holders on the record date of 11 August 2017. The current expectation of the directors is that the final dividend will be at least maintained.

Investment trust

The NAV rose 9.3% (with debt at fair value) while the FTSE All-Share Index rose 5.5%.The underlying equity portfolio rose 8.5%. The global economy continued to grow and outside the UK inflation remained muted. This is a benign background for equity investment and is one of the factors behind the continued satisfactory performance of global markets. For UK investors, it was a more testing period, with renewed political uncertainty adding to the continuing murmur of concerns over Brexit and the currency devaluation last year adding inflationary pressure. That said, company results in aggregate came through marginally better than expected.

In absolute terms the holding in Rolls Royce added the most value during the period as its share price began to reflect the long term strengths of the company. The holdings in Watkin Jones (which builds student accommodation) and International Consolidated Airlines (which includes British Airways) were the next largest contributors. The biggest absolute detractor was Royal Dutch Shell as a result of the fall in the oil price. lnterserve and IP Group were also among the largest detractors. In both cases we have maintained the holdings as we believe they should recover in time.

During the period, Henderson Global Investors Limited, which continues to be our fund manager, formally became part of the Janus Henderson Group.


Global equity markets have been moving upwards since the spring of 2009, but the global bull run will not continue indefinitely. In the UK, there are signs of a slowdown. Valuations are at the higher end of their long term range so equity investors need to be increasingly careful in stock selection. The companies held in the portfolio in aggregate are generating cash, which is leading to increased dividend payments. With interest rates continuing at historically low levels, and in the absence of alternatives, the income (and income growth) available from equities continues for the time being to make them look a relatively attractive asset class.

Independent professional services

As indicated in the 2016 annual report, we have implemented a strategy within each business line that is focused on organic growth. As part of this strategy we have decided to rename the independent fiduciary services business to Independent Professional Services, or IPS.

Law Debenture's IPS businesses will consistently highlight the unique strengths of our independent service offering, namely the quality of our:

-- service;

-- people;

-- reputation; and

-- clients.

The focus on growth will require some time and investment. The 2017 full year results are anticipated to be broadly in line with recent years. However the future growth agenda is already firmly in place and the early indicators are positive.

Revenue, net of cost of sales, which represents legal costs recharged to clients, decreased by 1.8% over the corresponding period last year. Administration costs decreased by 3.6%. Profit before tax increased by 4.7%. Performance in the first half was reasonable across all IPS businesses and we expect this to continue in the second half of the year. The tax charge has increased as a result of changes made by HMRC regarding tax relief of interest, which was highlighted in the 2016 Annual Report.

Group income statement

for the six months ended 30 June (unaudited)

                                 30 June 2017                     30 June 2016 
                      -------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
                        Revenue    Capital     Total      Revenue    Capital     Total 
                         GBP000     GBP000     GBP000      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
--------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 UK dividends             10,135         -     10,135       9,316          -      9,316 
 UK special 
  dividends                  743         -        743         888          -        888 
  dividends                2,537         -      2,537       1,755          -      1,755 
  special dividends           50         -         50         114          -        114 
                          13,465         -     13,465      12,073          -     12,073 
  income                      47         -         47         110          -        110 
  fees                    14,669         -     14,669      14,166          -     14,166 
 Other income                220         -        220         194          -        194 
   Total income           28,401         -     28,401      26,543          -     26,543 
 Net gain 
  on investments 
  at fair value 
  through profit 
  or loss                      -    46,828     46,828           -     15,803     15,803 
--------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Gross income 
  and capital 
  gains                   28,401    46,828    75,229       26,543     15,803    42,346 
 Cost of sales           (1,838)         -   (1,838)      (1,085)          -   (1,085) 
  expenses              (10,287)     (178)   (10,465)    (10,278)      (107)   (10,385) 
--------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
  profit                  16,276    46,650    62,926       15,180     15,696    30,876 
 Finance costs 
  payable                (2,322)         -    (2,322)     (2,690)          -    (2,690) 
--------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit before 
  taxation                13,954    46,650     60,604      12,490     15,696     28,186 
   Taxation                (521)         -      (521)       (106)          -      (106) 
 Profit for 
  period                  13,433    46,650     60,083      12,384     15,696     28,080 
--------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Return per 
  share (pence)            11.37     39.49     50.86        10.49      13.30     23.79 
--------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Diluted return 
  per ordinary 
  share (pence)            11.37     39.49     50.86        10.49      13.30     23.79 
--------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------- 

Statement of comprehensive income

for the six months ended 30 June (unaudited)

                                 30 June 2017                    30 June 2016 
                       -------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                         Revenue    Capital      Total   Revenue    Capital      Total 
                          GBP000     GBP000     GBP000    GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------- 
   Profit for 
   the period             13,433     46,650     60,083    12,384     15,696     28,080 
 Foreign exchange 
  on translation 
  of foreign 
  operations                   -      (119)      (119)         -        735        735 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                   -      (119)      (119)         -        735        735 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period              13,433     46,531     59,964    12,384     16,431     28,815 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------- 

Group statement of financial position

                                     30 June        30 June   31 December 
                                        2017           2016          2016 
                                 (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                      GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
 Non current assets 
 Goodwill                              1,941          2,350         1,968 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                              136            204           161 
 Other intangible 
  assets                                 145              6            70 
 Investments held 
  at fair value through 
  profit or loss                     735,791        629,225       696,080 
 Deferred tax assets                   1,076            703         1,312 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total non current 
  assets                             739,089        632,488       699,591 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables           6,910          5,863         6,680 
 Other accrued income 
  and prepaid expenses                 6,068          5,056         4,603 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                          1,017              -             - 
 Cash and cash equivalents            94,462         68,239        94,804 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total current assets                108,457         79,158       106,087 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                        847,546        711,646       805,678 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables             11,534         11,960        13,346 
 Corporation tax payable                  23            189             - 
 Other taxation including 
  social security                        597            665           444 
 Deferred income                       3,871          4,202         3,826 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                              -          1,731         2,029 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total current liabilities            16,025         18,747        19,645 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Non current liabilities 
  and deferred income 
 Long term borrowings                114,046        114,002       114,024 
 Retirement benefit 
  obligations                          1,863            972         2,300 
 Deferred income                       4,199          4,747         4,318 
 Provision for onerous 
  contracts                            2,551              -         3,106 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total non current 
  liabilities                        122,659        119,721       123,748 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total net assets                    708,862        573,178       662,285 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Called up share capital               5,918          5,916         5,917 
 Share premium                         8,753          8,667         8,722 
 Own shares                          (1,034)        (1,467)       (1,197) 
 Capital redemption                        8              8             8 
 Translation reserve                   2,037          1,644         2,156 
 Capital reserves                    655,727        519,345       609,077 
 Retained earnings                    37,453         39,065        37,602 
 Total equity                        708,862        573,178       662,285 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 

Group statement of cash flows

                                                                          31 December 
                                              30 June         30 June            2016 
                                     2017 (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited) 
                                               GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Operating activities 
 Operating profit before 
  interest payable and 
  taxation                                     62,926          30,876         129,796 
 (Gains) on investments                      (46,650)        (15,696)       (105,428) 
 Foreign exchange (gains)                        (11)           (102)            (68) 
 Depreciation of property, 
  plant and equipment                              49              58             112 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                                           21              10              20 
 Provision for impairment 
  of goodwill                                       -               -             418 
  in receivables                              (1,695)           1,042             678 
  in payables                                 (1,659)           (644)           1,763 
 Transfer from capital 
  reserves                                       (40)            (46)           (157) 
 Pension contributions 
  in excess of cost                             (437)           (428)         (1,300) 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash generated from 
  operating activities                         12,504          15,070          25,834 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Taxation                                       (262)           (302)           (560) 
 Operating cash flow                           12,242          14,768          25,274 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Investing activities 
 Acquisition of property, 
  plant and equipment                            (27)            (48)            (53) 
 Expenditure on intangible 
  assets                                         (96)               -            (75) 
 Purchase of investments                     (38,385)        (51,132)        (91,494) 
 Sale of investments                           45,442          59,127         122,248 
 Cash flow from investing 
  activities                                    6,934           7,947          30,626 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Financing activities 
 Derivative financial 
  instrument                                  (1,148)               -         (4,775) 
 Interest paid                                (2,888)         (2,690)         (5,542) 
 Dividends paid                              (13,582)        (12,983)        (19,122) 
 Proceeds of increase 
  in share capital                                 32               -              56 
 Purchase of own shares                           163              26             296 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash flow from 
  financing activities                       (17,423)        (15,647)        (29,087) 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                          1,753           7,068          26,813 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period                       94,804          60,301          60,301 
 Foreign exchange (losses)/gains 
  on cash and cash equivalents                (2,095)             870           7,690 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                             94,462          68,239          94,804 
---------------------------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     94,462          68,239          94,804 

Group statement of changes in equity

                        Share      Share           Own       Capital   Translation     Capital    Retained 
                      capital    premium        shares    redemption       reserve    reserves    earnings       Total 
                       GBP000     GBP000        GBP000        GBP000        GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
---------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  at 1 January 
  2017                  5,917      8,722       (1,197)             8       2,156       609,077      37,602     662,285 
---------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Profit                     -          -             -             -            -       46,650      13,433      60,083 
  exchange                  -          -             -             -        (119)            -           -       (119) 
---------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  for the 
  period                    -          -             -             -       (119)        46,650      13,433      59,964 
  of shares                 1         31             -             -             -           -           -          32 
  in own 
  shares                    -          -           163             -             -           -           -         163 
  to 2016                   -          -             -             -             -           -    (13,582)    (13,582) 
  at 30 
  June 2017             5,918      8,753       (1,034)             8      2,037        655,727      37,453     708,862 
---------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Group segmental analysis

                               Investment                            professional                         Group charges                                Total 
                                  trust                                services 
                  ------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
                             30          30         31          30          30             31        30       30             31           30           30           31 
                           June        June        Dec        June        June            Dec      June     June            Dec         June         June          Dec 
                           2017        2016       2016        2017        2016           2016      2017     2016           2016         2017         2016         2016 
                         GBP000      GBP000     GBP000      GBP000      GBP000         GBP000    GBP000   GBP000         GBP000       GBP000       GBP000       GBP000 
----------------  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------  --------  -------  -------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Income                  13,465      12,073     20,477      14,669      14,166         30,735         -        -              -       28,134       26,239       51,212 
  income                     63          53         74         157         141            151         -        -              -          220          194          225 
 Cost of 
  sales                       -           -          -     (1,838)     (1,085)        (3,565)         -        -              -      (1,838)      (1,085)      (3,565) 
  costs             (1,661)         (1,327)    (2,739)     (8,626)     (8,951)       (17,573)         -        -          (464)     (10,287)     (10,278)     (20,776) 
   for onerous 
   contracts                  -           -          -           -           -              -         -        -        (3,031)            -            -      (3,031) 
                         11,867      10,799     17,812       4,362       4,271          9,748         -        -        (3,495)       16,229       15,070       24,065 
  (net)                 (2,280)     (2,479)    (4,964)           5       (101)          (275)         -        -              -      (2,275)      (2,580)      (5,239) 
----------------  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------  --------  -------  -------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
  on ordinary 
  taxation                9,587       8,320     12,848       4,367       4,170          9,473         -        -        (3,495)       13,954       12,490       18,826 
 Taxation                     -           -          -       (521)       (106)          (405)         -        -            422        (521)        (106)           17 
----------------  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------  --------  -------  -------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
  shareholders            9,587       8,320     12,848       3,846       4,064          9,068         -        -        (3,073)       13,433       12,384       18,843 
----------------  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------  --------  -------  -------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
   per ordinary 
   (pence)                 8.11        7.05      10.88        3.26        3.44           7.68         -        -         (2.60)        11.37        10.49        15.96 
----------------  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------  --------  -------  -------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Assets                 784,123     653,711    743,248      63,070      57,935         62,052       353        -            378      847,546      711,646      805,678 
 Liabilities           (96,025)   (103,546)   (97,230)    (40,108)    (34,922)       (43,057)   (2,551)        -        (3,106)    (138,684)    (138,468)    (143,393) 
----------------  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------  --------  -------  -------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
  net assets            688,098     550,165    646,018      22,962      23,013         18,995   (2,198)        -        (2,728)      708,862      573,178      662,285 
----------------  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------  --------  -------  -------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

The capital element of the income statement is wholly attributable to the investment trust.

 Analysis of the investment 
  By geographical location 
                Valuation                                                                       Valuation 
              31 December                              Costs        Sales        Appreciation          30 
                     2016     Purchases                   of     proceeds     /(depreciation)        June 
                   GBP000        GBP000          acquisition       GBP000              GBP000        2017         % 
                                                      GBP000                                       GBP000 
  Kingdom         492,710        24,371                 (81)     (20,037)              31,115     528,078      71.8 
  America          84,975         2,247                  (3)     (15,564)               4,464      76,119      10.3 
 Europe            55,244        10,943                 (15)      (9,841)               6,268      62,599       8.5 
 Japan             14,366             -                    -            -             (1,041)      13,325       1.8 
  Pacific          35,140             -                    -            -               5,427      40,567       5.5 
   Other           13,645           824                  (1)            -                 635      15,103       2.1 
----------  -------------  ------------  -------------------  -----------  ------------------  ----------  -------- 
                  696,080        38,385                (100)     (45,442)              46,868     735,791     100.0 
----------  -------------  ------------  -------------------  -----------  ------------------  ----------  -------- 
 By sector (excluding 
                                          As at             As at 
                                           30 June    31 December 
                                           2017              2016 
                                                 %              % 
 Oil & gas                                     8.3            9.7 
 Basic materials                               6.4            6.7 
 Industrials                                  30.0           29.5 
 Consumer goods                                6.9            7.7 
 Health care                                   8.4            8.3 
 Consumer services                             7.9            7.5 
 Telecommunications                            0.7            0.7 
 Utilities                                     1.6            1.8 
 Financials                                   27.5           25.4 
 Technology                                    2.3            2.7 
                                             100.0          100.0 
----------------------  --------------------------  ------------- 
 Investment portfolio valuation 
 as at 30 June 2017 
 UK unless otherwise 
 Holdings in italics were acquired 
  since 31 December 2016 
                                 GBP'000        % 
                               ---------  ------- 
 Oil & gas 
 Oil & gas producers 
 Royal Dutch Shell                22,688     3.08 
 BP                               14,170     1.93 
 Indus Gas                         6,349     0.86 
 Total (Fra)                       2,060     0.28 
 Premier Oil                         612     0.08 
 Providence Resources                524     0.07 
                                  46,403     6.30 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Oil equipment & services 
 Cape                              4,675     0.64 
 Gibson Energy (Can)               4,603     0.63 
 Schlumberger (USA)                4,055     0.55 
 National Oilwell 
  Varco (USA)                      1,268     0.17 
 Now (USA)                           154     0.02 
 Gibson Energy (Can) 
                                  14,755     2.01 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Basic materials 
 Croda                             6,563     0.90 
 Elementis                         6,228     0.85 
 Velocys                           3,879     0.53 
 Carclo                            2,200     0.30 
 Linde (Ger)                       1,460     0.20 
                                  20,330     2.78 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Forestry & paper 
 Mondi                             8,052     1.09 
                                   8,052     1.09 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Rio Tinto                        12,158     1.65 
 BHP Billiton                      6,465     0.88 
                                  18,623     2.53 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Construction & materials 
 Marshalls                        10,050     1.37 
 Ibstock                           5,640     0.77 
 Accsys Technologies               5,549     0.75 
 Balfour Beatty                    5,445     0.74 
                                  26,684     3.63 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Aerospace & defence 
 Rolls Royce                      16,929     2.30 
 Senior                           13,473     1.83 
 BAE Systems                      11,403     1.55 
 Embraer (Bra)                     4,817     0.65 
 Meggitt                           4,769     0.66 
 Lockheed Martin (USA)             4,274     0.58 
                                  55,665     7.57 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 General industrials 
 Smith(DS)                        10,478     1.42 
                                  10,478     1.42 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Electronic & electrical 
 Spectris                         11,354     1.54 
 Morgan Advanced Materials         8,496     1.15 
 Applied Materials 
  (USA)                            6,359     0.86 
 TT Electronics                    2,802     0.38 
 XP Power                          2,305     0.31 
 Legrand (Fra)                     1,928     0.26 
 Philips Electronics 
  (Net)                            1,534     0.21 
 Philips Lighting 
  (Net)                            1,388     0.19 
                                  36,166     4.90 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Industrial engineering 
 Hill & Smith                     10,833     1.47 
 Cummins (USA)                     7,493     1.02 
 Caterpillar (USA)                 7,445     1.01 
 Deere (USA)                       5,618     0.77 
 IMI                               5,224     0.71 
 Ceres Power                       3,686     0.50 
 Weir Group                        3,462     0.47 
 Renold                            3,213     0.44 
 Severfield                          642     0.09 
                                  47,616     6.48 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Industrial transportation 
 Eddie Stobart Logistics           4,710     0.64 
 AP Moller-Maersk 
  (Den)                            1,703     0.23 
 Wincanton                         1,183     0.16 
                                   7,596     1.03 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Support services 
 Johnson Service                  12,039     1.64 
 Interserve                        6,144     0.84 
 Carillion                         5,315     0.72 
 Babcock                           4,366     0.59 
 Deutsche Post (Ger)               3,519     0.48 
 SGS (Swi)                         2,331     0.32 
 Sodexo (Fra)                      1,765     0.25 
 Augean                              626     0.09 
                                  36,105     4.93 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Consumer goods 
 Automobiles & parts 
 GKN                              14,739     2.00 
 Toyota Motor (Jap)                6,535     0.89 
 General Motors (USA)              6,050     0.82 
                                  27,324     3.71 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Pernod-Ricard (Fra)               1,932     0.26 
                                   1,932     0.26 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Food producers 
 Unilever                          3,116     0.42 
 Nestlé (Swi)                 2,957     0.40 
                                   6,073     0.82 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Household goods & home 
 Watkin Jones                      8,613     1.17 
 L'Oreal (Fra)                     1,792     0.24 
                                  10,405     1.41 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Imperial Brands                   5,173     0.70 
                                   5,173     0.70 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Health care 
 Health care equipment & 
 Becton Dickinson 
  (USA)                            9,011     1.22 
 Smith & Nephew                    6,227     0.85 
 Fresenius (Ger)                   5,822     0.80 
 Spire Healthcare                  5,661     0.77 
 Fresenius Medical 
  Care (Ger)                       2,891     0.39 
                                  29,612     4.03 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology 
 GlaxoSmithKline                  12,259     1.67 
 AstraZeneca                       5,135     0.70 
 Pfizer (USA)                      3,879     0.53 
 Johnson & Johnson 
  (USA)                            3,564     0.49 
 Novartis (Swi)                    3,047     0.41 
 Roche (Swi)                       2,260     0.31 
 Novo-Nordisk (Den)                1,811     0.25 
                                  31,955     4.36 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Consumer services 
 General retailers 
 Dunelm                            3,910     0.53 
 Inditex (Spa)                     1,724     0.23 
 Findel                            1,099     0.15 
 Topps Tiles                         619     0.08 
                                   7,352     0.99 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Relx                             12,450     1.69 
 Sky                               5,467     0.74 
 Pearson                           3,630     0.49 
 Daily Mail & General 
  Trust                            3,435     0.47 
 Publicis Groupe (Fra)             1,557     0.21 
                                  26,539     3.60 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Travel & leisure 
 International Consolidated 
  Airlines                         9,295     1.26 
 Carnival                          5,080     0.69 
 Irish Continental 
  (Ire)                            4,302     0.58 
 Fastjet                           3,395     0.46 
 Marstons                          2,656     0.36 
                                  24,728     3.35 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Mobile telecommunications 
 Inmarsat                          2,789     0.38 
 Vodafone                          2,177     0.30 
                                   4,966     0.68 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 SSE                               4,359     0.59 
                                   4,359     0.59 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Gas, water & multiutilities 
 National Grid                     5,321     0.72 
 Severn Trent                      2,181     0.30 
                                   7,502     1.02 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 HSBC                             18,765     2.55 
 Standard Chartered               10,770     1.46 
 Barclays                          4,054     0.55 
 ING Group (Net)                   1,867     0.25 
 UBS (Swi)                         1,410     0.19 
 Societe Generale 
  (Fra)                            1,350     0.18 
                                  38,216     5.18 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
   Nonlife insurance 
 Hiscox                           11,913     1.62 
 RSA Insurance                     9,233     1.25 
                                  21,146     2.87 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Life insurance/assurance 
 Prudential                       12,922     1.76 
 Aviva                             4,129     0.56 
 Chesnara                          4,008     0.55 
 Standard Life                     2,992     0.41 
 Allianz (Ger)                     1,399     0.19 
 Permanent TSB (Ire)                  10        - 
                                  25,460     3.47 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Real estate investments 
  & services 
 St Modwen Properties              6,628     0.90 
                                   6,628     0.90 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Real estate investment 
 Land Securities                   3,763     0.51 
 Mucklow (A&J) Group               3,750     0.51 
 Pacific Industrial 
  & Logistics                      2,217     0.30 
                                   9,730     1.32 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Financial services 
 IP Group                          7,967     1.08 
 Provident Financial               6,691     0.91 
 Oxford Sciences Innovation 
  (unlisted)                       3,597     0.49 
 International Personal 
  Finance                          2,864     0.39 
 Amundi (Fra)                      2,183     0.30 
 Deutsche Börse 
  (Ger)                            2,127     0.29 
                                  25,429     3.46 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Equity investment instruments 
 Baillie Gifford Pacific          17,825     2.42 
 Stewart Investors 
  Asia Pacific                    15,184     2.06 
 Templeton Emerging 
  Markets Investment 
  Trust                           10,286     1.40 
 Herald Investment 
  Trust                            8,458     1.15 
 Scottish Oriental 
  Smaller Company Trust            7,558     1.03 
 Schroder Japan Growth 
  Fund (Jap)                       6,790     0.92 
 Syncona                           4,916     0.67 
 Foresight Solar                   3,368     0.46 
 Better Capital (2012)             1,350     0.18 
                                  75,735    10.29 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Software & computer services 
 Microsoft (USA)                   9,020     1.23 
 SAP (Ger)                         2,292     0.31 
 Amadeus IT (Spa)                  2,135     0.29 
                                  13,447     1.83 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 
 Technology hardware & equipment 
 Apple (USA)                       3,326     0.45 
                                   3,326     0.45 
-----------------------------  ---------  ------- 

Principal risks and uncertainties

The principal risks of the Corporation relate to the investment activities and include market price risk, foreign currency risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and credit risk. These are explained in the notes to the annual accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016. In the view of the board these risks are as applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to the period under review.

The principal risks of the independent professional services business arise during the course of defaults, potential defaults and restructurings where we have been appointed to provide services. To mitigate these risks we work closely with our legal advisers and, where appropriate, financial advisers, both in the set up phase to ensure that we have as many protections as practicable, and at all other stages whether or not there is a danger of default.

Related party transactions

There have been no related party transactions during the period which have materially affected the financial position or performance of the group. During the period transactions between the Corporation and its subsidiaries have been eliminated on consolidation. Details of related party transactions are given in the notes to the annual accounts.

Directors' responsibility statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU and gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the group as required by DTR 4.2.4R;

   --     the half yearly report includes a fair review of the information required by: 

(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period.

On behalf of the board

Christopher Smith

25 July 2017

Basis of preparation

The results for the period have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34 - Interim financial reporting).

The financial resources available are expected to meet the needs of the group for the

foreseeable future. The financial statements have therefore been prepared on a going concern basis.

There have been no changes to the group's accounting policies during the period.


1. The financial information presented herein does not amount to full statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006 and has neither been audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued by the Auditing Practices Board. The annual report and financial statements for 2016 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The independent auditors' report on the annual report and financial statements for 2016 was unqualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report, and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

   2.   The calculations of NAV and earnings per share are based on: 

NAV: shares at end of the period 118,152,259 (30 June 2016: 118,043,941; 31 December 2016: 118,111,845). Income: average shares during the period 118,134,437 (30 June 2016: 118,041,246; 31 December 2016: 118,063,495).

3. Listed investments are all traded on active markets and as defined by IFRS 7 are level 1 financial instruments. As such they are valued at unadjusted quoted bid prices. Unlisted investments are Level 3 financial instruments. They are valued by the directors using unobservable inputs including underlying net assets of the instruments.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 25, 2017 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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