RNS No 7797x
2 July 1999


        Incepta Group plc makes Offer for Lopex plc
                      valued at #47.9m

*  Incepta today announces an Offer for Lopex plc valued
   at #47.9 million

*  Incepta's clear strategic focus, resources and
   capabilities should enhance the performance of Lopex

*  The combination of the two groups represents a natural

*  Combining the strengths of the two groups will extend
   the resources, experience and expertise available to
   meet clients' needs
*  Terms of the Offer: 9 New Incepta Shares for every 4
   Lopex Shares

*  To minimise the period of uncertainty for employees and
   clients of Lopex, the Offer is final.  It will not be
   increased or extended beyond the first closing date
   (unless by that date, the Offer is unconditional as to
   acceptances).  However, Incepta reserves the right to
   increase, extend or otherwise amend the Offer should a
   competitive situation arise or as otherwise may be
   permitted by the Code
*  The Offer provides shareholders of Lopex with :

  -  the opportunity to become shareholders in one of the
     fastest growing groups in the UK quoted media and
     photography sector and to participate in the growth
     potential of the Enlarged Group
  -  a premium of 29% to the Closing Price of  67p per
     Lopex Share on 30 June 1999, the day before the substantial
     increase in the share price of Lopex
  -  a premium of 68% over the Closing Price of 51.5p per Lopex
     Share on 5 May 1999, the date of Lopex's most recent annual
     general meeting
  -  a premium of 111% over the Closing Price of 41p per Lopex
     Share on 14 December 1998, the date Incepta made its last purchase
     of Lopex Shares to take its aggregate stake to 26.95 % of Lopex

  -  a premium of 11.1% to the Closing Price of 78p per Lopex
     Share on 1 July 1999, being the last business day prior to this
     announcement of the Offer and after the substantial increase in
     the share price of Lopex on that day

*    Incepta is seeking a recommendation of its Offer from the
     Directors of Lopex

David Wright, the Chief Executive of Incepta Group plc said:

"The integration of the businesses of Incepta and Lopex will
create a larger and stronger organisation within their core
markets and enable the enlarged group to take advantage of the
opportunities arising from market consolidation.  We believe the
acquisition represents a significant opportunity for both
businesses and will be value-enhancing for shareholders."

For further information contact:

Incepta Group plc
Telephone: 0171 638 9571
Andrew Cornelius
John Rudofsky

Beeson Gregory
Telephone: 0171 488 4040
Nick Rodgers

                         INCEPTA GROUP plc
                          Offer for Lopex

The board of Incepta Group plc ("Incepta") announces the terms  of
a #35 million all share offer for the whole of the issued ordinary
share  capital  of  Lopex ("Lopex") not already owned  by  Incepta
("Offer").   The Offer is to be made by Beeson Gregory Limited  on
behalf of Incepta subject to the conditions set out in Appendix I,
and will be made on the following basis:

         9 New Incepta Shares     for every 4 Lopex Shares

and so in proportion for any other shares held in Lopex.

The  Offer values each Lopex share at 86.6p (based on the  Closing
Price  of an Incepta share yesterday) and the whole of the  issued
ordinary share capital of Lopex, being 55,258,370, ordinary shares
at approximately #47.9 million.

The  board  of  Incepta  yesterday approached  representatives  of
Lopex  and  their  financial advisors with regard  to  the  Offer.
However, in view of the substantial increase in the share price of
Lopex yesterday and the uncertainty and speculation it caused, the
board of Incepta has resolved to make full disclosure of the terms
and  conditions of the Offer.  The board of Incepta will  continue
to  seek  the recommendation of Lopex's board and has  offered  to
meet with the board of Lopex on Monday 5 July 1999.

To minimise the period of uncertainty for employees and clients of
Lopex  to  no  more than 21 days from the date of posting  of  the
formal offer document, the Offer will be a final offer which  will
not  be  increased or extended (unless it is by then unconditional
as  to  acceptances).  However,  Incepta  reserves  the  right  to
increase,   extend,  or  otherwise  amend  the  Offer   should   a
competitive  situation arise or as may otherwise be  permitted  by
the Code.

At  the  date of this announcement Incepta and its concert  party,
Southwind  Limited,  own  in aggregate 16,358,000   Lopex  Shares,
representing 29.9 per cent. of Lopex's issued share capital.

The board of Incepta believes that the Offer is full and generous,
giving Lopex Shareholders:

*  an  opportunity  to become shareholders in one of  the  fastest
   growing  groups  in the UK quoted media and photography  sector
   and  to  participate in the growth potential  of  the  Enlarged

* a  premium of 29 per cent. to the Closing Price of 67p per Lopex
  Share on 30 June 1999, the day prior to the substantial increase
  in the share price of Lopex as mentioned above;

*  a  premium of 68 per cent. over the Closing Price of 51.5p  per
   Lopex  Share  on  5 May 1999, the date of Lopex's  most  recent
   annual general meeting;

*  a  premium of 111 per cent. over the Closing Price of  41p  per
   Lopex  Share  on  14 December 1998, the date Incepta  made  its
   last  purchase of Lopex Shares to take its aggregate  stake  up
   to 26.95 per cent. of Lopex; and

*  a premium of 11.1 per cent. to the Closing Price of 78p per
   Lopex Share on 1 July 1999, being the last business day prior
   to this announcement of the Offer and after the substantial
   increase in the share price of Lopex on that day.

Background to and reasons for the Offer
Against  a  background  of  consolidation  in  the  marketing  and
communications sector, it is becoming increasingly important  that
groups  operating in this sector possess the resource,  experience
and expertise to provide strategic advice and execution to clients
at  both a domestic and global level. Both Incepta and Lopex  have
clearly  articulated  visions  of building  diversified  marketing
communications groups capable of meeting the demands of  corporate
clients worldwide.

The  board  of  Incepta believes that Incepta  and  Lopex  possess
complementary creative skills and resources and the combination of
the  two  groups  represents a natural fit.   The  attractions  of
combining Incepta and Lopex are set out below:

* the  Board  believes there is persuasive logic in combining  the
  strengths  of  the  respective groups to  extend  the  resource,
  experience and expertise available to meet clients' needs;

* the  Group's  clear strategic focus, resources and  capabilities
  should enhance the performance of Lopex;

* the increased financial resources of the Enlarged Group will  be
  available  to maximise investment for future organic  growth  of
  the Enlarged Group;

* the  commitment of the Incepta board to invest in Lopex's brands
  and its staff;

* opportunities for cost savings relating to duplication at a head
  office level;

* the  integration  of the businesses of Incepta  and  Lopex  will
  create  a  larger  and stronger organisation within  their  core
  markets and enable the Enlarged Group to take advantage  of  the
  opportunities arising from market consolidation; and

* the  Acquisition will increase the shareholder base of  Incepta,
  which  is  expected  to lead to greater share marketability  for
  shareholders in the Enlarged Group.

A  shared  vision
Both groups share a common goal  to  utilise  the
benefits of a diversified marketing and communications group.

      "All our agencies continue to work closely together (and)  a
series  of  successful  client  introductions  were  made  between
agencies during the year . . . There are clear benefits in working
more closely as a group and enhancing our overall offer"
Peter Thomas, Chief Executive, Lopex, December 1998 Annual Report.
     "The (Incepta) group is expanding upon the strength of its
international network .... this trend is a reflection of .... our
integrated global capabilities and importantly our ability to work
as a co-ordinated team throughout the world"
David Wright, Chief Executive, Incepta, February 1999 Annual Report.

Peter  Thomas, Chief Executive of Lopex, recently highlighted  the
three core aspects to Lopex's future strategic development as:
i)   "Organically   --   by building our current brands

ii)  By acquisition --   either to add critical mass and expertise
     to our existing brands or by buying sizeable profit
     centres which broaden our overalloffer

iii) Internationally      --    to  capitalise  on  our  core   UK
     strengths and to meet clients' increasing international
     requirements, particularly in Europe, the USA and Asia."
Peter Thomas, Chief Executive, Lopex, December 1998 Annual Report

The  Board believes that Incepta is capable of fulfilling each  of
these needs by:

i)    the  commitment and financial strength to invest in  Lopex's
      portfolio of brands;

ii)   the  addition  of  Incepta's complementary businesses  adding
      critical  mass and providing a stronger and broader  services
      offer; and

iii)  providing  access  for  Lopex's  businesses,  employees   and
      clients   to  Incepta's  network  of  34  offices  worldwide,
      promoting international growth.

The  Incepta Group is built on the creativity and  expertise
of  our  people. Throughout the Group's development the Board  has
sought  to foster a culture of extensive employee share ownership.
The  Board believes this encourages a group ethic and allows  each
individual to share in the success of the Group as it develops. In
aggregate,  over  44 per cent. of Incepta's employees  are  either
shareholders  or have an option to acquire, or have a  conditional
interest  in,  the equity of the Company. The Board believes  that
this philosophy of employee share ownership is a core strength  of
the  Incepta Group and one it shall seek to maintain and build  on
within  the  Enlarged Group, allowing employees to  share  in  its

Lopex  employees will benefit from joining the Enlarged Group  for
the following reasons:

*    they will be joining one of the fastest growing marketing and
     communications groups in the UK quoted media and  photography

*    Incepta is committed to investing in Lopex's brands;

*    the  opportunity for employees to share in the future success
     of  the  Enlarged  Group  through  extensive  employee  share

*    Incepta   is   committed  to  creating  greater  professional
     opportunities  and appropriate investment in the  development
     of employees; and

*    access  to  greater  resources, expertise  and  new  business
     opportunities across the Enlarged Group.

Following the Offer becoming unconditional in all respects, it  is
Incepta's  intention  to integrate the Lopex businesses  into  the
Incepta Group.

Incepta attaches great importance to the skills and experience  of
the  employees  of  Lopex  and, accordingly,  the  rights  of  all
employees of Lopex will be fully safeguarded.

The  Offer will be a share for share exchange.  Set out  below  is
some  of  the background to Incepta and the reasons why the  Board
believes Incepta Shares represent a very attractive investment.

Background   to  and  information  on  Incepta
Incepta,  originally incorporated  in April 1986, was transformed through  the
 reversetakeover  by Citigate  in March 1997. The  former  management  of
Citigate  has  since formed the majority of the executive  Incepta
management team.

Incepta  is  an  international marketing and communications  group
comprising  four  divisions. These focus  on  advertising,  public
relations, marketing communications and design and publishing. The
Group  operates  internationally  through  34  offices  worldwide,
headquartered  in  London.  In  addition,  the  Group  retains  an
international  network of affiliates. Incepta currently  acts  for
over  1,200 clients worldwide, including over 50 per cent. of  the
FTSE  100,  30 per cent. of the FTSE Eurotop 300 and over  20  per
cent.  of  the  Global  Fortune  500  companies.  With  over   950
employees,  the  Group benefits from a wide range  of  skills  and
expertise  and continues to develop its worldwide capabilities  to
meet  the  international marketing and communications requirements
of large global organisations.

In  the year ended 28 February 1999, Incepta achieved turnover  of
#113.773  million (1998: #88.171 million) and an operating  profit
before exceptional items of #8.113 million (1998: #5.761 million).
As  at 28 February 1999, Incepta had net assets of #23.827 million
(1998: net liabilities of #1.619 million).

On 1 July 1999, the last business day prior to the announcement of
the Offer, the Closing Price of an Incepta Share was 38.5p, giving
Incepta a market capitalisation of #127.5 million.

Incepta's strategy
Incepta's  strategic goal is the enhancement of shareholder  value
through building a world class marketing and communications group,
capable  of  meeting  the sophisticated demands  of  clients  both
domestically  and internationally. Our energies  are  directed  at
sustaining  our track record of earnings growth by  continuing  to
build  upon  our existing core presence in key markets around  the

Incepta's strategic approach has been to develop the Group through
a  combination of organic growth and strategic acquisitions. Since
March  1997,  Incepta  has made thirteen acquisitions  of  various
sizes,  to  enhance  the existing operations  either  by  creating
greater  critical mass in an established business or by  extending
the global activity within a particular division.

An  example  is  the #24 million acquisition of Dewe  Rogerson  in
October  1998.  Incepta's  current  management  has  developed   a
successful  track  record in integrating  such  acquisitions,  and
accordingly, Citigate Dewe Rogerson (the re-branded global  public
relations  division)  is  now  regarded  as  one  of  the  leading
international  financial public relations brands.  The  Group  has
benefited  from  the  combination  of  the  two  businesses   with
significant account wins in their domestic markets and on a global
basis.   Against this background, the Incepta board  is  confident
that  similar  benefits would be attained with the acquisition  of

The  Group  continues to focus on the higher margin below-the-line
marketing  disciplines,  an emphasis  shared  by  Lopex.  In  each
geographical location, Incepta is committed to offering excellence
in  all  of  its  core  disciplines, enabling Incepta  to  deliver
integrated solutions to its clients.

Information on Lopex
Lopex   is  an  integrated  communications  and  marketing  group,
providing  its  clients  with  the  following  services:    public
relations   and   public  affairs,  marketing  and  communications
services,  database and direct marketing, sector  advertising  and
marketing, mark research and consumer advertising.

In  the  year  ended 31 December 1998, Lopex achieved turnover  of
#129.186 million  (1997: #116.514 million) and an operating profit
before  exceptional  expenses  of #6.118  million  (1997:#4.202

As  at  31  December 1998, Lopex had net assets of #9.448  million
(1997:  #5.557 million).

On 1 July 1999, the last business day prior to the announcement of
the  Offer,  the  Closing Price of a Lopex Share was  78p,  giving
Lopex a market capitalisation of #42.6 million.

Performance  of  Incepta
Over  the  last  seven  years, Incepta's management has built  an 
international network of offices dedicated to the needs of its growing
international client base.

Incepta's  current management has delivered substantial  increases
in  revenue over the last seven years, both as the private company
Citigate  and following the reverse takeover of Incepta  in  March

Incepta's  current management has also delivered  strong  earnings
growth and increases in shareholder value over the same period.
The Incepta Group's current operating margins of over 16 per cent.
compare  very favourably with industry standards. Sound  financial
controls  have  ensured  that  the  growth  in  profitability  has
translated  into  cash  generation.  The  Directors  believe  that
gearing  levels  remain prudent with interest  cover  of  over  10

Performance of Lopex
Over  the  last  six years, Lopex has delivered a less  impressive
performance  in terms of revenue growth, while the  proportion  of
turnover generated outside the UK and Ireland has fallen from  8.5
per cent. to 2.2 per cent.  The number of employees has fallen  by
over 20 per cent..

During  this  period,  Lopex  has had  a  mixed  track  record  of
profitability.   This  has in part reflected  the  recognition  of
exceptional losses in each of the last six years.

Tom  Chandos (non-executive Chairman, Lopex plc) commented in  the
1998  Annual  Report  that "the market for  our  services  remains
competitive and there are, in some areas, signs of some  softening
of demand".  The consensus brokers' forecasts, as published in the
UK  Estimates Directory over recent months has fallen by  over  10
per  cent.  from a forecast pre-tax profit of #7.1 million  (April
1999) to #6.3 million (June 1999).

Financial effects of accepting the Offer
The  following tables set out, for illustrative purposes only, and
on  the  bases  and  assumptions set out in the notes  below,  the
financial effects of acceptance of the Offer on capital value  and
net  income  for a Lopex Shareholder if the Offer  becomes  or  is
declared wholly unconditional.

                                                    Notes    Offer
(a)  Capital value                                                
     Market value of 9 New Incepta Shares             (1)    346.5
     Market value of 4 Lopex Shares                   (2)    268.0
     Increase in capital value                               78.5p
     Representing an increase of                             29.3%
(b)  Net income                                                   
     Net dividend income on 9 New Incepta Shares      (3)     3.78
     Net dividend income on 4 Lopex Shares            (4)     6.00
     Decrease in net income                                   2.2p
     Representing a decrease of                              37.0%
(1)  The  market  value of a New Incepta Share  is  based  on  the
     Closing  Price  of  38.5p  on 1 July  1999,  being  the  last
     business day prior to this announcement
(2)  The  market  value of a Lopex Share is based on  the  Closing
     Price of 67p on 30 June 1999, the day prior to the substantial
     increase in the share price of Lopex as mentioned above
(3)  The  dividend income on a New Incepta Share is based  on  the
     final dividend of 0.42p (net) per Incepta Share in respect of the
     year ended 28 February 1999
(4)  The  dividend income on a Lopex Share is based on  the  final
     and  interim dividends of 1.50p (net) in aggregate per  Lopex
     Share in respect of the year ended 31 December 1998

The  formal offer document, listing particulars and a circular  to
holders  of  Incepta Shares setting out details of the  Offer  and
convening  an Extraordinary General Meeting of Incepta to  approve
the Offer will be despatched as soon as practicable.  Shareholders
should read the whole of these documents and should not just  rely
on the information in this announcement.  Application will be made
to  the  London Stock Exchange for the New Incepta  Shares  to  be
admitted to the Official List.

The  Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in  or  into,
and copies of this announcement and any related offering documents
will  not,  and  must  not  be, mailed  or  otherwise  distributed
(including, without limitation, by way of fax, telex or telephone)
or  sent in or into the United States, Canada, Australia or  Japan
and  the Offer will not be capable of acceptance by any such  use,
means  or  facilities or from the United States, Canada, Australia
or  Japan.   Accordingly, copies of this announcement and  related
offering  documentation will not be and must  not  be,  mailed  or
otherwise  distributed  or sent into the  United  States,  Canada,
Australia or Japan.

The New Incepta Shares to be issued pursuant to the Offer have not
been and will not be registered under the United States Securities
Act  1993  (as  amended)  nor under the  securities  laws  of  any
jurisdiction  of the United States nor under any of  the  relevant
securities  laws  of  Canada, Australia  or  Japan.   Accordingly,
unless  an  exemption under the relevant securities laws  of  such
jurisdictions  is  available, the New Incepta Shares  may  not  be
offered, sold or delivered, directly or indirectly, in the  United
States, Canada, Australia or Japan.

Beeson Gregory, which is regulated in the UK by The Securities and
Futures  Authority, is acting for Incepta in connection  with  the
Offer  and no one else and will not be responsible to anyone other
than  Incepta for providing the protections afforded to  customers
of Incepta or for providing advice in relation to the Offer.

For further information contact:

Incepta Group plc
Telephone: 0171 638 9571
Andrew Cornelius
John Rudofsky

Beeson Gregory
Telephone: 0171 488 4040
Nick Rodgers



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