RNS Number : 0447W

Jubilant Energy N.V.

20 December 2013

20 December 2013

Jubilant Energy NV

("Jubilant" or "the Company")

Interim Results for the period ended 30 September 2013

Jubilant Energy N.V, an upstream oil and gas company with assets in major proven and prolific hydrocarbon basins, primarily in India and Myanmar, is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2013.


   --      Two gas discoveries at the Tripura block, North Atharamura-1 (NA-1) exploration well; 
   --      180-200 BOPD oil flow tested at each of the SE-4 and SE-3 wells, Sanand-Miroli block; 
   --      High quality 3D seismic data successfully recorded at the Kharsang field. 

-- Ongoing development of the Deen Dayal West field in the KG offshore block; first commercial gas expected in H1 2014;


-- 338,360 barrels gross oil production (84,590 barrels net to Jubilant) at the Kharsang field during the reporting period including incremental production from the new Phase III extension development drilling programme wells as against 339,626 barrels gross oil production (84,906.5 barrels net to Jubilant) in H1 2012-13;

   --      Oil production commenced in November 2013 from the Sanand Miroli Block; 

-- First gas at the Deen Dayal West field (DDW) in the KG offshore block expected in the near term.


-- All six wells drilled as part of the Kharsang Phase III extension development drilling programme;

-- Seismic processing of 125 lkm 2D data on the Atharamura anticline in the Tripura block completed;

-- HongHua awarded the contract for 2D seismic data acquisition on the Company's Myanmar block; contract for seismic reprocessing also awarded to Quantum Geophysical.


   --      Revenues: USD 8.4 million (H1 2012-13: USD 8.6 million); 

-- Profit from operating activities: USD 4.9 million, increased from USD 2.2 million in H1 2012-13;

   --      Total outstanding debt: remains at USD 425 million as at 30 September 2013; 

-- USD 57 million in cash balance and undrawn facilities for the KG Block available to the Company.


-- Developing a strategy to fast track potential production of first gas from the Kathalchari discovery, Tripura block; DOC approval expected shortly;

   --      Finalising appraisal programme for the North Atharamura discovery, Tripura block; 

-- The recent commencement of oil production from the Sanand Miroli field will be incremental to the Company's net production;

-- Jubilant is funded to carry out its anticipated work programme in the coming year with available cash, undrawn facilities and funding support from the Promoters up to December 2014.

Mr. Shyam Bhartia, Chairman and Mr. Hari Bhartia, Co-Chairman of Jubilant Group commented:

"Throughout 2013 we have continued to focus on our key assets. In terms of production, the Company continues to work closely with the Operator to enhance production at the Kharsang field. Meanwhile, the KG basin continues to be our most significant asset, with first gas expected in H1 2014. The upside development potential of the block has been further enhanced by the recent approval by DGH of the Declaration of Commerciality, covering all the other six discoveries in the block. In addition, the new gas tariff due to be announced by the Government of India is expected to contribute significantly to the value of the DDW gas.

Our exploration programme is also continuing in parallel. We are excited about the recent gas discoveries at the Tripura block and we are currently developing a strategy to fast track first gas at the Kathalchari discovery. In addition, an appraisal program at the North Atharamura discovery is being finalised. The commencement of oil production from the Sanand Miroli field will also have an incremental impact on the Company's net production.

We look forward to further value creation and cost optimisation initiatives in 2014, and we will update the market further over the course of the year."

  Jubilant Energy      Vipul Agarwal                    +91 120 4025700 
 Panmure Gordon      Callum Stewart, Adam James       +44 20 7886 2500 
 College Hill        David Simonson, Anca Spiridon    +44 20 7457 2020 

Competent Person's - Consent for Release

Mr. Ramesh Bhatia -Chief Operating Officer, holds a Master's of Science degree in Applied Petroleum Geology and has over 20 years of experience in the Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production industry. He has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement pursuant to the AIM guidance note for mining and oil and gas companies.

Glossary of abbreviations

 Bopd   Barrels oil per day 
-----  ------------------------------------ 
 DDW    DeenDayal West 
-----  ------------------------------------ 
 DGH    Directorate General of Hydrocarbons 
-----  ------------------------------------ 
 DOC    Declaration of Commerciality 
-----  ------------------------------------ 
 lkm    Line Kilometres 
-----  ------------------------------------ 


 (In thousands of US dollars)                             As at 
                                  Note   30 September    31 March   30 September 
                                                 2013        2013           2012 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
                                         (Unaudited)    (Audited)   (Unaudited) 
 Inventories                                      777         969            926 
 Short-term investments                             -           -          3,688 
 Current tax assets                             1,530       1,719          1,637 
 Trade and other receivables                   26,571      30,380         30,190 
 Other current assets                           1,113         922          3,481 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     18,605      22,607         15,965 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total current assets                          48,596      56,597         55,887 
 Property, plant and equipment     7          199,024     195,971        153,775 
 Intangible exploration 
  and other intangible 
  assets                           8          212,155     224,064        219,178 
 Trade and other receivables                      986       1,057          1,040 
 Other non-current assets                         863       1,683          3,668 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total non-current assets                     413,028     422,775        377,661 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total assets                                 461,624     479,372        433,548 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Issued and paid-up share 
  capital                                       5,581       5,581          5,581 
 Share premium                                105,047     105,047        105,047 
 Retained earnings                          (116,287)   (111,807)      (110,605) 
 Stock options outstanding 
  reserve                                       3,441       6,066         11,962 
 Foreign currency translation 
  reserve                                    (24,766)    (17,323)       (15,651) 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total equity                                (26,984)    (12,436)        (3,666) 
 Loans and borrowings              10          51,973      48,440         20,661 
 Trade and other payables                      21,705      21,557         38,747 
 Current tax liabilities                          445         513            616 
 Other current liabilities                        364         809            768 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total current liabilities                     74,487      71,319         60,792 
 Loans and borrowings              10         389,478     393,945        352,646 
 Employee benefits                                686         673            828 
 Provisions                        13           2,762       2,972          1,451 
 Deferred tax liabilities                      21,085      22,765         21,359 
 Other non-current liabilities                    110         134            138 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total non-current liabilities                414,121     420,489        376,422 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                            488,608     491,808        437,214 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                 461,624     479,372        433,548 
                                        -------------  ----------  ------------- 


 (In thousands of US dollars)                          For the six-months 
                                                           period ended 
                                                           30 September 
                                             Note          2013          2012 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
                                                    (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
 Oil and natural gas revenue                              8,413         8,605 
 Other income                                               649           375 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
                                                          9,062         8,980 
 Production and operating expenses                          887         1,456 
 Personnel costs                                          1,378         1,331 
 Share-based payment (reversal)/ 
  expense                                                 (720)           397 
 Depletion, depreciation and amortisation                 1,214         1,110 
 Impairment loss/(reversal) on 
  intangible exploration assets                              11           (9) 
 Other expenses                                           1,408         2,517 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Results from operating activities                        4,884         2,178 
 Finance income                                             428         2,782 
 Finance expenses                                         8,785         7,075 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Net finance expense                                    (8,357)       (4,293) 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Loss before income taxes                               (3,473)       (2,115) 
 Income tax expense                           15        (2,825)       (3,374) 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Loss for the period                                    (6,298)       (5,489) 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Items that will never be reclassified 
  to profit or loss: 
 Remeasurement of defined benefit 
  liability                                  3(f)          (87)             - 
 Tax on items that will never be                              -             - 
  reclassified to profit or loss 
 Items that are or may be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss: 
 Foreign currency translation difference 
  for foreign operations                                (7,443)         (772) 
 Tax on items that are or may be                              -             - 
  reclassified subsequently to profit 
  or loss 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Other comprehensive loss for the 
  period, net of income tax                             (7,530)         (772) 
 Total comprehensive loss for the 
  period                                               (13,828)       (6,261) 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Loss attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                  (6,298)       (5,489) 
 Total comprehensive income attributable 
 Owners of the Company                                 (13,828)       (6,261) 
 Basic and diluted loss per share 
  (USD)                                                 (0.015)       (0.013) 



                                              Attributable to owners of the Company 
 (In thousands of             Share      Share     Retained       Stock         Foreign       Total 
  US dollars)                 capital    premium    earnings      options       currency      equity 
                                                                outstanding    translation 
                                                                  reserve        reserve 
 Balance as at 1 
  April 2012                    5,581    105,047   (105,909)         12,358       (14,879)     2,198 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
 Loss for the period                -          -     (5,489)              -              -   (5,489) 
 Other comprehensive 
  loss                              -          -           -              -          (772)     (772) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
  period                            -          -     (5,489)              -          (772)   (6,261) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  -------- 
 Transactions with 
  owners of the Company 
  recognised directly 
  in equity 
 Contribution by/to 
  owners of Equity 
 Share-based payment 
 - Transfer to retained 
  earnings for vested 
  share options forfeited 
  during the period                 -          -         793          (793)              -         - 
 - Share-based payment 
  for the period 
  (net)                             -          -           -            397              -       397 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  -------- 
                                    -          -         793          (396)              -       397 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 
  September 2012                5,581    105,047   (110,605)         11,962       (15,651)   (3,666) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  -------- 


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 March 2013

                                              Attributable to owners of the Company 
 (In thousands of             Share      Share     Retained       Stock         Foreign       Total 
  US dollars)                 capital    premium    earnings      options       currency      equity 
                                                                outstanding    translation 
                                                                  reserve        reserve 
 Balance as at 1 
  April 2012                    5,581    105,047   (105,909)         12,358       (14,879)      2,198 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
 Loss for the year                  -          -     (9,704)              -              -    (9,704) 
 Other comprehensive 
  loss                              -          -           -              -        (2,444)    (2,444) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
  year                              -          -     (9,704)              -        (2,444)   (12,148) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Transactions with 
  owners of the Company 
  recognised directly 
  in equity 
 Contribution by/to 
  owners of Equity 
 Share-based payment 
 - Transfer to retained 
  earnings for vested 
  share options forfeited 
  during the year                   -          -       3,806        (3,806)              -          - 
 - Share-based payment 
  expense/ (reversal) 
  for the year (net)                -          -           -        (2,486)              -    (2,486) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
                                    -          -       3,806        (6,292)              -    (2,486) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Balance as at 31 
  March 2013                    5,581    105,047   (111,807)          6,066       (17,323)   (12,436) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 



                                              Attributable to owners of the Company 
 (In thousands of             Share      Share     Retained       Stock         Foreign       Total 
  US dollars)                 capital    premium    earnings      options       currency      equity 
                                                                outstanding    translation 
                                                                  reserve        reserve 
 Balance as at 1 
  April 2013                    5,581    105,047   (111,807)          6,066       (17,323)   (12,436) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
 Loss for the period                -          -     (6,298)              -              -    (6,298) 
 Other comprehensive 
  loss                              -          -        (87)              -        (7,443)    (7,530) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
  period                            -          -     (6,385)              -        (7,443)   (13,828) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Transactions with 
  owners of the Company 
  recognised directly 
  in equity 
 Contribution by/to 
  owners of Equity 
 Share-based payment 
 - Transfer to retained 
  earnings for vested 
  share options forfeited 
  during the period                 -          -       1,905        (1,905)              -          - 
 - Share-based payment 
  for the period 
  (net)                             -          -           -          (720)              -      (720) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
                                    -          -       1,905        (2,625)              -      (720) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Balance as at 30 
  September 2013                5,581    105,047   (116,287)          3,441       (24,766)   (26,984) 
                            ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  -------------  --------- 


 (In thousands of US dollars)                        For the six-month 
                                                        period ended 
                                                        30 September 
                                                        2013          2012 
                                                ------------  ------------ 
                                                 (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss after tax for the period                       (6,298)       (5,489) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depletion and depreciation                            1,116         1,023 
 Amortization of other intangible assets                  98            87 
 Impairment losses on intangible exploration 
  assets                                                  11             - 
 Net finance expenses                                  8,028         3,997 
 Equity-settled share-based payment 
  expense                                              (720)           397 
 Income tax expense                                      593         1,069 
 Deferred tax expense                                  2,232         2,305 
 Loss on sale of property, plant and 
  equipment                                               17             - 
 Change in assets and liabilities, net 
 Change in inventories                                    67          (38) 
 Change in receivables and other assets              (1,579)       (2,205) 
 Change in payables, provisions and 
  other liabilities                                     (30)         (515) 
 Change in employee benefits                              23           222 
                                                ------------  ------------ 
 Cash generated from operating activities              3,558           853 
 Income tax paid, net                                   (11)         (608) 
                                                ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash generated from operating activities          3,547           245 
                                                ------------  ------------ 


(continued from previous page)

 (In thousands of US dollars)                      For the six-month 
                                                      period ended 
                                                      30 September 
                                                      2013          2012 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
                                               (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Interest received                                     754           572 
 Acquisition of property, plant and 
  equipment, intangible exploration assets 
  and other intangible assets                     (24,608)      (33,046) 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                   34             1 
 Change in advances to co-venturers                  1,752       (1,130) 
 Investment in non-trade investments 
  (mutual funds)                                         -      (41,689) 
 Proceeds from disposal of non-trade 
  (mutual funds)                                         -        63,005 
 Investment in term deposits and restricted 
  cash                                             (3,473)       (1,233) 
 Proceeds from disposal of term deposits 
  and restricted cash                                2,919            92 
 Tax paid on interest income                         (627)         (207) 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash used in investing activities            (23,249)      (13,635) 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from loans and borrowings                 44,547             - 
 Payment of debt transaction and share 
  issuance cost                                          -       (1,376) 
 Repayment of loans and borrowings                 (3,398)       (2,755) 
 Interest paid                                    (24,267)      (20,907) 
 Net cash generated from/ (used in) 
  financing activities                              16,882      (25,038) 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents         (2,820)      (38,428) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April               22,607        56,287 
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations              (1,182)       (1,894) 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September          18,605        15,965 
                                              ------------  ------------ 


   1.      Organisation and nature of operations 

Incorporation and history

Jubilant Energy NV ('the Company' or 'JENV') was incorporated on 12 June 2007, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, as a company with limited liability. The registered office of the Company is Orlyplein 10, Floor 24, 1043 DP Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Company is a subsidiary of Jubilant Energy (Holding) B.V. (JEHBV), a Netherlands company, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jubilant Enpro Private Limited ('Jubilant Enpro'), a company incorporated under the laws of India. Trading of the shares of the Company commenced on Alternative Investment Market (AIM), London on

24 November 2010.

The Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Report of the Group as at and for the six-months period ended 30 September 2013 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the 'Group' and individually as 'Group entity') and the Group's proportionate interest in unincorporated joint arrangements.

The Group is engaged in the exploration for and development and production of oil and natural gas. It conducts many of its activities jointly with others. This Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Report reflects only the Group's proportionate interest in such activities.

The list of subsidiaries of the Company along with their principal activity, their respective date of incorporation and country of incorporation is as follows:

 Name of the subsidiary          Principal activity       Date of incorporation   Country of       Ownership 
  companies                                                                        incorporation 
------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Energy International   Oil and natural          28 June 2007            Netherlands      Direct 
  B.V. (JEIBV)                    gas exploration, 
                                  development and 
------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Energy Limited         Investment company       21 September            Canada           Direct 
  (JEL Canada)                    and oil and natural      2004 
                                  gas exploration, 
                                  development and 
------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Energy India           Investment company       4 August                Cyprus           Indirect 
  Holding Limited (JEIHL)         (intermediate holding    2004 
                                  company of JOGIL) 
------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Oil & Gas              Investment company       5 August                Cyprus           Indirect 
  India Holding Limited           (intermediate holding    2004 
  (JOGIHL)                        company of JOGIL) 
------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Resources              Investment company       5 August                Cyprus           Indirect 
  India Holding Limited           (intermediate holding    2004 
  (JRIHL)                         company of JOGIL) 
------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Energy Holding         Investment company       13 May 2005             Cyprus           Indirect 
  (V) Limited (JEHVL)             (intermediate holding 
                                  company of JOGIL) 
------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Name of the subsidiary       Principal activity       Date of incorporation   Country of       Ownership 
  companies                                                                     incorporation 
---------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Oil & Gas           Investment company       5 August                Cyprus           Indirect 
  India Limited (JOGIL)        (intermediate holding    2004 
                               company of JOGPL) 
---------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Offshore            Oil and natural          12 March                India            Indirect 
  Drilling Private             gas exploration,         2004 
  Limited (JODPL)              development and 
---------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Oil & Gas           Oil and natural          4 September             India            Indirect 
  Private Limited (JOGPL)      gas exploration,         1992 
                               development and 
---------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Energy (Kharsang)   Oil and natural          20 January              India            Indirect 
  Private Limited (JEKPL)      gas exploration,         1997 
                               development and 
---------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Jubilant Energy (NELP        Oil and natural          13 March                India            Indirect 
  - V) Private Limited         gas exploration,         2007 
  (JENVPL)                     development and 
---------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  ---------- 

The Group has a 100% controlling interest in all of the subsidiaries except as follows:

- JOGIL holds a 99.99% controlling interest in JODPL, JOGPL and JEKPL as at 30 September 2013 and 31 March 2013.

   -    JOGIL holds a 99.80% controlling interest in JENVPL as at 30 September 2013 and 31 March 2013. 

The Group is a member of eleven unincorporated joint arrangements for the exploration and development of the following blocks:

 Name of blocks               Participating interest 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Kharsang                              25% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Krishna Godavari (KG)                 10% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Tripura                               20% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Manipur (2 blocks)*                   100% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Myanmar**                            77.5% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Ahmedabad (Sanand Miroli)             20% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Golaghat #                            10% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Cauvery # @                           30% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Mehsana # @                           30% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Australia # ***                      38.46% 
---------------------------  ----------------------- 

* Joint arrangement between three subsidiaries (JODPL, JOGPL and JEKPL), hence 100% for the Group as a whole.

** The Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for the block was executed at Nay Pyi Taw on 28 May 2012 between the Group, Parami Energy Development Company Limited (Parami) and Myanmar Oil & Gas Enterprise (MOGE) (an enterprise formed by the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar).

# The Group has already impaired the carrying amounts of the blocks.

@ The Group is in the process of relinquishment of the blocks.

*** Refer note 19.

   2.      Basis of preparation and measurement 
   a)      Statement of compliance 

This condensed consolidated interim financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting. Selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the financial position and performance of the Group since the last annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2013. This condensed consolidated interim financial report does not include all the information required for complete set offinancial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

The Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Report has been authorised for issue by the Board of Directors in its meeting held on 19 December 2013.

   b)      Preparation of Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Report on a going-concern basis 

The Group has incurred significant losses during the six months period ended 30 September 2013 and during the year ended 31 March 2013, and has a negative equity of USD 26,984 thousand and negative working capital of USD 25,891 thousand. The group has obtained from the ultimate parent company - Jubilant Enpro Private Ltd - unequivocal assurance for financial support for continued operations of JENV up to December 2014, should this be required and has prepared the financial statements on a going concern basis. In assessing whether the going-concern assumption is appropriate, the management has taken into consideration the following additional factors:

i) The Group has significant hydro carbon reserves/resources as confirmed in competent person's report.

ii) The Group is working on a range of strategic options for the business and its medium to long term funding.

iii) The Group had, during the year ended 31 March 2013, tied up funding arrangements for the capital expenditure on development of its key asset, viz., KG block.

iv) Kharsang block is a producing block and has a history of profitable operations, generating internal accruals on a consistent basis. Additionally, its key asset, KG block is likely to commence production of hydro carbons in near future, thus there would be additional internal accruals.

v) The Group may approach various financing resources from outside agencies/banks/financial institutions based on the estimates of reserves/resources as evaluated by independent expert.

Based on the above, the management has assessed that going-concern assumption is appropriate.

   3.      Significant accounting policies 

Except as described below, the accounting policies applied by the Group in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2013. The following changes in accounting policies are also expected to be reflected in the group consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ending 31 March 2014:

The Group has adopted the following new standards and amendment to standards, including any consequential amendment to other standards, with a date of initial application from 01 April 2013.

- Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures [see foot note (a)]

- IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in other entities [see foot note (a)]

- IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements [see foot note (b)]

- IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements [see foot note (c)]

- IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement [see foot note (d)]

- Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income (Amendments to IAS 1) [see foot note (e)]

- IAS 19 Employee Benefits (2011) [see foot note (f]

- Annual Improvements to IFRS 2009-2011 Cycle [see foot note (g)]

The nature and the effect of the changes are further explained below:

(a) The adoption of these standards does not have any impact on the condensed interim financial statements of the Group.

(b) As a result of IFRS 10 (2011), the Group has changed its accounting policy for determining whether it has control over and consequently whether it consolidates its investees. IFRS 10 (2011) introduces a new control model that is applicable to all investees, by focusing on whether the Group has power over an investee, exposure or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and ability to use its power to affect those returns. In particular, IFRS 10 (2011) requires the Group consolidate investees that it controls on the basis of de facto circumstances.

In accordance with the transitional provisions of IFRS 10 (2011), the Group reassessed the control conclusion for its investees at 1 April 2013. The change had no significant impact on the condensed interim financial statements of the Group.

(c) As a result of IFRS 11, the Group has changed its accounting policy for its interests in joint arrangements. Under IFRS 11, the Group classifies its interests in joint arrangements as either joint operations or joint ventures depending on the Group's rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities of the arrangements. When making this assessment, the Group considers the structure of the arrangements, the legal form of any separate vehicles, the contractual terms of the arrangements and other facts and circumstances. Previously, the structure of the arrangement was the sole focus of classification.

The Group has evaluated the impact of IFRS 11 on its joint arrangements and has reclassified its jointly controlled assets as joint operations under IFRS 11. IFRS 11 requires the Group to recognise its involvement in a joint operation, its assets, liabilities and transactions including its share as specified in the contractual arrangement. Notwithstanding the reclassification, there is no impact on the recognised assets, liabilities and comprehensive income of the Group.

(d) IFRS 13 establishes a single framework for measuring fair value and making disclosures about fair value measurements, when such measurements are required or permitted by other IFRSs. In particular, it unifies the definition of fair value as the price at which an orderly transaction to sell an asset or to transfer a liability would take place between market participants at the measurement date. It also replaces and expands the disclosure requirements about fair value measurements in other IFRSs, including IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. Some of these disclosures are specifically required in condensed interim financial statements for financial instruments. However, since the Group does not have assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring or non-recurring basis in the statement of financial position after initial recognition, no additional disclosure has been incorporated in the condensed consolidated interim financial report.

In accordance with the transitional provisions of IFRS 13, the Group has applied the new fair value measurement guidance prospectively, and has not provided any comparative information for new disclosures. Notwithstanding the above, the change had no significant impact on the measurements of the Group assets and liabilities.

(e) As a result of the amendments to IAS 1, the Group has modified the presentation of items of other comprehensive income in its condensed statement of comprehensive income, to present separately items that would be reclassified to profit or loss in the future from those that would never be. Comparative information has also been re-presented accordingly.

The adoption of the amendment to IAS 1 has no impact on the recognised assets, liabilities and comprehensive income of the Group.

(f) As a result of IAS 19 (2011), the Group has changed its accounting policy with respect to recognition of actuarial gain and losses/remeasurement related to defined benefit plan.

Under IAS 19 (2011), the Group has adopted the policy of immediately recognizing actuarial gain and loss/remeasurement related to defined benefit liability in other comprehensive income.

Previously, the Group recognized all actuarial gains and losses arising from defined benefit plan in the income statement.

Details of the effect of the change are set below:

 For the six months ended 30 September 2013 
                                                  Effect of changes 
 (In thousands of                                 accounting policies 
 US dollars) 
                                                  Defined benefit 
 Decrease in employee benefit 
  expense                                                          87 
 Overall decrease in loss for 
  the period                                                       87 
 Remeasurements of the defined 
  benefit liability                                              (87) 
 Overall increase in other comprehensive loss 
  for the period                                                 (87) 
 Overall impact on total comprehensive loss                         - 
  for the period 

The Group has adopted IAS19 (2011) with effect from 1 April 2013. Comparative information has not been restated for the changes as the effect of the change in accounting policy is not material .The impact on account of revision in accounting policy is a reduction in loss for the year ended March 2013 by USD 68 thousand (30 September 2012 by USD 155 thousand) and an increase in other comprehensive loss by USD 68 thousand (30 September 2012 by USD 155 thousand).

   (g)       Segment information - amendments to IAS 34 

The Company has only one reportable segment i.e. oil and natural gas. Therefore, this amendment does not have any impact on the condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company

   4.      Estimates 

The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing this condensed consolidated interim financial report, the significant judgments made by the management in applying the Company's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2013.

   5.      Financial risk management 

The Group's financial risk management objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2013.

   6.      Segment reporting 

The Chief Operating Decision Maker analyses the operating results of each of the oil and natural gas assets separately. Since all the oil and natural gas assets have similar characteristics such as nature of production process, nature of products, etc., the Group has aggregated all such oil and natural gas assets, and accordingly, it has only one reportable segment, i.e., oil and natural gas. Hence, no separate segment information has been furnished herewith.

   7.      Property, plant and equipment (including capital work-in progress) 

During the six-months period ended 30 September 2013, the Group has acquired assets with cost (including capitalized borrowing cost (also refer note 9)) of USD 34,153 thousand (30 September 2012: USD 39,735 thousand and 31 March 2013: USD 88,993 thousand).

Movements in property, plant and equipment are as follows:

 (In thousands of US dollars)         For the six-months       For the year 
                                         period ended        ended 31 March 
                                         30 September                  2013 
                                           2013      2012 
 Opening balance as at 1 
  April                                 195,971   117,694           117,694 
 Additions (including borrowing 
  cost and transfer from capital 
  work in progress)                      34,153    39,735            88,993 
 Disposals/adjustments                     (51)       (1)             (106) 
 Transfer from capital work 
  in progress                           (2,749)   (2,505)           (3,182) 
 Depletion/depreciation for 
  the period/ year charged 
  to comprehensive income               (1,116)   (1,023)           (2,095) 
 Depreciation for the period/ 
  year transferred to exploration 
  and evaluation assets (CWIP)              (8)       (9)              (16) 
 Effect of movements in foreign 
  exchange rates                       (27,175)     (116)           (5,318) 
 Closing balance                        199,024   153,775           195,971 
                                    -----------  --------  ---------------- 

During the year ended 31 March 2013, based on the report of an independent expert, the Group made a substantial upward revision in the quantity of proved developed reserves of oil including on account of drilling additional infill and step-out development wells which were drilled under the Phase III drilling programme and the successful work-over activities. The impact of such change has resulted in a decrease in depletion by USD 787 thousand for the six months period ended 30 September 2012.

   8.      Intangible exploration and other intangible assets 
 (In thousands of US dollars)         For the six-months       For the year 
                                         period ended        ended 31 March 
                                         30 September                  2013 
                                           2013      2012 
 Opening balance as at 1 
  April                                 224,064   193,153           193,153 
 Acquisitions                                 3       451               454 
 Internally developed *                  19,698    27,187            40,811 
 Transfers to capital work 
  in progress - PPE                           -         -               212 
 Amortisation for the period/year 
  charged to comprehensive 
  income                                   (98)      (87)             (196) 
 Amortisation for the period/year 
  transferred to exploration 
  and evaluation assets                       -       (4)               (9) 
 Impairment loss                           (11)      (30)           (1,698) 
 Reversal of impairment loss                  -        39                51 
 Effect of movements in foreign 
  exchange rates                       (31,502)   (1,531)           (8,713) 
 Closing balance                        212,155   219,178           224,064 
                                    -----------  --------  ---------------- 

*Represents exploration and evaluation CWIP, which consists of the Group's exploration projects which are pending determination of technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting a mineral resource. Costs under the head 'Internally developed' represent the Group's share of costs incurred on exploration and evaluation assets during the period/year.

   9.      Borrowing cost 

The capitalization rate used to determine the borrowing cost eligible for capitalization in respect of general purpose borrowings is 12.78% p.a. for the six-months period ended 30 September 2013 (30 September 2012: 12.90% p.a.).

Further, the effective rate used to determine the borrowing cost eligible for capitalization in respect of specific purpose borrowings is in the range of 14.20% - 14.30% p.a. for six-months period ended 30 September 2013 (30 September 2012: 14.25% p.a.).

During the six-months period ended 30 September 2013, the Company has allocated borrowing cost of USD 24,709 thousand (30 September 2012: USD 18,127 thousand) to property, plant and equipment/capital work-in progress/ intangible assets, being directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets. The balance borrowing cost of USD 8,456 thousand (30 September 2012: USD 6,784 thousand) has been charged to comprehensive income.

   10.    Loans and borrowings (including accrued interest) 
 (In thousands of US dollars)                          As at 
                                       30 September   31 March   30 September 
                                           2013         2013         2012 
 Financial liabilities at amortised 
 Secured foreign currency term 
  loans                                   91,653       89,811       88,741 
 Secured term loans from banks           280,417      304,818      256,949 
 Unsecured inter corporate deposits 
  from related parties                    43,422       19,506         - 
 12% Redeemable preference shares         25,953       28,240       27,597 
 Others                                         6           10           20 
 Total                                   441,451      442,385      373,307 
                                      -------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Current                                  51,973       48,440       20,661 
 Non-current                             389,478      393,945      352,646 
                                         441,451      442,385      373,307 
                                      -------------  ---------  ------------- 

i. There has been no change in the terms and conditions of the outstanding loans including securities from the financial year ended 31 March 2013 except as detailed below :

Movement during the current period

Secured foreign currency term loans

a) During the period, in relation to the foreign currency term loan of USD 50,000 thousand taken by the Company from Export Import Bank of India ("EXIM"), JEKPL and JODPL signed Indenture of Mortgage in favour of EXIM to create first pari-passu charge over JEKPL's PI in Kharsang and receivables thereof and second and subservient pari-passu charge over JODPL's PI in KG block and receivables thereof.

Secured term loan from banks

a) During the period, in relation to term loan facility amounting to INR 13,400,000 thousand taken by JODPL from State Bank of India (SBI) led consortium of Banks, SBI approved an alternate arrangement of Right of Sale of shares (by way of Project Support Undertaking / non-disposal undertaking and Power of Attorney on the DMAT account) in lieu of Pledge of paid-up shares of JENV held by JEHBV, having market value equivalent to INR 2,000,000 thousands. Approval from other consortium lenders is awaited. The security / arrangement is yet to be created.

During the period, JODPL has further drawn down INR 1,181,900 thousand (equivalent to USD 20,066 thousand) out of the above term loan facility.

b) During the period, in relation to term loan facility amounting to INR 3,250,000 thousand taken by JEKPL from Central Bank of India, JEKPL and JODPL signed Indenture of Mortgage in favour of Central Bank of India to create first pari-passu charge over JEKPL's PI in Kharsang and receivables thereof and second and subservient pari-passu charge over JODPL's PI in KG block and receivables thereof. Further, JENV signed a deed of corporate guarantee in favour of Cenral Bank of India.

Unsecured loans from related parties

a) During the period, JOGPL and JODPL have entered into loan agreements with Jubilant Enpro Private Limited for loans of INR 50,000 thousand (equivalent to USD 797 thousand) and INR 120,000 thousand (equivalent to USD 1,914 thousand) respectively. These loans would be repayable after a period of 3 years from the date of first disbursement of the loan. The loans are at the interest rate of 15% per annum, payable quarterly.

As of 30 September 2013, JOGPL and JODPL has drawn down INR 50,000 thousand (equivalent to USD 797 thousand) and INR 120,000 thousand (equivalent to USD 1,914 thousand) respectively from Jubilant Enpro Private limited.

b) During the period, JODPL has entered into a loan agreement with Tower Promoters Private Limited for loan of INR 300,000 thousand (equivalent to USD 4,785 thousand). This loan is repayable after a period of 3 years from the date of first disbursement of the loan. The loan is at the interest rate of 15.5% per annum, payable within 30 days of the end of financial year.

As of 30 September 2013, JODPL has drawn down INR 300,000 thousand (equivalent to USD 4,785 thousand) from Tower Promoters Private limited.

c) During the period, JENV has entered into a loan agreement with JEHBV for a loan of USD 2,500 thousand. The loan is for a period of 3 years at an interest rate of 6 month USD LIBOR plus 300 bps, payable quarterly.

As of 30 September 2013, JENV has drawn down USD 2,500 thousand from JEHBV.

d) During the year ended 31 March 2013 and period ended 30 September 2013, JOGIL has entered into loan agreements with JEHBV for an amount aggregating to USD 20,000 thousand. The loans are for a period of 3 years at an interest rate of 6 month USD LIBOR plus 300 bps, payable quarterly.

As of 30 September 2013, JOGIL has drawn down USD 14,000 thousand from JEHBV.

ii. There has been no change in Non-fund based facility from the financial year ended 31 March 2013.

   11.    Employee benefits 

The Group's provident fund scheme is a defined contribution plan. The Group's gratuity scheme is a defined benefit plan. Gratuity is paid as a lump sum amount to employees at retirement or termination of employment at an amount based on the respective employee's eligible salary and the years of employment with the Group. The Group has made provision for gratuity on the basis of actuarial valuation.

   12.    Share-based payment plans 

In January 2010, the Group had established a share option programme that entitles share options of the Company to all employees of the Group and others providing similar services under the Stock Option Plan. All the options would vest in four staggered installments on an annual basis over a four-year period. In general, the options are exercisable in accordance with the vesting schedule over a period of four years beginning from the date of vesting.

The Board of Directors, at its meeting held in November 2010, approved the modification in the terms and conditions of the Stock Option Plan and also decided to increase the reserved number of ordinary shares of JENV from 15,304,586 to 17,671,098 (face value of EUR 0.01 each).

As a part of modification, the exercise price of the option was reduced to GBP 0.696 (equivalent to USD 1.12) per share and the vesting period was changed to start from 1 April 2010 onwards. Further, in the same board meeting, the Group granted further options for 4,225,680 shares and 667,843 shares to the employees with the vesting period commencing from 1 April 2010 and 15 October 2010 respectively.

During the year ended 31 March 2012, the Group further granted options for 100,000 shares with the vesting period commencing from 01 April 2011.

The Group has adopted Black-Scholes Model to measure the fair value of the option by taking into account the terms and conditions upon which the options were granted.

A. Charge to the Statement of Comprehensive Income towards equity-settled share-based payments and the movement in share-based compensation reserve is as given below.

                                    For the six-months         For the 
                                           period           year ended 
                                     ended 30 September       31 March 
 (In thousands of US dollars)            2013       2012 
 Balance at the beginning 
  of the period/ year                   6,066     12,358        12,358 
 Add: Share-based payment 
  expense/(reversal) for the 
  period/year (net) *                   (720)        397       (2,486) 
 Less: Transfer to retained 
  earnings for share options 
  forefeited during the period/ 
  year *                              (1,905)      (793)       (3,806) 
 Balance at the end of the 
  period/year                           3,441     11,962         6,066 
                                  -----------  ---------  ------------ 

* Refer footnote (c).

   B.     Movement in the share options outstanding 
                                     For the six-months 
                                  period ended 30 September 
                                  Number of       Weighted 
                                   options         average 
                                                  (USD per 
 Balance at the beginning of 
  the period                        8,139,979           1.12 
 Granted during the period                  -              - 
 Exercised during the period                -              - 
 Forfeited/lapsed during the 
  (refer to Footnote a)             (589,323)           1.12 
 Balance at the end of the 
  period                            7,550,656           1.12 
                               --------------  ------------- 
 Exercisable at the end of 
  the period                        5,131,062           1.12 
                                     For the six-months 
                                  period ended 30 September 
                                  Number of       Weighted 
                                    options        average 
                                                  (USD per 
 Balance at the beginning 
  of the period                     16,109,874          1.12 
 Granted during the period                   -             - 
 Exercised during the period                 -             - 
 Forfeited/lapsed during the 
  (refer to Footnote a)            (1,645,485)          1.12 
 Balance at the end of the 
  period                            14,464,389          1.12 
                               ---------------  ------------ 
 Exercisable at the end of 
  the period                         5,659,431          1.12 


a) The options have lapsed due to the employees leaving the services during the period ended 30 September

2013 and    30 September 2012. 
   b)    The Group has assumed 5% attrition rate per annum. 

c) Subsequent to 30 September 2013, the Group has forfeited 2,094,337 options due to voluntary resignation of employees. The current period reversal includes the impact of the above forfeiture.

The Group had estimated the volatility in the share price based on the standard deviation of the natural

logarithm of returns over the period in the share prices of the companies comparable with the Group.

Estimated remaining contractual life of the options as at 30 September 2013 is 4.53 years [30 September 2012 : 5.53 years and 31 March 2013 : 5.04 years]

   13.    Provisions 
 (In thousands of US dollars)           Site restoration 
 Balance as at 1 April 2012                        1,332 
 Provisions made during the period                    46 
 Unwinding of discount                                62 
 Revisions (change in estimate)                       23 
 Effect of movements in foreign 
  exchange rates                                    (12) 
 Balance as at 30 September 2012                   1,451 
 Balance as at 1 April 2012                        1,332 
 Provisions made during the year                   1,071 
 Provisions reversed/utilised during 
  the year                                            43 
 Unwinding of discount                               240 
 Revisions (change in estimate)                      343 
 Effect of movements in foreign 
  exchange rates                                    (57) 
 Balance as at 31 March 2013                       2,972 
 Balance as at 1 April 2013                        2,972 
 Provisions made during the period                   133 
 Provisions reversed/(utilised) 
  during the period                                 (71) 
 Unwinding of discount                               131 
 Revisions (change in estimate)                        - 
 Effect of movements in foreign 
  exchange rates                                   (403) 
 Balance as at 30 September 2013                   2,762 

The Group's site restoration obligations arise from its ownership interest in oil and natural gas assets.

The total future site restoration obligation is estimated based on the Group's net ownership interest in all wells and facilities, estimated costs to reclaim and abandon these wells and facilities and the estimated timing of the costs to be incurred in future years. The Group has estimated the net present value of its total site restoration obligation based on an undiscounted total future liability. The majority of costs are expected to be incurred within a period of next 25 years. The estimation is based on existing technology of site restoration of the Group's oil and natural gas fields and production facilities.

   14.    Operating leases 

The Group had taken office premises and various residential premises under operating lease arrangements. The leases were cancellable at the option of the Group. Rental expenses under these leases for the six-months period ended 30 September 2013 amounted to USD 7 thousand (net of expenses recovered USD 1 thousand) [30 September 2012: USD 8 thousand (net of expenses recovered USD 13 thousand)].

The Group had also taken additional office premises on operating lease. The lease term was for a non-cancellable period of five years, renewable for a further period of four years at the mutual agreement of both the parties. Rental expense under this lease for the six months period ended 30 September 2013 amounted to USD 49 thousand (net of expenses recovered USD 97 thousand) [30 September 2012: USD 67 thousand (net of expenses recovered USD 108 thousand)].

Non-cancellable operating lease rentals are payable as follows:

 (In thousands of US dollars)              As at 
                                 30 September    31 March    30 September 
                                      2013          2013         2012 
 Less than one year                    -             -            46 
 Between one and five years            -             -            - 
 Total                                 -             -            46 
                                --------------  ----------  ------------- 
   15.    Income tax expense 

Income tax expense is recognised based on Management's best estimate of the weighted average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year applied to the pre-tax income of the interim period.

Effective tax reconciliation:

 (In thousands of US dollars)              For the six-months 
                                             period ended 30 
                                               2013       2012 
 Loss for the period                        (6,298)    (5,489) 
 Total income tax expense                     2,825      3,374 
 Loss before income taxes                   (3,473)    (2,115) 
                                         ----------  --------- 
 Income tax using enacted tax rate            (367)      (277) 
 Impact of change in tax laws/tax              (60)          - 
  rate on current tax 
 Effect of higher tax rate on capital 
  items                                          28       (32) 
 Foreign exchange                              (10)       (46) 
 Non-taxable income                           (235)       (90) 
 Non-deductible expenses                        339        698 
 Change in unrecognised tax losses            3,115      3,053 
 Others                                          15         68 
 Total income tax expense recognised 
  in Statement of Comprehensive Income        2,825      3,374 
                                         ----------  --------- 
   16.    Related parties 
   (a)   Related parties and nature of relationships where control exists 
 Relationship                Name of related parties 
  Ultimate holding company   Jubilant Enpro Private 
  Holding company            Jubilant Energy Holding 

(b) Related parties and nature of relationships where transactions have taken place during the period

     Relationship                          Name of related parties 
     Fellow subsidiary                            1) Western Drilling Contractors Private 
                                                   2) Enpro Oil Private Limited 
     Enterprises that are directly               1) Jubilant Securities Private Limited 
      or indirectly under the control             2) Jubilant Capital Private Limited 
      or significant influence of                 3) Jubilant Life Science Limited 
      key management personnel                    4) Tower Promoters Private Limited 
     Joint venture of the ultimate                    Geo Enpro Petroleum Limited 
      holding company 
            (c) Key management personnel         1) Shyam S Bhartia (Promoter and Director) 
                                                  2) Hari S Bhartia (Promoter and Director) 
                                                 3) Sir Robert Paul Reid 
                                                 4) Arun Kumar Duggal 
                                                 5) Dr. Andrew William Wood 
                                                  6) Shahzaad S Dalal 
                                                  7) Radhey Shyam Sharma (appointed w.e.f. 
                                                  21 March 2013) 
                                                  8) Ajay Khandelwal (resigned w.e.f. 7 
                                                  February 2013) 
                                                  9) Rakesh Jain (appointed w.e.f 12 August 
                                                 10) Vipul Agarwal 
                                                 11) Ramesh Bhatia 
                                                 12) Apoorva Ranjan (resigned w.e.f. 12 
                                                  October 2012) 
                                                  13) Premanand Mishra (appointed w.e.f. 
                                                  12 October 2012) 
                                                  14) Anil Mathur (appointed w.e.f. 17 
                                                  December 2012) 
                                                  15) Sandeep Budhiraja (resigned w.e.f. 
                                                  26 September 2013) 
   (a)   Related party transactions 
 Particulars                           Ultimate           Holding company        Joint venture 
                                    holding company                             of the ultimate 
                                                                                holding company 
 (In thousands of                  For the six-month     For the six-month     For the six-month 
  US dollars)                         period ended          period ended          period ended 
                                      30 September          30 September          30 September 
                                    2013       2012        2013       2012      2013       2012 
                                 ---------  ---------  -----------  -------  ---------  --------- 
 (i)    Transactions 
  Loans taken                      2,886        -         16,500       -         -          - 
  Share of joint 
   operative expenditure 
   paid                              -          -           -          -       4,665      4,686 
  Expenses incurred 
   by the Group 
   on their behalf                   -          -           -          36       335        317 
  Bank charges 
   and guarantee 
   commission                       251        251          -          -         -          - 
  Expenses incurred 
   on behalf of 
   the Group                         2          7           -          -       4,774      4,698 
  Interest on 
   redeemable preference 
   shares                          1,568      1,507         -          -         -          - 
  Interest expense 
   on inter corporate 
   deposits                         506         -          384         -         -          - 
                                Ultimate holding                 Holding company                 Joint venture of 
                                     company                                                    the ultimate holding 
 (ii)    Balances                    As at                            As at                            As at 
                            30         31        30          30         31        30          30        31        30 
                         September    March   September   September    March   September   September   March   September 
                           2013       2013      2012        2013       2013      2012        2013      2013      2012 
                        ----------  -------  ----------  ----------  -------  ----------  ----------  ------  ---------- 
  Trade and other 
   (loans and 
   recoverable)              -         -         695          -         -          -          122       313       112 
  Loans and borrowings 
   including interest 
   payable (unsecured 
   deposits)               7,741     5,309        -        29,831     13,071                   -         - 
  Trade and other 
   payables (sundry 
   creditors)               251       511        492         270       332        365         87         - 
   shares                 25,953     28,240    27,597         -         -          -           -         - 
 Particulars                              Fellow subsidiary                      Enterprises that 
                                                                                    are directly 
                                                                                   or indirectly 
                                                                                 under the control 
                                                                                   or significant 
                                                                                    influence of 
                                                                                   key management 
 (In thousands of US                      For the six-month                      For the six-month 
  dollars)                                   period ended                           period ended 
                                             30 September                           30 September 
                                            2013        2012                       2013        2012 
                                       -------------  -------                 -------------  ------- 
 (i)     Transactions 
         Loans taken                         -           -                        5,094         - 
         Expenses incurred                   -           -                          50          - 
          on behalf of the Group 
         Expenses incurred                  132          -                          -           - 
          by the Group on their 
  Interest expense on 
   inter corporate deposits                  77          -                          30          - 
                                                 Fellow subsidiary                     Enterprises that are 
                                                                                      directly or indirectly 
                                                                                       under the control or 
                                                                                       significant influence 
                                                                                    of key management personnel 
 (ii)    Balances outstanding                          As at                                  As at 
                                        30 September     31     30 September   30 September     31     30 September 
                                            2013        March       2012           2013        March       2012 
                                                        2013                                   2013 
                                       -------------  -------  -------------  -------------  -------  ------------- 
  Trade and other receivables 
   (loans and advances 
   recoverable)                             125          2           2            10,427      12,024      12,415 
         Trade and other payables            -           -           -              47          -           - 
          (sundry creditors) 
  Loans and borrowings 
   including interest 
   payable (unsecured 
   interoperate deposits)                  1,041       1,126         -            4,810         -           - 
                                       -------------  -------  -------------  -------------  -------  ------------- 
   (b)     Key management personnel compensation* 

The key management personnel compensation (net of reimbursements) is as follows:

 (In thousands of US          For the six-months 
  dollars)                      period ended 30 
                               2013       2012 
 Short-term employee 
  benefits                     529         634 
 Post-employment benefits       19         17 
 Share-based payment 
  expense                       23         524 
 Directors' fee                100         60 
                            ---------  ---------- 
 Total                         671        1,235 
                            ---------  ---------- 

* Provision for defined benefit obligation and other long-term employee benefits has not been considered, since the provisions are based on actuarial valuations for the Group's entities as a whole.

(c) There is no change in guarantees/securities given by related parties in respect of performance of blocks/loans taken by the Group as compared to 31 March 2013, except for the following:

   i.      With regard to loans refer to note 10. 
   17.    Capital commitments 

In accordance with the terms of the production sharing contracts entered into by the Group along with other consortium partners with the Government of India in respect of oil and natural gas fields/blocks, the Group has certain minimum exploration and development commitments with estimated expenditure of USD 785 thousand as at 30 September 2013

(31 March 2013: USD 2,723 thousand and 30 September 2012: USD 269 thousand). Capital commitments are identified based on the contracts entered into with the suppliers/service providers.

The Group has continuing commitments towards minimum work programmes, etc., in terms of production sharing contracts for various oil and natural gas assets. Such commitments aggregate to USD 95,884 thousand as at 30 September 2013 (31 March 2013: USD 115,154 thousand and 30 September 2012: USD 125,727 thousand).

   18.    Contingencies 

There are no significant changes in the contingencies disclosed in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2013 except for the following matter:

Jubilant Energy Kharsang Private Limited (JEKPL):

- The Operator had entered into a contract with C.A.T. Geodata GmbH (CAT) for acquisition, processing and interpretation (API) of 3D seismic data of Kharsang Oil Field area during the financial year 2011-12. On repeated failure of CAT to perform its contractual obligations, the Operator terminated the contract and encashed the unconditional performance Bank Guarantee of USD 524 thousand (JEKPL's share USD 131 thousand). During the year 2012-13, CAT filed an Arbitration Petition before Hon'ble Supreme Court for appointment of Sole Arbitrator to resolve the dispute and claimed return of Bank Guarantee of USD 524 thousand (JEKPL's share USD 131 thousand), payment for unpaid Invoice of USD 57 thousand (JEKPL's share USD 14 thousand) and direct operational expenses of USD 2,487 thousand (JEKPL's share USD 622 thousand). Disposing of the Arbitration Petition, Hon'ble Supreme Court has appointed the Sole Arbitrator to resolve the dispute.

During the period ended 30 September 2013, the Sole Arbitrator passed a procedural order inter-alia issued certain directions with respect to filing of pleadings by the parties. The Operator has filed its Statement of Defense along with counter claim of USD 864 thousand (JEKPL's share USD 216 thousand). CAT filed their reply and the operator filed rejoinder to its counter claim. Pending resolution, the Operator has not acknowledged and accounted for the claim amounting to USD 3,068 thousand (JEKPL's share USD 767 thousand) plus interest as liability. The Operator is of the belief that its position is likely to be upheld. Therefore, no provision for the same has been made in the books of account.

19. During the period ended 30 September 2013, in respect of T-47/P permit in Australia, the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator ("NOPTA") had given its consent to the title holders to the block to enter into a Good Standing Agreement ("GSA") before 31 May 2013 in relation to the unfinished third year work program. The Group has decided not to enter into a GSA with NOPTA. Subsequent to the period end, the permit has been cancelled by NOPTA. This has no financial implication.

   20.    Events occurring after the balance sheet date 

Subsequent to the period ended 30 September 2013, as a part of rationalization of its Group Structure, the Group has approved the voluntary dissolution of its wholly owned subsidiary, Jubilant Energy Limited, Canada after which the JENV will be directly holding 100% shares in JEIHL, JOGIHL, JRIHL and JEHVL.

   21.    Foreign currency translation 

The Group has converted Indian Rupees ('INR') balances to 'USD' equivalent balances on the following basis:

-- For conversion of all assets and liabilities, other than equity, as at the reporting dates, the exchange rates prevailing as at the reporting date have been used, which are as follows:

   -      as at 30 September 2013: USD 1 = INR 62.70 
   -      as at 31 March 2013: USD 1 = INR 54.36 
   -      as at 30 September 2012: USD 1 = INR 52.65 

-- For conversion of all expenses and income on statement of comprehensive income and the cash flow statement, for the respective periods, periodic average exchange rates have been used, which are as follows:

   -      For the six months ended 30 September 2013: USD 1 = INR 58.90 
   -      For the six months ended 30 September 2012: USD 1 = INR 54.70 

This information is provided by RNS

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