RNS Number : 1455B

Jupiter Second Split Trust PLC

27 February 2014

Jupiter Second Split Trust PLC

Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 October 2013

The following is an extract from the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2013.

Chairman's statement

In the 12 months to 31 October 2013, your Company's total assets less current liabilities decreased by 0.5 per cent. This compares with a return of 0.5 per cent. for your Company's Benchmark index, 3 month sterling LIBOR.

The geared split capital structure of the Company resulting from the prior entitlement of the Zero Dividend Preference shares meant that the Net Asset Value of the Company's Geared Ordinary shares decreased by 14.6 per cent. during the period under review. The Packaged Units are not geared by the Company's split capital structure since they each comprise one Geared Ordinary share and two Zero Dividend Preference shares (the rights of which balance one another).

The Net Asset Value of the Packaged Units decreased in line with the Company's total assets by 0.5 per cent. over the period under review to 107.55p per Packaged Unit. The Net Asset Value of the Zero Dividend Preference shares increased by 6.9 per cent. to 37.88p over the period under review. Revenues after tax for the year to 31 October 2013 amounted to GBP1.76 million representing 0.81p per Geared Ordinary share (compared to GBP1.16 million for the same period last year).


A dividend was declared on 17 December 2013 of 0.80p per Geared Ordinary share. This was paid on 31 January 2014 to the Geared Ordinary shareholders (and to the holders of the Geared Ordinary shares within the Company's Packaged Units) that appeared on the Company's register at the close of business on 3 January 2014.

The Company's longer term track record

The Board is aware that the Company's performance in the shorter term has been disappointing, albeit that the investment portfolio has been managed to an absolute return objective with a LIBOR (cash) benchmark since the Company's reconstruction in 2009. The following longer term information about the Company's performance since its launch in 2004 through to the end of the financial period under review, 31 October 2013, may be of interest for its longer term shareholders.

An investor in the Company's Geared Growth shares (as they were then known) who had rolled over their shares into the current Geared Ordinary shares in 2009 would have had a net asset value for their holding of GBP1,413 for each GBP1,000 originally invested. They would also have received a total of GBP3.25p in dividends (net) during the course of their investment.

An investor in the Company's Zero Dividend Preference shares at launch who had rolled over into the current Zero Dividend Preference shares would have had a net asset value for their holding of GBP1,771 for each GBP1,000 originally invested. Holders of Zero Dividend Preference shares are not entitled to dividends.

An investor in the Company's ungeared packaged units at launch who had rolled over into the current packaged units in 2009 would have had a net asset value for their holding of GBP1,644 for each GBP1,000 originally invested. They would also have received a total of GBP3.25p in dividends (net) during the course of their investment.

Philip Gibbs' retirement and appointment of Miles Geldard

During the period, Philip Gibbs announced his intention to retire from his role as portfolio manager of the Company, effective from 31 October 2013. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank him for his efforts during this time.

In his place, Jupiter Asset Management Limited has appointed Miles Geldard as the portfolio manager of the Company. Miles, who has 30 years' investment experience, is head of the fixed interest/multi-asset team at Jupiter and jointly manages the Jupiter Strategic Total Return Fund (a Luxembourg SICAV), the Jupiter Global Convertibles Fund (a Luxembourg SICAV) and the Jupiter Strategic Reserve Fund (a UK Unit Trust), alongside Lee Manzi. We are pleased to welcome Miles as portfolio manager of the Company.

End of Life

The Company has a planned life to 31 October 2014, whereupon holders of both Geared Ordinary and Zero Dividend Preference shares have an entitlement under the Company's Articles to redeem their holdings for cash. Further details of the entitlements of each class of shareholders are set out in the section of the Annual Report entitled 'Capital Structure'.

Hurdle rates between now and the end of the Company's planned life

Between now and the end of the Company's planned life on 31 October 2014, the Investment Manager estimates that the Company's investment portfolio (total assets) would need to grow by approximately 7.0 per cent. (annualised, after meeting the cost of the accruing entitlements of the Company's Zero Dividend Preference Shareholders and the operating expenses of the Company) in order for the Company's Geared Ordinary shareholders to expect a final entitlement on that date equal to their Net Asset Value, as at 29 January 2014, of 30.48p. The Company's investment portfolio would need to grow by approximately 0.4 per cent. on the same annualised basis, in order for the Company's Geared Ordinary shareholders to expect a final entitlement on that date equal to their closing middle market price, as at [29] January 2014, of 25.00p. These hurdles should be considered in the context of the benchmark for the management of the Company's investment portfolio, being the return on cash (3 month LIBOR).

The hurdle rates refer to capital growth only and do not take into account any further dividend payable to Geared Ordinary shareholders which may be declared between now and 31 October 2014 of income.

Reconstruction proposals

Detailed proposals for the continuation or reconstruction of the Company and information about the arrangements for shareholders wishing to either cash in their investment at the end of the Company's planned life on 31 October 2014 or to continue or 'roll over' their investment in a UK capital gains tax efficient manner have yet to be formulated. The directors are considering various options and proposals are expected to be announced later in the year. A circular will be sent to all shareholders in due course containing full details of the proposals. All shareholders will, in any event, be given an opportunity to elect for cash should they wish to conclude their investment in the Company on 31 October 2014 rather than roll over.

Since any proposals for the continuation or reconstruction of the Company will necessarily require the prior approval of Shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting there can be no guarantee, at this stage, that any such proposals will be implemented. This is reflected in the comments in Note 1 to these accounts which relate to the going concern basis on which these accounts have been prepared.


Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive

The Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive ("AIFMD") is a European Union Directive creating a European wide framework for the regulation of managers of Alternative Investment Funds ("AlF"), of which investment trusts are included. The AIFMD was implemented on 22 July 2013 with a one year transitional period for UK registered AIF's. The Directive requires all AIF's to appoint an Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM"). The Board is in the process of making the necessary arrangements to appoint Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited as AIFM to the Company and seek the requisite authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority prior to the end of the transitional period being 22 July 2014. The Board is also finalising negotiations to appoint a depository to the Company. Shareholders can be assured that the Board will endeavour to keep any additional operational costs to a minimum.

New reporting requirements

As a result of recent legislative changes to reporting requirements, shareholders will note that a number of changes have been made to this year's Annual Report & Accounts. These include the provision of new Strategic Report and Directors' Remuneration Policy as well as an updated Directors' Remuneration Report. The new Strategic Report as set out on pages 8 to 14 of the Annual Report replaces the Business Review and is designed to enhance shareholders ability to assess how the directors have performed their duty to promote the success of the Company over the year. The new Directors' Remuneration Policy ("DRP") can be found on page 25 of the Annual Report, in essence, the DRP sets out the remuneration policy that will be adhered to by the Company for the next three years. In addition to shareholders being asked to approve the Directors' Remuneration Report (Resolution 2) at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, shareholders will also be asked to approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy (Resolution 3).

Annual General Meeting

The Company's Annual General Meeting ("AGM")will be held on Wednesday 2 April 2014 at the offices of Jupiter Asset Management Limited, 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ. Notice of the AGM, containing full details of the business to be conducted at the meeting, is set out on pages 53 to 55. In addition to the formal business, the Investment Manager will provide a short presentation to shareholders on the performance of the Company over the past year as well as an outlook for the future. The Board would welcome your attendance at the AGM as it provides shareholders with an opportunity to ask questions of the Board and Investment Manager.


I recommend the manager's review in which Miles reflects on the events that drove markets in the 12 months to 31 October. The policy of holding long positions in US stock indices against a short position in the euro generated positive returns. Corporate bond holdings benefited from tightening credit spreads in the early part of the year, but also saw some losses. In the whipsawing markets generated by the fluctuating outlook for monetary policy, markets' initial fear of tapering had a negative effect on returns. The Company ended the period with a modest loss overall. Philip wound down a number of positions towards the end of September in order to allow Miles to implement his own strategy for the Company. Miles combines value-driven security selection with strategic asset allocation based on macroeconomic analysis, with a particular focus on reducing volatility and preserving capital. This seems an approach particularly suited to the uncertain times in which we continue to find ourselves.

Gordon Campbell


27 February 2014

Investment Manager's Review

For the year to 31 October 2013 the value of the Company's total assets decreased by 0.5 per cent. compared to a gain of 0.5 per cent. for its benchmark, the 3 month Sterling LIBOR Index. From the Company's reconstruction on 3 November 2009 to 30 October 2013, the value of total assets has increased by 9.3 per cent. compared to a 2.8 per cent. return for the benchmark.

Market review

"The Great Reflation" experiment by central bankers in the US and Japan underpinned some sizeable returns in equity markets during the period under review.

The Federal Reserve's "open-ended" asset purchase programme set the tone early in the period. The US central bank broke from orthodoxy when it decided to target a reduction of the unemployment rate to about 6.5 per cent., even if this came at the risk of above-target inflation. Then, in April the Bank of Japan folded to the policy agenda of newly-elected Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by announcing a massive quantitative easing programme with the aim of driving inflation up to 2 per cent. through the injection of some Yen140tn into the country's money supply over the following two years. The news from Japan led to a surge in the domestic stock market and buoyed stock markets around the world. Meanwhile, the yen plummeted and bond markets in emerging markets and Europe were bid up on expectation that cash would flee Japan in a hunt for yield.

The frothy conditions proved to be short lived, however. The Federal Reserve's Chairman Ben Bernanke neutralised the market's revelry when he revealed that the central bank would consider tapering its quantitative easing programme as soon as September. The prospect of a shift in Fed policy led to quite a dramatic change in mood, especially in bond markets where US Treasury bonds sold off sharply and investors became concerned about the end of the thirty year bull market. So severe was the rout in US treasury bonds, it appeared that the Fed might lose control of yields to the potential detriment of the US economic recovery. The associated sell-off in emerging market stocks, bonds and currencies was particularly punishing. It therefore came as some surprise when the Fed decided not to taper its programme in September, although some commentators wondered if the fraught negotiations surrounding the US fiscal debt ceiling might have influenced the decision. Nevertheless, the resolution to the debt ceiling debate (for the time being, at least) and the prospect of easy Fed policy into 2014 led to a spike in asset prices at the end of the period.

In terms of global economic activity, it was a mixed picture. The UK recovery was a bright spot, while parts of the eurozone saw pockets of recovery towards the end of the period. The US economy continued to recover, although data was mixed in the summer months, while some of the major emerging markets economies experienced cyclical weakness and pressures associated with higher borrowing costs and weaker currencies. At a time when authorities in China were attempting to curb speculation in the shadow banking system, the local economy appeared to be particularly at risk.

Policy review

In the first half of the period, Philip's strategy of holding long positions in US stock indices against a short position in the euro added value to the Company. This was an expression of his views about the divergent economic prospects of the US and eurozone economic regions. Elsewhere, the Company's long corporate bond holdings benefited from the tightening of credit spreads that followed the Bank of Japan's announcement in April. However, Ben Bernanke's statement in May had a largely negative effect on several of the portfolio's key markets, which resulted in a modest drop in the Company's asset value. The depreciation in the value of the Norwegian krone against the euro was an impediment to growth, as were losses in corporate bonds, Australian government bonds and US stock indices. The Company benefited from the Fed's decision not to taper QE in September and ended the period with a modest loss overall.

In anticipation of his retirement at the end of October, Philip wound down several positions, leaving the portfolio with a significant amount of cash. Much of this cash is held as collateral against the Company's derivative investment positions, which represent a significant proportion of the Company's market exposure.


Rebuilding confidence in the financial system and kick-starting economies after the worst financial crisis of our times has required extraordinary monetary activism. Weaning investors and borrowers off central bank largesse is a delicate balancing act; everyone knows this abnormal situation cannot last indefinitely but a considerable difference of opinion remains about how long the process will take. The IMF said the normalisation of US monetary policy would be 'unprecedented and complex' and pointed out that containing longer-term interest rates and market volatility had already proven to be a substantial challenge. This process could leave emerging market debt particularly vulnerable as global capital flows would revert to the dollar.

In Japan, the Abe administration's efforts to lift the country out of deflation by creating asset inflation and higher wages continues and, in our view, could transform the landscape for Japan, which is where we have our largest exposure to shares.

Angela Merkel is no Shinzo Abe and the severe structural problems in the eurozone have yet to be addressed. We think that the disparity between the deteriorating fundamentals in France and the optimistic pricing of its government bonds has yet to be recognised by the market and offers an investment opportunity.

Miles Geldard

Fund Manager

Jupiter Asset Management Limited

27 February 2014

Investment Objective

The objective of the Company is to achieve absolute returns. The Company aims to provide Geared Ordinary shareholders with capital growth, with income as a secondary objective and to provide Zero Dividend Preference shareholders with a predetermined final capital entitlement on the Winding-Up Date.

Investment Policy

The investment policy of the Company is to invest in listed equities and equity related securities (such as convertible securities, preference shares, convertible unsecured loan stock, warrants and other similar securities).

The Investment Manager ('Jupiter Asset Management Limited') is not limited in the asset allocation of the Company's investment portfolio between sectors, geographic regions or the types of equities and equity related securities in which the Company may invest, but instead the Investment Manager considers each potential investment on its own merits. The Investment Manager focuses on the sectors that he considers to be the most undervalued areas of the market from time to time and the allocation of assets between different sectors will be determined by the Investment Manager in its absolute discretion.

In addition to equities, and equity related securities (including derivatives), the types of investment and assets in which the property of the Company may be invested include cash, near cash, fixed interest securities, currency exchange transactions, index linked securities, money market instruments (MMIs) and deposits.

These instruments may be used for the purposes of both efficient portfolio management* and, when it is considered to be appropriate for investment purposes by the Investment Manager and the Board, to adopt an investment strategy aimed at achieving positive returns across market cycles with low levels of volatility. This strategy will seek to take advantage of specific macroeconomic circumstances and market pricing anomalies.

At times the portfolio may be concentrated in any one or a combination of such assets and as well as holding physical long positions the Investment Manager may create synthetic long and short positions through the use of equity related securities.

The Investment Manager will seek to limit volatility through diversified portfolio holdings and sector exposures, active management of the Company's net and gross portfolio exposure to the market, and through the use of derivatives.

The Company's investment portfolio is focused on companies where, in the opinion of the Investment Manager, valuations are low and growth in earnings or assets is not fully appreciated. The Investment Manager seeks to identify companies within growth industries which enjoy certain key characteristics, including an imaginative, proven and incentivised management team and balance sheet strength.

The Company manages an adequate spread of investment risk, with no one investment making up more than 15% of the Total Assets of the Company at the time of investment.

The Board has not set an objective of a specific Portfolio Yield for the Company and the level of such yield is expected to vary with the sectors and geographical regions to which the company's portfolio is exposed at any given time. However, substantially all distributable revenues that are generated from the Company's investment portfolio are expected to be paid out in the form of annual dividends.

It is the Company's stated policy that not more than 10%, in aggregate, of Total Assets may be invested in other UK investment companies unless such companies have stated investment policies to invest no more than 15% of the Total Assets in other UK listed investment companies (including listed investment trusts).

The Company may make use of short-term borrowings such as an overdraft facility for liquidity and investment purposes in order to gear the returns on the Company's investment portfolio but in any event borrowings will not exceed, at any one time, 25% of Total Assets without shareholder approval by ordinary resolution.

The Company may also hedge currency exposures. The Company may also purchase unlisted securities (up to a maximum of 5% of Total Assets).

Any material change in the investment policy of the Company described above may only be made with the approval of Shareholders by an ordinary resolution and the separate class approval of Geared Ordinary shareholders.

*Efficient Portfolio Management refers to techniques and instruments used with the view to reduce risks specific to a Portfolio and also to generate additional capital or income for the Company with a risk level that is consistent with the level approved by the Board.

Benchmark Index

3 month sterling LIBOR calculated as at the first business day of each calendar month.

Risks and uncertainties

The principal risk factors that may affect the Company and its business can be divided into the following areas:

   1.   Investment Strategy and Share Price Movement 
   2.   Foreign currency Movements 
   3.   Interest Rates 
   4.   Derivatives 
   5.   Liquidity Risk 
   6.   Gearing Risk 
   7.   Discount to Net Asset Value 
   8.   Regulatory Risk 
   9.   Credit and Counterparty Risk 

10. Loss of Key Personnel

11. Operational

12. Financial

The investment Manager's policies for managing the financial risks are either summarised below or can be found in the Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2013, (which will be available short on the Company's website) and have been applied throughout the year.


   (a)        Foreign Currency Risk 

The Company may hedge against foreign currency movements affecting the value of the investment portfolio including Futures and Options where adverse movements are anticipated but otherwise takes account of this risk when making investment decisions.

   (b)        Market Price Risk 

By the very nature of its activities, the Company's investments are exposed to market price fluctuations. The Company's exposure to market price risk as at 31 October 2013 is represented by its investments held on the Statement of Financial Position under the heading "Investments held at Fair Value through Profit or Loss". Further information on the investment portfolio and investment policy is set out in the Manger's Review.

   (c)        Interest Rate Risk 

Interest rate movements may affect:

   a.   The fair value of investment of fixed interest securities 

b. The level of income receivable from interest-bearing securities and cash at bank and on deposit

   (d)        Liquidity Risk 

The Company's assets comprise mainly readily realisable securities which can be sold to meet funding requirements if necessary.

   (e)        Credit and counterparty risk 

The failure of the counterparty to transactions (including forward foreign exhchange and futures and options) to discharge its obligations under that transaction could result in the Company suffering a loss.

   (f)         Primary Financial Instruments 

Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities are given in Note 15(f) to the Accounts

   (g)        Financial Assets and liabilities - full details are given in Note 15 (g) to the accounts 
   (h)        Fair value hierarchy 

The Company adopted the amendments to IFRS 7 "Financial Instruments:Disclosure" effective from 1 January 2009 and full details are given in Note 15 (h) to the accounts

   (i)         Movements in Level 3 investments 
    At the beginning of the year        739 
    Movement during the year : 
    Movements in valuation            (362) 
      At the end of the year            377 
   (i)         Use of Derivatives 

The Company may take short positions (using contracts for difference) in respect of a small number of large capital securities with the view to enhance the returns to shareholders and manage risk of the portfolio.


for the year ended 31 October 2013

                                              Year ended 31 October 2013                  Year ended 31 October 2012 
                              Revenue Return   Capital Return      Total   Revenue Return   Capital Return     Total 
                                     GBP'000          GBP'000    GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Gains on investments held 
  fair value through profit 
  or loss                                  -            2,594      2,594                -            2,045     2,045 
 Foreign exchange 
  (loss)/gain                              -          (3,468)    (3,468)                -            6,252     6,252 
 Income from investments               4,186                -      4,186            3,399                -     3,399 
 Interest                                592                -        592              661                -       661 
 Total income                          4,778            (874)      3,904            4,060            8,297    12,537 
 Investment management fee           (1,748)                -    (1,748)          (1,752)                -   (1,752) 
 Investment performance fee                -                -          -                -              (9)       (9) 
 Other expenses                        (374)                -      (374)            (414)                -     (414) 
 Total expenses                      (2,122)                -    (2,122)          (2,166)              (9)   (2,175) 
 Net return before finance 
  costs and taxation                   2,656            (874)      1,782            1,894            8,288    10,182 
 Interest payable                        (1)                -        (1)                1                -         1 
 Finance costs of Zero 
  Dividend Preference 
  shares                                   -         (10,604)   (10,604)                -          (9,944)   (9,944) 
 Net return before taxation            2,655         (11,478)    (8,823)            1,895          (1,656)       239 
 Taxation                              (896)            (381)    (1,277)            (740)             (10)     (750) 
 Net return after taxation             1,759         (11,859)   (10,100)            1,155          (1,666)     (511) 
 Return per Geared Ordinary 
  share (pence)                         0.81           (5.48)     (4.67)             0.53           (0.77)    (0.24) 

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss of the Company, prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns are both prepared under guidance produced by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC). All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.


as at 31 October 2013

                                                                 2013        2012 
                                                              GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss         60,052      43,059 
 Current assets 
 Receivables                                                    4,119       5,542 
 Open forward contracts                                       117,563     143,753 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                    171,481     189,119 
                                                              293,163     338,414 
 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year               (2,608)     (1,787) 
 Open forward contracts                                     (117,915)   (145,875) 
 Net current assets                                           172,640     190,752 
 Total assets less current liabilities                        232,692     233,811 
 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 
 Zero Dividend Preference shares                            (163,917)   (153,313) 
 Total net assets                                              68,775      80,498 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                                        1,237       1,237 
 Share premium                                                 26,321      26,321 
 Special reserve                                               30,530      30,530 
 Retained earnings                                             10,687      22,410 
 Total equity                                                  68,775      80,498 
 Net Asset Value per Geared Ordinary share (pence)              31.79      37.21p 


for the year ended 31 October 2013

                                         Share     Share   Special   Retained 
                                       Capital   Premium   Reserve   Earnings      Total 
                                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
 For the year ended 31 October 2013 
 31 October 2012                         1,237    26,321    30,530     22,410     80,498 
 Net return for the year                     -         -         -   (10,100)   (10,100) 
 Dividend paid                               -         -         -    (1,623)    (1,623) 
 Balance at 31 October 2013              1,237    26,321    30,530     10,687     68,775 
                                         Share     Share   Special   Retained 
                                       Capital   Premium   Reserve   Earnings      Total 
                                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
 For the year ended 31 October 2012 
 31 October 2011                         1,237    26,321    30,530     24,868     82,956 
 Net return for the year                     -         -         -      (511)      (511) 
 Dividend paid                               -         -         -    (1,947)    (1,947) 
 Balance at 31 October 2012              1,237    26,321    30,530     22,410     80,498 


for the year ended 31 October 2013

                                           Year ended   Year ended 
                                           31 October   31 October 
                                                 2013         2012 
                                              GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Purchases of investments                   (138,810)     (79,890) 
 Sales of investments                         120,457      133,932 
 Realised (loss)/gain on foreign 
  currency                                    (3,468)        6,252 
 Investment income received                     2,999        4,090 
 Deposit Interest received                        591          658 
 Investment management fee paid               (1,748)      (1,729) 
 Performance fee paid                             (9)            - 
 Other cash expenses                            (395)        (398) 
 Change in open forward currency 
  contracts                                   (1,769)        1,025 
 Payments from Contracts for Difference 
  (CFD) and Futures and Options 
  counterparty                                  6,124       12,745 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities before finance costs 
  and taxation                               (16,028)       76,685 
 Interest received/(paid)                         (1)            1 
 Taxation                                          14      (1,171) 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                                 (16,015)       75,515 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Dividend paid                                (1,623)      (1,947) 
 Payments to subsidiary                            --        (290) 
 Increase in cash                            (17,638)       73,278 
 Change in cash and cash equivalents 
 Cash and cash equivalents at start 
  of year                                     189,119      115,841 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of year                                     171,481      189,119 


1. Income

                                      Year ended   Year ended 
                                      31 October   31 October 
                                            2013         2012 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Income from investments: 
 Dividends from overseas companies           189          178 
 Corporate Bond Interest                   3,486        2,388 
 Income from government stocks               511          833 
                                           4,186        3,399 
 Other income: 
 Deposit interest                            592          661 
 Total Income                              4,778        4,060 
 Total income comprises 
 Dividends                                   189          178 
 Fixed Interest                            3,997        3,221 
 Deposit interest                            592          661 
                                           4,778        4,060 
 Income from investments: 
 Listed in the UK                          2,518        1,498 
 Listed overseas                           1,668        1,901 
                                           4,186        3,399 

2. Reconciliation of Net return before finance costs and taxation to net cash inflow from operating activities

                                                     2013       2012 
                                                  GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Net return before finance costs and 
  taxation                                          1,782     10,182 
 Gain on fixed asset investments through 
  profit or loss                                  (2,594)    (2,045) 
 Loss on contracts for difference                     314    (1,192) 
 Gain on futures & options                          3,640        999 
 Purchases of investments                       (138,810)   (79,890) 
 Sales of investments                             120,457    133,932 
 Increase in open forward contract liability      (1,769)      1,025 
 Decrease in prepayments, other debtors 
  and accrued income                              (1,191)        690 
 Decrease/(increase) in amount due from 
  contracts for difference and futures 
  & options counterparty                            2,170     12,938 
 Increase in other creditors and accruals            (27)         46 
                                                 (16,028)     76,685 

3. Related parties

Mr Richard Pavry is an employee of Jupiter Asset Management Limited which receives investment management fees as detailed below. Jupiter Administration Services Limited, a company within the same group as Jupiter Asset Management Limited receives administration fees as set out below.

Jupiter Asset Management Limited is contracted to provide investment management services to the Company (subject to termination by not less than 12 months' notice by either party) for a quarterly fee of 0.1875% of the Total Assets less current liabilities of the Company excluding the value of any Jupiter managed investments payable in arrears on 31 January, 30 April, 31 July and 31 October in each year. Management fees of GBP439,074 were outstanding as at 31 October 2013 (2012: GBP439,504).

Jupiter Asset Management Limited is also entitled to an investment performance fee if Total Assets less current liabilities (after adding back any dividends paid or performance fee accrued) at the end of any given accounting period have increased over the greatest of three 'high water marks', being:

(i) the Initial Total Assets;

(ii) the Total Assets on the last business day of a calculation period in respect of which a performance fee was last paid (after deduction of any performance fee paid to the Investment Manager in respect of that period); and

(iii) the Total Assets on the last business day of the previous calculation period (after deduction of any performance fee paid to the Investment Manager in respect of that period) increased by the total return on the Benchmark Index over the course of the calculation period.

The Benchmark Index being the higher of:

(i) the annualised cost of the ZDP Share accrual expressed as a percentage of Total Assets;

(ii) the Hurdle Rate on the ZDP Shares; and

(iii) 3 month sterling LIBOR calculated as at the first business day of each calendar month.

In such circumstances, the performance fee will amount to 15% of any such excess. The calculation of the total amount of any performance fee will be adjusted for the repurchase or redemption of Shares in any given accounting period and/or for the change in any borrowings by the Company in any given accounting period.

The performance fee will be calculated by reference to the Adjusted Total Asset Value as at the last day of the relevant calculation period. The combined amount of any management and performance fees payable in respect of any 12 month period will not exceed 4.99% of the Net Asset Value of the Geared Ordinary shares and the ZDP Shares (as at the last day of the relevant period) and, to the extent any such fees would otherwise exceed 4.99% of such Net Asset Value, they will be waived by the Investment Manager and will not be carried forward.

There was no performance fee payable for the year ended 31 October 2013 (2012: GBP9,585).

The contract to provide secretarial, accounting and administration services to the company by Jupiter Administration Services Ltd. ended on 30 September 2013 following an outsourcing arrangement with JP Morgan effective 1 October 2013.

The Company has invested from time to time in funds managed by Jupiter Investment Management Group Limited or its subsidiaries. As at 31 October 2013 there was one such investment, East European Food Fund representing 0.005% of total assets including cash. (2012: one investment representing 0.004%).

4. Going Concern

The Company's business activities, capital structure and borrowing facilities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are set out in the Manager's Review above and the Report of Directors which is contained within the Annual Report & Accounts which will be published shortly. In addition, Note 15 to the financial statements includes the Company's objectives, policies and processes for managing its capital; its financial risk management objectives; details of its financial instruments; and its exposures to credit risk and liquidity risk.

The Company's assets consist mainly of securities which are readily realisable, its ongoing expenses are low relative to its net assets and therefore the Directors consider that the Company has appropriate financial resources to enable it to meet its day-to-day working capital requirements.

The Directors review a rolling 12 month forecast and the Company's list of investments at each meeting and they consider that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the annual financial statements.

As described in the Chairman's statement above, the Company reaches the end of its planned life in October 2014. However, having consulted with the Investment Manager and also with the Company's corporate broker, Cenkos Securities PLC, who have in turn taken soundings from Shareholders, the Board currently expect that the business of the Company will be continued as a going concern beyond that date pursuant to reconstruction proposals which will be recommended to shareholders during the course of the new financial year. Since any proposals for the continuation or reconstruction of the Company will necessarily require the prior approval of Shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting there can be no guarantee, at this stage, that any such proposals will be implemented.

5. Directors' Responsibilities for the Financial Statements

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and those International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as adopted by the European Union.

Under Company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they present fairly the financial position of the Company and the financial performance and cash flows of the Company for that period. In preparing the financial statements, the Directors are required to:

(a) select suitable accounting policies in accordance with IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors and then apply them consistently;

(b) present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

(c) provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRSs is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial position and financial performance;

(d) state that the Company has complied with IFRS, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and

(e) make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the Company financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. The work carried out by the Auditor does not include consideration of the maintenance and integrity of the website and accordingly the Auditor accepts no responsibility for any changes that have occurred to the financial statements when they are presented on the website. Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

The Directors, who are listed on page 6 of the Annual Report & Accounts, confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

(a) the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and

(b) the Manager's Review includes a fair view of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that the Company faces.

So far as each of the Directors is aware at the time the report is approved:

(a) there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditors are not aware; and

(b) the Directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that information.

By Order of the Board

G A Campbell


27 February 2014

The Annual General Meeting of the Company has been convened for Wednesday 2 April 2014 at 11.30am.

The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 434(3) of the Companies Act 2006 of the Company. The statutory accounts for the year to 31 October 2012 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The Annual Report and Accounts are expected to be posted to all registered shareholders shortly and copies may shortly be obtained from the registered office of the Company at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ or downloaded from the Company's section of Jupiter Asset Management Limited's website (www.jupiteronline.com).

Monthly factsheets for Jupiter's investment trust clients are available for download from www.jupiteronline.com and on request from the Company Secretary.


Richard Pavry

Jupiter Asset Management Limited, Company Secretary

020 7314 4822

27 February 2014

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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