Jupiter Second Split Trust PLC 
Unaudited Results for the half year to 30 April 2012 
This  announcement of unaudited results for  the six months to 30 April 2012 was 
approved by the Board of Directors on 18 June 2012 
                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 
In the period from 1 November 2011 to 30 April 2012, your Company's total assets 
increased  by 3.7 per  cent. This  compares favourably  with the rate of 0.5 per 
cent.  for your Company's benchmark index,  3 month sterling LIBOR, and the cost 
of  the accrued entitlement of the  Company's Zero Dividend Preference shares at 
2.1 per cent. of total assets for the same period. 
The  geared  split  capital  structure  of  the Company resulting from the prior 
entitlement  of the  Zero Dividend  Preference shares  meant that  the Net Asset 
Value  of the Company's Geared Ordinary shares increased by 4.3 per cent. during 
the period under review. 
The Packaged Units are not geared by the Company's split capital structure since 
they  each comprise one  Geared Ordinary share  and two Zero Dividend Preference 
shares  (the rights of  which balance one  another). The Net  Asset Value of the 
Packaged  Units increased  in line  with the  Company's total  assets by 3.7 per 
cent. over the period under review to 108.23p per Packaged Unit from 104.34p. 
The  Net Asset Value of the Zero Dividend Preference shares increased by 3.4 per 
cent. from 33.13p to 34.26p over the period under review. 
Revenues  after tax for  the six months  to 30 April 2012 amounted to  GBP1,022,000 
representing  0.47p per Geared  Ordinary share  ( GBP191,000 for  the period to 30 
April 2011). 
Market Highlights 
The  period under  review began  badly with  extreme volatility during which the 
FTSE  100 experienced nine  consecutive days  of decline,  an event that has not 
been seen since January 2003 and June 1994. This was caused by concerns over the 
solvency  of  various  southern  eurozone  countries  and exacerbated by ratings 
agency  Standard  and  Poor's  decision  to  downgrade  nine  European countries 
including  France, Italy,  Spain, Cyprus  and Portugal.  At the end of November, 
major central banks eased wholesale funding for banks through coordinated action 
by  bolstering dollar liquidity and thereby  reducing the cost of dollar funding 
to  European banks to help them meet their dollar liabilities. The ECBs response 
to  the nervousness of  the market and  the deteriorating economic conditions in 
the eurozone was to introduce its Long Term Refinancing Operation ('LTRO') which 
gave  European banks an unprecedented opportunity to refinance themselves with a 
maturity  of three  years. In  two major  tranches of  LTRO in December 2011 and 
February 2012, the ECB injected a total of EUR1,019 billion into European banks. 
LTRO  initially eased market concern but  was soon forgotten as investors turned 
their  attention  to  the  deterioration  of  Spain's  economy and the political 
turmoil  that was beginning to rock many countries within the Eurozone as people 
voted  for  radical  parties  notably  in  the Netherlands and France. There was 
growing  concern that Greece could be  forced out of the euro  in the wake of an 
indecisive  Greek election result adding to fears that the anti-austerity Syriza 
party  would be elected in  the second round, thus  undermining the terms of the 
bailout package agreed with eurozone leaders. If Greece were allowed to default, 
the consequences for the euro and the eurozone and other regions of 
the world could be disastrous. 
None  of this  should come  as a  big surprise  when you consider the history of 
currency  unions.  In  the  19th century,  there  was  the  Latin Monetary Union 
('LMU'),  which covered France,  Belgium, Italy, Greece  and Bulgaria. It lasted 
for  most of the century but failed  when some members, notably the Papal State, 
began to debase their currency. 
In the West generally, economies remain under pressure, not only from large debt 
piles  but from the  impact of inflation  thanks to a  high oil price and of tax 
rises  as governments seek  to bring their  spending under control. Unemployment 
has risen sharply in many economies and the highest among these is Spain with an 
official unemployment rate of 24.4 per cent. of the population. 
Elsewhere  in the world, other concerns  have plagued investors, especially with 
regard to growth. China's GDP for example has begun to slow although it is still 
growing  by an annualized  rate of 7 per  cent., down from  9.1 per cent. at the 
beginning of the reporting period. US GDP has slowed to 2.2 per cent. from 3 per 
cent.  although this is  thought to be  a blip by  the Federal Reserve which has 
revised  its  forecast  for  GDP  growth  upwards.  Meanwhile,  Japan has set an 
inflation  target of  1 per cent.  in an  attempt to  boost the domestic economy 
which has struggled for over a decade. 
While conditions remain difficult, the portfolio continues to be positioned in a 
conservative  manner, which has  enabled your Company  to increase its value and 
avoid the volatility in the market during the period, more of which is described 
in  the Manager's Review. However, volatility always brings opportunities, which 
the manager will aim to capitalize on. 
Gordon Campbell 
18 June 2012 
                                MANAGER'S REVIEW 
Market review 
The  six months to 30 April 2012 started tumultuously. Asset markets experienced 
heavy  losses  due  to  a  deepening  malaise  in the eurozone and the crisis in 
confidence  it  caused  across  the  global economy. Within Europe, negotiations 
around the terms of further bailout of Greece proved fraught, with richer states 
becoming more reluctant in their willingness to support the beleaguered southern 
economies. Meanwhile, bond markets grew concerned about the ability of Spain and 
Italy  to  stabilise  government  balance  sheets  without  some  form of fiscal 
assistance.  As key holders of regional  sovereign debt, the region's banks came 
under  extreme pressure. It took the extreme  actions of the ECB to restore some 
stability,  via the launch  in December of  its long-term refinancing operations 
(LTRO).  Under this programme over  EUR1tn in cheap liquidity  was taken up by the 
region's  banks, not  only easing  funding pressures,  but alleviating contagion 
fears in sovereign debt markets. The programme precipitated a strong recovery in 
asset  markets which was supported  by a pickup in  US data. The rally continued 
into  March, but  plateaued in  the final  weeks of  the period  under review as 
downward pressures on Spain's economy intensified. 
Policy review 
Against  this backdrop,  the portfolio  made a  solid, low  volatility, absolute 
return.  The key theme throughout the  period was the potential underperformance 
of  the eurozone, which proved beneficial to the portfolio during the six months 
under  review. Our short position in the  euro was a notable highlight, with the 
currency  losing ground  against sterling,  the US  dollar, Canadian  dollar and 
Norwegian  krone,  each  of  which  we  held long. Currencies are generally less 
volatile  than other asset  classes and offer  the potential to generate profits 
for  the Fund  in the  event of  either a  further contraction in the economy or 
additional ECB stimulus. 
The  portfolio's fixed interest exposure also  made a reasonable contribution to 
performance.  For much  of 2011 we  owned AAA-rated  Australian government bonds 
against  short positions in 10 year Japanese government bonds (JGBs). This trade 
was  positive for the fund,  with a slowdown in  the domestic Australian economy 
leading  to a  significant rally  in its  domestic government  bonds. During the 
period we took the decision to take profits in a large tranche of our Australian 
bond  holding,  re-investing  the  proceeds  in  a  high yielding bond issued by 
Barclays  held  in  the  portfolio  for  considerable  time.  This  subsequently 
benefited  from fund flows into banking sector bonds following the LTRO. Against 
this  we retained  our long  term short  position in 10 year Japanese government 
bonds  (JGBs), where  interest rates  appear exceptionally  low given the fiscal 
challenges faced by the country. 
Our  equities exposure remained modest, with  shorts in European cyclical stocks 
balanced  by long  positions in  US stock  indices (including  financials). This 
strategy  made  little  headway  during  the  period,  with  our  European short 
positions  proving  more  resilient  that  might  have  been  expected given the 
deterioration  of  the  economy.  Following  the  ECB's LTRO policy, we took the 
decision  to reduce the size of our  short book while retaining long exposure to 
US  equities,  which  was  being  supported  by  improving  US economic data and 
accommodative fiscal and monetary policy. 
The  eurozone crisis continues to create great uncertainty in the global economy 
and  financial markets. At the  time of writing, Greece  is without a government 
and  EU officials are openly contemplating the impact of the country's potential 
exit  from the monetary union. In France, meanwhile, Francois Hollande has won a 
mandate  based on slower spending cuts which could ultimately lead to de-ratings 
and  higher  borrowing  costs.  The  Franco-German partnership, which has become 
crucial  to maintaining regional solidarity,  has also been potentially weakened 
by  his election  win. Spain  remains of  most concern,  however. Sovereign bond 
yields  have spiked due to  a lack of confidence  in the government's ability to 
reform  the banking sector at a time  of a spiralling fiscal deficit, especially 
as  it has recently been forced to  bailout Bankia, the country's fourth largest 
bank.  Given Spain's systemic importance, a further deterioration in bond prices 
could  lead to another ECB emergency intervention, only months after it injected 
EUR1tn  into  the  banking  system.  The  nature  of this is uncertain. However, a 
softening of the Bundesbank's anti-inflation stance may be a sign of support for 
a broader range of policy tools, including printing money. Looking more broadly, 
the  US economy  continues to  show signs  of recovery,  although the  expiry of 
fiscal  stimulus later this year poses a clear risk to growth. China, meanwhile, 
has the fiscal ammunition to support its growth rate. However, we remain mindful 
that Europe's crisis remains a key risk globally and are positioned accordingly. 
Philip Gibbs 
Fund Manager 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited 
18 June 2012 
                          HALF YEAR MANAGEMENT REPORT 
Related Party Transactions 
Mr Richard Pavry is an employee of Jupiter Asset Management Limited which 
receives investment management fees as detailed below. Jupiter Administration 
Services Limited, a company within the same group as Jupiter Asset Management 
Limited receives administration fees as set out below. 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited is contracted to provide investment management 
services to the Company (subject to termination by not less than 12 months' 
notice by either party) for a quarterly fee of 0.1875 per cent. of the Total 
Assets less current liabilities of the Group excluding the value of any Jupiter 
managed investments payable in arrears on 31 January, 30 April, 31 July and 31 
October in each year. The total fees payable under this agreement are shown in 
the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited is also entitled to an investment performance 
fee if Total Assets less current liabilities (after adding back any dividends 
paid or performance fee accrued) at the end of any given accounting period have 
increased over the greatest of three 'high water marks', being (a) the Initial 
Total Assets; (b) the Total Assets on the last business day of a calculation 
period in respect of which a performance fee was last paid (after deduction of 
any performance fee paid to the Investment Manager in respect of that period); 
and (c) the Total Assets on the last business day of the previous calculation 
period (after deduction of any performance fee paid to the Investment Manager in 
respect of that period) increased by the total return on the Benchmark Index 
over the course of the calculation period, the Benchmark Index being the higher 
of (i) the annualised cost of the ZDP Share accrual expressed as a percentage of 
Total Assets; (ii) the Hurdle Rate on the ZDP shares and (iii) 3 month sterling 
LIBOR calculated as at the first business day of each calendar month. 
In such circumstances, the performance fee will amount to 15 per cent. of any 
such excess. The calculation of the total amount of any performance fee will be 
adjusted for the repurchase or redemption of shares in any given accounting 
period and/or for the change in any borrowings by the Company in any given 
accounting period. The performance fee will be calculated by reference to the 
Adjusted Total Asset Value as at the last day of the relevant calculation 
period. The combined amount of any management and performance fees payable in 
respect of any twelve month period will not exceed 4.99 per cent. of the Net 
Asset Value of the Geared Ordinary shares and the ZDP shares (as at the last day 
of the relevant period) and, to the extent any such fees would otherwise exceed 
4.99 per cent. of such Net Asset Value, they would be waived by the Investment 
Manager and will not be carried forward. 
Jupiter Administration Services Limited is contracted to provide secretarial, 
accounting and administrative services to the Company for an annual fee of 
 GBP94,392.80 adjusted each year in line with the Retail Price Index, payable 
The Company has invested from time to time in funds managed by Jupiter 
Investment Management Group Limited or its subsidiaries. As at 30 April 2012 
there was one investment, East European Food Fund representing 0.1 per cent. of 
total investments including cash. 
Risks and Uncertainties 
The risks to the Company are investment strategy and Share price movement, 
foreign currency movements, interest rates, use of derivatives, liquidity risk, 
Gearing risk, the discount to Net Asset Value, regulatory risk, credit and 
counterparty risk, operational, financial and loss of investment trust status. A 
detailed explanation of the Risks and Uncertainties facing the Company can be 
found on pages 14 to 15 of the Company's published report and accounts for the 
year to 31 October 2011. 
Directors' Responsibility Statement 
We the directors of Jupiter Second Split Trust PLC confirm to the best of our 
 a. The condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly 
    financial report has been prepared in accordance with applicable UK 
    accounting standards and gives a true and fair view of the assets, 
    liabilities, financial position and return of the Company; 
 b. the half yearly report includes a fair review of the important events that 
    have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their 
    impact on the financial statements; 
 c. the Directors' Statements of Principal Risks and Uncertainties shown above 
    is a fair review of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remainder 
    of the financial year; and 
 d. the half yearly report includes details on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report for the six months to 30 April 2012 comprises 
the Chairman's Statement, Manager's Review, the Directors' Responsibility 
Statement and a condensed set of financial statements, and has not been audited 
or reviewed by the auditors pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board guidance on 
Review of Interim Financial Information. 
By order of the Board 
Gordon Campbell 
18 June 2012 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
For the six months to 30 April 2012 (unaudited) 
                          Six months to 30.04.12        Six months to 30.04.11 
                     Revenue   Capital             Revenue   Capital 
                      Return    Return     Total    Return    Return     Total 
                        GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Gain/(Loss) on 
investments at 
fair value through 
profit or loss 
(Note 2)                   -     5,131     5,131         -   (2,790)   (2,790) 
Foreign exchange 
gains                      -     4,360     4,360         -     6,767     6,767 
Income from 
investments            2,095         -     2,095     1,022         -     1,022 
Bank Interest            311         _       311       240         -       240 
Total income           2,406     9,491    11,897     1,262     3,977     5,239 
management fee         (866)         -     (866)    (819)          -     (819) 
Performance fee                  (186)     (186)      -            -         - 
Other expenses         (201)         -     (201)    (184)          -     (184) 
Total expenses       (1,067)     (186)   (1,253)   (1,003)         -   (1,003) 
Net return before 
finance costs and 
taxation               1,339     9,305    10,644       259     3,977     4,236 
Interest payable           _         _         _       (5)         _       (5) 
Finance costs of 
Zero Dividend 
Preference shares          _   (4,862)   (4,862)         _   (4,522)   (4,522) 
Net return before 
taxation               1,339     4,443     5,782       254     (545)     (291) 
Taxation               (317)         _     (317)      (63)         _      (63) 
Net return after 
taxation               1,022     4,443     5,465       191     (545)     (354) 
Return per Geared 
Ordinary share (p) 
(Note 3)                0.47      2.05      2.52      0.09    (0.25)    (0.16) 
The  total  column  of  this  statement  is  the  income statement of the Group, 
prepared  in accordance with IFRS. The  supplementary revenue return and capital 
return  columns are both prepared under  guidance produced by the Association of 
Investment  Companies  (AIC).  All  items  in  the  above  statement derive from 
continuing  operations.  No  operations  were  discontinued  or  acquired in the 
The  financial information does not constitute  'accounts' as defined in section 
434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at 30 April 2012 
                                                       30.04.12     30.04.11 
                                                      (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                                             GBP'000         GBP'000 
Non current assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit or 
loss                                                       60,435       94,562 
Current assets 
Receivables                                                 9,397       18,072 
Open forward currency contracts                           160,060      103,133 
Cash and cash equivalents                                 164,483      115,841 
                                                          333,940      237,046 
Creditors: amount falling due within one year             (2,037)      (1,618) 
Open forward currency contracts                         (158,198)    (104,230) 
Net current assets                                        173,705      131,198 
Total assets less current liabilities                     234,140      225,760 
Creditors: amount falling due after more than one 
 Zero Dividend Preference shares                        (148,231)    (143,369) 
Total net assets                                           85,909       82,391 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                     1,237        1,237 
Share premium                                              26,321       26,321 
Special reserve                                            30,530       30,530 
Retained earnings (Note 6)                                 27,821       24,303 
Total equity                                               85,909       82,391 
Net Asset Value per Geared Ordinary share (p) (Note 
7)                                                          39.71        38.08 
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
For the six months to 30 April 2012 (unaudited) 
                                Share     Share   Special   Retained 
                              Capital   Premium   Reserve   Earnings     Total 
                                 GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
For the six months to 30 
April 2012 
31 October 2011                 1,237    26,321    30,530   24,303      82,391 
Net return for the period           -         -         -   5,465        5,465 
Dividend paid                       -         -         -   (1,947)    (1,947) 
Balance at 30 April 2012        1,237    26,321    30,530     27,821    85,909 
                                Share     Share   Special   Retained 
                              Capital   Premium   Reserve   Earnings     Total 
                                 GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
For the six months to 30 
April 2011 
31 October 2010               1,237     26,321    30,530    31,488      89,576 
Net return for the period           -         -         -   (354)        (354) 
Reconstruction and New              -         -         -   (1,731)    (1,731) 
Share Issue 
Balance at 30 April 2011      1,237     26,321    30,530    29,403      87,491 
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
For the six months to 30 April 2012 (unaudited) 
                                                       Six months   Six months 
                                                               to           to 
                                                         30.04.12     30.04.11 
                                                             GBP'000         GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Purchases of investments                                 (48,658)     (42,165) 
Sales of investments                                       87,309       77,056 
Realised gain on foreign currency                           4,360        3,678 
Investment income received                                    238        1,234 
Deposit interest received                                     303          187 
Investment management fee paid                              (840)        (815) 
Receipts from Contracts for Difference (CFD) 
counterparty                                                7,321          922 
Change in Open Forward Currency Contracts                 (2,959) 
Receipts from Futures & Options Counterparty                4,650 
Other cash expenses                                         (239)        (176) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities before 
finance costs and taxation                                 51,485       39,921 
Interest paid                                                   -          (5) 
Taxation                                                    (896)        (629) 
Net cash inflows from operating activities                 50,589       39,287 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Dividend paid                                             (1,947)      (1,731) 
Increase in cash                                           48,642       37,556 
Change in cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period              115,841      109,745 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                164,483      147,301 
1.   Accounting Policies 
A  summary of the principal accounting policies,  all of which have been applied 
consistently throughout the period, is set out below: 
(a)   Basis of Preparation 
The  Consolidated accounts have  been prepared in  accordance with International 
Financial   Reporting   Standards   (IFRS),   which   comprise   standards   and 
interpretations  approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 
and  International  Accounting  Standards  Committee  (IASC),  as adopted by the 
European Union. 
Where  presentational guidance set out in  the Statement of Recommended Practice 
(SORP)  for investment trusts issued by  the Association of Investment Companies 
(AIC) in January 2009 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the directors 
have  sought to prepare the  financial statements on a  basis compliant with the 
recommendations of the SORP. 
The company continues to adopt the going concern basis in the preparation of the 
financial statements. 
All  values  are  rounded  to  the  nearest thousand pounds ( GBP'000) except where 
The  accounts  are  presented  in  pounds  sterling,  as  this is the functional 
currency of the Group. 
(b)        Basis of Consolidation 
The  consolidated financial  statements incorporate  the financial statements of 
the  Company  and  the  entity  controlled  by the Company (its subsidiary) JSST 
Securities  Ltd.  The  Statement  of  Comprehensive  Income is only presented in 
consolidated form, as provided by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The  consolidated  accounts  were  authorised  for  issue  in  accordance with a 
resolution of the Directors on 18 June 2012. 
The  financial Statements of the subsidiary  are prepared for the same reporting 
year as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies. 
All  intra-group transactions, balances,  income and expenses  are eliminated on 
(c)        Revenue Recognition 
Dividends  receivable from equity shares are  taken to the revenue return column 
of  the statement on  an ex-dividend basis  except where, in  the opinion of the 
Directors,  the dividend is capital  in nature in which  case it is taken to the 
capital return column. Income from fixed interest debt securities and preference 
shares  is recognised using the effective interest rate method. Bank interest is 
accounted for on an accruals basis. All gains or losses resulting from Contracts 
for Difference (CFDs) and Futures and Options are taken to capital and are shown 
as part of the loss/gain on investments at fair value through profit or loss. 
(d)   Presentation of Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
In  order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and in 
accordance  with  guidance  issued  by  the AIC, supplementary information which 
analyses  the Statement of  Comprehensive Income between  items of a revenue and 
capital  nature  has  been  presented  alongside  the  Consolidated Statement of 
Comprehensive Income. In accordance with the Company's status as a UK investment 
company under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006, net capital returns may not 
be distributed by way of a dividend. 
An  analysis of retained earnings  broken down into revenue  items, which may be 
distributed  as dividends  and capital  items is  given in Note 6. The Company's 
Articles  prevent  the  distribution  of  capital  profits.  In arriving at this 
breakdown,  expenses have been presented as revenue items except any performance 
fees payable are allocated wholly to capital, reflecting the fact that, although 
they  are  calculated  on  a  total  return  basis,  they  are  expected  to  be 
attributable  largely, if  not wholly,  to capital  performance. The company has 
adopted IAS 1 (revised). 
(e)   Investments 
Investments are recognised and derecognised on a trade date where a purchase and 
sale  of an  investment is  under contract  whose terms  require delivery of the 
investment  within the  timeframe established  by the  market concerned, and are 
initially measured at cost, being the consideration given. 
All  investments are classified  as held at  fair value through  profit or loss. 
Changes  in the fair value  of investments held at  fair value through profit or 
loss  and  gains  and  losses  on  disposal  are  recognised in the consolidated 
Statement  of  Comprehensive  Income  as  'Gains/(losses) on investments at fair 
value  through profit or loss'. The fair value of listed investments is based on 
their quoted bid market price at the date of the Statement of Financial Position 
without  any deduction  for estimated  future selling  costs. All  purchases and 
sales are accounted for on a trade date basis. 
Foreign  exchange  gains  and  losses  on  fair  value through profit or loss on 
investments are included within the changes in the fair value of investment. 
2.        Gains on Investments 
                               Six months to 30.04.12   Six months to 30.04.11 
                                                 GBP'000                     GBP'000 
Net gains/(loss) realised on 
sale of investments                             4,594                  (1,214) 
Loss on contracts for 
difference                                      (279)                  (1,324) 
Gain on Futures and Options                     1,733                        - 
Movement in investment 
holdings gains                                  (917)                    (252) 
Gain/(Loss) on investments                      5,131                  (2,790) 
3.        Return per Geared Ordinary Share 
The earnings per Geared Ordinary share figure is based on the net profit for the 
six months of  GBP5,465,000 (six months to 30 April 2011: Net Loss  GBP354,000) and on 
216,361,793 Geared  Ordinary shares  (six months  to 30 April 2011: 216,361,793 
Geared  Ordinary  shares),  being  the  weighted  average number shares in issue 
during the period. 
The  earnings per  Geared Ordinary  share figure  detailed above  can be further 
analysed between revenue and capital, as below. 
                               Six months to 30.04.12   Six months to 30.04.11 
                                                 GBP'000                     GBP'000 
Net revenue return                              1,022                      191 
Net capital return                              4,443                    (545) 
Net total return                                5,465                    (354) 
Weighted Average number of 
Geared Ordinary shares in 
issue during the period                   216,361,793              216,361,793 
                                                pence                    pence 
Revenue earnings per Geared 
Ordinary share                                   0.47                     0.09 
Capital earnings per Geared 
Ordinary share                                   2.05                   (0.25) 
Total earnings per Geared 
Ordinary share                                   2.52                   (0.16) 
4.        Transaction Costs 
During   the  period  expenses  were  incurred  in  acquiring  or  disposing  of 
investments  classified as  fair value  through profit  or loss. These have been 
expensed  through capital and are included within gains/losses on investments in 
the Statement of Comprehensive Income. The total costs were as follows; 
                 Six months to 30.04.12       Six months to 30.04.11 
                                   GBP'000                         GBP'000 
 Purchases                           27                           25 
 Sales                               28                           64 
                                     55                           89 
5.        Comparative Information 
The  financial information contained in this  interim report does not constitute 
statutory  accounts as  defined in  section 434 of  the Companies  Act 2006. The 
financial information for the six months to 30 April 2012 and 30 April 2011 have 
not been audited. 
The  information for the year ended  31 October 2011 has been extracted from the 
latest  published audited financial statements. The audited financial statements 
for  the  year  ended  31 October  2011 have  been  filed  with the Registrar of 
Companies.   The   report  of  the  auditors  on  those  accounts  contained  no 
qualification  or statement  under section  498(2) or (3)  of the  Companies Act 
6.        Retained Earnings 
The  table  below  shows  the  movement  in  the  retained earnings of the Group 
analysed between revenue and capital items. 
                                   Revenue       Capital         Total 
                                      GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
 At beginning of the period          1,931        22,372        24,303 
 Movement during the period: 
 Net return for the period           1,022         4,443         5,465 
 Dividend paid                     (1,947)             -       (1,947) 
 At 30 April 2012                    1,006        26,815        27,821 
7.        Net Asset Value per Geared Ordinary share 
The  Net  Asset  Value  per  Geared  Ordinary  share  is based on the net assets 
attributable  to  the  equity  shareholders  of   GBP85,909,000  (31 October 2011: 
 GBP87,491,000)  and on 216,361,793 (31  October 2011: 216,361,793) Geared Ordinary 
shares, being the number of Geared Ordinary shares in issue at the period end. 
The interim report will be sent to all shareholders and copies may be obtained 
from the registered office of the Company at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ 
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     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Jupiter Second Split Trust PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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Jupiter Second Split Trust (LSE:JSS)
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