Jupiter Second Split Trust PLC 
Interim Management Statement for the three months ended 31 July 2010 
The  Board  of  Jupiter  Second  Split  Trust  PLC (the "Company") is pleased to 
announce its Interim Management Statement for the quarter ended 31 July 2010. 
The  following report  relates to  the performance  of the  Company's investment 
portfolio in the three months leading up to 31 July 2010. 
Investment Manager's Report for the Quarter Ended 31 July 2010 
For  the period  from 1 May  2010 to 31 July  2010, the decline in the Company's 
Total  Assets was  0.5 per cent.*  compared to  0.7452 per cent. for the 3 month 
sterling  LIBOR (which  is the  Company's benchmark  index adopted on 3 November 
Manager's Review 
Capital  markets were turbulent  during the three  months under review. Early in 
the  period  markets  began  to  re-price  the  fiscal challenges facing Europe. 
Growing  job losses in the US intensified  fears that the domestic economy might 
experience  a  double-dip  recession,  while  evidence  that China's economy was 
slowing  added to the  market's woes. There  was some respite  in July following 
positive  economic  data  in  Germany  and  the  UK, optimistic bank stress test 
results and a dilution of bank regulatory risk. 
All  major stock market indices ended the  period lower, as indicated by a 7.4% 
loss in the FTSE World (TR) index. Government bond yields fell on concerns about 
deflation  and  currency  markets  were  particularly  volatile.  Maintaining  a 
defensive  portfolio  limited  the  impact  of  the  market's  volatility on the 
portfolio to a 0.5 per cent. loss in the Company's net asset value. However, the 
extreme swings in sentiment during the period made it very difficult to generate 
a positive result. 
We  maintained a broadly neutral market exposure in the portfolio throughout the 
period.  We continued to hold  very modest exposure to  equity markets. Our long 
stock  positions  were  focused  on  growth  in the emerging markets, with short 
positions in areas that we believe are at most risk from an economic slowdown in 
Europe.  Our fixed interest  exposure included a  long in the  corporate bond of 
Altria  Group, the US tobacco company, and a holding in an Australian government 
bond  (which  we  added  towards  the  end  of  the  period), both of which have 
relatively  high  yields.  Our  long-term  short  in  Japanese  government bonds 
Recent corporate results for Western companies have been generally more positive 
than  forecast. However, earnings risks persist.  The impact of fiscal austerity 
in Europe is only starting to filter through to the wider economy. Additionally, 
the  outlook  for  the  US  is  looking  more  difficult with state level fiscal 
restraint  starting  to  take  its  toll  on  the  economy.  We therefore remain 
carefully invested. 
Philip Gibbs 
Fund Manager, Jupiter Asset Management Limited 
Total Assets as at 31 July 2010:  GBP219,799,782 
Shares in Issue on 31 July 2010: 
432,723,586 Zero Dividend Preference shares 
216,361,793 Geared Ordinary shares 
|                         |Net Asset Value |Market Price   |Premium/ (Discount)| 
|                         |(p)             |(p)            |                   | 
|Geared Ordinary excluding|                |               |                   | 
|income/expenses          |40.70           |               |                   | 
+-------------------------+----------------+41.25          |1%                 | 
|Geared Growth including  |                |               |                   | 
|income/expenses          |41.86           |               |                   | 
|Packaged Units excluding |                |               |                   | 
|income/expenses          |101.60          |               |                   | 
+-------------------------+----------------+103.00         |1%                 | 
|Packaged Units including |                |               |                   | 
|income/expenses          |102.76          |               |                   | 
|Zero Dividend Preference |                |31.75          |4%                 | 
|shares                   |30.45           |               |                   | 
Portfolio Distribution on 31 July 2010 Percentage of Total Assets 
 North America: equities              5% 
 Hong Kong: equities                  2% 
 Turkey: equities                     1% 
 United Kingdom: equities             4% 
 Cash and other liquid assets - Yen   11% 
 Cash and other liquid assets -  GBP     54% 
 Fixed interest                       23% 
The Company has no exposure to other UK listed investment companies as at 31 
July 2010. 
Top Ten Holdings on 31 July 2010* 
Company                                     Country of Listing % of Total Assets 
Altria 9.95% 10/11/2038                     United States      14.4 
Australia (Commonwealth of) 5.75% 15/5/2021 Australia          8.2 
Citigroup                                   United States      4.4 
Standard Chartered                          United Kingdom     3.7 
Jupiter Hyde Park Hedge Fund                Bermuda            2.6 
Sun Hung Kai Properties                     Hong Kong          2.1 
Turkiye Garanti Bankasi                     Turkey             0.9 
DNB NOR                                     Norway             0.7 
Lloyds Banking Group PLC                    United Kingdom     0.6 
Datawind UK                                 United Kingdom     0.5 
*Some of this exposure is through derivatives 
Comparative Performance to 31 July 2010 
|                           | 1 Month | 3 Month | Since Reconstruction | 
|                           |         |         | (3 Nov 2009)         | 
|                           | %       | %       | %                    | 
| Total Assets*             | (1.1)   | (0.5)   | 3.2                  | 
| Benchmark**               | 0.7452  | 0.7425  | 0.7425               | 
| Geared Growth Share NAV   | (3.4)   | (3.6)   | 1.8                  | 
| Geared Growth Share Price | (2.4)   | (1.2)   | 3.1                  | 
*   Jupiter Asset Management Limited ("Jupiter") 
**  The Company's benchmark index is 3 month sterling LIBOR calculated as at the 
first business day of each calendar month 
Availability of Monthly Fact Sheets 
Monthly   fact   sheets   for  the  Company  are  available  for  download  from 
www.jupiteronline.co.uk  and  by  post  or  fax  on  request  from  the  company 
secretarial department. 
The  Company's Geared Growth shares are listed  on the London Stock Exchange and 
the prices are published in the Financial Times under `Investment Companies'. 
The Net Asset Values of the Company's Geared Growth shares are calculated weekly 
and    can    be    viewed   on   the   London   Stock   Exchange   website   at 
www.londonstockexchange.com (under the heading 'Market News'). 
The objective of the Company is to achieve absolute returns. The Company aims to 
provide  Geared  Ordinary  shareholders  with  capital  growth, with income as a 
secondary  objective, and to  provide New Zero  Dividend Preference shareholders 
with a predetermined final capital entitlement on the Winding-Up Date. 
The investment policy of the Company is to invest in listed equities and equity 
related securities (such as convertible securities, preference shares, 
convertible unsecured loan stock, warrants and other similar securities). 
The  Investment Manager is not limited in  the asset allocation of the Company's 
investment  portfolio  between  sectors,  geographic  regions  or  the  types of 
equities  and equity  related securities  in which  the Company  may invest, but 
instead  the Investment Manager  considers each potential  investment on its own 
merits.  The Investment Manager focuses  on the sectors that  he considers to be 
the most undervalued areas of the market from time to time and the allocation of 
assets between different sectors will be determined by the Investment Manager in 
his absolute discretion. 
In  addition to equities, and equity related securities (including derivatives), 
the  types of investment and assets in which  the property of the Company may be 
invested  include cash, near cash,  fixed interest securities, currency exchange 
transactions,  index  linked  securities,  money  market  instruments (MMIs) and 
These  instruments  may  be  used  for  the purposes of both efficient portfolio 
management and, where it is considered to be appropriate for investment purposes 
by the Investment Manager and the Board to adopt an investment strategy aimed at 
achieving  positive returns across market cycles  with low levels of volatility. 
This   strategy   will  seek  to  take  advantage  of  specific  macro  economic 
circumstances and market pricing anomalies. 
At  times the portfolio may be concentrated in  any one or a combination of such 
assets and as well as holding physical long positions the Investment Manager may 
create  synthetic long  and short  positions through  the use  of equity related 
The  Investment  Manager  will  seek  to  limit  volatility  through diversified 
portfolio  holdings and sector exposures, active management of the Company's net 
and gross portfolio exposure to the market, and through the use of derivatives. 
The Company's investment portfolio is focused on companies where, in the opinion 
of  the Investment Manager, valuations are low  and growth in earnings or assets 
is  not fully  appreciated. The  Investment Manager  seeks to identify companies 
within  growth industries which enjoy  certain key characteristics, including an 
imaginative,  proven and  incentivised management  team. The  Company manages an 
adequate  spread of investment risk, with no  one investment making up more than 
10 per cent. of the Total Assets of the Company at the time of investment. 
It is the Company's stated policy that not more than 10 per cent., in aggregate, 
of  Total Assets may be invested in  other UK listed investment companies unless 
such  companies have  stated investment  policies to  invest no more than 15 per 
cent.  of their Total Assets in  other UK listed investment companies (including 
listed investment trusts). 
The  Company may make use of short term borrowings such as an overdraft facility 
for  liquidity  and  investment  purposes  in  order  to gear the returns on the 
Company's  investment portfolio but in any  event borrowings will not exceed, at 
any  one  time,  25 per  cent.  of  Total Assets without shareholder approval by 
ordinary resolution. 
The  Company may  also hedge  currency exposures.  The Company may also purchase 
unlisted securities (up to a maximum of 5 per cent. of Total Assets). 
Any  material change in the investment policy of the Company described above may 
only be made with the approval of Shareholders by an ordinary resolution and the 
separate class approval of Geared Ordinary Shareholders. 
Material Events 
There were no material events during the period to which this Interim Management 
Statement relates. 
For further information, please contact: 
Richard Pavry 
Director of Investment Trusts 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited 
020 7314 4822 
Jenny Thompson 
Company Secretarial Department 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited 
020 7314 5565 
The Company's Registered office is at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ. 
This   interim   management  statement  has  been  prepared  solely  to  provide 
information  to meet the  requirements of the  UK Listing Authority's Disclosure 
and Transparency Rules. 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Jupiter Second Split Trust PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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