The following comprises extracts from the Company's Annual  Financial 
Report for the year ended 31 October 2008.  The full Annual Financial 
Report will shortly be available to  be viewed on or downloaded  from 
the Company's website at www.jupiteronline.co.uk. 
                        CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 
The defensive stance your fund manager adopted ensured that the  fall 
in Net Assets of 16.0 per cent. was significantly less than the  fall 
in your Company's  composite benchmark  index of 34.5  per cent.  The 
composite benchmark  index  is weighted  75  per cent.  to  the  FTSE 
All-Share Index and 25 per cent. to the FTSE Actuaries World Index. 
The geared split capital structure of the Company meant that the  Net 
Asset Value of the  Company's Geared Growth shares  fell by 39.3  per 
cent. during the year under review. 
The Packaged  Units are  not geared  by the  Company's split  capital 
structure since they comprise  one Geared Growth  share and one  Zero 
Dividend Preference share. The return on  the Net Asset Value of  the 
Packaged Units declined by 16.0 per cent. over the period. 
The Net Asset Value of the Zero Dividend Preference shares  increased 
by 7.5 per cent. over the year under review to 78.29p. 
In November  we received  a VAT  repayment amounting  to GBP751,000  or 
approximately 0.8p per  Geared Capital share,  the majority of  which 
has been accounted for as capital. 
A dividend was declared on 19 December 2008 of 1.0p per Geared Growth 
share and paid on 30 January  2009 to the Geared Growth  shareholders 
(and to the holders of the Geared Growth shares within the  Company's 
Packaged Units) that appeared on the Company's register at the  close 
of business on 5 January 2009. 
Dennis Thoy 
It is with great  sadness that I announce  that Dennis Thoy, who  has 
served on the board since the Company's inception, took the  decision 
to resign as a director of the Company on the grounds of ill health. 
On behalf of the board I would like to take this opportunity to thank 
Mr Thoy for his enormous contribution over the many years that he has 
served the Company.  Mr Thoy shall be greatly missed and we wish  him 
a speedy recovery and the best of luck with any future endeavour. 
End of Life 
Detailed proposals for the continuation or reconstruction of the 
Company and information about the arrangements for shareholders 
wishing to either cash in their investment at the end of the 
Company's planned life on 30 October 2009 or to continue or roll over 
their investment have yet to be formulated.  The directors are 
actively considering the options and proposals are expected to be 
announced later in the year.  A circular will be sent to all 
shareholders in due course containing full details of our proposals. 
Since any proposals for the continuation or reconstruction of the 
Company will necessarily require the prior approval of Shareholders 
at an Extraordinary General Meeting there can be no guarantee, at 
this stage, that any such proposals will be implemented.  Hence I 
refer you to the comments in the auditor's report and in note 1 to 
the accounts which relate to the going concern basis on which the 
accounts have been prepared. 
Annual General Meeting 
This year's Annual General Meeting will be held at 1 Grosvenor Place, 
London SW1X 7JJ at 12 noon on  24 March 2009.  As part of the  Annual 
General Meeting business it is proposed that the Company should adopt 
new Articles of Association in order to comply with the provisions of 
the Companies Act 2006.  Further details of the proposed changes  are 
set out in the Directors' Report of the Report and Accounts on  pages 
20 to 22. 
Since the period  end there has  been a substantial  increase in  the 
liquidity of the portfolio, as the manager has correctly taken a very 
cautious view of the  outlook for equities.  As  at 31 January  2009, 
Government and  Corporate bonds  amounted to  14 per  cent. of  total 
assets and cash  to a  further 54 per  cent. of  total assets.   This 
decision resulted in  the outperformance of  the Company against  its 
composite benchmark index by 15.0 per cent. for the period since  the 
year end to 31 January 2009  which is a remarkable achievement  given 
the current  economic  crisis  and  the  turbulence  in  World  stock 
Gordon Campbell 
24 February 2009 
                          MANAGER'S REVIEW 
Throughout the period we were concerned about the rapid deterioration 
of the  world economy  and  maintained a  defensive stance.   To  the 
extent that there has been some optimism it has been based on factors 
such as  the apparent  cheapness  of equities  versus bonds  and  the 
increasing determination  of governments  and  central banks  to  cut 
interest rates and encourage economic growth.  However, we  preferred 
to focus  on the  deepening and  spreading recession  and the  severe 
threat to profits  in so many  sectors and parts  of the world.   The 
recession took hold as a result of de-leveraging following a  massive 
accumulation of debt on the part of many consumers, corporations  and 
governments.   Leverage  in  the  financial  sector  has  made  it  a 
particularly vulnerable area  but negative surprises  and trends  are 
likely to become  apparent in  almost all  sectors and  parts of  the 
The portfolio has  become increasingly  defensively positioned  since 
the summer of  2007, with an  emphasis on government  bonds and  cash 
and, to a smaller extent, gold and corporate bonds. 
Overseas exposure  has been  kept high  in the  belief that  sterling 
would probably fall.  This is because of the highly leveraged  nature 
of the  UK economy,  with  its gearing  into the  financial  services 
industry.  Gold should continue to  attract interest as a safe  haven 
and  government  bonds   should  respond  well   to  a   deflationary 
environment.  Corporate  bonds  are  obviously more  risky  but  some 
corporations remain  extremely  solid  in  their  outlook  but  offer 
extreme bond yields relative to government securities. 
Through our investments in Jupiter Hyde Park Hedge Fund, we have been 
able to take advantage of trading and relative value  opportunities. 
This fund appreciated materially during the calendar year 2008. 
To the extent that we remain in equities we are focused on  companies 
with solid balance  sheets, foreign currency  earnings and  defensive 
business profiles. 
Philip Gibbs 
Fund Manager 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited 
24 February 2009 
The objective of the  Company is to achieve  absolute returns from  a 
portfolio comprising  predominantly  the equity  and  equity  related 
securities of both  UK companies  and non-UK  companies. The  Company 
aims to provide Geared Growth shareholders with capital growth,  with 
income as  a  secondary  objective,  and  to  provide  Zero  Dividend 
Preference  shareholders   with   a   predetermined   final   capital 
entitlement on the planned winding-up date. 
The investment policy of the Company is to invest in listed  equities 
and  equity  related  securities  (such  as  convertible  securities, 
preference shares,  convertible unsecured  loan stock,  warrants  and 
other similar securities). 
The Investment Manager is not limited in the asset allocation of  the 
Company's investment portfolio between sectors, geographic regions or 
the types  of equities  and equity  related securities  in which  the 
Company may invest, but instead the Investment Manager considers each 
potential investment  on  its  own  merits.  The  Investment  Manager 
focuses on the sectors that he  considers to be the most  undervalued 
areas of the market  from time to time  and the allocation of  assets 
between different  sectors  will  be  determined  by  the  Investment 
Manager in his absolute discretion. 
The Investment Manager does not seek to track the performance of  the 
Company's Benchmark index  and is  not restricted  in his  investment 
decisions as  a consequence  of the  constituents of  the  Benchmark. 
There could  be significant  variations  between the  allocation  and 
performance of the Company's assets and the Benchmark. 
The Company's investment portfolio is focused on companies where,  in 
the opinion of the Investment Manager, valuations are low and  growth 
in earnings  or  assets  is not  fully  appreciated.  The  Investment 
Manager seeks to  identify companies within  growth industries  which 
enjoy certain key characteristics,  including an imaginative,  proven 
and incentivised management team and balance sheet strength. 
Any material change in the investment policy of the Company described 
above may  only be  made  with the  approval  of Shareholders  by  an 
ordinary resolution and the separate class approval of Geared  Growth 
The Directors, confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
(a) the  financial  statements,  prepared  in  accordance  with   the 
applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view  of 
the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the 
Company, and the consolidation taken as a whole; and 
(b) the Management Report includes a fair view of the development and 
performance of the business and the  position of the Company and  the 
undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together 
with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that  the 
Company faces. 
By order of the Board 
G A Campbell 
24 February 2009 
                       RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES 
The principal  risks  the Group  faces  in its  portfolio  management 
activities are: 
(a) Foreign currency risk 
(b) Market price risk i.e. movements in value of investment  holdings 
caused by factors other than interest rate or currency movement 
(c) Interest rate risk 
(d) Liquidity risk 
(e) Credit and counterparty risk 
The investment  Manager's  policies  for  managing  these  risks  are 
summarized below and have been applied throughout the year. 
(a) Foreign Currency Risk 
The Group may hedge against foreign currency movements affecting  the 
value  of  the  investment  portfolio  where  adverse  movements  are 
anticipated  otherwise  takes  account  of  this  risk  when   making 
investment decisions. 
(b) Market Price Risk 
By the very  nature of  its activities, the  Group's investments  are 
exposed to  market price  fluctuations.  Further  information on  the 
investment portfolio and investment policy is set out in the Manger's 
(c) Interest Rate Risk 
Interest rate movements may affect  the fair value of investments  of 
fixed interest securities  and the  level of  income receivable  from 
interest-bearing securities and cash at bank and on deposit. 
(d) Liquidity Risk 
The Group's  assets  comprise mainly  readily  realizable  securities 
which can be sold to  meet funding requirements if necessary.   Short 
term flexibility is achieved through the use of short term borrowings 
and overdraft facilities. 
(e) Credit and Counterparty Risk 
The failure of  the counterparty  to a transaction  to discharge  its 
obligations under  that  transaction  could  result  in  the  Company 
suffering a loss. 
A detailed explanation of principal risks and uncertainties can be 
found in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 October 
2008, which will be available on the Company's website shortly. 
                 for the year ended 31 October 2008 
                                   Year ended              Year ended 
                              31 October 2008         31 October 2007 
                    Revenue  Capital          Revenue Capital 
                     Return   Return    Total  Return  Return   Total 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
(Loss)/gain on 
investments at fair 
through profit or 
loss                      - (19,059) (19,059)       -  12,404  12,404 
Foreign exchange 
gain                      -      520      520       -       -       - 
Income from 
investments           1,478        -    1,478   3,004       -   3,004 
Bank interest           590        -      590     423       -     423 
(loss)/profit of 
subsidiary          (4,242)        -  (4,242)     562       -     562 
Total income        (2,174) (18,539) (20,713)   3,989  12,404  16,393 
fee                   (552)        -    (552) (1,117)       - (1,117) 
fee                       -      408      408       -   (230)   (230) 
Other expenses        (284)        -    (284)   (233)       -   (233) 
Total expenses        (836)      408    (428) (1,350)   (230) (1,580) 
Net return before 
finance costs and 
taxation            (3,010) (18,131) (21,141)   2,639  12,174  14,813 
Interest payable       (91)        -     (91)   (196)       -   (196) 
Zero Dividend 
shares                    -  (5,189)  (5,189)       - (4,816) (4,816) 
Net return before 
taxation            (3,101) (23,320) (26,421)   2,443   7,358   9,801 
Taxation                557       46      603   (440)   (250)   (690) 
Net return after 
taxation            (2,544) (23,274) (25,818)   2,003   7,108   9,111 
Earnings per Geared 
Growth share 
(pence)              (2.68)  (24.52)  (27.20)    2.11    7.49    9.60 
The total column  of this statement  is the statement  of the  Group, 
prepared in accordance  with IFRS. The  supplementary revenue  return 
and capital return columns are both prepared under guidance  produced 
by the Association of  Investment Companies (AIC).  All items in  the 
above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were 
acquired or discontinued in the year. 
as at 31 October 2008 
                                                31 October 31 October 
                                                      2008       2007 
                                                     GBP'000      GBP'000 
Non Current assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit 
or loss                                            100,356    118,541 
Current assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit 
or loss                                                  -      7,783 
Receivables                                          5,089      2,369 
Cash and cash equivalents                           16,778     13,433 
                                                    21,867     23,585 
Total assets                                       122,223    142,126 
Current liabilities                                (5,616)    (3,277) 
Zero Dividend Preference shares                   (74,303)          - 
Total assets less current liabilities               42,304    138,849 
Non Current liabilities 
Zero Dividend Preference shares                          -   (69,114) 
Net assets                                          42,304     69,735 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                949        949 
Share premium                                          493        493 
Special reserve                                     36,232     36,232 
Retained earnings                                    4,630     32,061 
Total equity                                        42,304     69,735 
Net Asset Value per Geared Growth share (pence)      44.58      73.48 
Approved by the  Board of directors  and authorised for  issue on  24 
February 2009 and signed on its behalf by: 
G A Campbell, Chairman 
For the year ended 31 October 2008 
                              Share   Share Special Retained 
                            Capital Premium Reserve Earnings    Total 
                              GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
For the year ended 31 
October 2008 
31 October 2007                 949     493  36,232   32,061   69,735 
Net loss for the year             -       -       - (25,818) (25,818) 
Dividends paid and 
Interim dividend for year 
31 October 2007                   -       -       -  (1,613)  (1,613) 
Balance at 31 October 2008      949     493  36,232    4,630   42,304 
For the year ended 31 
October 2007 
31 October 2006                 949     493  36,232   24,278   61,952 
Net profit for the year           -       -       -    9,111    9,111 
Dividends paid and 
Interim dividend for year 
31 October 2006                   -       -       -    (750)    (750) 
31 October 2007                   -       -       -    (578)    (578) 
Balance at 31 October 2007      949     493  36,232   32,061   69,735 
for the year ended 31 October 2008 
                                                Year ended Year ended 
                                                31 October 31 October 
                                                      2008       2007 
                                                     GBP'000      GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Purchases of investments                         (325,882)  (154,581) 
Sales of investments                               324,209    176,156 
Realised gain on foreign currency                      452          - 
Investment income received                           1,616      2,869 
Deposit interest received                              557        395 
Investment management fee paid                       (894)    (1,134) 
Investment performance fee paid                      (230)    (3,449) 
Sales less purchases of dealing subsidiary           7,851        926 
Other cash receipts                                      -          4 
Other cash expenses                                (4,575)      (238) 
Dividend paid                                      (1,613)    (1,328) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities 
before finance costs and taxation                    1,491     19,620 
Interest paid                                         (91)      (275) 
Taxation                                              (66)      (159) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities            1,334     19,186 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Short-term loan repaid                                   -   (10,000) 
Increase in cash                                     1,334      9,186 
Change in cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period        13,433      4,247 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period          14,767     13,433 
1. The consolidated accounts have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards, which comprise standards 
and interpretations approved by the International Accounting 
Standards Board and International Accounting Standards Committee, as 
adopted by the European Union. 
2. Income 
                                           2008  2007 
                                          Group Group 
                                          GBP'000 GBP'000 
Income from investments 
Dividends from United Kingdom companies     914   967 
Dividends from overseas companies           234 2,033 
Income from government stock                330     4 
                                          1,478 3,004 
Other income 
Interest on VAT recovery                     49     - 
Deposit interest                            541   423 
(Loss)/profit on dealings by subsidiary (4,242)   562 
Total income                            (2,174) 3,989 
Total income comprises: 
Dividends                                 1,478 3,004 
Interest                                    590   423 
(Loss)/profit on dealings by subsidiary (4,242)   562 
                                        (2,174) 3,989 
Income from investments 
Listed in the UK                          1,324 2,199 
Listed overseas                             154   805 
                                          1,478 3,004 
3. Reconciliation of profit before finance costs and taxation to  net 
cash inflow from operating activities 
                                                       2008      2007 
                                                      Group     Group 
                                                      GBP'000     GBP'000 
(Loss)/profit before finance costs and taxation    (21,141)    14,813 
Loss/(gain) on fixed asset investments through 
profit or loss                                       19,059  (12,404) 
Purchases of investments                          (325,882) (154,581) 
Sales of investments                                324,209   176,156 
Increase in prepayments and accrued income            (616)     (171) 
Decrease in current asset investments                 7,783       365 
Decrease in other creditors and accruals              (308)   (3,230) 
Dividend paid                                       (1,613)   (1,328) 
                                                      1,491    19,620 
4. Current liabilities 
                                  2008  2007 
                                 Group Group 
                                 GBP'000 GBP'000 
Investment performance fee           -   230 
Other creditors and accruals       259   337 
Purchases awaiting settlement    3,155 1,912 
Corporation tax                      -   164 
Deferred tax                       191   634 
Overdraft                        2,011     - 
Zero Dividend Preference shares 74,303     - 
                                79,919 3,277 
Bank Loan 
The Company's loan facility from  Royal Bank of Scotland PLC,  London 
whereby it was  able to borrow  up to  a maximum of  GBP15 million  was 
cancelled in April 2008.The facility was not used during the year. 
5. Dividends 
                                                           2008  2007 
                                                          GBP'000 GBP'000 
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in 
the period: 
2007 2nd Interim Geared Growth dividend 1.7p net          1,613     - 
2007 1st Interim Geared Growth dividend 0.61p net             -   578 
2006 1st Interim Geared Growth dividend 0.79p net             -   750 
                                                          1,613 1,328 
No provision  has been  made for  the 2008  interim dividend  on  the 
Geared Growth shares for the period ended 31 October 2008 of GBP949,057 
(2007: GBP1,613,397). Under IFRS, dividends payable by the Company  are 
only recorded as a liability following a dividend declaration by  the 
Board and therefore  the dividend  of 1p  per share  (2007: 1.7p  per 
share), declared on 19 December 2008 (2007: 21 December 2007), is not 
recognised as a liability of the Company as at 31 October 2008. 
Also set out below  is the total dividend  payable in respect of  the 
financial year  under  review,  which  is  the  basis  on  which  the 
requirements of Section 842 Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 are 
                                                2008  2007 
                                               GBP'000 GBP'000 
2008 1st Interim Geared Growth dividend 1p net 
(2007: 0.61p net)                                949   578 
2008 2nd Interim Geared Growth dividend nil 
(2007: 1.7p)                                       - 1,613 
                                                 949 2,191 
6. Related parties 
Mr. Gibbs  is  an employee  of  Jupiter Investment  Management  Group 
Limited whose  subsidiaries  Jupiter  Asset  Management  Limited  and 
Jupiter Administration Services Limited receive investment management 
and administration fees as set out below. 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited is contracted to provide  investment 
management services to  the Company  (subject to  termination by  not 
less than 12 months  notice by either party)  for a quarterly fee  of 
0.1875 per cent. of the total assets less current liabilities of  the 
Group excluding the value of any Jupiter managed investments  payable 
in arrears on 31 January,  30 April, 31 July  and 31 October in  each 
year. Management fees of GBP199,378  were outstanding as at 31  October 
2008 (2007: GBP246,684). 
Jupiter Asset Management  Limited is also  entitled to an  investment 
performance fee  if  Total  Assets less  current  liabilities  (after 
adding back any dividends paid or performance fee accrued) at the end 
of any given accounting  period have increased  over the greatest  of 
three 'high water marks',  being (i) the  Equity Proceeds (ii)  Total 
Assets less  current liabilities  at the  end of  the last  financial 
period in respect  of which a  performance fee was  last paid  (after 
deduction of the performance  fee paid to  the Investment Manager  in 
respect of that  period) and  (iii) 1.10 multiplied  by Total  Assets 
less current liabilities at the end of the previous accounting period 
(after deduction  of  any  performance fee  paid  to  the  Investment 
Manager in  respect  of  that period).  In  such  circumstances,  the 
performance fee will amount to 15  per cent. of any such excess.  The 
calculation of  the  total amount  of  any performance  fee  will  be 
adjusted for the repurchase or redemption of shares in any accounting 
period. The combined  amount of any  management and performance  fees 
payable in respect of any twelve  month period will not exceed 5  per 
cent. of the Total Assets less current liabilities of the Company. No 
performance fee was payable for the year ended 31 October 2008 (2007: 
Jupiter Administration  Services  Limited is  contracted  to  provide 
secretarial, accounting and  administrative services  to the  Company 
for an annual  fee of  GBP83,067 adjusted each  year in  line with  the 
Retail Price Index payable quarterly. None of the fee payable for the 
year ended 31  October 2008 was  outstanding at the  year end  (2007: 
Mr Gibbs's directors  fees for  the provision  of his  services as  a 
director of the Group are  paid to Jupiter Asset Management  Limited. 
GBP15,000 was payable for the year ended 31 October 2008 and GBP1,250 was 
outstanding at the year end. 
The Company  has invested  from  time to  time  in funds  managed  by 
Jupiter Investment Management Group  Limited or its subsidiaries.  As 
at 31 October  2008 there  were two investments,  East European  Food 
Fund and Jupiter Hyde Park Hedge Fund representing 10.4 per cent.  of 
total investments. 
7. Going concern 
The Directors have considered the  end of the Company's planned  life 
on 30 October 2009.  Detailed  proposals regarding the future of  the 
Company are yet  to be formulated  and are expected  to be  announced 
later in the year.  The Directors believe that any proposals for  the 
continuation or reconstruction of the Company have a good prospect of 
shareholder support based on the strong demand for longer dated ZDPs, 
of which  there is  a scarcity  in the  market; potential  desire  of 
shareholders not to crystallise capital gains and the voting patterns 
of shareholders in recent comparable proposals,. 
Notwithstanding the end of the  Company's planned life on 30  October 
2009,  after  making  enquiries  the  directors  have  a   reasonable 
expectation that the  Company has adequate  resources to continue  in 
operational existence  for  the forseeable  future.   The  Directors, 
having considered  the  prospects  of  shareholder  support  for  any 
proposed continuation of the Company,  and the future cash flows  and 
resources of the Company, continue  to adopt the going concern  basis 
in preparing the  accounts.  Further information  may be found  under 
Basis of Accounting in Note 1 of the financial statements. 
The Annual  General Meeting  of  the Company  has been  convened  for 
Tuesday 24 March 2009 at 12 noon. 
The preliminary announcement is prepared on the same basis as set out 
in the Statutory Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2008 and  was 
approved by the Board  of Directors on 24  February 2009.  The  above 
financial information  does  not  constitute  statutory  accounts  as 
defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The Auditors  have 
reported on  the Statutory  accounts for  the year  ended 31  October 
2008; their report  was unqualified, and  did not contain  statements 
under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985.  Statutory accounts for  the 
year ended 31 October 2008 including an unqualified audit report  and 
containing no statements under  s237(2) or (3)  of the Companies  Act 
1985 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due  course. 
The statutory accounts  for the  year to  31 October  2007 have  been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
The Annual  Report and  Accounts are  expected to  be posted  to  all 
registered shareholders shortly and copies  may be obtained from  the 
registered office of the  Company at 1  Grosvenor Place, London  SW1X 
Monthly fact  sheets  for  Jupiter's  investment  trust  clients  are 
available for download  from www.jupiteronline.co.uk and  by post  or 
fax on request from the company secretarial department. 
Jenny Thompson 
Company Secretarial Department 
Jupiter Asset Management Limited 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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