RNS Number : 3618Q

Investment Company PLC

20 February 2023

The Investment Company plc

Half Year Report for the six months ended 31 December 2022

The Investment Company plc (the "Company") is pleased to announce its unaudited results for the six months ended 31 December 2022

Summary of Results

                                 At 31 December      At 30 June 
                                    (unaudited)            2022 
                                                    (unaudited)    Change % 
-----------------------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Equity Shareholders' funds 
  (GBP)                              16,932,578      16,048,191        5.51 
 Number of ordinary shares 
  in issue                            4,772,049       4,772,049           - 
 Net asset value ("NAV") per 
  ordinary share                        354.83p         336.30p        5.51 
 Ordinary share price (mid)             276.00p         294.00p      (6.12) 
 Discount to NAV                         22.22%          12.58%      (9.64) 
-----------------------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------- 
                                       6 months     6 months to 
                                    31 December     31 December 
                                    (unaudited)            2021 
-----------------------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total return per ordinary 
  share *                                18.53p           8.07p 
 Dividends paid per ordinary 
  share                                     nil             nil 

* The total return per ordinary share is based on total income after taxation as detailed in the Condensed consolidated income statement and in note 3.

Chairman's Statement

Dear fellow shareholders,

During the six-months ended 31 December 2022, the Company's net assets increased from 336.3 pence per share to 354.8 pence per share, an increase of 18.5 pence per share or 5.5%. In the same period our share price fell by 18 pence, a decline of 6.1%, to end the year at a mid-price of 276 pence per share and a 22.2% discount to net asset value. Although we had a total return of GBP884,000 in the half year, this arises from capital gains rather than income and the Directors do not propose to pay an interim dividend.

On 4 November 2020 Shareholders approved a new investment objective to protect the purchasing power of our capital in real terms. Since then, the UK CPIH has increased by 14.8% and our net asset value per share, inclusive of dividends paid, increased by 16.0%. Even though the CPIH and related metrics provide an inaccurate and one-dimensional view of how inflation threatens our savings, we must measure our results somehow and consider our results with this broad view in mind. Two years is too short a time to evaluate the results of our approach, but it is ample time to consider whether the means we have employed are suitable for our objective.

Avoiding unwanted risks ensures neither prosperity or success, but there is no better way to protect ourselves from the unforeseen and the unknowable. In times of transition and upheaval, the risks we don't take will matter just as much as those we choose to embrace. With this in mind, we said goodbye in 2020 to our portfolio of preference shares, fixed-income securities and other income-oriented investments and sought to place our capital alongside business owners whose companies have a real and enduring demand for their products. These are businesses who earn an honest profit, keep clean accounts, prudent balance sheets, and a demonstrate a commitment - shown through years of good behaviour - to avoiding the kinds of risks that might put them out of business. What we didn't deploy was kept in the form of gold bullion. Being distrustful of financial products, and wary of cash in a world of negative rates and reckless money printing, we stuck to businesses we understand and the only kind of reserve asset that protects us from financial risks. Our gold holdings remain unconventional, but we think gold's 8.7% return in Sterling over the two-year period to 31 December 2022 has been adequate in light of the proliferation of risks.

Our objective and approach do not preclude more opportunistic investments, and there have been a few, but the way we protect the value of our savings is by participating in the long-term success and occasional setbacks of businesses which themselves are built to survive. Anything more than this - by trading around market sentiment, buying whatever 'grows' the fastest, or speculating on the next rate hike - may earn you a good return, but is fundamentally different from protecting your capital. So we did not participate in the speculative boom of 2021, but neither did we suffer it's deflation in 2022. We did not forecast today's decades-high inflation, and we make no forecasts for 2023 either. If we were prepared for rising prices and higher interest rates, that was because our approach drives us to the kinds of businesses and assets who are not easily threatened by poor financial conditions.


On 31 December 2022 we had 64.3% of net assets invested in 16 businesses operating in 13 different industries across Europe, North America, and beyond. A further 27.4% was invested in gold bullion held through three ETFs - the equivalent of about 96 one-kilo bars - and we held 8.3% in cash and other net current assets. During the half year we sold in aggregate shares worth GBP1.8 million realising a loss of GBP30,000 (-2%), and we purchased shares worth GBP0.9 million. There were no changes to our gold holdings during the half year.

During the half we sold most of our shares in British American Tobacco. We held the shares because we liked the pricing power inherent to the business, we thought they were mispriced, and the shares offered a material source of income in a time when there was little to be found. Rising interest rates - and the company's commitment to straining the balance sheet by pursuing share buybacks - have amplified these balance sheet risks beyond what we are willing to bear. Rising rates also create other opportunities to generate income without needing to take these kinds of risks.

The volatility and weakness of gold mining shares has been a disappointment to some, but a continued source of opportunism for us. During the half we sold all of our shares in Franco Nevada and used the proceeds to start a new position in Agnico-Eagle Mines, a Canadian gold miner whose portfolio includes many of Canada's largest and most profitable gold mines.

We also sold all our remaining shares in Strix and Kri Kri, and we added to Bakkafrost, Robertet and two of our Greek holdings. You can find a full list of holdings as at 31 December 2022 below.

We continue to hold our Lukoil shares at nil value as our ability to realise any value has become increasingly remote.

Income and expenses

Total income (which excludes realised and unrealised capital gains) for the first six months came to GBP104,000, while expenses and related taxes totalled GBP214,000. There were no extraordinary expenses in the period, and we believe current expenses are indicative of ongoing expenses for the Group. The increase in interest rates on cash and short-term securities over the past twelve months has made the prospect of interest income appreciable. Even at our small size, we expect investment income to largely - but not completely - offset expenses for the full year.


The threats to our capital are more visible now than they were in 2020, as are the challenges of trying to excel as a small investment trust. We are also conscious of the illiquid nature of the Company's shares and the resulting challenges our Shareholders face in realising the true value of their holdings in the market. The Board is therefore actively considering credible opportunities to grow and increase the liquidity of the Company while also providing an immediate complete liquidity option for all Shareholders who wish to realise their shareholding.

Whilst such growth opportunities are currently being explored there can be no certainty that a proposal will be forthcoming that the Directors can recommend to Shareholders. Therefore, if the Board is not able to recommend an alternative proposal to Shareholders at or before the 2023 Annual General Meeting, expected to be held in October 2023, it is the Directors' current intention to propose that the Company be wound up and its capital returned to Shareholders.

I.R. Dighé


17 February 2023


 The Investment Company plc 
  Ian Dighé, Chairman              +44 (0) 20 3934 6630 
 Singer Capital Markets - Corporate 
  Broker                               +44 (0)20 7496 3000 
 James Moat / Alex Emslie 
 ISCA Administration Services 
  Company Secretary                    +44 (0) 1392 487056 

Investment Objective

At the Annual General Meeting on 4 November 2020, Shareholders voted to amend the Company's Investment Objective and Policy to that shown below.

The Company's investment objective is to protect the purchasing power of its capital in real terms, and to participate in enduring economic activities which lend themselves to genuine capital accumulation and wealth creation.

Investment Policy

The Company will seek to acquire and hold, with no predetermined investment time horizon, a collection of assets which, in the Directors' judgement, are well-suited to the avoidance of a permanent loss of capital. These assets will be comprised of minority participations in the equity, debt or convertible securities of quoted businesses which the Directors believe are led by responsible and like-minded managers and suitable for the long-term compounding of earnings. In addition, to protect its capital as well as to maintain liquidity for future investments, the Company will keep reserves in (a) liquid debt instruments such as cash in banks or securities issued by governments and/or (b) liquid, non-debt, tangible assets such as gold bullion, whether held indirectly or in physical form.

The Company has no predetermined maximum or minimum levels of exposure to asset classes, currencies or geographies, and has the ability to invest globally. These exposures will be monitored by the Board in order to ensure an adequate spreading of risks. No holding in an individual company or debt instrument will represent more than 15 per cent. by value of the Company's total assets at the time of acquisition (such restriction does not, however, apply to gold bullion or cash balances). The Company's holdings of gold bullion may be as high as 35 per cent. of total assets at the time of investment.

Given the Company's investment objective, asset mix and time horizon, the portfolio will not seek to track any benchmark or index. The Company will not invest more than 10 per cent. of its total assets in other listed closed-ended investment funds. The Company will not use derivative instruments for speculative purposes, nor will it use currency hedges to manage returns in any currency.

The Company's gearing will not exceed 20 per cent. of net assets at the time of drawdown.

No material change will be made to the investment policy without the approval of Shareholders by ordinary resolution.

Portfolio Summary

Asset Exposure by Trading Currency

At 31 December 2022

                     % of net 
Currency               assets 
----------------     -------- 
GBP                        6% 
EUR                       41% 
CAD                        8% 
CHF                        5% 
NOK                        5% 
USD                        8% 
Precious Metals           27% 
Total                    100% 

Equity Participations - Regional Economic Exposure*

At 31 December 2022

                          % of equity 
  Region               participations 
--------------------  --------------- 
Europe                            48% 
North America                     35% 
South America                      5% 
Asia, Africa, Other               12% 
Total                            100% 

Equity Participations - By Sector

At 31 December 2022

                      % of equity 
  Sector           participations 
----------------  --------------- 
Industrials                   46% 
Consumer Goods                30% 
Basic Materials               17% 
Oil & Gas                      7% 
Total                        100% 

*Director estimates. Regional Economic Exposure represents where in the world the underlying business activity of the equity participations takes place.

Portfolio and Asset s

At 31 December 2022

                                                             Fair Value          % of 
  Security                             Country    Holding           GBP    net assets 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
Hal Trust                       Netherlands        12,769     1,358,766          8.0% 
Tonnellerie François 
 Frères Group              France             29,176     1,052,995          6.2% 
Imperial Oil                    Canada             20,000       810,047          4.8% 
Bakkafrost                      Faroe Islands      15,000       780,037          4.6% 
Barrick Gold                    Canada             50,000       713,513          4.2% 
Robertet                        France                957       710,303          4.2% 
Cembre                          Italy              26,000       707,812          4.2% 
Crete Plastics                  Greece             49,496       706,646          4.2% 
Lucas Bols                      Netherlands        75,000       685,023          4.1% 
Agnico Eagle Mines              Canada             13,000       561,400          3.3% 
Alamos Gold                     Canada             65,000       546,490          3.2% 
Karelia Tobacco                 Greece              2,043       525,377          3.1% 
Emmi                            Switzerland           700       493,428          2.9% 
Nedap                           Netherlands         9,000       438,947          2.6% 
Bucher Industries               Switzerland         1,200       417,862          2.5% 
British American Tobacco        UK                 10,000       328,151          1.9% 
Legacy holdings                 Various                          56,475          0.3% 
                                                           ------------  ------------ 
Total equity participations                                  10,893,272         64.3% 
                                                           ------------  ------------ 
Invesco Physical Gold ETC       UK                 15,000     2,190,755         13.0% 
WisdomTree Physical Swiss 
 Gold ETC                       Switzerland         9,000     1,307,575          7.7% 
WisdomTree Physical Gold ETC    UK                  8,000     1,137,237          6.7% 
                                                           ------------  ------------ 
Total gold                                                    4,635,567         27.4% 
                                                           ------------  ------------ 
 Euro cash                                                      740,897          4.4% 
Sterling cash                                                   652,608          3.8% 
Other assets net of other 
 liabilities                                                     10,234          0.1% 
                                                           ------------  ------------ 
Total cash plus other net 
 current assets                                               1,403,739          8.3% 
                                                           ------------  ------------ 
Total net assets                                             16,932,578        100.0% 
                                                           ------------  ------------ 

Interim management report and Directors' responsibility statement

Interim management report

The important events that have occurred during the period under review and their impact on the financial statements are set out in the Chairman's Statement above.

In the view of the Board, the principal risks facing the Group are substantially unchanged since the date of the Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2022 and continue to be as set out in that report. Risks faced by the Group include, but are not limited to, market risk (which comprises market price risk, interest rate risk and liquidity risk). Details of the Group's management of these risks and exposure to them is set out in the Group's Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2022.

There have been no significant changes in the related party disclosures set out in the Annual Report.

Directors' responsibility statement

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

-- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, and gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Group; and

   --    this Half-Yearly Financial Report includes a fair review of the information required by: 

a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Group during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions that could do so.

This Half-Yearly Financial Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 17 February 2023 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by I. R. Dighe , Chairman.

Condensed consolidated income statement

For the six months ended 31 December 2022 (unaudited)

                                6 months to 31                 6 months to 31                Year ended 30 June 
                                 December 2022                  December 2021                        2022 
                           Revenue  Capital      Total    Revenue  Capital      Total    Revenue    Capital      Total 
                  Notes        GBP      GBP        GBP        GBP      GBP        GBP        GBP        GBP        GBP 
                         ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 on investments 
 at fair 
 value through 
 profit or 
 loss                            -  971,706    971,706          -  414,942    414,942          -  (227,992)  (227,992) 
 on capital 
 items                           -   22,642     22,642          -  (3,515)    (3,515)          -      2,583      2,583 
 income             2      104,010        -    104,010    161,894        -    161,894    371,956          -    371,956 
Expenses                 (201,786)        -  (201,786)  (175,482)        -  (175,482)  (355,618)          -  (355,618) 
                         ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 before taxation          (97,776)  994,348    896,572   (13,588)  411,427    397,839     16,338  (225,409)  (209,071) 
Taxation                  (12,185)        -   (12,185)   (12,935)        -   (12,935)   (39,554)          -   (39,554) 
                         ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total (loss)/ 
 income after 
 taxation                (109,961)  994,348    884,387   (26,523)  411,427    384,904   (23,216)  (225,409)  (248,625) 
                         ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                           Revenue  Capital      Total    Revenue  Capital      Total    Revenue    Capital      Total 
                             pence    pence      pence      pence    pence      pence      pence      pence      pence 
 on total 
 income after 
 per 50p 
 share - 
 basic & 
 diluted          3         (2.30)    20.83      18.53     (0.55)     8.62       8.07     (0.49)     (4.72)     (5.21) 
                         ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

The total column of this statement is the Income Statement of the Group prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards in conformity with the Companies Act 2006. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice ("AIC SORP") issued in July 2022 by the Association of Investment Companies.

The Group did not have any income or expenses that was not included in total income for the period. Accordingly, total income is also total comprehensive income for the period, as defined by IAS 1 (revised) and no separate Statement of Comprehensive Income has been presented.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.

The notes form part of these condensed financial statements.

Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the six months ended 31 December 2022 (unaudited)

                                   Share               Share          redemption    Capital      Revenue 
                                    capital          premium          reserve       reserve      reserve       Total 
                                    GBP                  GBP          GBP               GBP          GBP         GBP 
                         ------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
Balance at 1 July 
 2022                             2,386,025        4,453,903           2,408,820  8,185,191  (1,385,748)  16,048,191 
Total comprehensive 
Net return for 
 the period                               -                -                   -    994,348    (109,961)     884,387 
Transactions with 
 Shareholders recorded 
 directly to equity 
Ordinary dividends 
 - (note 4)                               -                -                   -          -            -           - 
                         ------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
Balance at 31 
 December 2022                    2,386,025        4,453,903           2,408,820  9,179,539  (1,495,709)  16,932,578 
                         ------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
Balance at 1 July 
 2021                             2,386,025        4,453,903           2,408,820  8,410,600  (1,377,544)  16,281,804 
Total comprehensive 
Net return for 
 the period                               -                -                   -    411,427     (26,523)     384,904 
Transactions with 
 Shareholders recorded 
 directly to equity 
Ordinary dividends 
 - (note 4)                               -                -                   -          -            -           - 
                         ------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
Balance at 31 
 December 2021                    2,386,025        4,453,903           2,408,820  8,822,027  (1,404,067)  16,666,708 
                         ------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
Balance at 1 July 
 2021                             2,386,025        4,453,903           2,408,820  8,410,600  (1,377,544)  16,281,804 
Total comprehensive 
Net loss for the 
 year                                     -                -                   -  (225,409)     (23,216)   (248,625) 
Transactions with 
 Shareholders recorded 
 directly to equity 
Ordinary dividends 
 - (note 4)                               -                -                   -          -       15,012      15,012 
                         ------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
Balance at 30 
 June 2022                        2,386,025        4,453,903           2,408,820  8,185,191  (1,385,748)  16,048,191 
                         ------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 

The notes form part of these condensed financial statements.

Condensed consolidated balance sheet

At 31 December 2022 (unaudited)

                                                  31 December  31 December      30 June 
                                                         2022         2021         2022 
                                           Notes          GBP          GBP          GBP 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Non-current assets 
Investments held at fair value through 
 profit or loss                             7      15,528,839   16,349,261   15,445,243 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                            93,101       51,961       30,358 
Cash and cash equivalents                           1,393,505      363,908      678,592 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                    1,486,606      415,869      708,950 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                             (82,867)     (98,422)    (106,002) 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                     (82,867)     (98,422)    (106,002) 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net current assets                                  1,403,739      317,447      602,948 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net assets                                         16,932,578   16,666,708   16,048,191 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Capital and reserves 
Ordinary share capital                      5       2,386,025    2,386,025    2,386,025 
Share premium                                       4,453,903    4,453,903    4,453,903 
Capital redemption reserve                          2,408,820    2,408,820    2,408,820 
Capital reserve                                     9,179,539    8,822,027    8,185,191 
Revenue reserve                                   (1,495,709)  (1,404,067)  (1,385,748) 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Shareholders' funds                                16,932,578   16,666,708   16,048,191 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
NAV per ordinary share of 50p               6         354.83p      349.26p      336.30p 
                                                  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

The notes form part of these condensed financial statements.

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement

For the six months ended 31 December 2022 (unaudited)

                                           31 December  31 December      30 June 
                                                  2022         2021         2022 
                                                   GBP          GBP          GBP 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Cash flows used in operating activities 
Income received from investments               105,195      131,236      342,923 
Interest received                                    -           38           38 
Overseas taxation paid                        (13,843)        (747)     (29,350) 
Investment management fees paid                      -      (1,678)      (1,678) 
Other cash payments                          (229,231)    (200,847)    (347,995) 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash used in operating activities        (137,879)     (71,998)     (36,062) 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Cash flows generated from /(used 
 in) investing activities 
Purchase of investments                      (921,273)  (2,775,667)  (3,580,745) 
Sale of investments                          1,752,246    2,674,274    3,748,933 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash generated from/(used in) 
 investing activities                          830,973    (101,393)      168,188 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
 and cash equivalents                          693,094    (173,391)      132,126 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Reconciliation of net cash flow 
 to movement in net cash 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                    693,094    (173,391)      132,126 
Exchange rate movements                         21,819      (3,501)        5,666 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Increase/(decrease) in net cash                714,913    (176,892)      137,792 
Net cash at start of period                    678,592      540,800      540,800 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash at end of period                    1,393,505      363,908      678,592 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Analysis of net cash 
Cash and cash equivalents                    1,393,505      363,908      678,592 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                             1,393,505      363,908      678,592 
                                           -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Condensed notes to the consolidated financial statements

At 31 December 2022 (unaudited)

   1.     Significant accounting policies 

Basis of Preparation

The condensed consolidated financial statements, which comprise the unaudited results of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Abport Limited and New Centurion Trust Limited, together referred to as the "Group", have been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom adopted International Accounting Standards and in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the AIC SORP, except to any extent where it is not consistent with the requirements of International Accounting Standards. The accounting policies are as set out in the Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2022.

The half-year financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting".

The financial information contained in this half year financial report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined by the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the periods ended 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2021 have not been audited or reviewed by the Company's Auditor. The figures and financial information for the year ended 30 June 2022 are an extract from the latest published audited statements, and do not constitute the statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and include a report of the Auditor, which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Going Concern

The Directors have made an assessment of the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. This has included consideration of portfolio liquidity, the Group's financial position in respect of its cash flows and investment commitments (of which there are none of significance), the working arrangements of the key service providers, the continued eligibility to be approved as an investment trust company, the impact of the conflict in Ukraine, and the current economic environment. In addition, the Directors are not aware of any material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt upon the Group's ability to continue as a going concern.

The Directors are satisfied that the Group has the resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future being a period of at least 12 months from the date that these financial statements were approved. Therefore, the financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis.

Segmental Reporting

The Directors are of the opinion that the Group is engaged in a single segment of business, being investment business.

   2.     Income 
                                       6 months      6 months 
                                             to            to  Year ended 
                                    31 December   31 December     30 June 
                                           2022          2021        2022 
                                            GBP           GBP         GBP 
                                   ------------  ------------  ---------- 
Income from investments: 
UK dividends                             37,048       103,326     122,508 
Unfranked dividend income                66,962        67,344     258,224 
UK fixed interest                             -       (8,814)     (8,814) 
                                   ------------  ------------  ---------- 
                                        104,010       161,856     371,918 
Other income 
Bank deposit and other interest               -            38          38 
Total income                            104,010       161,894     371,956 
                                   ------------  ------------  ---------- 
   3.     Return per Ordinary Share 

Returns per share are based on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. Normal and diluted returns per share are the same as there are no dilutive elements on share capital.

                              6 months to             6 months to                    Year ended 
                            31 December 2022        31 December 2021          30 June 2022 
                         Net return       Pence  Net return       Pence   Net return       Pence 
                                GBP   per share         GBP   per share          GBP   per share 
                         ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------- 
Return after taxation 
 attributable to 
 ordinary Shareholders 
Revenue                   (109,961)      (2.30)    (26,523)      (0.55)     (23,216)      (0.49) 
Capital                     994,348       20.83     411,427        8.62    (225,409)      (4.72) 
                         ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income                     884,387       18.53     384,904        8.07    (248,625)      (5.21) 
                         ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------- 
Weighted average 
 number of ordinary 
 shares                   4,772,049               4,772,049                4,772,049 
                         ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------- 
   4.     Dividends per Ordinary Share 

Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in the period.

                                       6 months    6 months 
                                          to 31       to 31  Year ended 
                                       December    December     30 June 
                                           2022        2021        2021 
                                            GBP         GBP         GBP 
                                     ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Ordinary shares 
Unclaimed dividends in respect of 
 prior periods clawed back after 
 12 years                                      -          -    (15,012) 
                                      ----------  ---------  ---------- 
Total                                          -          -    (15,012) 
                                      ----------  ---------  ---------- 
   5.     Ordinary Share Capital 
                      31 December 2022      31 December 2021          30 June 2022 
                     Number        GBP     Number        GBP     Number        GBP 
                  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Ordinary shares 
 of 50p each      4,772,049  2,386,025  4,772,049  2,386,025  4,772,049  2,386,025 
                  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

The Company does not hold any shares in treasury as at 31 December 2022 (31 December 2021: Nil and 30 June 2022: Nil).

   6.     Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 

The NAV per ordinary share is calculated as follows:

                           31 December  31 December 
                                  2022         2021  30 June 2022 
                                   GBP          GBP           GBP 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Net assets                  16,932,578   16,666,708    16,048,191 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Ordinary shares in issue     4,772,049    4,772,049     4,772,049 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------ 
NAV per ordinary share         354.83p      349.26p       336.30p 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------ 
   7.     Fair Value Hierarchy 

The fair value is the amount at which an asset could be sold in an ordinary transaction between market participants at the measurement date, other than a forced or liquidation sale. The Group measures fair values using the following hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements.

Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the relevant asset as follows:

Level 1 - valued using quoted prices, unadjusted in active markets for identical assets and liabilities.

Level 2 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using observable inputs for the asset or liability other than quoted prices included in Level 1.

Level 3 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using inputs that are not based on observable market data for the asset or liability.

The table below sets out fair value measurement of financial instruments as at 31 December 2022, by the level in the fair value hierarchy into which the fair value measurement is categorised.

                                      Level  Level   Level 
                                          1      2       3       Total 
                                        GBP    GBP     GBP         GBP 
                                 ----------  -----  ------  ---------- 
At 31 December 2022 
Investments held at fair value 
 through profit or loss          15,472,364      -  56,475  15,528,839 
                                 ----------  -----  ------  ---------- 
At 31 December 2021 
Investments held at fair value 
 through profit or loss          16,282,652      -  66,609  16,349,261 
                                 ----------  -----  ------  ---------- 
At 30 June 2022 
Investments held at fair value 
 through profit or loss          15,384,091      -  61,152  15,445,243 
                                 ----------  -----  ------  ---------- 

Reconciliation of Level 3 investments

The following table summarises Level 3 investments that were accounted for at fair value.

                        31 December  31 December    30 June 
                               2022         2021       2022 
                                GBP          GBP        GBP 
                        -----------  -----------  --------- 
Opening balance              61,152      594,320    594,320 
Sales proceeds*                   -    (573,939)  (573,939) 
Gains on investments        (4,677)       46,228     40,771 
Closing balance              56,475       66,609     61,152 
                        -----------  -----------  --------- 

* No Level 3 investments were sold in the period.

   8.     Related party transactions 

During the first six months of the financial year, no transactions with related parties have taken place which have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Group.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 20, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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