RNS Number : 0113L

ICG Enterprise Trust PLC

28 September 2016

28 September 2016




ICG Enterprise Trust plc ("ICG Enterprise" or "the Company") presents its unaudited results for the six months ended 31 July 2016.

Chairman's Statement

Interim review

"The portfolio continues to generate strong growth over the short, medium and long term."

On behalf of the Company, I am able to report a successful set of results for the first six months under the management of ICG(1) . The net asset value as at 31 July 2016 is GBP566 million or 798 pence per share (31 January 2016: 731p), a 10.0% Total Return(2) for the period. The share price also recovered to 592 pence at 31 July 2016 (31 January 2016: 545p), delivering a Total Return of 9.8% in the six months (year ended 31 January 2016: 8.2%).

We are pleased to announce an interim ordinary dividend of 10.0 pence per share, a 100% increase on the 5.0 pence per share interim dividend declared in 2015. This will be paid on 21 October 2016(3) .

Performance in years to 31 July 
 2016                                   1      3      5     10* 
==================================  =====  =====  =====  ====== 
Net asset value per share Total 
 Return                             15.6%  24.1%  48.3%  115.6% 
Share price Total Return             2.3%  29.9%  65.9%   89.3% 
FTSE All-Share Index Total Return    3.8%  15.5%  44.1%   75.6% 

*As the Company changed its year end in 2010, the ten year figures are for the 121 month period to 31 July 2016.

Profit for the period was GBP51 million, equivalent to 72 pence per share, driven both by strong growth in the Portfolio(2,4) (+7.4%) and favourable movements in the foreign exchange rate (+5.3%). The integration of the investment team into ICG has gone smoothly and they have begun to take advantage of being part of a much larger alternative asset management business. In particular the Company has benefited from ICG's broader insight into and access of private market investment opportunities to inform certain investment decisions and make new investments. Since the start of the financial year the Company has made two primary fund commitments and two secondary investments in opportunities all originated through ICG, as well as four third-party primary fund commitments.


The Portfolio now stands at GBP470 million with the Company having received Realisation Proceeds(2) of GBP45 million and invested GBP30 million in the period. Primary fund investments account for GBP287 million (61%) and secondary and co-investments GBP183 million (39%). ICG originated investments represent GBP40 million (8%). 44% of the Portfolio is invested in the UK, 38% in continental Europe and 18% in North America.

Post-crisis Investments(2) now comprise 80% of the Portfolio with the 30 largest investments accounting for 48% of the Portfolio. The valuation of the top 30 investments at 9.7 times EBITDA(2) is at a substantial discount to the valuation of FTSE All-Share Index at 14.0 times EBITDA.

Balance sheet

Commitments of GBP54 million were added in the period such that Undrawn Commitments(2) now stand at GBP297 million. The Company holds cash of GBP110 million and undrawn debt facilities of GBP102 million providing total available liquidity of GBP212 million. Commitments therefore exceed total liquidity by GBP84 million or 15% of the period end net asset value; a level that remains consistent with our cautious approach to managing the balance sheet.


In the period the Company paid a final dividend of GBP4.3 million for the year to 31 January 2016, equivalent to 6.0 pence per share. In order to provide shareholders with greater clarity of the income they can expect from the Company, the Board anticipates paying a minimum dividend each year of 20.0 pence per share. We intend to maintain the practice of paying an interim dividend and we are pleased to declare an interim ordinary dividend of 10.0 pence per share to be paid on 21 October 2016(3) .

We repurchased 458,426 shares at an average price of 574p for total consideration of GBP2.6 million. This improved the net asset value per share by 0.2%. So long as the shares are valued at a significant discount to the net asset value the Board believes that the shares offer good value and will continue to repurchase shares on an opportunistic basis.


We are encouraged to see the Portfolio maintaining its positive growth momentum of the last 7 years, delivering double digit EBITDA growth in the last 12 months and yet it is still valued at a material discount to the FTSE All Share Index. Our focus on partnering with only the most experienced managers, with strong track records of investing and managing companies through economic cycles provides us with reassurance that the Portfolio is well positioned to adapt to changing market conditions. Whilst the stock market's response to the recent Brexit decision has been positive, we acknowledge that the negotiations with the EU may present some medium term uncertainty for the UK. We remain confident that the risk profile of the underlying investments is low, the diversity of investments is high and the liquidity position of the balance sheet is strong. In fact, the Company is well positioned to take advantage of future investment opportunities that invariably arise at times of market instability. Finally, the change of Manager to ICG is already delivering material benefits to shareholders which should only increase in both the short and long term.

Mark Fane

27 September

1. ICG Alternative Investment Limited, a regulated subsidiary of Intermediate Capital Group plc, acts as the Manager of the Company.

2. Constitutes an Alternative Performance Measure ("APM"). APMs are used throughout this report if considered by the Board and the Manager to be the most relevant basis for shareholders in assessing the overall performance of the Company, and for comparing the performance of the Company to its peers and its previously reported results. The Glossary, which is located after the notes to the financial statements, includes further details of APMs and reconciliations to IFRS measures, where appropriate.

3. Shares will trade without rights to the interim dividend from 6 October 2016 ("ex-dividend date"). The last date for registering transfers to receive the dividend is 7 October 2016 ("record date").

4. In the Chairman's Statement, Manager's Review and Supplementary Information, reference is made to the "Portfolio". This is an APM (see footnote 2). The Portfolio is defined as the aggregate of the investment portfolios of the Company and of its subsidiary limited partnerships. The rationale for this APM is discussed in detail in the Manager's Review. The Glossary, which is located after the notes to the financial statements, includes a reconciliation of the Portfolio to the most relevant IFRS measure.

Manager's Review

Change of Manager

This is our first half year report since the appointment of ICG as Manager of the Company and the transfer of the investment team from Graphite Capital Management LLP ("Graphite Capital"). At the time of the appointment, a number of potential benefits to investors were identified, including:

-- Access to a wider range of investment opportunities through ICG's global office network and local private equity manager relationships;

   --      Insights and market intelligence from ICG's direct investment teams; 

-- Support from ICG's infrastructure and expertise in areas such as treasury, investor relations and information technology; and

-- Lower costs through a reduction in the headline management fee and no fees on ICG funds (in addition to no fees on Graphite Capital funds).

In the relatively short time since moving to ICG we are encouraged by the progress we have made towards realising all of these benefits. Most notably, commitments have been made to two in-house funds: ICG Strategic Secondaries Fund II ("ICGSS") and ICG Asia Pacific Fund III (the latter completing since the half year end). We believe these funds are highly complementary to our strategy and will generate attractive returns as well as enabling the Company to access co-investments from these strategies. Both funds broaden the geographic scope and increase the proportion of investments on which shareholders do not pay a management fee. Further details of these funds are given in the Supplementary Information section.

We have also completed an GBP8.3 million co-investment alongside ICGSS in a US fund restructuring transaction and a GBP4.1 million secondary purchase of an interest in ICG Europe V, a fund in which the Company first invested in 2011, (the latter completed since the period end).

In addition to completing these in-house investment opportunities, we are benefitting greatly from ICG's insights into private equity managers and portfolio companies in Europe, US and Asia in our investment analysis and decision-making for both funds and co-investments. We have a number of investment opportunities currently under review with third-party managers who have been introduced to us through the ICG network.

Finally, we are working with a range of specialist functions within ICG to provide support and enhance the management of the Company.

These benefits are being achieved while maintaining the strong historical relationship with Graphite Capital, which, at almost a quarter of the Portfolio, continues to be the Company's most significant underlying manager.


Our strategy is fundamentally unchanged since the move to ICG, continuing our focus on buyouts led by established managers in developed private equity markets. We believe this segment of the market offers investors the best balance of risk and reward.

Our approach to sourcing investments is also unchanged. We continue to access private equity backed companies by developing relationships with our selected managers through commitments to their new funds ("primary fund commitments") and sourcing follow-on investments through both acquiring existing funds in the secondary market ("secondary fund purchases" or "secondaries") and investing directly in companies alongside our funds ("co-investments"). This approach gives us greater discretion over the investments as well as more flexibility to adapt the mix of investments to changing market conditions and Portfolio developments.

While the strategy is essentially the same, the emphasis is evolving in order to maximise the benefits of the change of Manager from a UK focused buyout house to an alternative investment firm with global reach. We are broadening the geographic scope of the Portfolio by increasing our focus on US managers with the benefit of insights and relationships from ICG's US investment teams. We are also starting to consider developed Asian markets through ICG's Asia Pacific mezzanine team. These developments are likely to have a gradual impact on the Portfolio rather than a radical shift from the 18% in US and less than 1% in Asia at 31 July 2016.

Interim results

In this Interim Report, references to the "Portfolio" include the investment portfolios of both the Company and its subsidiary partnerships. In the financial statements, in accordance with IFRS 10 'Consolidated Financial Statements', "Investments at fair value" are stated net of balances receivable from subsidiary partnerships and the accrual for the co-investment incentive scheme. Both the Manager and the Board consider that the Portfolio as presented below is the most relevant basis for shareholders in assessing the overall performance of the Company as it is consistent with industry practice and therefore enables comparison with peers as well as with the Company's previously reported results. A reconciliation of the Portfolio to the financial statements is set out in the Glossary.

Comparatives, unless otherwise stated, represent the equivalent figures for the full year to 31 January 2016. This is considered more meaningful to shareholders than the comparables for the half year to 31 July 2015.

Portfolio performance overview

GBP million                                  Six months   Year ended 
                                                  ended   31 January 
                                           31 July 2016         2016 
======================================    =============  =========== 
Movement in the Portfolio 
Opening Portfolio                                 428.2        431.9 
Additions                                          30.3         64.3 
Realisation Proceeds(1)                          (45.5)      (120.3) 
========================================  =============  =========== 
Net cash inflow                                  (15.2)       (56.0) 
Underlying Valuation Movement*(,) (1)              31.8         48.0 
% underlying Portfolio growth                     +7.4%       +11.1% 
Currency movement                                  24.9          4.3 
% currency movement                               +5.8%        +1.0% 
========================================  =============  =========== 
Closing Portfolio                                 469.7        428.2 
----------------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                                 +13.2%       +12.1% 
  --------------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 
Other Key Portfolio Metrics 
--------------------------------------    -------------  ----------- 
Proceeds as % of opening Portfolio                  11%          28% 
Number of Full Realisations                          23           41 
Uplift on exit(1)                                   21%          22% 
New primary fund commitments                       51.2         58.6 
Outstanding commitments                           296.8        253.8 

* In this interim report 99.7% of the Portfolio is valued using 30 June 2016 or 31 July valuations.

In the first half of the year the Portfolio made strong progress, rising in value by 13.2%. After adjusting for the impact of foreign currency movements on the value of our overseas investments, the Portfolio generated a valuation gain of 7.4% in local currencies.

At 31 July 2016 the Portfolio was valued at GBP469.7 million. This was GBP41.5 million higher than at the start of the period as valuation and currency gains more than offset net realisations.


The Portfolio generated Realisation Proceeds of GBP45.5 million in the period, equivalent to 11% of its opening value. This implies a slight fall in realisations relative to last year when the cash conversion rate was 28% for the full year. However, the total of 23 Full Realisations was slightly higher than last year's rate. The lower level of proceeds therefore reflects a smaller average size of disposals rather than a general slowdown in realisation activity.

Full Realisations accounted for GBP25.4 million of proceeds received and these continued to be completed at Uplifts to the previous holding values, averaging 21% in the period. This was similar to the level achieved last year of 22%.

Investments made since the financial crisis generated valuation Uplifts of 26% whereas Pre-crisis Investments(1) realised Uplifts of 11%, continuing the divergence we have noted over the last few years. Post-crisis Investments(1) also achieved a strong multiple of original cost of 2.5 times whereas the pre-crisis investments were realised for an average return multiple of 1.0 times cost, reflecting the relative underperformance of the remaining investments from these vintages.

The largest realisation in the first half was the disposal by Deutsche Beteiligungs AG ("DBAG") of Spheros, the manufacturer of climate systems for buses, which generated proceeds of GBP8.2 million including from a co-investment made alongside DBAG's fund in 2011. Further details of the ten largest underlying realisations are set out in the Supplementary Information section.

New investments

New investment of GBP30.3 million in the period was slightly lower than the rate of investment last year as market conditions continued to be challenging.

Drawdowns(1) of fund commitments of GBP21.6 million were below expectations. This was mainly because our largest fund commitment, Graphite Capital Partners VIII, made no drawdowns in the period, although this fund has completed two new investments since the period end. Across the fund portfolio generally, drawdowns were also relatively slow.

Secondary investment of GBP8.3 million reflects the co-investment alongside ICGSS noted above as no fund secondaries were completed in the period. Volumes in the market for secondary fund interests were down by between 17% and 23%, depending on the data source(2) , and pricing remained relatively high. We therefore chose to remain highly selective despite reviewing a wide range of opportunities. However, we continue to focus on the secondary market and believe that our approach to sourcing opportunities, primarily in funds either that we are already invested in or where we have an informational edge through our manager relationships, will secure attractive investments going forward.

A total of 26 new buyouts were completed in the period compared with 64 in the year to January 2016. These were acquired at a weighted average of slightly less than nine times EBITDA(1) which is marginally lower than the prices paid last year. Therefore, while the level of new investment was lower than expected, it is reassuring that our managers appear to be maintaining pricing discipline.

New fund commitments

Primary commitments of GBP51.2 million to five funds in the first half were relatively high for a six month period as many of our preferred managers have raised, or are raising, funds this year. Our pipeline therefore remains strong for the second half.

All five funds completed were raised by managers the Company has been investing with for many years. Established firms are the focus of our investment strategy as we believe they tend to be lower risk than firms with newer, less experienced, teams.

Further details of new fund commitments are set out in the Supplementary Information section.

Closing Portfolio

At 31 July 2016, the Portfolio was valued at GBP469.7 million with investments in more than 400 underlying companies managed by 34 private equity firms through 64 funds and 26 co-investments. Investments are well diversified across a wide range of sectors, geographies and vintages.

Co-investments and secondaries accounted for 38.9% of the Portfolio at the period end. This proportion has increased from approximately 18% immediately prior to the financial crisis as our strategy has evolved to give us greater discretion over investments into the Portfolio than is the case for a typical fund investor. Graphite Capital and ICG manage 23.8% and 8.5% of the Portfolio respectively including co-investments and secondaries. Third-party primary funds represent 45.9% of the Portfolio.

Whilst this well-diversified Portfolio reduces risk, we aim to strike a balance between diversification and concentration such that many underlying companies are large enough to have a meaningful impact on overall performance. The top 30 underlying companies accounted for 48% of the Portfolio at the period end therefore the performance of these investments is likely to be a key driver of future growth. In the year to June 2016 the revenues and EBITDA of these companies increased by an average of 7% and 10% respectively (in underlying currencies). By contrast, the FTSE All-Share Index reported revenue growth of 2% and a fall in EBITDA of 14% over the same period.

The top 30 companies were valued on an average multiple of 9.7 times last twelve months EBITDA at June 2016. While this has increased marginally since the start of the year we continue to believe it is reasonable for the strong growth being achieved. By comparison, the FTSE All-Share Index is currently valued at 14 times June 2016 EBITDA despite the lack of profit growth noted above. It is interesting to note that over the last 5 years, the EBITDA valuation multiple of the Company's top 30 companies has been relatively stable (although its constituents have changed almost entirely over that period) while the EBITDA multiple of the FTSE All-Share Index has increased from less than 7 in 2011 to its current level of 14.

The Net Debt(1) of the top 30 companies averaged 3.8 times EBITDA which has increased slightly relative to the top 30 at the start of the year. At this level the gearing should enhance future equity returns without involving undue financial risk, particularly given the relatively flexible terms on which many of the companies have been able to borrow over the last few years.

The share of the Portfolio represented by post-crisis investments has continued to increase and at 31 July 2016 represented 80.2% of underlying investments. We expect these to continue to generate the most significant future value growth and it is therefore encouraging that the Portfolio is now heavily concentrated in these vintages.

Commitments and liquidity

At 31 July 2016, the Company had outstanding commitments of GBP296.8 million and total liquidity of GBP212.5 million, of which GBP110.4 million was in cash(3) (31 January 2016: GBP103.8 million) and GBP102.1 million of undrawn bank facilities (31 January 2016: GBP97.1 million). Commitments therefore exceeded available liquidity by GBP84.3 million or 14.9% of the net asset value. This continues to represent a conservative level of Overcommitment(1) despite a modest increase from the 10.1% at the start of the year.

Funds in Investment Period(1) represented GBP221.0 million of the undrawn commitments. These are typically drawn down over a period of four to five years from the start of a fund with 10-20% of commitments usually retained at the end of the investment period to fund follow-on investments and expenses and for contingencies. If outstanding commitments to each of the funds were to be drawn down at a constant rate over their remaining investment periods, approximately GBP70-75 million of commitments would be drawn down over the next 12 months.

The Company therefore has adequate resources in cash and undrawn facilities to fund drawdowns for more than two years even if no realisations were to be achieved. As we expect the Portfolio to continue to generate cash over this period, the current liquidity gives us the ability to take advantage of a range of potential investment opportunities.


The environment for realisations continues to be positive despite volatility in markets and geopolitical concerns. This reflects the high levels of equity and debt funding available to both financial and trade buyers. We therefore expect the Portfolio to generate further realisations in the second half which should underpin growth in value given the uplifts that tend to be achieved on sale. Also, with the Portfolio continuing to demonstrate strong profit growth and valuation multiples remaining significantly below the Index, the prospects for further growth in unrealised valuations remain positive.

At times when markets are favourable for exits, it can be more challenging to invest at reasonable valuations. We believe this dynamic is reflected in the relatively low level of new investment in the first half but we are reassured that our managers are continuing to exercise price discipline.

Our investment strategy, which is fundamentally unchanged following the move to ICG, gives us the flexibility to adapt the mix of primary funds, secondaries and co-investments to changing market conditions and to deploy cash where we see the best relative value. The Company has the benefit of a strong balance sheet and it is encouraging that in the short space of time since joining ICG we are seeing dealflow, both in-house and alongside our third-party managers, which should enable us to deploy the Company's cash balances in attractive investments.

ICG Private Equity Fund Investment Team

September 2016

1. See Glossary for definitions. The Glossary is located after the notes to the financial statements.

   2.   Includes reports from Greenhill Cogent, Evercore, Setter Capital and NYPPX 

3. This compares with cash shown on the balance sheet of GBP110.3m. The difference of GBP0.1m represents cash held by the Company's subsidiary limited partnerships.


This section presents supplementary information regarding the Portfolio (see Manager's Review and the Glossary for further details and definitions).

The 30 largest underlying INVESTMENTS

The table below presents the 30 companies in which ICG Enterprise had the largest investments by value at 31 July 2016. These investments may be held directly or through funds, or in some cases in both ways. The valuations are shown as a percentage of the Portfolio.

       Company                           Manager                       Year of         Country          Value as 
                                                                    investment                    % of Portfolio 
----  --------------------------------  -----------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 1     Micheldever (+) 
  Distributor and retailer 
   of tyres                         Graphite Capital                 2006                   UK              5.7% 
 2     City & County Healthcare 
  Provider of home care 
   services                         Graphite Capital                 2013                   UK              3.4% 
 3     nGAGE 
  Provider of recruitment 
   services                         Graphite Capital                 2014                   UK              2.6% 
 4     Education Personnel (+) 
  Provider of temporary 
   staff for the education 
   sector                           ICG                              2014                   UK              2.5% 
 5     R&R Ice Cream (+) 
  Manufacturer and distributor 
   of ice cream products            PAI Partners                     2013                   UK              2.3% 
 6     Standard Brands (+) 
  Manufacturer of fire 
   lighting products                Graphite Capital                 2001                   UK              2.1% 
 7     Skillsoft (+) 
  Provider of off-the-shelf 
   e-learning content               Charterhouse                     2014                  USA              2.1% 
 8     PetSmart (+) 
  Retailer of pet products 
   and services                     BC Partners                      2015                  USA              1.8% 
 9     David Lloyd Leisure (+) 
  Operator of premium health 
   and fitness clubs                TDR Capital                      2013                   UK              1.8% 
 10    Frontier Medical (+) 
  Manufacturer of medical 
   devices                          Kester Capital                   2013                   UK              1.7% 
 11    U-POL 
  Manufacturer and distributor 
   of automotive refinishing 
   products                         Graphite Capital                 2010                   UK              1.7% 
 12    TMF 
  Provider of management 
   and accounting outsourcing 
   services                         Doughty Hanson                   2008          Netherlands              1.7% 
 13    Co-investment (+) / * 
  Provider of business              Large buy-out 
   services                          manager                         2014               Europe              1.6% 
 14    The Laine Pub Company 
  Operator of pubs and 
   bars                             Graphite Capital                 2014                   UK              1.5% 
 15    Algeco Scotsman 
  Supplier and operator 
   of modular buildings             TDR Capital                      2007                  USA              1.5% 
 16    CPA Global (+) 
  Provider of patent and 
   legal services                   Cinven                           2012                   UK              1.4% 
 17    NWTC 
  Operator of distinctive 
   pub restaurants                  Graphite Capital                 2016                   UK              1.4% 
 18    Formel D 
  Provider of out-sourced 
   services to the automotive 
   industry                         Deutsche Beteiligungs            2013              Germany              1.1% 
 19    Cognito (+) 
  Supplier of communications 
   equipment, software and 
   services                         Graphite Capital                 2002                   UK              1.0% 
 20    Swiss Education(+) 
  Provider of hospitality 
   training                         Invision Capital                 2015          Switzerland              0.9% 
 21    Ceridian(+) 
  Provider of payment processing    Thomas H. Lee 
   services                          Partners                        2007                  USA              0.9% 
 22    Quironsalud 
  Provider of private healthcare 
   services                         CVC                              2011                Spain              0.9% 
 23    Parques Reunidos** 
  Operator of attraction 
   parks                            Arle Capital                     2007                Spain              0.9% 
 24    Cambium 
  Provider of educational 
   solutions and services           ICG                              2016                  USA              0.9% 
 25    Aero Technics Group 
  Provider of civil aircraft 
   maintenance                      Graphite Capital                 2015                   UK              0.9% 
 26    ICR Group 
  Provider of repair and 
   maintenance services 
   to the energy industry           Graphite Capital                 2014                   UK              0.8% 
 27    InVentiv Health 
  Provider of commercial 
   solutions for healthcare         Thomas H Lee 
   companies                         Partners                        2010                  USA              0.8% 
 28    Gerflor 
  Manufacturer of vinyl 
   flooring                         ICG                              2011               France              0.8% 
 29    Property Services Holdings 
  Provider of residential 
   property sales and letting 
   services                         Bowmark                          2010                   UK              0.8% 
 30    TMP 
  Provider of recruitment 
   services                         Graphite Capital                 2006                   UK              0.8% 
  Total of the 30 largest underlying 
   investments                                                                                             48.3% 
 ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------  ---------------- 

(+) All or part of this investment is held directly as a co-investment or other direct investment.

* We are not permitted to disclose the details of this co-investment under the terms of a confidentiality agreement

** Quoted investment.

The 30 largest fund investments

The 30 largest funds by value at 31 July 2016 are set out below:

                                               commitment      Year of      Country/           Value 
       Fund                                    GBP million    commitment     region      GBP million 
      -------------------------------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ------------- 
 1     Graphite Capital Partners 
        VIII * 
  Mid-market buy-outs                             56.0          2013           UK               35.6 
 2     Graphite Capital Partners 
        VI ** 
  Mid-market buy-outs                             2.1           2003           UK               24.6 
 3     CVC European Equity Partners 
        V ** 
  Large buy-outs                                  1.2           2008       Europe/USA           20.3 
 4     BC European Capital IX ** 
  Large buy-outs                                  4.0           2011         Europe             17.2 
 5     Thomas H. Lee Parallel Fund 
  Large buy-outs                                  1.0           2007          USA               16.7 
 6     Graphite Capital Partners 
        VII *** 
  Mid-market buy-outs                             7.6           2007           UK               14.5 
 7     Deutsche Beteiligungs Fund 
  Mid-market buy-outs                             0.3           2006        Germany             14.2 
 8     Activa Capital Fund II 
  Mid-market buy-outs                             0.7           2007         France             13.0 
 9     TDR Capital II 
  Mid-market and large buy-outs                   0.8           2006         Europe             12.6 
 10    Fifth Cinven Fund 
  Large buy-outs                                  3.4           2012         Europe             12.3 
 11    Bowmark Capital Partners 
  Mid-market buy-outs                              -            2007           UK               11.1 
 12    ICG Velocity Partners Co-Investor** 
  VSS IV fund restructuring                       2.4           2016          USA               10.5 
 13    PAI Europe V ** 
  Mid-market and large buy-outs                   1.0           2007         Europe             10.2 
 14    Doughty Hanson & Co V ** 
  Mid-market and large buy-outs                   6.4           2006         Europe              9.6 
 15    ICG European Fund 2006 B 
  Mezzanine                                       2.0           2014         Europe              8.5 
 16    IK VII 
  Mid-market buy-outs                        0.5    2013   Europe      8.4 
 17    ICG Europe V 
  Mezzanine                                  0.8    2012   Europe      7.5 
 18    Permira V 
  Large buy-outs                             2.1    2013   Europe      6.9 
 19    CVC Capital Partners VI 
  Large buy-outs                            10.1    2013   Global      6.3 
 20    Candover 2005 Fund ** 
  Large buy-outs                             0.1    2005   Europe      5.7 
 21    Piper Private Equity Fund 
  Small buy-outs                             0.9    2010     UK        5.4 
 22    Deutsche Beteiligungs Fund 
  Mid-market buy-outs                        3.1    2012   Germany     5.4 
 23    PAI Europe VI 
  Mid-market and large buy-outs             11.8    2013   Europe      5.0 
 24    Nordic Capital Partners VIII 
  Mid-market and large buy-outs              4.0    2013   Nordic      4.7 
 25    TDR Capital III 
  Mid-market and large buy-outs              4.6    2013   Europe      4.6 
 26    Activa Capital Fund III 
  Mid-market buy-outs                        7.5    2013   France      4.5 
 27    Egeria Private Equity Fund 
  Mid-market buy-outs                        4.3    2012   Europe      4.3 
 28    Hollyport Secondary Opportunities 
  Tail-end secondary portfolios              4.9    2015   Global      4.1 
 29    Hollyport Secondary Opportunities 
  Tail-end secondary portfolios              0.8    2013     UK        4.0 
 30    Steadfast Capital III 
  Mid-market buy-outs                        0.9    2011   Europe      3.8 
  Total of the largest 30 fund 
   investments                              145.3                    311.5 
  Percentage of Portfolio                                            66.3% 
 ----------------------------------------  ------  -----  --------  ------ 

* Includes the associated Top Up funds.

** All or part of interest acquired through a secondary fund purchase.


The tables below analyse the 30 companies in which ICG Enterprise had the largest investments by value at 31 July 2016. These investments may be held directly or through funds or, in some cases, in both ways.

   30 largest investments* - revenue growth 
 % growth                                % by number 
------------------------  -------------------------- 
 <0%                                           20.0% 
 0-10%                                         46.7% 
 10-20%                                        10.0% 
 20-30%                                        16.7% 
 30 largest investments** - EBITDA growth 
 % growth                                % by number 
------------------------  -------------------------- 
 <0%                                           26.7% 
 0-10%                                         20.0% 
 10-20%                                        23.3% 
 20-30%                                         6.7% 
 >30%                                          13.3% 
   30 largest investments*** - enterprise value 
   as a multiple of EBITDA 
 Multiple                                % by number 
------------------------  -------------------------- 
 <7.0x                                         10.0% 
 7.0-8.0x                                      13.3% 
 8.0-9.0x                                      23.3% 
 9.0-10.0x                                     13.3% 
 10.0-11.0x                                    10.0% 
 11.0-12.0x                                    10.0% 
 >12.0x                                        16.7% 
   30 largest investments - net debt as a multiple 
   of EBITDA 
 Multiple                                % by number 
------------------------  -------------------------- 
 <2.0x                                         26.6% 
 2.0-3.0x                                      16.7% 
 3.0-4.0x                                      13.3% 
 4.0-5.0x                                      16.7% 
 5.0-6.0x                                       6.7% 
 6.0-7.0x                                      10.0% 
 >7.0x                                         10.0% 

* Excludes NWTC and Aero Technics where this metric is not meaningful

** Excludes NWTC, Aero Technics and Cognito where this metric is not meaningful

*** Excludes Cognito where this metric is not meaningful

Portfolio analySIS

The following six tables analyse the Portfolio by value at 31 July 2016.

 Portfolio - Investment         % of value 
  type                       of underlying 
------------------------   --------------- 
 Large buy-outs                      44.6% 
 Mid-market buy-outs                 43.9% 
 Mezzanine                            7.8% 
 Small buy-outs                       3.7% 
 Total                              100.0% 
-------------------------  --------------- 
 Portfolio - Geographic         % of value 
  distribution*              of underlying 
 UK                                  43.9% 
 North America                       17.9% 
 Germany                             10.6% 
 France                              10.4% 
 Scandinavia                          5.7% 
 Benelux                              4.7% 
 Spain                                2.3% 
 Italy                                2.3% 
 Other Europe                         2.0% 
 Rest of world                        0.2% 
-------------------------  --------------- 
 Total                              100.0% 
-------------------------  --------------- 
 NB: Total Continental 
  Europe                             38.0% 

* Location of headquarters of underlying companies in the Portfolio. Does not necessarily reflect countries to which companies have economic exposure.

 Portfolio - Year of        Valuation       % of value 
  investment              as multiple    of underlying 
                              of cost      investments 
---------------------   -------------  --------------- 
 2016                            1.1x             8.7% 
 2015                            1.3x            12.2% 
 2014                            1.2x            21.2% 
 2013                            1.8x            17.2% 
 2012                            1.7x             7.4% 
 2011                            1.4x             5.6% 
 2010                            1.7x             6.4% 
 2009                            2.8x             1.5% 
 2008                            0.9x             4.4% 
 2007                            1.5x             5.1% 
 2006 and prior                  1.3x            10.3% 
----------------------  -------------  --------------- 
 Total                           1.4x           100.0% 
----------------------  -------------  --------------- 
 Portfolio - Sector analysis           % of value of 
-----------------------------------   -------------- 
 Business services                             20.6% 
 Healthcare and education                      17.4% 
 Consumer goods and services                   16.2% 
 Industrials                                   13.3% 
 Leisure                                       11.1% 
 Automotive supplies                            8.3% 
 Financials                                     5.2% 
 Technology and telecommunications              3.7% 
 Media                                          2.8% 
 Chemicals                                      1.4% 
------------------------------------  -------------- 
 Total                                        100.0% 
------------------------------------  -------------- 

Quoted equity holdings at 31 July 2016

All quoted holdings are held indirectly through third party funds and may have restrictions on their sale. The timing of any disposal of these interests is determined by the managers of those funds.

   Underlying investment     Ticker    GBP million   % of Portfolio 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------- 
 Parques Reunidos            PQR               4.2             0.9% 
 VWR International           VWR               2.6             0.6% 
 Party City                  PRTY              2.2             0.5% 
 Black Knight                BKFS              2.1             0.4% 
 ComHem                      COMH              1.7             0.4% 
 Tumi                        TUMI              1.6             0.3% 
 JRP                         JRP               1.4             0.3% 
 Technogym                   TGYM              1.0             0.2% 
 Fogo de Chao                FOGO              0.8             0.2% 
 West Corporation            WSTC              0.8             0.2% 
 Univar N.V                  UNVR              0.7             0.1% 
 FleetCor                    FLT               0.5             0.1% 
 First BanCorp               FBP               0.5             0.1% 
 Lululemon Athletica         LULU              0.5             0.1% 
 Others (less than GBP0.5 
  million)                                     1.1             0.1% 
                                      ------------  --------------- 
 Total                                        21.7             4.5% 
                                      ------------  --------------- 

Third party, Graphite Capital and ICG investments at 31 July 2016

                                Third party         Capital             ICG           Total 
                                GBP million     GBP million     GBP million     GBP million     % of Portfolio 
---------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Primary investments 
  in funds                            215.8            62.0             9.1           286.9              61.1% 
 Secondary investments 
  in funds                             40.8            12.7            19.0            72.5              15.4% 
 Direct and co-investments             61.4            37.3            11.6           110.3              23.5% 
---------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Total Portfolio                      318.0           112.0            39.7           469.7             100.0% 
---------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 % of Portfolio                       67.7%           23.8%            8.5%          100.0% 
---------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------- 

Investment activity

Largest new underlying investments in the six months ended 31 July 2016

 Investment             Description                  Manager         Country         GBP million 
---------------------  -------------------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------- 
                        Retailer of outdoor 
 Atlas for Men           clothing                  Activa            France                  1.3 
                        Manufacturer of 
 LOOK Cycle              bicycle equipment         Activa            France                  1.1 
                        Provider of contract 
                         research organisation 
 Factory-CRO             to medical industry       Kester Capital    Netherlands             1.0 
                        Operator of cable 
 Cablevision             TV                        BC Partners       USA                     0.9 
                        Provider of recruitment 
 TEG                     and payroll services      Egeria            Netherlands             0.7 
                        Wholesaler and 
 The Masai Clothing      retailer of women's 
  Company                clothing                  Silverfleet       Denmark                 0.7 
                        Manufacturer of 
                         high precision 
 Jessen                  electrical sheet          Steadfast         Germany                 0.7 
                        Provider of digital 
                         and analogue computer 
 Guntermann & Drunck     signal management         Steadfast         Germany                 0.7 
                        Provider of physical 
                         telecom, broadband 
                         and electrical            IK Investment 
 NeTel Group             networks                   Partners         Sweden                  0.6 
 Kurt Geiger            Retailer of footwear       Cinven            UK                      0.5 
 Total of 10 largest new underlying 
  investments                                                                                8.2 
------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------  ------------- 

Largest underlying realisations in the six months ended 31 July 2016

                                                       Year of          Realisation        Proceeds 
 Investment             Manager                     investment                 type     GBP million 
---------------------  -----------------------  --------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Spheros                Deutsche Beteiligungs    2011            Trade                          8.2 
 David Lloyd Leisure    TDR Capital              2013            Recapitalisation               3.7 
 Swissport              PAI Partners             2011            Trade                          3.4 
 Stork                  Arle Capital             2008            Trade                          2.0 
 PetSmart               BC Partners              2015            Return of capital              2.0 
 Technogym              Arle Capital             2008            IPO                            1.9 
 Frontier Medical       Kester Capital           2013            Recapitalisation               1.8 
 Hunkemoller            PAI Partners             2011            Secondary                      1.6 
 Education Personnel    ICG                      2014            Recapitalisation               1.4 
                                                                 Public sell down 
 Elior                  Charterhouse             2006             post IPO                      1.4 
 Total of 10 largest underlying 
  realisations                                                                                 27.4 
----------------------------------------------   --------------------                 ------------- 

Commitments analysis

The following four tables analyse ICG Enterprise's commitments at 31 July 2016.

 Commitments at 31 July        Original    Outstanding       Average 
  2016                      commitment*     commitment      drawdown     % of commitments 
                            GBP million    GBP million    percentage 
------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  ------------------- 
 Investment period not 
  commenced                        34.5           34.5           n/a                11.6% 
 Funds in investment 
  period                          374.6          221.0         41.0%                74.5% 
 Funds post investment 
  period                          542.4           41.3         92.4%                13.9% 
------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  ------------------- 
 Total                            951.5          296.8         68.8%               100.0% 
------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  ------------------- 

(*) Original commitments are translated at 31 July 2016 exchange rates.

 Commitments - remaining investment period,    % of commitments 
  at 31 July 2016 
--------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Investment period not commenced                          11.6% 
 4-5 years                                                11.9% 
 3-4 years                                                25.0% 
 2-3 years                                                29.1% 
 1-2 years                                                 4.4% 
 <1 year                                                   4.1% 
 Investment period complete                               13.9% 
--------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Total                                                   100.0% 
--------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Movement in outstanding commitments in six 
  months ended 31 July 2016                      GBP million 
--------------------------------------------  -------------- 
 Opening                                               253.8 
 New primary commitments                                51.2 
 New commitments arising through secondary 
  purchase of fund interests                             2.3 
 Drawdowns                                            (21.7) 
 Currency and other movements                           11.2 
 Closing                                               296.8 
--------------------------------------------  -------------- 

New commitments during the six months to 31 July 2016

   Fund                               Strategy     Geography   GBP million 
---------------------------  -----------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Primary commitments 
 Sixth Cinven Fund              Large buy-outs        Europe          15.5 
 Advent Global Private 
  Equity VIII                   Large buy-outs    Europe/USA          11.7 
 ICG Strategic Secondaries         GP led fund 
  Fund II                       restructurings    USA/Europe          10.6 
 IK VIII                               buyouts        Europe           8.4 
 Piper Private Equity 
  Fund VI                       Small buy-outs            UK           5.0 
---------------------------  -----------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total primary commitments                                            51.2 
 Commitments arising 
  from secondary purchases 
   ICG Velocity Partners           VSS IV fund 
   Co-Investor                   restructuring           USA           2.3 
---------------------------  -----------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total new commitments                                                53.5 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 


                           31 July   31 July     31 January   31 January 
                              2016      2016           2016         2016 
                       GBP million         %    GBP million            % 
-------------------  -------------  --------  -------------  ----------- 
  - Sterling                 225.4     48.0%          209.1        48.8% 
  - Euro                     121.2     25.8%          122.8        28.7% 
  - US dollar                 84.7     18.1%           60.9        14.2% 
  - Other European            36.2      7.7%           33.5         7.8% 
  - Other                      2.2      0.4%            1.9         0.5% 
-------------------  -------------  --------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total                       469.7    100.0%          428.2       100.0% 
-------------------  -------------  --------  -------------  ----------- 

* Currency exposure is calculated by reference to the location of the underlying portfolio companies' headquarters.

                                 31 July   31 July     31 January   31 January 
                                    2016      2016           2016         2016 
                             GBP million         %    GBP million            % 
-------------------------  -------------  --------  -------------  ----------- 
 Outstanding commitments 
  - Sterling                       104.2     35.1%          102.3        40.3% 
  - Euro                           158.2     53.3%          131.2        51.7% 
  - US dollar                       32.4     10.9%           18.4         7.2% 
  - Other European                   2.0      0.7%            1.9         0.8% 
-------------------------  -------------  --------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total                             296.8    100.0%          253.8       100.0% 
-------------------------  -------------  --------  -------------  ----------- 

Dividend HISTORY and Shareholder Analysis

Dividend History 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                      Revenue    Ordinary                         Total   Net asset       Closing 
                       return    dividend  Special dividend    dividend       value    mid-market 
                    per share   per share         per share   per share   per share   share price 
Period ended                p           p                 p           p           p             p 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
31 July 2016*             4.0        10.0                 -        10.0       798.0         592.0 
31 January 2016          11.1        11.0                 -        11.0       730.9         545.0 
31 January 2015          13.0        10.0               5.5        15.5       695.2         575.0 
31 January 2014          19.0         7.5               8.0        15.5       677.2         563.5 
31 January 2013           3.2         5.0                 -         5.0       631.5         487.0 
31 January 2012           6.3         5.0                 -         5.0       569.4         357.0 
31 January 2011           1.5        2.25                 -        2.25       534.0         308.0 
31 December 
 2009                    -0.1        2.25                 -        2.25       464.1         305.0 
31 December 
 2008                     5.1         4.5                 -         4.5       449.0         187.0 
31 December 
 2007                     8.9         8.0                 -         8.0       519.4         474.0 
31 December 
 2006                     7.4         6.5                 -         6.5       454.6         386.0 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 

* As discussed in the Chairman's Statement, an interim dividend of 10.0p per share will be paid on 21 October.

Shareholder Analysis 
--------------------------  -------------------------------      ------------------------------- 
                                               31 July 2016                      31 January 2016 
                                                                       Number of 
                                         of      Percentage       shares held(+)      Percentage 
                                     ('000)        of total               ('000)        of total 
--------------------------  ---  ----------      ----------      ---------------      ---------- 
Individuals                          40,362           57.0%               40,443           56.7% 
Investment funds                     18,298           25.8%               19,402           27.2% 
Private client wealth 
 managers                             5,262            7.4%                5,246            7.4% 
Pensions and endowments               3,441            4.9%                3,535            5.0% 
Specialist private equity 
 investors                            1,579            2.2%                1,125            1.6% 
Banks                                 1,290            1.8%                  807            1.1% 
Insurance companies                     268            0.4%                  268            0.4% 
Other                                   368            0.5%                  501            0.7% 
-------------------------------  ----------      ----------      ---------------      ---------- 
Total                                70,868            100%               71,327          100.0% 
-------------------------------  ----------      ----------      ---------------      ---------- 
(**) Excludes 2,044,589 shares held in treasury. 
 (+) Excludes 1,586,613 shares held in treasury. 


Income Statement (unaudited)

                               Half                          Half 
                                year                          year                             Year 
                               to 31                         to 31                            ended 
                                July                          July                          31 January 
                                2016                          2015                             2016 
-----------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
                    Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue        Capital     Total 
                    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
  gains and 
  on investments      4,560    48,436    52,996     7,720    11,118    18,838    12,100         33,761    45,861 
  interest              163         -       163       145         -       145       309              -       309 
 Other income             -         -         -         -         -         -       115              -       115 
  gains and 
  losses                  -     1,924     1,924         -     (572)     (572)         -            747       747 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
                      4,723    50,360    55,083     7,865    10,546    18,411    12,524         34,508    47,032 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
  charges             (736)   (2,061)   (2,797)     (751)   (2,251)   (3,002)   (1,509)        (4,260)   (5,769) 
 Other expenses       (588)     (567)   (1,155)     (754)     (571)   (1,325)   (1,722)        (1,123)   (2,845) 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
                    (1,324)   (2,628)   (3,952)   (1,505)   (2,822)   (4,327)   (3,231)        (5,383)   (8,614) 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
  taxation            3,399    47,732    51,131     6,360     7,724    14,084     9,293         29,125    38,418 
 Taxation             (526)       526         -     (562)       562         -   (1,292)          1,292         - 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
  for the 
  period              2,873    48,258    51,131     5,798     8,286    14,084     8,001         30,417    38,418 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
  shareholders    2,873   48,258   51,131   5,798   8,286   14,084   8,001   30,417   38,418 
 Basic and 
  per share      71.7p   19.4p   53.1p 

The columns headed 'Total' represent the income statement for the relevant financial periods and the columns headed 'Revenue' and 'Capital' are supplementary information, in line with the Statement of Recommended Practice for investment trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies in November 2014. There is no Other Comprehensive Income.

Balance Sheet (unaudited)

                               31 July 2016   31 July 2015   31 January 
                                    GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Investments held at fair 
 - Unquoted investments             392,496        341,296      356,939 
 - Quoted investments                     -          2,517            - 
 - Subsidiary investments            60,823         56,937       57,168 
                              -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                    453,319        400,750      414,107 
 Current assets 
 Cash and cash equivalents          110,314        100,994      103,831 
 Receivables                          2,763          4,511        4,038 
                              -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                    113,077        105,505      107,869 
 Current liabilities 
 Payables                               851            586          634 
                              -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Net current assets                 112,226        104,919      107,235 
 Total assets less current 
  liabilities                       565,545        505,669      521,342 
                              -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                        7,292          7,292        7,292 
 Capital redemption reserve           2,112          2,112        2,112 
 Share premium                       12,936         12,936       12,936 
 Capital reserve                    530,392        467,705      484,782 
 Revenue reserve                     12,813         15,624       14,220 
                              -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total equity                       565,545        505,669      521,342 
 Net asset value per share 
  (basic and diluted)                798.0p         700.3p       730.9p 

Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)

                                               Half year   Half year 
                                                      to          to      Year to 
                                                 31 July     31 July   31 January 
                                                    2016        2015         2016 
                                                 GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Operating activities 
 Sale of portfolio investments                    37,518      51,554       89,941 
 Purchase of portfolio investments              (26,192)    (28,261)     (56,213) 
 Interest income received from portfolio 
  investments                                      3,134       5,630        8,951 
 Dividend income received from portfolio 
  investments                                        513       2,635        2,882 
 Other income received                               163         156          384 
 Investment management charges paid              (2,726)     (2,975)      (5,840) 
 Other expenses paid                               (622)       (571)      (1,269) 
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities        11,788      28,168       38,836 
 Financing activities 
 Bank facility fee                                 (518)     (1,431)      (1,963) 
 Purchase of shares into treasury                (2,412)     (4,070)      (9,110) 
 Equity dividends paid                           (4,280)    (11,209)     (14,816) 
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities      (7,210)    (16,710)     (25,889) 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents         4,578      11,458       12,947 
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                      103,831      90,137       90,137 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents         4,578      11,458       12,947 
 Effect of changes in foreign exchange 
  rates                                            1,905       (601)          747 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  period                                         110,314     100,994      103,831 
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------- 

Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited)

                         Share       Capital      Share     Capital    Revenue   Total shareholders' 
                       capital    redemption    premium     reserve    reserve                equity 
                       GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000               GBP'000 
-------------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -------------------- 
 Six months 
  31 July 2016 
 Opening balance 
  1 February 
  2016                   7,292         2,112     12,936     484,782     14,220               521,342 
 Profit for 
  the period 
  and total 
  income                     -             -          -      48,258      2,873                51,131 
  paid or approved           -             -          -           -    (4,280)               (4,280) 
  of shares 
  into treasury*             -             -          -     (2,648)          -               (2,648) 
 Closing balance 
  at 31 July 
  2016                   7,292         2,112     12,936     530,392     12,813               565,545 
-------------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -------------------- 

* 458,426 10p ordinary shares with an aggregate nominal value of GBP45,843 were purchased during the period and are held in treasury. Distributable reserves have been reduced by GBP2.6 million, being the consideration paid for these shares.

                         Share       Capital      Share     Capital    Revenue   Total shareholders' 
                       capital    redemption    premium     reserve    reserve                equity 
                       GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000               GBP'000 
-------------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -------------------- 
 Six months 
  31 July 2015 
  balance at 
  1 February 
  2015                   7,292         2,112     12,936     463,489     21,035               506,864 
 Profit for 
  the period 
  and total 
  income                     -             -          -       8,286      5,798                14,084 
  paid or approved           -             -          -           -   (11,209)              (11,209) 
  of shares 
  into treasury*             -             -          -     (4,070)          -               (4,070) 
 Closing balance 
  at 31 July 
  2015                   7,292         2,112     12,936     467,705     15,624               505,669 
-------------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -------------------- 

* 705,833 10p ordinary shares with an aggregate nominal value of GBP70,583 were purchased during the period and are held in treasury. Distributable reserves have been reduced by GBP4.1 million, being the consideration paid for these shares.

                         Share       Capital      Share     Capital    Revenue   Total shareholders' 
                       capital    redemption    premium     reserve    reserve                equity 
                       GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000               GBP'000 
-------------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -------------------- 
 Year to 
  31 January 
 Opening balance 
  1 February 
  2015                   7,292         2,112     12,936     463,489     21,035               506,864 
 Profit for 
  the year 
  and total 
  income                     -             -          -      30,417      8,001                38,418 
  paid or approved           -             -          -           -   (14,816)              (14,816) 
  of shares 
  into treasury              -             -          -     (9,124)          -               (9,124) 
 Closing balance 
  at 31 January 
  2016                   7,292         2,112     12,936     484,782     14,220               521,342 
-------------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -------------------- 

* 1,586,163 10p ordinary shares with an aggregate nominal value of GBP158,616 were purchased during the period and are held in treasury. Distributable reserves have been reduced by GBP9.1 million, being the consideration paid for these shares.

   Notes to the interim report (unaudited) 
    ICG Enterprise Trust plc ("the Company") is registered in England 
    and Wales and domiciled in England. The registered office is Juxon 
    House, 100 St Paul's Churchyard, London EC4M 8BU. The Company's 
    objective is to provide shareholders with long term capital growth 
    through investment in unquoted companies, mostly through private 
    equity funds but also directly. This report was approved for issue 
    by the Board of Directors on 27 September 2016. 
    This financial report does not comprise statutory accounts within 
    the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory 
    accounts for the year to 31 January 2016 were approved by the 
    Board of Directors on 26 April 2016 and delivered to the Registrar 
    of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts was 
    unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and 
    did not contain any statements under section 498(2) or (3) of 
    the Companies Act 2006. 
    This financial report has not been audited. 
    The financial report for the six months ended 31 July 2016, comprising 
    the interim financial statements, has been prepared in accordance 
    with the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules of the Financial 
    Conduct Authority and with IAS 34, 'Interim financial reporting' 
    as adopted by the European Union. This financial report should 
    be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for 
    the year to 31 January 2016, which have been prepared in accordance 
    with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. 
    The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the 
    annual financial statements for the year to 31 January 2016, as 
    described in those annual financial statements. Taxes on income 
    in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would 
    be applicable to expected total annual earnings. 
    In order to reflect the activities of an investment trust company, 
    supplementary information which analyses the income statement 
    between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented 
    alongside the income statement. In analysing total income between 
    capital and revenue returns, the directors have followed the guidance 
    contained in the Statement of Recommended Practice for investment 
    trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies in November 
    All investments are designated upon initial recognition as held 
    at fair value through profit or loss (described in these financial 
    statements as investments held at fair value) and are measured 
    at subsequent reporting dates at fair value. Changes in the value 
    of all investments held at fair value, which include returns on 
    those investments such as dividends and interest, are recognised 
    in the income statement and are allocated to the revenue column 
    or the capital column in accordance with the Statement of Recommended 
    Practice for investment trusts issued by the Association of Investment 
    Companies in November 2014. 
    Fair value for unquoted investments is established by using various 
    valuation techniques. 
    Funds and co-investments are valued at the underlying investment 
    manager's valuation where this is consistent with the requirement 
    to use fair value. Where this is not the case adjustments are 
    made or alternative methods are used as appropriate. The most 
    common reason for adjustments is to take account of events occurring 
    after the date of the manager's valuation, such as realisations. 
    The fair value of direct unquoted investments is calculated in 
    accordance with the 2015 International Private Equity and Venture 
    Capital Valuation Guidelines. The primary valuation methodology 
    used is an earnings multiple methodology, with other methodologies 
    used where they are more appropriate. 
    Quoted investments are held at the last traded bid price on the 
    balance sheet date. When a purchase or sale is made under contract, 
    the terms of which require delivery within the timeframe of the 
    relevant market, the contract is reflected on the trade date. 
    Subsidiary investments represents the fair value of the Company's 
    interests in its limited partnership subsidiaries: ICG Enterprise 
    Trust Limited Partnership, ICG Enterprise Trust (2) Limited Partnership 
    and ICG Enterprise Trust Co-investment LP. 
    Current asset investments may include investments in fixed income 
    funds or instruments. These are valued based on the redemption 
    price as at the balance sheet date, which is based on the value 
    of the underlying investments. 
    Investments which fall within the definition of an associate under 
    IAS 28 (Investments in associates) are accounted for as investments 
    held at fair value through profit or loss, as permitted by that 
    The Company has access to committed bank facilities, which are 
    undrawn. The set up costs in relation to these were capitalised 
    and are recognised over the lives of the facilities on a straight 
    line basis. At 31 July 2016, GBP668,900 of bank facility costs 
    are included within receivables. Of this, GBP368,364 is expected 
    to be amortised in less than one year. 
    5 DIVIDS                                     Half year 
                                                to       Half year       Year to 
                                           31 July              to    31 January 
                                              2016    31 July 2015          2016 
                                           GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
    ----------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ------------ 
     Final in respect of the year                -           5,468             - 
      ended 31 January 2014: 7.5p per 
     Special in respect of the year              -           5,834             - 
      ended 31 January 2014: 8.0p per 
     Final in respect of the year 
      ended 31 January 2015: 10.0p 
      per share                                  -               -         7,232 
     Special in respect of the year 
      ended 31 January 2015: 5.5p per 
      share                                      -               -         3,977 
     Final in respect of the year            4,280               -             - 
      ended 31 January 2016: 6.0p per 
                                             4,280          11,302        11,209 
                                        ----------  --------------  ------------ 
    An interim dividend for the year ended 31 January 2017 of 10.0p 
    per share will be paid on 21 October 2016. 
    At 31 July 2016, 72,913,000 shares had been allocated, called 
    up and fully paid. Of this total, the Company held 2,044,589 shares 
    in treasury (31 July 2015: 705,833 and 31 January 2016: 1,586,163) 
    leaving 70,868,411 outstanding, all of which have equal voting 
    7 EARNINGS PER SHARE                                        Half year    Half year 
                                                   to           to       Year to 
                                              31 July      31 July    31 January 
                                                 2016         2015          2016 
    ------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
     Revenue return per ordinary share           4.0p         8.0p         11.1p 
     Capital return per ordinary share          67.7p        11.4p         42.1p 
     Earnings per ordinary share (basic 
      and diluted)                              71.7p        19.4p         53.1p 
     Weighted average number of shares     71,290,770   72,602,027    72,310,909 
    The earnings per share figures are based on the weighted average 
    numbers of shares set out above. 
    IFRS 13 requires disclosure of fair value measurements of financial 
    instruments categorised according to the following fair value 
    measurement hierarchy: 
    -- Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical 
    assets or liabilities (level 1). 
    -- Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that 
    are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that 
    is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 
    -- Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable 
    market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3). 
    All private equity and quoted investments are valued at fair value 
    in accordance with IFRS 13. The Company's unquoted investments 
    are all classified as Level 3 investments. 
    Fair value for unquoted investments is established by using various 
    valuation techniques. Funds ("indirect investments") are valued 
    at the underlying investment manager's valuation where this is 
    consistent with the requirement to use fair value. Where this 
    is not the case adjustments are made or alternative methods are 
    used as appropriate. The most common reason for adjustments is 
    to take account of events occurring after the date of the manager's 
    valuation, such as realisations. 
    The fair value of direct unquoted investments is calculated in 
    accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital 
    Valuation ("IPEV") Guidelines issued in 2015. The primary valuation 
    methodology used is an earnings multiple methodology, with other 
    methodologies used where they are more appropriate. 
    The fair value of the Company's unquoted investments is sensitive 
    to changes in the assumed earnings multiples. An increase in the 
    earnings multiple would lead to an increase in the fair value 
    of the investment portfolio and a decrease in the earnings multiple 
    would lead to a decrease in the fair value. 
    The realised and unrealised gains and losses have been recognised 
    in Income, gains and losses on investments in the Income Statement. 
    The following table presents the changes in level 3 instruments 
    for the six months to 31 July 2016. 
                                Unquoted          Unquoted 
                             investments       investments 
                              (indirect)          (direct) 
                                 at fair           at fair 
                           value through     value through      Subsidiary 
                               profit or         profit or     investments 
                                    loss              loss                       Total 
                                 GBP'000           GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000 
       ----------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------- 
     Opening balance             272,495            84,444          57,168     414,107 
     Additions                    25,899               293               -      26,192 
     Disposals                  (22,976)           (9,983)         (2,457)    (35,416) 
     Gains and losses 
      in profit or loss           28,770            13,554           6,112      48,436 
    -------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------- 
     Closing balance             304,188            88,308          60,823     453,319 
    -------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------- 
     Total gains for 
      the period 
      included in 
      income statement 
      for assets held 
      at the 
      end of the 
      period                      18,278             6,291           6,112      30,681 
    -------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------- 
    The following tables present the assets that are measured at fair 
    value. The Company did not have any financial liabilities measured 
    at fair value at these dates. There were no level 1 or level 2 
    instruments at 31 July 2016 (31 January 2016: none) 


The investment management charges for the periods ended 31 July 2015 and 31 January 2016 set out in the table below were payable to the Former Manager, Graphite Capital Management LLP. The Former Manager was a related party in those periods. The investment management charges for the half year to 31 July 2016 were payable to the Manager, ICG Alternative Investment Limited. The Manager was a related party in that period.

                                      Half year to     Half year to             Year to 
                                      31 July 2016     31 July 2015     31 January 2016 
                                           GBP'000          GBP'000             GBP'000 
   ----------------------------    ---------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
  Investment management fee                  2,797            2,976               5,659 
  Irrecoverable VAT                              -               26                 110 
                                   ---------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
                                             2,797            3,002               5,769 
                                   ---------------  ---------------  ------------------ 

The management fee charged by the Manager is 1.4% of the value of invested assets and 0.5% of outstanding commitments to funds in their investment period, in both cases excluding funds managed by Graphite Capital and funds managed by ICG. No fee is charged on cash or liquid asset balances.

In the periods ended 31 July 2015 and 31 January 2016, the Former Manager charged a management fee of 1.5% of the value of invested assets and 0.50% of outstanding commitments to funds in their investment period, in both cases excluding funds managed by Graphite Capital. No fee was charged on cash and liquid asset balances.

The allocation of the total investment management charges was unchanged in 2016 with 75% of the total allocated to capital and 25% allocated to income.

At 31 July 2016 management fees of GBP70,847 were accrued (31 July 2015: GBP97,000).

The table below sets out the management charges that the Company has borne in respect of its investments in funds managed by the Former Manager in periods when the Former Manager was a related party, and those borne in respect of its investments in funds managed by the Manager in periods when the Manager was a related party.

                                            Half year    Half year 
                                           to 31 July        to 31            Year to 
                                                 2016    July 2015    31 January 2016 
                                              GBP'000      GBP'000            GBP'000 
------------------------------------     ------------  -----------  ----------------- 
  ICG Europe Fund V                                40            *                  * 
  ICG Europe Fund VI                               37            *                  * 
  ICG Europe Fund 2006B                             -            *                  * 
  ICG Strategic Secondaries II                     51            *                  * 
  ICG Velocity Partners Co-Investor                 -            *                  * 
  Graphite Capital Partners VI                      *         (99)              (120) 
  Graphite Capital Partners VII                     *            1                 86 
  Graphite Capital Partners VIII                    *          812              1,561 
                                         ------------  -----------  ----------------- 
                                                  128          714              1,527 
                                         ------------  -----------  ----------------- 

*not applicable as the manager of this fund was not a related party in the period


Significant transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries are shown below:

                                                                Half year 
                                                                       to       Year to 
                                                                  31 July    31 January 
 Subsidiary                            Nature of transaction         2016          2016 
------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 ICG Enterprise Trust Limited          (Decrease)/Increase 
  Partnership                           in loan to Company           (11)         3,549 
  Income allocated                                                    175           875 
 ICG Enterprise Trust (2)              Decrease/(increase) 
  Limited Partnership                   in loan from Company        2,445       (2,325) 
  Income allocated                                                    738         1,284 
 ICG Enterprise Trust Co-investment    Increase in loan               (1)             - 
  LP                                    from Company 
  Income allocated                                                      -             - 
                                         Amounts owed by subsidiaries     Amounts owed to subsidiaries 
                                            31 July        31 January        31 July        31 January 
 Subsidiary                                    2016              2016           2016              2016 
------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------  -------------  ---------------- 
 ICG Enterprise Trust Limited 
  Partnership                                     -                 -         25,360            25,371 
 ICG Enterprise Trust (2) 
  Limited Partnership                        33,233            35,678              -                 - 
 ICG Enterprise Trust Co-investment                                 - 
  LP                                              1                                -                 - 

Amounts owed by subsidiaries represent funding provided by the Company to its subsidiaries to allow them to make investments. The balances will be repaid out of proceeds from their portfolios.

The value of subsidiary investments is shown net of an accrual for the interests of the Co-investors in the co-investment incentive scheme. As at 31 July 2016, GBP15,579,000 (31 January 2016: GBP11,939,000) was accrued in respect of these interests. During the six months to 31 July 2016, the Co-investors invested GBP63,000 and received payments of GBP882,000.


Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company for the second half of the financial year are substantially the same as those disclosed in the Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2016.

Going Concern

The factors likely to affect the Company's ability to continue as a going concern were set out in the Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2016. As at 31 July 2016, there have been no significant changes to these factors. Having reviewed the Company's forecasts and other relevant evidence, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the half-yearly financial statements.

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The directors confirm that the interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the European Union and that the business review includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8, namely:

- an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the interim financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and

- material related-party transactions in the first six months of the financial year and any material changes in the related-party transactions described in the last annual report.

On behalf of the Board

Mark Fane, Chairman

27 September 2016


Alternative Performance Measure ("APM")

APMs are a term defined by the European Securities and Markets Authority as "financial measures of historical or future performance, financial position, or cash flows, other than a financial measure defined or specified in the applicable financial reporting framework".

APMs are used in this report if considered by the Board and the Manager to be the most relevant basis for shareholders in assessing the overall performance of the Company and for comparing the performance of the Company to its peers, taking into account industry practice. Definitions and reconciliations to IFRS measures are provided in the main body of the report or in this Glossary, where appropriate.

Co-investment incentive scheme accrual

The co-investment incentive scheme accrual represents the estimated value of interests in the co-investment incentive scheme operated by the Company. At both 31 July 2016 and 31 January 2016, the accrual was estimated as the theoretical value of the interests if the Portfolio had been sold at its carrying value at those dates. The annual report for the year ended 31 January 2016 includes further details regarding the operation of the co-investment incentive scheme.


Amounts invested by the Company into funds when called by underlying managers in respect of an existing commitment.


EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation, which is a widely used valuation measure in the private equity industry.

Enterprise value

The aggregate value of a company's entire issued share capital and net debt.

Full realisations

Exit events (e.g. trade sale, sale by public offering, or sale to a financial buyer) following which the residual exposure to an underlying company is zero or immaterial.

Funds in investment period

Funds in investment period are those funds which are able to make new investments under the terms of their fund agreements, usually up to five years after the initial commitment.

Net debt

Net debt is calculated as the total short term and long term debt in a business, less cash and cash equivalents.


In order to achieve full or near full investment, it is usual for fund-of-funds to make commitments exceeding the amount of cash immediately available for investment. This is described as "overcommitment". When determining the appropriate level of overcommitment, careful consideration needs to be given to the rate at which commitments might be drawn down, and the rate at which realisations will generate cash from the existing portfolio to fund new investment.


Throughout the Chairman's Statement, Manager's Review and Supplementary Information, reference is made to the "Portfolio", which represents the aggregate of the investment portfolios of the Company and of its subsidiary limited partnerships. This is consistent with the commentary in previous annual and interim reports. The Board and the Manager consider that this is the most relevant basis for shareholders in assessing the overall performance of the Company and for comparison with its peers.

The closest equivalent amount reported on the balance sheet is "investments at fair value". A reconciliation of these two measures at 31 July 2016 and at 31 January 2016 is presented below.

GBP000             Investments              Cash held    Balances receivable    Co-investment  Portfolio 
                 at fair value          by subsidiary        from subsidiary        incentive 
                as per balance   limited partnerships   limited partnerships   scheme accrual 
-------------  ---------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------  --------- 
31 July 2016           453,319                    -86                   +907          +15,579    469,720 
31 January 
 2016                  414,107                      -                 +2,127          +11,939    428,173 

Post-crisis investments

Post-crisis investments are defined as those completed in 2009 or later.

Pre-crisis investments

Pre-crisis investments are defined as those completed in 2008 or before, based on the date the original deal was completed, which may differ from when the Company invested if acquired through a secondary.

Realisation proceeds

Amounts received by the Company in respect of the Portfolio, which may be in the form of capital proceeds or income such as interest or dividends.

Total return

Total Return is a performance measure that assumes the notional re-investment of dividends. This is a measure commonly used by the listed private equity sector and listed companies in general. In this report:

- net asset value per share Total Return is calculated as the change in the Company's net asset value per share, assuming that dividends are re-invested at the end of the quarter in which the dividend was paid;

- share price Total Return is calculated as the change in the Company's share price, assuming that dividends are re-invested on the day that they are paid; and

- FTSE All-Share Index Total return is calculated as the change in the level of the Index, assuming that dividends are re-invested on the day that they are paid.

The tables below set out the share price and the net asset value per share growth figures for periods of 1, 3, 5 and 10 years to the balance sheet date, on both an unadjusted basis (i.e. without dividends re-invested) and on a Total Return basis.

Unadjusted performance in years 
 to 31 July 2016                        1      3      5     10* 
==================================  =====  =====  =====  ====== 
Net asset value per share           14.0%  17.0%   37.6   90.6% 
Share price                          0.3%  21.1%  51.0%   61.6% 
FTSE All-Share Index                 0.0%   4.1%  20.7%   23.1% 
----------------------------------  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
Total Return performance in years 
 to 31 July 2016                        1      3      5     10* 
==================================  =====  =====  =====  ====== 
Net asset value per share           15.6%  24.1%  48.3%  115.6% 
Share price                          2.3%  29.9%  65.9%   89.3% 
FTSE All-Share Index                 3.8%  15.5%  44.1%   75.6% 
----------------------------------  -----  -----  -----  ------ 

*As the Company changed its year end in 2010, the ten year figures are for the 121 month period to 31 July 2016.

Underlying valuation movement

The change in the valuation of the Company's Portfolio, before the effect of currency movements.

Undrawn commitments

Undrawn commitments are commitments that have not yet been drawn down (see definition of drawdowns).

Uplift on exit

Uplift on exit represents the increase in gross value relative to the underlying manager's most recent valuation prior to the announcement of the disposal. Excludes a small number of investments that were public throughout the life of the investment. May differ from uplift in the reporting period in certain instances.

Copies of the Interim Report will be available on the Company's website (www.icg-enterprise.co.uk) in October and posted to shareholders who have elected to receive a paper copy. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's registered office thereafter.

For further information please contact:

                  Head of Private Equity Fund 
 Emma Osborne      Investments                   020 3201 1302 
 Mark Crowther    Investor Relations             020 3201 7842 
 Michael Pote     Finance                        020 3201 1307 

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 28, 2016 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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