Edegem, Belgium - London, UK - 17 May, 2010 - Hansen Transmissions International 
NV  ("Hansen", "the Group" or "the  Company") (LSE ticker 'HSN') today announces 
its results for the 3 months ended 31 March 2010 and for the 12 months ended 31 
March 2010. 
  * Revenue decline of 12.6%, in line with adjusted guidance of approximately 
    15% revenue decline given on 20 January 2010 
  * EBITDA1 margin at 7.8% (financial year 2009:15.4%) up from 6.0% for the 
    first half of the financial year. Net loss of 8.6 million EUR, compared to a 
    net profit of 45 million EUR for last year 
  * Net financial debt at 129 million EUR on 31 March 2010 - reduction of 59 
    million EUR in the last quarter of the financial year, as a result of 
    intensified working capital management & careful deployment of expansion 
  * Consolidated Net Senior Debt / EBITDA1 of 3.42 x at 31 March 2010, well 
    within the renegotiated covenant level of 5.25 x for that period 
  * Actively managing phasing of capacity expansion plan while maintaining a 
    target of delivering 14,300 MW of capacity in financial year 2013. Reduced 
    capex in FY 2010 and FY 2011 to better align with anticipated customer 
  * Ongoing management of fixed cost base and continued operational 
  * Further diversification of the customer base; Hansen announces today a 
    contract with Sinovel, a leading Chinese wind turbine manufacturer 
  * Tentative signs of recovery in a market environment that remains 
    challenging, with Hansen continuing to be well-positioned with its growing 
    portfolio of major customers 
1 EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortisation 
Alex De Ryck, CEO of Hansen commented: 
"At  the core  of Hansen's  strategy is  our mission  to reduce the  kWh cost of 
renewable  energy. We remain confident in the strong medium-term outlook for the 
global  renewable energy market and although the past year has been challenging, 
we  are beginning to see the first signs of recovery. We believe this trend will 
start  to gain strength during the second half of the calendar year. We are in a 
strong  position  to  benefit  from  the  improving  markets  with well-invested 
state-of-the-art  manufacturing  capacity,  an  optimized  supply  chain  and  a 
restructured fixed cost base. 
Despite  a careful focus on our cost base, we continue to innovate and diversify 
by  adding  important  customers  in  strategically  important  regions.  We are 
particularly  pleased  today  to  announce  the  addition  of Sinovel, a leading 
Chinese wind player. 
The  past 12 months  have been  challenging for  all Hansen's stakeholders but I 
would  especially like to thank our employees for their hard work and support in 
these uncertain times. We are cautiously optimistic and Hansen is well placed to 
take  full advantage of  the expected new  growth phase in  the renewable energy 
Since  early 2009, the  volatility and  challenges affecting  the near term wind 
market  have  been  reflected  in  Hansen's  financial  results.  This trend has 
continued and Hansen believes the operating environment will remain challenging. 
While  the order  book has  seen significant  rescheduling, our ongoing dialogue 
with  customers  continues  to  suggest  some  optimism  for  improving industry 
investment from the second half of the 2010 calendar year. 
Hansen  expects the first quarter of the  financial year 2011 to be in line with 
the last quarter of financial year 2010 and revenue for the financial year 2011 
to  be back-end loaded. Against  this backdrop, we expect  to see revenue growth 
for  the full financial year 2011 of around 5% to 10%, compared to the financial 
year 2010. 
Our  expansion plans are phased and we remain both operationally and financially 
flexible in the continued execution of our growth strategy. From our strategy of 
profitable  growth,  we  will  continue  to  diversify  our customer base and to 
carefully deploy capital to meet their capacity requirements. 
Our  confidence in the medium and  longer-term fundamentals of the wind industry 
remains unchanged and we continue to be well positioned with a growing portfolio 
of major customers. 
Hansen will host an analyst presentation on the financial year 2010 results: 
With: Alex De Ryck, CEO 
On: Monday 17 May 2010 - 8.30 am UK time 
At: Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
Merrill Lynch Financial Center 
2 King Edward Street 
London EC1A 1HQ 
Dial-in details:  Dial-in number: +44 208 996 3920 Pass code: 749230 
A replay of this analyst presentation will be available on the Investor 
Relations section of Hansen's website as from Monday evening 17 May 2010 on 
http://www.hansentransmissions.com/en/investorrelations.html . 
Hansen  will host its first  Investor Day at the  Lommel plant in Belgium on 30 
June 2010. 
The  full Annual Financial Report for  the financial year 2010 will be available 
as from 26 May 2010. 
Hansen will hold its annual shareholders' meeting for the financial year 2010 on 
24 June 2010 in Edegem, Belgium. 
The financial information reported in this release is presented in EUR 000 and has 
been  prepared in  accordance with  the recognition  and measurement criteria of 
IFRS  as adopted by  the European Union.  The full annual  report containing the 
Consolidated  Financial Statements for the  12 month period ended 31 March 2010 
including the Auditor's Report will be available and published on the website of 
Hansen             under            the            Investor            Relations 
<http://www.hansentransmissions.com/en/investorrelations.html> section on 26 May 
2010. The financial information in this report is in compliance with IFRS. 
HANSEN CONSOLIDATED RESULTS - summary financial information 
Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2010 available on: 
            For the year|      %|For the year  |  For the 3 |     %| For the 3 | 
                   ended| change|       ended  |      months|change|     months| 
                31 March|       |    31 March  |period ended|      |     period| 
                    2010|       |        2009  |    31 March|      |      ended| 
                        |       |              |        2010|      |   31 March| 
                        |       |              |            |      |       2009| 
=-----------------------+-------+------------- +------------+------+-----------+ 
                 Audited|       |     Audited  |   Unaudited|      |  Unaudited| 
=-----------------------+-------+------------- +------------+------+-----------+ 
                  (EUR000)|       |      (EUR000)  |      (EUR000)|      |     (EUR000)| 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
Revenue          532,413|   -13%|     609,175  |     109,853|  -31%|    158,573| 
=-----------------------+-------+------------- +------------+------+-----------+ 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
EBITDA (1)        41,593|   -56%|      93,707  |      11,050|  -60%|     27,369| 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
Margin              7.8%|       |       15.4%  |       10.1%|      |      17.3%| 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
Net Profit              |       |              |            |      |           | 
(loss) for              |       |              |            |      |           | 
the period       (8,564)|       |      45,040  |       1,312|  -92%|     17,212| 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
=-----------------------+-------+------------- +------------+------+-----------+ 
Total                   |       |              |            |      |           | 
shares -                |       |              |            |      |           | 
weighted                |       |              |            |      |           | 
av.          670,104,208|       | 670,104,208  | 670,104,208|      |670,104,208| 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
EPS  -                  |       |              |            |      |           | 
 Basic (in              |       |              |            |      |           | 
EUR)             (0.013)|       |       0.067  |       0.002|  -91%|      0.022| 
                        |       |              |            |      |           | 
                        |       | 
Net                     |       | 
financial               |       | 
debt(2)          128,798|    +4%|     124,106 
Purchase                |       | 
property,               |       | 
plant &                 |       | 
equipment.        79,321|   -64%|     221,588 
Headcount          2,193|   -11%|       2,456 
(1) EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortization 
(2) Net Financial debt is calculated as long-term and short-term financial debts 
minus cash and short-term deposits 
The  Group's results for financial year  2010 were significantly impacted by the 
volatility  and challenges  in the  wind market.  Revenue for the full financial 
year decreased 12.6% from the level achieved for the previous financial year. 
The  following table provides a breakdown of the revenue per gearbox type in the 
financial years ended 31 March 2009 and 2010: 
   (EUR000)                                         |    2009 |    2010 | Change | 
| Revenue from the sale of Wind turbine gearboxes | 514,909 | 449,372 | -12.7% | 
| Revenue from the sale of Industrial gearboxes   |  94,266 |  83,041 | -11.9% | 
                                                  | 609,175 | 532,413 | -12.6% | 
In  the financial  year 2010, Hansen  incurred one-off  costs of 1.2 million EUR 
relating  to expansion projects and 3.8 million  EUR relating to redundancies in 
Belgium,   consisting   of   severance  payments  and  costs  related  to  early 
retirements. These costs are included in EBITDA and EBIT. 
Because  of the challenges and volatility  experienced in the wind sector during 
financial  year  2010, the  Company  adjusted  its  investments for wind gearbox 
capacity  expansion in India and China  to reflect the anticipated market needs. 
This  resulted in  a total  investment in  property, plant  and equipment of 79 
million  EUR for the  financial year 2010, compared  to a planned  capex of 158 
million EUR at the start of the financial year 2010. 
The  Board  of  Directors  of  Hansen  appointed  Alex De Ryck, previously Chief 
Financial  Officer  of  the  Company  since  2004, as  the new CEO following the 
decision  by Ivan Brems to retire from his active executive duties as CEO of the 
Company.  The Board is in the process of  appointing a successor of Alex De Ryck 
for the position of CFO and will announce on this position in due course. 
Dr.  ir. Peter  Flamang, member  of Hansen's  Executive Committee since November 
2007, left the Group on 11 February 2010 to pursue new challenges. 
On  1 December 2009 Hansen appointed Luc De Proost as Chief Business Development 
Officer.  Luc is member of  the Executive Committee since  2007 and prior to his 
new  appointment,  he  was  Chief  Expansion  Officer,  responsible for the wind 
gearbox expansion projects in India and China. 
To  align its  workforce to  the economic  environment, the  Company reduced its 
headcount  by 11% from 2,456 employees at the  end of March 2009 to 2,193 at the 
end of March 2010. 
In  Belgium, the  number of  employees decreased  from 1,777 at 31 March 2009 to 
1,544 at  31 March 2010, a decrease  of 13% related to  restructuring. Today the 
Group has offices in Belgium, the United Kingdom, India, China, Australia, South 
Africa, the USA and Brazil. 
Hansen  aims  to  take  into  account  the  interests  of  all our stakeholders, 
including   customers,   employees,   investors,  suppliers,  partners  and  the 
community.  Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is confirmed 
with the publication of our first detailed CSR report this year. 
Market update 
In   2009, new   installations   of   wind  energy  turbines  worldwide  reached 
approximately 38,000 MW, representing a 35% increase in cumulative installations 
over 2008. Current forecasts by BTM (Source: BTM Consult Aps "International Wind 
Energy  Development  -  World  Market  Update  2009" - March 2010) anticipate an 
average  annual  growth  rate  of  approximately  24% until 2013, with an annual 
additional capacity installed in 2013 of approximately 65,400 MW. 
Hansen's position 
Hansen  is one of the world leaders  in multi-MW Wind turbine gearboxes. Despite 
the   challenging   market   conditions   in  financial  year  2010, Hansen  has 
successfully  maintained its strong  position with its  clients. Hansen's client 
portfolio however has lost market share due to increasing Chinese growth. Hansen 
has   anticipated  this  shift  in  market  share  by  intensifying  its  client 
diversification  program in the  last twelve months.  This has resulted in three 
new  Chinese clients  entering into  contractual arrangements  with Hansen and a 
further  number of potential customers in the pipeline. The impact on revenue of 
the  new Chinese customers  is limited in  the financial year 2010 and financial 
year  2011, but is anticipated  to pick up  as the Company  moves from prototype 
stage to full production. 
Hansen  signed in  Q4 of  FY 2010 a  new contract  with Sinovel,  a leading wind 
turbine  supplier in the Chinese market, for the delivery of gearboxes for multi 
MW  turbines. The delivery  of the first  prototypes of gearboxes  to Sinovel is 
planned  for end  2010 and serial  delivery in  2011. Hansen will  deliver these 
gearboxes out of its new wind gearbox plant in Tianjin, China. 
Refocusing of Hansen's strategy for wind turbine gearboxes 
Throughout  the  organization,  Hansen  has  updated  the  key  elements  of its 
strategic  plan that aims for sustainable,  profitable growth with a diversified 
customer  base, state-of-the-art  manufacturing facilities  in Europe, India and 
China  supported by  a global  supply chain  and a  highly motivated and skilled 
workforce. As part of this exercise, Hansen has reaffirmed its target of 14,300 
MW manufacturing capacity in financial year 2013. 
In  addition  to  developing  the  manufacturing  capacity  and diversifying its 
customer base, Hansen's wind turbine gearbox division has increased its offering 
in  the areas of  spare parts, gearboxes  and on-site support  by establishing a 
dedicated  aftermarket service unit  in Europe, and  by identifying a partner to 
provide similar support throughout the USA. 
The revenue of Hansen's industrial gearbox division decreased by 12% compared to 
the  previous  financial  year.  This  decrease  was  in line with the Company's 
guidance  given in  October 2009 and  with the  general trend within the capital 
goods  industry. There have been very early  signs of improvement in this market 
with project activity for Hansen slightly increasing since January 2010. 
Whilst  adapting  to  this  worldwide  economic downturn, the industrial gearbox 
activity continued to focus on consolidation and improving process efficiency. 
In  addition to  an important  focus on  client diversification, Hansen has been 
working  intensively on  further developing  its wind  gearbox product portfolio 
with  seven new products to be released to  the wind turbine market in the short 
and  medium term. Additionally the Company  is developing products for higher MW 
turbines  and new products specifically designed for the promising offshore wind 
In  the  financial  year  2010, Hansen  invested  14.9 million EUR in Research & 
Development,  representing 2.8% of revenue  and an increase  of +12% compared to 
13.3 million EUR in the financial year 2009. These costs are charged directly to 
the income statement. The Group's intention is to maintain the level of Research 
&  Development investments  at between  2.5% and 3.0% of  revenue in  the coming 
Innovation  within the Group is not only  limited to Research & Development, but 
is  equally important  in the  manufacturing processes  and methodologies of the 
Company.  These expenses  are contained  in fixed  works overheads  and variable 
works overheads. 
In  the last three  years, Hansen has  invested in three  dedicated wind turbine 
gearbox  plants in  Belgium, India  and China  resulting in  an increase  of its 
global manufacturing capacity to 8,500 MW in the financial year 2010. 
Belgium - Lommel 
In  April  2008, the  Company  completed  the  expansion of its fully integrated 
Lommel  plant for  gearboxes for  wind turbines  in Belgium,  which commenced in 
October  2006 from 2,200 MW to 6,000 MW  annual manufacturing capacity. Combined 
with  capacity in the Edegem plant in Belgium, this creates today a total annual 
manufacturing capacity in Belgium of 7,100 MW. 
India - Coimbatore 
The   fully  integrated  manufacturing  plant  for  wind  turbine  gearboxes  in 
Coimbatore,  India, has  a product  range of  gearboxes up  to 3 MW.  The annual 
manufacturing  capacity  has  reached  1,200 MW  in  financial  year 2010 and is 
anticipated to remain at the same level in financial year 2011. 
China - Tianjin 
In the first phase, the factory for wind turbine gearboxes in Tianjin, China, is 
performing  as an assembly and testing facility with components delivered out of 
Hansen's  Belgian and Indian plants. The annual assembly and testing capacity of 
the plant reached 1,600 MW in the financial year 2010. 
In  order to align global manufacturing capacity with the reduced market demand, 
Hansen has not invested in gear manufacturing capacity in China in the financial 
year  2010. For  the  financial  year  2011, the  Company  continues to envisage 
delivering  assembled and  tested gearboxes  out of  the Chinese  plant with the 
components manufactured in the Hansen's Belgian and Indian factories. 
When  market  conditions  justify,  Hansen  will  be able to rapidly convert the 
Tianjin facility from one of assembly and testing to full-scale manufacturing. 
Because  of current  wind market  volatility, Hansen  continues to  optimise the 
phasing  of its  manufacturing capacity  expansion plan  for the financial years 
2011 to 2013. 
We  reaffirm our  long-standing capacity  target of  14,300 MW for the financial 
year 2013. 
The  annual phasing of additional gear manufacturing capacity in India and China 
will be constantly monitored in order to align capacity to market conditions and 
can  easily be accelerated to reflect a more rapid recovery in the market should 
this  occur. Based on the  current market visibility, the  Company does not plan 
for  the financial year 2011 additional investment for manufacturing capacity in 
India and China. 
During  the financial year 2010, the reported  revenue decline of 13% was mainly 
due  to a reduction in scheduled deliveries  of both industrial and wind turbine 
gearboxes  as Hansen worked with customers  to manage their requirements in line 
with the current operating and credit environment. 
The  average price per MW for wind  turbine gearboxes increased in the financial 
year  2010 to  approximately  100,000 EUR  from  approximately 86,000 EUR in the 
previous  year, mainly driven by  the change in sales  mix to higher MW products 
and increased levels of after market activities. 
The  Company's sales  in wind  turbine gearboxes  decreased from 5,956 MW in the 
financial year 2009 to 4,484 MW in the financial year 2010. 
 The following table provides a condensed breakdown of Hansen's cost of sales: 
                           For the year|% of revenue|  For the year|% of revenue 
                                  Ended|            |         Ended| 
                          31 March 2010|            | 31 March 2009| 
                                Audited|            |       Audited| 
                                 (EUR000)|            |        (EUR000)| 
                                       |            |              | 
                                       |            |              | 
                                       |            |              | 
Sales of goods                  532,413|            |       609,175| 
Cost of sales                          |            |              | 
                                       |            |              | 
 Materials                      300,447|       56.4%|       322,980|       53.0% 
                                       |            |              | 
 Direct labour                   26,800|        5.0%|        34,776|        5.7% 
                                       |            |              | 
 Variable works                  39,708|        7.5%|        49,634|        8.1% 
overheads                              |            |              | 
                                       |            |              | 
 Changes in overheads in          5,847|        1.1%|       (7,223)|       -1.2% 
inventory                              |            |              | 
                                       |            |              | 
 Fixed works overheads           72,818|       13.7%|        65,119|       10.7% 
                                       |            |              | 
     Total Cost of sales        445,620|       83.7%|       465,275|       76.4% 
                                       |            |              | 
                                       |            |              | 
Gross profit                     86,793|       16.3%|       143,900|       23.6% 
Hansen's raw materials costs increased as a percentage of revenue to 56.4%. This 
increase  is mainly due to 1) the lagging  effect of lower cost materials coming 
into  the production process; 2) the important increase of sales of high MW wind 
gearboxes,  with a high material content; 3) logistic, handling, duties costs of 
the  components shipped  from the  plant in  Belgium to  the plants in India and 
Hansen's  direct labour costs  as a percentage  of revenue decreased to 5.0% for 
the  financial year 2010, compared to 5.7% in the financial year 2009, mainly as 
a result of the restructuring measures taken in the financial year 2010. 
Variable  works overheads, decreased to 7.5% in financial year 2010, compared to 
8.1% in  financial year 2009, as a result of the restructuring measures taken in 
financial  year  2010. As  we  continue  to  reduce  our  inventory,  changes in 
overheads in inventory increased to 1.1% of revenue in financial year 2010, from 
-1.2% in financial year 2009. 
Fixed  works overheads increased to 13.7% on revenue in financial year 2010 from 
10.7% on  revenue  in  financial  year  2009, because of additional depreciation 
charges of the wind gearbox plants investments, in India and China. In addition, 
with  decreased revenue in financial year  2010, the fixed costs absorption rate 
of overheads deteriorated. 
Finance and administrative costs increased from 6.1% on revenue in the financial 
year  2009 to  7.1% in  the  financial  year  2010, due  to  the  combination of 
increased general costs at the Indian and Chinese facilities and a reduced sales 
In  order  to  maintain  flexibility,  align  its  cost structure to the current 
environment  and support  its EBITDA  margins and  cash flow, Hansen implemented 
several cost containment measures, including: 
  * Supply chain optimization; 
  * Temporary  unemployment for blue  and white collar  employees (under Belgian 
  * White collar headcount reduction in Belgium by 6% in September 2009; 
  * Discontinuing  of  75 temporary  blue  collar  contracts  in October 2009 in 
  * Savings programmes on general expenses; and 
  * Inventory reduction 
The  Company  continues  to  explore  and  exploit  opportunities to maintain an 
appropriate cost base. 
On  31 March 2010, the Company had a  net financial debt position of 129 million 
EUR,  calculated  as  cash  and  cash-equivalents minus long-term and short-term 
financial debts. 
Inventories  have decreased to 162 million EUR at 31 March 2010 from 209 million 
EUR at 31 March 2009 as a result of the inventory reduction program that started 
in the last quarter of financial year 2009. 
Trade  receivables have decreased to 122 million  EUR at 31 March 2010 from 182 
million  EUR  at  31 March  2009. This  decrease  is  a result of the successful 
handling of payments from customers. In addition, further payments were received 
after 31 March 2010, decreasing further total accounts receivables. 
During  the  financial  year  2010 the  Company  successfully  re-negotiated its 
banking covenants. The Consolidated Net Senior Debt to Consolidated EBITDA ratio 
was  3.42 times at 31 March 2010, well within the renegotiated covenant limit of 
5.25 times for that period. 
The current banking covenants ratios are: 
Financial year                        Date                   Covenant Ratio 
Q4 financial year 2010                31 March 2010               5.25 
Q1 financial year 2011                30 June 2010                4.50 
from Q2 financial year 2011           from 30 September 2010      3.00 
from Q2 financial year 2012 and after from 30 September 2011      2.50 
SHARE CAPITAL - Issuance of Warrants in June 2009 
On 10 June 2009 a warrant grant was made under the Hansen Warrants Plan 2007. Of 
the  warrants that  were issued,  a total  of 1,670,500 warrants was effectively 
accepted by the participants in accordance with the plan rules. 
Subject  to the conditions set  out in the plan,  the exercise of a warrant with 
grant  date of 10 June 2009 will give the right to subscribe to one share of the 
Company  at  a  subscription  price  of  1.47 GBP.  The exercise period of these 
warrants  starts on 1 January 2013 and ends  on 9 June 2014. The exercise of all 
1,670,500 warrants  would thus result in a dilution of the share of the existing 
shares in the Company and in the profits of the Company of (rounded-off) 0.25 %. 
The  total number of outstanding warrants under the Hansen Warrants Plan 2007 at 
31 March  2010 was  3,520,750 warrants.  The  exercise of all 3,520,750 warrants 
would  thus  result  in  a  dilution  of  the  existing shares in the Company of 
(rounded-off) 0.53%. 
On  19 November 2009, 236 million depository interests  in Hansen were placed in 
the  market by AE Rotor Holding BV  ("AERH"), a wholly owned indirect subsidiary 
of Suzlon Energy Limited. 
As a result of the Placing, AERH continues to hold 26.1% of the total depository 
interests in Hansen, down from 61.3%, and Hansen's free float has increased from 
38.7% to 73.9%. 
As  from 22 March 2010, the shares of Hansen Transmissions International NV have 
been  included in the FTSE  250 Index with a weighting  of 0.22 % as at 31 March 
Hansen has been granted a "Renewable Energy Equipment" sub sector classification 
used  for  companies  that  develop  or  manufacture  renewable energy equipment 
utilizing sources such as solar, wind, tidal, geothermal hydro and waves. 
Since  early 2009, the  volatility and  challenges affecting  the near term wind 
market  have  been  reflected  in  Hansen's  financial  results.  This trend has 
continued and Hansen believes the operating environment will remain challenging. 
While  the order  book has  seen significant  rescheduling, our ongoing dialogue 
with  customers  continues  to  suggest  some  optimism  for  improving industry 
investment from the second half of the 2010 calendar year. 
Hansen  expects the first quarter of the  financial year 2011 to be in line with 
the last quarter of financial year 2010 and revenue for the financial year 2011 
to  be back-end loaded. Against  this backdrop, we expect  to see revenue growth 
for  the full financial year 2011 of around 5% to 10%, compared to the financial 
year 2010. 
Our  expansion plans are phased and we remain both operationally and financially 
flexible in the continued execution of our growth strategy. From our strategy of 
profitable  growth,  we  will  continue  to  diversify  our customer base and to 
carefully deploy capital to meet their capacity requirements. 
Our  confidence in the medium and  longer-term fundamentals of the wind industry 
remains unchanged and we continue to be well positioned with a growing portfolio 
of major customers. 
The financial information reported in this release is presented in EUR 000 and has 
been  prepared in  accordance with  the recognition  and measurement criteria of 
IFRS  as adopted by the  European Union.  The full  annual report containing the 
Consolidated  Financial Statements for the  12 month period ended 31 March 2010 
including the Auditor's Report will be available and published on the website of 
Hansen  under  the  Investor  Relations  section  on  26 May 2010. The financial 
information in this report is in compliance with IFRS. 
Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2010 available on: 
Statement from Ernst & Young Bedrijfsrevisoren BCVBA, Hansen's statutory 
auditor, represented by Rudi Braes 
The  auditor has  confirmed that  its audit  work, which  is completed,  has not 
revealed  any material matters requiring  corrections to the consolidated income 
statement,  balance sheet and  cash flow statement  for the financial year which 
ended on 31 March 2010 included in this press release. 
Selected   financial  information  extracted  from  the  consolidated  financial 
statements   prepared  in  accordance  with  International  Financial  Reporting 
Audited Consolidated Income Statement     For the year ended|For the year ended| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                               31 March 2010|     31 March 2009| 
                                                      (EUR000)|            (EUR000)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                 IFRS       |       IFRS       | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Sale of goods                                        532,413|           609,175| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Revenue                                              532,413|           609,175| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Cost of sales                                      (445,620)|         (465,275)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Gross profit                                          86,793|           143,900| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Other operating income                                 6,354|             8,377| 
                                                            |                  | 
Sales and distribution costs                        (40,747)|          (37,994)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Administrative expenses                             (37,754)|          (37,094)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Research and development                            (14,939)|          (13,320)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Operating profit / (loss)                              (293)|            63,869| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance revenue                                        5,513|            10,368| 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance costs                                       (16,962)|          (12,102)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Profit / (loss) before tax                          (11,742)|            62,135| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Income tax expense                                     3,178|          (17,095)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Profit / (loss) for the period from                         |                  | 
continuing operations(1)                             (8,564)|            45,040| 
PROFIT / (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                       (8,564)|            45,040| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
(1) Since there is no discontinued                          |                  | 
operation, profit for the period is equal                   |                  | 
to profit for the period from continuing                    |                  | 
operations.                                                 |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Earnings per share                                          |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Basic, for profit for the period                            |                  | 
attributable to ordinary equity holders                     |                  | 
of the parent                                        (0.013)|             0.067| 
                                                            |                  | 
Diluted, for profit for the period                          |                  | 
attributable to ordinary equity holders                     |                  | 
of the parent                                        (0.013)|             0.067| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Total shares - weighted average                  670,104,208|       670,104,208| 
                                                            |                  | 
Diluted Shares  - weighted average               670,104,208|       670,104,208| 
Audited Consolidated Balance Sheet                        As at|      As at| 
                                                               |           | 
                                                       31 March|   31 March| 
                                                               |           | 
                                                           2010|       2009| 
                                                         (EUR000)|     (EUR000)| 
                                                               |           | 
                                                       IFRS    |   IFRS    | 
                                                               |           | 
ASSETS                                                         |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Non-current assets                                             |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Property, plant and equipment (net)                     586,898|    529,131| 
                                                               |           | 
Goodwill and Intangible assets (net)                     11,409|     11,269| 
                                                               |           | 
Deferred tax assets                                       1,400|      1,562| 
                                                        599,707|    541,962| 
                                                               |           | 
Current assets                                                 |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Inventories (net)                                       161,996|    209,001| 
                                                               |           | 
Trade receivables (net)                                 121,839|    182,016| 
                                                               |           | 
Other receivables                                        17,186|     21,544| 
                                                               |           | 
Cash and short-term deposits                            149,124|    126,396| 
                                                               |           | 
Deferred charges                                         16,230|     12,545| 
                                                        466,375|    551,502| 
TOTAL ASSETS                                          1,066,082|  1,093,464| 
                                                               |           | 
                                                               |           | 
                                                               |           | 
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                         |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent            |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Issued capital                                           17,966|     17,966| 
                                                               |           | 
Share premium                                           419,563|    419,563| 
                                                               |           | 
Reserves                                                161,438|    146,294| 
TOTAL EQUITY                                            598,967|    583,823| 
                                                               |           | 
                                                               |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Non-current liabilities                                        |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                   234,171|    246,984| 
                                                               |           | 
Derivative financial instruments                          4,965|      4,730| 
                                                               |           | 
Provisions                                                2,536|      1,171| 
                                                               |           | 
Employee benefit liability                                3,800|      2,570| 
                                                               |           | 
Deferred income (grant)                                   4,475|      6,298| 
                                                               |           | 
Deferred tax liability                                   34,732|     41,481| 
                                                        284,679|    303,234| 
                                                               |           | 
Current liabilities                                            |           | 
                                                               |           | 
Trade and other payables                                 94,469|    160,762| 
                                                               |           | 
Advanced payments                                         1,675|      2,115| 
                                                               |           | 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                    43,751|      3,518| 
                                                               |           | 
Derivative financial instruments                            918|          -| 
                                                               |           | 
Taxes payable                                               158|      1,066| 
                                                               |           | 
Wages and salaries payable                               17,606|     23,924| 
                                                               |           | 
Provisions                                                5,015|      4,570| 
                                                               |           | 
Other current liabilities                                10,126|      3,454| 
                                                               |           | 
Accrued charges                                           7,494|      6,272| 
                                                               |           | 
Deferred income (grant)                                   1,224|        726| 
                                                        182,436|    206,407| 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                       467,115|    509,641| 
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                          1,066,082|  1,093,464| 
Audited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement  For the year ended|For the year ended| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                               31 March 2010|     31 March 2009| 
                                                      (EUR000)|            (EUR000)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                 IFRS       |       IFRS       | 
                                                            |                  | 
Operating activities                                        |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Profit before tax from continuing                           |                  | 
operations                                          (11.742)|            62,135| 
                                                            |                  | 
Adjustments to reconcile profit before                      |                  | 
tax to net cash flows                                       |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Non cash                                                    |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Depreciation and impairment of property,                    |                  | 
plant and equipment                                   40,609|            28,309| 
                                                            |                  | 
Amortization and impairment of intangible                   |                  | 
assets                                                 1,277|             1,529| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Gain)/Loss on disposal of property,                        |                  | 
plant and equipment                                    (181)|              (50)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance revenue                                      (1,474)|          (10,368)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance costs                                         16,962|            12,102| 
                                                            |                  | 
Movements in provisions, pensions and                       |                  | 
government grants                                        485|           (1,261)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Employee benefit expense                                 685|               529| 
                                                            |                  | 
Receipt of government grants, not                           |                  | 
included in movement of government grants            (5,170)|           (5,603)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Working capital adjustments                                 |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables              60,177|          (93,233)| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in other receivables               4,358|               598| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in deferred charges              (3,685)|             (227)| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                    47,005|          (72,825)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other                      |                  | 
payables                                            (66,293)|            38,317| 
                                                            |                  | 
Increase/(decrease) in advanced payments,                   |                  | 
taxes, wages and salaries payable, other                    |                  | 
current liabilities and accrued charges                1,136|             5,645| 
                                                            |                  | 
Income tax paid                                      (2,136)|           (1,929)| 
Net cash flows from operating activities              82,013|          (36,332)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Investing activities                                        |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                   |                  | 
equipment                                                313|               135| 
                                                            |                  | 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment           (79,321)|         (221,588)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Purchase of intangible assets                        (1,294)|           (3,920)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Interest received                                      1,514|             9,597| 
                                                            |                  | 
Receipt of government grants                           6,035|             6,271| 
Net cash flows used in investing                            |                  | 
activities                                          (72,753)|         (209,505)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Financing activities                                        |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Interest paid                                       (14,483)|          (10,677)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Repayment of borrowings                             (43,516)|                 -| 
                                                            |                  | 
Proceeds from borrowings                              71,359|            57,350| 
Net cash flows from financing activities              13,360|            46,673| 
                                                            |                  | 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents             22,620|         (199,164)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Net foreign exchange difference                          108|                48| 
                                                            |                  | 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April                 126,396|           325,512| 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March                149,124|           126,396| 
Consolidated Income Statement          For the three months For the three months 
for the 3 month period ended 31 March  ended 31 March 2010  ended 31 March 2009 
                                       Unaudited            Unaudited 
                                       (EUR000)               (EUR000) 
                                               IFRS                 IFRS 
Revenue                                             109,853              158,573 
Cost of sales                                       -91,961             -125,178 
Gross profit                                         17,892               33,395 
Other income                                          5,574                8,091 
Selling and distribution costs                       -9,750               -7,302 
Administrative expenses                             -10,135              -11,898 
Research and development                             -3,437               -3,714 
Operating profit                                        144               18,572 
Finance revenue                                       4,173                1,463 
Finance costs                                        -5,999                1,062 
Profit before tax                                    -1,682               21,097 
Income tax expense                                    2,994               -3,885 
Profit for the period from continuing                 1,312               17,212 
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                 1,312               17,212 
 12 months period ending 31 March 2010 
|17 May 2010 -   7:15 am UK time      |Press Release Annual Results FY 2010  | 
|17 May 2010 -   8:30 am  UK time     |Analyst Meeting Annual Results FY 2010| 
|26 May 2010                          |Annual Financial Report FY 2010       | 
|24 June 2010                         |AGM FY 2010                           | 
 12 months period ending 31 March 2011 
| 26 July 2010 (*)                      |Interim statement Q1 2011 Results   | 
| 28 October 2010 (*)                   |Press Release 1H 2011 Results       | 
| 27 January 2011 (*)                   |Interim statement Q3 2011 Results   | 
| 19 May 2011 (*)                       |Press Release Annual results FY 2011| 
| 31 May 2011 (*)                       |Annual Financial Report FY 2011     | 
| 30 June 2011                          |AGM FY 2011                         | 
 (*) dates subject to final confirmation 
For more information 
|Hansen Transmissions International NV                                         | 
|                                                                              | 
|Investor Relations                                                            | 
|Hans Ooms                                                     |+32 3 450 58 62| 
|De Villermonstraat 9                                          |               | 
|2550 Kontich - Belgium                                        |               | 
|hans.ooms.ir@hansentransmissions.com                          |               | 
|<mailto:hans.ooms.ir@hansentransmissions.com>                 |               | 
|http://www.hansentransmissions.com/en/investorrelations.html  |               | 
|Maitland                                                                   | 
|Sarah Hamilton                                            |+44 20 7395 0464| 
|shamilton@maitland.co.uk <mailto:shamilton@maitland.co.uk>|                | 
About Hansen Transmissions 
Hansen  Transmissions  International  NV  is  an established global wind turbine 
gearbox  and  industrial  gearbox  designer,  manufacturer  and supplier, with a 
leading  position  (by  MW  supplied)  in  the  wind turbine gearbox market. The 
Company  supplies  gearboxes  to  four  of  the  five  largest  manufacturers of 
gear-driven  wind turbines globally and provides  durable gear drives for a wide 
range  of industrial applications throughout the world. Hansen plans to increase 
its  wind turbine gearbox manufacturing capabilities, from 8,500 MW per annum in 
the financial year 2010 to 14,300 MW, by financial year 2013. In addition to its 
principal  manufacturing facilities in  Belgium - comprising  a wind turbine and 
industrial   gearbox   plant   in   Edegem  (Antwerp)  and  a  fully  integrated 
state-of-the-art dedicated wind turbine gearbox manufacturing facility in Lommel 
(Limburg) - Hansen has a +95.000m ² production plant in Coimbatore, India and has 
started  the construction,  in September  2008, of a  production plant  for wind 
turbine  gearboxes for the  Chinese market on  a 250,000 m ² site  in the Beichen 
Hi-tech  Industrial park in Tianjin. Hansen  has strong research and development 
operations  to maintain  its technological  leadership and employs approximately 
2,200 people worldwide. 
Forward Looking Statements 
This press release may include statements that are "forward-looking statements". 
In  some cases, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of 
forward-looking   terminology,  including  the  terms  "believes",  "estimates", 
"forecasts",   "plans",   "prepares",   "projects",   "anticipates",  "expects", 
"intends",  "may",  "will",  "should"  or  other  similar words. Forward-looking 
statements  may include, without limitation,  those regarding Hansen's financial 
position,  business  strategy,  plans  and  objectives  of management for future 
operations  (including  development  plans  and  objectives relating to Hansen's 
products)  and  the  wind  turbine  and  gearbox  markets.  Such forward-looking 
statements  involve  known  and  unknown  risks, uncertainties and other factors 
which  may cause the  actual results, performance  or achievements of Hansen, or 
industry   results,   to  be  materially  different  from  any  future  results, 
performance  or  achievements  expressed  or  implied  by  such  forward-looking 
statements.  Such forward looking  statements are based  on numerous assumptions 
regarding Hansen's present and future business strategies and the environment in 
which  Hansen will operate in the future. These forward looking statements speak 
only  as  of  the  date  of  this  press release. Hansen expressly disclaims any 
obligation  or undertaking to  release publicly any  updates or revisions to any 
forward-looking  statement contained  herein to  reflect any  change in Hansen's 
expectations  with  regard  thereto  or  any  change  in  events,  conditions or 
circumstances on which any such statement is based. 
Principal Risks & Uncertainties 
Hansen's  activities as  a global  wind turbine  gearbox and  industrial gearbox 
designer,  manufacturer and supplier imply  that it faces a  number of risks and 
uncertainties.  The principal  risks and  uncertainties, as  outlined below, may 
affect the future performance of the Company. 
Within  the  framework  of  Hansen's  Enterprise  Risk Management, a regular and 
systematic  identification and management of the  principal risks is ensured, as 
risk  management  is  an  integral  part  of  how  Hansen plans and executes its 
business strategies. 
Strategic risks 
*  Hansen is facing the consequences of uncertain macro-economic conditions. The 
business  environment could be influenced by a reduced business confidence and a 
decline in capital expenditure leading to lower demand for our products and more 
challenging  market conditions. Wind farm operators,  as well as clients for our 
industrial  gearboxes, are facing difficulties  in attracting equity and/or debt 
capital or other means of financing capital investments. 
Although  Hansen has implemented strategies aimed at maintaining our position as 
a leading and a preferred supplier of gearboxes for wind turbines and industrial 
applications,  and has been successful in  expanding its customer base, there is 
no  assurance  that  a  volatility  in  the  demand  for Hansen's products or an 
uncertain  macro-economic environment  will not  adversely impact  our revenues, 
results and ability to access capital. 
*  The  markets  in  which  Hansen  operates  are highly competitive in terms of 
pricing,  product quality  and reliability,  product development  lead time, and 
customer  service. A  continued decline  in market  demand could  increase price 
competition even further. 
The  expansion of  manufacturing facilities  in India  and China  is part of our 
strategy   to  supply  our  products  worldwide  under  competitive  conditions. 
Additionally,  Hansen has invested in the development of market intelligence and 
local  sales forces in the emerging markets.  Hansen continues to aim for highly 
reliable  and  high-quality  products  and,  for  the  Financial  year 2010, has 
increased its budget for research and development accordingly. 
*  Hansen's business  environment requires  it to  keep pace  with technological 
challenges  and develop new products to meet customers' requirements in terms of 
quality  and reliability. As the markets in which we operate are known for their 
highly  innovative technologies, we are  committed to continuously designing new 
and  updating existing products and investing  in innovative gear technology and 
bearing-application technology. 
Despite   Hansen's   continued   and  significant  commitment  to  research  and 
development,  our  products  and  technologies  could  fail to meet the required 
levels  of  quality  and  reliability.  Moreover,  competitors  may  be  able to 
introduce  new technology  or products  faster than  Hansen, which could have an 
adverse impact on future revenues and Hansen's market share. 
*  Hansen's  success  in  the  field  of  gearboxes  for  wind turbines could be 
jeopardized  by  a  substantially  increased  application  of  "gearless" wind 
turbine   technologies.  Hansen  continues  to  invest  in  the  development  of 
innovative   gearbox   technology,   aimed  at  maintaining  the  advantages  of 
gearbox-driven  wind turbines in terms  of weight, transport, installation costs 
and overall turbine reliability. 
Operational risks 
*  The expansion of its manufacturing  capabilities with the construction of two 
new  facilities in India  and China is  an essential part  of Hansen's strategy. 
Hansen  has invested substantially,  in terms of  training of local staff, local 
supplier  quality assurance and  through ISO 9001 certification,  to assure that 
the Indian and Chinese plants produce gearboxes at the same quality level as the 
Belgian plants. 
Nevertheless,  customers could still perceive a quality difference and prefer to 
restrict  their  orders  to  gearboxes  manufactured  in  Europe.  Additionally, 
customer's  order intake of Hansen products could differ geographically from our 
worldwide  production capacity, which could result in an underutilization of the 
plants in India and China. 
*  Hansen relies upon a number of third  parties for the supply of raw materials 
and  components, for which  there is significant  international demand. Hansen's 
performance  depends in part on a reliable and effective supply chain management 
for  raw materials and components  to all of our  plants. Using third parties to 
design  and manufacture and test components  can reduce our control over quality 
assurance,  product delivery schedules and  costs. Although Hansen works closely 
with  its suppliers, the possibility  of supply problems in  terms of quality or 
timely delivery can not be excluded. 
*  Hansen  depends,  for  its  wind  gearbox  business,  on  a limited number of 
customers  in the  wind turbine  market. A  customer in  the wind turbine market 
might cease to buy or develop new gearboxes with Hansen for a number of reasons, 
such  as a customer's decision to expand into gearbox production, the perception 
of  Hansen in part as a direct competitor or the fact that the competition would 
be  able  to  produce  at  a  more  competitive  price  or introduce new gearbox 
technology within a shorter time frame. The loss of any of these customers could 
result in lower than expected revenue. 
In  response to this risk, Hansen develops strategies and allocates resources to 
the development of innovative gear technology and bearing-application technology 
aimed  at the  production of  reliable and  quality gearboxes  under competitive 
conditions.  Additionally  Hansen  continues  to  focus  on the expansion of its 
client and product portfolio. 
*  Hansen can be exposed to quality problems in our value chain processes, which 
comprise  all  steps,  from  research  and development to production, marketing, 
sales and servicing of our products. Design errors, production errors or quality 
issues  related to raw materials or components  supplied, can lead to quality or 
reliability  issues, and resulting reputational damage, product liability and/or 
warranty claims. 
*  Hansen's ability to  manufacture and sell  its products at  a competitive and 
profitable  price is  affected by  the price  fluctuations of  raw materials and 
intermediate  components which  it uses  in the  production of gearboxes. We may 
neither  be  able  to  pass  on  increased  costs  immediately  and fully to our 
customers,  nor obtain immediate  and full price  reductions from our suppliers, 
and yet customers expect to benefit from falling commodity prices. 
*  Hansen's  business  remains  dependent  upon  the contributions of Directors, 
management,  engineers and  other employees  and on  its ability  to attract and 
retain  key personnel  at every  site with  the necessary skills and experience. 
Hansen  could, if  the macro-economic  conditions remain  uncertain or  if other 
industries  show better job  opportunities, be unable  to attract and retain the 
right  people and such failure could have an impact on its ability to design and 
produce wind turbine and industrial gearboxes. 
Financial risks 
*  Hansen  could  be  adversely  affected  by foreign exchange rate fluctuations 
resulting  from the translation  of revenues from  foreign currencies into euro. 
Additionally,  a continued strong  euro could have  an impact on our competitive 
position  as some  of our  competitors could  benefit from  having a substantial 
portion of their costs being created in weaker currencies. 
*  Hansen's  financing  costs  may  be  affected  by  interest  rate volatility. 
Increases  in interest rates are likely to increase the interest cost associated 
with  the Group's debt ? the main  financing of the Group concerns floating rate 
debt  ? and may increase  the cost of future  borrowings, which could affect the 
Group's earnings and financial position. 
*  Hansen's  future  financing  costs  may  be  significantly  influenced by our 
operational  results,  cash  flow  and  working  capital  evolutions. A negative 
development  of our operational  results, cash flow  or net debt  may lead to an 
increase of our financing costs. 
*  If  customers  would  not  be  successful in generating sufficient revenue or 
securing  access to capital markets, they could be unable to pay, or could delay 
payment  of, the  amounts owed  to Hansen,  which may  adversely affect Hansen's 
financial position and results. 
For more information regarding interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, credit 
risk,   liquidity   risk,  please  see  "Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial 
Compliance risks 
*  Hansen is  subject to  various environmental  and health  and safety laws and 
regulations  in the jurisdictions  where it has  operations. Compliance to these 
laws  and regulations, existing  or future, could  result in substantial ongoing 
compliance costs or operating restrictions. We could face liabilities related to 
environmental  damage or health and safety  incidents that are beyond the limits 
or coverage of our insurance policies. 
*  Hansen's success depends in part on its ability to protect current and future 
technologies,  processes and products,  and to defend  its intellectual property 
rights.  Hansen's failure  to protect  these rights  could result in competitors 
manufacturing similar products, which could adversely affect Hansen's ability to 
exclusively market its own products in the relevant geographical markets. 
*  Hansen's worldwide  operations expose  it to  risks associated with different 
legal  and taxation regimes, foreign  exchange controls and economic conditions. 
Changes to these regulations could lead to higher tax or operational expenses. 
    Press Release (PDF): http://hugin.info/139494/R/1416187/366867.pdf 
    Consolidated Financial Statements FY 2010: http://hugin.info/139494/R/1416187/366869.pdf 

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