RNS Number:3626Q
GVM Metals Ltd
30 January 2007

                               GVM METALS LIMITED

                                QUARTERLY REPORT

GVM Metals Limited ("GVM" or "the Company") is pleased to announce its
operational report for the 2nd quarter ended 31 December 2006. A full copy of
this report, as released today on the ASX, is available at the Company's
website, www.gvm.com.au.


   *Unaudited Group profit before interest and tax of A$2 million for the
    first six months of the year.
   *Cash at the end of the quarter was A$10.7 million.
   *Nimag (Pty) Ltd's nickel magnesium alloy business continued to operate
    well ahead of budget while the smaller FeSiMag and Fibre businesses reported
    losses for the quarter of A$265,000.
   *12,200,000 GVM shares to raise GBP2.44 million (A$6.1 million) placed
    with Asia Energy Plc. This was completed on 2 January 2007. As a result,
    Steve Bywater and Graham Taggart (Asia Energy's CEO and CFO) have been
    invited to join the Board of GVM Metals Ltd as non-executive Directors. The
    funds raised will be utilised to further develop GVM's expanding coal
    interests in South Africa.
   *GVM executed a binding Sale of Shares and Claims Agreement to acquire
    100% of Baobab Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd which owns the remaining 50%
    of the Baobab J.V. coal project. The remaining 50% is currently held by
    Motjoli Resources, which GVM has previously agreed to acquire.
   *Granting of Section 11 approval in terms of the South African Mineral and
    Petroleum Resources Development Bill satisfying the last remaining condition
    to acquire the Limpopo Coal project. As a result, 20,812,500 GVM shares were
    issued to the Limpopo Coal vendors in November 2006.
   *GVM exercised its call option to acquire the outstanding 26% of Nimag
    (Pty) Ltd by the allotment of 4,620,557 GVM shares and a cash payment of

                             Discussion of Results

Nimag Group of Companies (100%)

The Nimag Group's unaudited profit before interest and tax for the first six
months of the 2007 financial year is ZAR19 million (A$3.4 million). The nickel
magnesium business continued to outperform its budget, whilst the smaller
FeSiMag and Fibres businesses reported a combined loss of A$265,000 for the
quarter opposed to profits recorded in the first quarter of the financial year.
Management expect the FeSiMag and Fibres businesses to return to profitability
in the second half of the financial year.

Operational cash flow generated during the quarter of A$1.6 million combined
with favourable management of working capital resulted in an A$3.2 million
improvement in the cash position at the end of December. During the second
quarter, cash of A$1.1 million was used in the repayment of long term loans.

Continued exchange rate levels and high nickel prices signify a positive outlook
for the second half of the financial year.

Coal Activities

Holfontein Coal Project (49% now - 100% on completion of Motjoli acquisition)

The in-fill Holfontein drilling programme continued during the December quarter
and the programme is expected to be completed in the next quarter of the current
financial year. Drilling result analysis identifies metallurgical and thermal
coal typical to the region. Geo-hydrological studies commenced in November 2006
and are expected to be completed in the near term. The bankable feasibility
study is expected to be completed shortly thereafter and hopefully no later than
the end of March 2007.

Baobab Coal Project (100% on completion of acquisitions)

GVM executed an agreement with Petmin Ltd to acquire Petmin's 50% interest in
the Baobab coal project. The acquisition will take the form of GVM acquiring
100% of Baobab Mining & Exploration (Pty) Ltd, a Petmin subsidiary company. The
purchase consideration is GBP2.5 million (A$6 million) cash and the acquisition
is subject the following conditions precedent:

   *obtaining GVM shareholder approval at a general meeting to be convened
    and held on or before the 31 March 2007;
   *requisite South African Reserve Bank approval;
   *necessary approval in terms of Section 11 of the Mineral and Petroleum
    Resources Development Bill of South Africa (by 30 April 2007); and
   *ASX approval if so required.

Limpopo Coal Project (74%)

During December, GVM secured Section 11 approval in terms of the Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Bill of South Africa, satisfying the last of the
conditions precedent of the Limpopo Coal transaction. As a result, GVM issued
the required share consideration and the acquisition was settled and completed
at the end of November 2006.

Additional exploration of the Limpopo Coal area was commissioned during the
quarter, together with the collection of geo-scientific data. The data collected
will be captured and used to generate a geological model. The model will focus
the prospecting programme and identify potential drilling targets.

Preliminary discussions with various infra-structure participants are underway
to ascertain capacity for possible coal exports. Consultations with surface
right owners commenced in 2006 and will continue in 2007 in conjunction with the
Aeromag and geological surveys.

Kalbara Tenement (GVM 21.31%)

Diamond hole GVD145 was completed on M27/181 during the December 2006 quarter to
follow up on anomalous and interpreted mineralised trends resulting from the
previous campaign of aircore drilling.

GVD 145 was drilled at the southern end of the Kalbara area and intersected a
wide zone of moderate carbonate-sericite-pyrite-albite-fuschite alteration and
quartz-carbonate veining, with restricted zones of greater intensity. Samples
have been submitted for analysis, results are pending.

Kanowna West Tenements (GVM 23.68%)

No exploration work was conducted on P27/1158.

For more information contact:

Simon Farrell, Managing Director - GVM - +61 417 985 383 or +61 8 9322 6776

Leesa Peters / Abi Singleton - Conduit PR - +44(0) 20 7429 6606

Olly Cairns / Romil Patel - Corporate Synergy Plc - +44(0) 20 7448 4400


                                  Appendix 5B

                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report

Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001.

Name of entity
GVM Metals Limited

ABN                            Quarter ended ("current quarter")
-------------------            ------------------
98 008 905 388                 31 December 2006
-------------------            ------------------

Consolidated statement of cash flows
                                                    -----------    ------------
Cash flows related to operating activities        Current quarter  Year to date
                                                       $A'000       (6 months)
                                                       ----------- ------------
  1.1   Receipts from product sales and related           10,317        23,005
  1.2   Payments for (a) exploration and                    (151)         (205)
        (b) development                                   (9,412)      (20,937)
        (c) production                                    (1,649)       (3,100)
        (d) administration
  1.3   Dividends received
  1.4   Interest and other items of a similar                 82           157
        nature received
  1.5   Interest and other costs of finance paid            (136)         (268)
  1.6   Income taxes paid                                    (20)         (297)
  1.7   Other
                                                       -----------  ------------
        Net Operating Cash Flows                            (969)       (1,647)
 ------ ------------------------                       -----------  ------------
        Cash flows related to investing
  1.8   Payment for purchases of: (a)prospects               (53)          (89)
        (b)equity investments
        (c) other fixed assets
  1.9   Proceeds from sale of: (a)prospects                   29            29
        (b)equity investments
        (c)other fixed assets
 1.10   Loans to other entities
 1.11   Loans repaid by other entities                       303           349
 1.12   Other (provide details if material)
                                                       -----------  ------------
        Net investing cash flows                             279           289
                                                       -----------  ------------
 1.13   Total operating and investing cash flows            (690)       (1,358)
 ------ (carried forward)                              -----------  ------------

                                                      ------------  ------------
        Cash flows related to financing activities
 1.14   Proceeds from issues of shares, options,           6,121        13,614
        etc.(net) -see note below
 1.15   Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares
 1.16   Proceeds from borrowings
 1.17   Repayment of borrowings                           (1,111)       (1,339)
 1.18   Dividends paid                                      (260)         (260)
 1.19   Other (Exchange rate related movements in
        foreign borrowings and reserves)              ------------  ------------
        Net financing cash flows                           4,750        12,015
 ------ ----------------------                        ------------  ------------
        Net increase (decrease) in cash held               4,060        10,657
 1.20   Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date          6,642            50
 1.21   Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20                 3            (2)
                                                      ------------  ------------
 1.22   Cash at end of quarter                            10,705        10,705
 ------ ----------------------                        ------------  ------------

Note: The 12,200,000 issued to Asia Energy Plc were issued prior to the 31st of
December 2006 but not allotted until 2nd of January 2007, increasing the number
of issued GVM Metals Ltd shares to 93,559,328 in January 2007.

Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors

Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related
 1.23   Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in            186
        item 1.2                                                    ------------
 1.24   Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item            -
 ------ 1.10                                                        ------------
 1.25   Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions

Non-cash financing and investing activities

 2.1   Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material
       effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash

 2.2   Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their
       share in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest

Financing facilities available

Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.

                                     -------------            ------------
                                     Amount available         Amount used
                                     $A'000                   $A'000
                                     -------------            ------------
 3.1   Loan facilities                                3,662              1,844
                                                -------------       ------------
 3.2   Credit standby arrangements
 ----- ----------------------                   -------------       ------------

Estimated cash outflows for next quarter

  4.1   Exploration and evaluation                                        (900)
  4.2   Development                                                          -
  ----- ---------------------------                            -----------------
                                            Total                         (900)
  -----                 ---------------------------            -----------------

Reconciliation of cash
-------------------------                           ------------  -------------
Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter    Current       Previous
(as shown in the consolidated statement of cash     quarter       quarter
flows) to the related items in the accounts is as
                                                    $A'000        $A'000
                          ------------------------- ------------  -------------
 5.1   Cash on hand and at bank                          10,705          7,698
                                                     ------------  -------------
 5.2   Deposits at call                                       -              -
                                                     ------------  -------------
 5.3   Bank overdraft                                         -         (1,056)
                                                     ------------  -------------
 5.4   Other (provide details)                                -              -
 ----- ----------------------                        ------------  -------------
       Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22)         10,705          6,642
 ----- ----------------------                        ------------  -------------

Changes in interests in mining tenements

                       -------------               ---------  --------  -------
                       Tenement reference          Nature of  Interest  Interest
                                                   interest   at        at end
                                                              beginning of
                                                              of        quarter
                                                   (note (2))
                                     ------------- ---------   --------  -------
 6.1   Interests in
       mining                        -------------  ---------  --------  -------
       reduced or
                       Tenement reference          Nature of  Interest  Interest
                                                   interest   at        at end
                                                              beginning of
                                                              of        quarter
                                                   (note (2))
                                     ------------- ---------   --------  -------
 6.2   Interests in    Acquired Limpopo Coal (Pty)                  0%      74%
       mining          Ltd comprising the farms     ---------  --------  -------
       tenements       Overvlakte 125MS, Bergen Op
       acquired or     Zoom 124MS, Simple 155MS
       increased       and Voorspoed 836MS.

Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter

Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights
together with prices and dates.

                          Total number  Number quoted Issue price  Amount paid
           -------------- ----------    ----------    per security up per
                                                      (see note 3) security (see
                                                      (cents)      note 3)
                                                      ----------   (cents)
  7.1   Preference
 ------ +securities          ----------    ----------   ----------  ------------
  7.2   Changes during
        (a) Increases
        through issues
        (b) Decreases
 ------ through returns      ----------    ----------   ----------  ------------
        of capital,
  7.3   +Ordinary          81,359,328    81,359,328
        securities           ----------    ----------   ----------  ------------
  7.4   Changes during     25,433,057    25,433,057
        (a) Increases
        through issues
        (b) Decreases
 ------ through returns      ----------    ----------   ----------  ------------
        of capital,
  7.5   +Convertible debt
        securities           ----------    ----------   ----------  ------------
  7.6   Changes during
        (a) Increases
        through issues
        (b) Decreases
 ------ through              ----------    ----------   ----------  ------------
  7.7   Options             9,000,000             -   Exercise     Expiry date
        (description and                              price
                                                      See Note 6   See Note 6
                             ----------    ---------- ----------   ------------
  7.8   Issued during       1,000,000                 Exercise     Expiry date
        quarter                                       price
                                                      See Note 6   See Note 6
                             ----------    ---------- ----------   ------------
  7.9   Exercised during  Nil           Nil
        quarter           ----------    ----------      ----------  ------------
 7.10   Expired during    Nil           Nil
 ------ quarter           ----------    ----------      ----------  ------------
 7.11   Debentures
        (totals only)
 ------ ----------           ----------    ----------
 7.12   Unsecured notes
        (totals only)        ----------    ----------

Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which comply with
accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards
acceptable to ASX (see note 4).

2 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.

Sign here: ............................................... Date: 29 January 2007


Print name: Simon Farrell


1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the
entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect on
its cash position. An entity wanting to disclose additional information is
encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report.

2 The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in respect of
interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during the reporting
period. If the entity is involved in a joint venture agreement and there are
conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in a mining
tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and conditions
precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.

3 Issued and quoted securities: The issue price and amount paid up is not
required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.

4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive
Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report.

5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of International
Accounting Standards for foreign entities. If the standards used do not address
a topic, the Australian standard on that topic (if any) must be complied with.

6                         Issued and Quoted Securities as at 31 December 2006:

Number          Number      Exercise      Expiry Date     Lapsed Since End of
Issued          Quoted        Price                             quarter

 9,000,000            -          50.0   30 September                         -

The information in this announcement as it related to geology, geochemistry and
geophysics, has been prepared and reviewed by Richard Linnell who is a qualified
person as described in Appendix 5A to the ASX Listing Rules and Part two of the
AIM Guidance Notes for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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