RNS Number : 0707Y 
Forth Ports PLC 
27 August 2009 

27th August 2009 
Reported results 
  *  Group revenue down 4% to GBP86.6m (2008: GBP90.1m) 
  *  Group operating profit down 14% to GBP19m (2008: GBP22m) 
  *  Port operating profit down 15% to GBP19.1m (2008: GBP22.4m) 
  *  Profit before tax up 38% to GBP12.4m (2008: GBP9.0m) 
  *  Basic earnings per share up 80% to 18.7p (2008: 10.4p) 
  *  Interim dividend of 9.5p per share in line with change announced in March (2008: 
Underlying results (1) 
  *  Underlying profit before tax down 10% to GBP14.8m (2008: GBP16.5m) 
  *  Underlying earnings per share down 11% at 24.6p (2008: 27.5p) 
Operational Highlights 
  *  Resilient performance with strong cash generation - trading results for Tilbury 
  and Scottish ports in line with last year 
    *  Tilbury - strong growth in ro-ro traffic, grain tonnages up by over 60% 
    *  Scotland - strong performance at the Port of Leith and tight control of 
    operating costs 
  *  Signs of improvement at Tilbury Container Services and Nordic after a difficult 
  first half 
  *  Positioning the business for market recovery: strong asset management, control 
  of costs, pursuing planning consents and public funding for infrastructure 
  *  Signed three new tenants at Ocean Terminal including a 6,000 sq.ft. Superdry 
  *  Further reduction in value of Ocean Terminal reflecting yield movement 
Forth Energy 
  *  Plans revealed to site four 100MW biomass plants within our Scottish ports 
  *  Significant value opportunity for Group 
(1) See Note 18 of the Interim Statement 
Charles Hammond, Group Chief Executive, said: 
"The resilience of our results shows the benefit of the significant breadth of 
our business which is underpinned by quality contracts, fundamental requirements 
and tonnage-related volume guarantees. We expect the ports performance in the 
second half to be robust. In property, we will continue to minimise expenditure 
whilst creating a growth platform to allow us to crystallise value when 
conditions improve. With secure revenue flows, new business initiatives and a 
strong asset base, we are well placed to take advantage of any upturn in the 
| Charles Hammond, Group Chief       | Forth Ports PLC    | Tel: 0207 404 5959 on      | 
| Executive                          |                    | 27.8.09                    | 
| Wilson Murray, Group Finance       |                    | Thereafter 0131 555 8700   | 
| Director                           |                    |                            | 
|                                    |                    |                            | 
| Jon Coles/Kate Miller              | Brunswick          | Tel: 0207 404 5959         | 
Notes to Editors: 
Forth Ports PLC owns and operates seven commercial ports in the UK - Tilbury on 
the Thames, Dundee in the Firth of Tay and five in the Firth of Forth - Leith, 
Grangemouth, Rosyth, Methil and Burntisland. We also operate out of Chatham in 
Kent under the Nordic banner. 
Within and around the Firths of Forth and Tay, Forth Ports manages and operates 
an area of 280 square miles of navigable waters, including two specialised 
marine terminals for oil and gas export and provides other marine services, such 
as towage and conservancy. 
The Group also has significant property interests which it continues to develop 
as part of its commitment to increase shareholder value. 
The Group's first half financial performance has been robust in the face of a 
difficult economic climate. Our broad spread of port activities, secure 
contracts and tight control of costs have allowed our own port business to trade 
in line with 2008. The weaker economic situation, however, has impacted 
our Nordic Recycling business and our associated company Tilbury Container 
Services ("TCS") resulting in the overall lower financial performance compared 
with 2008.  Group revenue amounted to GBP86.6m (2008 - GBP90.1m). Group 
operating profit amounted to GBP19m compared with GBP22m in 2008. 
In March, our joint venture company, Ocean Terminal Limited, completed a 
refinancing which involved converting shareholder loans into equity together 
with an injection of a further GBP5m of new loans from the Group. Rental income 
at Ocean Terminal remains good and new lettings have been concluded. As a result 
of a continuing softening in commercial property yields, the Group's share of 
the value of Ocean Terminal was reduced by GBP4.4m (2008 - a reduction of 
GBP7.5m) at 30th June 2009 although only GBP2.4m of this reduction has been 
included in the Accounts (see Note 9). 
Basic earnings per share amounted to 18.7p (2008 - 10.4p) with underlying 
earnings per share down 11% at 24.6p (2008 - 27.5p). 
Cash generation remained strong and our net debt position at 30th June was 
GBP197.3m, a reduction of GBP10.7m since 31st December 2008. 
The Board has approved an interim dividend of 9.5p per share (2008 - 16.6p) 
which is consistent with the rebasing of the full year dividend announced in 
March.  The full year dividend for 2008 was 28.6p.  The interim dividend will be 
paid on 6th November 2009 to shareholders on the register at 9th October 2009. 
Review of Ports Business 
The trading result for Tilbury and Scotland for the first half of the year was 
in line with the equivalent period in 2008. As highlighted previously, the 
performance at Nordic and TCS was significantly below last year.  As a result, 
revenue reduced from GBP89.4m to GBP85.8m in the first half of the year. 
Underlying port operating profit amounted to GBP19.5m compared with GBP22.7m 
last year. Increased costs in wages and utilities were more than offset by 
operating efficiencies and other cost savings. 
Total tonnage fell marginally to 24.2 million tonnes. Within this figure, liquid 
bulks increased by 2% to 17.6 million tonnes (2008 - 17.3 million tonnes). Dry 
cargo tonnage fell by 6% to 6.6 million tonnes. 
Tilbury's financial performance contributed strongly to the overall ports 
performance in the first half of 2009. Despite an overall decline in volumes of 
5% to 3.9 million tonnes, the mix of cargo benefited the financial performance 
with strong growth in ro-ro traffic offsetting the fall in forest products 
traffic.  Grain tonnages were up by over 60% with both imports and exports doing 
well.Volumes through the Enterprise Distribution Centre increased by 6%.  Tight 
control of costs was maintained and reductions more than offset the increase in 
utility costs where the like for like increases were nearly 100%. The Short Sea 
Container Terminal saw throughput reduced by 23% with a volume of 58,600 boxes; 
two new services were introduced in 2009. 
The volume of Hyundai cars imported through Tilbury continues to increase and 
customer enquiries for facilities remain active despite the economic climate. 
Work has now been completed on the new Cemex grinding and blending facility and 
Tilbury is benefiting from enhanced revenues under a new long-term contract. 
Tilbury is working closely with the London Organising Committee for the Olympic 
Games to deliver a waterborne supply chain for many of the goods and materials 
to be stored and then distributed to the Olympic sites. 
As expected, TCS saw an overall reduction in its volumes of 21% with a 
throughput of 140,900 boxes (2008 - 179,300 boxes). Nevertheless the trend in 
the financial position has improved since March. 
Last year we acquired 65 acres of land outside the port for future port use. We 
have been closely involved in discussions with Thurrock Council and Thurrock 
Thames Gateway Development Corporation as part of the review of the proposed 
South East Thurrock Masterplan. We are confident that the proposals being put 
forward will recommend rezoning the land for port use which would give a 
significant economic boost to the area. 
We have progressed discussions on our proposals to provide "green power" through 
four wind turbines on land within the port. We expect a conclusion of these 
discussions in the second half of the year. 
We are also in advanced discussions with Tilbury Green Power Limited 
("TGP") which has submitted a planning application to build a 60 megawatt 
biomass multifuel facility on our land.  TGP is confident that planning approval 
will be granted shortly for this project. 
The first six months of 2009 have been difficult for Nordic.  There has been a 
significant decrease in the consumption and supply of recyclable materials and 
recovered paper.  Commodity prices remained very low in the first three months 
of this year but the trend in the succeeding three month period has been 
positive.This improvement has continued into the second half and machinery 
changes have been made to the Materials Recycling Facility at Tilbury which will 
improve its efficiency and separation capability. 
A new Managing Director, Peter Hathaway, joined the Nordic Group on 1st June 
2009. He has extensive experience in the waste industry. 
Scottish Ports 
Overall, activity levels at our Scottish ports were lower than the equivalent 
period in 2008, mainly due to reduced demand for construction materials 
particularly through Rosyth and Grangemouth. Container volumes at Grangemouth 
were down 5% although this was offset by a strong first half at the Port of 
Leith and tight control of operating costs.The total throughput amounted to 5.5 
million tonnes (2008 - 6 million tonnes). Within the total figure, liquid bulks 
at Grangemouth fell by 0.4 million tonnes and dry cargo was marginally lower at 
2.4 million tonnes (2008 - 2.5 million tonnes). 
The total throughput at Grangemouth amounted to 4.1 million tonnes (2008 - 4.5 
million tonnes). Container volumes amounted to 71,000 boxes. Timber and paper 
and pulp tonnages fell by more than 50% to 52,000 tonnes.  Although liquid bulks 
tonnages also fell in the first half, LPG volumes increased by 36%. 
Leith's performance showed an improvement over the equivalent period in 
2008.  Volumes remained steady at 0.9 million tonnes of which 0.6 million tonnes 
related to coal traffic for both Scottish Power and Scottish Coal. There was a 
significant increase in steel pipes and iron ore traffic for Bredero Shaw where 
the volume reached 0.2 million tonnes. As expected, aggregates and cement 
tonnages were lower.Bredero Shaw will be bidding for several new contracts which 
should see volumes increase by the end of 2009 and into 2010.  Scottish Coal has 
successfully completed trial shipments of coal for blending and subsequent 
distribution; these shipments should continue this year and next. 
Dundee's overall performance remained steady with a tonnage of 0.4 
million tonnes, a reduction of 0.1 million tonnes on the equivalent period in 
2008 principally due to a reduction in liquid bulks.  Timber and agripods were 
also down on last year but North Sea oil revenue saw a good increase. 
Rosyth and Fife Ports 
Volumes at these ports were lower due to the fall in construction materials at 
Rosyth.  The new Norfolkline Ferry Service between Rosyth and Zeebrugge 
commenced operation in late May 2009 and early traffic levels on the service 
have been encouraging. Oceaneering Multiflex UK extended its presence in Rosyth 
and have taken on an additional leased area within the port.  We are pursuing 
enquiries in relation to vacant facilities at the port. 
The throughput at Hound Point amounted to 13.1 million tonnes, up 8% on the 
first half of last year.  The throughput at Braefoot Bay fell by 0.3 million 
tonnes to 1.4 million tonnes.  Overall, the performance of our Marine business 
was steady. 
Our approach is to create a growth platform through strong asset management, 
control of costs, securing viable planning consents and pursuing public funding 
for infrastructure. This will position the business for a market recovery and 
allow us to crystallise value when conditions improve. 
The property team has reviewed the infrastructure spend requirements on the 
various developments to reduce the cash outflow consistent with obtaining 
planning consent for The Harbour, Leith Docks. The Harbour Outline Planning 
Application and Masterplan was submitted to City of Edinburgh Council ("CEC") in 
December 2008 and we have been working with the planning officials to address 
the matters raised. We hope that this planning application will be formally 
considered by the Planning Committee in the second half of this year. CEC are in 
discussions with the Scottish Government and others on a plan for public funding 
of infrastructure within the city. Various projects on the Waterfront have been 
identified as part of this review including proposals for a boardwalk beside 
Ocean Terminal, a new lock entrance for leisure craft and ferries alongside the 
existing lock entrance and a new east-west link road.  We welcome these 
Ocean Terminal Limited has signed up Superdry for a large 6,000 sq.ft. new store 
which will open in September 2009. We have also signed up two other tenants and 
are in discussions with several others as we are able to offer competitive terms 
in comparison to other locations within Edinburgh. 
At the half year, we discussed the valuation of Ocean Terminal with Drivers 
Jonas, our independent valuers. Although no formal valuation has been produced, 
the Directors are of the view that in the six months since 31st December 2008, 
yields on shopping centres have eased further, and so have reduced the value of 
Ocean Terminal to GBP81.75m. This decrease in value is reflected in the Income 
Statement by a reduction of GBP2.4m (see Note 9). As part of the refinancing 
which was concluded in March of this year, the date of the first test of the 
Loan to Value covenant on Ocean Terminal is by reference to the valuation at 
31st March 2010.  Cash generation and cash flow cover remain good. 
We have also had discussions with Debenham Tie Leung on their view of the 
property market generally. As a result of those discussions, the Directors have 
concluded that there is no need to make any further provisions against the 
carrying value of the property inventory costs at 30th June 2009. 
Following a review of costs, we have reduced the resource level within property. 
As part of our strategic joint venture with Scottish and Southern Energy plc, we 
have identified opportunities to site four 100MW biomass plants within our 
Scottish ports and we are assembling the necessary information to support 
appropriate planning applications.  We believe that achieving planning consents 
for these plants could add significant value to the Group, including adding 
revenue and earnings to our ports business.  The plants could also make a major 
contribution to Scotland's renewable energy needs.  We have also erected 
monitoring equipment at Grangemouth and Dundee to obtain wind data to determine 
the suitability of these sites for further onshore wind installations. 
With the signing of the new lease with Oceaneering Multiflex UK, the underlying 
assets covered by the lease were transferred from operational land and buildings 
to investment property producing an uplift in value of GBP2.4m which was put 
through the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
The Directors, having received advice from Bidwells LLP on the fair value of the 
Group's investment property, do not believe that there has been a material 
change in the overall fair value of the investment property between 31st 
December 2008 and 30th June 2009. The properties within this category are nearly 
all held for the long-term and are an integral part of the ports business. A 
more detailed review will be carried out at the end of the year. 
Net debt at the half year amounted to GBP197.3m compared with GBP208m at 31st 
December 2008. The level of gearing at 30th June 2009 amounted to 91% (31st 
December 2008 - 90%).  After adjusting for the increase in pension scheme 
liabilities, the like for like gearing level at 30th June 2009 was 84%. 
The Directors have reviewed the financial covenants and concluded that the 
headroom was comfortable at the half year.  The effective corporation tax rate 
for the half year was 28.6%. 
The actuarial deficit in the Pension Scheme at the half year under IAS 19 
(Employee Benefits) amounted to GBP29.1m compared with GBP5.1m at 31st December 
2008 and GBP24.9m at 30th June 2008.  The increase in the deficit reflects the 
change in the liability assumptions on discount rate (reduced from 6.4% at 
December 2008 to 6.2% at 30th June 2009), an increase in assumed price inflation 
from 2.75% to 3.2% and an increase in assumed salary growth from 4% to 4.45%. 
With effect from 1st May 2009, the active members of the Forth Ports Group 
Pension Scheme ("the Scheme") agreed to increase their contribution rate by 2%. 
The full year effect of this measure will be to reduce the Company's annual 
special contribution to the Scheme from GBP3.3m to GBP2.7m. 
Cash flow generated from operations amounted to GBP25.1m (2008 - GBP32.1m). 
Capital expenditure spend in the first half of 2009 amounted to GBP4.3m compared 
with GBP14.6m in 2008. Property infrastructure spend in the same period was 
GBP0.7m (2008 - GBP2.5m). 
The results for the first half of the year are in line with our expectations. 
They show the benefit of the significant  breadth of  our business which is 
underpinned either by quality contracts, fundamental requirement (base 
commodities of grain, coal, animal feeds, containers and liquid bulks) or by 
tonnage-related volume guarantees (paper, coal, liquid bulks and forest 
products). We expect the ports performance in the second half to be robust;  the 
trading performance of this business has traditionally been weighted towards the 
second half of the year. The monthly trend in the Nordic and TCS businesses is 
expected to improve in the second half but will fall short of the equivalent 
full year's figures for last year. Although the economic climate is still 
challenging, we are pursuing a number of enquiries in the ports business which 
should increase secure revenue streams. Our property business will continue to 
minimise its expenditure for the rest of this year. In energy, we hope to 
conclude negotiations with an energy supplier by the end of this year to build 
and operate the four wind turbines at Tilbury. We also hope to make good 
progress through our strategic joint venture with the planning applications for 
the biomass plants in Scotland. 
With secure revenue flows, business initiatives and a strong asset base, the 
Group is well placed to take advantage of any upturn in the economy.Overall, we 
remain optimistic that the Group will produce a satisfactory performance this 
| Christopher Collins                                                    | Charles Hammond                     | 
| CHAIRMAN                                                               | GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE               | 
27th August 2009 
|                        |       |       Before |  Exceptional | Unaudited |       Before |  Exceptional | Unaudited |  Audited | 
|                        |       |  Exceptional |    Items and |       six |  Exceptional |              |       six |     year | 
|                        |       |    Items and | Revaluations | months to |    Items and |  Items and   |    months |       to | 
|                        |       | Revaluations |              |   30.6.09 | Revaluations | Revaluations |        to | 31.12.08 | 
|                        |       |              |              |     Total |              |              |   30.6.08 |          | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |     Total |          | 
|                        | Notes |         GBPm |         GBPm |      GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm |      GBPm |     GBPm | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Group revenue          |   5,9 |         86.6 |            - |      86.6 |         90.1 |            - |      90.1 |    185.9 | 
| Cost of sales          |     9 |       (55.3) |            - |    (55.3) |       (56.1) |            - |    (56.1) |  (144.3) | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Gross profit           |       |         31.3 |            - |      31.3 |         34.0 |            - |      34.0 |     41.6 | 
| Administrative         |       |       (12.3) |            - |    (12.3) |       (12.0) |            - |    (12.0) |   (24.1) | 
| expenses               |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Other expenses         |     9 |            - |            - |         - |            - |            - |         - |   (16.4) | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Group operating profit |     5 |         19.0 |            - |      19.0 |         22.0 |            - |      22.0 |      1.1 | 
| Finance income         |   5,6 |          0.5 |            - |       0.5 |          1.0 |            - |       1.0 |      2.2 | 
| Finance costs          |   5,6 |        (5.8) |            - |     (5.8) |        (7.3) |            - |     (7.3) |   (14.1) | 
| Share of post-tax      | 5,7,9 |          0.6 |        (2.4) |     (1.8) |        (0.8) |        (7.5) |     (8.3) |   (21.4) | 
| results of             |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
|  joint ventures        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Share of post-tax      | 5,8,9 |          0.5 |            - |       0.5 |          1.6 |            - |       1.6 |      1.5 | 
| results of associate   |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Profit/(loss) before   |       |         14.8 |        (2.4) |      12.4 |         16.5 |        (7.5) |       9.0 |   (30.7) | 
| tax                    |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Taxation               |  9,10 |        (3.9) |            - |     (3.9) |        (4.4) |            - |     (4.4) |   (20.5) | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Profit/(loss) for the  |       |         10.9 |        (2.4) |       8.5 |         12.1 |        (7.5) |       4.6 |   (51.2) | 
| period                 |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Loss attributable to   |       |        (0.0) |            - |     (0.0) |        (0.1) |            - |     (0.1) |    (2.2) | 
| minority interest      |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Profit/(loss)          |       |         10.9 |        (2.4) |       8.5 |         12.2 |        (7.5) |       4.7 |   (49.0) | 
| attributable to equity |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| shareholders           |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
|                        |       |         10.9 |        (2.4) |       8.5 |         12.1 |        (7.5) |       4.6 |   (51.2) | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Earnings per share     |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Basic earnings/(loss)  |    11 |              |              |     18.7p |              |              |     10.4p | (107.8p) | 
| per share              |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| Diluted                |    11 |              |              |     18.5p |              |              |     10.3p | (107.8p) | 
| earnings/(loss) per    |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
| share                  |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
|                        |       |              |              |           |              |              |           |          | 
Details of dividends are shown in Note 15. 
All results relate to continuing activities. 
|                                                | Unaudited | Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                                |       six |       six |       year | 
|                                                |    months |    months |         to | 
|                                                |        to |        to |   31.12.08 | 
|                                                |   30.6.09 |   30.6.08 |            | 
|                                                |      GBPm |      GBPm |       GBPm | 
|                                                |           |           |            | 
| Share of joint venture's movement on cash flow |       1.0 |       0.2 |      (4.1) | 
| hedge                                          |           |           |            | 
| Share of associate's movement on cash flow     |       0.0 |       0.0 |      (0.1) | 
| hedge                                          |           |           |            | 
| Corporation tax on excess pension              |       0.2 |       0.4 |        1.8 | 
| contributions                                  |           |           |            | 
| Deferred tax on excess pension contributions   |     (0.2) |     (0.4) |      (1.8) | 
| Actuarial loss in defined benefit pension      |    (24.7) |    (26.0) |     (10.9) | 
| scheme                                         |           |           |            | 
| Deferred tax on actuarial loss                 |       6.9 |       7.3 |        3.1 | 
| Interest rate hedge                            |     (1.3) |         - |          - | 
| Revaluation of investment property transferred |       2.4 |      24.5 |       24.9 | 
| from operational land and buildings            |           |           |            | 
| Deferred tax on revaluation                    |     (0.6) |     (6.9) |      (6.9) | 
| Share of associate's actuarial gain/(loss) in  |       0.0 |     (0.0) |      (0.1) | 
| defined benefit pension scheme                 |           |           |            | 
| Deferred tax on associate's actuarial          |     (0.0) |       0.0 |        0.0 | 
| gain/(loss)                                    |           |           |            | 
|                                                |           |           |            | 
| (Expense)/income recognised directly in equity |    (16.3) |     (0.9) |        5.9 | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period                   |       8.5 |       4.6 |     (51.2) | 
|                                                |           |           |            | 
| Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the   |     (7.8) |       3.7 |     (45.3) | 
| period                                         |           |           |            | 
|                                                |           |           |            | 
| Attributable to:                               |           |           |            | 
| Minority interest                              |     (0.0) |     (0.1) |      (2.2) | 
| Equity shareholders                            |     (7.8) |       3.8 |     (43.1) | 
|                                                |           |           |            | 
|                                                |     (7.8) |       3.7 |     (45.3) | 
|                                                |           |           |            | 
|                                                 |          |  Unaudited |  Audited | 
|                                                 |          |      as at |    as at | 
|                                                 |          |    30.6.09 | 31.12.08 | 
|                                                 |    Notes |       GBPm |     GBPm | 
| ASSETS                                          |          |            |          | 
| Non-current assets                              |          |            |          | 
| Property, plant and equipment                   |       12 |      214.5 |    219.3 | 
| Investment property                             |       12 |      208.6 |    205.7 | 
| Intangible assets                               |       12 |       39.6 |     40.3 | 
| Investment in associate                         |          |       10.1 |      9.6 | 
| Deferred tax assets                             |          |        8.1 |      1.4 | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
|                                                 |          |      480.9 |    476.3 | 
| Current assets                                  |          |            |          | 
| Inventories                                     |          |       28.3 |     27.4 | 
| Trade and other receivables                     |          |       37.1 |     35.8 | 
| Current tax receivable                          |          |          - |      4.5 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                       |       14 |        6.4 |      4.7 | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
|                                                 |          |       71.8 |     72.4 | 
| LIABILITIES                                     |          |            |          | 
| Current liabilities                             |          |            |          | 
| Trade and other payables                        |          |     (27.9) |   (28.9) | 
| Current tax liabilities                         |          |      (4.7) |        - | 
| Derivative financial instruments                |          |      (0.5) |        - | 
| Borrowings                                      |       14 |      (0.1) |    (0.1) | 
| Provisions                                      |          |      (0.3) |    (0.4) | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
|                                                 |          |     (33.5) |   (29.4) | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
| Net current assets                              |          |       38.3 |     43.0 | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
| Non-current liabilities                         |          |            |          | 
| Borrowings                                      |       14 |    (203.6) |  (212.6) | 
| Investment in joint ventures                    |          |          - |    (3.5) | 
| Deferred tax liabilities                        |          |     (67.8) |   (67.6) | 
| Retirement benefit obligations                  |       17 |     (29.1) |    (5.1) | 
| Derivative financial instruments                |          |      (0.8) |        - | 
| Provisions                                      |          |      (0.3) |    (0.3) | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
|                                                 |          |    (301.6) |  (289.1) | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
| Total assets less total liabilities             |          |      217.6 |    230.2 | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                            |          |            |          | 
| Share capital                                   |          |       22.8 |     22.8 | 
| Share premium                                   |          |       19.2 |     19.2 | 
| Own shares held                                 |          |      (4.9) |    (4.9) | 
| Fair value and other reserves                   |          |       13.2 |     13.5 | 
| Retained earnings                               |          |      167.0 |    179.3 | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
| Total shareholders' equity                      |          |      217.3 |    229.9 | 
| Minority interest in equity                     |          |        0.3 |      0.3 | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
| Total equity                                    |          |      217.6 |    230.2 | 
|                                                 |          |            |          | 
|                  |      Attributable to equity holders of the       |  Minority |  Total | 
|                  |                     Company                      |  Interest | equity | 
|                  |   Share |   Share |    Own |     Fair | Retained |           |        | 
|                  | capital | premium | shares |    value | Earnings |           |        | 
|                  |         |         |   held |      and |          |           |        | 
|                  |         |         |        |    other |          |           |        | 
|                  |         |         |        | reserves |          |           |        | 
|                  |    GBPm |    GBPm |   GBPm |     GBPm |     GBPm |      GBPm |   GBPm | 
|                  |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Balance          |    22.8 |    19.2 |  (5.2) |     17.7 |    238.3 |       2.5 |  295.3 | 
| at 1st           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| January          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| 2008             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |      0.2 |        - |         - |    0.2 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| joint            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| venture's        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| movement         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| on cash          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| flow             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| hedge            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |      0.0 |        - |         - |    0.0 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| movement on      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| cash flow        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| hedge            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Revaluation      |       - |       - |      - |        - |     24.5 |         - |   24.5 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| investment       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| property         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| transferred      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| from             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| operational      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| land and         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| buildings        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (6.9) |         - |  (6.9) | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| revaluation      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Corporation      |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.4 |         - |    0.4 | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| excess           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| contributions    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (0.4) |         - |  (0.4) | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| excess           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| contributions    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Actuarial        |       - |       - |      - |        - |   (26.0) |         - | (26.0) | 
| loss on          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| defined          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| benefit          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |      7.3 |         - |    7.3 | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| loss             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (0.0) |         - |  (0.0) | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| loss on          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| defined          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| benefit          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.0 |         - |    0.0 | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| loss             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Net              |       - |       - |      - |      0.2 |    (1.1) |         - |  (0.9) | 
| income/(expense) |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| recognised       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| directly in      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| equity           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Profit/(loss)    |       - |       - |      - |        - |      4.7 |     (0.1) |    4.6 | 
| for the          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| period           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Total            |       - |       - |      - |      0.2 |      3.6 |     (0.1) |    3.7 | 
| comprehensive    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| income/(expense) |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| for the period   |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| LTIP             |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.6 |         - |    0.6 | 
| shares           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| -                |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| value            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| services         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| provided         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| SAYE             |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.1 |         - |    0.1 | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| -                |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| value            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| services         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| provided         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Consideration    |       - |       - |    0.3 |        - |        - |         - |    0.3 | 
| received for     |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| own shares       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| held             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Dividends        |       - |       - |      - |        - |   (14.5) |         - | (14.5) | 
| (less            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| dividends        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| received         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| by ESOP)         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Balance          |    22.8 |    19.2 |  (4.9) |     17.9 |    228.1 |       2.4 |  285.5 | 
| at 30th          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| June             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| 2008             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |    (4.3) |        - |         - |  (4.3) | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| joint            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| venture's        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| movement         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| on cash          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| flow             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| hedge            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |    (0.1) |        - |         - |  (0.1) | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| movement on      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| cash flow        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| hedge            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Revaluation      |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.4 |         - |    0.4 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| investment       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| property         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| transferred      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| from             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| operational      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| land and         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| buildings        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Corporation      |       - |       - |      - |        - |      1.4 |         - |    1.4 | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| excess           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| contributions    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (1.4) |         - |  (1.4) | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| excess           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| contributions    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Actuarial        |       - |       - |      - |        - |     15.1 |         - |   15.1 | 
| gain on          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| defined          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| benefit          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (4.2) |         - |  (4.2) | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| gain             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (0.1) |         - |  (0.1) | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| loss on          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| defined          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| benefit          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.0 |         - |    0.0 | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| loss             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Net              |       - |       - |      - |    (4.4) |     11.2 |         - |    6.8 | 
| (expense)/income |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| recognised       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| directly in      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| equity           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Loss             |       - |       - |      - |        - |   (53.7) |     (2.1) | (55.8) | 
| for              |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| the              |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| period           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Total            |       - |       - |      - |    (4.4) |   (42.5) |     (2.1) | (49.0) | 
| comprehensive    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| expense for      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| the period       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| LTIP             |       - |       - |      - |        - |      1.1 |         - |    1.1 | 
| shares           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| -                |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| value            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| services         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| provided         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| SAYE             |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.1 |         - |    0.1 | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| -                |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| value            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| services         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| provided         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Consideration    |       - |       - |    0.0 |        - |        - |         - |    0.0 | 
| received for     |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| own shares       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| held             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Dividends        |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (7.5) |         - |  (7.5) | 
| (less            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| dividends        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| received         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| by ESOP)         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Balance          |    22.8 |    19.2 |  (4.9) |     13.5 |    179.3 |       0.3 |  230.2 | 
| at 31st          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| December         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| 2008             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Balance          |    22.8 |    19.2 |  (4.9) |     13.5 |    179.3 |       0.3 |  230.2 | 
| at 1st           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| January          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| 2009             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |      1.0 |        - |         - |    1.0 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| joint            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| venture's        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| movement         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| on cash          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| flow             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| hedge            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |      0.0 |        - |         - |    0.0 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| movement on      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| cash flow        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| hedge            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Interest         |       - |       - |      - |    (1.3) |        - |         - |  (1.3) | 
| rate             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| hedge            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Revaluation      |       - |       - |      - |        - |      2.4 |         - |    2.4 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| investment       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| property         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| transferred      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| from             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| operational      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| land and         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| buildings        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (0.6) |         - |  (0.6) | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| revaluation      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Corporation      |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.2 |         - |    0.2 | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| excess           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| contributions    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (0.2) |         - |  (0.2) | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| excess           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| contributions    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Actuarial        |       - |       - |      - |        - |   (24.7) |         - | (24.7) | 
| loss on          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| defined          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| benefit          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |      6.9 |         - |    6.9 | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| loss             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Share            |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.0 |         - |    0.0 | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| gain on          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| defined          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| benefit          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| pension          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Deferred         |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (0.0) |         - |  (0.0) | 
| tax on           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| associate's      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| actuarial        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| gain             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Net              |       - |       - |      - |    (0.3) |   (16.0) |         - | (16.3) | 
| expense          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| recognised       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| directly         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| in equity        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Profit/(loss)    |       - |       - |      - |        - |      8.5 |     (0.0) |    8.5 | 
| for the          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| period           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Total            |       - |       - |      - |    (0.3) |    (7.5) |     (0.0) |  (7.8) | 
| comprehensive    |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| expense for      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| the period       |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| LTIP             |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.5 |         - |    0.5 | 
| shares           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| -                |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| value            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| services         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| provided         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| SAYE             |       - |       - |      - |        - |      0.1 |         - |    0.1 | 
| scheme           |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| -                |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| value            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| of               |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| services         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| provided         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Consideration    |       - |       - |  (0.0) |        - |        - |         - |  (0.0) | 
| paid for own     |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| shares held      |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Dividends        |       - |       - |      - |        - |    (5.4) |         - |  (5.4) | 
| (less            |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| dividends        |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| received         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| by ESOP)         |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| Balance          |    22.8 |    19.2 |  (4.9) |     13.2 |    167.0 |       0.3 |  217.6 | 
| at 30th          |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| June             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
| 2009             |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
|                  |         |         |        |          |          |           |        | 
|                                       |        |   Unaudited |   Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                       |        |  six months |  six months |       year | 
|                                       |        |  to 30.6.09 |  to 30.6.08 |         to | 
|                                       |        |             |             |   31.12.08 | 
|                                       |  Notes |        GBPm |        GBPm |       GBPm | 
| Cash flows from operating activities  |        |             |             |            | 
| Cash generated from operations        |     13 |        25.1 |        32.1 |       58.8 | 
| Interest paid                         |        |       (4.6) |       (7.5) |     (12.1) | 
| Interest received                     |        |         0.1 |         0.2 |        0.4 | 
| Tax repaid/(paid)                     |        |         5.0 |       (3.6) |      (8.6) | 
| Dividend received from associated     |        |           - |           - |        1.0 | 
| company                               |        |             |             |            | 
| Dividend received from joint venture  |        |           - |           - |        0.1 | 
| company                               |        |             |             |            | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Net cash generated from operating     |        |        25.6 |        21.2 |       39.6 | 
| activities                            |        |             |             |            | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Cash flows from investing activities  |        |             |             |            | 
| Purchase of property, plant and       |        |       (4.3) |      (14.6) |     (23.1) | 
| equipment, intangibles and investment |        |             |             |            | 
| property                              |        |             |             |            | 
| Loan to joint venture company         |        |       (5.0) |           - |          - | 
| Sale of property, plant and equipment |        |         0.0 |         0.1 |        3.0 | 
| and investment property               |        |             |             |            | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Net cash used in investing activities |        |       (9.3) |      (14.5) |     (20.1) | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Net cash inflow before financing      |        |        16.3 |         6.7 |       19.5 | 
| activities                            |        |             |             |            | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Cash flows from financing activities  |        |             |             |            | 
| New loans advanced                    |        |        50.0 |        50.0 |       50.0 | 
| Arrangement fees for new loans        |        |       (0.2) |       (0.1) |      (0.3) | 
| Loan repayments                       |        |      (59.0) |      (43.0) |     (50.0) | 
| Capital element of finance leases     |        |       (0.0) |       (0.0) |      (0.0) | 
| Equity dividends paid                 |     15 |       (5.4) |      (14.6) |     (22.1) | 
| Proceeds from sale of own shares held |        |         0.0 |         0.3 |        0.3 | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Net cash used in financing activities |        |      (14.6) |       (7.4) |     (22.1) | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash  |     13 |         1.7 |       (0.7) |      (2.6) | 
| equivalents                           |        |             |             |            | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at start of |        |         4.7 |         7.3 |        7.3 | 
| period                                |        |             |             |            | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of   |     14 |         6.4 |         6.6 |        4.7 | 
| period                                |        |             |             |            | 
|                                       |        |             |             |            | 
1. General information 
Forth Ports PLC is a company incorporated in Scotland under the Companies Act 
1985. The nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities are the 
provision of port and related services and facilities. The Group also has 
extensive property interests. 
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been approved for 
issue by the Board of Directors on 27th August 2009. 
2. Basis of preparation 
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 
30th June 2009 have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and 
Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority and with IAS 34 (Interim 
Financial Reporting) as adopted by the European Union.  The condensed 
consolidated interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the 
annual financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2008 which have 
been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. 
The Directors have made an assessment of the going concern basis of preparation 
of the Group financial statements at 30th June 2009 and have concluded that this 
basis is appropriate. 
3. Accounting policies 
The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the annual 
financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2008. 
The following new standards and amendments to standards are mandatory for the 
first time for the financial year beginning 1st January 2009: 
  *  IAS 1 (revised) (Presentation of Financial Statements). The revised standard 
  prohibits the presentation of items of income and expenses (that is "non-owner 
  changes in equity") in the Statement of Changes in Equity, requiring "non-owner 
  changes in equity" to be presented separately from owner changes in equity. All 
  "non-owner changes in equity" are required to be shown in a performance 
Entities can choose whether to present one performance statement (the Statement 
of Comprehensive Income) or two statements (the Income Statement and Statement 
of Comprehensive Income). 
The Group has elected to present two statements: an Income Statement and a 
Statement of Comprehensive Income. The interim financial statements have been 
prepared under the revised disclosure requirements. 
  *  IFRS 8 (Operating Segments). IFRS 8 replaces IAS 14 (Segment Reporting). It 
  requires a "management approach" under which segment information is presented on 
  the same basis as that used for internal reporting purposes. 
Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal 
reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker. The chief operating 
decision-maker has been identified as the Board of Directors. 
The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are 
mandatory for the first time for the financial year beginning 1st January 2009, 
but have no material impact on the results of the Group: 
  *  Amendment to IFRS 7 (Financial Instruments: Disclosures) 
  *  IFRIC 13 (Customer Loyalty Programmes) 
  *  IFRIC 14 (IAS 19, The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding 
  Requirements and their Interaction) 
  *  IFRIC 15 (Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate) 
  *  IFRIC 16 (Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation) 
The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations have 
been issued but are not effective for the financial year beginning 1st January 
2009 and have not been early adopted: 
  *  IAS 39 (amendment) (Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement) 
  *  IFRS 3 (revised) (Business Combinations) and consequential amendments to IAS 27 
  (Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements), IAS 28 (Investments in 
  Associates) and IAS 31 (Interests in Joint Ventures), effective prospectively to 
  business combinations for which the acquisition date is on or after the 
  beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after 1st July 
  2009. Management is assessing the impact of the new requirements regarding 
  acquisition accounting, consolidation, associates and joint ventures on the 
The revised standard continues to apply the acquisition method to business 
combinations, with some significant changes. For example, all payments to 
purchase a business are to be recorded at fair value at the acquisition date, 
with contingent payments classified as debt subsequently re-measured through the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income. There is a choice on an 
acquisition-by-acquisition basis to measure the minority interest in the 
acquiree either at fair value or at the minority interest's proportionate share 
of the acquiree's net assets. All acquisition-related costs should be expensed. 
The Group will apply IFRS 3 (revised) to all business combinations from 1st 
January 2010, subject to endorsement by the EU. 
  *  IFRIC 17 (Distributions of Non-Cash Assets to Owners) effective for annual 
  periods beginning on or after 1st July 2009. This is not currently applicable to 
  the Group, as it has not made any non-cash distributions. 
  *  IFRIC 18 (Transfers of Assets from Customers) effective for transfers of assets 
  received on or after 1st July 2009. This is not relevant to the Group, as it has 
  not received any assets from customers. 
4. Risk 
The principal risks and uncertainties which affect the Group have not changed 
since 31st December 2008. A detailed explanation of these risks and 
uncertainties can be found in the Business Review section of the Annual Report 
and Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2008. The Directors consider that 
this properly reflects the risks and uncertainties in respect of the second six 
months of 2009. 
5. Segment information 
The chief operating decision-maker has been identified as the Board of 
Directors. The Board reviews the Group's internal reporting in order to assess 
performance and allocate resources. Management has determined the operating 
segments based on these reports. 
The Board assesses the performance of the operating segments based on a measure 
of operating profit before interest and tax. 
For management purposes, the Group is organised into two business segments: 
(1) Port operations; and 
(2)  Property. 
The segment results for the period ended 30th June 2009 were as follows:- 
|                                  |         Port |     Property |    Unaudited | 
|                                  |   Operations |              |   six months | 
|                                  |              |              |   to 30.6.09 | 
|                                  |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total gross segment revenue      |         85.8 |          0.8 |         86.6 | 
| Inter-segment revenue            |        (0.0) |        (0.0) |        (0.0) | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total revenue                    |         85.8 |          0.8 |         86.6 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Operating profit/(loss)/Segment  |         19.1 |        (0.1) |         19.0 | 
| result before elimination of     |              |              |              | 
| inter-segment charge             |              |              |              | 
| Inter-segment charge eliminated  |        (0.0) |          0.0 |            - | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Operating profit/(loss)/Segment  |         19.1 |        (0.1) |         19.0 | 
| result                           |              |              |              | 
| Finance income (Note 6)          |          0.1 |          0.4 |          0.5 | 
| Finance costs (Note 6)           |        (3.7) |        (2.1) |        (5.8) | 
| Net share of results of joint    |            - |        (1.8) |        (1.8) | 
| ventures (Note 7)                |              |              |              | 
| Net share of results of          |          0.5 |            - |          0.5 | 
| associate (Note 8)               |              |              |              | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax         |         16.0 |        (3.6) |         12.4 | 
| Taxation                         |              |              |        (3.9) | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Profit for the period            |              |              |          8.5 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
The segment results for the period ended 30th June 2008 were as follows:- 
|                                  |         Port |     Property |    Unaudited | 
|                                  |   Operations |              |   six months | 
|                                  |              |              |   to 30.6.08 | 
|                                  |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total gross segment revenue      |         89.4 |          0.7 |         90.1 | 
| Inter-segment revenue            |        (0.0) |        (0.0) |        (0.0) | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total revenue                    |         89.4 |          0.7 |         90.1 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Operating profit/(loss)/Segment  |         22.4 |        (0.4) |         22.0 | 
| result before elimination of     |              |              |              | 
| inter-segment charge             |              |              |              | 
| Inter-segment charge eliminated  |        (0.0) |          0.0 |            - | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Operating profit/(loss)/Segment  |         22.4 |        (0.4) |         22.0 | 
| result                           |              |              |              | 
| Finance income (Note 6)          |          0.2 |          0.8 |          1.0 | 
| Finance costs (Note 6)           |        (5.6) |        (1.7) |        (7.3) | 
| Net share of results of joint    |            - |        (8.3) |        (8.3) | 
| ventures (Note 7)                |              |              |              | 
| Net share of results of          |          1.6 |            - |          1.6 | 
| associate (Note 8)               |              |              |              | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax         |         18.6 |        (9.6) |          9.0 | 
| Taxation                         |              |              |        (4.4) | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Profit for the period            |              |              |          4.6 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
The underlying port operating profit of GBP19.5m (2008 - GBP22.7m) excludes 
GBP0.4m for the amortisation of goodwill arising from the Nordic acquisition 
(2008 - GBP0.3m). 
Inter-segment transfers and transactions are entered into under the normal 
commercial terms and conditions that would also be available to unrelated third 
Other segment items included in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement are 
as follows:- 
|                             |       Port | Property | Unaudited |       Port |  Property | Unaudited | 
|                             | Operations |          |       six | Operations |           |       six | 
|                             |            |          |    months |            |           |    months | 
|                             |            |          |        to |            |           |        to | 
|                             |            |          |   30.6.09 |            |           |   30.6.08 | 
|                             |       GBPm |     GBPm |      GBPm |       GBPm |      GBPm |      GBPm | 
|                             |            |          |           |            |           |           | 
| Depreciation of property,   |      (7.1) |    (0.0) |     (7.1) |      (7.0) |     (0.0) |     (7.0) | 
| plant and equipment         |            |          |           |            |           |           | 
| Amortisation of intangibles |      (0.7) |        - |     (0.7) |      (0.7) |         - |     (0.7) | 
| Amortisation of capital     |        0.4 |        - |       0.4 |        0.3 |         - |       0.3 | 
| grants                      |            |          |           |            |           |           | 
| Impairment of trade         |      (0.1) |    (0.0) |     (0.1) |      (0.0) |     (0.0) |     (0.0) | 
| receivables                 |            |          |           |            |           |           | 
|                             |            |          |           |            |           |           | 
The segment assets and liabilities were as follows:- 
|                                  |         Port |     Property |    Unaudited | 
|                                  |   Operations |              |   six months | 
|                                  |              |              |   to 30.6.09 | 
|                                  |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Assets                           |              |              |              | 
| Segment assets                   |        506.6 |         36.0 |        542.6 | 
| Associates                       |         10.1 |            - |         10.1 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total assets                     |        516.7 |         36.0 |        552.7 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Liabilities                      |              |              |              | 
| Segment liabilities              |        214.2 |         48.4 |        262.6 | 
| Tax liabilities                  |         72.2 |          0.3 |         72.5 | 
| Joint ventures                   |            - |            - |            - | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total liabilities                |        286.4 |         48.7 |        335.1 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
|                                  |         Port |     Property |    Unaudited | 
|                                  |   Operations |              |   six months | 
|                                  |              |              |   to 30.6.08 | 
|                                  |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Assets                           |              |              |              | 
| Segment assets                   |        525.4 |         85.6 |        611.0 | 
| Associates                       |         10.9 |            - |         10.9 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total assets                     |        536.3 |         85.6 |        621.9 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Liabilities                      |              |              |              | 
| Segment liabilities              |        222.4 |         52.0 |        274.4 | 
| Tax liabilities                  |         53.0 |          0.4 |         53.4 | 
| Joint ventures                   |            - |          8.6 |          8.6 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
| Total liabilities                |        275.4 |         61.0 |        336.4 | 
|                                  |              |              |              | 
Segment information for the year ended 31st December 2008 is as disclosed in the 
full financial statements. 
The Group operates solely in the UK. 
6. Finance costs - net 
Finance income and costs analysed by business segment are as follows: 
|                                       |    Unaudited |    Unaudited |      Audited | 
|                                       |   six months |   six months |         year | 
|                                       |   to 30.6.09 |   to 30.6.08 |  to 31.12.08 | 
|                                       |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
| Finance income                        |              |              |              | 
| Port operations                       |              |              |              | 
|   - on bank and other deposits        |          0.0 |          0.1 |          0.4 | 
| - interest on overpaid corporation    |          0.1 |          0.1 |            - | 
| tax                                   |              |              |              | 
| - interest receivable on overpaid     |            - |            - |          0.3 | 
| VAT                                   |              |              |              | 
| Property                              |              |              |              | 
|   - on bank and other deposits        |          0.0 |          0.1 |          0.2 | 
| - unwinding of discount on zero       |          0.4 |          0.7 |          1.3 | 
| coupon loan stock                     |              |              |              | 
|   at amortised cost                   |              |              |              | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
| Total finance income                  |          0.5 |          1.0 |          2.2 | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
| Finance costs                         |              |              |              | 
| Port operations                       |              |              |              | 
|   - on bank loans                     |        (3.5) |        (5.4) |       (10.5) | 
|   - on other loans                    |        (0.0) |        (0.0) |        (0.0) | 
| - on finance leases and hire          |        (0.0) |        (0.0) |        (0.0) | 
| purchase contracts                    |              |              |              | 
| - amortisation of loan arrangement    |        (0.2) |        (0.1) |        (0.2) | 
| fees                                  |              |              |              | 
| - interest on underpaid corporation   |            - |        (0.1) |        (0.1) | 
| tax                                   |              |              |              | 
| Property                              |              |              |              | 
| - write down of zero coupon loan      |        (1.1) |            - |            - | 
| stock to                              |              |              |              | 
|   amortised cost                      |              |              |              | 
|   - on bank loans                     |        (1.0) |        (1.7) |        (3.3) | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
| Total finance costs                   |        (5.8) |        (7.3) |       (14.1) | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
| Net finance costs                     |              |              |              | 
| Port operations                       |        (3.6) |        (5.4) |       (10.1) | 
| Property                              |        (1.7) |        (0.9) |        (1.8) | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
|                                       |        (5.3) |        (6.3) |       (11.9) | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
7.Share of post-tax results of joint ventures 
|                                       |    Unaudited |    Unaudited |      Audited | 
|                                       |   six months |   six months |         year | 
|                                       |   to 30.6.09 |   to 30.6.08 |  to 31.12.08 | 
|                                       |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
| Property                              |              |              |              | 
| Operating profit                      |          1.2 |          1.4 |          2.5 | 
| Revaluation                           |        (2.4) |        (7.5) |       (19.7) | 
| Finance costs                         |        (0.6) |        (2.2) |        (4.2) | 
| Taxation                              |            - |            - |            - | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
| Group's share of post-tax results     |        (1.8) |        (8.3) |       (21.4) | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
8. Share of post-tax results of associate 
|                                       |    Unaudited |    Unaudited |      Audited | 
|                                       |   six months |   six months |         year | 
|                                       |   to 30.6.09 |   to 30.6.08 |  to 31.12.08 | 
|                                       |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
| Port operations                       |              |              |              | 
| Operating profit                      |          0.8 |          2.4 |          3.7 | 
| Finance costs                         |        (0.1) |        (0.2) |        (0.2) | 
| Taxation                              |        (0.2) |        (0.6) |        (2.0) | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
| Group's share of post-tax results     |          0.5 |          1.6 |          1.5 | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
9. Exceptional items and revaluations 
Exceptional items and revaluations have been disclosed separately because of 
their quantum or incidence so as to give a clearer understanding of the Group's 
financial performance and are charged/(credited) to the Income Statement as 
|                                         |    Unaudited |    Unaudited |      Audited | 
|                                         |   six months |   six months |         year | 
|                                         |   to 30.6.09 |   to 30.6.08 |  to 31.12.08 | 
|                                         |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Revenue                                 |              |              |              | 
| Amount receivable from a guarantor of a |            - |            - |        (1.9) | 
| port tenant                             |              |              |              | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Cost of sales                           |              |              |              | 
| Write-down of property inventory        |            - |            - |         27.7 | 
| Provision for property bad debt         |            - |            - |          3.9 | 
| Costs relating to amount receivable     |            - |            - |          0.2 | 
| from a guarantor                        |              |              |              | 
| of a port tenant                        |              |              |              | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
|                                         |            - |            - |         31.8 | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Other expenses                          |              |              |              | 
| Change in fair value of investment      |            - |            - |         19.2 | 
| properties                              |              |              |              | 
| Gain on disposal of port asset          |            - |            - |        (2.8) | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
|                                         |            - |            - |         16.4 | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Share of results of joint ventures      |              |              |              | 
| Group's share of change in fair value   |          2.4 |          7.5 |         19.7 | 
| of                                      |              |              |              | 
|  investment property (Note 7)           |              |              |              | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Share of results of associate           |              |              |              | 
| Group's share of effect on taxation     |            - |            - |          1.0 | 
| charge as a result of  withdrawal of    |              |              |              | 
| Industrial Buildings Allowances         |              |              |              | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Taxation                                |              |              |              | 
| Current taxation:                       |              |              |              | 
| Tax effect of amount receivable less    |            - |            - |          0.5 | 
| costs from a guarantor of a port tenant |              |              |              | 
| Tax effect of write-down of property    |            - |            - |        (7.9) | 
| inventory                               |              |              |              | 
| Tax effect of provision for property    |            - |            - |        (1.1) | 
| bad debt                                |              |              |              | 
| Tax effect of gain on disposal of port  |            - |            - |          0.2 | 
| asset                                   |              |              |              | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
|                                         |            - |            - |        (8.3) | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Deferred taxation:                      |              |              |              | 
| Tax effect of gain on disposal of port  |            - |            - |        (0.0) | 
| asset                                   |              |              |              | 
| Tax effect of change in fair value of   |            - |            - |        (8.6) | 
| investment property                     |              |              |              | 
| Tax effect of withdrawal of Industrial  |            - |            - |         27.2 | 
| Buildings                               |              |              |              | 
| Allowances                              |              |              |              | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
|                                         |            - |            - |         18.6 | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
| Total taxation                          |            - |            - |         10.3 | 
|                                         |              |              |              | 
The Group has restricted its share of the reduction in fair value of the Ocean 
Terminal Shopping Centre to GBP2.4m in accordance with IAS 28 and the Group's 
accounting policy. At 30th June 2009, the Group's net investment in Ocean 
Terminal Limited is nil. If the Group was to reflect its full share of the 
movement in fair value, this reduction of GBP2.4m would increase by GBP2m. 
10. The taxation charge for the six months to 30th June 2009 has been provided 
on the basis of the estimated effective tax rate for the year to 31st December 
2009 being 28.6% (2008 - 28.5%). 
11. The basic earnings per share calculation is based on the weighted average of 
Ordinary Shares in issue in the six months ended 30th June 2009 of 45.5 million 
(2008 - 45.5 million). The diluted earnings per share figure is based on the 
weighted average of Ordinary Shares in issue adjusted for potential dilutive 
Ordinary Shares in the six months ended 30th June 2009 of 45.9 million (2008 - 
45.8 million). Underlying earnings are defined in Note 18. Underlying earnings 
per share divides underlying earnings attributable to shareholders by the 
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period as per the 
calculation for basic earnings per share. 
12. Movements in property, plant and equipment, investment property and 
intangible assets 
|                                        |  Property,  |   Investment |   Intangible | 
|                                        |   plant and |     property |       assets | 
|                                        |   equipment |              |              | 
|                                        |        GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
|                                        |             |              |              | 
| Six months ended 30th June 2008        |             |              |              | 
| Opening net book amount at 1st January |       223.1 |        182.9 |         41.6 | 
| 2008                                   |             |              |              | 
| Additions                              |        14.6 |          0.2 |          0.0 | 
| Transfers between asset categories     |      (13.5) |         13.5 |            - | 
| Depreciation and amortisation (net of  |       (6.7) |            - |        (0.7) | 
| grant amortisation)                    |             |              |              | 
| Disposals                              |       (0.1) |        (0.0) |            - | 
| Increase in fair value - to reserves   |           - |         24.5 |            - | 
|                                        |             |              |              | 
| Closing net book amount at 30th June   |       217.4 |        221.1 |         40.9 | 
| 2008                                   |             |              |              | 
|                                        |             |              |              | 
| Year ended 31st December 2008          |             |              |              | 
| Opening net book amount at 1st January |       223.1 |        182.9 |         41.6 | 
| 2008                                   |             |              |              | 
| Additions                              |        24.4 |          0.0 |          0.1 | 
| Transfers between asset categories     |      (14.9) |         17.2 |            - | 
| Depreciation and amortisation (net of  |      (13.2) |            - |        (1.4) | 
| grant amortisation)                    |             |              |              | 
| Disposals                              |       (0.1) |        (0.1) |            - | 
| Increase in fair value - to Income     |           - |       (19.2) |            - | 
| Statement                              |             |              |              | 
|  - to reserves                         |           - |         24.9 |            - | 
|                                        |             |              |              | 
| Closing net book amount at 31st        |       219.3 |        205.7 |         40.3 | 
| December 2008                          |             |              |              | 
|                                        |             |              |              | 
| Six months ended 30th June 2009        |             |              |              | 
| Opening net book amount at 1st January |       219.3 |        205.7 |         40.3 | 
| 2009                                   |             |              |              | 
| Additions                              |         2.4 |            - |          0.0 | 
| Transfers between asset categories     |       (0.5) |          0.5 |            - | 
| Depreciation and amortisation (net of  |       (6.7) |            - |        (0.7) | 
| grant amortisation)                    |             |              |              | 
| Disposals                              |       (0.0) |        (0.0) |            - | 
| Increase in fair value - to reserves   |           - |          2.4 |            - | 
|                                        |             |              |              | 
| Closing net book amount at 30th June   |       214.5 |        208.6 |         39.6 | 
| 2009                                   |             |              |              | 
|                                        |             |              |              | 
Consideration was given to the carrying value of the intangible assets due to 
the effects of the economic downturn. It was concluded that their carrying value 
remained appropriate as at 30th June 2009. 
13. Reconciliation of profit before tax to cash generated from operations 
|                                             |   Unaudited |   Unaudited |     Audited | 
|                                             |  six months |  six months |       year  | 
|                                             |  to 30.6.09 |  to 30.6.08 | to 31.12.08 | 
|                                             |        GBPm |        GBPm |        GBPm | 
|                                             |             |             |             | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax                    |        12.4 |         9.0 |      (30.7) | 
| Adjustments for:                            |             |             |             | 
| - decrease in fair value of investment      |           - |           - |        19.2 | 
| properties                                  |             |             |             | 
|   - net finance costs                       |         5.3 |         6.3 |        11.9 | 
|   - write-down of property inventory        |           - |           - |        27.7 | 
|   - provision for property bad debts        |           - |           - |         3.9 | 
| - amounts receivable from guarantor of a    |           - |           - |       (1.7) | 
| port tenant less costs                      |             |             |             | 
|   - share of results of joint ventures      |         1.8 |         8.3 |        21.4 | 
|   - share of results of associates          |       (0.5) |       (1.6) |       (1.5) | 
| - depreciation of property, plant and       |         7.4 |         7.4 |        14.6 | 
| equipment and                               |             |             |             | 
|   amortisation of intangibles               |             |             |             | 
| - gain on sale of property, plant and       |       (0.0) |       (0.0) |       (2.8) | 
| equipment                                   |             |             |             | 
|   - (decrease)/increase in provisions       |       (0.1) |       (0.1) |         0.9 | 
| - decrease in retirement benefit            |       (0.5) |       (1.2) |       (6.3) | 
| obligations                                 |             |             |             | 
| - transfer to property, plant and           |           - |           - |       (2.3) | 
| equipment from inventories                  |             |             |             | 
|   - share based payment                     |         0.6 |         0.7 |         1.9 | 
|                                             |             |             |             | 
| Movement in working capital:                |             |             |             | 
| Increase in inventories                     |       (0.9) |       (2.9) |       (4.4) | 
| (Increase)/decrease in receivables          |       (1.3) |         5.5 |         8.5 | 
| Increase/(decrease) in payables             |         0.9 |         0.7 |       (1.5) | 
|                                             |             |             |             | 
| Cash generated from operations              |        25.1 |        32.1 |        58.8 | 
|                                             |             |             |             | 
Reconciliation of increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents to movement 
in net debt 
|                                       |      |             |             |             | 
| Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash  |      |         1.7 |       (0.7) |       (2.6) | 
| equivalents                           |      |             |             |             | 
| Cash outflow/(inflow) from            |      |         9.2 |       (6.9) |         0.3 | 
| decrease/(increase) in borrowings     |      |             |             |             | 
|                                       |      |             |             |             | 
| Change in net debt resulting from     |      |        10.9 |       (7.6) |       (2.3) | 
| cash flows                            |      |             |             |             | 
| Amortisation of loan arrangement fees |      |       (0.2) |       (0.1) |       (0.2) | 
|                                       |      |             |             |             | 
| Movement in net debt                  |      |        10.7 |       (7.7) |       (2.5) | 
| Opening net debt                      |      |     (208.0) |     (205.5) |     (205.5) | 
|                                       |      |             |             |             | 
| Closing net debt                      |      |     (197.3) |     (213.2) |     (208.0) | 
|                                       |      |             |             |             | 
14. Analysis of changes in net debt 
|                             |           |           |            |           | 
|                             |           |      Cash |      Other |           | 
|                             | At 1.1.09 |      flow |   movement |        At | 
|                             |           |           |            |   30.6.09 | 
|                             |      GBPm |      GBPm |       GBPm |      GBPm | 
|                             |           |           |            |           | 
| Cash at bank and on deposit |       4.7 |       1.7 |          - |       6.4 | 
| Debt due outwith one year   |   (212.6) |       9.2 |      (0.2) |   (203.6) | 
| Borrowings - finance leases |     (0.1) |       0.0 |          - |     (0.1) | 
|                             |           |           |            |           | 
| Total net debt              |   (208.0) |      10.9 |      (0.2) |   (197.3) | 
|                             |           |           |            |           | 
The other movement relates to the amortisation of arrangement fees for bank 
15. Dividends per share 
|                                       |    Unaudited |    Unaudited |      Audited | 
|                                       |   six months |   six months |         year | 
|                                       |   to 30.6.09 |   to 30.6.08 |  to 31.12.08 | 
|                                       |        pence |        pence |        pence | 
| Dividends per share                   |              |              |              | 
| Final dividend 2007                   |            - |        31.95 |        31.95 | 
| Final dividend 2008                   |         12.0 |            - |            - | 
| Interim dividend 2008                 |            - |            - |         16.6 | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
|                                       |         12.0 |        31.95 |        48.55 | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
|                                       |         GBPm |         GBPm |         GBPm | 
| Total paid in respect of dividends    |              |              |              | 
| (less dividends received by employee  |              |              |              | 
| share option plan trust)              |              |              |              | 
| Final dividend 2007                   |            - |         14.5 |         14.5 | 
| Final dividend 2008                   |          5.4 |            - |            - | 
| Interim dividend 2008                 |            - |            - |          7.5 | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
|                                       |          5.4 |         14.5 |         22.0 | 
|                                       |              |              |              | 
A dividend of 9.5p per share totalling GBP4.3m is proposed as the interim 
dividend for 2009. This has not been provided for in the condensed financial 
16. Related party transactions 
During the six month period ended 30th June 2009, the Group entered into 
material transactions with related parties as follows: 
|                     |                 |     Value of |    Value of  |     Amount |     Amount | 
| Nature of           | Nature of       | Transactions | Transactions | Receivable | Receivable | 
| Transactions        |                 |              |              |            |            | 
| And Related Party   | Relationship    |         2009 |         2008 |         at |         at | 
|                     |                 |              |              |    30.6.09 |    30.6.08 | 
|                     |                 |         GBPm |         GBPm |       GBPm |       GBPm | 
| Management charges, |                 |          1.8 |          1.1 |        0.5 |        0.1 | 
| port And other      |                 |              |              |            |            | 
| charges             |                 |              |              |            |            | 
| Tilbury Container   | Associated      |              |              |            |            | 
| Services Limited    | company         |              |              |            |            | 
|                     |                 |              |              |            |            | 
| Interest and loans  |                 |          0.4 |          0.7 |        3.9 |       22.0 | 
| Ocean Terminal      | Joint venture   |              |              |            |            | 
| Limited             | company         |              |              |            |            | 
|                     |                 |              |              |            |            | 
The Group has taken advantage of the exemption from disclosing intra-Group 
transactions as permitted by IAS 24 (Related Party Disclosures). 
17. Retirement benefit obligations - changes in assumptions 
The revised material assumptions used to arrive at the retirement benefit 
obligation liability are as follows: 
|             |  As at  |    As at | 
|             | 30.6.09 | 31.12.08 | 
| Main        |         |          | 
| actuarial   |         |          | 
| assumptions |         |          | 
|             |         |          | 
| Discount    |   6.20% |    6.40% | 
| rate        |         |          | 
| Price       |   3.20% |    2.75% | 
| inflation   |         |          | 
| Salary      |   4.45% |    4.00% | 
| growth      |         |          | 
|             |         |          | 
Assumptions regarding mortality have not changed since 31st December 2008. 
18. Definition of "underlying" 
 The definition of the word "underlying" in the context of an adjustment to a 
reported number is as follows:- 
1) Underlying group/port/property operating profit refers to the reported 
group/port/property operating profit adjusted to exclude the effect of any 
revaluation of the investment properties, amortisation charge arising from 
acquisitions and any  exceptional items. 
2) Underlying profit before tax, underlying profit after tax and underlying 
earnings per share refer to reported profit before tax, reported profit after 
tax and reported basic earnings per share adjusted as above together with an 
adjustment for any revaluation of joint venture's investment property. 
19. Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are unaudited but have 
been formally reviewed by the Auditors and their report to the Company is set 
out on page 25. The financial information contained in this statement does not 
comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of the phrase as referred to in 
section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Full accounts for the year ended 31st 
December 2008 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the 
Auditors on these accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 
either section 237(2) or section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The maintenance and integrity of the Forth Ports PLC website is the 
responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by the Auditors does not 
involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the Auditors accept no 
responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the Interim Report 
since it was initially presented on the website. 
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of 
financial information may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
20. The interim statement will be posted to shareholders on 4th September 2009. 
Copies will be available from the Company's registered office, Forth Ports PLC, 
1 Prince of Wales Dock, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7DX. 
The Directors confirm that this condensed consolidated interim financial 
information has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the 
European Union and that the interim management report includes a fair review of 
the information required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8 namely: 
  *  an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months 
  and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description 
  of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the 
  financial year; and 
  *  material related-party transactions in the first six months and any material 
  changes in the related-party transactions described in the last annual report. 
The Directors of Forth Ports PLC are listed in the Forth Ports PLC Annual Report 
for 31st December 2008. 
| C.G. Hammond                                            | W.W. Murray                                        | 
| GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE                                   | GROUP FINANCE DIRECTOR                             | 
We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial 
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30th 
June 2009, which comprises the income statement, balance sheet, statement of 
comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows 
and related notes. We have read the other information contained in the 
half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent 
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed 
set of financial statements. 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved 
by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly 
financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the 
United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority. 
As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the Group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The 
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial 
report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 
34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union. 
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed 
set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our 
review. This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only 
for the company for the purpose of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the 
Financial Services Authority and for no other purpose. We do not, in producing 
this report, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any 
other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save 
where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial 
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for 
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review 
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and 
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware 
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we 
do not express an audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial 
report for the six months ended 30th June 2009 is not prepared, in all material 
respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by 
the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United 
Kingdom's Financial Services Authority. 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
 Chartered Accountants 
27th August 2009 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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